Abdul Nasir Jangda – Ramadan FAQs #03

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The Pelham University program is conducting workshops on women's issues, including the importance of understanding and embracing physical and daily lives, the difficulty of pregnancy, fasting during cycles, and praying at home. The speakers emphasize the need for a clear idea of when a woman will start her tokenization and the importance of rewarding her for her hard work. They also mention a Facebook page where viewers can send in questions and a recitation program for the next day. The importance of finding a balance between reward and reward for women is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu just relax you will hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah, he was a marine.

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So if you are subscribed to the, you know, if you follow the column Facebook page or you're subscribed to the YouTube channel, you're probably trying to figure out what's going on. right because I was just on here and now I'm on here again, it's in a whole nother program. Right It was just so happens that today was my turn with the message of the Quran program. But this is what we're telling you that Alhamdulillah Kalam is here to educate it is here to support your journey in terms of your faith, your Eman, your Islam, it is here to be a system of support for you in your spiritual journey and your religious growth. Whether that be in terms of your emotion, or your faith, or your

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growth in your development, spiritually, your knowledge and understanding of Islam, and the religion. Islam is here. Calum is here to basically facilitate that journey of Islam for you, whoever you are, wherever you are, wherever you are, whatever place you are in that journey column is here to facilitate that. And just to give you a little bit of an idea, today's is Saturday. Saturdays usually are a little bit of a lazy kind of slower day, right?

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This is now the fourth program that Calum is having today. Chef me got yelled in the morning went through prophetic, simpler daily prophetic supplications. With you, we had a webinar talking about last 10 days of Ramadan, and Laila to each other, and how to go about in, you know, observing the lesson nights and making sure that we can all get the virtue and the reward of Laila to other.

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So we had a very detailed program, talking about that

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with y'all for y'all. And then we had the message of the Parana program we've been doing every single day, where we go through an entire meaning of the judges. And now we're here answering your questions, FAQs, and we're going to have yet another program at night when you can listen to the rest citation of the 20th, Jos insha, Allah be Neela. So please, please go to support column calm

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and be a part of the work be a part of this mission, to educate the whole world about the truth and the beauty of Islam and be a part of our cause in sha Allah, Allah. Okay. With that being said, y'all know what I do here? I log on every day, we've had a few sessions so far. And I answered the questions that y'all have sent into us. Okay. So

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I noticed that there were a number of questions that were specifically dealing with

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fic legal technical issues pertaining to women, right, that there were a lot of women's fic questions that were being brought up. And there's two things, two thoughts that I have in regards to that. Number one is, just like any other area, Islamic Finance, or bioethics, or,

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you know, whatever the specific area may be.

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every area of Islamic law requires a little bit of a specialization, a deep dive, somebody who has spent years and years and years digging through these issues going through them one by one, and researching them very thoroughly, to the point of being very well researched and qualified to be able to answer those questions for the whole community. And we need that in all different areas, okay. food and beverages and ingredients, and medical issues, and so on and so forth. Finance issues. That's number one. Number two, one knowledge does not you know, somebody can be theoretically knowledgeable about something. But when you are talking about things that are very

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personal, that are very biological, physical, that are part of people's everyday lives, issues that affect people's everyday lives. Having experience and understanding it from a firsthand point of view, is very important. And I'll give you a very simple example. And consider this as part of the education. This is also the fifth in fact one. All right, this is a double Mufti. This is something we educate our students on at the column seminary. So let me give you a quick

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little example, if somebody's sister asked a question about fasting in Ramadan while she's pregnant.

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Okay, there's a theoretical answer to that question that I can give that technically, you are sure a lot of us but technically you are also allowed to not fast on those days and make up those fast after Ramadan and after your pregnancy. If you feel like you're not capable of fasting while being pregnant, but then if I'm trying to if somebody says What do you recommend?

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I don't know. Right? At one level, yeah, sure. It's a person or person issue. But imagine how silly you would be. If I was to start talking about that. I know that pregnancy can be very difficult and challenging. But right there, my wife, my mother, and all the Muslim women in the world, who have had children would tell me to please stop, and then they would ask me, tell us how you understand their pregnancy can be very difficult. What do you understand about the difficulty of pregnancy? And that's what I would say, you are correct. I have no idea what I'm speaking about. You know, I have elderly parents. And I say, I know It must be hard, that you want to fast but you're physically not

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capable of passing. They're like Habibi, stop. You have no idea too fast for 60 years of your life.

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And now you're alive, but you physically can't fast. You don't know what it feels like? And I'll say, yes, you are correct. Right. So having that experiential point of view becomes very important, especially when you deal with these kinds of issues. So we had many, many of our dear, respected Muslim sisters sending in questions. They're very specific to women's fic. And so and Hamdulillah, we are very blessed here at Pelham. I say that all the time. We are very, you know, blessed institution with over a dozen scholars that we have female scholars and female teachers as well. So with me today, inshallah, I thought I would bring on a guest. I have started artifice, Sharif, who

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is a graduate of the condom seminary, since then has specialized in the area of the seed and women's fic. And she's an instructor and a teacher, with alum as well teaching at the seminary teaching at our intensives teaching lectures and seminars and webinars, you know, to people all across the world. So I invited her on to come and join me here at Ramadan FAQs, so that we could specifically answer some of the questions in regards to

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women's fick that were being brought up here. So

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well, we'll go ahead and get started on just opening up the questions here.

