Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 036 – The Prophet Recruits Talented Young People

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallavi message of Islam was seen as a pass, but real. The importance of disrespecting parents and not giving up faith in Islam was emphasized, as it was the only way to avoid abuse. The importance of acceptance of Islam was also emphasized, as it was the only way to avoid the danger of abuse. The pandemic has impacted people in the past, but it has not impacted their work or education. The company is focusing on digital communication and a new digital transformation initiative that will increase productivity and efficiency. The importance of working from home during the pandemic has been essential for personal well-being and productivity, and the company is trying to use it more as a learning and development tool.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're listening to Calum Institute's podcast series. See the life of the Prophet by sheer Abdul Nasir zhongda visit us on the web at Calum Institute dot o RG or find us on [email protected] slash Calum Institute. Similar human handler was Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was a marine.

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Shola continuing with her series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Macedo to nobilia the prophetic biography. We took a break for a couple of weeks there due to the hottie workshop and just difficult schedule but under law we're back on track and plan to continue inshallah from this week on out inshallah every week hopefully bead Milla.

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Last time, we had the Sierra class, we were talking about the, what we discussed was the different phases of the different stages of prophethood. We started off by talking about the prophets, a lot of them of course, receiving revelation, the first handful of people the first for people to believe the message, We then talked about how Allah subhanaw taala afforded the Prophet sallallahu Sallam a certain amount of time, seven generations a possibly up to a couple of weeks, that las panatela afforded the prophets a lot he said him this time to be able to internalize the message, internalize this Prophethood and be able to be able to come to terms with the mission and the task at hand. Once

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the prophets a lot of them had come to terms with this, and he had basically internalized this, and he was comfortable now in this position and this responsibility. This the prophethood took moved into its second phase. And the second phase of the Prophet hood was to take the take the message to his family members, and we talked about all the profits, a lot of them had not one but three successive dinners that he hosted for the leaders of the family, the household, the extended family, the uncles, the cousins, etc. Basically, the men have been too harsh.

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And they took the profits a lot of them three different occasions three separate dinners, to finally be able to communicate the message to them. When the profits a lot of them finally was able to communicate the message. He was met with resistance and denial and rejection by his uncle, Abu lahab.

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After that time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam decided that Allah subhanaw taala rather commanded the prophets a lot he said them that now it was time so the first command was under Article carabin. And then last panel, which Allah commanded the prophets allowed him to take the message public.

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In order to do that the prophets Allah gathered all of the people of brush. Now these were the different families of Quraysh beneficiary montane Banu Hashim bhanwar Bahama, he gathered all these different families of flourish together, and then the prophets, a lot of them ascended onto the mount of sofa and he addressed them from there. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yeah, bunny finger. Yeah, bunny tame? Yeah, bunny.

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Bunny Hashem. Yeah, Benny Abdulmutallab, he addressed all of them. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave him the message, and told them that it was time for them to wake up. It was time for them to realize and understand what was going on, and what the true purpose of their life actually was.

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Once again, when the prophets a lot of them delivered this message, and I talked about this, I highlighted this, that you have to understand this is the objective in this type of a study of deceit or that we try to extract the relevant lessons. You know, we are a minority trying to share Islam with the world around us here. I mean, just today, I received an email from the outreach department here here at the Islamic Center verbing. It's a constant effort that we have Mashallah. And it's something that we strive to do. But we have to understand one thing about spreading the message and doing Dawa the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shared the message. While

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everyone did not embrace Islam standing right there at that moment, not everyone converted to a song. But what's very noteworthy is no one spoke out against or disrespected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in that situation, no one did.

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And that's very interesting if you think about it, because the prophets allowed him was a man of such noble character. The Prophet of Allah Salafi son was a man of such caliber. And he had such a reputation for honesty and trustworthiness in his community, that nobody doubted him, that even if they didn't, they didn't agree with him. They were hesitant to voice their disagreement with him

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because of the respect that he had earned from his people.

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It was

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Buddha was the only person who spoke up on that day. And we well, is that something that, you know? Does that tell us something or not know all that tells us is the character of a Buddha himself, which is very, very transparent and obvious and witnessed within the Sierra itself. We know a hula wasn't a man of great character. And for that simple reason, a Buddha was a very successful businessman was not was never considered a leader like a political expert. He was never considered a political or social leader of Quraysh.

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A Batali was a leader of Quraysh, who had he inherited leadership from the from his father, Abdullah, Abdullah, Abdullah Abdullah was a very successful businessman. He was he was very social like he, he hadn't, he did a lot of networking. And he had a lot of business contacts, and he was very successful financially. But he wasn't considered a leader amongst his people, because he didn't possess that type of character. He was a man of that caliber, and that showed in his character and how we would respond and react to these situations. So Abdullah was the only one who spoke up at that time as well. And again, of course, the people dispersed.

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And from there the mission of the prophets, a lot of them became public. And the prophets, a lot of a sudden we talked about the narration started going out to the marketplace. Yeah, yohannes Bulu, La ilaha illAllah tuifly, who he would call the people to Allah, O people, O humanity, say there's no one worthy of worship but Allah and you will guaranteed you will find success.

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And there are multiple narrations which talk about people witnessing the profits, a lot of them doing this, talking to people sharing the message with people, he was striving, he was working hard, he was exhausting all of his efforts and all of his resources to communicate this message with the people at that time. And one thing that I talked about last time was how the reaction and the people around the profits a lot of time at that time, could be divided into three categories, three distinct categories. Number one was the people who openly opposed him, Abu lahab, his wife, etc. There were those people who believed in him.

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There were those people who believed in him.

