Abdul Nasir Jangda – Prophetic Ramadan Webcast

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Islamic University Zoom class emphasizes the importance of learning from the Prophet sallal and transformation of Islam, as well as protecting Sy Julian's health and safety. The importance of not losing sight of the promise of deathly goals and taking responsibility for one's behavior is emphasized, as well as the need for moral commitment and cooperation to build a connection with the world. The importance of giving charity and donations to serve others is emphasized, along with the message of peace and transformation. The broadcasters and attendees are reminded of a Father's Day event where they will reintroduce the broadcast.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah alayhi wa sallam He is married. I wanted to first and foremost, of course, Welcome everyone, to the prophetic Ramadan class that we are conducting live online shala for everyone's benefit worldwide. And I pray and I hope that inshallah you're having a very blessed month of Ramadan and very productive first half of the month of Ramadan. And, you know, today's broadcast and class is going to be focusing on observing the month of Ramadan from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I'm going to go ahead and jump right into the class and kind of

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dispel with the formalities. We appreciate you logging on and kind of waiting here with us for a couple of minutes. Apparently, we had so many people logging on that the servers were having some issues, but inshallah hopefully you're able to log on to the class inshallah tune in and be able to partake in the class in sha Allah.

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So I wanted to first and foremost share my thought process and if you will, somewhat of the philosophy behind the class. So

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the month of Ramadan is the best month of the Islamic calendar. These are some of the most blessed days and blessing nights of the year. This is one of the most blessed times of the year. And

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when thinking about how to maximize our benefit during this month of Ramadan and really observe it to the best of our abilities, it just logically made sense that why not go and look and study and observe how did the best of humanity Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the prophet of God may allow us peace and peace and blessings be upon him? How did he observed the month of Ramadan? So how did the best of humanity observe the best of the calendar, the best month, the month of Ramadan, and of course, this is by no means some, you know, revolutionary thought or idea on my part. Classically speaking, our scholars have, you know, written pages upon pages chapters upon

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chapters, volume of volumes upon volumes, about how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he observed the month of Ramadan. So when I myself kind of reflected and thought about that, you know, a couple of years ago, and Hamdulillah, we put together a class that I taught a few different places here around the states.

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You know, increasingly, we kept having people ask us about this class, you know, being provided online. And so Alhamdulillah, we were able to, you know, put that together and we were able to make this happen, particularly, you know, with the help and the support of our, you know, dear friends or partners over at Islamic Relief USA, and inshallah, I'm going to be talking about that with you, myself. And also in sha Allah, some of the, you know, very hard working folks and the leadership over at Islamic Relief, they'll inshallah be speaking to you a little bit later as well. about, you know, how we can really take these lessons from the Ramadan of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam and implement them within insha Allah, our practice of the month of Ramadan.

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So to go ahead and get started in sha Allah, what I will be doing here today is I will be breaking up the discussion in sha Allah, the class itself into five sections, the first four sections are going to be talking about the observation of four

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moments, Ramadan moments from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then the fifth and the final portion of the class inshallah will be the conclusion in which I will kind of wrap things up and share just some thoughts and reflections and some action items about how we can inshallah make the most of, you know, the month of Ramadan that we have remaining with us. So, the very first, you know, chapter or section of the class that inshallah I would like to address here today is remarkably, the very first Ramadan from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and that is the Ramadan that started at all the very first Ramadan where everything changed, you know,

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till the end of time, the world would never be the same place ever again. And interestingly, just on a technical academic point, that very first Ramadan from the life of the prophets, a lot of him that I'm speaking about was not Ramadan, the way that we know it today. It was not the Ramadan, not the Ramadan that we wouldn't necessarily recognize with the fasting in the Torah we and you know, the the the fitrah the Sadat and fit are being given at the end and then the, you know, celebration of aid. The next following day after Ramadan concludes, it was not in that particular package format.

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We will get to that in just a moment. The very first Ramadan is the Ramadan in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received divine revelation.

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And so this is basically referred to as the Mambo. How do you know him Allahu taala and so he refers to it as, but ye, this is the beginning of Revelation, and that was in the month of Ramadan in the Quran informs us of that shadow Ramadan and let the Salafi hilpert who deadliness you will begin to mineral who that will focus on that Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the Quran itself Allah says that the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was sent down, revelation was initiated, Revelation began, revelation was sent down and Prophethood was bestowed upon the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam his mission was started during the month of Ramadan. And there's a lot of discussion exactly when it

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was during the month of Ramadan. Even Kathy Rahim, Allahu taala, who goes through all the different theories and opinions and narrations that are present, about what particular day in the month of Ramadan, there might have been. He seems to conclude that it was the 24th of the month of Ramadan. And so it was the month of Ramadan. And what's very fascinating is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the months leading up to the beginning of Revelation. He as the narration in Sahih, Bukhari mentions that he should be by Allah Hillhouse Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became very attached to the idea of, you know, secluding himself kind of receding away from

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the noise that goes on in the world around us. And finding some quietude, finding some very quiet, private, intimate moments, to be able to reflect and spiritually Connect, and really come to the realization of the universal truths and realities that are so necessary for humanity to be able to live a meaningful life.

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And particularly when the month of Ramadan said in the prophets, a lot of the sun was even that much more inclined, and this is that fitrah that, you know, by design, the month of Ramadan was made for this particular purpose. And so this very first Ramadan from the life of the Prophet Salafi some, there are a few points that I'd like to make and a few lessons that I'd like to share from this. First and foremost is that the Quran was revealed, one of the very powerful reflections that one of our very senior teachers he shared with us, and it has stuck with me and remained with me for a very long time for almost 20 years now, that he mentioned that the very first revelation from Allah

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subhanaw taala, the very first sutra, the very first, the very first word that was revealed by Allah subhanaw taala. You know, to kind of backtrack a little bit in an authentic narration from the Muslim Ummah, Muhammad, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is narrated to have said that there were no prophets that were sent between their Isa alayhis salaam and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, six centuries had passed, you know, on this world where there was no divine revelation. No prophets were sent with a mission. And imagine six now somebody might say it's been 1400 years since the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but we have the Quran that sustains us

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that drives us that nourishes us. Imagine six centuries going by in the world, and you don't have the powerful legacy, the son of the prophets a lot. You don't have the Quran to sustain you, and to bring you out from the layers of darkness into the singular lights of Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Quran says, Min avola Mattila *, imagine what the world could become like. And so truly the world had become a very dark, very desperate, depraved place, the world was at its lowest point. And when the world was at its lowest points, after six centuries, the gates in the heavens, the gates of Revelation, they opened once again, and revelation was sent down to this earth. Now picking up from

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where I left off the very first revelation, the very first sutra, the very first ayah, the very first word that Allah subhanaw taala spoke into this world after six centuries, was the word ipar. Up.

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And this changed the world. And I want us to kind of think and reflect for a moment what the word echo actually means. And this is an exercise that I oftentimes will conduct in my classes with the students that the word ethanol how do we translate the word ethanol? We translate it as read, not recite, but read.

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Now what is exactly the difference a word for recite recitation is to our

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right to recite, but this is a word it cannot read. And the difference in the Arabic language while we are commanded to recite the Quran as well, but the difference what what distinguishes these two words from one another is that recitation can be done without comprehension. Somebody can

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reciting something and not completely comprehend it, but it cannot read necessitates comprehension. And so Allah subhanaw taala did not only told us to read, like recite the Quran, but he told us to understand it, to reflect on it to ponder upon it, to internalize it, and that changed the world. And what I want to draw as a lesson here for our sake in the month of Ramadan here is that just like that Ramadan changed the world, but Ramadan is a time of change. Ramadan is the month of change. Ramadan is a month of transformation. The Quran is a book of transformation, the legacy of the prophets a lot December's transformative. And all of this converges year in the month of Ramadan

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where we observe the Quran, we observe the fasting we observe the prayer, we observe the traditions of the prophets, allottee some discipline of our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So Ramadan is a month of change and transformation.

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The second thing that

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I want to point out here as a reflection is that the month of Ramadan is I will come back to in the fourth chapter in the fourth section of our class in sha Allah, since Ramadan was initiated by the revelation of the Quran, and as we will learn in the fourth section, that Ramadan would eventually at the end of the life of the prophets, a lot of these and once again be marked by the commitment to the Quran in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala Ramadan is a time for us to either for the first time, develop a connection in a relationship with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And allow the Quran to become our guide. Allow the Quran to become our moral compass, allow the Koran make the

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Quran, our

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make the Quran, the philosophy, the lens through which we view the world and how we live our lives. Number one, and number two, maybe we already have had a relationship with the Koran previously, Ramadan is the time to renew that connection. And to then further develop that connection with the book of Allah subhanaw taala a dialogue, a dialogue be Kalam Allah, to really attach ourselves to the speech of God, to the Quran in the book of Allah.

