Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 157 – Abu Sufyan Accepts Islam

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of forgiveness and mercy in achieving forgiveness and mercy. They emphasize the need for proper deceptivism and practice compassion and mercy to overcome pain and hurt. They also discuss the negative impact of mocking and deceptivities on people's lives and their reputation, as well as the entry of the Muslim army into Mecca and the potential consequences of not practicing things. They also mention the importance of acknowledging one's own success and grateful for it as a sign of everyone on the same page.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and therapy. These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam go to Cedar intensive.com to register or for more info

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hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was a marine. So I want to apologize for the delay inshallah, we'll go ahead and get started. So continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a siracha number we had the prophetic biography. In the last couple of sessions, we've been talking about the events leading up to the conquest of Mecca for tomoka. And we talked about exactly why the conquest of Makkah occurred, meaning the violation of the Treaty of who they be by the Pradesh and then we talked about the prophets of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam departure from the city of Medina, towards the direction of Makkah. What we're going

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to be talking about today is what occurs on the way to Makkah. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Muslim army as we talked about 12,000 people, they are marching in the direction of mcca. And at that time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as mentioned by a number of different sources. The books of Sierra like even this Hawk had been to concede, and also the books of Hadith like Bahati and Muslim. They mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stopped at a place on the way from Medina to Makkah by the name of Monrovia, Harun Maru, the Quran, the prophets, a lot of them stopped there.

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And they stopped there and they set up camp for some time that they were going to be spending some amounts of time there. While they were stopped there, there's a few things that actually occur prior to even reaching the point of model of the neuron. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was met by a bus radi Allahu taala and who the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam along with a bus his family and a bus radi Allahu taala anhu the uncle of the prophets, a lot of a sudden, from what we are told from what we know from the narrations, he had already essentially accepted Islam, but he was keeping his Islam hidden. He was keeping his song private. And at this moment, he had

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made the very courageous and also strategic decision to go ahead and publicly come out with his Islam to announce his Islam and take his family and migrate to the city of Medina. So as they were approached, they were heading out from Mecca going towards the city of Medina, moving there, that is when he met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on his way to Mecca, which tells us one thing and the one thing that it tells us is that the prophets a lot he sums plan about not very publicly announcing and not leaking the information to the Quraysh that the prophets allottee someone is headed there, and when and how and where, you know, he's exactly coming from that information had

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not gotten out. So he runs into the prophets a lot. He said, um, he meets the prophets a lot, he's from there, it's a bus or the Allahu taala and who, along with his family, and there was one other individual. There were two other individuals excuse me, the other individual was a cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam His name is Abu sufian. Now this is not the Abou soufiane that we're going to be talking about in just a moment in sha Allah. However, the prophets a lot of the time I had a cousin also by the name of Abu sufian he was obviously not as a prominent member of the McCain community as abusive young, the one that had led the armies against the prophets a lot he

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summoned Oh hood and hunted up in the trench. Right so this is another abusive young who is a first cousin of the prophets a lot of abuse of young even will hide it even opt in McCollum, who was the first cousin of the prophets a lot he sent him. He also was with them. And there was a third individual with them. His name is Abdullah even a Beatlemania and massumi Abdullah, even Abu Mejia. Now why is he such an honorable person? He is the brother of almost

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almost Salama, the mother of the believers. The wife of the prophets a lot he said, I'm, this is her brother. They were also with our bestseller, the Allahu taala and who

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Generation Ibanez Hawk and even a sham, they actually they both mentioned that a booster fion had is an excuse me, a bass rhodiola kulanu had essentially accepted Islam, but he was keeping Islam private. He was keeping it hidden, and the prophet and he was remaining in Makkah, the prophets, a lot of time was fully aware of this. And the prophets, a lot of them were Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa selama and who Robin, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was completely okay with this, he had approved of this arrangement, you keep your Islam hidden, remained safe and remained in Mecca until further notice. So abass was fine, the professor's have welcomed him, and was very happy to see him