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And those were Abubakar Khadija zeytinburnu, haritha, I live in Utah live, probably a lot more. And then there were people who didn't believe in him, but didn't necessarily oppose him. They were in the middle. And amongst them as well, you could further categorize them into two categories. There were those people who just kind of went about their business or and were apathetic overall, which is not desirable. It's not exactly what we want. But at the same time, they weren't an obstruction. They weren't being harmful.

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But there were also some people who did not believe but were supportive of the message likeable, tonic, noteworthy, right. And so this is basically what was going on. In the last session, we talked in detail about Abu lahab, and his opposition to the prophets, a lot of them. And then some of the adversity, the prophets, a lot of some faith faced in terms of that, the torment, the persecution by Abu lahab, in his wife, we also talked about our Bula have demanded of his sons that they basically break off their engagement to the daughters of the prophets, a lot of them, and I thought was very something very hurtful and painful to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So the prophets of

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love, he said, was no stranger to sacrifice this early on in the message.

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Now, what I wanted to dedicate this particular session to was we talked about some of the early believers, but I want to talk about the early community of believers that was established and I wanted to kind of create a little bit of an introduction and appreciation for the first group of people who basically accept the message accepted the message. I'd mentioned this before that Abu Bakar radi Allahu anhu was very crucial, very critical and very important in this regard, how he became a primary force in terms of sharing and spreading the message from the very first day that he himself embracing except to the message he set out to go and talk to his cousins, talk to his

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friends, talk to the people that he was close with, that he trusted their character that he immediately set out to talk to them and bring them to the prophets a lot of them to accept the message. Some of these people that are Boubacar are the alumni who communicated with

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from amongst them was Zubaydah vanilla, awam radi Allahu Allah, Allahu anhu, who actually was a cousin of the prophets allottee Center. He was the son of the aunt of the prophets allottee some Sophia, Binta Abdulmutallab, the aren't the paternal aunt of the prophets Elijah, he was her son. So he was a first cousin of the prophets allies him of course, he's the father of the famous Abdullah Abu Zubaydah, the Allahu Allah. And he was a very noteworthy Companion of the prophets a lot he said on who stood by the sight of the prophets a lot of him and played a very critical role, even in the years after the passing of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was brought to Islam at that

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a Brahmin been I've talked

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About how he was someone very close to the prophets a lot. Hmm. The mother we talked about this in the very early early sessions, where we were discussing the birth of the prophets, a lot of them the mother of the human being over the Aloma on who was present at the time of the birth of the prophets, a lot a Salah

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she was a good friend of the mother of the prophets a lot easier for me to have been 12 and she was present by her side at the time. And when some of the narrations about the birth of the prophets, a lot of them and what was witnessed at that time, the light that came out of the womb, out of the stomach of the mother of the prophets, a lot of them all some of these narrations are mentioned by the mother of the human being rhodiola mine who so he was somebody who was very close to the prophets a lot he said, um, and he also was one of the early people to accept Islam. Now for the loved one who was a leader of his people to put it very plainly, it set up their commanding officer

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of the 11th I knew, you know, not at the not trying to allude to the, the the ship connotations this could have, but as a figure of speech and English, they say somebody's having the Midas touch. Somebody has a Midas touch, somebody has the golden touch, anything they touch turns to gold as a figure of speech of the human being offer the Allahu anhu was a very successful businessman, blessed by Allah subhanaw taala, any endeavor, any business that he took home was immediately successful. There's a famous story about him migrating to the city of Medina. And when he migrated to Medina, he was paired with an unsavoury as a brother than wahat, which we will talk about later. And his untidy

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brother offered part of his business offered him some money to get him up on his feet, under 100, Alfa Laval very respectfully, and in appreciating him, but respectfully, he declined. And he said, That's okay, I appreciate it very much. I appreciate the gesture. But I don't need that. All I need you is to show me where the marketplace is. And he set out towards the marketplace, and maybe have a couple of pieces of cloth to start off with. And he started buying and selling and trading, buying and selling and trading. And it said, when you return by the end of the day, he had returned with a significant profit. And he just kept continuing on from there to the point where he eventually

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reached a level of being a very, very successful businessman. And but at the same time, I've been offering a lot more and who is known for his stock law, his God consciousness and his piety.

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It said about him that he's from the shadow Mashallah, he's the he's from those 10 Sahaba, who are guaranteed Paradise by the prophets, a lot of them in one singular gathering, and the prophets, a lot of them told him at that time that you will lag behind, you will lag behind you will come way after everybody else, like the rest of the group. And he said, Why messenger of Allah? Why am I lagging behind and the Prophet of Allah salatu salam basically told him, he said that, because you will be busy giving the accountability and answering for the wealth that you possess.

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And that always weighed heavy on him. It wasn't to guilt him, that somehow he was supposed to be guilty just because he was blessed by Allah. But the prophets a lot of the sin was doing to be out of one of his students, one of his companions, somebody who was very close to him, somebody of a very high caliber, telling him that you always got to be very conscious about who you are, and to make the most of this blessing. And he was known to do so. And there's a famous, very famous story about him that during the years of the philosopher, I believe this was during the scene half of them No, I found it a local angle that

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basically a business delivery arrived in Medina, a trade caravan, which is classical terms for business delivery. So you know, like when there's a business delivery arrives at a big supermarket or at our warehouse, and you have like 18 wheelers. So these are camels that are tied together in a long succession.

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And this business delivery arrived, and it said that the business delivery was so huge that from the first camel to the last camel, it spanned the entire city of Medina.

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That's how huge a business delivery was. And the whole Medina was abuzz. You can imagine I mean, just imagine if the road was blocked off with a bunch like 1818 wheelers outside, everybody would be at what's going on what's happening. So the whole Medina was abuzz. I shall have a loved one I heard about this. So she came out of her home to see this. And she asked what's going on here? And somebody said this house delivery. These are his business goods that have just arrived.

