Abdul Nasir Jangda – Ramadan FAQs #04

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to fasting during spring, death, burials, and deceased parents. They stress the importance of avoiding negative consequences and setting up a commitment to a donation. They also provide advice on accessing information about the fifth of the gods workshop and avoiding overpaying for gifts. The speakers provide context on different narratives and suggest avoiding certain behaviors and staying in a safe environment. They recommend supporting the podcast and encourage viewers to leave comments on the Facebook page.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu salat wa salam ala rasulillah Allah alihi wa sahbihi edge marine

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Welcome back to a another session of Ramadan FAQs, where we are answering the questions that y'all are sending in a lot of the questions that people have, during the month of Ramadan, it doesn't necessarily have to be about the month of Ramadan. That ends up being the case, a lot of times they're about fasting. They're about Zakat, and different things. But nonetheless, Ramadan is a time where because everyone is a little bit more dialed in, people do end up having a lot more questions. So we're trying to answer those questions. Alhamdulillah

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before I get started, and I know it probably sounds like I say this a lot, but support golang.com support column.com Why do I say this so much. Because if you have been listening to the podcast, which there are millions of people all around the world that regularly listen to podcast, if you have taken any classes watched any videos benefited from the knowledge and the scholars at alum, Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah we're happy and very, you know, honored to be of service. But we need your help to keep this word going and to increase this work. So I asked you to go to support gmail.com share that link with everybody and inshallah donate and contribute generously. Just not

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gonna lock it up. So

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let's go ahead and jump into the questions for today. I know that we're starting a little bit late, I apologize for that I had classes all day long. And so some of the classes, winter head, wind kind of overtime. So I'm just now coming straight from another program to this program so humbly now.

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first of all, some questions about fasting that people had, number one,

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fasting and chawan. Someone's asking the question, can I make the intention for the six days first, and then later on? My makeup fasts? Right? So if somebody missed some fasting Ramadan, like a sister, due to her days of menstruation,

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she was not able to fast or somebody was traveling or somebody was sick, or ill whatever the case was, they were not able to fast for a number of days. Now, let's say they have six days to make up. And then there's the six days of show well. So they're asking,

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Can they make the intention for the six days of chawan? Before doing their makeup fast? Yes, absolutely, you can, because you have all year long to make up your fast. The six fastest show while are virtuous within the month of chawan according to the majority opinion, so you can go ahead and prioritize the fat six, fastest show while

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the second question about fasting that we have here today. The second question is can I make up fast for my deceased father, who was sick and previously missed them? So the scenario is and this is a question I get asked a lot that someone had an elderly or sick parent who was not able to keep their fast or just in general, maybe they didn't. And you know, May Allah forgive them. They didn't keep their fast. Okay, um, and then they pass away. So now there's a question Can I make up their fast for them? No, you cannot. So the thing is, physical worship, physical worship, like fasting, like Salah, one person cannot physically do it on another person's behalf. The obligations, your the her

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prayer, nobody else can figure though her on your behalf. You're also nobody else can pray your answer on your behalf. You have to do it. And if you don't do it, nobody else can do it. Fasting, I have to fasten on Milan. Nobody confess on my behalf. However, however, if in this question, the deceased parent

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they were sick before they passed away, and that's why they weren't fasting. You can pay for the $10 per day that they were not able to fast due to their sickness. You can pay that on their behalf because it's financial, but you can't physically do

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An act of obligatory worship on somebody else's behalf would love to tell Olympus. There's no difference of opinion here. There's no difference of opinion. I've been hearing this a lot this from Milan, more so this or Milan than in previous years. And I was. And yes, somebody asked on Instagram that is just for fun, a bother, right only for your obligations. All right, and but for some reason I've been hearing that a lot this year then is compared to previous years. And

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I'm not really sure where that's coming from, but there's no difference of opinion there. Somebody asked a follow up question is hij included in the physical worship? No. How does the exception to the rule? Why? Why is Hutch the exception to the rule. Because the prophets, a lot of the songs said so that's why, right? The prophets, Allah, these can make an exception. And he did make an exception for hedge and only hedge. And also hedge is not purely physical. There's also financial component, Minnesota either he sebelah, you not only have to be physically capable of doing hard, you have to be able to afford doing hedge. Alright, so that's the reason why.