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and welcome him. As far as the other two individuals, that cousin of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the brother in law of the prophets of Salaam, Abu sufian, Abdullah Omar salamati Allahu taala. And when they got there, to the Muslim camp, they went straight to almost Alabama, because they had a history with the prophets, a lot of them in the history was that they had both been very aggressive and negative and even insulting towards the prophets a lot. He said them previously. So they knew that it's best for us to go through an intermediary to be introduced to the prophets or some to have somebody put in a good word for us. So they went to Masai Mara the Allahu taala and her

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alma Salama radi Allahu taala

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went and spoke to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for Kela moto mo Salah Murphy Hema sakala to Rasul Allah He even though I'm Mika, even though I'm mochica was a Luca, she went to the prophet of Islam and she said on messenger of God, your cousin is here to see you. And similarly your brother in law is here to see you as well. The prophets a lot of them responded initially by saying la hija de Lima. I don't need to speak to them.

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Am I ignore me for hataoka everybody? My cousin, he insulted me and abandoned being when I needed him the most. He had been very negative towards the prophets, a lot of Islam in Mecca and had actually verbally assaulted and attacked the professor's on numerous occasions. What am I even though I'm mighty As for the other your brother for who led the colony be muckety muck Allah. He is the one who said what he had said to me and what had he said mama so Haley in Erbil and mentions that he had said to the prophets a lot a solemn will lagi la are meant to because he says that I swear to God, I will never believe in you had that that tequila Suleiman Isla samai until number

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one, you are able to build a ladder going up into the heavens for two for two for two army doofy what an anvil and then you climb up into the heavens while I'm watching so much TV suchen wir arbeiten, Milan, Milan, Katia Ceduna and Allah Hakata ursolic. Then you come back with some proof and evidence and angels with you who will all testify to us and prove to us that you are in fact a messenger of God. And he had done this very publicly to just humiliate and insult the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that this is how he treated me, my cousin as well had multiple times verbally assaulted me and attacked me. I'm not interested in

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speaking to them.

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Abuse sufian, the cousin of the prophets, a lot of the narration mentions that when he heard that the prophet SAW some is upset with him. He said that we're lucky layout done mentally, Allah has done a big boon a thermal another benefit or the other option, would you and he had a son with him. And he said that either my cousin, Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam agrees to see me, he forgives me and sees me talks to me. Or I'll take my son and we'll go out and we'll, you know, waste away somewhere in the earth die of thirst and hunger, and just not have any place to go to. Like we have no choice. We're here at his mercy now.

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For Raka donica for canovee Salatu. Salam at the prophets are some, of course, he's compassionate, he's merciful. He's forgiving. And there's a very important point here. And then everything that occurs with the prophets, a lot of them there's a profound example for us. The prophets, a lot of them had forgiven people who had done much, much more than this. And we'll see that the other abusive, young, who had been involved in attacking and killing so many Muslims and believers, even family members of the prophets, a lot of them he forgave him. The process of course was going to forgive them. There was no doubt about that. But what we see here is that what the prophets a lot is

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him was particularly bothered

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By was more so bothered by was the fact that fine you verbally assaulted me you attacked me, you ridiculed me, you mocked me. That's fine.

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But your family,

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this cousin of his was somebody he had grown up with. He said you were like a brother to me. You knew me my whole life you knew better.

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This brother in law, you were a good close friend of mine.

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And so y'all should have had my back. And for whatever reason, if you didn't understand you should at least have the decency to not, you know, attack me and ridicule me. You should have had the decency. And so there was definitely pain and hurt on the part of the profits wholesome. And there's a profound example in this law, the Candela confy rasulillah. He was certain Hazara that the prophet SAW some was a human being was a man, the greatest human being to ever live not to diminish the status of the brutalism. But Allah sent a messenger as a human being, for us as an example, that there will be situations where you will be hurt by the people closest to you.

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And it will hurt.

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Right when we talk about forgiveness, when we talk about the capacity of the heart, we talk about the purification of the heart. And we talk about these things. A lot of times we talk about them in a very unrealistic manner in fashion, we talk about them as if purification of the heart or being a good believer means somehow being like a superhero having like superpowers

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where you don't have any emotions, where nothing can ever hurt your feelings where nothing can ever bothering you. And that's not the case at all. What makes what makes a believer so remarkable is that you will win when people closest to you betray you, it will hurt, it will profoundly hurt.