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there was one question is that?

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Is it permissible for a woman to fast if her period has stopped, but she's having discharged that consists of leftover blood from her cycle? So if you could explain that issue? Sure. This would not have mattered he was out to a Samana, sweetie, he's getting water out, he was having a sound Why go on hold the law, who to get to everyone. It's a real honor to be able to join on the session today, and inshallah it's

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a lot of benefit. So the question is regarding to leftover blood from one, one cycle and one's period, would that require would you know, what does that mean? So, first of all, now, let's talk about make it easy for older women who are experienced who experience you know, just when when they're experiencing bleeding during their cycle during Ramadan is just not an easy situation. Not only do, you know, sometimes have questions like these, but also you're trying to do your best in terms of your Eva, and you're worse at worship, and you're fasting. So it does become there. There often are a lot of questions in this regard. So what we understand from the fit of this, from the

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sides of this from the legal perspective, is that it's basically the policy of it's not over till it's over. And so if a woman is still experiencing bleeding from her from her cycle, the scholars mentioned that it's not over till it's over in the sense that if it's not, you know, clear, just parched completely, then it's not considered to be completed. So that would still be considered part of her period that would still be considered part of her cycle, and therefore, you would still not be fasting, fasting and praying on those days. And then and once it is actually completely clear

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or white basically that that, you know, dark discharge is no longer there as a complete indication that you know, everything has been cleared out, then inshallah she should perform the vessel, the ritual bath purification in order for her to begin praying and fasting afterwards.

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Good zachman Lafayette and thank you so much.

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There was another question, if menstruation starts, and a woman is not sure if it started minutes before or after if talk, so it's a confusing kind of situation

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isn't required to make up that fast. Um, so yeah, so basically, a woman notices that a restoration began. But she maybe notices that after a thought, and she's not sure she's speculating that maybe it could have started 2030 minutes ago, right before star. So what does she do? Is that a fast that she's gonna have to make up?

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So that's, again, a very good question. What we have a policy against in our in our legal rulings and our fic is that we are very, you know, our religion is very, there's a lot of principles in it. We are principled people. And one of the legal principles that we follow is the statement, akinola is rubbish. That certainty is not removed by doubt. And so what that means or how this applies in this circumstance, is that we have to go by what we're sure about, we don't go by question marks, right. And so even if, you know, if there was a sort of question mark for herself, in terms of I don't know, I don't know if it happened before, I don't know if it happened after, then. She really

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just has to ask herself the simple question. Well, when was When did she become sure that she did it, you know, experienced her the start of her menstruation. Okay. And if she became Sure, after her Athar, right after she already broke her fast, then that's when she became sure our religion does not hold us accountable for things that were uncertainty, uncertain about that there is uncertainty regarding it. And so we go by what we're sure so, you know, we don't need to stress about a woman don't need to stress about you know, exactly when that time was, as long as it you know, there was not like a clear indication. Now, the question is like, what, you know, Should she necessarily check

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beforehand or after? I mean, if there is a reasonable enough, you know, concern are reasonable enough reason, right, that she may have experienced her the start of her menstruation prior to the fast being broken, then, of course, you know, we do have a personal responsibility to get that certainty.

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And not like, kind of, like play games without religion in that way. But if she's honestly and sincerely not sure, when exactly it happened, then she goes by what she's sure about, and it based on this question, it seems that she was sure after the Athar took place, so then she would just kind of recognize, understand that first of that day, inshallah, in the eyes of Allah is considered acceptable, and she would continue, it is from the next day forward, considered that to be her first day of her cycle. Okay, very good. Just.

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Um, so, the another question that we had was, does a server

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need to turn this down?

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doesn't feed back, there we go. Okay. So another question that she, that someone had asked.

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This is gonna feed back. Okay. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to go ahead and just remove you from this stream.

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I think it'll just be easier that way. Could you just kind of exit out?

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No, the other way around?

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No, and if you could do rejoin the stringer.

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Yeah. That's the moment everybody.

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All right. Okay. There we go. Let's not advise backwards. We'll just keep it this way. Because I think everyone is able to, I think everyone is able to hear the conversation and that way, we don't have to deal with the feedback issue. Okay. So the third question was, is that out too far? That does a woman get more reward praying at home, compared to the mustard For example, when it comes to throw away. So

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the basis you know of the question, I think, you know, what the, what the questioner is asking about because somebody might be thinking, What do you mean get more rewarded praying at home compared to the masjid

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Because we've heard the narrations, authentic narrations will Heidi and listen, that praying in the masjid is a lot more virtuous than praying at home. But we know that that's for menfolk because there's an authentic narration from body as well, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly states that the reward for a woman praying at home is it is more virtuous for a woman to pray at home. Right. So there are narrations and then there's a narration specifically, that also talks about how praying in the innermost kind of like private area of our home is more virtuous for a woman. So based off of that, someone's asking, does a woman end up getting more reward praying at

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home compared to the masjid?

