Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 188

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the upcoming weekend and their message for the day. They emphasize the importance of quality over quantity and offer a recap of the weekend. The message includes the loss of family members and the loss of profit from college tribe. The speakers also emphasize the importance of giving water to people and the profit that comes from those who don't want to kill someone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu this optimiser Jenga. If you enjoy and benefit from listening to our podcast, please donate to column by visiting support alarm.com we love being able to share this content for free with you and your donation ensures that we are always able to do so. Each podcast we produce has 10s of 1000s of listeners. So the opportunity for gaining immense reward by supporting this effort is endless in sha Allah. You never know who will be able to benefit from your contributions and donations, does akmola Hayden was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Suleiman hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah, who Allah and he was actually he edge marine

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shala continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a Sierra to Nova we had the prophetic biography.

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In the last few sessions, we've been talking about the farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had yet to read our search again, bring everyone up to speed in the 10th year of higit, on the 10th year of the profits, a lot of reasons residents in the city of Medina towards the end of that 10th year, which is essentially just literally months before the passing of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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he performed, he performed a pilgrimage. And, of course, posthumously, it's referred to as had jetten, without the farewell pilgrimage to farewell Hodge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the reason for that is very obviously because it was at the end of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and also was the only Hajj performed by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in of course, in accordance with the Islamic method of performing hajj.

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A couple of things about this particular Hajj that also aside from it obviously being at the end of his life, one of the things that also really establishes that as the farewell of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam three things that I'll point to number one,

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when they started to hedge the profits, a lot of a sudden very explicitly said, Who do I need Manasa can learn from me how to do the Hajj, which is of course one of the most foundational statements of the prophets a lot about performing hajj, all the books of fic all the books of Hadith, when they talk about Hajj, they always talk about this particular narration, this hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said learn for me how to do the Hajj similar to how he said Son Luke Amato, eight and when you suddenly pray as you have seen me praying, so about * said, look at me and learn from me. Watch me and observe me on how to perform your hunch. But then he continued on and he says,

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Lila Why would you bother me haha, because it is very likely that I shall not perform the Hajj after this year. That is one, you know, reference the prophets a lot he sort of made or one hint that he dropped. The second thing is what we're going to be talking about today, the sermon of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And we'll talk about the sermon very thoroughly in just a moment. But in the beginning of the sermon, the prophets a lot he sent him says is Mero mini obeying Lacan. He said, Listen to me very carefully so that I can explain things to you for in Neela Denny because I am not certain lalibela Alcock combat the army has a female if he had, because I am not certain it

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is very likely that I will not meet all of you

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after this year, and at this particular place. So he said that at the beginning of discernment, that's again, the prophets, a lot of them, alluding to something and again, not to take anything away from our discussion that we're going to have on the hope of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But at the end of the hotbar,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he similarly says at the end of the hotbar, that valuable a showerhead, a lava or fungibility of men come from the belly of the showerhead, men come

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to versions, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one version, he says, that all those of you who are present should deliver this to those who are not present. Those of you who are present should deliver this to those who are not present. And again, that can be taken very generally because that's a responsibility regardless, whenever you hear something good the prophets a lot of them said, but only one you

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can convey on my screen.

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have even a single verse of the Quran that you have received from me learn from me. So that could be a general injunction. But nevertheless, there it is ominous to, to quite an extent that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the largest gathering of believers during his lifetime, I will add, what can maybe be described very quite possibly be described as the most important and significant moment of his mission, his preaching up to this point, the prophets a lot of a sudden is making it a very explicit point, to conclude by saying, Let all of you go out from here and convey and communicate this message on my behalf. So there does seem to be as we call it, figuratively,

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speaking of passing of the torch, by the prophets, a lot of a sudden that you have to carry this message, and this work and this religion on forward. So there are quite a few little things. You know, where the profits a lot of the time is clearly alluding to a finality, there is a sense of finality about this particular moment.