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The third point that I'd like to make hear about that very first Ramadan from the life of the prophets a lot he sent him. And this one is just really powerful, very, very, you know, remarkable and very beautiful. And it shows the symmetry, the balance of our religion, you know, talking about the Quran and a commitment to the Quran really emphasizes our relationship with a law, hope or law or a local law law. But there is obviously the very necessary aspect of Huckleberry bud. And so the third point that I'd like to share is something very beautiful. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would go up to the cave of Hadar in the mountain of * * her Hara, when he

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would go up to the cave of hate or to seek, you know, some quietude there some reflection and be able to seek out some solitude for the purposes of reflection, and contemplation and introspection. He would be there for a number of days at a time. And the provisions of the profits, a lot of them would sometimes run a little low. And he would he started to extend these days, the longer that he would be staying. the more times you went back, the longer he would extend his stay. So Khadija radi Allahu jolanda our mother, the mother of the believers, Khadija radi Allahu taala and her, the wife of the Prophet sallahu wa sallam, she would head out there with some extra provisions. And she would

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come and supply the prophets a lot, even with provisions. And I want you to just for a moment, kind of think about, you know, if you've ever gone for a hydrometer, we, we take an umbrella group every year, the cedar aamra tour in the spring. And we actually take the entire group of the mountain of noodle to the cave of Hadar, where we take them up there, and then we teach them and we explain to them the beginning of Revelation, but why, and it is such a taxing, yet rewarding and fulfilling experience. But it's it's quite difficult. A lot of people find it to be very difficult and challenging. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was doing this, you know, at the age of 40,

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and Khadija radi Allahu taala. And how was going up and bringing in more provisions. But the point that I wanted to get to is that

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some of the people that were kind of around the area and even when you go there today, you see that at the base of the mountain, there are people that live there, it's on the outskirts of Makkah. So similarly, there were some people that kind of lived on the outskirts of Makkah, and they were people who generally financially, economically, were struggling. They didn't have much to eat. They didn't have much in the way of you know, financial resources and you know, food supplies and things of that nature. And they saw that this

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Man is very noble, you know, remarkable, very blessed men, you know, they can just feel the aura of the prophets, a lot of the stuff that he comes up here, and they saw that he has a little sack with him a little bag with him that you know, has this provisions. And so they used to go up the mountain and come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seeking food, that we are hungry. We have hungry children. We have hungry families, please show us some generosity and kindness and Subhana Allah the prophets, a lot of them knew that I'm up here for a week. And these are just enough provisions to last me barely a week. But the prophets a lot he said them there's a beautiful Hadith in which it

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mentions an authentic nation can Allah use unshaken Illa Otto, Who? The prophets a lot of them whenever he was asked for anything, he would never ever turn anyone away. He would never turn anyone down, he would always give it to them. So the prophets a lot of him would share his food with them would give his food to them. And some of the scholars have mentioned this particular reflection urashima to Isla de la he does Liberata lucky that displaying mercy to the creation of God attracts the mercy of God. So being merciful to the creation of Allah attracts the mercy of Allah. And it is by no coincidence that the prophets a lot of them was practicing such mercy, such generosity, such

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kindness. And that became the exact place moment time frame situation in which the Quran came the divine revelation came which is the greatest form of the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala as Allah subhanaw taala refers to it refers to it in the Quran as ramadan ramadan lipoma, you know, it is a mercy for those who are willing to believe, willing to listen and understand and internalize.

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So we realize here, the three lessons we've talked about number one, Ramadan is a time a month of transformation. Number two, Ramadan is the time to renew our relationship with the Quran and strengthen our relationship with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And number three, that the month of Ramadan is a month of charity, a month of feeding people and a month of displaying and showing generosity and kindness to the creation of Allah subhanaw taala. The fourth and the final point that I'd like to make in this particular chapter in section in sha Allah

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is after the profits a lump sum received as divine revelation it is a month of Ramadan, he heads home, he goes home and he's very overwhelmed by this powerful experience that he's had the most powerful experience any human being has ever had.

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And he's shaken up by this. And we know the story the profits, a lot of him goes home and he's shaken up by this and the profits a lot he seldom says defeat only defeat only the Maloney's and balloony Cover me up, wrap me up in a blankets in a shawl.

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And Khadija radi Allahu taala and how the mother of the believers

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she comforts and controls the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And she says some very interesting things about to inspire confidence and trust within the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and she specifically mentioned that in nichetto salute Rahim that you are good to your family, you maintain good family relations. What Sammy will tell you lift up the downfall in the downtrodden in society, those who fall through the cracks of society, you reach down and pick them up humanity people society forgets them, tramples them steps over them doesn't look down and notice them lying there within the cracks. But you stop and you reach down and you lift them up and you

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pick them back up with taxable mydoom. You take care of those who do not have the ability to take care of themselves. You look after those who can't look after themselves.

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What you documented Dave, you are extremely hospitable, hospitable and generous to your guests.

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Once you are in Orlando, it will help and you are always the first one in line whenever a noble worthy cause presents itself.

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she says that Allah subhanaw taala will never forsake you.

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The two things I'd like to point out from this particular interaction is number one, is that the almost if you want to call it that the the the evidence and the confidence that Khadija radi Allahu taala had in the, you know Prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was heavily rooted within this character.

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We need to learn to be people of character. Our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a remarkable

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individuel of character in Nicola Allahu la canal de, there was a proof of his prophethood. And Ramadan is a time where we have to develop that character. Keep in mind that very overwhelming, the very rattling Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where he says that if you do not control your tongue while you are fasting, if you do not observe and are not careful about your conduct while you are fasting, Allah subhanaw taala is not in need of you starving yourself depriving yourself of water being thirsty and hungry, God doesn't need you to do that.

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But you have to improve your character you have to become a better person through the experience of the month of Ramadan and we have to focus on our character, this Ramadan inshallah.

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the second reflection here is that it is it's something that cannot be ignored. It is something that is clear as day that that character of the prophets a lot of reason was once again reflected in how he treated other people, how he conducted himself with others, how he cared for others, that care and consideration. So just to review, the very first Ramadan of the life of the prophets, a lot of them that we've studied so far is Ramadan in which the revelation began, we have four primary lessons number one, Ramadan has to be a time of transformation. That has to be our intention going into it, the prophets a lot of assumptions in the mallamma lu bieniasz. actions are a consequence of

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the intentions, actions are fueled by intentions, if we intend in the month of Ramadan, to change ourselves to transform ourselves to better ourselves, that's exactly what will occur, what will happen. So Ramadan is a time of transformation. Number two is it's a time to develop and strengthen and renew our relationship with the Quran with the book of Allah, make the Koran your moral compass, your guide. Number three is Ramadan is a time of learning to be merciful, and generous and kind towards the creation of God. sadaqa charity, mercy is very, very important this Ramadan. And fourthly And finally, is that Ramadan is a time where our character has to develop, and our

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character must shine. But amadon is a time where we have to develop our character, and let our character do a lot of the talking on our part, you know, we, I would be remiss if I did not mention that we as a community have dealt with some very trying and difficult and confusing times, you know, constantly, but very recently, and while we have we have to vocalize and we have to really understand, you know how we should navigate these situations and have something to say about the circumstances. But at the same time, there comes a time and a point in a place where our character has to do the talking on our part, because actions do without a doubt speak louder than words. So

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that is the very first Ramadan from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And that is our first chapter, our first lesson here for the prophetic Ramadan class. Now, inshallah, what I'm going to do here is, as we transition from one chapter to another one section from another in the class here, I'd like to use this as an opportunity to kind of segue and transition over to giving you an opportunity to immediately implement the lessons that we just talked about. And in sha Allah, we're joined here, as I mentioned before, by some of the very, you know, hard working remarkable folks over at Islamic Relief USA, who are basically fulfilling in front of the fire on our parts,

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and inshallah they'll be much, you know, they're a lot more capable of explaining, inshallah, what they're doing and how they're doing it. But I wanted to just all myself share just a little bit of the points to, you know, hopefully encourage you to be as invested in sha Allah and kind of lead by example. But the first thing that I'll kind of talk about now share a little thought and reflection about some of their work and what they're doing, inshallah, as we continue on and proceed through the program. The first point is, you know, about the Syrian crisis. The situation is that the Syrians are literally starving in the cities that they have been besieged within. There are reports

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saying that there are up to 400,000 people that are trapped, you know, in this situation, in numerous cities and towns, there are places like Medina where an estimated 40,000 people are trapped, like a death trap, where they can't get out, and there's nothing getting into them.

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At one clinic alone, more than a dozen people have died from hunger including six babies.

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Six babies in one clinic itself. Can you imagine the horror

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of watching six infants, innocent beautiful gifts of Allah subhanho wa Taala starving to death in front of your very eyes. This is a situation very tragic situation that is playing out in the world that we live in. You know the spirit of Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who that how can this occur while I am alive while I exist in this world, so that type of burning you know, compassion and concern is something we're desperately in need of. So inshallah we'll be transitioning over and handing the mic over to the folks here at Islamic Relief inshallah, please give them your full attention. Go online contribute donates in sha Allah and right as soon as inshallah they're done

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sharing some of the opportunities with you. I'll be rejoining you for the second chapter of the class inshallah, which will focus on the Battle of brother

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Hungary, Hungary alameen. Hamden, Catherine t urban Mubarak confy wa Salatu was Salam ala l mursaleen. Emmanuel Mata Ki hydro Laurel Magdalene Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he was hobbling up the vena cava hearing my brothers and sisters This is your brother in Islam as a disease of Islamic Relief USA. I want to begin my beloved shell shock of the Nazi genre for giving us this opportunity extremely grateful to Harlem Institute for this partnership. Once again, Ramadan Kareem and Ramadan Mubarak to all of you truly a blessed month as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reminded us where he said at the Shahada Ramadan, Sharon mobarak This is a month of fasting a

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month of an amount of little 100 a month of mercy a month of forgiveness, a month of salvation from Hellfire, a month of generosity. This is the month in which our beloved prophet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be extra generous, and his generosity has been described as Kerry Hill Marsala, like a blowing wind. When the wind blows, it takes the blessings to everyone who is around there, it doesn't pick and choose. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving you and me again, this beautiful opportunity to emulate of a beloved prophet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and be extra extra generous in this blessed month of Ramadan. On your screen, you can see a Donate

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button from Islamic Relief, I would urge each one of you to click that button and give whatever you can. Every single penny counts, every single dollar counts, every single contribution counts and your contributions is going to bring a positive change into the lives of our brothers and sisters in Syria, who are going through a very difficult time. For the past five years, the United Nations has said that the Syrian crisis is one of the worst human humanitarian crisis in the world. So let's take this responsibility. And let's do our part strengthen the hands of Islamic Relief. Islamic Relief is working in a very difficult environment, collecting money from brothers and sisters like

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yourself and risking their own lives to deliver aid on your behalf to our brothers and sisters in Syria, I urge you to please call 855-447-1001 I'll repeat the number is 855-447-1001. Or you can go online at ir usa.org. and donate generously, you will see the donate button on your screen. So please click that button and be extremely generous. Once a person said take time to make time for the one who made time. I repeat, take time to make time for the one who made time. This is a month of Quran. This is a month in which Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed Torah to musala Salam zabol to Tao la Sanam. This is a month in which Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed Injeel to Isa Ali Salam.

