Aarij Anwer – Qur’an for Teens #3 – Who is Bani Israil

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The conversation covers various topics related to the Quran and its significance in achieving success and happiness. The title of the Quran is the source of knowledge and the importance of understanding the meaning of success and failure, as well as the history of its definition of success. The importance of humility and fulfilling commitments to the Bible is emphasized, along with the historical and political changes in the region.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah, let me

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get so here's what you have to do. You gotta go on kahoot.it

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if you're using a desktop, you need to have a second open. If you're using like,

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something like

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a mobile device, you might have to switch between apps. Either way. We'll give it a shot. Okay?

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Yes or no?

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JOHN, there we go. We're having people join. That's awesome. Let me quickly hide this guy here.

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Oh, this is very good. Thank you very much.

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Very good.

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Oh, it's about to start actually. Oh, it's finally I forgot to stop the auto.

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Oh, boy. Okay.

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I think

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Alright, nevermind, inshallah. It's gonna start in 5432.

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Okay, let's go.

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All right.

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Some of the questions that I had discussed before the profitsystem was born in Makkah.

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false or true.

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I discussed this before in like the very first session. Some of this is like a review from that game.

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Just to make sure that we can kind of go and assess ourselves before we proceed. Excellent. The answer is true. And the leaderboard Mashallah so demise top.

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Alright, question number two. How old was the Prophet Solomon he first when he received the first revelation 2553 4063.

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The correct answer is he was 40 years old. salasar. Okay. If those dates and these are dates, next question.

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How old was the pockets of Solomon? He left from Mecca to Medina. How old was he? 2553 40 or 63?

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The correct answer is 53. That is correct. Mashallah. He was 53 years old. And he left from Makkah to go to Medina. Right. close game here at the top.

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How old was the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and he passed away

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my options, and the Great answer Mashallah, all of you got 63 years old? Salallahu alaihe salam, okay.

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Okay, so that gives us what that gives us.

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How the entire Quran was revealed and how many years

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23 all in one shot 13 or 10.

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The entirety of it was revealed in 23 years because he became he received revelation at 40 passed away at 63. That's 23 years All right, next question.

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The makin era Quran was revealed in

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all in one shot 10 years, 23 years or 13 years.

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It was revealed in 13 years McCann era from when he was 53 he left America right so it's been 13 years preaching in Makkah and that is why it is 13 All right. Now Medina era for an was revealed in

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many years.

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Correct answer is 10 years the problem that's all 13 years and 10 years in Medina. And that folks gives us our 23 excellent. Next question.

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Which of the following is not a name of the Quran?

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Al Kitab Al Quran as soon as possible upon.

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The correct answer is a Sunnah Sunnah is not a name of the Quran. Al Kitab we discussed last time is the name of the Quran, quote and we discuss is the name of the Quran for corn Today we're going to discuss is the name of the Quran as well. Okay. How many I had

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In swatara

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This is a tricky 110 to 55 to 86 to 82

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It's a tricky one, the correct answer is 286. The longest surah in the Quran has 286 is in it

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And lastly,

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the greatest idea of the Quran is ayatul kursi

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false true

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and the answer is

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it's true the greatest in the Quran as the prophets Islam has told us is at the core See? And that is our handler podium Mashallah. Great job everybody has some kenzi and so the man Oh, it's it's it's

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Oh, hold on, hold on.

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All right, that's it. That was the

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I don't know. Moving on to like a different

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it has moved on to a different Kahoot. So the stock market and let's quickly review

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what we were discussing with the idea of see the aluminum pan segment the, the topic of the revelation we discussed. Now let's jump into the names okay. Names of the Quran, we discussed that Al Quran is the name of the Quran, obviously, Al Kitab is the name of the Quran. And Alfa Khan is another name of the Quran. Now, you might say, Well, why does the Quran have so many names? Okay, well, if the names are descriptive, okay, the names are descriptive. What does that mean? That means that if there is a name, that Allah or the prophets of Salaam has assigned to the Quran, that name has a, a purpose, or explains what the purpose of the Quran is. Okay? So for example, the Quran is

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called a Quran, because it is meant to be a recital you're supposed to read it,

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it is the Kitab because it is in a book form. And also it mandates what we have to do in our lives. That's part of what the name, how the name in tells us what the purpose of the book is. So this is why these names are mentioned. And these are this is an important discussion because it actually gives us an idea of why should we study the Quran? What is the purpose of the Quran?