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So she sent a message after handing alpha della Han

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congratulations mobile Doc, may Allah bless your wealth. Remember what the prophets Allah told you.

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Remember what because she also understood that he was somebody very beloved to the prophets a lot he sent him. So she was looking out for him. Remember what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam told you?

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And when he received the news, the narration says that he broke out into tears. He started to cry. He was so deeply affected by it

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and he said that

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Everything from the first candle to the last, everything is given away in South Africa, going deposit into baitul mal distributed to the poor.

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That was a character of the handling of rhodiola Han. He was also a very strategic thinker. He was a leader of his people in a very strategic thinker. And this was displayed by the confidence and not only the profits, a lot of them had in him. But the confidence that the other Sahaba that also had in him, when I'm going to do it alone, one who passed away, when he was near death, he appointed a council, he appointed a council to oversee the appointment of the next Khalifa. And he appointed six Sahaba. And he said that when I pass away, you are to lock yourself in a room

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and not come out from the room until you have a conclusion as to who should be the halifa.

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And you will vote on who should be the halifa. And the majority wins. Either it's unanimous five versus one, four versus two. But you got six people, right? So there's the possibility of what

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there being a tie.

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provided a tiebreaker.

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And remarkably, his tiebreaker was that if you get tied into vote three and three on each side, the tiebreaker is up there on behalf. whichever side of the handle is on that side wins the vote. So his vote basically counts as two votes.

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I mean, think about the confidence. We talked about the leadership of Katara the alojado. Think about the confidence that Amina what meaning are they allowed one who hasn't this man that he says he's the tiebreaker, his vote is worth two votes.

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So this is a man of great caliber. And he was one of the early people to accept Islam and join the ranks of the believers at that time.

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sad bin Abi waqqas radi Allahu anhu, was also one of these early people to accept Islam. Sadly, nobody will consider the Allahu anhu is another very noteworthy Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he is from the first dozen or so people to accept Islam.

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And he, of course, again was very close to the prophets a lot. He said, um, he was actually a cousin of the mother of the prophets, a lot a sinner, the mother of the prophets, a lot of them have been too web savvy that we will pass or the Allahu Allah was a cousin of the Prophet Nelson's mom.

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So he was a cousin once removed, or second cousin, or whatever that's called. Alright, so he was a relative of the Prophet talathi. So them, and it said that he was 17 years old when he accepted Islam.

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That's something else that that is a very, very important observation.

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Maybe if we get time right now, I'll share this towards the end of the session, kind of as a side note, but one thing that's a very interesting observation is, you know, when we say Sahaba

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companions of the Prophet,

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right, it's, we have so much respect and regard for them. But for some reason, this, this, this image

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has been created, that we immediately picture and very elderly gentlemen with a big white beard.

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Right, so we picture somebody very old. And yeah, of course, they probably did reach an old age eventually. But it's very interesting is that their age when they accepted Islam?

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And we'll talk about that a little bit later. But sadly, no, we will consider the Allahu anhu it said was only 17 years old when he accepted Islam. It's a very interesting story actually from Surah lokman is 14 and 15 talk about the respect for parents will say that in Santa bydd Hamlet ooh and and Allah one of his Allah Goofy, I mean initially will invalidate a Muslim, respecting the parents and specifically pointing out the sacrifice of the mother. But then after that, it says we're in jaha, Dhaka, Allah and to sharika B. Melissa laka. Be Here Iman filati masahito Macedonia marusan.

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Alright, so it says that and if they force you respect your parents, be very conscious of your mother's sacrifice. But if they're forcing you to come and shoot up with a lot, do not comply.

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don't obey them, don't do shit. I still respect them and be good to them and serve them. But don't do the ship. So sad. For the loved one was very beloved to his mother. He was very close to his mother, and he accepted Islam and he says when my mom found out about me accepting assumption was devastated.

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Just because of what it was perceived to be at that time. She was just devastated more than anything else. She was just crushed. She was just sad. She could not be consoled. So she said, Why are you doing this? What are you doing? And she, you know, complained and tried to, you know, talk him out of it. And of course, he's a believer, a believer of that caliber. So he didn't you know, he of course, he

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Did not budge. But it said that at that time, his mother said that fine, I'm not going to eat or drink anything until you give up this foolishness. I will not eat or drink anything. And he said, Mother, please don't do that. Don't do this, please consider reconsider, don't do this. And he said she was she was insistent.

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And he says in the narration that she went about four days without eating or drinking anything.

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He says, but I did not give him my Islam. Because I couldn't swear I believed a line His messengers a lot. He said them, they were in my heart, I believed in them. It was my eemaan I could not give up my faith, my email, but you know what the part about doing right by them in this world. He also says I literally stood by my mother with water and bread in my hand for four days.

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She did not budge and I did not budge either, not just in terms of like months stood for my email. You know, youth like to tell these types of stories will lie he did not give up his faith. Yeah, but he also stood by his mother holding a cup of water holding a bread in his hand crying tears in front of her saying Please, mother, he Please, mother.

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You see the balance. We don't talk about this balance.

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On both sides of the issue. Sometimes you talk about obedience of the parents as if it's absolute. It's not absolute. The parents could be wrong, the mother was wrong year, you don't give up your dean, you don't give up your email.

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But at the same time Muslim youth need to understand a lot of times when your parents are making different recommendations. Right? You want to wear a job to school and they're saying no, don't wear a job to school. You know, you want to wear a coat at a school and they're saying no, don't wear a coat at a school. That's not your eemaan brother.