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This is a month in which Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed for an to our beloved prophet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is a month in which the Battle of bundler took place. This is a month in which the conquest of Makkah happened. This is a month in which Allah subhanho wa Taala opens up the doors of mercy and open up the doors of heaven and closes the doors of *. This is a month in which a police is chained and locked in jail. This is a month of mercy. So I urge each one of you to show your love to show your compassion to show

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Your mercy towards our brothers and sisters in Syria who are going through some very difficult time. In last five years, more than 13 million people are displaced, out of which five and a half million people are children. 7.6 million people are food insecure. Allah subhanho wa Taala has bestowed so many bounties so many mercies on all of us. For you and me taking shower twice a day might be a necessity of life. But for these individuals to have one cup of clean water to quench their thirst is luxury of life. For them to have or enjoy one piece of date in this entire month is luxury of life. For a small donation of $80. You can feed an entire family up to a month. So this is a time

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for all of us to come together and do our part and be extremely generous to support our brothers and sisters in Syria. I have been there I have served the Syrians in zaatari camp, I have served them in Jordan in Lebanon, and Camden and Lowes bitcasa. That entire region bordering Syria, I have distributed aid, I have distributed food packages on your behalf. Islamic Relief still operates inside Syria under a very difficult environment. We are doing our part and I remind you to do your part, and give generously to Islamic Relief USA so that we can continue to provide this important support to our brothers and sisters in Syria. And I can very comfortably testify that every night

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before they go to sleep, they raise their hands and they make dua for you. And we need these doors. We need the doors of these Muslim these individuals who were leading a very decent life just few years back, but their conditions change. And they are now suffering and they are now going through a very difficult time. So please, my brothers and sisters, call 855-447-1001 go online at ir usa.org. Look at your screen and you have that Donate button. So click that button and give whatever you can as our beloved prophet Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam reminded us where he said the buzzsumo coffee was de casa de even a smiley is a charity. So the big question that each one of us should ask is,

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what am I going to do to bring a smile on the faces of this entire population who have almost forgotten to smile. So do your best, give your best and donate generously to the work of Islamic Relief?

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was a marine. So inshallah hopefully everyone has the opportunity to go online and donate in sha Allah continue to do so and we'll resume with the class in sha Allah. But I will definitely want you to take the opportunity situation you know to make sure that you do head on over and inshallah complete your donations. So the second chapter of the class the second section of the class, if you will, in sha Allah, on the prophetic ramadan ramadan from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Battle of

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the hustler to better. So to give you a little bit idea of the timeline, the Battle of beddit occurred in the second year of his law, the second year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his residence in the city of Medina. And so therefore, it is 15 years after the first Ramadan that we talked about where the revelation started and revelation began 15 years to the date was 15 years from that point was the Battle of butter. The Battle of butter occurred in the month of Ramadan, and it was the 17th day of the month of Ramadan. Now, a few lessons about this particular Ramadan from the life of the prophets, a lot of them this is the first Ramadan that really looked like the

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Ramadan that we observed that we know today. Many of the aspects of the month of Ramadan that we are familiar with that we implement that we practice were instituted during this particular month of Ramadan. First and foremost is that the obligation of fasting came down in this particular Ramadan Yeah, you holiday in amanu quotevalet como Surya Kumar, Kuta, Bali, Latina Mina, Polycom la la casa chacun that oh you who believe those who have claimed to have faith and believe that fasting is made mandatory on you fasting is prescribed for you.

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And upon you, just as it was prescribed for the people before you, so that you may develop God consciousness, you may become more conscious and Cognizant, and aware of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So that what occurred during this particular month of Ramadan. And so the first lesson is going to seem somewhat obvious, and that is, fasting is mandatory. But I don't want to just emphasize the fact that fasting is mandatory, of course, we all know that. But I want to talk about some of the virtue and the blessings of fasting, you know, fasting subud, in the Arabic language, you know, Psalm excuse me refers to abstinence and abstaining and refraining from something. And it involves very heavily the aspect of sobriety and patience and sober can also be translated as restraint, discipline and restraint. So the month of Ramadan is a month of fasting, it's a month of learning

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how to restrain oneself how to discipline oneself, and through that restraint. And through that discipline, and through that rigor, we are able to then develop God consciousness, learn to live our lives in a manner in a way that is conscious of Allah subhanaw taala and aware of a loss portada

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this is second thing that I'd like to talk about this particular from this particular Ramadan over the life of the Prophet salatu salam, and as a lesson from this, you know, observation, and that is the condition and the circumstances of the Muslims that existed in Makkah, and the condition in the circumstances of the Muslims, at the time of the digital. The Muslims had gone through 13 years of extreme difficulty and adversity and tragedy, you know, during the 13 years of Mecca, and this Ramadan brought to them not only a sense of victory, but a sense of, you know,

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a sense of identity, and allowed them to really realize, you know, their existence and their presence within the world, and that they could be able to hold their heads up high about who they were and what they believed in and what they were committed to. The Muslims gave great sacrifices all times when we talk about the digital. We really romanticize the notion like people were going in parades and leaving Mecca, and you know, very celebratory fashions and arriving into Medina. But people were escaping in the middle of the night, barely with their lives, being hunted down being tracked down, people trying to murder them, kill them. And they were arriving into Medina sometimes

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barely alive, and many people lost their lives. And they arrived into the city of Medina to find a home for themselves. And this Ramadan brought for them not only spirituality, but it also brought a sense of pride and dignity and victory. And so Ramadan is a moment of realizing our faith, and really celebrating the faith that Allah subhanaw taala has given us and bestowed upon us. The third lesson I wanted to talk about here is that the Battle of brothers of the Quran when it talks about the Battle of but that it emphasizes something very profoundly, it talks about not only the sacrifice that the Muslims made, the spirits of sacrifice that the Muslims had. But it also talks

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about how Allah rewarded them and how Allah bless them. That Allah subhanaw taala sent his Sakina avenza Allahu sakeena, who Allah Rasool Allah meaning Allah sent his peace and his tranquility and this serenity and calmness down upon the believers, Allah subhanaw taala sent the angels down into the battlefield, to defend the believers and to fight on behalf of the believers. And so but Ramadan is a time where we have to increase, and we have to really realize our spirit of sacrifice, what are we willing to sacrifice? What are we willing to give? What are we willing to put on the line, and know for a fact and believe without a doubt, that when we sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhanaw

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taala for what's right, believing in what's right and what's noble and what's correct, then, Allah subhanaw taala will reward us by sending down his peace, his tranquility, serenity upon us and know for a fact that there is no blessing that is greater than peace and tranquility that Allah subhanaw taala descends upon the believer, but that comes to the believer who is willing to sacrifice, sacrifice. Think about this word for a moment. It is the ability it is the willingness to discomfort yourself. You know, the brother was talking to us about contributing and donating and helping.

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Everyone has a budget, everyone has an amount that they've allocated. If we talk about discomfort for a moment, everyone has an amount that they set aside. And that's still very noble. And absolutely, you know, it's more than welcome. And Giacomo located on And may Allah reward you for donating and contributing would you add, you know, kind of budgeted and allocated and that's very noble on your part.

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But what I have to ask myself is that how much am I willing to discomfort myself though if I understand

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And the desperation of the situation, the severity of the situation. And I understand the nobility of the cause. To what extent Am I willing to discomfort myself.

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And so that's another very powerful question here.

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And this leads me segues right into the fourth point I wanted to make about the second Ramadan that we're observing from the life of the Prophet says, I'm here that Ramadan about that.

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And that is the remarkable spirit of the unsought. So here, I'm going to get a little technical and throw out a few numbers and statistics and things like that at you. And I want you to

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really kind of follow along and pay attention here in sha Allah, so you don't get lost in the numbers. So, to take a step back about, you know, almost three years prior to that, the Battle of

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the unsought the Muslims of Medina, they came to Mecca

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with a very large contingency, a large delegation, they accepted Islam, they met the prophets, a lot of the time they stated their commitment, and they came with a proposal. The proposal was that they wanted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. To come to the city of Medina, bringing the Muslims who are suffering in Mecca to the city of Medina, the Muslims who have been listening, living, you know, as refugees and asylum in East Africa, create a home for Islam and the prophets, a lot of Islam and all the Muslims in their small very humble town of Medina

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was called yesterday and eventually we called Medina, Medina to Nova Medina to Nabi sallallahu, Alayhi, salaam, the city, the illuminated al Madina, munawwara, the beautiful illuminated city of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Now, at that particular time, the uncle of the Prophet says, Mr. Bass, he was very concerned. He wanted to make sure that the unsought understood what they were getting into and the commitment that they were making.

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And so he came to the meeting, he insisted that he be there at the meeting. He This is before he accepted Islam. And he said to the Prophet, he basically presented to the unsought that, do you understand? Do you know what you're getting into? The auto will turn on you, the phrase will declare you to be their enemy, you have to understand what you're going into and sort of stated their commitment to the profits, a lot of them. But he said, we have to have an agreement, a contract, some terms in place. And there's something we don't know a lot of times. And what one of the terms of that particular agreement between the unsought and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was that the

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Quraysh who have this pre existing, you know, quarrel with the prophets allowed him in the Muslims. If they attack the city of Medina, then the answer will defend the city of Medina alongside of them. But if the prophets a lot of them goes outside of the city of Medina,

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to engage with the Quraysh

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then the unsought are not obligated to go and fight alongside the profits along the center. They are not legally nor religiously obligated to do so and then not going would not be blameworthy on their part this was written and agreed to and stamped and sealed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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now keep that in mind now let's fast forward three years is the Battle of butter

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and as you're about to meet the army of the parish

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the profits a lot he said um says that we're going to be meeting this army What do you think? And so I've been what I've read the Allahu Jelani, one of the leaders of the unsought when the very beloved companions of the Prophet Salafi sent me says, a messenger of God, I get the sense, I feel that you are talking to me, you're addressing me, or I mean, I get the sense that you are addressing us, excuse me, the unsought that you are looking for out an answer from us from the unsought well allow me very respectfully to please state on messenger of God, that we followed you to this particular point.

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And we have no doubts, and we would continue to follow you to the ends of the earth. And if we reached the end of land, and there was only the ocean in front of us with no land in sight ahead, and we have no idea what lies ahead and you dove into the ocean, we would dive in behind you. We are with you till the very end. We're never leaving your site, we're not going anywhere.