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So we clearly have a lot of different narrations about you know, praying at the home versus and praying at the masjid. First of all, it's, you know, it's amazing that you're even praying right there all week. That was the example that was given, right, but all we is a optional prayer. It's not something that's required. It's a unique part of Ramadan. And so to even have that emphasis and desire to pray that optional prayer is something to be praiseworthy. Now, in when we take all of those kind of narrations into consideration, and just even our current circumstances where it may not necessarily be possible to even go to the mustard to pray, what we, what we understand is that

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particularly for a woman that she you know, she is basically allowed to pray where, you know, wherever she wants, if she wanted to pray in the masjid, and she has the opportunity to do that, and everything is safe, and you know, like, not just in COVID times, but just just generally speaking, everything is safe and secure for her to be able to, um, you know, pray that prayer without any sort of worries, then that's definitely her prerogative, she couldn't do that. And you know, people talk about how going to the masjid gives that community feeling. So that's definitely allowable. However, however, if her life circumstances don't allow for her to go to the masjid, and pray that thought

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all week, she can definitely pray at home, and there is no decrease in reward.

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There's no decrease in reward. And so we have to kind of really have that perspective in mind that, you know, this, this does bring into question, you know, it may be more virtuous for a man to pray at the masjid. But for a woman, that's, that's not necessarily the case. And that's what that entails is not sort of any sort of negativity on the woman's part or any negativity directed towards a woman rather that there's a lenient for women that she's would still get that same reward, praying at the masjid, praying at home. And, and a last thought, of course, rewards for one's efforts and intentions. So, um, you know, it's more so of a consolation and comfort to her about her, like maybe

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circumstantial inability to go to the muster, that she still has the ability to and to pray at home, pray that extra prayer and still get a great reward for it. Beautiful. Yeah. And we we've discussed, you know, this issue at length that the mothers of the believers, you know, the the who are the best of all women, right, people like of the color of it chose to do karate, Allahu taala Sangha, and the daughters of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, they would go and they would pray in the masjid regularly. So if there was less reward and going to the masjid, it's unfathomable and unimaginable that women have such great virtue would be going and deliberately choosing the option

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that was less, you know, virtuous. So I'm just going to locate and I really appreciate that perspective. And, you know, the balance within the answer you gave. So we wanted to, specifically, I know that there's a lot of questions everyone has been sending in US people keep asking about where they can send in questions. So on Instagram, for now, we just kind of post an inquiry about if anyone has any questions, we'll also have something posted to the Facebook page as well, so people can send in their questions. And, you know, having the opportunity of hosting saw the artifact here at the FAQ program was kind of a unique opportunity. So I wanted to take advantage of that make the

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most of that opportunity. So we kind of consolidate a lot of the questions that, you know, we wanted to make sure that our sisters could learn the proper,

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traditional knowledge based answer of from a female scholar and from a female teacher. That's very important. That's something that's very important to us, and something we've been working on for over a decade and hamdulillah.

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I would say it's come to fruition but in chama, so real quickly.

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Whenever folks kind of drop a question quickly into the comments, I like to just kind of take it real quickly. Someone asked, I have a question regarding to cut. Is there extra benefit for giving Zakat in Ramadan? Um, so, you know, if if somebody so then they're asking that if my second date is not in Ramadan? Or should I just focus on Southern Ramadan? So it's a couple of questions there. Is there extra benefit of giving forgotten Ramadan? I would say Yes, there is. Because there are general narrations mukluk ahaadeeth, right there, their general narrations. And for that even look like that where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does say that every deed in Ramadan is

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multiplied. So by that logic, you would then understand that the reward of years ago is also being multiplied. So that does make sense. If there's a God date isn't in Ramadan, you could move it around, you could reschedule it to be normal for next year. Or if that just doesn't work for you with maybe your finances and your taxes. And you know, just how you're you do all of your finances and your accounting,

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then yes, most definitely focus on your setup in the month of Ramadan. And maybe that's that's a good thing. It'll motivate you to give a lot more so that because you're not just gonna be like, Oh, I gave myself out. I'm done. No, no, but you gave a lot more so that And on that note, I will remind everyone once again, support alarm.com Okay, that's, we call that a perfect segue and a perfect transition. Right? To me, it's a it's a multi commodity level segue. For anyone who doesn't know that in sha Allah, I hope and pray one day you get to experience a multi commodity segue. So with that in sha Allah will conclude today's program. Thank you very much. It's not optimal. Thank you so

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much for joining us. We're very appreciative, vertical coffee COMM And I'll see all y'all

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for the FAQ program tomorrow. But as far as just folks benefiting from the work Adam is doing, we will see y'all later tonight for the Ramadan recitation program designed to locate on was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh barakato

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