Abdul Nasir Jangda – Ramadan FAQs #05

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The importance of providing a place for people to ask questions during the month ofFinancial is discussed, including the use of contact lenses, fasting habits, and paying Z reminded. Prayer before 5 PM is recommended, and praying outside of the general school of thought is emphasized. The importance of praying differently for different reasons, including the use of praying in different ways, is emphasized, along with advice on finding an appropriate practice and following the congregation. Prayer should be mindful of their partner's language and practice learning their language. The hamster program is also discussed, and resources for those interested in it are offered. The transcript ends with a recommendation to be careful of one's partner's behavior and practice learning their language.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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just a moment as I finish setting up over here

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okay Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah, he was a huge marine. A Salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Apologize for a little bit of delay. But Alhamdulillah I want to welcome everyone back to another session of Ramadan FAQs, where we answer your questions. Plain and simple. We figured that as part of the work that Callum does to serve the Muslim community at large that we would provide a place while we're having tafsir lectures, daily recitation of the Quran, explanation of prophetic and Quranic do us nightly reflections during the last two nights of Ramadan, that one of the things that really,

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you know, ramps up in the month of Ramadan is people ask a lot of questions. There's a lot of questions that people have. So we figured that we would provide a place an outlet where people could have their questions answered. So hamdullah very happy to be here with y'all on another blessed day of the month of Ramadan. We're officially in the last seven days of the month of Ramadan. So inshallah, let's go ahead and answer some questions today. So first and foremost, we'll start with a couple of questions here. Just a moment

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when I pull up these questions.

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So the first question that we have here today

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is for the last 10 nights, and I thought that we can start with this one because it's very relevant, right? It, it makes sense. And it,

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you know, is basically relevant to the moment and the occasion. So,

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in terms of the last 10 nights, someone had a question, what is the most preferred Vicodin? For Layla to other, whether it be Salah or put on or do? What is the thing that we should do the most. So something that many of y'all might have heard might have come across before. There's an authentic narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which the mothers, the mother of the believers, I shadowed the local teller and her, she asked the prophets a lot so that if I find myself on the night of power worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala then what should I say? What should I pray? How should I talk to Allah on that? In that moment, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, he said to her, that say the following to her as much as you can, Allah in Mecca alpha One, two hibbeler alpha alpha for me, Allah indeed you are the oft forgiving you are the partner you are the one who pardons and forgives.

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And you love to forgive and pardon. So Oh Allah, please forgive me. And Allah please pardon me. So that is the

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DA that should be said during the lesson nights

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of the month of Ramadan.

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When one is in pursuit of Laila to the other in all of its virtues, and all of its rewards, give me just a moment. I'm sorry.

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There we go, that's a little bit better. We have very strange weather here in Texas sometimes, where earlier today in the sun was out, and it was hot, and it was bright. And so I have the window open. And now when I look outside, it basically looks like London. It's all fog. And, you know, it's all foggy and dull. And so I just had to turn on the light. Anyways. So getting back to this, so that is the preferred to have during last night's in the month of Ramadan. Now, there's some questions about fasting. The first question is that if food particles are stuck in one's teeth, from if our time

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and then they are accidentally swallowed during the fast. So I'm basically somebody when they ate, and maybe rather than if there are so who might be a better example of this, but nonetheless, if somebody had some food particles stuck in their teeth, and they're fasting and now they accidentally swallow it, while they are fasting, does that break the fast? No, it does not. No one does not. Right. But if they kind of feel like they have something and they sense it, then they should take it out and remove it. Okay, they should not basically deliberately swallow it on purpose. And once it becomes a deliberate action, then it will break the fast. But if it's accidental, that it will not

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break the fast and Allah knows best. Okay. Somebody asked a question that is not related to the month of Ramadan, but

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and yes, somebody is entering that flossing helps before and after eating. Absolutely. The proselytism will do this, he walk so much throughout the day, Chateau de la Coachella unnecessary was brushing his teeth with that to work with the stick so frequently throughout the day, even while he was fasting that I would lose track, I would lose count.