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to demonstrate

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the spirit of the unsought in the spirit of blood that in the spirit of the month of Ramadan. We know that there were 313 Muslims

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that there were 313 Muslims, who participated in the Battle of whether their names are etched into history or documented into Sahil Bahati, and many other books of seed on Friday, eighth authentically narrated

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70 of the

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330 are Mahajan.

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Now you can do a little bit of quick math right here. That means how many remain 243 243 of the 313 who participated in the battle above it? Were the unsought people who are not obligated to fight. People who did not have to go could not have been placed blamed for not going, but they went because they understood fundamentally and this is why Allah subhanaw taala praise him in the Quran was sabya Gunilla Walloon, Mina Maha jurina will answer Well, the deen it's about the sun or the Allahu anhu motto do and analyze pleased with them. This is why the prophets a lot he said I'm setting low silicon NASA huadian was selected and sautoir D and let's select to ideal and saw that if all of

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humanity went down a path and the unsought went down another path I would go the path of the unsought I would follow my unsought, I would go with my unsought. This is why the prophets a lot of the time one time he's sitting in Medina, leaning, resting against the wall of the masjid, watching as people go by greeting people, you know, talking to people, and a group of the women and the children of the unsought are coming back from some gathering at one of the homeless of the unsought and he sees them one narration says he sat up one narration says he stood up and he says, Well lucky unto him, lush, goodness Elijah,

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the Ashkenazi hogben Elijah, that I swear to God, you are the most beloved people to me. And you may do Allahu mcfeely Lancelot when he opened it and saw when he landed and saw that Allah Please forgive the unsought and forgive the children, the unsought and the spouses of the unsought and the grandchildren of the unsought and anyone who is affiliated with the unflawed in any way, shape or form. He had so much love for them,

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that the prophets a lot he said, he said at the place of j the Rhonda after the fall of mankind the battles of her name and thought if that today people will go home with lots of things. But the unsought will go home with Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And so, this is the spirit of Ramadan, the spirit of the unsought and the spirit of Ramadan, that they were a people who did not ask what do we have to do? They asked they they asked what more can we do? They look for more opportunities to do as much as they could this Ramadan let us you know, we've become too accustomed to ask him what do we have to do or not to do? What is what is not firmed? Let's put that aside. That is not what the month of Ramadan is for, let's become a people let's make this Ramadan about not what do we have to do? But let's start asking what more can we do and what more opportunities are there for us to do more and more and more and increase what we do?

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So inshallah again, to summarize, the month of fasting, the month of patients a month of restraint. Number two is, in spite of all the difficulty and tragedy that they had gone through, this was a moment of victory for them. Number three is that they sacrificed and Allah subhanaw taala rewarded them by sending down peace and tranquility and blessings upon them. And number four, it's a moment and an opportunity for us to reflect on thinking about not what do we have to do, but what more can we do? That's the second lesson that we have here from the Prophet the prophetic ramadan ramadan of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in sha Allah once again with the conclusion of this particular lesson,

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this chapter, inshallah, I will pause here, and shall I Sonic relief, will be sharing with us a video that will really show you an inside look at exactly what's going on, and how they are addressing and remedying a lot of the issues and the tragedies that are unfolding across the world. So please, once again, give your full attention and donate generously.

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The Syrian conflict has left the country in ruins. It has affected the lives of millions of people. five year old children have never breathed a breath in peace. Syrians have lost their homes, their livelihoods, and too many family members.

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My beta here Sharon

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the other

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half the population is displaced many inside their own country and others to neighboring countries or over the treacherous sea route to Europe. cities like Aleppo continue to be destroyed and the violence is not ending one

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todos and how to crochet over del mundo para

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la que la mama

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most Syrians just want to return home but it's unlikely that there's a home waiting for them. The country they left is not the same anymore. This Ramadan, many Syrians will have little to nothing to eat for so

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while we plan nice dinners with our family and friends. It's not certain if they will

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Be able to find anything to eat at all when it's time to break their fast.

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Islamic Relief USA his generous community has provided aid to Syrians in need since the beginning of the conflict. More than 4 million people. You've sent urgently needed food and medicine to families inside Syria, even areas difficult to reach like Aleppo. You've sent blankets, mattresses, and winter clothes and shoes. You've built bathrooms with showers for families living in camps to preserve their health and dignity. And you gave them necessities like soap and baby items. That's inside Syria. You've cared for Syrian refugees and other countries too. in Jordan and Lebanon, you've sent food, shelter, medicine and even education support. So children can learn and dream of a

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better future. As some refugees cross over to Europe, you've sent teams to greet them, care for them, and show them where to go next. And during Ramadan, your food package can reach a Syrian family and they can have something to eat for

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get the Federal Reserve

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that we

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may or may not have known that is any dummy and reason about the other job.

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This Ramadan, we're working together to feed Syrian families. What are you working for?

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donate today,

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Islamic Relief USA working together for a better world.

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My brothers and sisters, this is a month where we plead to Allah subhanaw taala we beg Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept all of our good deeds. So it is like appearing in an exam. What becomes more important than actual appearance in the exam is the outcome of that exam or the result of that exam. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept all the good deeds that we are going to perform in discouragement. the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to prepare for this month, several months in advance. And once the month would be over, they would ask Allah Subhana Allah they would beg a loss of animal Allah for several months, asking Allah subhana wa Taala to

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accept the good deeds that they have performed in this blessed month of Ramadan. So I remind myself and then to you to avail this opportunity. Enjoy the blessings of this great month, and do as many good good deeds as you can, so that the reward is multiplied into many, many, many falls. On your screen. You see this Donate button, I would request you to click that button and give your best today give your contributions to our brothers and sisters in Syria. In just last three weeks, Islamic Relief was able to send several shipments of medicine. They sent 23 trucks of food, clean water and other basic necessities and under supplies, troubles and sisters inside Syria. Islamic

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Relief is one of the very few NGOs that are working in Aleppo, and in the Azov area inside Syria. This is your contributions. This is your support in action. Our staff is delivering aid inside Syria in a very difficult and a very challenging environment. All we are asking you to do is go online at ir usa.org. Or click the donate button that you see on the screen. Or you can call 855-447-1001 I repeat 855-447-1001 and donate generously to our brothers and sisters in Syria. As I reminded you all earlier, that there are more than 13 million people who are internally displaced. More than 7.7 million people are victims of this humanitarian manmade disaster or manmade crisis. More than five

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and a half million our children. around seven plus million people are food insecure. So we have to ask this big question. What am I going to do to reduce the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Syria? Un says this is one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. And we have to rise on this occasion and offer our support and our hand to our brothers and sisters.

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In Syria Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in one simple Hadith explained to us the message of this great religion of him being Ramadan in alameen, where he said, Abraham Oman fell out of the yard ha mockumentary sama, have mercy on the people of this earth so that the one above the heavens will have mercy on you. So my resident sisters, please do your part. In just last few weeks, there has been so much of shelling, so much of strikes, more than 700 locations, had airstrikes, all schools are closed, all hospitals are running short of medicines. And there are some hospitals that also got hit in the recent shelling. So in this blessed month of Ramadan, please make lots and lots

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of duels, but at the same time, also give your financial assistance and support today is Father's Day. I know in America, and in many parts of the world, people are celebrating this day for us Muslims for us believers, every day is a father's day, where we express our gratitude. And thanks to our beloved parents, especially our father and mother. and sisters, once a wise man said, We are among the last generation of people who used to listen to our parents, and one of the first generation of people who actually listened to our children. So my dear brothers and sisters, on this blessed day, give a donation on behalf of your father, on behalf of your mother. Think about all the

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wonderful things that they did for you in your life. They took care of you when you couldn't take care of yourself. They fed you when you can feed yourself, they clothed you when you couldn't change your clothes, they cleaned you, they bathe you. So this is a time when you are established. When you are a professional, when you are earning your own livelihood, when there is a source of income for you. Give a small portion of that wealth and spend it for the sake of Allah and help our brothers and sisters in Syria. This wouldn't be an amazing tribute that we all will be paying to our parents. I am making this intention to do it today. And I urge you to make this intention to go online, click

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on that Donate button and donate generously to Islamic Relief so that we can support our projects inside Syria. No amount is a small amount. If you can afford a million dollars, we would accept it because there is a huge lead. But if you feel you can give only $1 I would urge you that don't hold that money back, please go online at ir usa.org or call us at 855-447-1001 I repeat once again, the hadith of our beloved Prophet, Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he said the buzzsumo Coffee which he said Aha, even a smile is a charity. So tonight, and today is a beautiful opportunity for all of us to bring a smile on the faces of an entire population who has almost forgotten to smile.

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Today is a time when we all have this God given opportunity to emulate our beloved prophet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who used to be extra extra generous in this blessed month of Ramadan. No other commandment in the Holy Quran has been repeated this many times as the commandment of giving 150 times Allah subhanho wa Taala is asking us commanding us ordering us to spend in his path, Rahim o salat wa tussah cavaco Moroccan Rahim o salat wa to Sakaba to Rasul Allah contura Moon will be in Bali the near Santa was a horrible Yakima Valley Misaki neighborhood in Lhasa hustla rocky masala to sakasa matabele tamila Holly lemon C'mon tamales rune, Allah subhanho wa Taala in so

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many places, is again and again reminding us to spend in his bath. Today, our Syrian brothers and sisters are screaming for help asking for help. They hope and they pray that Muslims who are leading a comfortable life in different parts of the world will rise on this occasion will respond to their call and will go above and beyond to offer them some help and some support. I urge you to please make dua for brothers and sisters in Syria. We hope and we pray that this man made disaster will go away soon. We hope and we pray that Allah subhana wa Taala in this blessed month of Ramadan will bring ease comfort and peace into the lives of these individuals who have been going through a lot

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of challenges in last five years. As I mentioned earlier, I serve the Syrians in Akilah hospital which is right outside the capital of Georgia.

