Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 153 – Dhat Al Salasil And Sayf Al Bahr

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of honoring senior companions in the wake of the Prophet sallama's death and practicing will do versus will do in religion. They stress the need for consistency and integrity in behavior to avoid becoming a freeloaders and emphasize the importance of practicing will do versus will do in religion. The pandemic has impacted the timing of Easter, which is typically the lowest of the month, and the company's financial results and outlook. They emphasize the importance of working together to ensure the best outcomes for the company and emphasize the need to adjust their business model.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter in sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam go to Sierra intensiv.com to register or for more info. Similar he will handle our salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He will Sufi admiring Chawla continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a siracha Nava via the prophetic biography

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we have been discussing the eighth year of digital. Now obviously, by far probably the largest event or rather the greatest event that occurs during the eighth year of digital. The eighth year of the profits a lot asylums residents in the city of Medina is the conquest of Mecca fxhome, aka the opening of Macau, and inshallah that's what we'll be talking about in the next session.

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This particular week, what we're going to be discussing and talking about is what we discussed previously, were the campaign's of Mota.

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And then we also Furthermore, talked about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sending letters to the different kings and rulers of the different regions of the world to major regions of the world at that particular time. What we're going to be talking about today is two events that occurred towards the middle of the eighth year of Hendra. Now, of course, no event from the life of the prophets a lot SLM is insignificant or minor, by any means, however, comparatively speaking, within the life of the prophets, a lot of them, you do have these major events that were turning points, such as the battle, the battle, the Battle of Ohio, the Battle of the trench, and so on, and

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so forth. So these are two smaller campaigns that the prophets a lot of except he himself did not go on. Rather, he sent these two campaigns that we're going to be talking about today. And while we'll talk about those campaigns, exactly what happened, there wasn't any type of major combat that took place during these campaigns or anything of that sort. However, there were some minor, there were individual isolated incidents that occurred on both of these campaigns that are very, very notable, because they are the they provide to us a lot of key lessons. And a lot of benefit, as we call it. The Arabic language. As we say, for wide. There are many benefits. There are many lessons, many

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reflections, and even some legislation, some fifth and rulings that come from some of these isolated incidents that occurred during these two campaigns. And these two campaigns that we're going to be talking about are the first one is called that to sell Asin.

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And the second one is referred to as safe wilbraham. All right, and both of those are basically the names of places that to sell. Asin was a place that was bordering, beloved to Sham, and the second place is a full bar, which basically was along the shoreline along the ocean side. So the first incident that we're going to be talking about is which is called that to sell acid. In this particular campaign, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had sent the newly converted, alas, radi Allahu taala and who, who of course, you know, pre Islamic Lee before Islam, he was known as a major leader of his people, a leader of the poor, he was considered a brilliant strategist, and a

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very, very intelligent person when it came to, you know, diplomacy and inter tribal relations and things of that sort. And, of course, he had accepted Islam and part of the benefit of accepting Islam at the hands of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was that of course you were, you were sitting before the Prophet sallallahu sallam, your hand was between the hands of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you were witnessing divine revelation. So, you know, the type of spiritual growth that we could not even achieve in a lifetime would be achieved within moments, because you were there in the company of the revelation and in the company of the Messenger of Allah

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Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had sent him at the head of a small

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contingent, a small group in the direction of about to sell acid. When they got near their generations mentioned books of history they mentioned that they feared that the enemy that might be meeting them

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would be a lot larger than them in number. So again, I'm going to be the last was a very intelligent person. So rather than kind of brazenly just kind of rush your, you know, run into battle, when I've been an author of the Allahu jalon, who did was Yes, the mid to who he sought reinforcements from the city of Medina he wrote to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sent a messenger and said we need some reinforcements. So Fernando but also like Salah, Mahajan Allah well in the prophets, a lot of them said not only will I send you reinforcements, but I'll send you the best people that I have. So the prophets a lot he sent them. He said, okay, who amongst the Senior Companions, the early early

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converts to Islam, the early Sahaba the Mahajan who amongst them is ready to go. Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who might have been Al Khattab radi Allahu taala. And who and many of the early Mahajan in the Moroccan Muslims, they basically got up and they raised their hands and they volunteered themselves and they went. Now, the first thing I want to really pause very quickly for and highlight here is that we're talking about the blue bucket and V Amaro de la Coachella and Houma and people of that caliber. Right, these are folks that have at this point in time, put in 20 years, by the sight of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they've made every sacrifice imaginable for the sake

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of Islam, and in the cause of Allah subhanaw taala. And they are Senior Companions in the prophets, a lot of the some does actually value their input and their counsel, and they are very helpful to the prophets, a lot of them. And it's very easy at this particular time, you know, in the era of seniority, you know, veteran ship, being a veteran, being a senior, right in in the cause, to be able to say that I no longer have to do you know, any heavy lifting. I shouldn't have to, I've earned my stripes. Right? I don't do that anymore. So, when the call is made, and this is also key on the part of the profits a lot. So, this is the therapy of the profits a lot he said, this is the

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the mentorship and the continuous spiritual development provided by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the prophets Allah resume was very cautious and very, you know, particular about this, that how do I not allow the senior most even of the companions to become spoiled? to kind of start to and not that the Sahaba the Allahu taala on Whom were you know, had an inclination of that, but it's a lesson because the prophets a lot of humans are a role model that generation is a is a templates is basically teaching us how to operate and how to do things. So the profits a lot exam, he himself says no, no, not only will reinforcements go but the senior most companions will go. And

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Abu Bakr and Omar radi, Allahu taala and Houma. They don't just kind of look around and be like, What What are you looking at me for? You know who I am? You want me to go? Do you have even any idea who you're talking to?