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Now, some succoth related questions. So let me see some of the online questions that are being asked here as well, because, you know, we appreciate I appreciate y'all jumping on and joining the stream. So might as well answer. Somebody said if I have 10k in my account, and at the time of the 11 month, again, another 5k, do I pizzicato 10 or 15k, I didn't hold the 15k for a full year. So

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you could pay only on the 10k. But then because you've got the 15th k in the 11th month,

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then you're going to have to keep track of 12 months on that 5k. So when 12 months occur on that 5k then you're gonna have to pay off that 5k. And then two months after that, you got to pay on the other 10k. And before you know it, you got like six different days in a year on what you pay zakat on different increments within your overall assets.

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At some point, you can see how that's going to become very difficult to manage. Therefore, the recommendation is you fix a Zakat date.

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You fix this account date, the first thing Ramadan, the first of January, whatever works for you, okay, you fix a ticket date. And on that date, you will give two and a half percent of whatever is in your savings account, whatever is in your investments, even if it was just gained in just two months, because if you think about it, ultimately, at the end of the day, everything's going to kind of round itself off. But that is my recommendation. That is a recommendation of a lot of scholars, because just the way that our accounts and our assets and things like that work these days is very difficult to keep track of everything. Well, I would tell him to sew up. And I hope that that makes

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Sorry, well, luck would tell all of this up. And I hope that that makes sense to everyone in sha Allah. Just checking here if there were any other Zakat related questions, Can God be given to siblings? Yes, again. Yes, again, is a God cannot be given to parents and grandparents, children and grandchildren are lower. I mean, typically, most people don't, you know, don't interact with the third generation back or the third generation forward. But whatever. Your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, you cannot give it out to them. your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, you cannot give it out to them. But you can give it out to any and all other

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relatives you can give to your siblings you can give to your aunts and uncles you can give to your nephews and nieces. Use the gods anywhere else, but not your children, not your parents will sue them for that is the rule. All right. Um, so someone is asking that if I've already verbally committed to X amount of dollar silicone to be paid to an organization between now and the end of the year? Do I count that as a deduction from my zakaat to countable assets? Um, no, you do not know you do not because you only count against the countable assets. Once it's like a debt that is owed. If you made a promise to give charity to an organization, you should keep that promise but it's not

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the same as money that is owed to someone local 10 out of the saw, okay. I'm kind of going back to fasting someone saying if you break a fast on accident, do you not have to make that up?

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If you ate or drank something accidentally, then

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you do not have to make that up. There's a hadith and proselytism that says you do not have to just say no

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From the Leela and keep on fasting, all right,

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Mashallah, my

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good friend

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saqib is asking to be more specific. This is not a scheduled monthly sustainer type donation. It's a commitment to be x k in whatever lumps and whatever frequency between now and December, ideally as soon as possible. So there's one thing I can recommend. And this is not a loophole, I'm not giving a loophole, but I now that I know, you know who the questioner is, and kind of what specifically he's asking about, what I would recommend in that scenario is, go ahead and take that promised amount and just move it into a separate account. And that becomes kind of a way that you set it aside. Right, um, and that will allow you to then count that as a deduction from the socketable assets. And Allah

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knows rest. All right. So God just has that kind of sensitivity about it, you know, so I don't mean to be too technical, and too nitpicky, but Takata is just one of those very delicate kind of things. Do we have electronic criteria of those, that ticket should be given to you? Absolutely. If you go to the following website, support column.com. See, this is why I tell you, y'all gotta support why if you go to the following website, if you just go to column dot Institute, it'll land on the page that says Ramadan resources, you go to the Ramadan resources page, and over there, you will see a workshop done on the fifth of zakat. Alright, so

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I'm going to share this here online, hopefully,

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do it correctly.