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So there's a question here about fasting, but it's not about Ramadan. It's just a general fasting question. But again, like I said, in Ramadan, people are curious about a lot of these issues. So we can go ahead and answer it. Someone's asking,

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Can you break a knuffel? Fast knuffel meaning a voluntary optional fast? Can you break an optional fast, if someone offers you food and make it up another day, technically speaking, because it was not a mandatory fast, you are allowed to do that. You are allowed to do that. Now some scholars say like the Hanafi school says it's better not to do that. But at the end of the day, ultimately, you won't be sinful if you do that you are allowed to do that. But as you know, the person noted, you just make it up another day afterwards. And in fact, the Hanafi say you have to make it up another day afterwards. The Shafi school and the humblebee School says You don't even have to make it up on

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another day after whereas because it was optional to begin with, there was nothing mandatory on you. You try to finish if you didn't finish, no harm, no foul, nothing, no penalty, right. But the Hanafi is basically say, once you start something, then you got to finish it. Okay. Another question was does wearing contact lenses break the fast according to any school of thought, but they're asking particularly according to the Hanafi school of thought, the answer's no. According to no one nobody's of the opinion that if you use contact lenses, put them in and out that that will affect your fast adversely or negatively in any way, shape or form. Absolutely. No, it does not have any

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negative effect or impact on your fast. Okay. We have

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some succot in video questions which are very relevant to Ramadan. For a lot of people. Someone is asking about Zakat on Bitcoin, of course they are. Right? Of course, someone is asking about paying Zakat on Bitcoin, right, because we need to insert Bitcoin into every conversation, right? We cannot have any conversation any longer without talking about it. But all jokes aside, I can imagine that, you know, for a lot of people, it is a very relevant question, because they do have, you know, some holdings of cryptocurrencies and so, do they pay zakat on it? The answer is yes, you do pay zakat on it. And if you've had it for a year, then you pay zakat on it. Okay And overall, you are of the

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level where you qualify to pay the costs. We have nisab we talked to

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The different amounts, right? But if you qualify to basic art, and you do have cryptocurrency says you've had for a year, then yes, you do basic math on them, how do you calculate to God? Whatever is the value of your cryptocurrency, two and a half percent of that 2.5% of that, that you pay to goddamnit. Okay?

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It's very simple and straightforward, and Allah knows best. Alright, the next question is, can you pay fibia on a family member's behalf? The charity that you have to pay at the end of the month of Ramadan, which we'll be talking about? In a few days, there's no need to talk about it. Well, I mean, it's good to talk about it now as well. But inshallah we got time to talk about it. So I'll be bringing it up later. But under the last video, the charity you have to pay at the end of the month of Ramadan? Can you pay it on a family member's behalf? So for instance, I'm,

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I'm an adult. Okay. But couldn't my parents pay it on my behalf? Sure, they could, right? Of course, like, I have to agree to that. Um, but yes, they absolutely can. And there's nothing wrong about that, and Allah knows best. Okay. Um, there's some prayer related questions. Someone's asking can, according to the Hanafi school, the time of the heart

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extends longer.

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And therefore officer comes in also starts a little bit later.

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Uh, you know,

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as opposed to the other schools, right. So according to the Shafi school, the Maliki school, the Hammadi school, though her ends a little bit sooner, and officer therefore begins a little bit sooner, according to the Hanafi methodology and their analysis of the evidences and the issue, they are of the opinion that the time of law extends a little bit further, so a little bit longer. And therefore also time starts a little bit later. Right. So during this time in this season, or at least here in Texas, according to the majority, the other schools, if lower ends at 5pm, and also starts at 5pm. According to the Hanafi approach, the hub would go all the way till 6pm and also will

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start at 6pm. Okay, so that is a classic difference of opinion. All right.