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I was doing this when you were still in diapers? Right? Yes, we should respect our elders and respect our seniors and respect. People who've been doing, you know, hard work for a very long time. But it's that balance is that beautiful balance of the sooner that the prophets, Allah resultados we respect the seniors, we respect those who've been making, you know, efforts long before we even understood anything.

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But the advice of the prophets, a lot of them to them is also they should never consider themselves above any type of work, rolling their sleeves up doing some heavy lifting, getting involved, doing what needs to be done. And so Abu Bakr and Omar rhodiola who Jelena Raise your hands and volunteer ready Bismillah

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right? If right now a call is made that you know, we need some folks to go and you know, maybe there's a there's a little bit of a mess in the wooded area and the restroom. Can anybody clean up? So we make an announcement, you know, who's ready to go and help out and I'm sitting here being like, okay, so who's ready to help you how much reward you get, but me my brother, look,

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this, this photo is very nice looking. Right? So there's that idea. But do I still have the willingness to, you know, pull off my sweater, roll up my sleeves and get in there and do some work or not? Or now do I consider myself above this beyond this? It's a very, very interesting idea. And that's what the prophet sallallahu Sallam instilled within the companions. And that's what we need to hear again today. So Abu Bakr, radi Allahu Allah, Allah volunteered themselves.

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And by the way, that's say, you know, like the as the old expression goes, it's not really authenticated completely as a hadith the Prophet

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It's a lot easier for me a smartphone, but it's a it's a saying of the wise and the lemma and the scholars and the meaning of it is something that has been very near and dear to the hearts of Muslims for a very long time and that is say,

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say you do call me Kadima home that our true leader of the people is the one who serves his or her people. That's a true leader of the people. So that's what made Abu Bakr and Omar radi Allahu talanoa the leaders that they were so anyways they volunteer and the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam ala rasulillah salam about our way that's one of the Jabra, the prophets, a lot of them didn't even put Abu Bakr and Omar in charge of the reinforcements, he put another Senior Companion I'll be at Aveda, Ninja rah, rah, the Allahu taala and who he put him in charge. So Abu Bakar Can you imagine any scenario where there's a group in which Abu Bakar or Omar let alone both of them are in when

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either one of them is not in charge of that group? Is that even fathomable to us? Can we even comprehend that, but neither one was in charge, or beta was in charge of our beta is also a great person. Right? The prophets, a lobbyist who said, amino has been among the most trustworthy man of this oma. Right? So he's put in charge. But this this lesson, and leadership gets even better as we proceed as we move along.

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So when they go, and they proceed, and they meet up with I'm going to be the last and the original group of Muslims that had gone out there. They meet up with them, I'm going to be the last again, because you know, and you kind of see the elements of him being somewhat new to Islam or new word to Islam. Right, you see some of the dynamics here. And again, he's coming from, you know, imagine somebody sometimes comes from a very, you know, corporate structure, or somebody comes from after spending a long time, you know, in the corporate world, and then kind of enters into more of the community realm. A lot of times they come with certain ideas or notions or ways of doing things

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that, you know, we're kind of like, well, that's not totally how we do things here, or that's not how we talk here. That's not how we that's not the tone that we use here. Right. So I've been Alaska's coming from this very diplomatic military strategists background, right running Quraysh. And so when the reinforcements arrive, I've been welcomed him and he says, okay, we need to we need to brief here. I need to give you a briefing before you go in and join the rest of the group. And part of the briefing is amido, calm. I'm in charge here just to be clear, right leadership has so who's in charge, the hierarchy or the the the chain of command needs to be very, very clear. Right.

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And again, this is not like egotistical on the part of Amata been the last will hire the biller is a companion of the profits a lot a setup. Right, but also he's taking into consideration to military political situation, we have to have a very clear chain of command. We can't have anyone speaking out of turn. So he says, what are some to ihlara July Salalah some estimate to become because I was sent originally here, and then I wrote back in rows row requested enforcement's reinforcements. Excuse me, and y'all are the reinforcements. And typically, in a military situation, whenever the reinforcements come, they come to fall in line with the original structure that already is existing

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in place. All right, the reinforcements don't come in super impose themselves upon the army that's already in place. That's not how it works. So I'll be in charge.

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And I'm gonna be the last

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you know, some of them will have you known who've come with our beta they say but Anta amido as hobbico or beta immunomodulating. They say well, wait a second. We came with our VEDA. We came with our VEDA. So we'll, we'll follow his lead. And you continue to lead your your troops. Right? So there's a little bit of a back and forth. I'm gonna build assets in them and to methadone on did to him. No, no, you're not understanding this. You are reinforcements. I requested you. I've already got everything in place here. I got a strategy, a plan. Everything's already in place. So that's not how this is going to work. And so at that particular time of arbeta radi Allahu talana when he saw

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this situation starting to arise, and he's described in the narration of mehaffey as Kanda Rajan has an alcoholic leg in Ashima. That he was a person who is very well mannered, and he was very gentle and soft, and kind of gracious kind in his approach, in a very soft touch. Right, how we handle people how we spoke to people. So, he said, at that time, the alum Yamanaka Marquis de la rasulillah salam, O Allah, Allah saw he began.

