AbdelRahman Murphy – Was Muhammad PBUH A True Prophet

AbdelRahman Murphy
AI: Summary © The importance of not overburdening the heart and mind in holding people to the Prophet Muhammad is discussed, along with the significance of showing proof and debate in order to win over people. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to have all the cognitive proof they need to believe in their beliefs, and shares personal experiences about the Prophet's death and his actions. The speaker also discusses the difficulty of handling fights in a culture where children are not allowed to come to work and the pressure on parents to be removed from children. The importance of being on top of things to avoid feeling like a messenger is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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spillover from the love of salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah and he was happy, Sunny la Medina allama john them in whom I mean, how's everybody

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from the law, I want to thank Sister deliciosa and Shekinah Dr. Jamal, By the Way, ANGELA for their wonderful presentations. hamdulillah

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I'm going to keep mine very short, because number one part of the prophetic

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you know, practice and methodology in Mahabharata gatherings like these reminders is to not overburden the mind or the heart and so we want to inshallah leave with not too much to remember, we want to make sure that we have things that are actionable. And the other reason is because in sha Allah, you know, there's other sessions that you guys can get to in sha Allah. But there's a couple points I wanted to make before we conclude this session. I could go through the prophetic realities, miracles, textual evidence is all the above. And I would like to contend something that some of you may not be too happy with. But I feel as though Muslims are obsessed with proof and debate.

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We're obsessed with winning over people through intellectual cognitive means, when in fact, when we look at the profit, muscle, someone's life, this was rarely a method he used to enter to, you know, enter someone or to teach him about Islam. Generally speaking, people were introduced to the Islamic methodology through interacting with the Prophet Muhammad SAW some of them not through his cognitive discourse. One of the biggest, one of the biggest, most momentous and victorious convert to Islam is Uncle Hamza Lila Han, did not even convert because he believed necessarily at the time what the prophet Muhammad SAW son was saying, he converted simply out of love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW

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said of them, that Abu gehele had abused and beaten the problem homosassa limb and when Hamza came back from hunting, and was doing throw off around the Kaaba, which was customary for him after hunting, someone told him that Abu Jamal had, you know, attacked your nephew, he came over and smashed his bow over the head of Abuja, and said, if you're going to beat him, I'm with him. Right? So it's enough to say that someone doesn't necessarily have to have all the cognitive proofs. And on the other side of the spectrum, you do have individuals like shaitan, who have all of the cognitive intellectual proofs that they need to believe that these things are right, but the submission is not

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there. And so as we move forward and introducing people to the problem, hi, Miss Wilson them, I have found personally whether it's through interacting and having dialogue with non Muslims, or people who reject Hadith of the Prophet homosassa them or just young people who want to know, is he really a prophet, I have found there to be much more benefit in a discussion about his character, his life, his Sierra, as opposed to discussing explicit miracles, you know, and sort of intellectual sort of mountains of the problem Hamas all sudden them have climbed in terms of establishing that proof. And I think that one of the things that we have to focus on when we talk about the nub of the Prophet

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Muhammad SAW send them his his messenger ship, is that there is such a thing as what I've termed spiritual dissonance, right? cognitive dissonance is when a person holds two conflicting ideas at the same time, or their thoughts and actions don't align, right. And so someone can say, you know, I believe that smoking is harmful, as they continue selling or smoking cigarettes themselves. Someone can say, I know that it's not good for me to stay up late as they stay up all night on, you know, Facebook, someone can do these things. And I believe that as Muslims, we have to conquer a challenge known as spiritual dissonance, which is that we understand we affirm and validate the example the

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problem himself setting them, but when we look at ourselves on a macro and micro level, we still find things like gender inequality and racism exist in our communities at vast levels, we still find that cultural, you know, uplifting of culture over the practice of religion and just pure Deen at its at its bare level is still there in vast levels. And this was not a principle of the problem by myself sometimes mission, but we still find ourselves sort of having this tension between what did he do and say, and what do we want to do and say while maintaining that we believe in what he did and said, and so all I want to do for this session is simply tell a couple stories because I lost

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promise how that says, nothing close to I like accident classes, we cannot undermine undervalue a vehicle that God Himself used to teach lessons stories are not things for only for children. It's for all of humanity to take and extrapolate benefit from. So Allah subhanaw taala when he says that we have revealed to you the best of stories, as he begins to reveal the story of sort of us versus them. that teaches us that we can learn a lot

