Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 037 – The Torture & Suffering of the Early Muslims in Makkah

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the horrors of Islam, including the Association for the opposite, the torture of Islam's representatives by the military, and struggles of men in their families to avoid being tortured by the system. He emphasizes the importance of protecting emotions and legacy, being a positive role model for future generations, and learning from the past. He also discusses the importance of positive feedback in driving productivity and employee engagement, and the success of their recent Investor Day program. The speaker emphasizes the need for continuous improvement and innovation to ensure success and empowering employees.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're listening to Calum Institute's podcast series. See the life of the Prophet by sheer Abdul Nasir zhongda visit us on the web at Calum Institute dot o RG or find us on [email protected] slash Calum Institute,

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from the law of salatu salam ala rasulillah.

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So inshallah continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mercy, Ratan of Aliyah.

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In the previous couple of sessions, we talked about the early community of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we talked about the early community of Muslims. And the first you know, 40, some odd individuals who had embraced Islam and accepted the faith and became become a part of that initial oma of the prophets a lot he sent them.

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What I wanted to cover and talk about today was some of the things that began to happen now that you have 40 some odd believers, and they're beginning to congregate together in the house of camaraderie, a lot more on who, and you know, they have a presence. And we like we talked about last time, the majority of these 40 people were very young people, and many of them were very talented people. Many of them were from the, you know, some of the most elite families of McCain Quraysh. And so this, basically, to summarize was something that was getting noticed, it was something that was noticeable, and it was something that was quite troubling to the Pradesh. So who basically did was,

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as we well know, from the seat off from the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the grace decided that, you know, torture persecution, terrorizing these followers of the Prophet talathi son was the best course of action. That was the that they figured that this was basically the only option they really had. And they felt that this was something that could possibly, hopefully, scare people away from following the prophets a lot easier than believing in Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So there's many, many stories that talk about a lot of this torture and this persecution that ensued at that time. And this story about the persecution of the early Muslims, and the torture of the early Muslims would be incomplete without introducing another very key, pivotal character, from the Sierra from the life of the prophets a lot. He said, I'm a notorious figure, a couple of sessions ago, we learned a lot. And we were introduced to Abu lahab. And so we would, of course, you know, to talk about the persecution of the early Muslims. That story would be incomplete without talking about none other than Abuja. So his name was I'm gonna, I'm gonna blue he shot. He belonged to the

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clan, the fat, the tribe of masoom. But while I'm been while I made was the exact family that he belonged to, and he was known by the title of oven, hakam, he was a leader of fresh, he was a very strategic political leader of the Arabs in a fresh specifically. And he played a very pivotal role in in early American history. Because of his character towards the prophets, a lot of a sudden because of his categorical denial, and refusal to accept what the prophets a lot was preaching and teaching. He became very well known, of course, by the Muslims. He became well known to the Muslims by the title of Abu Jahan, the father of ignorance, because of his extremely ignorant behavior that

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he presented towards the prophets, a lot of Islam and towards the early believers.

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So he's at the at the center of the story, because this whole plan of torturing and persecuting Muslims, was basically the brainchild of Abu Jan, Buddha has decided, this is it, this is the way to go, this is what we got to do. This is how we're going to get this entire situation under control. We have to begin to persecute and begin to torture these people and scare them away from Mohammed Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam. So of course, you know, one of the very he himself own certain slaves, that he began to torture. But one of the first subjects of this torture was none other than bill Allah, the Allahu anhu, Bill Amati along one who was an African slave. He was from Eastern

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Africa, and he was actually born into slavery. His father was a slave as well. He was born into slavery. It said that his mother was known by the name of her mama. His mother was known by the name of hamama. He was born into slavery. And so that was pretty much the life that he had known up till this point. He was owned by a man named who may have been Hello

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Well may have been Hello first. Abuja has best friend, Hughes's best best friend. They grew up together, they work together, they live together, they were absolutely just best friends. And what happened with may have been loved. It's a very interesting story later on what happens in his life, but after the hidrive after the migration is something we'll talk about in greater detail later on. But basically, you may have been honnef considered actually for some time to believe in the prophets a lot easier to accept the message. And abou john, when he shared this fact, with a Buddha Buddha has been his best friend, you know, he confided in Abu Jihad and Abu Jad scared him away. He

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basically said, No, you cannot do that you as a leader of Quraysh. If you end up accepting the faith or religion or Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, then what's the safe for everybody else? You're going to open the floodgates so you can do this. And that's why some of the scholars say that the ion sort of tool for God, that Yomi Abu Dhabi more Elijah de yaku de la Tani Taha, Kumara, Sunni, Sabina that on the day that he will literally knock off his own arm his own hand that that person will say that I wish I would have taken a path with the Prophet. I wish I would have joined forces with the prophets a lot he sent them yeah later Yeah, we letter later Nila Mata hateful Anand

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kalila he'll curse himself in you'll say I wish I never would have taken this guy as my best friend. And some of the scholars say that that's talking about Abu Jahan and the friendship of William inhabitable, john. So omegamon Health is very interesting guy and even dies in a very interesting way. Something that we'll talk about when we reach the story of the Battle of Baba. But there's a very interesting story there. Nevertheless, may have been kind of owned, beloved by the alumni who belong to the logo, and he was one of the first few people to accept Islam. So when he accepted Islam, and may even have came to know of this, and obviously told his friend Abuja that guess what's

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going on one of my slaves behind, he's accepted this new religion, and he's believed in Mohammed Abdullah, and what he has to say, a Buddha told him, he said, since you own this slave, he goes, why don't you let me do what I have to do? Why don't you let me let me try out this new theory that I have. So he said, Okay, go for it. It's a slave. What do I care? I mean, you have to understand, it's very unfortunate. We're not condoning it in any way, shape, or form. It was terrible. But the attitude was that they basically thought of slaves like property, it was just like a piece of furniture. So he said, Okay, fine, do whatever you want. And it said that abou john unleashed a