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Nevertheless, as I said before, in the last few sessions, we've talked about the journey of the hygiene of the profits a lot exam, how he prepared how he left, how we traveled, arrived in Macau, did the ombre stayed for a few days between the online the beginning of hedge, and then how he started the hedge again, and how they came to the place of artifacts, that they were offered the main day of hedge like we talked about in the previous session, and the profits, alabi some there, he of course, made the beautiful, some of them that we went through in the session previously. Now, as I had mentioned previously,

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the big, you know, aside from the do I in RFR, which is the main component of hedge, and you know, it would not be wrong to almost refer to it as the point of the hedge. However, at the same time, one of the big moments of hedge in general, but particularly the 100 of the profits, a lot of them was his sermon was this football.

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And so we have not talked about it last week, and I said that I would like to touch upon it, in the next session dedicate the entire session to just discussing the football. And as I said previously, as well, if we went through this football, line by line, which actually we're going to, but we're going to go through it line by line a little bit more, kind of with a summary. But if somebody decided to go into each particular line, and extract from it and discuss they're in all the different issues, all the different rules and regulations, all the different lessons, wisdoms understandings, principles, ethics that come from every single word of this football, that is

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something that would even I'm convinced a day long seminar would still not be sufficient to cover it. Even a day long study or seminar would not be sufficient. I had referenced previously that there are multiple works dedicated to simply expounding upon the hookbait of the profits a lot he said I'm one of those works is I was just looking at it earlier today by one of the scholars, that is over 100 pages long there was there's another work compiled by another scholar where he again he discusses a lot of the different things that we can take from this particular code bar, and it's 150 pages long. So there is plenty of depth to go into. Obviously, it's the messenger Salafi some tea to

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be Joe Mary can. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I have been granted the gift of comprehensive speech. So when the prophets a lot of them would say one thing, it would have multiple layers to it at the very least. Nevertheless, we're going to go over it.

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The one notes that I will give you even though I will be going over a particular compilation of the Hooda as compiled by many of the scholars of Hadith and Sira. However, one little note should be taken into consideration just for the sake of academic integrity and historical accuracy. For the sake of academic integrity, historical accuracy, I wanted to bring to everyone's attention that the hookah as we're going to go through it, the compilation of the hotbar is essentially pieced together from dozens of different narrations. Now, what does that exactly mean? What that exactly means is that

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over a dozen different companions of the Prophet peace be upon him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. More than that, in fact, there's hundreds literally, but nevertheless, at the very least, looking at the main dozen or so narrations, different companions in different Sahaba narrated differently

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parts of the hotbar. So it's almost as if you know,

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you know someone is someone is attending a lecture. I mean, that's exactly the example. But you go around the room and you kind of ask everyone, what did you learn? Or what do you remember? What did you learn? You know, you teach a class, right? You go through a class with the students. And afterwards, you kind of ask them, what did you learn? What did you think? What do you remember? What did you learn, and you go around, and different students share different parts of the lecture, or different students share different realizations they had or different lessons they learned. And when you put all that together, you have a very rich collection of different thoughts, ideas, quotations,

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right from the actual seminar, the lesson, I don't want to give a trivial example. But just for the sake of understanding, there's a two or three hour long game. And then there's different highlights of the game, right. And the highlights, nobody listens to or watches a particular highlights of game that's a minute or two minutes long, and just assumes that's the entirety of the game, there's this understanding that this person is or this account, or this TV channel is sharing a particular moment and a highlight of the game. Well, similarly, the companions are the Allahu taala, on whom,

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because they were listening, and paying attention and trying to internalize, when they shared what they learned, a lot of them would share particular highlights, moments that really struck them, or the thing, or they moreso took the opportunity to share something they learned from the sermon of the prophets, a lot of them.

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And then secondly, there's also this particular historical fact that can be ignored. And that is, there were over 120,000, companions, Muslims, believers, people that were present there. And obviously, you think about it, this is without the ability to broadcast this is without the ability to be able to relay sound over a very large area or region. And so a lot of times it might have been that people were basically conveying on words, something they heard, or people were going to other people afterwards and said, What did he say over there? What did he say or at this particular moment. And so in that sense, different people also had bits and pieces. But nevertheless, pieced

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all together, there is enough overlap, like when you sometimes, you know, you look at a particular picture or photograph, and you kind of, you know, you take three photos of a particular landscape. And then there's a certain amount of overlap of where one picture ended. And the other picture started, there's a little bit of overlap. And using that, for people who have an eye for photography, who know how to edit things, they have an eye for that, and they're able to very clearly see, well, here's the overlap, and they're able to stitch those photos together and create a larger landscape from it. Right? Similarly, there are scholars of Hadith and scholars of Sita and,

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you know, the students of the companions, and so on and so forth, who were able to see, okay, his quotation is ending at this point, his quotation is starting a little bit before, this is where it was connected, this is where it was connected. And so there's been a lot of thorough academic work. And that's how this goodbye has essentially been presented to us. So I just wanted to mention that just for the sake of the academic integrity.