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And here's the thing, the purpose of the Quran is not just to read it, just for the sake of getting you know, a lab or a job. It is not that okay, that is just one small aspect. But the Quran has a much greater purpose. And that greater purpose is explained by the names the Koran gives itself, like, Allah gives it that name, or the prophets Islam has called that idol for con. Alpha on means the criterion,

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right? Do you guys know what a rubric is?

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if you know what a rubric is, I hope you do. If you're in school, you get like a rubric, what does a rubric tell you?

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How you need to do to achieve the highest marks what you need to do to achieve the highest marks excellent.

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I look for one is similar to that. The criterion you can say it you can also say it is like the rubric

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for your life.

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It will it's gonna tell you what is the criteria of success and what is the criteria of failure. What is the criteria of people who are successful and people who are failures. That is what the Quran will tell us that is what alpha Pon it comes from the word far

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CT which means to separate or differentiate.

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And the idea is that for an

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is div separating truth from falsehood,

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good from evil success from failure

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That is what the Quran Al Furqan does. Now see, there is something called a very fancy name. Okay, I'm gonna give you a very fancy name, don't worry if you don't remember it. It's called epistemology. And epistemology is how do we understand truth? How do we understand? or more precisely? How do we, how do we learn something? What are the sources of knowledge? Okay. Can I can I just read a book of Greek mythology? and assume that to be a source of knowledge? The answer is, of course, no, that is not a source of knowledge. It is just fables.

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Can I understand the world by studying science? The answer is yes. Because observation and hypotheses that validate those observations is a source of knowledge. But what is it absolutely true? Like, is it unconditionally true? Or is it conditional based on

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a person's observations, which may change over time? That's the question, what we believe is the Quran is unconditionally absolutely true. And it is a source of knowledge. And in fact, it is not just the source of knowledge, it is the source that separates the truth from falsehood, it tells us what good is and what bad is, it tells us what is success and what is failure, it is actually what determines how we are supposed to view life and the world and our place in the world. And that is what al Furqan means. Have you think about that? That is what a lot called the Quran, you know, and describes it as such,

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it is the rubric for your life.

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So that's one of the names of the Quran that I wanted to discuss with you, for God. All right, we're gonna come to a segment to the human values of Quran in a little bit in Sharla. Last time, you spoke about humility, but we're going to speak about something similar today, okay? Which would be like the, you know, in a way, it's like a opposite of humility. But we'll get to that. Now, let's sort of walk around that theme of sort of Allah is to submit to Allah without compromise, okay, that the Quran lays out is the criteria for success. All right, criteria for successful people in this world and the next is they are submitting to Allah willingly without compromise. Okay, let us talk about

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where it all began. That's the first story that Allah mentions in the Quran. The story of Adam, okay, now, I want to ask you

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the the

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Adam alayhis salaam

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like a baby.

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Or a full grown man? Which one do you think?

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a grown man

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a full grown man.

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A full grown man. Hey, this is Nick is a net we had a question or suggestion.

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was a full rated

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as a full grown man. This is this how we are treated as is how we work.

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Men and women.

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Are we

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know right? We were not born like that. We're born as babies. And then we grow into adults. Correct.

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Now, this is unique. What about was Adam alayhis salam okay. Was

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this a lamb? Or actually let me rephrase because did them

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have parents? Yes or no people? No, no. No, he did it.

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He did not have parents. He He is a completely. He is a extremely unique creation of a lot. Okay. Let's not ask the last question was Adam and Instagram created

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on earth or in

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What do you believe

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he was created in heaven.

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was he supposed to be? What was supposed to live on earth?

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Or in heaven? What do you think of that? heaven supposed to live on?

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He was,

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from what I've heard is he was originally supposed to live in heaven. But Allah decided that he would send him down to earth. And this is one of the reasons

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that they say COVID, I heard

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that the one of the

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features of a person who does not believe in Allah is that they will justify their wrongs. Because it said that Adam could have also justified you are going to send me down on earth anyway. So what difference does it make if I ate the apple or not? Hmm, excellent. All right, very good. has an accent? Was he supposed to live on earth? Or in heaven? And the answer is, he was supposed to live on the earth. Okay. And that this is a time for us. We can transition into the surah. Okay. Surah number

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two to

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number 3029. Okay, look at that.