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terrible, terrible torture upon binondo the Allahu anhu. Some of the details of the torture of beloved the Allahu anhu is that

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he would whip him all night long, he would tie him up and then he would whip him mercilessly ruthlessly, until I will abou john himself would become exhausted. Well, either homea to go here or to form my Yoruba sokrati. Allah Avi mov to darwaza sorry. So then what he would do is during the daytime when the heat would reach its peak, and it became very, very hot, he would at that time, lay down below the alarm line, who upon the burning scorching sand without his clothes on, so would scorch and burn his back. And then you would ask someone to bring a big old rock and lay it down on his chest so that he could not even be moved. He was immovable, the rock was immovable, and so below

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the low one would become trapped underneath this rock, and he would leave literally leave him there all day long. He would tie belong with the long two horses and make the horses run and dragging him across the burning sand. This was the fury of the torture that he unleashed. Upon below the law. And below the law, no becoming literally the symbol of faith and belief and conviction and, and steadfastness and devotion and dedication. Below the last minute became famously known by the cause of I had an I had, I had an aha, he would scream at the top of his voice, he would scream at the top of his lungs, that one one allies, only one allies, only one. And

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this was one of the key examples of the torture that was Alicia that time, but below the long line whose faith could not be shaken. And it said basically, and this is where the story kind of intertwines with a few more details, something we can learn a lot about. So you had a terrible, terrible man, who was heartless, who was ruthless, who was so set and was so poisoned with the animosity and hatred of Ursula Salatu, Salam and Islam that he was doing this to a human being.

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I mean, can you even imagine doing this to another human being? Can you imagine watching this be done to another human being?

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I mean, that's why I personally I find it shocking A lot of times when I hear about like young people watching like a lot of the moves

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Come out today you know it's it's Halloween season, may Allah protect us but when I hear about a lot of these young people watching movies like saw and all this kind of stuff, I don't even understand I can't even grasp how somebody can watch you know, another human being being cut up or being tortured. It's I mean, it's, it's, it's difficult to even like watch something like that, let alone being the one to perpetrate that and do that to another living breathing human being, to hear the screams to see the blood, to see that being done to human being to do that to another human being. So you have to be ruthless and merciless like this heartless human being barely a human being.

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And on the other side, you see Abubakar Mohan,

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who was obviously a businessman, he was he was fairly successful, but he wasn't like somebody who was just unbelievably wealthy, endless amounts of wealth. But he was well to do respectable businessman, very memorable, but kind of a long one, it was an honest man, which means he never earned in a dishonest penny in his entire life. He was known by their reputation monka, we talked about this. So obviously, if you try to earn a lawful income, you try to play it straight. You know, there's obviously you're going to make money but not as much money as somebody who's willing to cut some corners and do some shady stuff. So

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as well to do Abu Bakar, the long run who passed by beloved the llama, and in this tortured, being tortured in this manner, and it said that he said to me, You have been cut off, he said that will you sell this slave of yours to me? and

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initially refused until the 11th. I'm gonna have to keep raising the price and some of the narrations talk about that it became a very steep price. But eventually we agreed and Abubakar radi Allahu anhu paid him the price, secured the sale of beloved of the old model and immediately set him free. He immediately set him free. And the story of beloved 11, who like I said he would become a symbol of the sacrifice that was made by early Muslims that are honorable katavi a long line who will later on remark one time Oh my god, a loved one who saw Abu Bakar in Milan, for the love monument sitting together talking together and they were best friends who were very good friends. In

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fact, a lot of the A lot of what I knew would be known as de la Mola, Abu Bakar Bilaal The one who is the Associate of Abu Bakar, because he was freed by Abu Bakr, radi Allahu anhu. So they shared a very deep, profound friendship. And later on one time when the loved one would see him, or whatever the loved one who would say, while seeing them together, he would say that, while looking at them, he would say that there is our master, he would look at the beloved the Allahu anhu, saying who has saved you do not. That is our leader, that is our master who is freed by our other master.

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And so that was the respect that belongs to the old man who earned and deserved from even his colleagues and his peers because of the sacrifices he made. Of course, we know and we'll talk later on in the cedaw, about the respect that a las panatela afforded below the love and the position and the dignity and honor that was bestowed upon him when bulahdelah the Allahu anhu would be made them all at the end of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when bilello the loved one who would be asked to climb on top of the Kaaba by the prophets, a lot of them and call out the amount of effort to Makkah, after the Kaaba had been purged of all the idols that had littered it, that had soiled it.

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For centuries before that the first time it was clean and pure and free from these idols the first time in centuries, that belonged to the lover and he was the one that would proclaim the words Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar from there, that the Prophet of Allah Salaam had a soft spot for below the logo I know. And I used to tell people don't speak ill to Bill Allah de la mano, don't say anything bad to my to my friend, Bill. And the promises are a saucepot for Bill Allah, the Allahu anhu. And so this beloved de la Manu was the basically first one that Abu Jamal unleashed this Reign of Terror upon and below the alarm I knew kind of became the symbol of the struggle of the early

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Muslims. Along with that, there were many, many other early Muslims who were slaves who were women. There were many women. Some young people like we talked about some of the youngsters and so of course, being young, or being women, and particularly being slaves, they were being tortured ruthlessly and mercilessly and abubaker, the loved one who plays a very prominent role in destroyed because he took it upon himself to do whatever he could in order to help these people. And I wanted to share some of these stories. In today's session.