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For those that are on Instagram, you might not be able to, but just try to follow along with what I'm saying. If you go to Calum dot Institute,

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and those that are on Facebook and YouTube, you see the page now. You click Ramadan program, you click on Muslim program, you'll see everything you need for Ramadan, 2021, all of our programs, and you'll come down over here. And you will see Ramadan, webinars, all over here and questions about Ramadan, and you keep scrolling. And there are zakaat resources here as well right here. Sorry about that. It's called have questions about Ramadan. It's called fifth of zakat. Once you click it, you are now watching the fifth of the gods workshop conducted by none other than muster for money. But if at any point Saudi does figure out how to join us thingee because once a person starts earning

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money, it's easy to get greedy, but will afflict people with drought.

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receivables means so they're right there you have these are cost resources. So that is on the column

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on the column website, it's a free open resource available to everybody. So please do check that out. Okay. Now, let me see here if there are any other Okay. Very good. So now, there are some questions here as well off of Facebook. Let me take those real quickly. Can God be paid? Partially? Um, yes, it can. Yes. Again, it's all about your intention. So it absolutely can be paid partially. I can they're saying I can pay in the span of two to three months. Yes, you can do that. Someone is asking should I pay zakat on my wife's personal jewelry? Technically speaking, it is your wife's responsibility. But you as her husband can absolutely do that. on our behalf. You can do that for

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her. There's nothing prohibiting it does, obviously, as long as she knows and she gives permission for that.

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And cannot be forgotten gifts I want to know is I want to gift an orphan. You absolutely can. You absolutely can at the time with the proselytism. There was no standardized currency. So everyone was paying to God in different items.

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Now, one of the questions that we had submitted and somebody asked that question on Facebook as well, and that is the cotton retirement account. So somebody asked, do we always account on retirement funds? I can I are a alright. When it comes to IRAs, it actually depends on what kind of a retirement account that you have. If you have a Roth IRA,

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that you can access and don't have penalties on then you do have to basic on it, whatever is in that account every year, you got to give two and a half percent of that if you have a traditional IRA account that you do not have access to without penalties,

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then you do not have to pay the gods on it. Because your access to it is limited and you only have two basic options.

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funds that you have access to. So you do not have to pay zakat on a traditional IRA until you cash it out. All right, and then at that time you cash it out, it comes into your account, it comes into your possession, after a year passes, then you're paid out on it. So you're treated like any other kind of wealth that you have newly acquired at that moment. That is the understanding, generally, there's some difference of opinion of course, in contemporary issues, there's always going to be a little bit of difference of opinion. But nonetheless, that is generally the understanding and that is my recommendation. Well luckily, Allah Allah and Allah knows best. Now, another question that we

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have here we have some questions about Ramadan and spirituality. Someone says, What can I do in the lesson night to have a four month old and I'm exhausted by the end of the day.

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Quality over quantity, quality over quantity. Everybody say with me quality over quantity, okay. It is about the quality of the deed and not the quantity. If there's if there was ever a moment to remember that it is right now. That is the whole purpose behind Laila to cover the profits a lot even there are two narrations, some one narration from I believe I've delivered on a bus or the Alcatel Anima or Aveda radi Allahu taala. And who says that the prophets, a lot of them told them about a man in one of the previous nations, when the previous you know, followers of the previous prophets, he went and, you know, fought in battle for, you know, 80 years, consecutively, 70 years

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consecutively. And the Sahaba when they heard that they were very envious, and they said, We can't do that, you know, we don't live long enough to be able to do that. And they let certain other came down day if you worshiping in one night, worshipping these 10 days, the reward is greater than than worshiping for 1000 months. All right. Another narration says the prophets a lot of them told them about somebody that for eight years, he spent his life fasting every day praying every night fasting every day, praying every night, he spent 80 years that way. So the Sahaba were very envious when they are they don't even live to be at and again to the to the other, they were reminded of that,

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that worshipping this one night can actually fetch you a reward that is greater than 1000 months. So quality over quantity sister, so if you are able to just sit and read a little bit of put on listen to some Quran, if you're able to just kind of sit in bed while holding your baby and just make dua. Allah will accept that from you. You have to know that you got to believe that you got to feel that. All right. That is the mercy of Allah.