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lot from the stories of the Prophet Muhammad soliciting them, we can benefit immensely from those stories and we should. So when we talk about his character, and just generally before we begin, one of the things that was unique about the Prophet Muhammad SAW pseudonym as you look at people in history and time is that he was someone who was very congruent in his speech and action. You know, you find that people who are seen as historical heroes, people like Gandhi, people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They are regarded as social, you know, shifters, they've changed society, they created culture, right, and their view that today revered as leaders and heroes, but when their

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biographies are written, you find things that sometimes can shake, you know, even Mother Teresa in one of her earlier journals questioned the existence of God Himself, right, someone that we revere us as a holy pious person questioning whether or not God existed. And so you find that the difference between profits and nonprofits, the difference between the problem homosassa and people that we look up to as mere human beings is that the problem is Wilson and his teachings he lived, there was no contradiction when they interviewed his family. After his death, the United States of Saddam, there was no hint, there was no even whisper of displeasure, or, you know, any sort of

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disagreement with the way that he managed things. In fact, we found out things after he passed away that he did not make public during his life that, in fact increased his value in our eyes, which is even more beautiful and more sincere that he didn't go around boasting about how good he was, or how well he treated others, but rather, he let his actions speak for themselves. So when we talk about the proof of prophethood, you know, the phrase, the proof is in the pudding. Right? Well, the Prophet says, is not pudding, but the proof is in the Prophet, right? It's in his action, if we want to say, How do we know he was a prophet, look at his life, look at how he was able to act. This is

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not the you know, the the forbearance, the perseverance, the ability, the strength, these aren't things that average normal human beings have, especially given the amount of tragedy that befell him. It was an interesting story that comes to mind. One time the Prophet Muhammad SAW them accidentally, you know, kind of was walking and didn't mean to, but he sort of stumbled upon a woman who was weeping and grieving at the loss of her husband. So he went and he tried to go console her. And without looking to see who she was talking to. She sort of said, Get away from me, you don't know what I've been through, right? And the problem is all sudden, I'm at that point could have been

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Alright, like, I love my lightning bolt. And then like, she disappears forever, right like this. You know that when they say like, whenever someone disrespects the Prophet, these cartoons come out, the Prophet says, and would never done this, he would have killed them this really because he was being disrespected right there and his own life and what did he do? He actually walked away back to his house, she was told later, you know, you you kind of yelled at the Prophet Muhammad said, I'm like, you might want to go take care of that. I don't know if I want to be you right now. She became frantic. I cannot believe I did that I was emotional, this and that. She goes back to the Prophet

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Mohammed salsa. And she says yes to a lot. I'm so sorry. He goes, don't worry about it. It's fine. Her statement was you don't know what I'm going through. And the Prophet Muhammad SAW said him himself was born, his father had already passed away. His mother passed away at six, his grandfather passed away his uncle passed away. His wife passed away his children passed, do you think he knew he was going through? just a tad bit, right? Just a little bit? Maybe not exactly. Everyone's experiences are unique. But just a tad bit, he could say, well, I don't know exactly what you're going through. Maybe I have a little flavor of it, right after losing so many people. But his

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example was such where he didn't feel like he had to rub it in her face. He didn't feel like he had to sort of put it out there. But the experiences he went through teach us how to emulate that. And his ability to manage that all that death in one lifetime. For one person, if he's still able to maintain his mental health, his spiritual health doesn't question God, why me? Doesn't say to God, why are you doing this to me? Why are you taking? No, right? remarkable, absolutely remarkable. So his congruence is notable.

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You find that when you look at the spiritual dissonance, what I was talking about earlier, you find that it actually becomes when I interview young college kids who are leaving Islam, which is happening a lot, or when I talk to people who question Islam as like a ideology or religion, is it valid, they oftentimes, almost always 99.9% of times refer to experiences, not theology. So they refer to what happened to them in the community, not ideology or theology of the religion, right. In fact, I would argue that they don't have a solid foundation in theology. That's why the experiences in the community bother them so much, right? It's easy or not easy. It's easier I should say, to

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deal with oppression from your community. microaggression when you know that that's not what the prophet Muhammad SAW said and taught at least I can take solace knowing that my messenger, my hubby, the one that's going to intercede for me on the day judgment and all of us in sha Allah would not have been okay with this, right. It's easier to

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When someone lacks that foundation, and then it happens in the community, all of a sudden you say, well, is this what Islam teaches? If Islam was true, if the Prophet was authentic, then why are people acting this way? But this is an unfair assessment. And when you look at his life, you find that not only did he not act this way, but in fact, he pushed against people who acted in sort of oppressive ways. The famous story of elbows out of the body or the lower on a vulva was somebody who, by the way was like really well connected. There's a far tribe in Mecca at the time Medina and Mecca. They controlled the trade routes. So there anyone Is anyone here Mammon?