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What does it say? I need a volunteer.

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You can raise your hand in zoom.

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Do I have a volunteer?

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Yeah, sure. Okay. How can you read the Arabic translation here for me? I mean, excuse me, the English translation here for me.

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It says he who created everything on the earth for you. Then he turned towards heaven and fashioned it into the seven heavens. He has knowledge of all things. Okay. This ayah says, Allah has made what on earth for you? Who's you?

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Who's new?

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us, us human beings. Right? What does this mean? It means that our place temporary residence was supposed to be from the beginning. What?

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The Earth right? that heaven is like the agenda or heaven is the place where we go back as in like, that is what you are entered into, by the mercy of Allah. Okay. But Allah says he has created the earth for you. That was the place we're supposed to be. And now interesting thing is look at the next ayah what is the next is a it says with color of Bucharest, Malacca, Indonesia, I don't fill out the halifa. before Allah created Adam alayhis salam, he said to the angels, I am putting a successor on Earth. But as I tell you

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what you're supposed to live on earth or in heaven, or in *.

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Right? So he was

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even before Allah meet him, he was intending for them and the children of atom to live on the earth. And he left me the earth for us a place to inhabit and to thrive in, you see, but now Jenna, of course, is the place where we go after we have, you know, attained Allah's mercy, you see, but even before Allah mentions this, he points this out. The idea is this being on earth is not a punishment for us. For other Melissa lamb, he lost his privilege of being in game.

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But the privilege for him That was him you can earn it back by going back to paradise, right? Whereas for us, this is not a punishment. The reason why I'm making this point and this is an important point is because as Muslims, we don't believe that we are carrying the sins of others around. Okay, or any human being. In fact, you don't carry any other persons, even any other human beings since while at 10 00. To Mr. O'Hara, the only sins you carry are your own. Or if you have

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you know, enabled someone else to sin or entice them to sin, then you take a copy of their sin, okay, but your sins are the only ones that you are carrying, and you will be asked about compare that to the Christians. The Christians, for example, say that we are born with what

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the original sin

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The original sin which is the sin of who?

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of Adam, okay? Now we reject that completely we reject that completely. And we reject that for two reasons. Number one, as I mentioned before, no human being carries the burden of another human being, everybody is accountable for their actions only this is a Islamic principle. Okay? This is what the Quran teaches us. Number eight not fair. How is it fair to me to like, be responsible for what somebody else did? That's wrong. It's completely unfair. And number two, we believe either Melissa lamb Allah sponsor forgave him, right? But barely accepted his repentance. So his sin is gone. And we believe that us being on earth is not a punishment for us. us being on earth is Allah's

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plan. We were supposed to be on earth. And us going to gender is also part of, it's something that we have to work for to earn Allah's mercy. That point clear, the reason why I was trying to make this point, obvious here, okay, is that we don't believe that we're born with an original sin. Right? Where we don't think that our life on the earth is like a punishment. In fact, this is how we're supposed to be. That was kind of a loss. All right. Now, the other interesting thing I wanted to point out right to you. So this is, you know, one note, we are not born with any other with any Original

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Sin. That is an idea we completely reject. Okay. Also, other one is Adam.

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Adam alayhis. Salam is he

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you know what the word unprecedented mean?

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No, okay, let's let's Google the word, maybe the dictionary and explain what unprecedented means a bit better. Okay. Never done or known before? Good. That's a good explanation. Okay. Something that has never been done or was not not known before. He was completely unique. No one before him was like him. And in fact, no one after him was exactly like him. And no one was made as a full grown man.

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Other than other Melissa Hawa, his wife was created as a full grown woman. But as a full grown man, and the first one was Adam. Okay, no one other than Adam and his wife Hawa were born without parents. The only exception was Lisa Islam who didn't have a father.

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Besides Adam and Hawa, nobody else was created in heaven. Like in body.

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Our souls we believe were created by lots of other before our bodies were one existence. But Adam alayhis salaam was created in body and soul in heaven, not on Earth. Right. Those are things that we say are unprecedented in the sense that it was not something that happened before. But do you have a question?

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I'm Sasha. Oh, sorry. Yes. Question.