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Now, someone's asking if somebody follows generally the Hanafi school, can they pray the door all the way till that 6pm time that later time when the officer comes in? Or should they pray it before 5pm as a precaution, because there is a difference of opinion, some are saying that the hora ended an hour before. So should that person even though they follow generally the Hanafi school? Should they try to pray their Thor before that 5pm? Or can they prayed all the way up till 6pm because technically according to them, and their opinion and their analysis, that is the end time of her. So this is a great example of a discussion that we call what you can do, as opposed to what you should

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do. Okay. Um, there's lots of different verbiage is a lot of times you hear scholars talking about fatwa versus dupois, hokum versus hikmah, etc, etc. Okay. So technically speaking, very honestly, technically speaking, somebody follows that opinion, that position, they can actually pray there, though, are all the way up till 5:55pm. They can, okay. However, it is recommended, and it is wise and it is more closer to God consciousness to pray your prayers sooner rather than later, you shouldn't be dealing unnecessarily. So, in many books of Hanafi scholars, they do recommend that the best thing to do little hooroo G, analyse laugh, so that you're not operating within any area where

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there's a difference of opinion, especially when it comes to your obligations, your Ferrari and your five pillars. You don't want to be obligor you don't want to be operating within some, you know, area of difference of opinion, gray areas, they say, you don't want to do that. Right? Because this is something very important this your Salah your prayer. So therefore they do recommend that in that situation, go ahead and perform your door before that 5pm time and then wait until the 6pm time to do your awesome and hopefully you've prayed before even 5pm but pray, you know, try to keep that as a deadline as opposed to 6pm and Allah knows best but that's a very good question. And it also

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highlights the fact that there are always you know, two layers of under

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stemming when it comes to deeds and actions, there is what you can do, what are you allowed to do, as opposed to what you should do? All right? And we should always strive to be better and better and Allah knows best.

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So if someone's saying that if you follow another school of thought that is it, then better to delay the ASA, until it's also time 6pm, according to everyone? Well, luckily, Telangana I'm not really sure whether the scholars in those schools recommend that or not. So you would have to kind of check with maybe folks that are more specialized within those particular other schools. But nonetheless, from my point of view, yes, I definitely would say that that makes a lot of sense. And that that is a very wise thing to do. Because once again, you are operating outside of the difference of opinion and the gray area, and also in our communities that are so huge and diverse, that also helps to keep

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the community together, and it keeps more unity. How about praying, I said before the six for hanafy have their friends, praying in a Gema.

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So this kind of gets into a whole nother area now of you know, operating outside of the general school of thought that one follows the fifth that one follows. My opinion in regards to that is that unless somebody is a scholar, somebody is a qualified, advanced student of knowledge, where they understand what they're doing,

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that people should not just kind of willy nilly on their own,

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as amateurs being bobbing and weaving in and out of different schools in different opinions, because you just don't even understand what you're doing.

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It's kind of like me, just starting to give medications to my children. When they're not feeling well, everyone would be appalled by the idea. You cannot self medicate. You cannot be at home playing doctor with your kids. That seems so perfectly logical to everyone. However, it's very interesting that we don't have that kind of common sense and that kind of logic when it comes to our Deen and our religion. So normally, I would say don't do it. However, at the same time, though, if somebody does end up doing it, because it was a group setting like you mentioned the whole family or friends or whatever where you went to the masjid and they were praying etc. You have not committed a

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sin. You have not done anything wrong. It's just a simple issue of difference of opinion. Allahu taala Allah and Allah knows best. Okay, someone's asking does Juma replace the heart? Yes, it does. Right for an adult male who is healthy of sound mind and lives in

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a city has a Masjid, you know, in their area. They have to pray Juma. They have to go to the mosque in new Juma. It's mandatory on them. Okay. But for everyone else, for women and children, for the elderly, the sick, somebody who lives out in the middle of nowhere.

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Where you know, where I'm from? out in the middle of nowhere, we call that Oklahoma. Okay. So if somebody lives out in the middle of nowhere, then, you know, they're excused from praying to God, they can just pray the Lord. But if they end up going and attending a Juma prayer, guess what? Now, they are excused from door so Jim, I will replace the door. Yes, indeed. Okay. Someone else asking a question.