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No. Okay. Yes. No. Yeah, man, so Mainland's are known for their business, right? Actually, I have a mainland friend who became a lawyer and his parents were really disappointed in him, right. So but but the point is that they were very business oriented people that tragically fought. So I was at one time because, you know, he had this status and wealth. He kind of came from that sort of perspective. He was talking with Bill and who was a former slave, right, the opposite of a wealthy businessman at the time. And he calls him by a name that's derogatory, that completely, you know, goes outside the bounds of what's allowed in human discourse. He says, you know, so dad says, Oh,

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you son of a black woman. Millau takes this to the Prophet Mohammed Al salam, the prophet looks at a vulva. And he says, In Nicaraguan FECA, helia. And and this, the Hadith actually says that his vein on his forehead began to appear that there was perspiration dripping from his head. He was so upset, his face turned red. And he said, verily inside of you,

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the fact that you felt Okay, making that statement. There's something inside of you. That's still from the time of ignorance. You're not fully it's not out yet. It's not gone yet. Now, most people stop, you know, telling the story there. There's a beautiful ending, actually, a Buddha when he hears the Prophet Muhammad SAW them reprimand him, begins to cry profusely. I mean, imagine if you met the Prophet system, and he told you doing something wrong. This man that we strive to be so close to we love so much. Imagine beating him He's like, not quite right. You'd be like, Oh, right. So obovata begins to cry. Very natural, of course. And he goes to me Darlene says, Yeah, bailout

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Please forgive me, please. Like begging for his forgiveness. And Bill, I was like, Dude, it's okay. Like we handled it. The Prophet taught us both were good. Right? about it. I said, No, I will not accept this, remember? Because he's, so he's still he's not you know, he's still a proud man. He says, I will not accept this without so what do you mean? He said, I will not accept that you don't accept my apology or you accept my apology until you step on my head while my face is on the ground.

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So Bill, I wasn't like Alright, get to it. Alright, stop time. No, when I was gonna put his head on the ground VLAN barely touched his ear with his foot as a symbolic sign of Yeah, I'm doing what you want. But you're my brothers. I would never ever do that to you. See the reconciliation right? See the constructive building after a destructive scenario? Is this how we handle this course in our community today? Is this how we handle fights in our community today, that when the person is given their nose to hide from the Imam or the leader in charge, then the to immediately reconcile and build bonds of love. Right? For us, the who Bay nakoma like, make sure that you make a slot between

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the two of them and surfers or rocks. But the problem is that when our communities don't reflect prophetic ideals, we develop proof against the prophet SAW Selim for people. The Prophet Muhammad SAW send them another example praying making such de and Hasson Hussein his grandchildren come and they're climbing on him that says that took so long that the Hadith the narration actually says that one of the companions looked up from his such that because he was afraid that the prophet SAW something might have passed out, or something might have happened. So he looks up and he sees two kids on the Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim writing horsey because when we see someone making such that

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by the way, it's like a beautiful expression of religion. It's like a beautiful moment you're taking the most honorable part of your body, your face and you're putting it on the ground where someone's feet were just 10 seconds ago in submission to your Lord and your Creator. What a beautiful moment the kids like bump that I don't see that at all right? kids like this is wild wild west time. So he gets on and I'll have to start writing the probably Yeah, like screaming this. So when the problem promises I'm finishes the prayer after an extended sujood extended says he looks back. And by the way, let's imagine for a moment that this happened today at ISB.

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What would the response be?

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The kid will be up the flagpole. Right? Like, I don't know, like I don't even know like the parent would know in all honesty. I know parents. I know mothers who refuse to go to massages because they've been scolded by unmerciful, just completely harsh people, because their kids are acting like oh, guess what kids?

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You mean to say that your two year old is a two year old and not a 20 year old? Yes. And the poor lady is like I never want to go to the masjid. You know, when you remove women from the masjid. You remove families from the masjid.

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When you tell women they're not allowed at the masjid when you tell them that they're not welcome and with their families, guests.

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But it makes my job as youth director that much more difficult. Because now I have to tell the kid who was told you can't be here for 16 years, why he should be there when he's 17.

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And he says, for 16 years, he told me not to come here because I wasn't allowed. And now you want me here?

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Right? It's very difficult. And this is what happens when we ignore the prophetic example and do what we want or what culture wants. So the Prophet Mohammed Wilson and turns back to his his congregation, and he says to them, I'm sorry for extending the prayer. I didn't want to disturb their play time.