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Yes, we have a question. Yes. Good. So

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if Allah already had a plan that we go to Earth, does that mean that he already knew that at least would turn out to be shaped on?

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That is a deep question.

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It's a deep question. Okay. The answer is Allah subhanho. wa Taala.

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His knowledge is perfect. You know, that means?

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That means he has always known everything.

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There's nothing that happens that's new for Allah. See, like, I and you and everybody else. Our knowledge is incomplete. It's imperfect. You know, why? Because we learn Yes or no? Yeah. Right. And that's what makes us human beings. That's what makes us imperfect beings. Because we don't know everything we're not. We don't have complete knowledge. Whereas a Lost Planet, Allah is perfect. His knowledge is perfect. Everything about him is perfect. That's why he's the only one that can be worshipped. Nobody else can be worshipped. You see, the answer is yes, Allah spot the new everything.

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Because knowledge is perfect before it happened.

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Yeah, that doesn't mean though, that you or me are not like, responsible for the choices that we make because from our point of view,

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You? We don't know. So we just have to make our choice, right? Yeah. Does that make sense? Yes. Thank you. Thank you for that. Excellent question. All right. So he is an unprecedented creation of Allah, why this? Why is this important? I'm bringing these two points up, because they're both very important points. Because the prevalent theory today in science is the earth and everything else came into existence. How? Anybody know? With what? horizon with a big bang, right? How many of you heard that? theory? Big? The Big Bang Theory? I'm not talking about the show, by the way. We heard about it. Yeah, when the sun explodes.

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Galaxies are like.

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So this is like a

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prevalent theory today. About 50 years ago, there was a different theory that everybody had accepted as like, how the earth and how the universe came into being. Okay. Now, what's interesting is,

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we can actually present the argument that just like, the Big Bang was like an unprecedented thing, something that didn't happen before. Okay, and there's nothing like this is like a theory that has a hypothesis and has evidence against it has evidence for it. Okay. Like I said, it's not absolute truth. absolute truth comes from the Quran. Okay? The idea is as follows. If we can accept that the entirety of the universe can come from one single unprecedented

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incident, the Big Bang, we could also then logically accept that the entirety of human beings can come from what one single, unprecedented

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incident, which is what

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the creation of other medicine, I'm in heaven.

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I those two logically the same.

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They are, in fact, accepting the humans came from one source or one human is easier logically than accepting all of the world and all of the universe in its imaginable size came from one incident or one source. Hmm.

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So this is actually an interesting point, we actually believe that all of us are progeny of other medicine. And our father or the mother Salam was an unprecedented creation made by Allah, tala in heaven.

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And thus we have these differences with other creation around us. All right. So that is a little bit of an introduction of who Adam and Islam was. What does the law say about Adam Smith, tells about Adam, Minnesota, that he was supposed to be on Earth, the angels objected. They say, how would you Why would you do this? You know, why would you put on earth somebody who will shed blood, a lot smarter said, don't worry about it, I'll explain to you, I'll show you in the eye level malata 11. I know what I'll show you. Okay. Then administer was taught the names of all things, these things, that one of the explanations is that it is perhaps the common terms that we have in languages that

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are shared in all languages. Perhaps those are the names that Adam Assam was taught a lot partly as the angels, what are the names of these things the angels did not know. They said Glory be to You, Allah ademola salam was able to tell the names a showing that excellence as a human being is to acquire knowledge. That's what makes you an excellent, that's what makes you human. In fact, that's who you are. Right? Eating, breathing, right? That is human. Or in fact, that's what everybody does, but to learn and acquire knowledge as a special human quality. Okay? Melissa lamb demonstrates that now either the sound was told, don't

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don't eat from this tree in paradise. Enjoy as you wish, but don't eat from this tree. But the Satan, the devil caused them to slip. And both of them ate both of them who's both Adam and her work? They both ate from the tree, and they were both expelled from Paradise. This is our introduction to

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this theme. Remember the theme? What was the theme? Someone told me? The sutra?

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I want you to remember the Tao. No, that's the name the theme of the surah. I want you to remember this.

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compromise, compromise Okay, we can make it into three words submission without compromise You with me?

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All right. Now what a lot farther is showing to us from the story of Adam is you people will make mistakes. Okay? But a mistake does not define you.