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That's not your Mr. extremist. Right there. They're not telling you to forsake your eemaan that's one thing that needs to be understood by youth, children. obedience to parents supersedes the practice of sunon. This is written in classical books of

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classical books. I've talked about that. If your parents command you not to practice a Sunnah a voluntary act, it becomes folly to obey your parents performing the Sunnah at that time against the wishes of your parents actually becomes mcru.

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I mean, think about that. Something to think about something to consider. But at the same time, let's say somebody whose parents are telling them to do something that directly contradicts and violates the rights of Allah subhanaw taala upon them.

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Even then, if you stand your ground and you say, No, I can't give up what I believe in. It's still one thing remains. And the thing that remains is you still have to do right by them. Sad whenever you will consider the loved one who stood by his mother crying tears before his mother offering food and drink to her over and over and over again for four days until she finally dismissed it. And she finally gave up this pursuit and she took some food and drink and he said, basically, she came to terms with exactly what he believed in. And sadly, nobody will consider the loved one who is known for, you know, his bravery and battles by the side of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And

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inside you know, your castle, the loved one who is life seems to revolve around the theme and the story of family quite a bit, because there's a story with his mother. And then at the time of, allegedly that, at the time of an adjutant without the farewell pilgrimage to Hajj, we're near the season of Hajj. Now, when the prophets Allah someone for hygiene all the Sahaba when for Hajj with him, sad manner, we will cancel with the loved one who also went for Hajj. But what happened was he became very, very sick. Very, he became deathly ill. When I say very sick, it's not that he just felt a little fatigue. I don't know, he was definitely, like, even the prophets a lot. He was very

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concerned about his survival, like, will he survive or not? People were visiting him.

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The product people were advising him to basically write out his will. That's how bad the situation was. And so he consults the prophets, a lot of him and he says on messenger of Allah, I only have one daughter.

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I only have a daughter, the only person that will inherit from me is my daughter.

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And I don't have a lot of wealth, but I have a significant amount of wealth. And it's only my daughter.

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And it's more than enough for her. It's overwhelming.

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So is it okay if I give away two thirds of my wealth in South Africa?

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, No.

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He said half he said no. He said one third. He said, yes, one third. But look at this. The prophets are licenses Yes, one third because that's the that's permission from Allah. So there's no argument there. He says, Well, guess one third, but then, you know, we always talk about fatwa and taqwa we always talk about wisdom. What is the technical ruling, then what is the wisdom and the Hickman issue? The Prophet system says Allah allows you to give one third so you can give one third however, however, he says, When third is a lot,

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and then he gave him advice. He goes, it's a lot better. Rather than you sitting here on your deathbed lying here on your deathbed, you're giving away your money into southern charity.

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What's a lot more beneficial and recommended than that is for you to leave your family members well off so that they do not end up on the streets and begging in front of people leaving your family leaving your family members in dignity and honor.

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And self sufficient is a lot more admirable than making a huge donation on your deathbed family rights. So this is just a little bit about Sabina we will consider the Allahu anhu. And he's, of course, one of those few people that the prophets lie some really expressed a lot of love for. It said that in the Battle of boyhood when the prophets a lot of them was under you know, attack. When when the battlefield was breaking down, and the prophets a lot of him was under attack. It said at that time that the prophets a lot he sent them, you know, sad b&w calls came in and stood in front of prophets a lot he saw, and he was an expert Archer and just started launching arrows protecting

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the profits along the center. And it said that the profits allowed him at that time said, Keep shooting, keep shooting, keep going. And then the profits a lot he said him even remarked, saying that may my mother and father be sacrificed for us. And that was a phrase the Sahaba used to say to the prophet SAW some but the Prophet says and very rarely said that to someone else. And sadly, no you will pass was one of those amazing people that this was set to. And this was a young man who accepted Islam, literally in the first few days of the message of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Another one of these very admirable amazing people who accepted Islam in the very early days of the

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message of the prophets, a lot of them will still have to know obey the law. tala have been obey the law, the law Han who he was a very, very early convert to, to Islam. And he again is

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he was a cousin of Abu Bakar the alohar No, Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu in and spoke to him and shared the message with him because he was a cousin of Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu.

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And will have been our read aloud or the Allahu anhu was somebody who is known to be very, again very successful in business. He was known to be somebody a very admirable, amazing character. He lived all throughout the era, not just of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He's one of the Shara Alamo Bashara vagenda. He's one of those 10 companions who the prophets a lot isn't promised paradise. But he also lived throughout all the era of the bulevar. And he was always a very strong consultant to all of the halifa all of the hanifa, who followed after the prophets, a lot of the successors of the prophets a lot, he said, and he was married. He also had a relationship to the

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prophets, a lot of him through marriage. He was a brother in law over the prophets a lot he sent him and brother in law's a very broad term in English when we say it, he was basically his wife and one of the wives of the prophets, a lot of the similar sisters. So he was married to have not been to judge he was married to have not been to Josh, who was the sister of Xena been to Joshua was the wife of the prophets, Allah Islam, one of the Mahajan meaning, and he's narrated many different Hadith from the prophets of Allah sallallahu sallam. And again on the day of awkward he also showed a lot of bravery and defended the profits a lot of them very,

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you know, he defended the profits a lot of them very strongly. And the profits a lot of him remarked on the day of or heard that whoever wants to see a living Shaheed whoever wants to see a walking talking like living shahidan, this world should look at Aloha. Aloha is a Shahid who is still amongst us. He earned the status of Shahada without even dying

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because of his devotion, dedication to the prophets a lot of the time, he was another early person to accept Islam.