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I might have been for Hadar rhodiola

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I'm who was one of these early believers and he was also a slave. And it said that he belonged to to Fabian Abdullah LSD. And he was actually a relative of the wife of Abu Bakar about the alarm on Moodle man. And similarly, he was being tortured Abubakar de la mano, because of the family connection, ended up finding out about this situation, and again, purchased his, purchased him from the owner and set him free. And he would continue to work for a book about being a loved one who, as a shepherd, and I'm a glutton for hate or one of his skills was that he was a tracker. He was a tracker. He was very good at finding his way through, you know, different paths and things like

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that. And so he would later on play a very vital role in the migration of the profits a lot he sent me and Abubakar adding a lot more I know from Mecca to Medina, he would end up playing a very vital role and help Abu Bakar on the 11th annual in the prophets a lot. He said them in their migration from Mecca to Medina. And so this was one of those early converts who was being tortured. There's a story of a woman

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that is very, very profound. One of the there was a slave woman by the name of some of the books of Sierra mentioned her name is Zinnia and some say no it is Junaid on and that's simply because the tusky The halaqaat is not present in classical Arabic. So it's at noon Yara and Tamar Bhutto. So because of that it can be read or pronounced as zimny ra or zu NATO. So this was a slave woman who belonged to someone from the Muslim clan. Now again, because she belonged to the tribe of masoom. The consequences are the result of that was she belonged to someone from the tribe of Abu Jan.

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And so again, Abuja had basically said, okay, there's this woman who has accepted this new religion, handed over to me, hand her over to me, I got this, I got these people. I know how to deal with these people. And he started torturing her. And it said that he deprived her of sleep food, water, and he tortured her so mercilessly, that it's actually said that due to the prolonged malnourishment and torture and the stress that she was under, that she basically lost her eyesight, and she went blind.

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And once you went blind, and a Buddha began to turn to her, he said, Do you know why you've gone blind? woman? Do you know why you've lost your eyesight? And he started to tell her and mockery said you've lost your eyesight, because a lot of

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the tribes have to forage. It shouldn't be the ibos at the finish worshiped, said that a lot in RZA have taken your eyesight away. They have stripped you of your eyesight, because you have disbelieved in them and you've abandoned the religion of your forefathers, our forefathers and that's why this has happened to you. And it said that at that time, she was so devastated by not having the ability to be able to respond to him or counter him that she just simply said, Hi, that Masha, Allah who had on my sharabi this is what my Lord had decided for me and that's why I've lost my eyesight. And she said, My Lord can give me my eyesight back.

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My Rob can return my eyes to me.

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Who do you think you are? This woman slave woman being tortured, being tied up and tortured, endlessly ruthlessly. She speaks with courage to Abu Jan and says my Rob has taken it when he can give them back that if he wants. It said that the following day, when Abuja came back, to torture her some more, he saw her looking straight at him. And our eyesight had been restored. And she could see once again, this is one of those miraculous early incidents that occurred in the early sivo. These were amazing people. These were amazing people because they were downtrodden. They were easily overlooked. They were cast aside, they were tortured, treated like treated like animals. And Allah

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subhanaw taala displayed his mercy and His power in helping these people in aiding these people.

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Abu Bakar, the Aloha, I knew hearing about this situation, he again moved in, spoke to the owner and said that I'd like to purchase a slave wound from you purchased her and set her free.

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Day it said there's another story about a woman called an A Nadia, her and her daughter both accepted a psalm. They were from Abu Dhabi. There was another tribe and other family called up to dub and they both accepted Islam. And when they both accepted Islam, they were owned by a slave woman, who basically said that she basically started to torture them. She started

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to torture them, and while torturing them, she was still putting them to work and you know, utilizing them and and basically, you know, abusing them. So one day she came with a lot of flour. She came with a lot of flour, and she basically said that I want you to start to need all this flour together. And she basically wanted them to need all the flour and bake it into bread and then that's what she used to sell. So she used her slaves for business. She still wanted them to work but on the off hours when they weren't working, then she would torture them, but she would still make them work. So she basically bought a bunch of fresh flower, gave it to them, told them to start working.

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And she swore she said that she swore by the idols she said La La

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Kuma I will never free the both of you. I will never free you because that was her business. That was a bread and butter. That's how she's arrived. It said that Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu came and he said Helen Yum, yummy fula he said that free them, let them go. And she said halen, and upset Tahoma

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for our Mama, she said, You asked me to free them. You're the one that ruined them. Knowing that Abubakar, the one who was the close confidant and friend, and strong believer and supporter of the prophets, who loves him, he said, You ruined my slaves. They were good workers, this was my business. And you ruined my slaves. You turn them into these Muslims, these believers. He said you want them to be free, you free them. So he said for me for becoming Huma. She said how much he's yesterday. He said, How much will they cause carnate? Because our color she said this, this this, she gave him a very, you know, high price. It said that I

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said to him, he said that I'll buy them both. Fine. Didn't even negotiate the price. He said this what you want, okay? When home brought the money back, he said, Here's your money now give them to me.

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And she transferred ownership and he said, Well, Mahabharata. He said, both of you are free from today on forward, and he freed both of them. And this is where it's so panela it's amazing something for us to learn a lesson from.

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He said energy I really had ohana. So when he freed the two of them, he said okay, now they were working on all this flour. They were surrounded by bags and bags of flour that they had to bake into bread.

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So he said both of you are free. Now go and return all this flour to the former owner. You can do nothing wrong. I understand that she abused you and she tortured you but you didn't steal her flower. You have to return her flower to her.

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Forget about returning the flower chair. They both asked us what kind of a loved one who Carlita have an afro who men who Yeah, Baba

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sama naraku la.