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Here, I found so many individuals, young people whose body parts are amputated. These individuals may not be able to walk again in their life. They have young children, they have spouses, they have elderly parents in their home. Just imagine how are they going to take care of themselves? How are they going to take care of their families, this is where Islamic Relief comes into the picture. They are providing food packages, for a small donation of $80, you can sponsor a whole family up to a month for a small donation of $80. You can bring a smile on the faces of these individuals. So do your part. Go online, and be extremely generous. I can sit over here, I can tell you stories after

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stories, what I saw in pottery camp, what I saw in Akilah hospital, what I saw at the border of Lebanon and Syria at comedonal. Lows, what I saw in Salida, and Becca, I can cry, and I can make you cry. But that's not going to serve the purpose. What's going to serve the purpose is your financial contributions, your tax exempt donations to an organization that has a long history that has a history of serving people around the world for more than 33 years around the world. And from this great nation of ours, the United States, Islamic leave has been serving people in more than 40 countries for the last 23 years. to Islam. Xiao Wu Zi lumen Tasha obeah decal hierro, in nacala

01:01:35 --> 01:02:20

condition here, it is here la semana with Allah, whoever he will, he will bestow the honor on them. And whoever he will civil basis them in his hand is good. And he's able to do everything. Think for a second, if you and I don't do it, who will do it? If you and I don't do it from here, one of the most prosperous nations on Earth, then From where? And if you and I don't do it now, then when this is the question that each one of us should ask ourselves, what am I going to do to bring a positive change into the lives of these individuals? So my brothers and sisters, please, I urge you and I appeal to you, and I request you please go online at ir usa.org or click the button, the donate

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button that you see on the screen or call our call center 855-447-1001 and be extremely generous, be like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who used to be extra extra generous in this blessed month of Ramadan. inshallah I will come back again after a few minutes is that alive

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah alayhi wa sahbihi edge marine.

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Let's go ahead and inshallah

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continue on with the class in sha Allah.

01:03:13 --> 01:03:48

So the third section of the class in sha Allah is about another very remarkable month of Ramadan from the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and that is for termica, the conquest of Makkah or the opening of the city of Mecca. Now, again, let me create a little historical context, if you will, before we delve into talking about what exactly transpired and what are some of the lessons that we can take away from it, and how it pertains to the month of Ramadan inshallah.

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So, first and foremost, the conquest of Mecca for termica. It occurred in the eighth year of higit, on the eighth year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his residence in the city of Medina.

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And it's in the month of Ramadan. It is, it occurred on the 24th of the month of Ramadan. So, when once again, you just do the math, the realization, the conclusion that we basically arrived at that we come to is that this is 21 years 21 years, to the beginning of revelation 21 years since the beginning of Revelation is the conquest of Makkah. So now, to talk a little bit about exactly what transpired. First and foremost, we of course know that for 13 years, the Muslims were oppressed within Mecca. they migrated to the city of Medina, the Moroccans refused to let them leave peacefully. They tried to assassinate the prophets, a lot of them killed many Muslims tried to

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assassinate and hunt down many, many Muslims they placed a bounty on the prophets a lot of the seminar Booba Casa de campo de Allahu taala and who eventually

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Once they arrived in the city of Medina, they still did not allow them to just live in peace. But they attacked them, rated them, intimidated them, Allied together with other tribes and people and launched multiple attacks on the Muslims. Even on the city of Medina itself, the Battle of the trench is a very famous example of that, where they tried to basically come and burn Medina to the ground. And so they had constantly gone through all of this. And then finally, after 21 years of turmoil, of difficulty of trial and tribulation, finally, Allah subhanaw taala has given them this victory.

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And so one of the profound lessons is that there are moments and opportunity, there are moments in situation circumstances within our lives, where there's difficulty, there's adversity, there's struggles. And those moments are really test of our character and our fortitude. How do we respond? How do we react? See, that says a lot about somebody, you know, how you behave and conduct yourself in a very calm and peaceful situation? Is, is one thing. But then how do you respond to difficulty and tragedy? How do you handle adversity? That's a completely different issue altogether. And this shows us that the believers, the prophets, a lot of the Muslims are believers, they conducted

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themselves handled their adversity, their difficulty, their tragedy with the utmost of patience,

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very calm, cool, relaxed, you know, level headed patience, restraint. And Allah subhanaw taala ultimately rewarded them at the end with such a profound resounding victory, where all of Arabia basically was put on notice that this is Islam.

01:06:55 --> 01:07:19

And that leads me to my second point, there's a very beautiful there's two ions in the Quran in sequence and they're very remarkable in Somalia or city use Iran. last final analysis Alice's Faina mahalo city uses in mahalo city you sir on that, without a doubt most definitely with difficulty is ease with difficulty is ease.

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if we are able to conduct ourselves properly, through difficulty that will inevitably lead us bring us to a grave profound, beautiful, remarkable ease from Allah subhanaw taala enamal are serious on.

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The third thing that I wanted to talk about is assuming Allah the help of Allah Spano, which I like came after they went through difficulty, they endured it with the most beautiful of patience.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala gave them victory.

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That victory,

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dominance, if you want to call it that alaba dominance victory is a very tricky thing.

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It's a very, very tricky thing.

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And most people do not know how to handle it, how to process it.

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Most people, a lot of people struggle profoundly when they are put in that position of dominance and power and control.

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But it is the grime and the rigor of the difficulty, the adversity, the tests, the trials, that we go through.

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And that really has the ability to mold and carve out and really galvanized our character,

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and who we are our ethics, our morals, our principles. That's what establishes them. That's what you know, molds people into being people of principle.

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And then when the help of Allah subhanaw taala comes in, the victory comes in, they know how to conduct themselves. And that leads me right into my fourth point is that at that moment, and at that time,

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the Muslims now had victory, and prominence in dominance and control and the ability to exercise their will, how did they conduct themselves? What did they choose to do? I want to not, you know, I don't want to prolong this. I don't want to, you know, go on for too long. be too long winded. But let me just kind of recount just for a second for our benefit. Exactly what happened and what transpired.

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These are the people who abused, tortured, persecuted, murdered. martyred Muslims. So mayya Amar.

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The Allahu talanoa these are the people that forced nearly 100 Muslims to leave their homes and live as refugees and asylum in East Africa. Amongst them were nobles like Horace Mann men are fun. Amongst them were the family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

01:10:19 --> 01:10:25

his daughters, his daughter, who was the wife of earthman, when I found with the Allahu jalon.

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Amongst them were really Notable people of Makkah, like Mousavi that are made of the Allahu taala and who and many others. I'm not having the acid

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that were forced out of their homes. These are the people that did that. These are the same people that assassinated martyred the uncle of the prophets a lot of these Mohammed's out of the Allahu taala and mutilated his body in the aftermath of the battle. These are the people who attacked the daughter of the prophets a lot. Zainab, radi Allahu taala and her as she was leaving MCC to go join her father and her family and her community in Medina. And they attacked

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and they injured her.

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And eventually she lost a child due to that attacking that injury, and eventually would succumb to the wounds and lose her life.

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These are the same people who did all of that.

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And now that the profits a lot of the time is standing

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in front of them will all with all of them collected there.

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And for lack of a better term at his mercy, and they're standing there in the profits. A lot of them said, What should I do with you? What do you expect? And he said, they said you know, you are noble and You're the son of a noble man and you are generous and you are the son of a generous person, you are the best amongst us and so on so forth. These same people who cursed him and slandered him and tried to kill him.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam response in the face of that

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enmity and negativity and hatred and animosity, and now having the control the power to again as I said, carry out his will. What did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say?

01:12:19 --> 01:12:34

What did the prophets Allah do? He said, I say to you what you said to his brothers, letter three Valley camileo I have no beef with you. I have no score to settle with you. I have no axe to grind. You have sudo la hola como, Allah will forgive you.

01:12:35 --> 01:12:36

Make good with God.

01:12:37 --> 01:12:43

fix things with Allah. Muhammad raha mean He is the Most Merciful of all those capable of showing mercy.

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Abu sufian

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the man who had the conclusion of the Battle of boyhood, screamed from the top of the mountain before they left that you do want a fee katella come Musleh you will find that some of your dad have been mutilated.

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Lamb arm will be here while I'm on how who I did not tell them to do but I did not stop them or prevent them from doing so either.

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He sits in front of profits a lot of the time and begs for mercy and kindness.

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And the profits a lot of them does not exact revenge.

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It doesn't even remind them of it. The profits a lot of expenses protection says you have immunity and safety and protection and your family is safe in your home is a safe zone. Anyone who enters a home of ocpm is safe to honor,

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forgiveness, mercy.

01:13:38 --> 01:13:41

When we find ourselves in a position of authority,

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this is a profound lesson of the month of Ramadan.

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And that this ability to remain grounded, to remain humble, to be merciful to be kind to be generous, when we are in a position of power is developed and gained.

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When you are going through difficulty and adversity and you have the ability to remain patient and not have foresight and not lose sight of the promise of a law and the ultimate goal.

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So this is the third lesson here from studying the Ramadan in the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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I'm going to go ahead and transition into the fourth lesson that we have here since that was a briefer lesson. The fourth lesson from the prophetic Ramadan is the last Ramadan of the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam

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I'm going to work towards this a little bit if you will kind of backwards.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away on a Monday.

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late Monday morning. The prophets a lot of them left this world departed from this dunya

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the night before the evening before

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Sunday evening. Earlier that day, Sunday the profits a lot of the some had gone out to the masjid and gathered the community and he had addressed everyone.

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Where it became very clear to everyone that the prophets a lot of him was bidding farewell to the oma to the community.

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Later that evening, now that that was understood and realized by everyone.

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His family had gathered with him within his home.

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And the wives of the profits, a lot of them were there is, you know, uncles and cousins and the family was all there.

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Chateau de Allahu Allah, Anna says the wives of the processor were sitting immediately around him, and then the rest of the family was there.

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And the profits, a lot of the sun was in so much pain and running such a high fever, he would have his eyes closed, his eyes were burning. And he had a bowl of water next to him and he would put his hand in the bowl of water and then he would take the water and he would kind of rub the water on his face to cool themselves down and off.

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And he would open his eyes and he would close his eyes. And the eye shadow the Allahu talana says that he looked towards the door, it's as if almost he could feel the presence. He looked at the door and then he lists locked his gaze at the door and he would not stop looking towards the door.

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And I shadowed the Allahu talana says I noticed and I realized he must be looking at something or someone.

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And we all kind of realized and we turned around to look what he was looking at so intensely.