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One of the other early converts to Islam was about Aveda rhodiola han who have obeyed the terminal Jara Jara radi Allahu anhu excuse me I'm Ruben Jarrah radi Allahu anhu. He is, of course, very famously known as amino has the Lama, the prophet of Allah salatu salam referred to him as the most trustworthy person in this room. And he was actually somebody who is very well known for his character and his quality before before Islam, the Sahaba rhodiola, on whom they actually say

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that there were three people, three people in the pre Islamic era yahaya in the era of ignorance, there were three people who are known throughout America

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for their honesty, their trustworthiness, and for their,

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just just their their fastness that they were, they were not people who

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indulge in any illicit behavior, any bad activity even before Islam even in jaggedy

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When it was the norm,

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when it was the norm when drinking alcohol and fornication, adultery was the norm. There were three people who had a reputation for just not being anywhere near that scene.

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And not surprisingly, who are those three people? Abubakar acidic rhodiola, horned

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or thiamine. I'm not a fan rhodiola one and the third one was Abu Zubaydah, the yellow one.

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And it's not a surprise that all three of them accepted Islam. And it's also not a surprise. Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu played the role that he did in the history of Islam are phenomenal a fan is who he is Zulu reign, the third halifa. And the Allahu anhu would be I mean, who had the Luma he would be put in charge of debate tomorrow by the philosopher.

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He was in charge of the debate among us, the person put in charge of the debate of the mouth because there was no one no one more trustworthy than him.

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And so we battle the 11th annual is a very, very admirable noble person, and he was very dearly loved by the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was a businessman even before Islam, but he practiced this type of these types of ethics and morals in his business, and it said that he literally accepted Islam. The second day, like the day after Abu Bakar, viola Juana radi Allahu anhu, accepted Islam. Abubakar went to our VEDA and said, this is the message This is it. And he embraced Islam, because it just fits so well with exactly you know, how he lived his life, the morality, the ethics, and it said that he was also from Blue team, but he was from a from a

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different family and blue team. And he was the only one to accept Islam from his family, and said because of that, he suffered a lot of persecution. And he was ostracized and outcasts from his family. And he dealt with a lot of difficulty and adversity because of that. So after the first group of Muslims migrated to Abyssinia, when the second wave of Muslims wintab Senior, he joined them and migrated he eventually joined the prophets Allah, Allah Madina, munawwara. Soon thereafter when the prophets Allah has migrated to Medina, and when he arrived in Medina and the prophet SAW some was pairing Mahajan with unsavoury Mahajan with Sati, he was paired with none other than

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Wildwood new Jabba la de la Juan. So as we say, a game recognize game right so the profits a lot of them paired him with somebody equally as awesome as I will be not on the level it was. And that was my either Benjamin, who is a scholar and a Mufti from amongst the ranks of the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu.

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It said in spite of this, and he was always a close confidant to all the hula. But in spite of this, when they tried to appoint him to actual governor positions, he would refuse, he would reject.

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He would refuse, and he would reject, it's actually said that he was appointed to the position of the governor of Syria.

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He was appointed to the position of the governor of Syria without his consent, like they just appointed him and then they just let him know that by the way, you're in charge of Syria from here on out. And he was so uncomfortable with the with the position and the responsibility that he said, I am here to serve the people.

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I am here to serve the people, but I cannot accept this position. I'm here to serve, I will advise I will consult I will lead I will teach, I will counsel, I will do whatever you need me to do. I just can't sit in that seat.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:56

And we can discuss the fact of that, that Do you accept positions of responsibility when you are put in them when you are asked of them when they are demanded of you or not? So of course, the fit of it is there that you should accept the position. But at the end of the day, that does remain the choice and we cannot discount the sincerity of the Sahaba it was their God consciousness, their fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala and their sincerity that would prevent them from doing so. But you know, in our times, that becomes a cop out because I just don't want to do the job. I just don't want to deal with any responsibility.

00:33:57 --> 00:34:13

I just don't want anything expected of me. No, no. These were people that would serve the open mind would serve humanity would serve the community 24 seven, but it was just their God consciousness and fear of Allah subhanaw taala titles and positions with something they feared. They feared like nothing else in this world.

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They stayed in fear death these people didn't fear death, but they feared titles and positions because they knew the corruption of the heart that follows thereafter. And so I will obey that all the Allahu anhu was a very admirable person of this type of character.

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Another great early Sahabi who accepted Islam was sir AWS eight. So he'd been saved or the Allahu anhu sir even zadara the Allahu anhu is again a Moroccan by origin he's he's and he was born and raised in Mecca. He was a Moroccan by origin. It said that his nickname was our and he was a distant relative. He was basically from the same he was from Burma Ahmed from the same clan of hubbub and Abu Jahan

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And these people, so he was from a key family of brush, and he was actually married to the sister of tabela de la mano. So fathima been the sister of the Allahu anhu was his wife. And that famous story about Amara, I think, a lot more angle, and he sets out to go, when either Bella assassinate the profits a lot, he sent him, and he stops by his sister's house, and he goes there and he beats up his brother in law, etc, etc. That was sorry.

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That was there even some of the narration some of the ahaadeeth actually say, some of the scholars of the Seattle Sahaba say that he was the first person to be given the responsibility by the prophets allowed him to write down divine revelation.

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He was, if not the first he was one of the first scribes of revelation kuttabul Ye.

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He was one of the first scribes of divine revelation, which is a huge position. I mean, think about the trust, and the the confidence that that requires. And throughout the early years, he was pretty much the primary scribe of divine revelation, because there were not very many people, the prophets allies him could trust at that time. And he was definitely one of those people.