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He said they both asked Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu that is it. Okay, if we ended up finishing the job that we had taken?

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Do you mind?

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We appreciate that you've purchased our freedom and you freed us. But we were in the middle of a task. Consider this her last good deter, can we finish the job that we had started. And then we can give her her finished product and then we'll go on her way. He said that he can show it to me, he goes you can do whatever you like you're free. Now. You don't need permission, you can do whatever you want. And it said that both of them stayed there until they finished baking all that bread finished that job returned to her the finished product and then they went on their way.

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This was the caliber and the quality of these early believers. You know, we read about them having the company of Rasulullah sallallahu the Sahaba of the profits. A lot of times we read about these miracles that transpire a woman having her eyesight restored back to her in one night all of a sudden miraculously by Allah subhanaw taala. But there was a reason this this was the caliber of these people. This was the quality of these individuals.

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So this was the flock and the character that they had.

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And so again, Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu was responsible for freeing the both of them.

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There was another woman by the name of Omar base. she belonged to a swab in Abuja, Huth foods from the tribe of Zahra. Abu Bakar, the Allahu Allah one day saw her being tortured, and he bought her and set her free. There was another woman who belong to

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the tribe of ID and Amina mahatama. The Allahu anhu actually used to torture this woman

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used to torture this woman before his Islam. He used to torture this woman and it said that one day he was tortured.

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You're beating her, and he got very, very tired.

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get exhausted, fatigued. Ilana was a young, strong, powerful man. He got fatigued, extremely fatigued and tired. And he stopped. And he said, he tells her he goes, by the way, I'm only stopping because I'm tired. Not because I'm done torturing newburger only because I'm tired. She looks at him.

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And she smiles and she says, this is a law who makes you exhausted.

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This is a law who makes you exhausted,

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a lot parallel and makes you exhausted. And that's why you don't find the strength to be able to torture me anymore. Abu Bakar The one who came in and once again purchased her freedom and freedom set her free. And Abu Bakr radi, Allahu anhu continued to do this

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continuously. And so much so that Father of Abu Bakar, the one who actually became a little frustrated with discontinued behavior. And so Abu hanifa, the father of a book, or the Allahu anhu, would much much later on accept Islam. He approaches his son, Abu Bakar. And remember Abu Bakar. The unknown was, as I mentioned, he was a very successful businessman, and he was known for being a very intelligent businessman. His father was a little puzzled, and he said, the apollonia in the urraca to our difficulty often

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I see that you keep purchasing these very weak, feeble, humble slaves for no unaka. He said, I see that you keep purchasing and setting free these people and that's fine. That's good. But they're weak people. Follow Anika is for ultimate for Alta, dr. john Angela da.

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Is it okay, I guess I can kind of understand what you're doing here. You feel obligated to do a good deed, that's fine. You do your thing. I understand. But he said, Have you ever thought about maybe if you're going to invest all this money and all these resources into purchasing and setting people free? Why don't you purchase a bunch of strong slaves like men, powerful, strong, physically gifted slaves and set them free? Because what basically happens you now have a posse

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you now got a crew? You're gonna have a group you know, you're setting you've set a half a dozen people free.

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A couple of them are a scrawny little slaves were tortured near death.

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A bunch of the others are women, old women. Did you ever think you should just go and look for the biggest, strongest, toughest youngest men that you can find that are slaves and set them free and that way you kind of have some support? Your narrow neck away ahuna do NACA they'll protect you and they'll stand and protecting fen trouble away from you.

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In the in the in Mr. Lee Dumas

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he said, I don't even know what to explain to you that all I know is I know what I want and I'm doing exactly what I need to do. I know what I want. I'm not looking for different I'm not looking for bodyguards. I'm not looking for a posse. I'm not looking for a gang or a crew or a bunch of bouncers to surround me. I'm not looking for a security detail. He said I'm looking for a job with Allah subhanaw taala I'm looking to invest into my aka Southern Nigeria to purchase and free people who have very high esteem were held in high esteem in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala by a lion is messenger salatu salam. And it said that these ions in Surah two lane were revealed in praise of

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Abu Bakar radi Allahu anhu for Imam and out or what ah as for the person who gives and he is conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala what's up the fabulous na, and he does a good deed in the most excellent manner possible for cenu Yes, Cyril huling, Yusra, Allah subhanho wa Taala said we continue to make it easier and easier for him. This is the beauty of a good deed. When a good deed is done initially, that might be difficult, that might not make a lot of a lot of logical sense. But the beauty of a good deed like that is that it facilitates other good deeds, then other follow up good deeds become very easy and become very facilitated. A lot one on his lifetime freed hundreds of

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slaves, hundreds of slaves.

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How does somebody go about and

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bankrupt himself twice in the support of the dollar the mission of the profits allottee Center

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to accompany the prophecies on the night of Hendra and looking at the loved one was in the cave, along with the profit of a loss a lot of them will back out of the aloneness understood by the side of the prophets. allottee. So

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who was the best friend of the prophets, a lot of us put in charge by the prophets a lot him of the oma how

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to somebody achieve all of this great virtue, because when you take that first step, and you're willing to do what needs to be done, and you're willing to do what's right,

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even though it might seem a little difficult or challenging, or might not seem like, you know, might not make a lot of sense to a lot of the people in the world at that time, but you know, what you're doing is right, and you know, you're trying to please a lot, and you keep doing what you're supposed to do. Allah subhanaw taala continues to facilitate deeds for you, and the ball starts to roll. And then there's no stopping that. We talked about a snowball effect, you have no idea what this is like, because everything starts to roll. And from there, las panatela facilitates, and that was the gift of Abu Bakar de la one. That is what Booba karate Allahu anhu was. And so this was basically

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what transpired there in those early days of Mecca, that when those people started to draw towards Islam, and started to believe in the profits a lot he set up, then this was a lot of the torture. This was a lot of the difficulty that they were dealing with. And Abu john on one side or may have been one of these people, they played one role, they will play the role of the antagonists. They were the villains in this entire scene. And the protagonist, the hero in this situation was none other than Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu, who was swooping in who was coming in time after time to help these Sahaba these companions of the prophets allegedly such beloved people to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala and continue to be there for the for them.