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So now I'll actually go through the headband, just briefly touch on, you know, what the profits a lot of these is addressing, I might comment on a couple of things a little bit more, because there are some parts of the hookah that are very technical and legal in nature. And even though that was not the way the profits, a lot of them typically gave the sermon the hook, but he addressed a lot of very technical things, but he would address them in conversation with people teaching people, but the sermon that he would give like on Friday, the Friday hook would be mostly inspirational and enriching in nature. And it would make a person think and make a person, you know, really reflect

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and the objective of that was, so that this person could grow from what they heard today in the football. So it is not typical for the prophets, a lot of them to touch on very legal or technical things in the hood. But this is not any ordinary hood. This is the hookah and the sermon of the life of the prophets lobby center. So based off of that, I might touch on a few things a little bit more, but we will go through it. The prophets a lobby some began by praising God

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and establishing test, testifying as to the oneness of a law.

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And in stating the belief of Muslims as the prophets, a lot of people would always do it.

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In this formula addresses it's referred to as could but will hijack the profits a lot and would always begin with this formal introduction. He says al hamdu lillahi, Mohamad who wanna stare into who and istockphoto who went to LA he, he says, the ultimate praises for Allah subhanaw taala all praises for Allah, we praise Him, we seek his assistance, and we seek His forgiveness when he lay here and we repent to him. When are the Rila Himanshu Rudy and fusina woman say it avelina he says that we take refuge with a law from the evil of ourselves and from the retro or the consequences of our bad or ill deeds. Mayor de la kulambu Delilah who woman you lil fella Howdy, Allahu whomsoever

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God has guided has given guidance to, then nothing can mislead or misguided that person and whomsoever Allah subhanaw taala has allowed to be misguided, then there is no no one or nothing that can guide that person. Why she had to Allah ilaha illallah wa, the hula sharika who were under Mohammed Abu rasuluh. And he goes on to say that I testify of a witness that there's absolutely nothing, no one worthy of worship except for a law alone, and he has no partner. And that Mohammed is indeed the slave of Allah and the Messenger of God referring to himself.

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Sometimes, folks will ask me, the prophets a lot. He said, I'm trying to understand how he's referring to himself in the third person that way. Well, the way to understand that even though the prophets a lot of them did not normally speak that way, by the way, right? Even we in our culture have a certain impression of someone who might refer to themselves into third person quite frequently in the profits. A lot of them did not do that. He would speak in the first person, right, and in me, he would normally speak, I was just looking over a particular narration, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said man may have the manual I need Dini.

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Well, we may have more anini Well, my wife Ed, and then it goes on to say that we are going to marry a Filipina we are kulu Khalifa Dunphy Ali, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he speaking in the first person, he says, Who will take the responsibility of carrying this religion on after me? Who would want to be with me in paradise? Who wants to look after look after my family after I've gone? Look over my family after I am gone. You didn't say who wants to look over Muhammad? Certainly when Muhammad is gone, he didn't speak in third person. He speaks in the first person. The reason why, in this particular the introduction of the Hooda the prophets a lot of Islam speaks in the

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third person refers to themselves Mohamed is because the prophets a lot ism isn't just giving you a hood, but he's also teaching us on how to give what

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he's teaching us on how the hookah is given that whenever we start the hookah, we begin with the formal introduction. And we always mentioned our belief in the oneness of God in our faith in the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So that's what he's also teaching us. Anyways, the Prophet sallallahu continues on he says, si como Eva de la, be toccoa la, I exhort you, I, I strongly encourage you, I emphasize upon you, oh slaves of God, to be mindful and conscious of Allah. Well, Akuma Allah Tati, and I strongly encourage you to be obedient to Allah.

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What a stuffed the whole bill Levy, who Hi, Ron. And I began with that which is good.

