Abdul Nasir Jangda – Ramadan FAQs #06

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The importance of consistency in praying, including physical contact with Muslims, is emphasized in these conversations. Prayer advice is also discussed, including paying attention to instructions in the Quran and practicing will doing with a mother. The speakers stress the importance of practicing will doing and not doing things in public, learning the language of Jesus, and not putting one's foot in a sink during will do or wiping it with water. The speakers also invite viewers to join their nightly offline Facebook page and suggest finding blessings in public and finding one's own happiness.
AI: Transcript ©
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luck you hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah, he was Sufi marine Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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Thank you once again for tuning into the daily Ramadan q&a sessions that we are having. I apologize for the little bit of change up in schedule today. But a bunch of things came up and hamdulillah we just had to make some quick moves. But hamdullah we were able to figure everything out. So we're happy to be here, once again, for another session of the Ramadan FAQs. So we're gonna go ahead and jump right into it. Okay.

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The first question is about fasting. Can you put oil in your hair while fasting? The answer is yes, the simple answer is yes. To explain maybe a little bit of the thought behind that a little bit of the, you know, kind of like understanding behind that is any thing applied externally.

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Anything that we apply any kind of ointment, or cream, or lotion, or oil, or sunscreen or anything like that.

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All of that has no impact, and has no effect on the validity of a person's fast, that has no effect, no impact, and has no bearing on the validity of a person's fast. Okay? So because what affects the validity of a person fast, is actually ingesting something, something reaching the stomach, right. So that's why that will not be a problem. The second question is, can you floss while fasting? Once again? There's the short easy answer is yes, of course, just if you're flossing, then spit out. You know, just take a little bit of water and lightly kind of, you know, clear your mouth out don't gargle it, but just kind of rinse out your mouth and spit it all out. Because you want to make sure

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that you're not sitting there flossing and as a result of that, now you're starting to, you know, ingest and swallow a bunch of food particles that you are dislodging from your teeth. Okay, so, but generally speaking, yes, you can floss while you are fasting. You just want to be a little bit careful. You don't want to be reckless.

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Somebody so now we have a question that is very Ramadan specific. Okay. The question is if you walk into a Masjid

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and the Torah we has already started, but you have not yet prayed, Aisha?

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How do you prayer Aisha. Okay. So there is a little bit of a difference

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of opinion here. There's a little bit of difference of opinion here.

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According to many of the scholars, such as emammal hanifa, Imam Malik, Rama, Lakota, Allah, so the Maliki school, the Hanafi school, many of the scholars they are of the opinion that if that's at all we have already started, and you have not yet prayed to Asia and you are coming to join in that you

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cannot join into the Torah we're with the intention of praying your own Asia. So I came into the masjid the Imam is leading taraweeh I have yet to pray Aisha I cannot pray my Isha behind the Imam who is doing Tara with the Maliki school the Hanafi school does not allow for that. And that is based off of very solid evidence

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that that is not possible. You need to have an Imam who bombed on individual alien Amalia telemovie these are authentic narrations of the prophets a lot he said them that there needs to be a

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that there needs to be

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consistency. right between what the Imam is doing and what the person behind the Imam is doing. Okay. The mom was made to be followed. You need to be praying with the mom is praying. Right? So we need that kind of consistency.

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And so that is one position. In mama chef theory any man? No humble. The chef, the chef is called the humble

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score. They are of the opinion that, technically speaking, you could pray Eurasia.

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You could join in and start praying Eurasia behind the Imam who is doing so we're

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the Shafi school very clearly states that that is not recommended.

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you could make you could pull it off, but it is not recommended. Because it's just going to create a lot of confusion and chaos. Because you joined into Thrall, we, after Trudeau cassese salaam, now you get back up there, you have two more to make up because it's just four. And now they're starting to Oh, we again and it's just it's unnecessary. Okay.

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The reason why it's possible, there's evidence as well, there's an authentic narration that was injected with the Lakota and who are young, really into Companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would pray a shed behind the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and then would go lead another community interracial prayers. So now he was doing enough, and they were all praying in Asia, and they would pray behind him. So for that reason, it was deemed to be okay. All right.