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kebab in an era the Allahu anhu was another one of these young men instead of a kebab radi Allahu anhu that he was kidnapped actually, when he was a young boy, he was not born a slave. He was kidnapped and sold into slavery. And he was slowly sold to a man who belonged to the tribe of who's our. He also accepted a song very, in the very early days of Islam, the message of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and this man Ababa the Allahu anhu was another one of those guinea pigs. He was another one of those people that they experimented torture upon.

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And terrible things I talked about him a few sessions ago, terrible, terrible things were done to him, he was literally put onto heated stones, to the point where his back was completely burned.

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His back was permanently scarred, yet permanent, like physical damage that he sustained because of this terrible torture that they inflicted upon him. But once again, he stayed strong, and was eventually able to get his freedom, and was able to join the site of the profits of luxury. And I talked about how he would also become a very inspirational figure, to the Sahaba the alarm on home, where I'm going to be Katara de la mano, anytime you felt a little overwhelmed by anything, he would come and sit down with Kabbalah the Allahu anhu. And he would say, let me see your back. Tell me about the early days, and hobro the Lama and he would pull up his shirt and metal delana would say,

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I've never seen anything like this in my entire life. And never seen anything like this in my entire life. And he would tell him destroy your stories of the early days of torture, and murder, the Allahu anhu would immediately say, that's the perspective I was looking for. This is a perspective I was looking for. A boo ha ha

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ha ha, was another slave who belonged to a farm bill omega. This is the son of omega bin Aleph. So this is a slave that belonged to omega.

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When beloved Ella Anna was finally freed, father and son both began to torture a bouquet. And it said that a bouquet ha, was tortured ruthlessly, and was tortured to no end to the point where there are even some narrations that say that he was literally tortured near death. He was tortured near death. And so there's one particular story where they had him on the ground and they were beating him and torturing him and kicking him and beating him. And above a bug or an insect walked by his body, a bug or insect was walking by on the ground. And the safavi noumea points at this bug and he goes, that's your Lord, isn't it? You crispy? Probably worship something like that, don't you?

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And he said that. He said, No, my Rob is your Rob and Rob of the entire world. Robbie, who are aboukir rapala alamy.

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Even in that situation, and he said he was so infuriated that How dare this slave has the courage to speak to me to talk back to me while I'm torturing him, that it said that he fell down on him and began to strangle him until he fell and fell unconscious because of

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You know, basically he was being he was strangled to the point suffocated to the point where he became unconscious. And when he became unconscious, then finally in that situation, Stefan basically let him go and walk away, because he literally thought that he was dead.

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He thought that he was dead. They assumed that he had died. And only and only then did they finally leave him and walk away. And it's also said that Abu Bakar over the long run came in, purchased him and set him free.

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There's that other remarkable story of some of the early believers, there was a family, a beautiful family.

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There was an elder, there was a middle aged son,

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who said was about in his 30s. He was the only child very close to his parents, and his mother and his father. His father's name was the asset and his mother's name was sumiya. And it said that Amaro the Allahu anhu, was one of the early people to accept Islam. And he accepted Islam. It's there's an interesting backstory to Yes, here. The father was actually not from Mecca, us from Yemen. He had come to Mecca early on when he was still young, to basically look for a life because you're gonna have very severe. We talked about this in the earliest of the senior sessions that we did, where we talked about Yemen was basically in, in a depression in a recession. Yemen had very tough

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conditions, it was in a very bad economic situation. There were no jobs, there was no business, it was really tough. Life was tough out there. Morocco was thriving. So this young man, yes, it migrates to Mecca, looking for work looking for business. And when he arrives there, the only way that you could really gain like citizenship in Morocco was you needed to have some type of an agreement with somebody who was a citizen of Makkah to broker a deal. So he brokered out a deal with one of the citizens of Makkah. And part of that deal was and actually brokered a deal with somebody from the Muslim tribe. And so part of that deal now was that he was basically an ally of the masumi

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But he was a very humble man, he didn't have much. So he worked as a as a servant work, you know, labor menial jobs, but it was good hamdulillah. And he was happy with life there. He got married, to actually a slave woman named sumiya. And they didn't care. They were humble people living their humble little life. They just felt good that there was enough bread on the table. And they had basic safety and they were happy. They had one child, a son named a man who they loved very, very deeply. They cared for him very deeply. He ends up accepting Islam meets the prophets, a lot of women accept Islam. Now, because of their situation, among knowing exactly his family situation, he would sneak

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at night and sneak back in the morning, to go sit with the prophets of sentiment, the House about to come and learn and worship with the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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The parents kind of noticed that the Son sneaks out and sneaks back in and is up to something. So they wait for him one day, they asked him What's going on? And he comes clean.

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When he comes clean, they, they're there. They're devastated. Because they basically try to make him understand Do you know what will happen to us? If they find out?

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Do you know what they'll do to you will do to all of us. And

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he took that opportunity as an opportunity gives them power. He goes, Well, let me explain to you what I believe exactly what this is, let me tell you.