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different machines I have attended pray Witter differently. Right off the bat. I'm going to pause right there. Yes, that is a very good observation on your part. They probably do pray the winter differently. And the reason why they do that is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he prayed with her in different methods. And so therefore,

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it's can be performed differently. And different schools of thought different scholars, preferred different methodologies, different methods of praying the winter. Some do two units in a separate third, aka, absolutely. Some do three units together like for mother, absolutely. Also the way in which they do the same application The mood is different. Some say the opponent quietly mm does not recite it out loud. Correct. That is how the companion I've delivered Masood would perform it

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and he learned it from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and some recite the poem out loud. Some do it before record some do it after record. There were companions who did it in all these different ways and learned it from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam I am unsure what the best way is to

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Follow when I pray on my own, can you please explain? And can Okay? So

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that's a very good question. What should you do? So if you're in a congregation, you're just gonna follow the congregation, that's great. But what if you're on your own? You're at home? How do you do it? What's preferred? Okay, so that'll depend on a couple of things. Number one, the advice that I give everyone about this is that if you have a scholar, a person of knowledge, a qualified person of knowledge, in your area, in your life in your vicinity,

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ask them what which way you should do it, ask them to instruct you and guide you and direct you and and explain to you how to do it. And whatever they teach you, whatever they explain to you, that's what you should do.

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Okay, that is my recommendation. All right, if you do not have, if you do not have someone have knowledge that you have access to, then try to find some kind of an org,

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excuse me,

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then try to find some kind of an, you know, an institution, the school, right? an educational institution, that you can basically learn your religion from, right. So Adam could be a place like that for you. And then you can basically kind of more specifically enquire and also, when they offer classes in regards to, you know, pick up the hot off sip of soul or things like that, or reach out to them and say, Hey, do you have a class on how to do taharah? Do you have a class on how to pray? And then basically take that class and then learn that method in that procedure from there.

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And just generally know that as long as you're dealing with somebody who's knowledgeable, there really isn't a wrong answer there. So inshallah you should be good. Then some there are, there are also asking the following up, can you please also, can you explain what should be reciting in a footnote? There are two different supplications narrated from the prophets, a lot of them both are valid. And once again, that, you know, you can enquire about that. Is it a set? There are? Yes, it is. Can I make do I as I wish,

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generally speaking, yes. In my own language, there's a little bit of difference of opinion. There. Were the honeybees are a little bit more restrictive about the language that's used. Some of the other scholars are a little bit more open with you making your own in your own language, in the winter prayer, so that should be okay. All right. Um,

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see here.

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Another question. Okay. Let me take a couple of these questions that have been posted here. Somebody said random question, but does kissing your spouse? rake your fast? I heard he does. It does not. And there's actually an authentic narration from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That hugging, touching, kissing, embracing one spouse will not nullify the fast will not affect the validity of the fast sexual *. Whoa, all right. Um, someone asked a question saying what if I have to leave home for any appointment or meeting then can I do answer early while I do have free time regularly? I kind of basically addressed that. I don't think

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normally kind of taking it upon yourself to kind of weave in and out. It's just you're going to you're operating in a realm that you don't fully understand. It's going to become confusing. So I would not recommend making a practice out of doing so. Well lockdown item and Allah knows best.

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There's a couple of follow up questions here. On Facebook, somebody posted.

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Okay, someone asked a question about Maria PIP dia, who was a mother of Ibrahim, the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because she was

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Malacca in Monaco. She basically was in servitude. She was in the custody of the in the ownership of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So they have a question regarding that. It's a very, very good question. What I would recommend though, is that we deal with that in a lot of detail in a lot of different classes and lectures and programs that we have. So for instance, the cedre intensive we address that in a lot of detail. I will recommend that you reach out to one of our instructors, you can reach out to for instance, stada artifort Sharif

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And you can email her,

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you know her name at IFA at column institute.org with that question, and she will be able to give you a very good thorough understanding and explanation of that, and share resources with you to help you better understand that in sha Allah. Another question is,

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okay, someone is asking that, you know, someone's fast starting and ending time is dependent upon their current location and observation of the sun. How does one practically do this when they are traveling by plane and may not realistically be able to see this under know exactly where they are? I understand that there's a concession, but if the person wants to still fast, right, how do they go about doing that? estimation, estimation? And there's a basis for that, because the prophets ludington was one time talking about the fact that the time will begin to move so rapidly, that people won't be able to keep track of the prayer times. And they said Yasuda, Allah, how do we go

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about and praying in that situation, the proselytism said, estimation. So you can estimate and basically fast, where basically you say, okay, a fast is typically 16 hours, then try to start around, you know, what you can assume is morning time, and then basically fast for 16 hours, if you're also traveling East bound, um, you know, where you're basically kind of, you know, time is your, you're kind of moving forward in that sense, if you want to think of it that way.