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But as I said, many of the scholars who say technically, it's possible, like in my Michelle theory,

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he still says, it is not ideal, and it is not recommended, he does not recommend it. So now, how should you go about and doing it, what you should do is ideally, this, please pay very close attention. So you understand what I'm saying. If there's a main prayer hall, where are the congregational prayers happening, where the mom is Linda tarawih prayers, a lot of times there is kind of like a backhaul. Like there's a room in the back or there's a little glass room on the side, or something like that. Go into one of those rooms, to pray Eurasia. And then you can go join the tarawih prayers. If there is no such room, then just go to the most firdous back corner of the

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prayer hall, and pray back there. If you're in one of those communities, where the whole prayer hall is packed, then maybe pray outside or praying the lobby or see if there's an overflow area or a classroom or something like that.

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And then you can basically go join the tarawih prayers, Lakota, and Allah knows best. And like I said, there's a difference of opinion in regards to that. Nonetheless, I am answering the question here. So that's why I'm answering it according to what I would recommend you to do. Okay, number three,

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is a money related question. Can you pay for the on behalf of a family member who can not fast or did not pay it on their own behalf? Once again, you can, yes, you can. If they are conscious and kind of like, you know, they they can understand. If a person already passed away, then you can't really ask them, you can pay it on their behalf and make rather less upset if they're still alive. You know, and they have, they're still full, they're fully caught, you know, their cognition is still intact, right? They're lucid, they can understand they're responsive,

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then basically just telling them that you know,

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I'm going to go ahead and pay the video, it's just important to go ahead and let them know what Allahu taala emphasized but Allah knows best.

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The next is a Koran related question, which is very relevant in Ramadan. And that question is can you read the Quran from a phone without Voodoo

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All right. So you are you don't you're not gonna say to will do maybe you're you know on the train coming home

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or whatever the case may be. And you can't make we'll do right now. Could you basically read recite the Quran off of a screen? Right? So keep in mind there's two things you need will do

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to make physical contact with the Muslim

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Okay, you need will do to make physical contact with the with the physical copy of the Quran, you need will do for that okay.

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However, when it comes to verbally reciting the Quran,

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right, le flam mean that he Kalki tabula rasa, he wouldn't limit talking, you don't need will do to do that. You don't need will do to do that. So, basically, the idea is that if you have the put on tablet like this, and then particularly if you

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have, you know some kind of a device like the pen, the pencil, and you can use that to turn the page and scroll, you're not making contact with the person with the most half.

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So, reading you didn't need to do anyways. So the short answer, yes, you can, as you can, alright, don't do it deliberately almost as like kind of like a lazy kind of thing, where you're sitting in your living room and it's time to record on and you're like, man, I don't have will do.

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I feel like doing I'll do. I'm just gonna grab my phone on my tablet and just read on there. So I don't have to not do that. Right. That's, that's, you're kind of missing the point here.

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All right, that's called missing the point. So don't be that guy. Okay. But sometimes, the situation presents itself where you need to do you know, something like that? Um,

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we have some prayer related questions as well. Someone's asking the question, do you have to put your foot in the sink during will do

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or is wiping it with water sufficient? wiping it with water is sufficient? Okay. There's no virtue Believe it or not, right. There's no virtue to sticking your foot inside of a sink and Allah knows best. Okay.

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Someone's asking that after you are done praying your father Salah okay. After you are done praying your father Salah saying establish federal law three times? Is that a Sunnah of the Prophet allottee somewhere something that scholars just recommend. This is a note typically what scholars do recommend is firstly when it's related to worship is typically as soon Okay, but with that being said, that's neither here nor there. But just kind of little FYI.

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This is actually an authentic sin of the prophets a lot ism it is found in authentic narration of the prophets a lot so that he will say it's tougher stuff that a lot of suffered a lot it's tougher Allah three times every time after the firm the obligatory prayer, Allah huhtala Allah and Allah knows best.

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So was asking a very good question. And that is, is there less value in performing? Do it in English? Or should you try to do it in Arabic? Follow up? Is there a specific way to make dua in order? So there's a lot in there, okay. Let me kind of start with the last question, is there kind of an order? Look, you need to understand the rule of the eyes Allah mentions in the Quran is

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the wrong way. Yeah. Make your art your Lord and be very humble be very vulnerable be very like appeal, beg and plead and do it in private make it an intimate conversation between you and Allah. Okay. So, that is the default of doing that is the son of doing that is the foundation of

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all right. So now

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Is there a specific order? There are things that are recommended? There are things that when we look in the Quran, when we look at the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu, sallam, the the traditional the prophets, a lot of them we do find some recommendations, right like Sultan Fatiha. It's teaching us the order making God praise and glorify God.