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And he gives him the message, the Quran, the words of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they were so deeply affected. They both say they want to go and meet the prophets a lot. Hmm. They both go and accept Islam, Abuja and found out that this little family that my tribe, my people, I've given protection to had the audacity, this group of slave servants had the audacity to accept this new religion. So he says, hand them over to me time to make an example out of them.

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And again, they this was a new experiment for Abu john and his torture, because now this was a whole family. So he tied them up,

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tied them up standing up to poles, leave them there for days on end, hanging from these poles, strung them up.

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And he would torture them in front of each other.

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And you continue doing this, and this went on for a very long time.

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It said that the Prophet of Allah Luddism would walk by tears in his eyes,

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he would be crying, and he would say sovereign alyansa sovereign seminarians he would say to

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patients or family of acid have patience. He would say congratulations, or family of acid congratulations in the morning.

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When Jenna you will all be reunited in paradise.

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You will all be reunited in paradise in Jeddah.

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Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu saw the situation. He goes to jail and he says give them to me or burn or purchase them from you. He says no, no, no refuses Not this time. Not this time.

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Go away. I don't need your money.

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So finally, the mother one day

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tells Abuja tells him off straight up.

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A woman of a man just tells him straight up. No matter what you do, or boudjellal, we will not disbelieve. We will not be deterred, we will not stop. You can't change it. You can't do anything to us. We just become so infuriated by the display of courage by this one.

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That he throws her down, pulls out a spear and kills her right there on the spot in front of her husband and her son. Can you imagine what that must have been like? To be tied up and watch your own wife murder in front of your own eyes to see your own mother

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assassinated, murdered martyred in front of your own eyes. And she was the first one to lose lose her life from this oma. So the first martyr the first one to give the sacrifice of life was a woman from this woman.

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And then there are two narrations, some say they acid, or the Allahu anhu eventually died, just due to prolonged torture. Some say no. Eventually, he just completely just was beside himself at the sight of his wife being murdered in front of him that he just started to just yell and scream and fight and squirm and try to break free that Buddha had took him and threw him down and began to kick him.

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And his head he literally kicked him to death.

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He beat him to death he kicked him until he breathed his last now a moto the loved one who's standing there watch his both of his parents murdered in front of his own eyes. Can you imagine what that was like?

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And finally, unable to bear this anymore. Now the intensified the torture upon the loved one.

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The narration say and this is you know, something that

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I'm going to mention here just a little bit of detail because it's relevant to the topic in the history of this situation. But they eventually get kept torturing him kept torturing him and realize the sight of his parents dying in front of him was the was the worst part of the torture

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that they kept torturing him, drove him to the brink of like insanity, losing his mind.

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And then they finally said

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that say that you believe in a Latin Ursa and say that you don't believe in Mohammed Rasul Allah.

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Say it, say it say

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that imagine just having murdered somebody's parents in front of their eyes, and then beating somebody in the face kicking somebody screaming that into their face.

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A mother of a loved one who says Fine, fine, okay, okay, I believe I believe I don't believe in it.

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And then they cut the ropes and they threw him down on the ground feeling that they achieved some type of victory. And they walked off

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Amalia laguan, who

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literally crawl so the profits allottee Center,

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emotionally, psychologically, he's a wreck.

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Physically, he's beaten. And then spiritually, he's hurting. Because of what just came out of his mouth. he crawls to the prophets a lot he some tears in his eyes.

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It says a messenger of Allah, I messed up.

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messenger of a lie messed up. This is what I said.

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The Prophet of Allah salatu salam asks him a question.

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He said what was in your heart? Yeah, Ma, what was in your heart and says, I swear by Allah. I've never believed in a lot more. I've never believed in you anymore. My Eman was stronger than it's ever been before. Just I just I was overwhelmed.

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And Allah subhanaw taala in that situation, revealed even iaat validating the amount of murder of a loved one who

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that when you are overwhelmed, when you are tortured when you are just torn to shreds.

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And at that time, something comes up from your tongue which is not in your heart.

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Allah subhanaw taala understands.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala understands.

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He understands

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and he forgives you and you're in

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Man is not violated, your mind is not invalidated.

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And the Prophet of Allah, civilize him because of the revelation that I even told us about all the 1111 supplamine, who Toka even told us a habit or the alarm,

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that if any one of you end up in this situation, say what these wild dogs want to hear.

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So that then you're able to escape their their grip and their torture, later on a model of the Allahu anhu would leave, and would migrate with the Muslim soon thereafter, trap senior to have a shot to East Africa, and would later on meet the prophets a lot similar in Medina to munawwara. And that's a very beautiful story that we'll talk about at that time, inshallah.

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So, this was the plight and the situation of many of these early Muslims, and exactly what they ended up dealing with.

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So how do I even at this time, this is, and one other thing that I'll talk about, in this situation before I go forward, is eventually this situation grew to the point where it wasn't just a women in the slaves anymore.

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But even the men and the wealthy and the elite,

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they were even persecuted. earthman been a fan of the loved one who was titled but is by his own family and told that we will not release you not let you go. His uncle al hakam bin Abdullah is tied him up and said, I will not let you go until you renounce your Islam you forsake this new religion, Earth man or the Allahu anhu said, I will never do this until he was finally able to escape savina be with us. We talked about his story last time where his mother, you know, tried to emotionally blackmail him into leaving the faith that he accept accepted one of the famous stories of this nature's Musab bin or the Allahu anhu, who was a celebrity at his time, who was young, handsome,

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wealthy, rich, well dressed GQ, he was a celebrity at his time.