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But you will then have the capacity, you will work through the process. There's a process, always learn the process, implement the process, respect the process, you will work through the process of forgiveness, and overcoming that pain and that hurt

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and keeping something bigger in front of you. And that is the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala you want to earn the forgiveness of Allah. So you will practice forgiveness, you want the mercy of Allah, you will practice mercy, you want Allah subhanaw taala to be merciful and kind with you. So you will practice compassion and empathy.

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And you will overcome that and you will think about the life of the hereafter and negotiate the fact that some pain in the life of this world

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not getting to taste

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the gratification of vengeance in this world. Not that vengeance is a good thing, but we're we have we have we have an animalistic nature to us. We are very animalistic as well we have animal tendencies.

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So the animal loves the tastes of that fresh hot blood that kill. And so there's a there's a there's a there's a problematic part of us that knifes the lower self that wants to taste that blood.

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But you will sacrifice you will give up tasting that blood for the life of the hereafter.

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For the eternal bliss of the life of the hereafter. It takes one good deed, Hades will be

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the authentic narration of the prophets allottee. Some tells us a man will come with

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this hour. In fact, if a person will come with 99 Records full of sins, and there'll be one little slip one little bit aka one little piece of paper that will have La ilaha illAllah good deed written on it and that will lead to the forgiveness of that person.

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It can take one good deed

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and who knows that practicing forgiveness in a very difficult moment might not be might be that good deed

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that earns you the forgiveness and the mercy of Allah and takes you to paradise.

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So this is a profound lesson from the life of the prophet SAW sorrow and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam being a role model and our teacher

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right the prophets a lot in some teaches us through his own example where he shares with us the fact that it did hurt luchador terlebih Hema

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I don't want to talk to them.

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Cousin he hurt me.

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My brother in law, he insulted me. It hurts.

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But then the profits a lot he said I'm shows us he demonstrates to us he teaches us practice mercy and forgiveness and the prophets isn't forgave them. And he said please

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tell them to come talk to me.

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And they came to see the prophet SAW some of the profits a lot of them greeted them

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and honored them.

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And they both accepted Islam. They both became Muslim.

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As as I was I was mentioning they proceeded on forward and they set up camp, the prophets. A lot of them told everyone to settle down at the place of Madrid.

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When they settled down there, then eration mentions that Ibis, radi Allahu taala. And who there's there's a, there's a couple of little

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tidbits that I wanted to mention, before I get to the main story about Abu sufian. Number one, when they were there at the place of mud with Iran, some of the Sahaba were very hungry. So they were looking for something to eat in the area. And there's a couple of things that are mentioned. Number one, it mentions that the they went out to look for, you know, just some fruits on some trees or branches. And as they were looking for that the profits, a lot of these advise them, he said, Aleykum build a sweat for

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us, for the men who find out who eat the fruits that are darker in color, because they're better. They're nicer, they're sweeter. And when the Sahaba heard that they were very intrigued.

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Like, how does the profits allow you to have so much experience out in this region kind of out in the desert? So the thing is that that area in the desert, the people that used to spend a lot of time out there were shepherds, because when they would take the animals to graze, they would take them out there. So some of the Sahaba asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Quinta ohana Alanna rasulillah do you use to shepherd animals? How would you be this that familiar with this region? And the process of some said, Now I'm Wilhelmina begin in LA? He said, Absolutely, I was a shepherd, every single prophet served as a shepherd,

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every single prophet served as a shepherd. because it teaches you how to take care how to take care of the creation of Allah subhanaw taala. And he mama Khazali and some other scholars have talked in a lot of detail about the specific details and the benefits and the nuances of shepherding, you know, animals, particularly goats and sheep, like this nature of an animal, an animal of that nature, because number one, they are, they're very, they they wander about, they're very mindless creatures. Right? They're very mindless creatures. They're not like sharp animals, like animals, or horses. They're very mindless creatures. So they kind of wander about aimlessly a lot. So they keep

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on strange, you can never let your guard completely down, you can just kind of like take them out there and just go to sleep and wake up and they're still kind of taking care of business. That's not the way they work. Those are wandering about, you go to sleep, and you wake up and half of them are gone. So you have to constantly watch them, keeps you on your toes.