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He then says I'm about to do as for what follows it's again, kind of a formal transition from the introduction to the actual now content of the message. He says a yohannes Oh, humanity, and you can start to now hear the tone of the prophets alabi Salaam. Of course, the prophets, a lot of him whenever he speaks, he's speaking for all of humanity. But he's emphasizing that point here by addressing all of humanity, because of how monumentous this occasion is and how universal this messages he says yohannes is SMA Omen newbigin lako please very carefully listen to me. So that I may clarify things for you. I may explain things to you.

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For in Isla de because I am not certain I don't know. lalibela Alcock about the army has a female FIFA I might not meet you again after this year at this point.

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particular place in juncture.

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He goes on to say, you hand us over people in the deema Acoma walakum. Wa,

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Alaykum Rahman Illa and turn over a backhoe. He says all people listened. Your law, your blood, which refers to the lives of people, your lives, your property will either come in your dignity, and he's using the plural, which basically means better translated into English. It is better translated as the life of every single person amongst you. The property of every single individual amongst you, and the dignity of every single one.

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haraam one is forbidden, is forbidden, is sacred is another translation. But what does that mean? Still, because it still sounds a bit cryptic in English, what does it mean, for something to be forbidden or sacred in this instance, it basically means that this is something that you are not allowed to encroach upon. You're not allowed to violate it, you're not allowed to approach it. You're not allowed to lay hands on it, literally or figuratively, because the dignity of people can be compromised with the tongue. So literally or figuratively, you don't touch it, you stay away from it. people's lives, people's property and people's dignity. Illa and turn over until you die.

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Now that's kind of obvious, right? Obviously, who hurt somebody after they're already dead? Not I'm not talking about how do you hurt somebody after they've already died? I mean, if How can I harm anyone after I have died?

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I found dead I can't harm anybody. So why would the prophets alarmism clarify? That is forbidden on you until you die? This type of a statement in the Arabic language is for emphasis. Meaning until your last breath leaves your body. Don't you dare ever lay a finger lay a hand raise your open your mouth,

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target with your tongue, any person, their life, their property and their dignity, until your last breath, leaves your body, nothing else. This is the thing you got to be mindful about.

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Go to mighty omega mhada fishery calm Hello hafi biological mhada he says just as the sacredness of this day, similar to it is as sacred. This injunction is as important and sensitive as the sacredness of this day, in this month, and in this place. And again, what does that mean comparing it to the sacredness of the day, the place the month in the place? So what is the in one other narration the prophets, a lot of them actually engages in a q&a kind of involves the audience Edu yo Madhava. He asks that what kind of day yesterday they say it's sacred, what kind of a month is in, they say sacred, what kind of a place is this and they say sacred, and then he tells them that the

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life the dignity, the property and the dignity of every person is as sacred as this day in this month at this place. And what that basically means is trying to imagine I'm going to give you a scenario and think about the scenario.

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Try to imagine someone at the place of auto fat during Hajj

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in that month, which means you're in Rome.

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Rome is a month of Hajj, you're in Rome. On that day, the day of alpha,

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which many referred to as the most sacred day of the entire year. It is the most virtuous day of the year. Some of you might be thinking about well, what about Layla to cuddle? That's the most virtuous night of the year. The scholars say the most virtuous day of the year Jomo alpha. So think about that on that day in a home at that place. Can you imagine someone doing something very evil over there? Can you imagine that? Can you even fathom that? Somebody being disrespectful, evil

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right at that place in Iran during Hutch arafa on that day,

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it's unfair. And he's saying fiocco Hava some of the commentators said he's not just talking about can you imagine someone doing something bad? At autofac during Hajj in Iran on the day a lot of fun. Can you imagine someone doing something evil, bad disrespectful

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at the place of auto thought in the month and have had any harm on the day of alpha during the hedge of the profits a lot.

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Like if you were transported back in time, and you're doing hedge with the process of he's in front of you, you can see him Can you imagine being disrespectful or doing something evil

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unfathomable the prophets. A lot of them said well just says that is unfathomable to you. It is just as unfathomable in comprehensible to me the prophets a lot, it's embarrassing to him, that somebody would violate the life the property or the dignity of another human being.