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He was at a It must have been no man was at a party you knew it was a place to be. That's who must have been aware of the Aloha Who was he accepted Islam. It said that again. His mother tied him up and even tortured him

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so that he would leave the religion. And when he finally would not leave when she saw him sticking, it said that she literally stripped him of all of his clothing and threw him out onto the street, without clothing without food without anything. And he came to the prophets a lot. He said, I'm in this humble condition, and the prophets alleged them covered him and took care of him and and kept him with him.

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And finally, that day would come and again, we'll talk about this from researching the Sierra, when was I've been aware of a lot of money would be one of the first deputies. When the first ambassadors of the profits a lot he said them when the people from yesterday, which would become an Madina munawwara when there was about 100 or so believers in the city of Yerevan, the process of not a lot of optimism and a lot of hope for the city and its people that the promises needed to send someone there to teach these people and to continue to spread the faith. He said none other than this young man will Sabino made and he was sent there as a mockery as a more unnim as a teacher and Ambassador,

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the he was the TA of the prophets allottee center.

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And he was sent by the process of instead he was there for a year teaching and preaching, and setting the year literally converted half the city over to Islam.

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The one leader of one tribe saben Morales, for the 11th annual comes to

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comes to Mousavi numero de la

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and there's a whole story that will go over at that time, but he basically talks to him and was hoping that the alarm invites him to Islam and convinces him and Sagamore either the Allahu anhu accepts Islam. One minute, he converts to Islam sobbing rather the lower honor goes to his entire tribe,

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goes to his entire tribe stands in front of them says what what do you think about me? What's my position amongst you? How do y'all feel about me? He said, you're a leader. You're the most noble man we've ever known.

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We love you, we follow you.

00:49:25 --> 00:49:30

We're loyal to you. And he said, I've taken an oath I will not speak to any of you.

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Until you accept this religion of Islam and says by evening time, literally the whole tribe converted over to Islam. This wasn't workable Sabino meadow, the Alomar No. So he was tortured. Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah we talked about in detail that story of a book about the Llano being beaten nearly to death

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by automatic neurobiol by his face being literally disfigured.

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And so this was the situation that was going on.

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in Makkah, now in the middle of this situation. One thing that happened was Abu Talib, the uncle of the process and became very concerned because now these women first and first the slaves then the women, then even some other men. Now even these prominent members of prominent families, everyone is being tortured this this this strategy of Abuja and is starting to catch on even though it's not working men have nobody left Islam because of torture, not a single person. By the way, that should be no not a single person due to torture first left their Islam renounce their faith, their religion.

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So but it becomes concerned that how long before they feel that they feel like it's okay for them to lay hands on the grandson of Abdullah Khalid Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam My dear beloved nephew, the boy that I raised my boy, my nephew, how long before they lay hands on him? So it said that a Bhutanese gathered together the family, you know the elders of the family of the prophets a lot he sent them.

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And he said to them, that I need a promise from all of your that you will protect Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I thought that being a very, very intelligent man knew the strategy, he recited a poem before then he said he that stima icomoon coration Lima, Lima for him for Abu munaf in siru Hauer, Swami Maha. He said that when he gathers together to protect their dignity and their honor, and enough, the one the families of courage because they were the great great grandsons of munaf. They said I will do enough. They protect their core and even their outer lying arms mean they protect the people that are a core part of the family and even people who are remotely

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connected to the family they predict the honor of all of them. When hustling let us refer Abdi manaphy ha furphy Hashem in Ashraful, hava de moi. He said that if we were willing to protect the family of munaf, then we need to think about one thing that within Bennu Hashem within the family of manabu Hashem the greatest and the most honorable and dignified of the men belong to boo Hashem because Abdullah was brainwash him.

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He was the son of Hashem. We're in fossati omen for India, Mohammed Abu al Mustafa Minh city, our Karima. He says whether you like what Mohammed ssago not, if you are proud of who you are in your tribe, then you know that Muhammad is a proud member of our Proud Family.

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Mohammed is the grandson of him. Today operation her to her was Amina ha ha Nina. phenom talk for watershed Hulu Maha separation is being called to action. Their honor, their dignity is being impeded upon what is he going to do? What could not Kadima nanocrystals Rama is Martha knows surah kabhi nahi Maha. So we've never tolerated disrespect and dishonor to our forefathers in our tribe. How would we tolerate it now when mama Hakuna yummy curry Hutton

00:53:09 --> 00:53:27

Jerry harmony Omaha we will be strong and fierce in defending our honor. No matter how difficult the situation becomes. And we will attack we will take on an attack anyone who tried to lay a finger on our honor and dignity

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benign international rule of law in the UK nafi had attended to attend me.

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So he calls to action. smart man, he calls him to action, pointing out the fact that look Muhammad is the grandson of Abdulmutallab Are you going to let the the honor and the dignity the legacy of your forefathers go down like that?

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Look what's going on in America? Everybody's lost their mind? What if somebody tries to lay a finger on Mohammed? What are you going to do? Think of

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think of ash and think of abdomen F

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and that exactly worked. All the leaders of Quraysh all the leaders have been Hashem they basically stood there and they said no, we will not tolerate we will not tolerate it. We will not tolerate it. And they all gave their oath. At that moment, I will taught him that we will protect Muhammad's allottee. So we don't like him. We don't like what he has to say will protect them and defend him because of the honor of the family. And it said one person did not agree.

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One person stormed out of that meeting, very angry.

00:54:37 --> 00:54:38

Any lucky guesses?

00:54:39 --> 00:54:40

Abu lahab

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Abu lahab, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam stormed out of there, very upset, very angry. No, I don't agree with this and continued on doing what he did.

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So this is what was transpiring there in Mecca in those early days.