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And it was Fatima the Lakota lon has standing at the door,

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the daughter of the Prophet talati so the only of his children to survive.

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And she was standing at the door looking at him and he was looking at her and and it says if the seas parted, everyone moved aside and fought him out of the Allahu taala and have proceeded towards the profits a lot easier them

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and she came and said by the prophets Allah wa carro Baba, why does my father suffer so much? Sheila Karbala Abby Kiba De Leon, your father will not suffer after today, beloved daughter, and the profitsystem couldn't even speak too much he was it was hard for him to speak in these last days and moments. summative Noseda of the Allahu taala and Omar who was very beloved to the process, and he's known as hibou Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he came to visit the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he says the prophet SAW someone raised his hands like in a duel like motion, and he would point at me then he would raise his hands and he would point at me because he couldn't speak and I

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could tell that he was making to offer me

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it was hard for him to speak. So he called for tomorrow, the Lakota Lana close.

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And he leaned up to her ear,

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and he whispered something to her and she started to cry very profusely.

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Very tragically,

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like he could sense the pain she felt.

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And then he called her close again. And then he whispered something into her ear, and she started to smile through her tears.

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And then she bid him farewell. And she departed. And that was the last interaction she had with her father, the profits a lovely setup.

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And a Chateau de la hotel, Anna says that entire interaction, which is burned into my memory, I can't forget it. something remarkable, she says. She says that, when Fatima the Allahu taala. And when you were in your presence, you could tell that she was the prophet to lobby someone's daughter. She's to walk like him, talk like him. Her hand gestures when she spoke were identical to him.

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She was identical to the processor. So she says that entire interaction was something that just I could not forget. So after everybody had dealt, you know, was dealing with the departure of the prophets a lot. He said, I'm in mourning and grieving.

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Shortly thereafter, I asked eyeshadow, the Allahu talana says she asked Fatima.

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Please tell me about that interaction. And Fatima, the Allahu taala. And how she said that.

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When I came to see him, I hadn't really fully made peace with the fact that he was leaving, he was departing.

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And so when he called me close, what he whispered to me was that Fatima, I am in fact leaving.

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And at that moment, it became real to me. And he said, I've known since Ramadan.

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This is why I mentioned this I've known since Ramadan. And I'll come back to this in just a second.

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But then I started to cry when I this became a reality I was going to lose him.

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But then he called me close again and he whispered to me that however you will be the first for my family to join me. And that brought a smile to my face.

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Now what did he mean by I have known since Ramadan, he goes on to elaborate

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To explain

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that did every Ramadan jabril alayhi salam he comes to me and whatever has been revealed from the Quran you know I recite to him I read with God

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but this past Ramadan

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we reviewed whatever had been revealed the majority of the Quran we review we reviewed it not once but twice and that gave me a very strong indication that the end was near that the time was coming.

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The last Ramadan You know, every single Ramadan since Ramadan was instituted in the city of Medina the prophets a lot of them would spend the last 10 days and nights of the month of Ramadan in a tea caf

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in confining himself to the masjid.

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But in the last Ramadan of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He didn't spend only 10 days he spent 20 days in the Arctic if he increased his time in the masjid, he increased his time with a law he increased his time of reflection and contemplation and introspection.

01:21:01 --> 01:21:09

Number two is the Quran As I mentioned, the Quran was reviewed once every Ramadan. This Ramadan Would you believe me was reviewed twice?

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He increased his interaction with the Quran and his time and his commitment to the book of Allah. In that last Ramadan.

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sudo to NASA was revealed Around this time, Elijah and us were like you in fact that the help from Allah Spano hotel is coming into victory.

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And what did it instructed in advisor profits allowed him to do for stockfeed for sub B Be humble Rebecca West. So praise and glorify your Lord and ask for forgiveness. Repent and reconcile. ask Allah for forgiveness turn back to Allah. Connect your heart to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And of course the prophets Allah is free of you know, sin and blame and free of heedlessness in the muffler, but it was instructed to him as a lesson in a reminder to us and he demonstrated it, realized it implemented it as a means of inspiring us to connect to Allah. So from the last Ramadan of the life of the prophets, a lot of them a few lessons, increase your time in the masjid in the

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house of Allah subhanaw taala

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the machine is the house of Allah subhanaw taala said you do boo to like Allah, Allah, Abubakar in Allah. They are the most beloved places on the earth to Allah subhanaw taala in the old way, elevating the aliveness, the first place of worship established on the face of the earth is the Kaaba, every single machine is a branch of satellites of the Kaaba.

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So connect yourself to the mercy of Allah. And endear yourself to Allah subhanho wa Taala by connecting yourself to the mercy of the house of Allah subhanaw taala if you can do all 10 days of Arabic of this Ramadan do so if you can't, we have a very fascinating principle in our religion. If you can do all of something, don't forsake some of it. Don't miss out on doing at least a part of it a portion of it. So at least take out some time to commit some time to the machine might be a day might be a weekend might be a few days. But do so people say I've worked we take we take days off from work we use vacation days for personal reason for vacationing for having a good time for having

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fun for weddings. Maybe I can take a couple of days off of work, apply a couple of those vacation days because I want to strengthen my relationship with Allah and be a person of the masjid

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number two is

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really I talked about the Quran in the first point and I had mentioned that there that I would come back to this point really increase your commitment to the Quran. And then finally utilize this Ramadan especially now we're in pretty much into the second half of the month of Ramadan right here at that point, that utilize this as an opportunity to repent

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and in fix your relationship with a lust pentawards Allah and reconnect with Allah Spano tala. Now somebody could say this is the last Ramadan of the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. How are we taking lessons from it what I would say is we never know what our last Ramadan will be.

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There are so many people who were here with us from London are not here with it this from above.

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And it breaks her heart. And when we do offer them we will miss them and we pray in our sending our prayers and heartfelt condolences to their loved ones or family members. But we very well could be one of those people that are being spoken about in the same manner next Ramadan.

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So we have to treat this like this is the last and the final opportunity.

01:24:46 --> 01:24:49

Make it the best Ramadan you've had up to this particular point.

01:24:50 --> 01:24:59

So that's the fourth lesson that we have here of the prophetic Ramadan, the beginning of Revelation, the Battle of better the conquest of Makkah

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The last Ramadan of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Sharla we're going to, you know, here once again, from the folks at Islamic Relief USA, IR USA in sha Allah, and

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we're gonna once again you know really seek out an opportunity to benefit ourselves and to be able to serve the love of the prophets, Allah vsam served the deen of Allah subhanaw taala and before I kind of segue us into the video that inshallah we're going to be watching and then hearing from the from the Islamic Relief folks, I wanted to kind of mention something, you know, we talked about Medina. When the prophets Allah Sam arrived in the city of Medina, he gave a few advices on how to build a community.

01:25:46 --> 01:25:46

He said,

01:25:48 --> 01:25:49

after Salaam spread peace,

01:25:51 --> 01:25:53

water in water, and feed people.

01:25:55 --> 01:26:03

Samak release put together a really amazing opportunity where there's a food package where you can feed someone

01:26:04 --> 01:26:06

for the entire month

01:26:07 --> 01:26:08

for $80

01:26:10 --> 01:26:23

You know, I'm not a fan of you know, guilting people into doing something, but I don't see it as guilt I see it as a little bit of a reality check for myself. I'm just saying this out loud. Maybe you can benefit from this but I'm saying this out loud to myself

01:26:25 --> 01:26:31

that I know I've gone to a restaurant and spent $80 on one meal.

01:26:34 --> 01:26:37

And here we're talking about feeding somebody for an entire month for $80

01:26:38 --> 01:26:44

it's really, you know, something to give some very serious thought to

01:26:46 --> 01:26:50

and so inshallah, please watch the video, pay attention and then inshallah

01:26:51 --> 01:26:53

really, once again, seize the opportunity.

01:27:16 --> 01:27:17


01:27:34 --> 01:27:38

I'm a co founder and hoppers, multinational

01:28:13 --> 01:28:15

shalom. Shalom

01:28:33 --> 01:29:14

hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While Allah He was a happy woman Well, my brothers and sisters again, this is your brother in Islam as the Aziz with Islamic Relief USA. Allah subhanho wa Taala is reminding us in Surah Al Qaeda where he says what the iron ore Albury was taqwa, Allah davon Wallen smuggled one, but takala in llama shadow they have helped one another in righteousness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and transgression and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Severe in punishment. On one side, Allah subhanho wa Taala is a fool Rahim, the most kind, the Most Gracious, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. On the other side, his Savior in punishment,

01:29:15 --> 01:29:59

Islamic Relief besides collecting money for our brothers and sisters in Syria, they are collaborating with groups such as interaction, to advocate and to influence government officials to support humanitarian aid for brothers and sisters in Syria. We are advocating to support many different things, a peaceful solution to the conflict, increase in the quantity and quality of humanitarian aid, improving the conditions of refugees in host countries, increasing the resettlement of refugees in the US. And in this regard, we are also providing programming with different groups such as Car Care, Save the Children, Syria relief and development

01:30:00 --> 01:30:48

Oxfam, Syrian American Medical Society, to educate the public on the life of refugees in the camps, when I was in solitary camp, which is just two hours away from the capital of Jordan, Amman. And when I saw the living conditions of our brothers and sisters, who suddenly became refugees, I looked at their lives and compared their lives with my life, the standard of living that I have, and the standard of living that my American Muslim brothers and sisters have, I can get into my dear brothers and sisters, if you compare their life with yours, you will never ever complain about life. for them. A packet of sugar is considered as luxury of life, a small packet of ketchup is considered

01:30:48 --> 01:31:37

as luxury of life. So this is the condition that these individuals are living in during extreme weather conditions during extreme cold during snowing in Zachary camp, these people are shivering from cold, they are living in extreme weather conditions. So please respond to our call today in this blessed month of Ramadan, when we are reaching out through this medium, to 1000s and 1000s of people who are watching this very important webinar, benefiting from the knowledge and wisdom of our beloved Shake Shack Abdel Nasser genre, I urge you also to participate and do some work of higher Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam reminded us when he said hi to Nancy and formerly known as the best

