Riyadh Walls – Masjidus Sunni Jumuah 20 August 2021

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize.
AI: Transcript ©
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We say like Rafi Dean, there is no compulsion in religion. You cannot

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force somebody to believe something you cannot force

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somebody to live by something.

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Allah subhanaw taala restore our restore our dignity and help us to

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stand tall and to speak the truth, even if it is better. And this is

00:00:21 --> 00:00:25

the best form of jihad after Lu jihadi Kelly metal hook there and

00:00:25 --> 00:00:28

the Sultan injure the beast Jihad our beloved prophet Sallallahu

00:00:28 --> 00:00:33

sallam said, is a word of truth in the face of tyranny. Allah Azza

00:00:33 --> 00:00:37

Islam or when Muslim in Allah muslim Islam when Muslimeen well

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Ali before can we tell you how to redeem Allah Masuda Juana fee

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Afghanistan almost 21 Anonymous today I fina frequently Maka Allah

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monsoon with a bit Akadama home era Bill Alameen Allah mushroom

00:00:51 --> 00:00:55

out of Donna Allah, masha Medina Allah Masha Madonna our Hamilton

00:00:55 --> 00:00:57

our Moto and misdemeanor bureaucratically or Hameroff I

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mean, I got Allah in Allah Yeah, Moodle Bill ugly Well, Cerner

00:01:01 --> 00:01:04

eater CORBA, or even her annual fracture it will Moon curry will

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bury here is karoun como la salata Camilla hammock Kamala Joaquin

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Love Love Love Love

00:01:47 --> 00:01:47

is shoulder

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long as

00:02:03 --> 00:02:04

a law

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Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rafi Alhamdulillah your beloved let me

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unlock man walk me man he came with me Dini cannot

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cannot stand in Indiana Sarah, Steffi macera bernadina and

00:02:38 --> 00:02:39

Boo Boo

00:02:40 --> 00:02:45

orden honey

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00:02:55 --> 00:02:57

brother Harmon

00:02:58 --> 00:03:05

was that girl must be here for Sun Belen to see rune and higher dunya

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funeral to slay you

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slough off in Gula Sophie Ebola Hema

00:03:20 --> 00:03:20


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sent me a long halimun

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00:03:39 --> 00:03:39

Hola Hola.

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Hola como

00:03:51 --> 00:03:52


00:03:55 --> 00:04:00

Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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Rockman Ibrahim Eman he came to me dini. Khanna, Louis, Kansas down

00:04:06 --> 00:04:12

in Indiana. Sarah, Steffi Masirah bernadina Ananda Allah

00:04:14 --> 00:04:15

Blue Bay island

00:04:16 --> 00:04:20

on the

00:04:27 --> 00:04:31

Bismil Liang Brockman Ibrahimi either

00:04:34 --> 00:04:35

log in you want in fact,

00:04:36 --> 00:04:43

what I eaten, say I don't follow Nephi Dini he was

00:04:45 --> 00:04:50

behind the beacon was still feed in canon

00:04:53 --> 00:04:54


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Long halimun

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Allahu Akbar

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00:05:55 --> 00:06:02

said SLM on a modern metal law at Santa Monica Marama to more

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stuff for a lot of stuff a lot of stuff alone only metal Rahima

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Levina you know hey you know what I'm gonna do what you like when I

00:06:11 --> 00:06:14

said look it over to Norma Fulton in Nick and Rahim Allah whom and

00:06:14 --> 00:06:18

decider Monica Salah and develop their they'll get anyone equal on

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somebody on our other on

00:06:21 --> 00:06:24

equal Mercy of Allah whom another critical issue critical office

00:06:24 --> 00:06:29

nobility of Donna Tina dunya fascinator over the hasenhuttl

00:06:29 --> 00:06:31

working I'll ever know. So behind

00:06:32 --> 00:06:33

on my OC phone,

00:06:34 --> 00:06:36

mousseline, our hamdulillah

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