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He says that Listen, listen, the last thing that the prophets a lot of them told me before I left was when you get there to armor when you get there to your friend to Ahmed fatawa work together.

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Work together. That's what the prophets a lot of them told me. In another narration about our VEDA. He basically says that the prophets a lot of them before he sent me he said la Khalifa

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make sure that y'all don't get into it. You don't argue and debate but you have a unified front and then Mr. Bean allows he says that we're in NACA in azita nila oltean neck so even if you are being you know, you don't want to take my follow my lead I will follow your lead. Another narration he says that wait and neck and I'll say Tony took I will follow your lead. And I'm

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for call Allahu Allah for any Amina alayka ye nama and tomato Lee. All right, he says so Okay, so if we're clear, I'll be leading and you'll be supporting me you'll be following my lead. And

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a Barbie that that time he says absolutely for cinema Abu Zubaydah, Mr. Ali Ahmed bin, alas, he surrendered the leadership to America in a loss. And for Salah I'm bidness. And I'm going to be the last lead the prayer for the entire group, because leading up to prayer at that particular time was part of that leadership structure. And it was symbolic of that leadership. So again, the lesson here is obviously it is very, very obvious that this was a Barbie doll or the Allahu taala. No, I'm gonna be in allowance, accepted Islam, weeks, months if if not even if not weeks ago. Right? He's accepted Islam a few weeks ago, maybe a few months

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and abroad. arbeta radi Allahu talana has been in the trenches for over a decade. Right? So you think about how it would be very difficult to kind of deal with that situation. But I understand that you have a lot of experience, but it's, it's experienced in a different realm.

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Right, not here in our amongst us in our community. And again, having that seniority, if you would have kind of dug his heels in who Pete who would have people probably lined up behind about our VEDA, the man who's been with the profits a lot, even for 15 plus years, or would have would have been, would have been the last very respectful Companion of the prophets a lot. But at the same time in that community, he's been there for a couple of months. Who do you think the folks would have sided with? Right? But again, ago or beta or the Allahu taala knew what he learned in those 15 years is not that I'm more entitled,

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not that I deserve this position, or I'm entitled to this leadership or this power. What he really learned during those 15 years by the sight of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is that unity is the greater cause. Humility is the most admirable trait.

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And it's not about me, it's not about him. It's not about anybody. It's about the cause.

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Whether it's me, whether it's him, whether it's a third person,

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and let's not forget that you have other forms of that inspiration as well, we're Abu Bakar, and Ahmad, are all sitting there quietly saying you let us know who's in charge and we're here to follow the Abu Bakar

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who accepted Islam before anybody else

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whom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has given so many times has you know, mentioned paradise for him

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that Abu Bakr is sitting there quietly, at no point was it finally like, Okay, listen, guys, neither one of you is in charge, I'm actually in charge. Right? But nothing, sat there quietly.

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Whoever's in charges, let me know, send me an hour.

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We're here to do work.

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Because the work is what's important.

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So this was a very, very powerful

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you know, reflection from this. And related to this, when they got back to the city of Medina and I'm going to be talking about that in just a moment. But just related to this while we're here connected to this, when they got back to the city of Medina. I'm gonna be in Alaska, the Allahu taala and who?

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It's a hadith that's mentioned in Buhari, I'm gonna be able to answer the Allahu taala on who he says that when we got back and at that point in time, you know, I was just, he says for HUD deathrun fc and ni lamea bothnia Allah Abu Bakr, Omar Ahmed, El Alamein Zilla Chun Li Anga who I go back to Medina and by that time, I was kind of thinking to myself that look, I was just in charge of a group in which there's Abubakar

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there is there Omar.

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And the prophets, a lot of him put me in charge. Huh.

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That must obviously mean that even I have underestimated my position

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in the eyes of the Prophet somalisa.

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Right. I mean, he's just thinking to himself from a good manner that maybe I don't even fully understand. You know what the prophets allottee some expects of

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The expectations he hasn't been maybe I've been under estimating, you know what, what I should be doing and you know, the level of expectations he has of me. He put me in charge me in charge of a group that have a bucket in Homer were a part of. So it kind of was in my head and swirling around and you know, those types of ideas can become a little confusing at times.

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So he says that I teach you how to bend a key. So I went to him and I sat down and I said for cultura, huya Rasul Allah, man Abernathy, like

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Who do you love more than anyone else?

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Who do you really really love?

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And the prophets a lot of them said Ayesha

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and I said in the last two as a Luca and Alec Of course, families family Family First I wasn't asking about your family on messenger of Allah Of course everybody loves their family more than anybody else. But I mean more so like from you know, the brothers here your followers who do you love? And he said the prophets a lot of them said a boo ha, her father aboubaker and again the note that our our lemma mentioned is that the process of dealing with terrible record is that our issues father that's how much love you have for each other the Lakota now, but he said a boo ha, Abubakar, her father, so I said, Okay, not the answer. I was hoping for some woman, then who?

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And he said, Oh, my.

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I said, Okay, okay, that's fair, fair.

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I get it.

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Then I said thumbin. Then who?

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I said to my man, then who?