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A mistake does not define you it does not. That's not who you are if you made a mistake, you are not the mistake that you made. Can you fix your mistake?

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Yes, for the luck of the mirror, he can imagine fatale. Then Adam receives a word for prayer from his Lord, and He accepted his repentance is the Forgiving, the Merciful. You see, that is what Allah tells us. Our father other other minutes Adam, Who was he? He was the one who demonstrated his excellence to learning game. He was the one who demonstrated his humaneness by making a mistake. That is who we are. That does not mean that we are not submitting to Allah. This is a key point. Our submission to Allah does not mean we don't make mistakes, we don't sin. Our submission to Allah is when we sin. We ask Allah for forgiveness. When we have made an error, we apologize for that error

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that is submission without to Allah without compromise. And that's the lesson that we learn from other millesime story. Okay. sins and mistakes. This is important, right come in connecting to the theme Connect,

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connecting to the theme of the surah.

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How do we connect this to the theme of the surah sins and mistakes

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don't mean that

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you aren't a good Muslim. That's not true. In fact, sinning and making a mistake is to be human.

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You see, but what submission without compromise compro.

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This is misspelled here.

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What it means is,

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you accept your mistakes, okay? And that requires what quality

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it requires a quality of humility.

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That's one of the most important values the Quran teaches us the value or the quality of humility, it requires humility.

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That is something that's required for us to submit to Allah without compromise, folks, Are you with me? I'm going to try to I'm not going to go I have I okay. I'm going to talk about like the story generically mentioned a few things and connected back to the theme of the surah. Okay. You with me?

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Yes. All right. Next thing that the surah talks about, is who?

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on the list, Moosa and buddy is Sora eel,

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bunny Bani Israel. In English, they're called the the word cousin pronounce that word for me.

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Israelites, the Israelites. Okay. Now who are the Israelites? That's a question before I dive into the ayah or dive into the story. You see right here is when

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many sight words right right here children of Israel. Okay. This is what I'll call them. Children of Israel. Okay. What is this? Is this like the people who live in Israel today? No.

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If you have like people like a raise your hand I can ask you to like explain. Who are the children of Israel.

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All right. We have sohaib en sumaiya I'm gonna unmute you guys. So haven sumaiya

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I'm not sure who? Yeah. Is this vibe? Yeah. All right, sorry.

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The children of Islam is from your home. They are from Yaqoob. I like that excellent answer. From yaku. All right. What else that's a hazard.

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Thank you for that.

00:35:01 --> 00:35:03

I believe that they are the,

00:35:05 --> 00:35:06

the Jews,

00:35:07 --> 00:35:08

the Jews.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:11

Let me write that down.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:13

All right.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:19

Excellent. Well done has an use of this and I've already told you the answer, man.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:28

But say Say Say what you have to say. Sorry, I muted you by mistake. Go ahead. So I wasn't

00:35:30 --> 00:35:34

be like before. Before. Yeah.

00:35:35 --> 00:35:38

More than Moosa before Yahoo. No, he wasn't tased.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:41

That's why it's called the

00:35:43 --> 00:35:54

Israelis. Yes. Okay. All right. So we have some good answers. Okay. Children of Israel. So the question is, who is Israel? Right? That's the question.

00:35:55 --> 00:36:02

Right? Yes, sir. He is the Prophet of Allah. yar. qub.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:05

The son of

00:36:09 --> 00:36:15

Yunus half of his hand, the grand son of

00:36:16 --> 00:36:19

Ibrahim, Ibrahim alayhis. Salam.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:24

That is who Yahoo is.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:25


00:36:26 --> 00:36:36

So here's how it works. Okay. You have Ibrahim Ali Salah, the great Ibrahim al Islam, hayneedle law, the one who is like,

00:36:37 --> 00:36:56

has reached the peak of humanity, along with Mohammed Salah Salaam Ibrahim al Salam has reached like the pinnacle of humanity. Now, Ibrahim alayhis, Salam had two main sons, Okay, I'm gonna try to demonstrate that with like a, like a diagram here for you. Like, give me a minute to figure this diagram out.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:05

Insert one insert. And I'm going to put in a shape No.

00:37:07 --> 00:37:10

SmartArt art? Yes. Maybe smarter. Okay.