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Number two is that as much as they keep wandering, you, they go out, you bring them back in, they go out, you bring it back in you they go out, you bring them back in what happens the third, the fourth or fifth time, parents particularly know about this, right? What happens third, fourth, fifth time,

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you get frustrated, you get angry.

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But these animals, they're not again, they're not like camels.

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They're not like big, huge animals, she can't whip them hard, you'll hurt the animal.

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So you have to gently keep bringing them back gently keep bringing them back. And it teaches them it instills the training within those prophets and messengers on how to handle human beings.

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Because Allah tells us in the Quran, if there's any creature that's more aimless, more mindless than even these goats and sheep than cattle, it's the human being. If there's an animal that is even more sensitive and delicate than these creatures, it'll be the human being. If there's any creature that's more frustrating than these animals, it's the human being.

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And there's a mom who has only talks about this, that there's one particular characteristic of the human being that these animals don't possess, that can make them better than the human being. If the human beings are refined, if the human beings are fine inside of us, and it's up to him, then the human beings the best of all of God's creation. But if it's if the human being does not define him or herself, there's one particular quality that these animals don't have. And that's that malice, that evil.

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The human being is very malicious. These creatures are not malicious, there's no malice, there's no ill intent, that that goat is not trying to like bother you,

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is not trying to ruin your life, but a human being will try to ruin your life. So you have to learn that level of patience and gentleness. And this is a comment the professor made at this time. A second very remarkable and beautiful.

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You know,

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narration or incident that occurred at this time, is that's a climb up onto some of the trees to check to see if the fruits were ripe or not. They needed somebody to climb up on the tree and check the fruit and if it was then plucked

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them and kind of tossed them down, people would catch them in the sheets or in the basket or something.

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So Abdullah bin Massoud are the Allahu taala. And who is a little bit lighter and use a little bit quicker. He climbed up the tree and he was the one plucking kind of the fruit, checking the fruits and plucking them. While he was up there, he had kind of tied up his clothes. So he had to kind of lift up his pants and kind of tie up his clothes. So they looked at his legs and Abdullah bin Massoud or the Allahu Talon who had really thin little legs. This is Abdullah bin Massoud radi Allahu taala, and who is loved and adored and respected by us. So we don't use these types of names. You know, and in general, we don't, we shouldn't use these types of names, but just so everyone

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understand what I mean by we had thin little legs, the types of comments people will tease them call somebody like chicken legs or something like that. So you had these thin little legs. So some people started kind of, you know, just goofing around and just kind of joking around. Some people started to kind of point and laugh and make fun of like, Oh, look at his legs.

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And I'm delivering Masuda the Allahu taala and who of course was bothered by this. The prophets a lot of a sudden he heard some people making these comments and laughing and pointing the prophets Allah Nizam, said Raja, buena min, mediocrity Sati. You are so amused by how thin his legs are. For one Nadine fcba de la Houma as colorfilled Museum and

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he says, I swear by the one who holds his life in his hands, or I swear by the one who holds my life in his hands, like I swear by Allah,

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that the legs of Eben Massoud, as thin as they may seem to you are going to be more weighty in the scale of good deeds

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than the mountain of offered, like the amount of good deeds that he's done. He's He's performed with those skinny little legs that you pointed laughs That is more than a mountain of overhead, so you be careful.

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There's a very beautiful comment made by the prophets a lot. So that again teaches us the obvious lesson about mocking and ridiculing and how these things are very, very unfortunate and tragic. And these are things we shouldn't engage in.

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And on top of that, it tells you about the virtue of Abdullah bin Masood, and how it tells us, again, shares it with us an example in in the profits, a lot of them that when you come across a situation where somebody might be laughing, or somebody might be picking on someone that's standing up for that person who's being made fun of

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standing up for that person that's being mocked, is a very noble act, and it's part of your responsibility in that situation.