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And then talk about the blessings of Allah in your life. And then state your loyalty and devotion to Allah and then ask Allah for what you need. There's a sequence. There's another narration which the prophets a lot of assumptions

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for Yama, dilla, will usually veto murder. Whenever any one of you wants to make dua to Allah started by praising God then sending Peace and blessings upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then ask Allah for what you need.

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So there are these recommendations, but ultimately, what's most important is

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that's coming from the heart.

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Similarly, I'll answer the question. Is there less value in performing divine English than Arabic? No, not necessarily. No, there's no

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there's less value in saying a bunch of to us that you don't even understand what they mean. You're not even paying attention. You're not even really kind of connecting with what's being said. You're distracted. You're just sitting there like, Robin I do not

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know Okay, now.

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Yeah, there's less than

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And do it that way. Okay, as opposed to talking to Allah from your heart. Yeah. Please.

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I beg you, Oh Allah

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will give me guidance. Allah let me practice what is best. Let me live a life that is pleasing to you all please.

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That is a much more valuable draw. Okay.

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So somebody's asking the question that they love to do our law am your servant, son of your servant, son of your maidservant. Okay, love Ma, and look, webinar up deca wobbu ematic. Okay, so they're referring to that. So they're saying I love that too. I but it's obviously saying son of from a male point of view. Okay, these is a masculine word. So if I teach that to my daughter, Should she say the words in that way in Arabic? Or should the door I'll be adapted for women and girls? How can non Arabic speakers use Arabic doors like this appropriately, if it's a door often the honor to do often the prophets allottee some, then there is blessing in just reading it verbatim as he taught it to

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And the intention of the person will make it relevant to them.

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But you just are saying the words, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, to get the blessing of it, okay. So you do not have to just have but now if you are using the translation of the DA, then you do want to adjust it because those are no longer the words that versus them. That's the meaning of the words of the prophets. A lot of that makes sense. Okay, and then last question about do

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is when making your, I try to use as many puranic to us or to us from the cinema. I read the meat I read the meanings and keep meanings in mind when I make the door I in Arabic so that the intention is in my heart. But for some the Iron Man, I am unsure whether the whole karate da is appropriate, quote unquote, for example, the other Asya makes for a house in paradise with Allah. There's also a bit about save me from Pharaoh.

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Right when the gentleman should own our family.

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Okay, which clearly, the questioner saying does not apply to me.

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Or the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim.

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There's the IRB forgive my father for he is amongst the wrongdoers.

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What do I do about drugs like that? How can I use them in my own application without it being inappropriate? So at some level, if somebody just doesn't know the meaning of it, they'll be rewarded for their intention. But if you do grasp the meaning of it, you read the meaning of it, you understand the meaning of it, then yes, you're supposed to say the part of the DA that is relevant and significant and applicable to you. So you'll see the first part of the DA Rob Vignelli in the cabezon. Phil Jana. That's

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your stop there. Before it talks about saving me from Pharaoh. Okay, but you'll just say the first part only. So that is the proper way to approach that. But again, I know that not everyone has the knowledge base to do that. So if somebody is reading it, don't worry, they're not doing anything inappropriate. But if you have grasp the meaning of it, then what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to stop before the point where it creates a meaning that doesn't make any sense for you to be saying that, well, la hotel animus Allah, Allah knows best. I hope that makes sense. With that, inshallah, we're going to go ahead and wrap up and conclude, today's Ramadan FAQs, does Akuma la

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Hayden Baraka Luffy can thank you very much for joining in. And before you go, I need everyone. I want everyone to go to support column.com go to support column.com. go to that link right now. And donate and give generously. Why? Because when you donate when you contribute, when you give add support column.com

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You are supporting that. So go to support garmin.com share the link with family and friends. We appreciate your support. And I look forward

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to tomorrow having another session of Ramadan FAQs, answering questions they go have and then maybe even seeing y'all before then because as always, or as we've been doing for a couple of days now. Tonight, inshallah once again around midnight, we're going to have our nightly reflections. So inshallah tune in for that plan to join us for that. And that's very least I'll see you all tomorrow for the Ramadan FAQs. Giacomo la Kayden Baraka Luffy come was salaam aleikum wa rahmatullahi over

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