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He extended his pray time so that their playtime was not interrupted. So hon Allah, this is why you say Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad, because this is an example of a prophet not a mere mortal like you and I. This is someone who has a connection to the almighty that we lack and that's why we depend on his guidance.

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When the Prophet Mohammed salsa lamb comes home after a long day of work, not like your eye, your eye we work with air conditioning, internet, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, of everything. smartphones, you know, they say the average amount of work that gets done in America, in corporate America during the workday, the average amount of time is an hour and 17 minutes How long do you all get to work for eight hours they say actual work hour and 17 during March Madness 17 minutes it cuts down by an hour

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I don't want to tell you how much they said Saudi Arabia head But anyways, alright. But the point and when you go there, you know exactly you like proof right? So the Prophet says I'm coming home from work, he doesn't work like you and I there's no off time, okay? This man's life is being documented for everyone else for the rest of time to study and for some people to critique. Imagine the pressure.

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The pressure he says when I am declined and how I inhale that you have everything you say is being divinely imagined the pressure what Allah Allah who can Alvin beautiful use of language here. Now Allah is a symbol of being on top of something Allah says you are on top of good character. When you are on top of a horse. Do you guide the horse of the horse guide you?

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Anybody? If you're a trained, right, if you're not me, if you're trained on horses, you got the horse, right? Because you're on top of it. You know what the Mufasa Dean said about this verse. They said, This verse was an indication that anything that prophet SAW sent him did was good character, not the other way around.

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Because he guided good character, good character was being forged with every action he made. We learned good character by every action he then did.

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So he comes home from a long day, he knows he's under the microscope. He knows for the rest of the rest of humanity that this earth is going to be in existence for the day. He knows that people will be studying and looking and learning from his life. He comes home from a long day, and the work still goes on. He comes to his wife and he says, What's for dinner?

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She says, nothing.

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What would you say brothers?

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What would you say sisters? What would you say kids? I'm going to share. This is abuse. I need to be removed. Right? Get me out of this house. I mean, seriously, this is a huge thing. A massive issue. It's like domestic slavery.

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Prophet SAW Selim looks at his wife when she says nothing. He smiles and says, Good, I'll fast today.

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This isn't a prophet, this is not a human being. Right? This is not like you and me. This is a prophet comes home from a long date, abuse, harassment, physical, spiritual, social pressure. wife says there's nothing to eat. He says, Okay, good. I'll take this opportunity to fast.

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Aloha, most of us in Mali, this is how it goes. So if you and I, I'm ending the talk here, because everyone's really tired. cluding me, if you and I want to establish that the prophet SAW Selim, we know. And he doesn't have to prove to us as a prophet, right. But if you and I want to continue in and perpetuate that knowledge that yes, he is a prophet, we need to ask ourselves, How far away are we from his milestone. And we may never ever get there. But the closer we get, the less we have to explain for the closer we get to his example, the less we're gonna have to make excuses for when we talk to people, really, because when I read about the life of the Prophet, he did this, but you

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don't do that. Right? When I read about the life of the Prophet, he did this, but you do that all the time. He said, don't do that. Right. So if we can self evaluate, check ourselves and say, What am I doing wrong? And what can I be doing right? The more that we can purify our hearts and souls come closer to his Sunnah it sort of set them, then we're not going to have to defend him as much. You know, I'll tell you straight up. I feel whenever I give a hook about marriage or family, and we talk about the responsibility that a family has not abused each other physically. I feel physically ill because I know that our community is one of those that has this sickness. I can't

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Get on the member and actually say and we do that we say Islam gave women rights Really? Then why are there some messages in this country and other countries that don't even all women the right to pray?

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Why is it Why is that the case Islam said treat your women well Really? Why do we go home and treat our wives so poorly sometimes? Or our daughters? Islam said that there is no there's no differentiate between someone's heart to God except for duck wa in economical marine the law he at the Quran says that really? Do we treat everybody equally and hope that their tequila is higher than ours closer to Allah? We have a lot to answer for. And the more that we can be honest with ourselves now, the less answering we'll have to do to humanity later We ask Allah subhana wa tada to give us tofield we asked Allah promise Allah to make us like the Prophet Muhammad SAW Sutherland. We asked

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Allah Spano tala to give us the ability to express our love for him by proximity, cool encounter a boon Allah Devi Rooney, Allah subhanaw taala told the Prophet if tell these people if you truly love God, and they have to follow you, upon Allah, we asked last month how to grant us that Sophia sapanca lahoma become dignified on La Ilaha Illa and Mr. critica wanted to be like Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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