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So, moving on,

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when they were camped out there at the place of mud with the Heron,

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the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam had, as I had mentioned before, they had very strategically and very beautifully executed this whole plan. And the people of place didn't have any information about when are they coming? And how are they coming? They didn't have any information. And because, you know, Quraysh basically had violated the treaty. And they knew they were in trouble. There was a huge breakdown and kind of even the intelligence gathering of Croatia didn't have a lot of information. So what happened was Abu sufian, the Abu sufian, the leader of Quraysh, Hakeem bin Hassan,

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who was a cousin of Khadija, the Allahu taala. And he was also a leader of the operation. And a third leader of the operation team was bodell been work on. These three leaders have the courage, they themselves went out of Makkah, to walk around to go around and try to gather some information to try to see if they could find somebody.

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They got not right after the encampment, but they got close to the camp. And they saw a lot of like fires lit in the distance.

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And they saw a huge number of people 12,000 people they saw a huge number of people.

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And they became very curious. I bass, the uncle of the prophets a lot. He said, who had already accepted a Solomon was now with the prophets, a lot of them. He said he tells the story himself, he says wasabia hakodesh. He said I was very worried about kurush. That inspiration did not surrender to the prophets a lot. He said many Muslims, that if Porsche did not, you know give in and accept the terms and kind of proactively surrender to the profits of some of the Muslims. I was afraid that if this became a fight, that the Qureshi would be annihilated. So I was worried about Croatia I wanted them to survive. So he says I borrowed the donkey of the prophets a lot he sent them. The

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donkey the promises I'm used to ride I borrowed the donkey of the prophets a lot is M L. Ba, ba, it was a white colored donkey. And I went out on that donkey kind of writing out and my and I said, you know, I'm going to go out and gather some firewood. And my my thought process was that I'm going to walk around pretending to gather firewood. Hopefully there are maybe some spies or some scouts from the

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Who might be around? They'll see me. they'll realize a Muslim army is this close, and then they'll proactively take the measure of surrendering to the profits a lot easier though, because I did not want this to become a fight. I didn't want bloodshed.

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He says while I was out and about kind of walking around, I heard a couple of people talking from like, over the hill.

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I said that that voice sounds familiar. And it was Abu sufian.

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So I went there and I said, Abu sufian he looked at me, he says, I will father that was our buses. Cooney. I will. I will father. He says Yes, it's me, says Yes, it's me. It was with him. He says, What's going on? Why are you here?

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And Abu Sufyan tells him that I've seen fires lit and I've seen a huge number of people, unlike we've ever seen outside of Makkah, something's up.

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And he tells him at that time, he says that this is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hazara salicylate fitness. This is the prophet SAW some with the Muslim army.

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Well, yes, about wasabia. Hooray. He says, I'm worried about y'all. Y'all better not turn this into a fight. It won't end well for y'all. We're lucky enough to be telling everyone on opaka if you end up fighting them, they will defeat you, and then you'll pay the price.

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So he says What should I do? The boss says, I have a plan. If you if you trust me, I have a plan. He says sit on the donkey with me. This is the donkey of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said on the donkey with me kind of pull, you know the hood over your head. So nobody recognize you. It's a donkey of the process. I'm the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, nobody will be suspicious. Just get on the donkey and just come with me. So he says okay.

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So now he gets back to the Muslim camp.

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They start walking through the Muslim camp. And again, it's the donkey of the prophets, a lot of them being written by the uncle of the prophets, a lot of them. There's another man behind him. But everyone says okay, nothing to worry about. Nothing to look at here. Everyone keeps minding their business, as they keep on proceeding until they pass or Marathi Allahu taala. And a few other people notice our bus and they greet him and he greets him back and they keep walking. Finally, or Marathi Allahu talanoa season we greet him and he gets up and he comes close. And he looks and goes, it's a boo Sophia.

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It's about Sophia. He grabs Abu sufian by the neck.