00:37:13 --> 00:37:16

Maybe this or

00:37:18 --> 00:37:24

hierarchies better? Yes. All right. Let's do this, shall we? All right.

00:37:25 --> 00:37:27

Boy, that is a very big

00:37:28 --> 00:37:33

thing there. All right. So you have Ibrahim alayhis. Salam You with me?

00:37:34 --> 00:37:39

Yes. How many major? How many means that we have Ibrahim in his top?

00:37:41 --> 00:37:41

Well, Ibrahim.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:48

I mean, you manage Smile. Smile, and?

00:37:51 --> 00:38:01

Okay, very good. I like that. Now, the question is, I'm also going to ask you like, what are the biblical names of these people? You know, biblical names? Yeah, the Google name

00:38:03 --> 00:38:05

in the Bible, too, right.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:15

So I'm gonna write it like this. Ibrahim. Abraham, Abraham, okay. That's how he's referencing the Bible. His smile is

00:38:18 --> 00:38:20

His heart is

00:38:25 --> 00:38:29

the reason why these are biblical. Like the reason why we have biblical names is because

00:38:30 --> 00:38:41

as we mentioned before the Quran is the last revelation, the prophets, Islam is the last prophet alongside them. This is a meaning if it's a last of something, there was something before it, right.

00:38:43 --> 00:39:28

So the profit center is continuing the message of Prophet Ibrahim and Moosa and Isa and he's the last one. The Quran continues the message of the Torah, the the war, the Psalms, the Injeel, the Gospels, and it's the last one, right? So the people who believe in those books will have the same prophets that we believe in, but they will have a different name for them because of a different language. In this case, these names are in English, okay. In fact, originally, the names are not in English, these are Hebrew or Aramaic names. Hebrew and Aramaic are languages are too similar, very, very similar languages. And they don't have like the translation of the Bible is in English today.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:53

But the Bible is not in India is actually not in English. Originally, the Torah was in Hebrew, the Injeel the gospels were in Aramaic, and then translated to Greek, and then translated to Latin, and then finally into English. Okay, there were many steps of its translation. The Quran hamdulillah we have it in pristine, precise original Arabic while hamdulillah

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

that's why you have the the biblical latinized English names

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

All right is half head Who?

00:40:04 --> 00:40:09

Yaqoob jacoba Let me see how can we do this? All up?

00:40:10 --> 00:40:11

There. All right.

00:40:12 --> 00:40:16

All right. Next is how to add

00:40:18 --> 00:40:33

more sons as well. But Yaqoob is the main guy. Okay? Yeah, cool. Nickname or his biblical name is Jacob. Jacob is also known as, as what? Israel he.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:39

And the biblical version of that will be

00:40:41 --> 00:40:51

Israel, Israel, Israel, okay? This was written like that. Okay. So it's Sarah L. The word is not like a bad word anymore profit, right?

00:40:52 --> 00:41:04

In fact, what is evil means in in Hebrew is like Abdullah or Abdul Rahman in Arabic, the slave or the servant of God. Okay. That's what it actually means.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:15

What it's turned into Today as a country, unfortunately, has nothing to do with the great prophet of Allah. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Cool. Buddy. Salaam had Who?

00:41:17 --> 00:41:18

You had

00:41:20 --> 00:41:31

you had 12 sons? Yeah. Yep. 12. Son. Okay. So I'm gonna write 12 sons, I'm gonna put like 10 sons here.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:34

And I put use of

00:41:35 --> 00:41:36

and then there's also

00:41:39 --> 00:41:40

Vinny amin,

00:41:42 --> 00:41:52

also known as Benjamin, and these are the 12 sons. Okay. Let me go back to making this into like a big thing here. Hey, all right.

00:41:53 --> 00:41:54

People you would mean?

00:41:56 --> 00:41:58

Yes. This before we study about money

00:42:00 --> 00:42:02

comes all over the place in the Quran.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:14

The 10 sons of, of Yaqoob. I mean, the names are known, like to the Bible, but they're irrelevant. That's not the point of our discussion here. Okay.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:46

All right. So here we are. These all of these 12 What are they they are the sons of all the children of Israel Get it? We all are the children, ie Bani Israel. These are the forefathers of the Jews, the forefathers of the of the ethnically Jewish people, you see,

00:42:47 --> 00:42:50

and among the ethnically Jewish people

00:42:51 --> 00:42:58

are the great prophets of Allah. Okay, so I'm gonna write this here. This doesn't mean that.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:02

But this is like many, many years later, okay.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:09

Not only that,

00:43:13 --> 00:43:14

that will make it a lot easier. Actually. Yes.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:36

I'm going to show you this 12 sons, including use of game, I'm going to do that, okay. The reason why I'm going to do this because then I can easily do this.