01:31:37 --> 01:32:23

among you are those who are a source of benefit to others. So tonight, today, you have this beautiful opportunity to provide some sort of benefit to our brothers and sisters in Syria. You see the donate button on your screen, click on that Donate button and be extremely generous. As I said earlier, if you can afford a lot of money to give, please be very generous. But if you feel you can give only a small portion of your wealth, a small amount, don't hold this money back. Allah subhanho wa Taala has used five different words for charity in the Holy Quran. Number one is Zakat, which is an obligatory giving on all of us. Number two is the heart that we give on a volunteer basis. Number

01:32:23 --> 01:32:58

three is hierarchy that we give to earn good deeds. Number four is a fan that we give out of kindness and consideration. And number five is in fact feasability law that we give for the sake of Allah in the path of Allah. This is a month of generosity, I remind myself first and then to you to fulfill your obligation and give you a saccade Zakat is not a favor of the rich upon the poor. It is the right of the poor upon the rich. This is the right that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given it to them. So none of us has the right to deprive them of this God given right in chapter nine

01:32:59 --> 01:33:41

Surah Tauba verse number 16 Allah subhanho wa Taala explained to us, who are the eight different categories of individuals who are entitled to receive a Visa card in the masataka to Lille for hora. Evil Masaki Neva emaline la ha well mala to Lugano, Farah Habibullah Vitamina feasability lei Sabina for resettlement. Allahu Allahu Allah mon Hakeem. In one words, Allah subhanho wa Taala explained to us who are the eight different categories of individuals who are entitled to receive your zakat. He did not leave this issue to an emperor or a king. He did not even leave this issue to an alum or a scholar. He did not even leave this issue upon any prophets. Allah subhanho wa Taala himself

01:33:41 --> 01:34:47

explained to us who are the eight different categories of individuals who are entitled to receive your zakat. So be extremely generous, pick up your phone and call 855-447-1001 I repeat the number 855-447-1001 if you are living in states, you can write a check and put it in the mail and send it to to 600 k Avenue, Suite number 170 Plano, Texas 75074. I'll repeat the address one more time to 600 k Avenue suite number 170 Plano, Texas 75074. Send your cattle man, the cattle federal Sahar fadia to Islamic Relief so that this money can be distributed among these individuals. Allah subhanho wa Taala in one place that reminds us where he says alizee at the AMA home enjoy

01:34:47 --> 01:34:59

environmental human health. Human Being in their lives needs two things. And each one of us strive and struggles to have these two important things in our lives. Food and security. We

01:35:00 --> 01:35:49

are blessed to live in this great nation of ours, where we have security and food. Many of our brothers and sisters around the world, they don't have neither food nor security. And they are making sacrifices every single day. So please do your part to provide them food. Many times people ask me, What does Islamic Relief means to you? I tell them that when we go on the field, and when we meet a young child, who has not eaten a full plate of meal, and suddenly he sees a hot plate of meal, the sparkle that comes in his eyes when he sees that food, this is what Islamic Relief means to us. Yes, Islamic Relief is one of the largest Muslim charity that we have in the world. Yes, for

01:35:49 --> 01:36:33

our friends from the other faiths, they look at Islamic Relief as a very transparent, very professional Muslim charity for the government, they look upon Islamic leave as a four star charity. But for me, when I interact with an orphan, with a widow with someone who is in desperate need, and when they suddenly see a month of ration food packages, that will help them to sustain themselves for an entire month, the smile that comes on their face. This is what Islamic Relief means to me. When I see that sparkle in the eyes of a young child, when he says when he sees an ottoman, she sees a hot plate of meal. This is what Islamic leave means to me. So my dear brothers and sisters, please

01:36:33 --> 01:37:25

be extremely generous avail this opportunity. You are benefitting tremendously through this webinar. And there is a lot of food for your spirituality. But at the same time, I urge you to think about the hunger and the thirst and the challenges that our brothers and sisters are going through specially in Syria and ask this question, what am I going to do to bring some comfort, some ease and some peace into the life of these individuals? Once a philosopher said that one day, the sun asked the entire world during sunset, who will work in my absence? Who is going to provide the light to this whole world, everyone remained silent. Except candle said I will try my best. It is not the

01:37:25 --> 01:37:49

size, but the attitude that shines every single penny every single dollar will bring a positive change and will have a positive impact on the lives of these individuals. So please call us at 855-447-1001 or click that Donate button that you see on your screen. desikan lahave salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

01:38:07 --> 01:38:51

Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah and he was a marine. So in sha Allah, to kind of review and recap inshallah, you know, reviewing is very important in terms of knowledge and learning, it's very important the repetition, and the review of the knowledge. So we've been talking about the prophetic ramadan ramadan from the life of the prophets a lot is from the best of humanity and the best month and we specifically observed for very prominent, you know, experiences of Ramadan from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, from the beginning of Revelation, and how that taught us about the month of Ramadan, being an opportunity for

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transformation, the Quran being a book of transformation, to Ramadan, being an opportunity to really establish a connection with God in the book of Allah. Number three Ramadan being a time of charity, and displaying mercy to the creation of Allah to number four, the importance of developing our character disarm above, we talked about the Battle of Baghdad occurring during the month of Ramadan, how fasting, that restraint that control that discipline is so essential. Number two, we talked about this, the struggles and the suffering of the Muslims brought them to this particular victory. Number three, we talked about how the Muslims willing to sacrifice even everything that they had

01:39:36 --> 01:39:55

everything that they were, brought them that peace and tranquility from God. And then we talked about the spirit of the unsought that Ramadan is not an opportunity. It's not an a moment where we ask what what do I have to do? What must I do? But it's a it's an opportunity to ask the question, What more can I do?

01:39:57 --> 01:39:59

What other opportunities are out there for me?

01:40:00 --> 01:40:25

We talked about first harmonica, the conquest of Mecca the great victory, it was in the month of Ramadan, how the sacrifices that the difficult times and Muslims had gone through the system had gone through and how they were patient, and level headed throughout those difficulties. How that then eventually, as I put on promises brought them to a time of ease and facilitation.

01:40:26 --> 01:40:31

But number three, that the help of Allah Spano until I came to their rescue,

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and then fourthly, and finally, that they conducted themselves with such dignity that humanity has never seen before. Such dignity in a moment of victory over one's enemy,

01:40:49 --> 01:40:59

that that was a month of Ramadan. And then the last Ramadan of the life of the prophets, Allah is one where he teaches us a few lessons and reminds us increase your time in the masjid, the house of Allah.

01:41:00 --> 01:41:22

Number two is increase your time with the Quran. Number three is that appreciate recognize the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala in your life. And number four, use this as an opportunity to repent and really fix whatever gaps or problems there may be in your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala.

01:41:23 --> 01:41:26

So these are the lessons of the prophetic Ramadan.

01:41:27 --> 01:42:03

And I want to really end and conclude here by encouraging everyone to really seize that opportunity and to take the opportunity to do as much as we can. And I wanted to list off a few action items. Number one is really I know I've said this already, but the action items are number one, make a daily regimen, it can be portion size, or it can be time, but have a daily regimen with the Quran with the book of Allah. Number two is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not only just engage in worship himself,

01:42:04 --> 01:42:10

but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would wake up his family to worship with him in the last part of the night.

01:42:11 --> 01:42:45

Make this a what I like to call a family friendly Ramadan a lot of times because spirituality is such an emphasis in Ramadan, everyone thinks that they have to kind of operate in their own independent silos, spiritual silos. But we can do this together as a family, pray together read Koran together, make do it together, wake each other up and really motivate each other go for itself, oh we together but really use this as an opportunity to bond as a family upon something that is much stronger than any other bond. And that is your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala the love of Allah and the love of it, of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:42:48 --> 01:42:59

Thirdly, the third action item I would give is that like I had mentioned before that tried to spend at least some time in it, Caf seclude yourself, kind of restrict yourself, confine yourself to the masjid

01:43:00 --> 01:43:20

number four is give charity this Ramadan, but not just what was budgeted what was allocated. But as I said before, inconvenience yourself, discomfort yourself, make a sacrifice, and give something when O'Connor became Hassan, the Sahaba did not have enough to eat, and yet they found a way to give.

01:43:21 --> 01:43:24

So we gotta find a way to give and we got to find a way to give a lot more.

01:43:25 --> 01:43:39

And the last And the final thing that I mentioned that I came across in some my just readings and you know, kind of research and observations here, about the month of Ramadan that I found was very, very fascinating.

01:43:41 --> 01:44:00

And that is, you know, obviously Ramadan is in the summer months, this, you know, around this these years, last couple of years and even this year, and the days are long, and the heat can be very intense. You know, we're here in Texas and it can get pretty hot and pretty dry.

01:44:01 --> 01:44:28

And a lot of times people will complain about that or will find that to be difficult. One of the fascinating things I found was that the Sahaba radi Allahu taala Han Han, they were very particular about, you know, the reward. They were very vocal and very cognizant of the reward that comes with fasting during long, hot, difficult days, the days of summer

01:44:29 --> 01:44:43

that were either new Jabba the Allahu tilahun, who, when he was on his deathbed, he said one of the regrets that he had was that he did not fast more during the long, hot days of the summer.

01:44:44 --> 01:44:57

Because he said that thirst that you feel when fasting on those long, dry hot days of summer that quenches the thirst and relieves the thirst that you feel at the time of death. So hamama

01:44:59 --> 01:44:59

are what are the alarm

01:45:00 --> 01:45:02

Tell on who, when he was on his deathbed

01:45:04 --> 01:45:28

that when he was on his deathbed he gave what he was giving some parting advice to his son Abdullah Abdullah Amaro, the Allahu talanoa. One of the things he gave him was that I like to be histology man, I want you to be a person of faith and have the qualities and attributes of faith with some with some officiant that will hardly feel safe. And he said, one of the first qualities of the believers is that they fast throughout the long, hot days of the summer.

01:45:31 --> 01:45:39

Abu Bakar radi Allahu taala. And who fascinating about him, he used to fast optionally more during the summer than even did during the winter,

01:45:41 --> 01:45:59

because of the rigor of it, and because of the sweetness of faith, any man that he could taste during it. So yes, I know the summers are hot, long, but stay strong, stay committed to the month of Ramadan, and the spirit of the month of Ramadan, and really make the most of this opportunity and be inspired by the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:46:01 --> 01:46:05

One of the things that I wanted to correct that I had mentioned previously,

01:46:08 --> 01:46:23

was that I was talking about how, when sacrificing and giving and feeding that the food package as Samak released prepared is $80 per person for a whole month, I was actually corrected, it's $80 for an entire family.