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He was very young, he was married young, and they were both a very young, young couple. It said that they were literally 20 years old. So they had married very, very young in their teenage years, and that he was basically 20 years old, when he accepted a psalm along with his wife. And so again, this is another youngster. And he accepted Islam. He, like I mentioned that, oh, one thing very interesting about him. If you go back to the some of the very early sessions that we had on the CETA, here, where we talk about the NFL,

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the few people even before Islam, before the revelation, there were a few people who practiced monotheism, who believed in one God 111 creator. Before there was divine revelation, there was a handful of them, there are a few of them. One of the most famous of the 105, at that time, was zaven, I'm going to be new fav Zayed bin, I'm going to be new faith. He was such an amazing person. He was a hardcore what we would call like a staunch a proper, steadfast while

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he was a monotheists. He believed in one God, and He stood by that. And he was so practicing of his faith. It said that many times because it was custom news tradition at that time, that when his family members and the tribes, people would get together and would have a feast, they would, you know, sacrifice animals in the name of their deities and their gods. And a lot of their festivities, just like today as well. You know, people get together for Christmas. And for Easter, and based on holidays, families, even if they're not getting together for that exact celebration, they might not be very religious, or practicing. But holidays just serve as an opportunity for families to get

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together, when they would get together and they would kind of be celebrating some deity or some false gods some idol, he would not partake of their food, he would bring his own food or whatever it was. And he would say I can't eat this because this was killed the name of that idol and I don't believe in those idols. He was very, very staunch. And because of that he was actually picked on by his family. And he was persecuted by his family members and his tribes people, but he stood firm. And the prophets a lot of them would praise him years later, the prophet SAW some would praise him, and he would say his aid, but I'm gonna be newfane on the day of judgment will be raised as an oma

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by himself.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:33

He will be in oma.

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He Himself will be an entire entity of followers, because of the strength of his faith. Because he represented though hate at a time when there was no terrain in the world. He still stood by and represented the hate and the process and was very proud of him and praised him say he was the son of this great man.

00:38:52 --> 00:39:31

So again, raised by a great man, no surprise that he turned out to be a great man. And he was a very firm believer. And we talked about, you know, his his marriage and his wife as well how his wife was a very admirable person as well. And he, again survived throughout the life of the Prophet talathi. Sam was always there by the sight of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was, again one of those people who stood in front of the prophets, a lot of them and protected him on the day of these were people were very attached to the prophets, a lot of him. It's not a surprise that these people who all accepted Islam, in those early days, rushed to the prophets a lot of time in the Battle of

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Horford and stood in front of him, because they had a relationship with the Prophet system, unlike any other Sahabi did. They could not imagine life without the prophets along the center. And it said that he finally died of 50 in the year 51. After he died, he was 79 years old. He was live to a very advanced age. And he was buried by sadhana view a class and Abdullah bin Amaro de la oversaw his janazah and his burial and they were there for his dead feed. So

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Again, this was a great man that had passed away at that time. So this is a group and of course it goes without saying, we've talked about Khadija rhodiola. We've talked about Othman. I'm not a fan, being one of those early people to accept Islam. We've talked about them know how they thought, we've talked about Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu. So this is a group of these early people who had accepted Islam. And then there's a long list of other Sahaba who basically came together to comprise the first 38 in one generation or 40 early believers who have come together to accept Islam in the first couple of years of the of the message, and these were the this was the congregation this was

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the jamaa. This was the oma that would congregate together in the house of camaraderie Aloma I know, I'm just gonna read their names off for all of our benefits so that we at least, even if we don't have time to delve into the personal seerah of each one of these great men and women individuals, we at least are familiar with their names at some level. Some of the others who belong in this group are Abu Salah, rudding Allahu anhu. Abdullah bin Abdullah Asad.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:37

arcam earthman. Bin mother own and his two sons, Buddha and Abdullah obey the two or beta ahadith as SMA in the IE shop Binta abubaker, the two daughters of Abu Bakr radi Allahu kebab bin, who was one of those early Sahaba, who accepted the Salman was tortured relentlessly. This man was tortured societally, that a man of the caliber of Amara, the Allahu anhu used to come to him to get motivation.

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Even later on during the time of his Qaeda when the loved one would feel, you know, we all go through this.

00:41:45 --> 00:42:15

We all go through this recently I had somebody I know very well a students a friend, personally was Mashallah very active. Does does unbelievable work. But he was he was talking to me and he was like, from time to time, it feels like there's a little bit of a drain, you know, and then you kind of are looking for that recharge. So I'm going to talk about a lot more I know under the weight of the Philadelphia when you would feel kind of drained, he would go and sit with a kebab in Aurora de la Hondo. And he would say, Tell me about your sacrifices.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:35

And it said that he would ask to see the back of Ababa, the Allahu anhu and hubub Ronnie would lift up his shirt and charm his back. And the story says that he was tortured. When he accepted asylum because he was a slave. He was tortured.

00:42:36 --> 00:42:50

And it said that what they would do to torture him is that they would take coals and they would light them on fire, they would burn them till they were red. And then they would throw him down on his back and drag them across those burning coals to his back was completely just destroyed.

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And the loved one who said I've never seen anything like that in my entire life.

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And he said what I would look at that back he would sober me up. It makes me realize that that is what you call sacrifice. He was one of the early people to accept Islam, kebab in Iraq, or maybe not be with us, who was one of the Shahada of better he's the brother of sad interview because only 14 Sahaba were martyred on the day of brother and are made available you will pass a brother or sad b&w or pass for the Allahu anhu was one of those people. Abdullah bin Massoud whose story we talked about. in one of the previous several sessions we talked about how he accepted Islam, how Abubakar the alarm on when the prophet SAW some went and gave Dawa to this young man who is shepherding and

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hurting camels outside of the boundaries of the city of Makkah. And he accepted assignment would go on to become one of the most knowledgeable and greatest of the companions of the prophets, a lot of them to where even the Sahaba would call him or

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even some other Sahaba would call him teacher.

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So this was the caliber of that man, Mr. Little potty.