00:43:39 --> 00:43:41

show you other prophets.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:43

Which other prophet

00:43:44 --> 00:43:49

is very, very prominent. Moosa? lusardi. He's

00:43:52 --> 00:44:00

also known the Bible as Moses, okay? Which other prophet is also very prominent from Bani Israel?

00:44:02 --> 00:44:02

Let's see.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:06

Hmm. Risa.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:28

Very good, many, many generations, so you have Risa and then it's Mohammed. Right? Hold on, we're coming to answer some who else for profit now? We're coming to him Don't worry, many others like those and so the man right many, many other profits, many other profits.

00:44:30 --> 00:44:34

All right, where is the profits or loss in this whole chart? He comes.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:38

He comes from the family tree of

00:44:39 --> 00:44:59

his smile. Ah, you see that? He is right here. Not obviously, like many many 1000s of years later, but here comes the prophets Allah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Okay, that is the family tree. Very summarized. Of course there's more details in the family tree.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:12

The prophets of Allah. Okay. Many, many prophets came from the children of Israel Bunny is Surat el

00:45:15 --> 00:45:19

Medina You are the children of Yahuwah Salam.

00:45:21 --> 00:46:11

They are the ethnic Jews. Musa Sam was ethnically Jewish. He said Islam was ethnically Jewish. Many other prophets download sola Eman, etc. Right? All of these were ethnically zekeriya yahaya. ethnically, there were bunny Israelites, ethnically, they were Jewish. Okay, so the Quran speaks about them a lot, because they are the ones who were the carriers of revelation before the prophets was on them. As you can see, there's nobody else in the family from the family tree of his smile, who was a prophet was Marine, and then the solemn 1000s of years later, all right. So it speaks a lot about them. That's what the story of Bani Israel is about. But also, what's interesting about

00:46:11 --> 00:46:44

the story of any is that it is that Bani Israel, I live in the Medina in Medina, as neighbors to the Muslims. So it's pertinent that when the Prophet son moves to Medina, Allah, Allah addresses and invites the people who are the neighbors of the profits are the neighbors of the Muslims to Islam, right. Also, the reason why this is mentioned so much the person whose name is mentioned the most in the Quran, by the way, is musala. Did you know that

00:46:45 --> 00:46:50

the person whose name is mentioned the most in the Quran is musala, Salah, and many times?

00:46:52 --> 00:46:56

How many times I think it's like oh, nine times. Okay.

00:46:57 --> 00:47:47

So he is mentioned so much. And many times that he's mentioned with him I mentioned bernisa eel, right. So musallam and bodyside are mentioned a lot. The reason why they mentioned so much is because they are very similar, or the mistakes they made, the good things that the dead, that is the dead is a lot to learn from that a lot to learn for that combat for us as Muslims, and that is the way the Quran speaks about them as a way of criticizing them, and they make a mistake, praising them under something right. And that is the approach that we should have as well. Do someone does something good. We are praising them and giving them credit. someone does something evil or

00:47:47 --> 00:48:32

something bad. We are mentioning this is not correct. not appropriate. And this is what almost panda does to out the Quran. Now he's gonna talk about buddy, sorry, let's see what he says. He says, Yeah, bunnies are all children of Israel. Remember the favors I have bestowed upon you. But oh phobia, I can be the full fulfill the covenant that I made with Bill, the covenant you made with me. I shall fulfill the covenant with you. And fear me alone. covenant is a word. I don't know if you know what it means. covenant is like, so this is a biblical term, by the way, okay? The word in the in Arabic is odd.

00:48:33 --> 00:48:36

In Arabic means something that's like a promise.