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In the midst of all of this

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in the midst of all of this, now that we'll talk about taking this oath from the family that they would protect the profits a lot instead of

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Quraysh put together puts together a convoy remember they had come to Abu Talib earlier had spoken about this and the process and became very emotional. And then we'll Talib spoke poet he said some poetry flooding the prophets a lot of them know that I got your back to keep doing what you got to do.

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At that time, they came back doubleton it now they brought even more people. They gathered every respectable leader they could find in and around mcca we get to reason with this with double Tada.

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And look at these people look how foolish they are. They come to a vote on it. And they bring with him a man by the name of very model even

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a model took me worried. This was a young man whose father was a well respected men in America. He was very intelligent, very smart had a lot of potential brilliant young men. And they come there and they say

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we got enough.

00:56:09 --> 00:56:12

Look, we understand Muhammad like your boy.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:23

He's You know, he was always had a lot of potential he showed a lot of character, he showed a lot of potential. We understand things like your boy, we get it.

00:56:24 --> 00:56:26

Here's what we got to offer to.

00:56:27 --> 00:56:33

Let's make a trade. You see a motto right here. Look at it. Nice. You like him?

00:56:34 --> 00:56:39

Right? smart, intelligent, a lot of potential very loyal.

00:56:41 --> 00:56:49

Why don't you take a model, he can be your successor, your follower, you can groom him, train him, whatever it is that you had planned for Mohamad

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and very quietly, kind of move out of the way so we can take Mohammed and we can do what we got to do. Let's just make a trade.

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00:57:01 --> 00:57:14

that's the most preposterous thing personally, that I've ever read in my entire life. That's ridiculous. That's obviously not factoring in the human connection, I will have loved the prophet to love him loved him, like a child.

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And that might sound very preposterous. And even at that time, at some level, you know, I've read some books of the Sierra, where they, they basically say, Oh, you have to understand the culture at that time. They used to pride themselves on their family, their children, their sons, it was all about the tribe and the family, and the legacy and the leadership, etc, etc.

00:57:33 --> 00:57:39

Even at that time, this was just ridiculous. It was insane to propose something like this.

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But that's the level that these people had gone to.

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They didn't even make sense anymore. It was just pure foolishness. They have lost complete rationale and logic. And they made this type of an offer tablet on him. And as you can imagine,

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it was beside himself.

00:58:01 --> 00:58:07

A boot on him, was beside himself, that it said that he actually says to them

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in the narrations that actually mentioned that he says to them, that you people have completely lost it. He said, This is the worst thing anyone has ever sent to me in my entire life.

00:58:21 --> 00:58:28

matters who Mooney labette samata su Mooney. He said this you people are insulting me.

00:58:29 --> 00:58:31

This is the worst way to insult someone.

00:58:32 --> 00:58:48

This this this man Mohammed is like a child like my child, I love him like a son. You think I would give up my son like this debates about this woman and he is the worst way you could possibly anybody has ever cursed me ever in my life is the worst thing that anybody could have done to me,

00:58:49 --> 00:58:50

uh, to aleni If

00:58:52 --> 00:59:02

you give me your son said you give me somebody else's son in exchange for me giving you my son? Have you completely lost it? Are you insane?

00:59:04 --> 00:59:25

And so then he obviously tells them that go from here. I don't accept this deal. And not I'm gonna ID who is a good friend of obatala being an intelligent man and actually says he was an ally of the prophets along with him and a supporter of the Sahaba. Later on, he was there. And I will tell it looked at him and he goes, I'm disappointed in you.

00:59:26 --> 00:59:29

I'm disappointed in you. You disappoint me.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:32

I thought you would have more sense in this.

00:59:33 --> 01:00:00

And so this is how bad the situation had gotten in Makkah at this time. And of course, I will rejected this offer from the Quran and told the prophets a lot he said them that you keep doing whatever it is that you have to do. And this was the the sacrifices what was going on in the early days of Makkah. I want to conclude all of this by pointing out two things to take home lessons. Number one, these were the sacrifices

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Of these people, and in the face and in spite of all the sacrifices, look at their conviction, look at their emotion and faith. They could not be shaken. It's very important for us to read this. Understand this, internalize this and reflect on our own situation. How easily do we complain?

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How much do we cry?

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About our situation? No doubt there's a lot of suffering in the world today. I'm not belittling anyone else's suffering. I'm talking to me.

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When I complain about how difficult my life may be, or how difficult my Islam, practicing Islam may be for me, I need to read the stories like Amara vilano. would go to hubub Amato delana, with the weight of the killer for the Omani shoulders would go to hubbub when he felt overwhelmed and look at his back and say, No, no, never mind. Never mind. I'm straight.

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We need to also read the stories of Sahaba and put things into perspective. And the second thing

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look at what the prophets a lot he tells the same Sahaba who are sacrificing at this level.

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They come to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and they say oh messenger of Allah metallocene Allah,

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O Messenger of Allah, it's too much to bear. When with the help of a law finally come

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the profit or loss allottee someone says to them in a calm, calm and tested Ilan said you people are hasty people are rushing things.

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He says there were people before you, a ditch would be dug, a person would be put in that ditch and then an axe would be taken and that person literally would be chopped into half from the head down.

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A person would be strapped to be tied up and an iron comb would be taken and you'll be skinned alive.

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And they did not rush they did not leave their faith. Stay strong. Hang in there, keep doing what you got to do.

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Even the prophets a lot of some motivates the Sahaba and tells him No, no, hang in there. Keep working to help of Allah will come when the time is right. And that's definitely something we can we need to learn from and that we can expect and we need to remember. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to benefit from the legacy of the Sahaba and the early generations. So Han Allah who will be humbly he subhanak along the hamitic Masha Allah Illa illa Anta Asakura governor Bullock

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