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And he says, HUD da da da Ratan. Another narration he says for our dead in jail. And then he said somebody else and I said to my man, he said, somebody else I said, then who? Then he said somebody else then who then somebody else then who then somebody else. And a long list of people kept going, and my name hadn't come up yet. So at that time, we'll go to Phoenix de la Urdu. As

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I said, I thought to myself for a second too. He says, I got quiet Mahabharata and Eleni fiachra. him, I got quiet before I ended up finding out that I would be at the end of the list. And I said, I'm not going to ask him this question ever again. Right? So it's just, it's, again, a little bit of that perspective and lesson, in the sense of sometimes we can get into our own heads, right, we can fixate kind of on the wrong things, right. And more So focusing on again, the task at hand, the work that's in front of us the work that needs to be done, and worrying less about winning favor, and having position and being a part of an inner circle, and being some type of an exclusive club

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member, or some type of members only Association, right, that instead of worrying about those types of things

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moreso focusing on and worrying about the work that needs to be done. So getting back to the incident, the narration goes on to basically say that they ended up you know, meeting, they, they ended up facing off against the enemy that was there in the area, and just a little bit of an exchange of some arrows and things like that happened, but for the most part, there wasn't any type of major combat. But while we were coming back, they said while we were returning back there's a narration in the center of Abu Dawood, in which I've been allowance, he tells the story, and he basically says that what happened was, it was very, very cold. It was wintertime and it was

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extremely cold and we're out in the elements, right, we're exposed to the elements, we're just traveling,

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camping out out in the open. And what happened was that at nights, I woke up in the morning like at frontier time,

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needing to take a whistle a bath of purification.

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So I needed to take a bath of purification I needed to shower and cleanse myself when I woke up at the time, but it was freezing, freezing cold and we were out in the open. So what do I do now and he says that for a shock to

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sell to an attic. I was afraid that if I try to even bathe myself that I might kill myself. Like I might seriously get ill that's how cold it was it was freezing.

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So he says that fatality among to some isolated we as hobbyists. So he said by that time that we had talked about discipline and musala that versus about tambem that if you do not have water available to you or you are not able to use that water for whatever reason, then you do a practice called tambem but what had not happened until this particular time is that no real example or precedent had been set that okay if you need to do will do and you don't have water you can't make will do then you do tm to replace your will do but we actually

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dealt with the situation that if you need to take a listen about the purification, you need to take a shower. And you're not able to do so for whatever reason that you again replaced that with a mo. But we hadn't dealt with that scenario yet. So I didn't know what to exactly do. So I went ahead and I did that. And not only that, there was another question that if I've done a mo, I didn't actually take the bath of purification, rather I did tambem Then am I allowed to lead everyone else in prayer? Who has proper will do

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who had used water? Is that okay? So both of these questions were there. So I went ahead and did a a moment I led the rest of the group in the prayer.

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He says that when we got back to the city of Medina, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he asked me, because when we got back, there's another story that we're going to be talking about right here very soon, which is narrated by alfabeto, Malik, Sherry. However, he had gotten back a little bit before the group and he had given the profits a lot like a full report like this happened. And that happened, then this happened that happened, just a sequence of events. Here's everything that transpired just kind of giving a status update or a debriefing. So one of the things that came up was we dealt with a little scenario, we weren't exactly sure what the technicality there is. But I'm

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I needed to take a shower. He couldn't because it was so cold. So he did take a moment and he led the prayer. So when I got there, the professor said, Yeah, I'm on a Sunday to be as hobbico antigen.

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You let everybody in prayer when you needed to take a shower, a bath for purification.

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For us to have been nothing monumental as the sun.

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I told the prophets a lot he said that I didn't because it was so cold, and the water was cold and outside it was cold that I was afraid that I would really cause myself bodily harm. In doing so I would become ill sick.

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So and then I said, well put you in the seminar to Rasul Allah, he said, we're in the seminar to La subhanho wa Taala Paul, and I remember hearing the verse of the Quran, when I took Cthulhu and full circle, don't kill yourselves. So that's why I decided not to take a shower. And I went ahead and did a demo. And phurba can be likes a lot more than we appreciate and the professor some kind of laughed, because you know, the way he quoted the idea like don't kill yourself, because you the process of some kind of laugh, like maybe he's being a bit dramatic, right? Don't kill yourself. You just have to take a shower Easy there. Right? But the process understood that still you feared for

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your health. And that's why you decided not to and you did a moment let me up we'll say and, and the prophets allowed him did not correct him or reprimand him. And so this is a lesson in two things. Number one, part of the Sunnah of the Prophet tells him this kind of a technical point, so just bear with me. But what we call the sin of the system is what the prophets allottee Some said, what the prophets a lot, some dead acqualina be salatu salam or Allahu wa chakra, to who? And the things, the prophets a lot, he said, I'm allowed the things that he approved of the things that he did not correct. So if something was done in his presence, or something was informed to him, and he did not

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correct it, he did not reprimand it, then that automatically means that he was approving of it. So this is how we know that this was approved by the prophets a lot of the time. And this is one of the things that teaches us