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Some of the others were also mentioned our solids bin amor, Irishman Abby, Robbie, and his wife as my bin Salama, who lays bin houda Ahmed bin Abby, Robbie, Abdullah and Ahmed, who are the sons of jarabe in the app, who was a who was a major leader of his tribe at that time, and both of his sons Abdullah Mohammed both accepted Islam. Jafar ibn Abi Talib, the brother of Alina Vitaly, the son of obatala, who was under the care of Ibis, Ibis, the uncle of the prophets, a lot of them, you might remember we talked about how the alarm manual ended up in the care of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that both abass the uncle and the nephew, Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, go to Abu Talib,

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and say that we'd like to help you out in your situations and old man very limited financial means has a responsibility of the whole tribe on the shoulders. Let us help you out. So Jaffa rhodiola I know one of his younger sons stayed with Ibis, his uncle and the youngest of the sons a little bit of authority but on the other hand,

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who stayed with the profits a lot of a sudden so Jaffa la de la mano accepted Islam and the person who gave him Dawa was his younger brother alioto de Alomar and Ibis in whose house under whose roofie lives had not accepted Islam yet, he would accept Islam later on, but this young boy accepted Islam first. And it said that he was probably about 14 years old at the time when he accepted a song.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:54

So Jaffa bene Vitaly Brody, Allahu anhu accepted us on his wife as mabin to whom he would accept Islam hadn't been a hadith and his brothers have hottub and Mama would also accept Islam. And they're both and their wives would also be some of the early converts to Islam. A thought had been earthman been marone, who was a son of earthman minmus. The son of a man grandmas own his son a'ssa'ib also was a early convert to Islam. I looked on it in as her and his wife Rama.

00:45:55 --> 00:45:57

This is Rama b2b Sofia,

00:45:58 --> 00:46:12

Rama Abby soufiane body Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah Allah. She was an early an early convert to Islam. In spite of her father being a part of the opposition, she accepted Islam along with her husband. This has a very sad story to it, but also a very

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enlightening story to it. They are the acceptance on very early on, they migrated to Abyssinia to escape the persecution while there it's a tragedy. But her husband basically it said that, you know a lot of exactly what transpired but the narration history tells us he became an alcoholic. He became an alcoholic and some narrations even talk about him forsaking his faith. Or maybe that was just the alcohol talking, Allah knows best. But he eventually ended up dying from his alcoholism. He died from alcohol overdose.

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So he drank himself to death. And she was pregnant at that time.

00:46:55 --> 00:47:03

And she eventually gave birth in Abyssinia. single mother, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl by the name of Habiba.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:11

And the prophets. Allah has him heard the news of the daughter of abusive young, one of those early people to accept a song

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alone there as a widow as a single mother,

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caring for her child. Of course, the community was there. Jaffa Vitali was in charge, taking care of his people, but still she's a single mother and the prophets a lot of them sent a proposal to her

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to marry her.

00:47:32 --> 00:48:07

And the marriage was facilitated by Natasha by the king of Abyssinia himself, who, who basically had a feast in honor of this marriage. And she went and joined the prophets a lot of him as one of his wives. So she would later on become a wife of the profits loss and one of the mothers of the believers. Rama. Noreen bin Abdullah Ahmed bin full Hadar, who was a servant of Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu Khalid bin Saeed and his wife Amina been tough how to build a booth with a VA whose name was masham bannerghatta joaquina. Abdullah Khalid

00:48:08 --> 00:48:39

al back here in Abilene and history brothers. I'm in Aachen and yes, I might have been the acid rhodiola, the famous Sahabi amount of money I said, and also his mother and his father. Yes, him and his mother's who may have who would be the first person to lose her life for the sake of Islam. And so he'd been seen on. So the these are the first 40 people to basically accept Islam. And

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of course, I mentioned the name of our funding from radi Allahu anhu, whose house would serve as the first place for these early believers to congregate. And this was the first community of the Prophet of Allah Salafi some of this was the first congregation and so we see the oma, we know Allah Madina munawwara. We know about Fatah maka, we know about the Elijah to Louisa and over 120,000 Sahaba. Gathering congregating together, we know about these amazing stories but what we forget to remember what we forget to realize it started off as a small congregation of 40 people,

00:49:17 --> 00:49:22

a small congregation of 40 people, and so we should never be demoralized. We should never be

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demotivated, we should never lose optimism or motivation based on our small numbers. But the prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam strove for quality over quantity. One thing I forgot to mention the reason why I chose to mention a little bit a snippet of the biography of those first few people Abubakar they don't know how to live in a Vitaly Khadija didn't have a lid, or it's not I'm not a fan. We talked about

00:49:48 --> 00:50:00

Zubaydah Lula Rahman bin, Obaidullah. oboro beta to Blue gerasa have been observed in Abuja pass. And so the reason why I chose to mention a snippet

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

Bit of the biography of these people, did you see the quality and the caliber of these people?

00:50:05 --> 00:50:29

The quality and the, this is something we don't look at this is something we don't talk about. You know, there's, there's a lot of material out there, this is starting to become a focus over the last few years, there's a lot of education, there's a lot of material out there about leadership development, about building a healthy, successful organization. There's a lot of material out there about aggregating talents,

00:50:30 --> 00:50:36

from good to great. It's not about the what or the how, but it's about the who, and the why.

00:50:38 --> 00:51:01

There's a lot of talk about recruiting an all star team putting together a dream team, an all star cast. There's a lot of this dialogue and discussion out there that is definitely very beneficial. In the business world, in the corporate world. There's a lot of this talk, but we forget to a lot of time to focus on that the prophets a lot, he said was the ultimate talent scout. The prophets, Eliza was the ultimate talent aggregator.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:35

And the prophets, Allah ism specifically reached out initially to the most talented people that were available at that time. And that's something we don't talk about, because we do talk about how they were persecuted. So a lot of times somebody who might have a very surface level understanding of the scene could assume, because these people were persecuted, they must not have been looked upon very admirably in their society. These were the leaders of the of the time. These are the most talented people at that time. I mean, the three most noble people in the entire city of Mecca word, the first word, we're in the first dozen converts to Islam.

