Zakir Naik – Why do they not read the Quran with understanding

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of reading the Quran in Arabic, citing various reasons why people may not understand the language. They explain that the language is untrans born and is not possible to read it in a way that is untrans born. The speaker also discusses the importance of reading the Quran in major languages and the need for people to read it with understanding.
AI: Transcript ©
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Doctor. Zak here.

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there are

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there's so much more reward for reading the

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with the understanding.

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Why is it? Or

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what are the excuses given by Muslims, multitudes

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of Muslims, for not

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taking your advice and reading it with understanding?

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There are many excuses given by the common

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for not reading the Quran with understanding

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and the most common is that we don't

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understand Arabic as a language.

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As you may be aware

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that more than 1 5th of the world

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more than 20% of the world population,

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about 1,500,000,000

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out of the 6,300,000,000 people in the world,

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they are Muslims.

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But more than

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don't understand Arabic as a language.

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15% of the Muslim population approximately

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the Arabs and a few non Arabs know

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Arabic as language. So more than 80% of

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the Muslims don't understand Arabic as a language.

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So the most common excuse is we don't

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know Arabic as a language.

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every human being knows at least 2 or

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3 languages,

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some know 4, some know 5, some are

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or when a child is born

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he does not know any language,

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he learns the mother tongue to converse with

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the family members.

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He learns the language

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of the locality so that he can converse

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with the friends.

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He learns the language in which he is

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Every human being knows at least 2 or

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3 languages.

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Isn't it important

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that we should know the language in which

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the last and final guidance,

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was given by our creator Allah Subhanahu wa

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Many people say that

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it is difficult to learn a language

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when we are old,

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but age is never a barrier for any

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good work.

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And that reminds me of the example of

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doctor Maurice Buckel. Doctor Maurice Buckel, he was

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a French and he was given

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the French Academy Award in the field of

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and he was selected

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for studying

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the mummy of Manapata,

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the Raffon

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in the Valley of Kings.

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And when he went to Egypt while doing

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his research,

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one of the Muslims said,

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it is nothing greater that he found the

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body, it is already mentioned in the Quran

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in Surah Yunus, chapter number 10, verse 92

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that almighty God will

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save the body of the pharaoh as a

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sign for posterity.

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So he was shocked that how could this

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book which is so old mention about

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things which we have come to recently

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the body of the pharaoh will be saved.

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So that made him read the translation of

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the Quran.

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After he read the translation of the Quran,

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he was so impressed with the Quran. He

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wanted to understand Quran directly in Arabic.

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So he learned Arabic as a language

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at the age of 50. Imagine being a

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non Muslim,

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learning Arabic as a language to understand the

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Quran better, and then he writes the book,

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the bible,

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the Quran

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and science.

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Which is a very famous book.

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So age is never a barrier

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for a person to learn a new language,

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but it is not possible that all of

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us will be as enthusiastic as Doctor. Morris

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According to

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Abdul Majidiri Abadi,

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he says, the Quran is the most untranslatable

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book in the world.

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It is the most difficult book to translate

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because the language of the Quran is so

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It is unsurpassable.

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It is intangible.

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It is supreme.

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It is noble.

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It is divine.

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many a times,

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one Arabic word has got several meanings.

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One verse of the Quran,

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it can be

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understood in very different ways. If you have

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a different angle for a layman who needs

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it, for a scientist it will have a

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different angle. So that is the reason, that

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is the beauty of the Quran.

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So to read in Arabic is the best,

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for those people who do not know Arabic

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there are many shiks,

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many ulma, many scholars who have translated

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major different languages of the world. Most of

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the major language of the world the Quran

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has been translated

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by different scholars.

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So if you don't understand Arabic as a

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language at least read the Quran in the

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language you understand the best. If you know

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English, read in English.

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If you know French, read in French. If

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you know German, read in German. If you

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know Urdu, read in Urdu, read it in

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the language you understand the best.

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But it is a requirement

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that we should read the Quran in the

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language you understand. So there is no excuse.

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They don't know Arabic. They read the language

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you understand.

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And Alhamdulillah,

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in most of the major languages of the

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world, you have the Quran

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today that it has been translated.

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We have the translation of the Quran in

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most of the major languages of the world.

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There are various other excuses given by Muslims

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that they are busy in their business,

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in their work,

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in studies.

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That is the reason they cannot read the

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translation of the Quran.

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Many of us

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we go to schools,

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we go to universities, to colleges,

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and we spend decades in

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schools, universities, colleges,

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and we read and memorize

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volumes and volumes of books,

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but we don't have the time to read

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the Quran.

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How much time does it take to read

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the Quran? If you read the translation to

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and if you are reading is fast,

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it will take few days for you to

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read the Quran.

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If you read

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1 *,

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one part every day it will take you

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1 month,

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but unfortunately we give excuses they don't have

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the time.

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Whatever degree you acquire

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in the school, in the college

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it may or may not help you in

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this world.

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Many of the people they graduate, but they

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are jobless

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and in the hereafter

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this education

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does not get you closer to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala, this knowledge is useless for the

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The Quran says in Suri Baqarah, chapter number

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2, verse 1 and 2. Alif Lammeem.

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That Alif Lam Meme this is a book

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without doubt it is

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a guidance

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for those

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who have faith.

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It is surely giving you a promise that

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it is a guidance for you. It will

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you in this world as well as here

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So it's a requirement

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that the Muslims should read the Quran with

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understanding. If they are in Arabic, reading the

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language they understand the best.

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