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Think about the magnitude of that statement. And then he says, we're in the concert an owner of backhoe, use, you shall soon meet your Lord, for as a lucuma and armonico. And he will ask you, you will question you about your deeds, but Karbala and I have told you, I have told you, I have conveyed this message to you, from Canada in a monotone, fill you a D ha Illa money termina who la Ha. So whosoever from amongst you, has been entrusted with something by someone,

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then they should fulfill the trust of that person. Someone's trusted you. Don't you dare violate the trust. The profits a lot of a sudden goes on to say.

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And this is a very important issue, but a little bit of a technical issue, but it's a very important issue. He says we're in Nakula Reba, we're in Nicola Reba moto. He said From this day forth, usury, interest is forbidden, is off limits is outlawed banned. islamically. What I can, like homebrews. unwelcome. However, what he's saying you still are owed the money that was borrowed from you. And allow me to explain with an example what he's saying, since it's a technical issue.

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If I borrowed $100, from Ahmed,

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and he said, pay me back in a month. But when you pay me back in a month, you'll owe me $125.

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He lends me 100 bucks for a month. When I pick him back in a month, he says You owe me 125. That's usually that's interest that's charging money on money. It's not allowed. That's what he's saying is forbidden. But by abolishing interest in usury, he's saying you still are owed the money that was borrowed from you. That doesn't mean he abolished our entire contract. He did not void the entire contract. He just voided the clause that had the interest built into it. But I still owe $100 at the end of the month. That's what that means lovely Mona.

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Mona, you will no longer be allowed to oppress other people through this type of extortion and predatory financial practices, law to them will nor will any wrong be done to you meaning when you still get your $100 no wrong will be done to you.

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Then he says what are the local and the hula de ba and God has decreed that there will be no more interest in usury in the Islamic framework going forth. We're in the Riba army abus matale, modern kulu. And then the prophets Allah had a remarkable practice all the prophets and messengers of God had the sinner.

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The tradition of the prophets a lot he said was he used to lead by example. He would lead by example. So the prophets a lot he some, you know, some people could have objected, let's say before this injunction was made.

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Omar, Ahmed

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Khalid, all three of them only, you know, $100 $100 $100

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and I had put $25 worth of interest 25% interest in all three of their contracts.

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So now,

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okay, fine, I still get my $300 back. But I just when I made that decision, to loan them my money, instead of using it in business to make more money legitimately. But I had loaned it to them. I loaned it because I was under the impression, I'm going to make more money by loaning the money. I just lost out $75 that I was expecting on making. So I'm upset. When the profits a lot of them gives us injunction. Somebody could have been very upset by this. But that's, that's a hard that's a bitter pill to swallow. Like, of course, I'm going to do it but it's still a bitter pill to swallow. It's hard. It's not easy. So the prophets a lot he said would always lead by example, so that no one

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could ever say easier said than done. Right? When somebody gives you advice, right? You look at him sideways. Sometimes it's easy for you to say you don't have to do you know you're not in my shoes. Right. So the profits a lot of these would always lead by example. But obviously the profits a lot of them had never taken or given in a penny an hour.

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of interest ever in his life. So he didn't have any interest to forgive. So he said, I will about I will start by abolishing all the interest that might be owed to my uncle Ibis. From the loans that people owe him. I will start with my own uncle. So while I don't have any interest bearing loans, my uncle does. And that's close enough.

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He'll feel the pain. And I'm his relative, I have to help him out. So that we indirectly I feel the pinch of that. But I'll start with him. And you know what, that day some of the commentators they mentioned that day, our boss lost so much money.

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Because a boss radi Allahu talana, the uncle in the process of before Islam was a very wealthy man. And he's a very prominent leader in the community. And he was a good person, he was a generous person, it was just the fact of the matter was the standard contract before a slob would always have interest built into it. So there were people who owed him what we would consider the equivalent of millions of dollars. People in Makkah owed him millions.

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And there were at least hundreds of 1000s worth of like the equal of the equivalent of excuse me, hundreds of 1000s of dollars that were owed to him and just interest payments. And when the processor forgave all that, he lost hundreds of dollars that day.