00:51:37 --> 00:51:39

We're in the first dozen converts to Islam.

00:51:40 --> 00:51:59

And so you have to be able to see the strategy of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was looking for talent, and he attracted talent, game recognize game at its very essence. And he was pulling in this talent and he was cultivating this talent. And he was inspiring and motivating these people building that all star cast in that dream team.

00:52:01 --> 00:52:03

And it's very important for us to understand and realize

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that we don't look for perfection. We look for quality, but we don't look for perfection.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:27

And you work with these people but you recognize and identify. And that's why we find traditions in the from the Sunnah, the Hadeeth collection, we find traditions or Hadith where the prophets Allah says, and that's why I didn't add any value in favor people are golden silver mines

00:52:28 --> 00:53:00

criado ConfigMgr helia TCR. Islamia, fuku that the best amongst you the most talented amongst you in Jamelia will be the most talented amongst you in Islam, as long as they just develop an understanding of the religion. And that's our job to develop the understanding of them with within them of the religion, that's our job. But we still got to recognize the talent of the people and develop and cultivate that talent and allow them to bring their talents to the Muslim community and allow them to shine and bring to the table what they bring,

00:53:01 --> 00:53:05

and allow them to flourish. And then provide that spiritual development that they're in need of.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:23

And that's what the prophets a lot of them strive for. And this is a very interesting observation from the early Sierra, and the early days of the prophets polysomes mission in Mecca in his message at that time, in the early days of Mecca.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:42

One of the things I said you know a little bit earlier that I would talk about was part of that looking for talent, developing that all star cast that dream team, that was a strategy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Part of that was specifically targeting younger people.

00:53:43 --> 00:53:57

Targeting younger people. You know, we all understand the youth is a concern. We all care about our youth, we're all concerned about our young people. But I can't you know, and, and read, but I can't help but feel that a lot of times our tone is very patronizing.

00:53:58 --> 00:54:01

Our tone, our concern for our youth itself is judgmental.

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And we patronize our own youth. And don't think they don't understand is they don't hear this because they communicate that to us.

00:54:10 --> 00:54:12

They communicate that to us that they feel that they're patronized

00:54:14 --> 00:54:36

that we talk about our youth almost because well, there's such a huge problem. And they're so terrible, that we have to do something about them. Otherwise, God knows they'll even won't even be Muslim or not. We don't talk about them in terms of what they bring to the table what they have to offer, when we talk about them as like a a spiritual charity case, as not very healthy. And that's why the most talented of our youth don't end up showing up.

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And if they do come, they come in spite of us not because of us.

00:54:42 --> 00:54:59

It's very important to understand while the strategy of the process it was quite the opposite. He targeted them he went after them and said You are the right man for the job and we need you and I need you and I need you and you bring this and you have this and you have this to offer. And he was targeting these people. I told you about how the Sahaba deal on him and how we imagined them.

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Listen to their ages when they accepted a song. And these are some of the leaders of the Sahaba. And these are some of these early converts that we talked about today. And I'll even be talking about the 11 rhinophyma Sahabi. Wyatt was 10 years old when he accepted a song, Abdullah bin Ahmed and Abu Zubaydah to Morocco were 13 years old when they accepted Islam

00:55:21 --> 00:55:45

or kebab in the army, or no excuse me, not above or below but obey the dominance hierarchy son, they were 13 years old when they accepted us on Alibaba. Ahmed was 14 years old when he accepted us on Jabir ibn Abdullah and jw haritha were 15 years old Abdullah bin Massoud kebab in an arch, Zubaydah awam, who we talked about today, all three of them we talked about today. We're 16 years old when they accepted us on 16.

00:55:46 --> 00:55:48

obey the law we talked about today, a man

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whose leadership qualities we talked about today

00:55:56 --> 00:56:08

who was the founder of the first center where the profits a lot of them operated out of Sacramento Bee worked as we talked about today, a smoking tobacco whose name came up today. We're all 17 years old when they accepted Islam.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:48

More I've been Jebel, who we talked about briefly today most often are made by the Alamo Alamo were 18 years old when they accepted a song Abu Musab al Ashanti, who we'll talk about later on eventually was 19 years old when he accepted Hassan Jaffa Vitaly, I got his age a little bit wrong. He was 22 years old when he accepted a song. Still not very old. If you consider a 22 year old, I don't know how old you are. All right. earthman been Hadith or it's not I'm not a fan of obey the two new genera we talked about today, abou radar, and our honorable Hata radi Allahu anhu. All of these people, the cream of the crop, the top level of leadership of the oma, were all between the

00:56:48 --> 00:56:54

ages of 25 to 31 when they accepted Islam, which again by any measure is not old.

00:56:56 --> 00:57:35

And so you see the recruitment of the prophets a lot of younger people and aggregating the talent of younger people, of the youth of the community. And this was the strategy, the philosophy and the focus of the profits all of a sudden, we'll go ahead and inshallah stop here, pause here, and we'll continue on with some of the key events that unfolded as the phase of the profits allottee some of the new of the profits or some went more public and became more established. We'll talk about some of the key converts to Islam like Hamza bin Abdul muttalib and eventually Amon katapola the Allahu anhu in the coming sessions. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to learn from the life

00:57:35 --> 00:57:48

in the example of the prophets a lot he said them And may Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard Subhana Allah He will be hungry he Subhana Colombe hungry behenic the shadow Allah Illa illa Anta the sofiero one or two bhulekh

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