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And he takes him drags him to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Abbas radi Allahu taala, who the uncle of the promises and says I ran in after him.

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And I ran in after him and he ticks abusively on to the prophets a lot. And it says a messenger of God has abou Sophia and this is Abu sufian. And look, God presented him to us, we should make an example out of him, we should start with him. These people are traitors, these people violated the treaty. These people are treacherous. Let's make an example out of him, let's start with him.

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A bastard or the Allahu taala, who runs in and he says all messenger of God, a messenger of God, I take him under my protection. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had said in the narration that even the the most common person in the Muslim community, when they grant their protection in their work to somebody that is protected that is that is respected by the entire community.

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So I buses I have taken him under my protection. And there's a little conversation that happens. That's very interesting here. I want everyone to pay attention to this Amaro the Allahu taala on who and Amara Delano keeps arguing. Keep saying no messenger of Allah, we should make an example out of him. And a boss says I got frustrated. And I said that Melania Omar, calm down, Ahmed, what are you doing?

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And a boss says to Omar the Allahu Allah knew that if this was somebody from your family, if this was somebody from your family, you wouldn't have been doing this.

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You'd be eager on how to bring this person into Islam. You wouldn't be here trying to make an example out of this person.

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Oh my god, Allahu talanoa says Melania abass. He says calm down. Don't accuse me of that.

00:29:18 --> 00:29:37

And he says something so beautiful. He says for luckyland islamicate Yama, Islam, Turkana, Islam and tabula rasa. He says the day that you are above so uncle of the prophets a lot he said him the day you became Muslim, was a happier day for me then even if my father would have become Muslim.

00:29:39 --> 00:29:59

Why would I be in law why is that in need other are off to an Islamic acana illa rasulillah he slotomania slobin Bobby know Islam because I knew that you becoming Muslim would make the prophets a lot happier than my own father becoming Muslim and the happiness of the prophets. A lot of Islam comes before our own happiness.

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Don't don't don't don't accuse me that I would be invested into my own family. I only say this because I, I believe in what I'm saying. This is my honest opinion.

00:30:13 --> 00:30:23

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam interjects at this moment and he says it had been he nobis electronica the profits a lot he seldom says take him.

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It was late at night, the profits a lot. He tells our bus take him to your tent. Get some rest. I will speak to him in the morning when everyone's fresh when everyone's cooled off, because it was a really, I mean, even Abu sufian was rattled. Armada was grabbing him by the neck talking about executing him. Right so he was rattled. So he said, Everybody calm down, relax. We'll talk in the morning. In the morning when they get together.

00:30:49 --> 00:31:01

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says way Hagia Sophia says listen to all Sophia, look at look at everything that you've done up till this point. Let me ask neelakurinji Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah.

00:31:02 --> 00:31:07

He says, hasn't the time come that you now finally acknowledge that there's no one worthy of worship except for Allah?

00:31:08 --> 00:31:25

Abu sufian says b a b and so on me, ma llama kawahara makawao sonica he says I would sacrifice anything for you. You are so patient and so noble, so honorable and so forgiving. They give me this opportunity.

00:31:27 --> 00:31:29

Now who gives their enemy this type of an opportunity?

00:31:31 --> 00:31:38

And he says we're looking around to anello kanima Allahu la de alguna Anisha and Babu. He says I've known this for quite some time.

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That there's no one but Allah who can save me.

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I've known this for quite some time. He says way Hagia Sophia and he goes okay, now listen, pay attention. lm Jani laka and Jana Mani Rasulullah hasn't the time come that you finally acknowledged that I'm the Messenger of God? Again he says Be a be answer only I would sacrifice anything for you. But Allah maka Karma Karma Osaka you are very noble and forgiving and gentle and kind.

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And Mahatma he were lucky enough enough seminar hotel, Anna Sharon

00:32:10 --> 00:32:30

says if I'm being honest with you, I still have some reservations and hesitations about this fact, about just acknowledging that you are the Messenger of Allah abass, who is old friends with Abu sufian and he's vouched for Abu Sufyan. He says way Huck says What is wrong with you? a slim wash had

00:32:31 --> 00:32:35

accepted Islam just given just put your ego aside for a moment.