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But he started with that. And this just as a side note, to expand upon it. The profits a lot is in yz. Somebody could say why is he addressing this and the

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biggest one, the last final main addresses of his life, he's talking about financial stuff. Oh, but that financial stuff is so important. So important. Right, Allah subhanaw taala talks about this in the Quran, what's up law, it's a sign of your consciousness of God, one of our teachers always used to say that, you know, even the most religious and best and knowledgeable of people. When it comes to money,

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they all get weak in the knees.

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They all get weak in the knees, they all you know their handshakes and crumbles a little.

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That's a tough thing to manage. Right? Because of just the, the temptation, the desire, the knifes the self, they want it craves money, wealth, and so it's very hard to leave quote, unquote, money on the table. So it's very hard. Secondly, this creates animosities between people, the profits allottee. Some talked about this in multiple iterations. For instance, when he said Leia VR, aka Kamala Bay,

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via VR about the Kamala Bay, he, he said that you should not undercut each other's business deals, sabotage each other's businesses, because he said that this will create animosity amongst you. And so it divides the community. And it also exposes a weakness and a person's convictions and faith and spirituality. I always recall this.

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were one of the great scholars, prolific scholars of Islam, Mr. Mohammed Abu Hassan shibani, Rahim Allah, he, his students asked him one time, he's wrote many, many different works on history, on beliefs on law on Hadees, so many things. So they said, one of the topics that you have taught us that is profoundly beneficial is spirituality.

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purification of the heart, how to be a good person, how to be closer to God.

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But you haven't written a book on it? And he said, No, I have written a book on it. So we don't recall such a book. And he said, it's called key taboo. It's the book about the rules of financial transactions in Islam. Because if you can abide by, you can be ethical in your financial practices, then you're a truly God fearing person.

00:34:06 --> 00:34:12

And there is an I'll just spend a minute on this. There is a very, very unfortunate,

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cliched, in our community, where there is this contradiction that exists within some people. And many people are turned off by it, where someone will have, you know, a certain

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adherence are a certain representation of religion within their lives, particularly in the realm of appearance and worship and things like that. But they remain very and extremely unethical in how they do business. And that's become a very unfortunate cliche in our community, that all these religious types, the crooks, right, and while that's a generalization that is not fair, but at the same time, it's very tragic.

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That example even exists within our communities. So that's why the prophets A lot has been talked about here. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, He then said, we're in Nicola domincan, Ophelia, helia tiempo de or

00:35:13 --> 00:35:39

the other thing that exists in all societies and communities, but particularly in the Arab at that time, the Arabian society, the Arab society, it was very, a really big issue. And that was the tribal loyalty, affiliation identification was very dominant. And because of that, what would basically happen is that if

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a man from my tribe, killed a person from brother Omar's tribe,

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then that was now kind of a grudge that continued on first of all extended to everyone else in the tribe. So I must begrudge brother Omar at that point, he is my enemy, even though he's never done anything wrong to me. In fact, it can be quite the contrary, we could actually be friends. But now I must take him as an enemy, and he must see me as an enemy. And this would continue on for generations. So the prophets a lot of them said here that of course, in the Islamic Republic, who not just spiritually that Islam eradicates what came before it, that doesn't just mean that your sins are forgiving, meaning that a lot of these different loyalties and divisions and grudges and

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things like that these also have to be eradicated once you come into Islam.

00:36:38 --> 00:36:44

We can't stay stuck in those previous grudges. So the prophets a lot isms that are pressing the reset button today.

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That if my tribe and college tribe has been fighting for 100 years now you're in Islam, I don't care how long y'all have been fighting for From this day on fourth. Y'all are brothers and sisters. You're part of a community you are the oma

00:37:02 --> 00:37:34

and you will fight you will get over this you will find a way to get past this. We're in the Kula dementia here at mo door. It's done. I don't care who killed who previously that doesn't mean obviously somebody wanted for murder and they're running around and we're like Oh, nevermind. They're not we're not going to prosecute them even though we have evidence and all that's always talking about talking about the grudges that resulted as a that came from it. Were in the Ola DeMarco other odema. I'm a diviner Ravi archipel Hadith of the Abu Talib

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and again Subhana Allah, the prophets a lot of them started with family. He said the first grudge that I will settle is that one of the family members one of the second or third cousins of the profits, a lot of excello from vanilla looked on him basically an extended family member of his a relative of his who had been killed, had been killed. And the the tribe that he had been killed by that had led to a grudge that lasted for decades.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:12

The profits a lot he's upset again, I'll start with my own family. I'm settling that grudge today.