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There were some follow up questions here. I'm very good questions about takato. Let me try to tackle them.

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my friend says assuming same rule for 401k, that you don't have access to, as what you mentioned, a Roth IRA. Yes. So keep correct. So the same logic would apply in the case of 401k, you don't have access to it, it's not unrestricted access, you will be heavily penalized, and so on and so forth. So then the same logic would apply that you do not have to pay zakat on it. So I dismissed it. Somebody said, I had this misconception that all of ours are capitalist meaning or madonn. Robots or cotton for encasing was our very same logic would apply there. And no, your God does not have to all be paid in Ramadan. I mean, technically, you can pay it at any time during the year. If you want the

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reward of Ramadan, then you give it an Ramadan, give as much as you can. But ultimately, you are not restricted.

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Do you have to be sick out if you have outstanding student loan debt, it just depends your asset. So you take your assets, you minus the student loan debt against it.

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student loan debt is a little bit different. Um, so for student loans this year, because of the government forbearance, there's no interest in no required payments per month, but it's so aggressively paying to take care of debt, what should we do? Okay.

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But if still aggressively paying to take care of debt, what should we do? So that's a very good question. And see, that's very important information that we need to factor in. When you have payments that are due, like the bill is coming due. And it's racking up interest and penalties and fees, then in that scenario, that is an urgent debt, and you need to pay that off immediately. You need to pay that off immediately. And so whatever your countable assets are, let's say you have an investment, okay, you have $10,000 in in a savings account, but then you owe $10,000 in student loans, and they're, you know, do it's aggressively racking up interest and things like that. Then in

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that case, you do subtract it and you basically won't end up

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Paying, um, you want to end up paying Zakat, that's just your reality. Okay, but if it's a schedule debt, right, where you're on a, it's like a mortgage, then you only deduct. So one opinion is you only did up for the month in which you're paying years ago, at most, the most lenient position is that you can just deduct for that one year, the house payments that you're going to make in one year. And then you can basically deduct whatever that amount is from your assets. So that will have to be taken into consideration. So so keep Breck, you're right. So

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if it's not coming due right now, then the whole amount should not. If you're just on a monthly payment, you can just deduct the monthly payments, but not deduct the whole amount. Under normal circumstances our student debts typically operate where there's racking up crazy interest and it's very ruthless, then in that scenario, you need to be paying those off and you can deduct such a debt from your as accountable assets. And Allah knows best is there's a current rental property on which you still have a mortgage. No. A rather what you there's not a car on the value of the property, there's a cost on the income that you generate from that

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rental property basically. So basically, it works just like any other money, the rental income that you have, if you spend it all up knows God. But if there's money left over to the point where it accumulates to as a countable amount, then you pay zakat on it but you do not have to pay on that rental property in and of itself. That is not as a countable asset in and of itself. Okay.

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Very good. So, um,

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okay, someone's asking if someone can continue to fast due to weakness or exhaustion. What's the penalty on missing the fast, there is no penalty. If you are not terminally or chronically ill, you'll just have to make up that day that you missed, or that you had to break after the call is over after the gotse after Ramadan is over. And if you are terminally and chronically over you're not able to fast, then you will pay $10 professed that you are not able to keep it's called Vidya. someone saying should I pay zakat on the value of rental properties without mortgage to add schurman value based on the price I paid or guess what I could sell for. So you do not have to pay on the

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value of a rental property. It is very different when you are flipping houses, as opposed to you own it. And it's a long term thing that you own, then you do not pay on properties. There's some difference of opinion there. But that is my recommendation that you do not pay on properties that you own, even if you are generating rental income from there more so you'll just treat your income as as a countable assets. If it accumulates and stays in your possession for a year. We're lucky to Allah and Allah knows rest. Okay.