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that a man can not only replace the will do, but can also replace the horses in its entirety. Right, if somebody has to take a whistle in a water is available, just like somebody who needed to do will do will do to somebody who needs to do whistle can also do a mom. And then furthermore, as a detail, what does it take for us to look like? It looks like it is just the same as a demo for will do. There's In fact, a narration from Mr. Binney asset or the Allahu taala Anima. Now, one time they were on a journey like this, and they couldn't find water, and I might have been acid needed to take a lucilla bath of purification. So he laid down on the ground, they started rolling around, and the

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prophets a lot he said him said, I said to him, Aaron, are you a donkey? Right? Because you know, sometimes animals will drop down and kind of flop around in the dirt. So he said, Are you have you become a donkey? And he said, No, I have to do a mo. So that's how you do it. You do the same thing when you would have done if you do for will do you read the bill Locke become Elisa, voila, you need to become Allah said Allah doesn't want you to do that. Alright. And that's the second lesson that I wanted to mention here is that a lot of times, we just don't completely comprehend and understand how practical or practical our Deen in religion is. we underestimate the practicality of our Deen in

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our religion.

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That if somebody needed to do a listen to you to take a shower, like religiously, a bath, the purification to cleanse themselves and it's freezing cold outside and they don't have any type of shelter or recourse like warm water or anything like that.

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Then they're not obligated to basically be out there in freezing temperatures and somehow poor you know, ice water on themselves and killed themselves. That's not that's not our dean.

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But our Dean has a lot of practicality. There.

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Authentic narration of the prophets, a lot of them that whenever the process of sermon was presented with two options, aka a surah, Houma, the prophets, a lot of them would always take the more practical of the two courses of action. A de nuestra Nardin is extremely practical, very, very practical. And a lot of times when folks fear like folks feel like the dean or the religion is a little overbearing or too difficult or impractical, more often than not, more often than not, in fact, all the time, it's usually a case of a lack of knowledge. Or maybe they're talking to the wrong people, which again, that said, same lack of knowledge. Right, not having the correct

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information, because our religion is not impractical in any way, shape, or form. So that's another incident that occurred on this particular campaign and the third one.

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The third one is alphanumeric Alessia era, the Allahu taala anhu. He says, I got back a little bit earlier, because sometimes what they would do is they would send somebody ahead of the group to go ahead and let everyone know in Medina that the group is arriving. There'll be here in a few hours or something like that.

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Because the prophets a lot even was very particular about going outside of Medina and welcoming the group back in

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welcoming people home, and also just so the families could start to prepare and anticipate the arrival of their loved ones. So they sent out of nomadic Alessia ADA, the Allahu talanoa, head of the group. And he says, I arrived before fudger I arrived in the prefetcher hours, like school time, dadgad time. And so the Prophet sallahu was praying at home, you suddenly feel at, so I went there, and I sought permission to go and talk to the prophets, a lot of them, so I could brief him before the fudger prayer, because then you would have to leave the fudger prayer and then, you know, maybe 10 two different things. So I just figured now would be the best time so he said, Yes. Come in, talk

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to me. For some time. He said Salaam to him. And the prophets a lot. He said, um, it was very, very dark, right? They didn't have lights and things like that was very dark. So the prophet SAW someone I said, salami recognize my voice. He said, Oh, no, Malik. That's Alfred min Malik. Right. And I said, alphanumeric jasola Yes, this is often Malik. Right. And so the prophets allottee some dead sense of being so profound. He said, Sahiba Jesu,

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Sahaba Jesu, Jesu, basically refers to camels, camels that are sacrificed. All right, slaughtered. So he said, The Mr. camel. Right. So I believe, Mr. camel meat.

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And alpha Malik said, B, A B until omiana, Salalah.

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He said, I would sacrifice everything for your messenger of Allah. You know, you you never cease to amaze us.

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Like if I didn't already believe I would believe right now.

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Why was he so taken aback by that? Because something had happened with Alvin Malik on the journey.

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And he has he's just entering into the room.

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Nobody else has come back from the group. And the prophets. A lot of them is already talking about something that happened with Alvin Malik on the journey. But he already knows why. Because of course, why you believe Alisha? And so

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what is the backstory, the backstory basically is, is that often Malik says, while we were on the journey, we passed by kind of like a little tribe or a little town or something. And they were there was a group of people kind of gathered outside of the town. And they were, you know, sock sacrificing, soldering some camels. All right. And

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they were sacrificing some camels, and they were having some trouble. They the brothers, the gentlemen who were out there, trying to sacrifice his camels and skin, the animals and cut up the meat, and so they weren't very good at it. They were kind of fumbling around. So I can aside and I said that. I he said, I was really, really good at it. I was very good at it. So I kind of said, I said, Do y'all need a hand? Can I help y'all? And they were like, sure. But this is work, right? It's physical labor. So I said, Okay, I'll help y'all. But what would happen a lot of times is that the way that they used to kind of divide up like a camel, for the purposes of meat, for like, the

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consumption within the home,

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is a lot of times 10 people would share a camel, because you know, you couldn't store meat, the way that we store meat, you freeze it, and things like that. So what was practical if 10 households split up a camel, that basically that meat would be used up in the next day or two before it went bad? So that's what was very practical. 10 families would share a candle. So because it would be in 10 chairs, I kind of said, I said I'll do this for y'all. But I get one chair, one 10th I take my chair. They said sure. That's fine. So he said I took care of the job. I did all of that.

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When I went back to the group and I had this camel meat with me.