00:48:37 --> 00:49:23

Something that binds you, right? If we agree to something, and we are both fully like agreeing to it, we sign like a, like a contract or some agreement, that becomes an ad. If I just give you my word, it's a word, right? It's a promise, you see, but if I write it down, or we agree, yes, this is what we're gonna all do. That becomes our had like a higher level of an agreement, a stronger agreement. In the Bible. If you read the Bible, in English, you will find the word covenant a lot, because that's how the word is translated, from the Hebrew to the Latin to the Greek or the Hebrew or the Greek to the Latin alphabet, which language of second. Now, Hebrew, the Latin, the Greek to

00:49:23 --> 00:49:41

English, that's the word they chose for it covenant. Okay. And it really what it means is, it's an odd, it's a very strong promise, a very, very binding commitment. What Allah is saying when he said it is fulfill the covenant that you made, what was the theme of the surah.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:46

The theme of the surah was what people

00:49:47 --> 00:49:51

humility. That's one of the values but what's the theme?

00:49:53 --> 00:49:56

theme of the surah Let me remind you is

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59


00:50:02 --> 00:50:46

compromise, people you would meet. So mission without compromise. That is what Allah begins with. fulfill your promise, your covenant, to me, submission without compromise if you do that I shall fulfill the covenant I made with you, I will give you grant you goodness in this life and paradise in the next. You see, that is how I love begins talking to when Israel however bunnies ill or a case study in stuff that goes right and lots of stuff that goes wrong. What happens? What is Elon mentioned about when he said that he, he says about them?

00:50:47 --> 00:51:40

He says about them. Remember when we delivered you from feroze people who subjected you to previous torment slaying your sons and spirit only your daughters surely in that there was a great trial for you from your Lord. What is Allah reminding? Bani Israel of Allah is reminding them of is that before Musa alayhis salam was born, okay. Before Musa Islam was born, there was a member of the 12 sons including use of use of Elisa Lam had moved not by choice but he was kind of like kidnapped to which the place which is modern day Egypt, okay. And he established himself he became a respected leader of the, of the land.

00:51:41 --> 00:51:41


00:51:42 --> 00:51:59

what happened over generations is the people who were in charge started to get into a conflict with the children of use of Bani Israel, right? And eventually what happened is the powerful

00:52:00 --> 00:52:59

dominated and oppressed the Bani Israel, the Israelites, the children of Israel, and make them into slaves. And the ruling class that did that were called what? The Pharaoh, the Pharaoh. Okay, they were the kings, that was the title of the king. Now, these people were brutal rulers, they would make them they would own them, they would make them into slaves, giving them no freedom and working them to basically like to death. Okay. And then what happened is around the time musala salam was born, around the time musala Hassan was born, the person who was in charge, the pharaoh who was in charge was the king at that time, became even more paranoid. And he wasn't just enslaving them or

00:52:59 --> 00:53:05

brutally putting them in like very tough working conditions. He started doing what what does the transition say?

00:53:08 --> 00:53:13

two things number one, your son What about your son's

00:53:16 --> 00:53:19

sling? sling your sons? What does that mean?

00:53:22 --> 00:53:24

Like killing them? like

00:53:26 --> 00:53:28

killing them? Hmm. Number two.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:34

spearing only your daughter.

00:53:36 --> 00:53:57

Can you imagine? how evil how unconscionable is this pet person that he would kill babies? Not just like one like the whole community's babies. All the boys are killed as the little babies were after they're more can you imagine?

00:53:59 --> 00:54:01

How like

00:54:02 --> 00:54:22

inhuman like you can't even express it in words. How evil that is. That was fed out. And how powerless were Bani Israel that their children their sons were being slaughtered and they couldn't do anything about it. All they could do was accept their fate

00:54:24 --> 00:54:28

hmm that is the time when who was born

00:54:32 --> 00:54:34

and guess what he's gonna do?

00:54:36 --> 00:54:59

He's gonna free them Hmm. He's gonna free them. Okay, we'll talk about how to size them feed them Charla next week along with the rest of bunnies, Eagles tail, but it's important that we have this background, understanding who they were and what they were up against. So we can understand exactly why the IRS are saying what they say people you would meet

00:55:01 --> 00:55:19

Yes, yes. All right under the law. All right, I'll see you all. Next week, same time, same place. Zack moolah, Helen, thank you very much for coming up. It was a real pleasure to have you. So panic alone will be Hamdi Ganesha La Ilaha Illa. anta esto Furukawa tulelake salam aleikum.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:27

Salam Alaikum

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