00:32:37 --> 00:32:39

You have no idea of the nobility of this man,

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a man whom God calls Noble.

00:32:44 --> 00:32:49

Put your ego aside. And so finally Abu Sufyan says hello Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah Mohammed Rasul Allah

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any finally accepts Islam.

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And at that time, the Prophet sallallahu, Abu sufian den pleads with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, please, I am here as a representative as a leader of my people. grant them amnesty.

00:33:10 --> 00:33:12

Grant and protection, safety.

00:33:14 --> 00:33:22

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Beautiful, beautiful narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says the abuse of young

00:33:23 --> 00:33:26

men the Hanafi dari Abu sufian

00:33:27 --> 00:33:42

that anyone who enters into the home of Abu sufian for who I mean, he shall be protected. Anyone who enters into the home of Abu sufian as we enter Mecca, will be granted protection will be safe.

00:33:43 --> 00:33:46

Abu soufiane says what matter sir Oh Daddy, My home is not that big.

00:33:47 --> 00:33:49

I'm trying to save everybody

00:33:50 --> 00:33:58

the profits a lot even look how noble the process of thinking about how how somebody who has the upper hand would react in this situation what you have demands.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:05

Whoo hoo puts you in a position to negotiate. But what does the prophets Allah Islam say? He says when de la

00:34:06 --> 00:34:15

cabeza Amina, somebody who enters into the Kaaba will be granted protection will be safe. He says one minus alpha by the comma is not even big enough.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:43

The prompts lesson says woman the heroine must cheat of a woman or whoever enters into the mustard the area around the Kaaba itself where we do that the loss, the masjid, whoever enters into the masjid shall be safe. The Masjid obviously was not as big as it is today. So he says well my yes her own machine, even the machine won't suffice everybody then finally the profits a lot of them says woman Allah Allah He Baba who for I mean, anyone who goes into their own home and closes the door.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:49

We will take that as a sign that they are surrendering and nobody will harm them. Nobody will lay a finger on them.

00:34:51 --> 00:34:54

And I've also forgotten finally who says how the he was the odd Okay, that'll work for everybody.

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

And then finally abusive, young, he departs

00:35:01 --> 00:35:10

Before he departs I wanted to mention he talks about some of his observations some of the things that he saw while he was there in the company of the profits a lot he set up

00:35:12 --> 00:35:28

the profits a lot he some tells a bus that take Abu sufian to dispatch and let him watch all the different tribes and groups of people that are in the army kind of passing by give him some perspective about how far this message has gone.

00:35:29 --> 00:35:45

And abuse if he answers that every time. Good llama Murat Kabila on every time a group from the army a tribe in the army would pass. He would ask our boss Yeah, busman holla. Who are these people? He would say slain. He would say Maddie will issue them.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:17

Like, what do we even have to do with the people of saline? Like, how did the people of Sulaiman dip in this situation? Then another tribe would go by and say, who are these people who's a Musina? These are the people of Louisiana. He is a Monday when he moves into how did the people of Louisiana get involved in this? Every single time a tribe would come by, you'd say Who are these people? And he would say this is so it's such and such tribe? But like how did that tribe come into this? He was astounded by how far and wide and how universal the message of the prophets a lot exam was.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:22

And there was a little incident that occurred here.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:38

You know, that is very interesting, sad, bitter about that the group of the ansata passed by and he says man Hakuna, he says How will I learn for these are the people of the inside of the people of Medina. sebenar about the one of the leaders of the unsolved

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obviously you have to understand that it's it's a difficult situation. They knew who Abu sufian was, he had led an army against Medina, so it takes time.

00:36:49 --> 00:37:14

southerner about when he sees Abu sufian he says Yaba, Sophia. Hey, listen, Abu sufian a young young woman hammer. Today's the day of war today will be a day of killing Aloma to stehenden herma. Today, even the sacred will be violated. Kind of, you know, if to use a different word. It's kind of like, you know, it's it's, it's like what the what the kids called trash talking.