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I kind of cooked it and prepared it and I sat down and

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I called a few people around me, whoever was around me, come on, come come share some food with me in a bucket and Amara de la Coachella. Angela, were there wonder he says only Ahmed, not Abu Bakar was there. But nevertheless, some companions were there. And everyone started eating, everyone's traveling, they're hungry.

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And somebody said, Where did you get this meat from? Where do you just get fresh meat from? We're traveling here, we're on a journey. Right? And I told him the story, I came across some folks who were trying to, you know, cut, you know, carve up some meat and things like that. And they were very good at it. So I went and I gave them a hand. And I took a share as kind of a compensation for the work. Some of this Ahava felt like that was unethical.

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For whatever the reason, they felt like that was unethical, like, No, no, you shouldn't have done that. That's not the way it should be done. You should not kind of take your payment from the thing that you are working on itself type of thing. They kind of almost felt like that, for some reason, that would be wrong.

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So some of them became kind of upset with him. Why would you fetuses? I don't think it was right. I don't think the payment was correct. And, you know, etc, etc. There was a little bit of a back and forth a little confusion. And he said that, you know, we're lucky. He said that I didn't mean to do wrong to y'all to offend y'all in any way. I'm sorry. But now that it gets back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he informs him that he says Sahaba Jesu,

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right. And he says, Now I'm, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he then basically said to me, he said that, don't worry, it's not a problem.

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Which once again, is the profits, a lot of approving of that transaction. So it's, again the profits a lot. He's approved of the business agreement that he made, the payment that he received, that if I'm going to cut this animal and carve up the animal, but then I'm going to take a share of the meat of the animal the Prophet sallallahu Sallam basically told him that was okay for you to do and you don't need to worry you did not do anything unethical or wrong. Secondly, Alvin Malik, I was telling you, he told the prophets a lot he said him the incident with our obey, dah, dah look whenever Aveda got there, and I've been lost in him had a little bit of a situation trying to figure out who would

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be leading the army but Aveda, you know, basically submitted He said, No, no, you lead the army and he fell in line behind that might have been lost the profits a lot he sent me to offer him he said give him a law about obey the law. May God have mercy upon aboral VEDA. So the Prophet talathi some admired, respected, the humility of obeya we a lot of times in our culture, you know admire a certain amount of, you know, machismo or braggadocio. We kind of admire this type of a very loud and proud and in your face, take charge, you know, big man on campus type of attitude. That's what we admire in our culture. Unfortunately, the prophets a lot admired humility. The Quran says, worry

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about the Romani lady named kuna Allah or the honan honan. The Quran admires humility, the prophets, a lot of the some, you know, appreciated people's humility. So those were some of the as I mentioned, some of the isolated incidents related to this particular campaign. The second campaign that I talked about, say full bar. This is particularly notable for one reason. And the reason for that is that Abu Zubaydah radi Allahu taala and who he was in charge of this particular campaign of our VEDA was in charge of this campaign. And there were about 300 people who were sent with a Barbie then they were sent along the seashore along the sea line along the shoreline, they were sent to

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basically scout out that region and make sure that there were no forces that were gathering, looking to try to attack the Muslims. So it was more like an intelligence gathering kind of scouting party. So 300 Muslims under the leadership of a well beta, one of the Muslims who was in that group, jab bitumen, Abdullah he narrates his Hadith that is found in the books of Bukhari and Muslim. It's narrated by Mr. Malik Rahim, Allahu taala. So it's a very authentic narration. He says the job of the Allahu taala. And when telling the story, what have been key son, who is a topiary, he basically says Java was telling this the story and he said that, you know, when we set out initially, we felt

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like we had enough food. And every day, you know, we would sacrifice certain we have extra animals with us for food and we sacrificed the animals so that it would be meat for everybody in the group and things like that we had these we had we were pretty comfortable. But then it's like the journey lasted longer than we expected. And we started running out of food. So at that particular time, Abu Zubaydah. He asked everyone to bring all of the food and the rations and everything that they had. We got it all together, he put it into one place, and he basically started handing out rations, like seven days or five days per person type of thing. And eventually the rations ran so low that we

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started getting more

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One date, a day will have been he's on who's listening to the story. He stopped jabot, his teacher, the Sahaba laquan. And he says, How would you ever survive on one date? How does a person a grown person survive on one date, he says in one narration, number suhag, camassia sebe that we would sit there and we would like kind of like stuck on the date. Like how a child would sit there and kind of stuck on something.

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We would nibble at it and things like that.

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And then we would just kind of like slowly, slowly eat it really try to like make the most of it, and then just drink a lot of water on top of it and try to live off of that. And he said, we understood the value of one date, when we didn't even have that anymore. Eventually, a point came where a Barbie called everyone, they said we're all out of rations. And we were along the sea line to shoreline. So it's like a desert,

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running into the ocean. So there's no food to be had there.

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So now he's just like, de Vaca Allah. And he said, all day long, we somehow kind of got through and then when we went to go sleep at night, we were so hungry, the pangs of hunger, we couldn't even sleep. So then some folks started like pulling leaves from trees, and then they would soak it in water. And then we would just basically eat that and drink the water, just trying to get something in our system.

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And he said the situation is starting to become very, very dire.

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He says until we were on the on the shore. And there was this gigantic creature that had been beached, kind of must have been brought out by the ocean. It was a whale. But these are the Arabs, their desert dwellers. They have no idea I've never seen a whale before.