01:46:24 --> 01:46:33

I was just astounded when I was reminded of that $80 for an entire family to feed them for a month.

01:46:35 --> 01:46:38

And I want to take this opportunity to share a little personal story.

01:46:40 --> 01:46:41


01:46:42 --> 01:47:07

when I was young, and when I earned a little bit of money, just you know, you do odd jobs when you're a teenager, mow somebody's lawn, cut somebody's grass, and you know, you earn a little cash on the side, first time I earned a little cash on the side. One of the things that you know, my parents instilled within me was that they made me sign up for an orphan sponsorship program.

01:47:08 --> 01:47:15

And this, the purpose of that was so that I gain and develop a sense of responsibility

01:47:16 --> 01:47:22

that I have a responsibility to the oma I have a responsibility towards humanity.

01:47:23 --> 01:47:36

And the same thing with my younger sister and my younger brother, and from that point on my own life, for the last 25 years, that's been something that I contribute to on a monthly basis started to 25 years ago.

01:47:37 --> 01:47:48

And it's something that's very, very important, I want to encourage each and every single person that before you, you know,

01:47:49 --> 01:48:09

put your phone down before you log out of your computer, shut your laptop, however it is that you are tuning in. Before you do that, you head over to a sonic release website, ir usa.org. And there are two things I'd like you to do. I want you to sign up for an orphan sponsorship today. Take responsibility.

01:48:10 --> 01:48:28

Take responsibility. The fact that some people are doing this remarkable work does not absolve me of my responsibility. I have to stand before a line answer. And the second thing is that every single person should sponsor a food package, at the very least.

01:48:29 --> 01:48:39

It's just it's unimaginable that we would, you know, drop on one meal at a restaurant, that it could feed a family for a whole month.

01:48:41 --> 01:49:05

It's just, it's something that, you know, has the ability to keep you up at night just thinking about it. So inshallah before like I said, you put down your phone, you log out, you close your laptop, go and sponsor an orphan. And sponsor food package in sha Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from all of us. And may Allah subhanaw taala you know,

01:49:07 --> 01:49:45

ease the tragedy and the difficulty in the suffering across the world, our brothers and sisters everywhere. And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to make the most of this month of Ramadan does Akuma located on I really want to thank everyone for tuning in and logging on to the program. For somebody who might have kind of logged in right now or towards the end or you know, maybe it's kind of cut a little bit in and out we we actually received a lot more traffic than we had initially expected. And so there were some technical difficulties. What we've done is inshallah we have the entirety of the program recorded. And what we're going to be doing is we're going to be replaying

01:49:45 --> 01:50:00

the broadcast we're going to be rebroadcasting this in sha Allah a few times tonight at midnight, because I know a lot of people they got to get home from Terra we and then they kind of they they look for something to tune into to be able to help

01:50:00 --> 01:50:26

benefit in sha Allah so there's a class, there's an opportunity to give and donate and implement what you're learning. So it'll be replayed and rebroadcast. inshallah at midnight tonight. It will again be rebroadcast tomorrow at noon. For anyone who's a little bit more keen on the daytime, maybe you go to sleep a little bit earlier. So it'll be tomorrow at noon again and then again tomorrow at midnight. So the purpose of me informing you of this is I want you to really spread the word for everyone.

01:50:27 --> 01:50:52

If you come back to the Facebook page inshallah, there will be a flyer there will be a graphic announcing the rebroadcast the replay of the webcast industry. So please share that with everyone spread the word and let's get as many people as we can to learn from the prophetic Ramadan and to also invest into this opportunity to be able to serve the love the prophets a lot SLM.

01:50:54 --> 01:51:14

So insha Allah, before we head out one last final time in sha Allah, let's go ahead and tune into this video and then inshallah brother as the disease will come and you know, give us another opportunity to be able to do our part and then inshallah we'll bid everyone farewell.

01:51:18 --> 01:51:20

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01:51:22 --> 01:51:24

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01:51:25 --> 01:51:32

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01:52:02 --> 01:52:03

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01:52:05 --> 01:52:07

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01:52:08 --> 01:52:09


01:52:11 --> 01:52:12

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01:52:14 --> 01:52:15

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01:52:17 --> 01:52:18

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01:52:21 --> 01:52:22

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01:52:52 --> 01:52:54

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01:52:58 --> 01:53:02

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01:53:09 --> 01:53:09


01:53:14 --> 01:53:20

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01:53:27 --> 01:53:28

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01:53:34 --> 01:53:34


01:54:01 --> 01:54:49

Once again, Salaam Alaikum. Thank you so much for tuning in. I just want to remind myself first and then to you that on this Father's Day, I know as believers as Muslims for us every day is a father's day. But today is a special day in an American context. And I want to remind each one of you that give generously on behalf of your father, honor your parents, because there they are. Parents are one of the greatest blessings that we have. And those individuals who have lost their parents, please donate on their behalf. Think about all the things that they have done for you. When you couldn't do anything for yourself. Debate you, they cleaned you they fed you. They took care of you.

01:54:49 --> 01:55:00

They stayed all night when you were sick. They sacrificed and made a huge sacrifice to take care of all your needs. This is a time for all of you.

01:55:00 --> 01:55:25

To pay back and I remind myself and then to you honor your parents take care of them because Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Holy Quran has reminded as men he says, will bill Baldini Asana be kind and dutiful towards your parents. So mighty brothers and sisters, I remind you on this Father's Day, be extremely generous and think about our brothers and sisters in Syria. Last year, we saw this

01:55:26 --> 01:56:12

young boy by the name of aylan Kurdi, he was three years old boy who was found at the shores of Turkey. And Allah subhanho wa Taala brought this boy the dead body of this boy intact, without any fish bites without any scratches. And he was found on the shores of Turkey. And that picture went viral. And it even opened up the hearts of many of our friends from the other faiths. Europe opened up its gates to accommodate hundreds and 1000s of refugees. These are the stories of these individuals who were leading a very decent life, but lost it all. I remind myself and then to you with this very beautiful words. menza Lazio hora de la carbon hustlin for you die for hula, hula

01:56:12 --> 01:56:47

dolphin, Cassie Ratan, voila Jacobi to Episode Two. When he told john Who is he was going to give a good loan to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that Allah Allah multiply the reward into many folds. It is Allah who increases or decreases your provision, and to Him we shall return. I want to share with you a story that happened during the lifetime of our beloved prophet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was a Sahabi by the name of Abu Dhabi, Allah in Saudi Arabia lon, who came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and asked him all prophets of Allah. Allah subhana wa Taala, who is our Creator, who is our sustainer, who is our provider, he needs a loan from us Rasulullah sallallahu

01:56:47 --> 01:57:24

Sallam said yes, so he asked for the hand of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he grasped it. And with a lot of excitement, he said, I will loan my farm to Allah subhanho wa Taala Abdullah Masuda de Alon says that at that time, his farm had 600 palm trees, it was considered as abundance of wealth. He went home and told his wife oma data, let's leave this place, because I have given it as a loan to Allah subhanho wa Taala. These were the great companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who would listen to a verse and implement it immediately. And today, we have this beautiful opportunity. Allah subhanho wa Taala has put you and me in a position to give. We are not in a position where we

01:57:24 --> 01:58:07

have to extend our hand and ask for help. So think about those individuals who have nothing who has lost everything. So rise on this occasion, in this blessed month of Ramadan, click on that Donate button, call 855-447-1001. In conclusion, as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam reminded us where he said man, las colinas la escuela a person who is not thankful to his fellow being cannot be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala either. So I want to express my deepest thanks and gratitude on behalf of Islamic Relief USA to Harlem Institute and my beloved Shake Shack up the NASA genre for their help for their support for their time to our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Syria for the

01:58:07 --> 01:58:14

important work that Islamic Relief USA does with that inshallah I will hand over the mic to my beloved Shake Shack Abdullah.

01:58:16 --> 01:59:01

So inshallah as brother as he's a brother as far as he's he explained and really framed very well this is no longer a conversation about you know, what can be done or what should be done. This is become a conversation of what needs to be done, what has to be done. And this is a situation the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he cried for his mama, he bled for his mama, he wept for his mama. These are the people that the prophets a lot of them love so dearly that he made to offer them a shadow the Allahu taala and one time the prophet SAW some came home and he just in a kind of a playful manner, like moment between husband and wife. He said, Do you want anything asked for

01:59:01 --> 01:59:44

anything that you wanted? I'll give it to you. And she said, Make do it for me on messenger of Allah. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made to offer her May Allah forgive all the sins of our Isha, the big and the small and the public and the private in the morning in the evening, all decisions, and she became so excited. And the profits a lot of them said this pleases you so much, have the heat our tea lumati bhadrakali Salatin, this is saying do I make for my entire oma after every single prayer? These are the people to process some cried for that he made to offer and we have to really take a long hard look in the mirror and see if we're doing what we can do and what

01:59:44 --> 02:00:00

we're capable of doing. So inshallah I'll end and conclude with a DA that may Allah subhanaw taala accept our worship in this blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah subhanaw taala accept erfassen this month of Ramadan May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to stand in prayer.

02:00:00 --> 02:00:37

During this month of Ramadan, may Allah make us from amongst the people of the Quran in this month of Ramadan. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive all of our sins in this month of Ramadan. May Allah subhanaw taala make this and hold on a means of transformation in our lives. And may Allah subhanaw taala make this set Ramadan that brings peace and dignity to humanity worldwide. And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be the means of bringing that peace and dignity to humanity worldwide. I mean, the Honorable aalameen again, please head on over to ir usa.org and contribute and donate. And may Allah reward all the folks who have some relief for the amazing work that they do, just like

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Camilla Hainan. Once again, I want to thank everyone for logging in for viewing. Remember we're going to be having the rebroadcast and the replays and shall have the webcast. So if you've benefited from this today, spread the word to others and let's try to get as many people to contribute as we can inshallah Samaniego

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