Zakir Naik – Why are Most Muslims Fundamentalist and Terrorist

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker explains that " fundamentalist" in Islam is defined by following the fundamentals of science and mathematics, following a doctoral degree, someone who wants to be a good doctor, someone who wants to be a good scientist, someone who wants to be a good doctor, someone who wants to be a good Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a fundamentalist Christian, someone who wants to be a
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Attorney brother key his brother. I'll put forward the question on the slip. Mr. metas. Why are most of the Muslims, fundamentalists and terrorists? The question was this

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by Reza Mehta? Why are most of the muslim fundamentalists and terrorists? The question is posed, if the answer if you like it, you take it if you don't like it, leave it. Quran says in Surah Baqarah chapter two verse number 256, like Rafi Deen, there is no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out from error presented to you, if you like it, you take it if you don't like it, you reject it No problem. There is no compulsion in religion like a half a dean. So Rebecca chapter two was to history six rather method asked a question that Why are most of the Muslim fundamentalist by the terrorists?

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What is the meaning of the word fundamentalist? fundamentalist is a person who follows the fundamentals.

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For example, a person to be a good mathematician, he should know he should follow and practice the fundamentals of maths. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of maths to be a good mathematician. For a person to be a good scientist, he should know he should follow and practice the fundamentals of science. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of science to be a good scientist. For a person to be a good doctor, he should know we should follow and practice the fundamentals of medicine. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of medicine, to be a good doctor. You cannot paint all fundamentalists with the same brush. You can't say all fundamentalists

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are bad. All fundamentalists are good. For example, you have fundamentalist Barber, who's expert in the field of robbing.

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But he's harmful for society. He robbed the people and doesn't promote petard. He is not a good human being. On the other hand, you're a fundamentalist doctor who follows and practice the fundamentals of medicine and he cures the sickness of human beings. He is a good person.

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He happens a human being so you can paint all fundamentally the same brush.

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Regarding Muslim, the fundamentalist

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I am proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim. Because I know I follow and I hamdulillah strive to practice the fundamentals of Islam. I'm proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim, and every Muslim to be a good Muslim should be a fundamentalist Muslim. Otherwise, you can't be a good Muslim, every Hindu to be a good Hindu, he should be a fundamentalist Hindu otherwise would not be a good into every Christian to be a good Christian. He should be a fundamentalist Christian, otherwise he won't be a good Christian. Regarding is a fundamentalist Muslim, good or bad? That is the question are hamdulillah

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the fundamentals of Islam, there is not a single fundamental of Islam, which is against humanity. So far, many of the brothers pose certain questions because of the misconception. Because of the misconception, you may think that this teaching of Islam is wrong. Like better said Ivan COVID. wrong and I gave the answer where they said about South Indian and gave the answer. So a person who has lack of knowledge, he may think that there are certain fundamentals of Islam which are wrong. But if anyone who has the knowledge of Islam, there is not a single teachings of Islam, which goes against humanity goes against society, I challenge anyone, not only in this audience in the full

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universe, to point out to me, I think,

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I think single teaching of Islam, which is against the basics of humanity single, some people may feel bad but as a whole, the teaching of Islam is best for university better to promote humanity. There is not a single teaching and I challenge again, anyone from the audience, they can ask me questions, I will clarify the misconception. inshallah, when the time comes, when the next question you can pose one question at a time, when your turn was they don't reply. See, the thing is that you have to follow certain rules. The mic was empty for half an hour, no one came up. I told the brother You're most welcome. You stand on the mic. No one comes, you can keep on asking one one question.

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every third question will be your question. No problem, you can ask as many as as much as the time the auditorium has been had for there's no problem.

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So I'm proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim. But if you read the definition of fundamentalism

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in the Webster dictionary, it says that fundamentalism was a movement, which was started in the early 20th century by a group of Christian, the protesters in America who protested and said that not only is the Bible the teaching of the Bible is the Word of God, but every letter of the Bible is verbatim the Word of God. So fundamentalism was first used for a group of Protestant Christians in America, who protested and said that

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Every letter word of the Bible is the Word of God. If any human being who can prove that every word of the Bible is the Word of God, then the movement is good. But if someone can prove that every word of the Bible is not the word of God, then the movement is not a good movement. But if you read the Oxford Dictionary, what is the meaning of the word? fundamentalism? fundamentalism, around Oxford Dictionary means strictly adhering to ancient laws of any religion, especially Islam.

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And Oxford Dictionary, the right especially Islam. Now what especially some is there in the latest edition of Oxford Dictionary, that means fundamentalist, immediately think of a Muslim.

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Why the media is bombarded people that you know, that these Muslims are fundamentally they're terrorists, the moment of thing they were a fundamentalist, immediately people start thinking of a Muslim 13 year old terrorist. And if you analyze many times, two different labels are given to the same person for his same activity. For example,

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you know, there were many Indians, who fought for the freedom of India, when the British have ruled India. Now many Indians who fought for the freedom of India.

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The British has called them as terrorists.

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These people are terrorists, but we Indians, we call the Freedom Fighters as patriots, right or wrong, patriots, they fought for the freedom of the country, same people, same activity, two different labels. The Britishers called them as terrorists, the Indian citizens call them as patriot freedom fighters, same activity, same person, two different labels. So before you give a label, you should first analyze that which view Do you adhere to? If you agree with the British view, that the British government had a right to rule over India, then you would call these people as terrorists. But if you agree with the Indian citizens, that the Britishers they came to business and they

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started ruling us unlawfully, then you will call these people as freedom fighters. So before you give any label to any particular person should analyze which view do you have?

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Same people can be given to different views by different people. In this context, I would say every Muslim should be a fundamentalist. Islam is concerned because every teaching of Islam promotes human values and humanity without hope that answers the question.

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