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So some of the narrations are quite interesting where some of them are just a duck but to nazima is gigantic creature. Right, they don't know what to make of it. And some of the some of the narration is actually member mentioned a lambda that it was a whale.

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And they say this gigantic creature was there and some of the people were kind of like, because the ruling in Islam is that you're not supposed to eat from an animal, that land animal that you find dead, like roadkill, or something like that. carrion, Mater. You're not supposed to eat it, you have to kill the animal fresh. But obviously the ruling with seafood and fish and things like that is different.

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And so, but because a lot of folks didn't know what to think like, that's not a fish.

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In some of the narrations, they actually the word that they use to describe it as mythical variable. They said, that's a small mountain.

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It's a mountain but it means a small mountain.

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That's a small mountain. So there was a little bit of a conversation like what do we do? Should we do should we not eat it? And eventually, you know, our VEDA basically said that a lot of folks think it's okay, because it's from the oceans from the sea. Okay, but those folks who are not really completely sure.

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You know, at this point in time, we're starving to death. So we are in llama tourism, LA, he has four answers. Unless you find yourself at the brink of death. Then you just got to survive whatever that takes. So Bismillah

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and then they just talk about it. It's so interesting how they talk about it that they say that we ate, we were 300 people, and we ate from that animal for a whole month.

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We survived off that animal for a whole month. 300 people ate from that animal for a whole month. And he said that, you know, we had become started to you know, your cheeks started to go in and we started to become kind of really, you know, emasculated malnourished. And on top of that, because it was a desert and things like that. And when you're not, you know, eating and drinking enough, then you know, our skin was kind of cracking and things like that lips were going dry and cracking. He said not only did this hand him a lab meat, but all the fact the blubber, the flesh and things like that. He said, we started we would take that we would scoop it out in buckets, we'd warm it up, and

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we rub it on our bodies. So he said we were like well moisturized, we were very well fed. So we looked fantastic. And we were doing great. We're living it up and this whale. And he says that before we left the scene, and then what we did was we had taken a lot of the meat and we had cut it up. And we had dried it kind of like if you will like fish jerky. All right, salted and dried. And so now that we had kind of like we had food on the go as well. And so after we had fully prepared to leave, we did a couple of things like how, you know in our culture, we would like take pictures or whatever now, right? So they said we decided to do a couple of things just to remember and be able

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to go back and tell people about how huge and unbelievable this thing was. So he said what we did was and he said our a meet our beta. He was a part of this whole setup, by the way. Right? So he says what he did was we took two of the two of the

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Bones like the ribs, kind of like the bones, we took two bones and he made people kind of like stand there and hold the bones up. Like if the animal was intact, how the bones would be standing like this. We made people hold the bones up like that. And then a man sat on top of a camel and rode. And he was able to pass through under the arches of just the bones. That's how huge the animal was. A man sitting on top of a camel could pass through there. And he says that the eye, the socket, the eye of the animal was so huge, that we got 13 people fit inside of the orbit inside of the socket, like we got in there. The only thing that was missing was Instagram. Right? So so we all got into

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the eye socket of the animal. That's how huge this animal was.

00:45:51 --> 00:46:24

So he says that, you know, we made our way back to the city of Medina, very, like you said, well fed and looking nice and moisturize and, you know, oil, their hair slicked back and we're looking sharp, and we got back and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was somewhat expecting, right, of course, he's a messenger of Allah, Allah Islam. So he had a smile on his face welcoming his back, you know, and he said, tell your story to everybody. And we told everyone the story and everyone's like, no way. And then we told him gay, we took the bones and a person could pass through and they're like, Oh, my gosh. And then you know, somebody kind of mentioned to the prophets a lot he sent him that a

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messenger of Allah, there's just one little question.

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We weren't completely sure if it was okay for us to kind of eat the animal to begin with. There was some folks who had some questions, because we found that there are beached so we weren't sure. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a hadith of Sahih Muslim he said who are his phone? Raja hula hula calm. This was sustenance that God provided to you for help Malcolm Shea on men Lakshmi heater a Muna?

00:46:57 --> 00:47:10

Do you have any of meet any of its meat left that you could feed us for our sadhana? Eros, Li salatu salam ala Minho, and then we gave the prophets a lot from some of that fish that have been dried in the process of aid from it. So this is blessing this, God sent this for you.

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And of course, the profound lesson here once again is very, very obvious. But nevertheless, still extremely profound.

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That the eye of this is the eye of the Quran, the ayat of the Quran, coming to fruition being demonstrated being manifested.

00:47:30 --> 00:48:08

Omega tequila, ha ha, Allahu Mahajan. Whoever really truly puts their faith in God is conscious of Allah puts themselves in his hand has full reliance and trust in Allah. Allah, Allah will shall always make a way out for them. You to Allah who Maharajah we are Superwoman Hazel is possible. And Allah will provide for them in ways that they couldn't even imagine. unimaginable. Well, maybe it's our kala, Allah lucky for who has boohoo? whosoever puts their faith and their trust in Allah, Allah is enough for them.

00:48:10 --> 00:48:11

Allah is enough for them.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:16

This conversation right here.

00:48:17 --> 00:48:24

Really, you know, it exists in a very interesting space and place within our lives.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:32

Because at the same time, whenever if you talk about this, the first thing that is contributed to the conversation is

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a clip from Metallica, tie your camel and then have trust and faith in Allah?