00:38:13 --> 00:38:15

They're not our enemies.

00:38:16 --> 00:38:18

They are brothers and sisters.

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Then the profits a lot simpler way for who

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will be human divided generally I start with my own family. Whenever I feel Jamelia Timo do on hater sedan, it was sick it will Ahmed will I

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will I'm going to cover don't worship Allah Hama de la cocina de la Sol. Well, hajipur fimea burried from an is data phenomenal jeconiah. He then mentioned something else he said that all the previous kind of reiterating. So therefore all the previous affiliations that you had before Islam, I'm, I'm an ally of brother Omar's tribe, and we're both enemies of brother appartments tribe. And brother Ahmed strive is an ally of college tribe. So therefore, my tribe is also enemies with college tribe and all these factions and divisions. He said, all of that is done today. You are one Muslim Ummah, that's done. He said the only affiliations that will continue on after today is affiliations that

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are rooted and connected to good deeds.

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And he specifically mentioned so Donna was the ayah

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so Donna is to be caretakers of the house of God and say I is to give water to the Hajaj to give water to people come to do how much they should be the only affiliations you have

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Oh, that you know we we tried to do humanitarian work or we try to memorize the Quran

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or we try to bring the community together. Like your service. For the dean for the religion for the community should be your affiliation

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That's what should connect you together now.

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Then the prophets, a lot of them gave another technical ruling, which again, I'll mention very briefly because it's very technical in nature.

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He said, Well, I'm gonna do our done. If a person deliberately murdered

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someone, if one person deliberately, intentionally murdered killed another person, and was either caught red handed or evidence or confessed to it, then if the evidence is established,

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and the person is prosecutable, the person is vocal left their sound of sound mind insane, etc. Then the punishment is capital punishment. It is death.

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But then the profits a lot he sort of said, worship Hola, Ahmed. Mattila de la Sol will hotjar Wolfie, he made a tuba hidden. But then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, but if somebody died as a result of negligence, it was an accidental death. It was an accidental death. And you were responsible for their accident, like you weren't trying to kill them. But you are responsible.

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And he gave the example for instance, if somebody got killed with a stick, or got killed with a rock.

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couple of examples is that two people are gotten a fight in altercation. Nobody pulled the knife or a gun, but they were just, you just got into a shoving match. One person shoves the other, the person falls back hits her head on a rock and dies.

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While Yes, that is problematic that they were fighting, but there was no intention of killing the person.

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That is called Cthulhu. Haha, that was an error. That was a that was an error in judgment. And for that the prophets, a lot of them said you are responsible for paying reparations to the family of the deceased.

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And that is 100 camels.

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And 100 camels, you know, even even if we go based off of the price of camels today,

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a very low price for campbellton. A is about 15 $100. In Saudi Arabia, not here. God knows how much it'd be here. But in Saudi Arabia, it's in the Arabian Peninsula, it is 15 $100 at the very least.

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So 100 of that, so it's over 100,000 $150,000 It's a lot of money. So it's a pretty hefty fine.

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And then the profits a lot of them said from is that if Amelia Hillier,

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then but if you try to extort more money from the person who was involved in the killing, they paid $150,000 but then somehow you're trying to extort more money from them. The profits a lot easier said than that I can vouch for you.

00:42:54 --> 00:42:58

Then you're doing you're you're you're crossing the line. And that's from Jackie Leah, I do not vouch for you.

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That covers about half of the hookah. As I said, obviously, it's very profound. It's very beautiful. It's quite remarkable. And my personal philosophy is that I prefer quality over quantity. So what we'll do in sha Allah because it's almost time for Salah tonatiuh I want to pray on time inshallah. So what we'll do is that we'll go ahead and pause here for this session. In the next session, we'll do the second part of the Hooda because there are some very powerful points, the prophets a lot of some makes in the second part of the hooba and I want us to be able to fully discuss them in sha Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and

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heard. So hon Allah He will be hungry, so Hannah Callahan will be hungry, to Allah ilaha illa Anta Asakura Corona taweelah

Hajj – The Sermon Pt1

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