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The next question is,

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okay, there's a couple of good questions here. But I'll just tackle

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one more question.

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All right, how should one control themselves and their thoughts when they're trying very hard not to commit a sin, but the temptation and desire to do it are very strong, especially if you really want it for yourself, and everyone also indulges in it freely. So there's a couple of things here. Number one, is that

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the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Allah basically Allah, He taught my inner loop, you're looking for that strength, to be able to overcome to be able to push these evil thoughts out of your head, to not succumb to your desires. the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala is the most powerful resource. So whenever you start to feel weak, whenever those thoughts are popping into your head, then remind yourself of Allah make the dhikr of Allah.

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Right? Just remind yourself of Allah make the thicker of Allah, it'll give you strength. It's powerful, number one. Number two, is that just like anything else, your strength and your capacity builds with time and effort and rigor. You can't give up.

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So you're struggling right now but it will get easier it will get better. You have to know that you have to believe that you have to stick with it. Number three. So you mentioned something very specific, saying everyone also indulges in it freely. That's sometimes looking at your influences and your environment and your surroundings is very important. And if you are trying to achieve good you need to surround yourself with good

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All right. And so try to find company and environment influences that are in line with what you are seeking what you are pursuing, and what you where you would like to be in life, like Atlanta Misawa.

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In the llanos vessel where somebody with a follow up question, if someone has less than the nisab Gold, should they need to phase it out? Because it is so expensive these days, I understand there's a little bit of a difference of opinion, I would, I would direct you to go in and watch, you know, the workshop that must take money conducted on tickets, because it requires a little bit more explanation. But very quickly, there are two standards for determining who is

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you know, who is obligated to pay tickets? And who is eligible to receive tickets, there is a silver standard, which comes out to like $500, at the most, it's actually less than that. And then there is the golden standard, which is like around $3,000. Okay. And they're both kind of drastic.

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My own personal recommendation, my own personal analysis of the situation, is that I operate by the golden standard, by the gold standard. I know it's a little bit high. But I feel like that is what in my analysis, in my estimation, in my experience, and my understanding is most appropriate for our situation, when an American audience is asking me that question, okay.

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I know that most tech company agrees with that. That's why I'm quoting that. And there might be some scholars who go by the silver standard, and that's completely fine. They have every right to their opinion and their position. But that is my recommendation.

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Would love to tattle on me so well, but Allah knows best. I really appreciate everyone tuning in for the Ramadan FAQs. This is happening here every day. 5pm please join us. Number two. Tonight we have a very special program that starting at 11:45pm Central time. All right, so right before midnight, right before midnight, it'll be started ramen, Murphy and I talking about forgiveness from Allah. We'll be talking about stories from the Quran, from the life of the Prophet salatu salam powerfull verses from the Quran, a Hadith of the prophets, a lot of them are focusing on the forgiveness from Allah, to get in that mindset, the spirit of the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan and to get

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that forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. So that'll be starting tonight in sha Allah. And as always, before I log out, support alarm.com be a part of the work that we're doing. Be a part of this mission of educating people all over the world, changing the world making it a better place in shalabi nilla. So go to support column.com and text that link to everyone you know, and tell them that this is the best of the kajaria that they can invest into your contributions will produce scholars, people like Posada Thurman Murphy, people like crostata Fatima, people like chef Mecca ill it'll produce more and more of those people

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to teach people all around the world. It'll produce videos and workshops, classes and lectures and sessions like this. No, keep the podcast going. That has benefited over 10 million people around the world. So in sha Allah give give generously zachman lockira vertical offi comm was Salam aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa over a cartoon

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