00:37:15 --> 00:37:20

Right? It's kind of rubbing it in a little bit. So he says this.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:57

And Abu sufian is a little bothered by it. He says, Look, I accepted Islam, the process of granting us protection. And for you to talk like this, like today, we're gonna kill people and all this stuff. I don't think it's appropriate. He was bothered by it. He went to the prophets a lot. He said when he says such and such and such, and something or other was the one carrying the banner, the flag of the unsought. He says, It's such and such, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called Saad bin or baba, and he says that that was wrong of you to do. That was wrong. And he says Hi, balharshah Yeoman. You azim Allahu fiegel GABA. Today is the day that God will restore the honor of

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the Kaaba, where Yeoman took Sufi Hill. Kava today is the day that we will once again place the cover on the Kaaba.

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Today is not a day of killing in disrespect. Today, today is a day of nobility and honor. And he told sod give the flag over to somebody else. The process of reprimanded

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holding his own people accountable.

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Because the one that the power the lesson the prophecies have taught us, it doesn't matter if you're if you have if you're losing or you're winning, it doesn't matter whether you have the your your you have the upper hand, or you are suffering defeat doesn't matter whether you're enjoying victory or suffering defeat.

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All we have is our character, our nobility, our dignity, our honor, and we never sacrifice that we never compromise that.

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Now, at this particular time,

00:38:58 --> 00:39:03

Abu Sufyan also excuse me Abu sufian also sees you know

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the He He notes that he watched the people when the time for prayer came the dawn was called and people went to go make the prayer. He says that you know he sees the profits are making will do and people are catching the water as a dripped from the hands in the face of the promises them into their own hands and they rub it on their own faces in their own hands. And then when the oven is called and the process goes to stand everyone lines up exactly straight to pray. And he asks a bus yeah bus my little machine the left.

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He says they do whatever he tells him to do. He said now I'm we're lucky No, I'm at our home The Terracotta Army or shalabi law who said absolutely I swear to God, if he told them not to eat or drink anymore, they would obey Him.

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That's the type of obedience they have to the prophets a lot Isa

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Abu sufian he commented he said, Yeah, bus Mara, La La La Mancha. Kesava what I have

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I have seen from the believers, what I have seen with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam I have not seen in the kingdoms of Persia in Rome. The Emperors of Roman Persia don't have such devotion from their followers. And he in fact he tells abass silica as Maha melco Evening Africa, Alka data are the man. He said your nephew has a great kingdom. Your nephew has a great kingdom has great power. He says I told him Yeah, about Sofia in nanba. It is not kingdom. It is not power. It is Prophethood

00:40:35 --> 00:40:36

it is Prophethood.

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He said, Now I'm free. Then he said that's why. That's why because I haven't seen devotion like this even with kings. This is a different level of devotion. This is not Kingdom does not kingship. This is Prophethood.

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Abu sufian goes back now to Makkah ahead of the Muslim army with the permission of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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When he goes back, he takes back the news that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has granted us protection. Everybody go into your homes, everyone enter into your homes and you will be safe.

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The narration mentions that his own wife, hint been to Aruba, who will be talking about later she would also accept Islam, but his own wife hint been to Aruba. She

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grabs Abu sufian and tells the people around her that grab him

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and kill him. For he has surrendered to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has accepted defeat from Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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she's infuriated

00:41:45 --> 00:42:07

and abusive Yon gets up and he pleads with the people. He says that no I what I have done is I have saved your lives. I have gotten you protection from the profits, a lot of them now go into your homes and close your doors and you will be safe. And it's the people of Mecca basically all retreated within their homes. they close the doors.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:36

And they brace themselves for the arrival of the Muslim army into Mecca. And we'll go ahead and stop and pause here in sha Allah. And next session what we'll talk about is the actual entering of the prophets, a lot of the Muslim army into Mecca and exactly what happened and what transpired at that particular time. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability to practice everything we've said and heard some Hanalei will be hungry he Subhana columbium Nick netshelter La ilaha illa Anta socrata kona to Willie

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