00:48:39 --> 00:48:42

And how do we kind of resolve those two things?

00:48:43 --> 00:48:53

Well, the sun is always about balance. It's balanced between the two. And understand that Yeah, good summer tawakkol is is not so much about, you know,

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do whatever it takes, by any means necessary, do whatever it takes, you know, that's not so much of the idea. The idea here is about have integrity, have self respect, put work in

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but know very well that in spite of putting work in, it still might not be enough. And things might not work out as you have planned. And then who's the one that makes sure that you'll be okay, in spite of that, Allah.

00:49:24 --> 00:49:44

So both extremes are bad, where somebody like I might have been no Katara, the Allahu taala. And who, during his khilafah there were some folks who came, there's this group, and you had kind of heard about it, there were some very overzealous Muslim type folks who had come from the Yemen region. And what they had basically done was that they had not made any preparations for Hajj or anything like that.

00:49:46 --> 00:49:59

And, you know, they kind of came, and they were, they were kind of preaching like a little bit of overzealousness. And the Allahu talanoa heard about it, and he went to go talk to them. And he said, What's going on with you guys?

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You know, did you guys prepare to come for Hutch? And he's like, No, we didn't prepare we had throw up kalangala.

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So he said, Okay, if you have real tawakkol and Allah, you have road trust in Allah,

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then what you should have done, you shouldn't have come with any caravan, any group, you should have come by yourselves, trek the whole way yourself. You shouldn't have come with a group.

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They said, no, no. How could we do that?

00:50:27 --> 00:50:29

What would happen if we didn't have food and we'd starve to death,

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at least by being with the group when we run out of food that they got food and then that way we get some food too. He said unto mutawa chiune

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He said, You people don't have to work with you guys are not people who have faith and trust in Allah you people are a bunch of freeloaders.

00:50:45 --> 00:50:53

Right. So there is that idea of you do have to make a respectable effort, have dignity,

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self respect. But there's that opposite extreme as well, where we completely discount the element of the faith and the trust in Allah, where we no longer stand for anything, we no longer have any values, we no longer have any principles, and the ethics any morals.

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We do whatever it takes, however it takes

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whatever it may be.

00:51:16 --> 00:51:28

But this is where that interesting space of tawakkol is, is that being dignified, be principle, be God conscious, do the right thing. Never do wrong to anyone, be fair, be equitable.

00:51:29 --> 00:52:01

And that might not seem like the best the most cutthroat the most go getter business strategy in the world. But know that Allah will take care of and that's more important than anything else is having a law on your side. Because when everything else fails, Allah subhanaw taala will never fail you. When everyone abandons you, Allah will never abandon you. When nobody else is there for you, Allah will be there for you in the llama, Anna. So this is a very, very profound lesson. And then just a little technical point. And

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there's a little bit of a discussion about this incident disable Bahar, the one with the whale. Some scholars

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have, like given his heart and others have said that this incident actually occurred before the Treaty of Abia that this campaign this incident occurred two years ago in the sixth year of age at all. But Mr. mehaffey, and some others have said no, it occurred in the eighth year of hydro. So there's a little bit of a discussion. Did this happen during the sixth year? Or did this happen during the eighth year? Well, Allahu taala allambee sahab, you know, both narrations are sound and they're there. But either way, it doesn't end up having any type of bigger political implications, on to the events that were unfolding around this time. But I just thought that I would mention that

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from an academic point of view, and inshallah, with that, we'll go ahead and conclude here, may Allah subhanaw, taala, give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard. Also, I would be remiss if I did not, at the very least, you know, remind myself and mention, of course, after the prayer,

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you know, a mom z also had said a few words and mentioned that it's been very, very tragic and very upsetting and very heartbreaking and very discerning, you know, the situation that's continued to unfold in Syria, in Aleppo, and,

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you know, they're they're definitely, this kind of goes back to that to what coolin Allah that there can be,

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you know, just imagine, if there's a sense of kind of hopelessness on our part, you can only imagine the plight of the people there. But of course, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala, may Allah grant them strength and conviction in the cleaning tawakkol.

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But they probably have much greater spirits than we do.

00:53:46 --> 00:54:00

But again, this is that point in that time, where when it feels like nobody else is in their corner, we have to know for a fact that Allah subhanaw taala has their back, just continue to make the law. Secondly,

00:54:02 --> 00:54:30

you know, continue to we meet, I need to continue to educate myself, continue to become more and more aware of what's going on, and then continue to look for avenues and options and opportunities of how I can continuously grow in being a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. And you know, sometimes when these moments kind of arrived, and in that moment, you kind of have that helplessness.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:59

You know, let's let's take this as an initiative, to try to find ways that we can contribute to making the world a better place and contribute to being a part of the solution. And again, we just do you know, the only thing that sometimes we know to do or that we can do and that is we make to our that Allah subhanaw taala brings him honor, and love brings him justice, and Allah subhanaw taala frees him from the clutches of tyrants and oppressors and the last panel which Allah grants him honor

00:55:00 --> 00:55:08

In both in this life and the next, Savannah like we have the heat Savannah Columbia Hambrick national de la ilaha illa and Turner saphira. Kona to be like

The Campaigns Of Dhat Al Salasil And Sayf Al Bahr

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