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Then, in that situation, one other estimation that the scholars recommend you can do is you can basically kind of keep your clock dialed into where you departed from, and you basically kind of fast according to that, um, until you don't arrive at a destination, the end of the Athena legacy will be shot, right. So until you don't have a new frame of time that you can basically abide by, then you can kind of go based off of that. I'm not too keen on that position. But that is something that the scholars mentioned.

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So somebody says, If you travel to a different city, where if thought is different by a couple of minutes, should we go by the New City, we are in for a prayer and authority? Yes, absolutely. Once you're on the ground, wherever you are, that's the look, that's your location. And that's what you should observe your prayer times your fasting times your star times, that's what you should abide by. And that is what you should operate based off of luck and time Allah, and Allah knows best.

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With that, I'm going to go ahead and conclude today's session for Ramadan FAQs. Before I wrap up, I want to draw your attention to a couple of very important things. Okay.

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First and foremost,

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the hamdulillah as you know, apart observing the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan,

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we're very excited, very happy

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to be bringing back, you know, some programs that we like to have here, during the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan, one of those particular programs that, you know, hamdulillah was very beneficial.

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And we started it last year, it was something we really enjoyed, and folks really enjoyed it as well. So we thought that we would bring it back. And that program is a nightly reflection series, where we reflect every single night

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on, you know, spiritual, different spiritual themes. The theme this year is forgiveness from Allah forgiveness from Allah. So that is every night around midnight, central time, all right, around 1am Eastern Time, saw that there have Murphy and I will be on there every night and occasionally, hopefully, we'll have different guests kind of coming in and out of the session in sha Allah, but that you can find on the column YouTube channel.

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Last night session is uploaded there. So please go there, the Facebook page and we'll also be streaming it on Instagram. So in sha Allah keep a lookout for that. That will be later tonight. That's one thing number two. Every year we have the annual column. A big program that we have on the

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You know, 27 Clank. So we're going to be doing that again this year in sha Allah, Allah. It'll be basically Saturday night going into Sunday.

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And it's going to be a beautiful program with, you know, a lot of random instructors that you know, and that you have learned from benefited from chef Mugu, el multicam. Amani, Southern Thurman. So it'll be a really beneficial program, that'll be Saturday night. So please do mark that and save that. And, you know, join us for that program, the whole thing will be streamed live, and you'll be able to join the program and follow along. So please do mark that on your calendar. If you go to column live.com, you can actually set a reminder to your calendar from there, you'll be able to watch the you know, event on there as well. So if you go to lm live.com, then sha Allah, that's

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where you can keep up with that program. And then lastly, and finally,

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from the prophetic supplications in the morning, we shall get you to the message of the Quran every evening, up to the FAQs, a chronic to us at the start time, the nightly recitations, and then late night reflections, all of this column is doing

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is completely open and free for the whole community. And so what we ask you is to support us in the work that we're doing, go to support column.com that support column calm and donate and give generously shared this link with family and friends texted to everyone that you know, for two reasons. Number one, help us to continue doing this work. Alright, to keep doing this work. Number two, the silica Giardia potential of this work is out of this world. There are millions of people around the world learning and benefiting you can have a share in that by donating by contributing so go to a condom live.com go to support column.com and donate and give generously. Does that love hate

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unpolitical e comm thank you very much for tuning in. And insha Allah I will see y'all

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hopefully join us for tonight's reflections with southerner Herman Murphy. And then for FAQs inshallah I'll see y'all tomorrow was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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