Zakir Naik – Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible – New Testament

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various prophecy related to the Bible, including the prophecy of Jesus Christ being peaceful upon the Greek and Aramaic scriptures, the prophecy of God being peaceful upon the Holy Spirit, and the prophecy of God being peaceful upon the Greek scriptures. The speaker also mentions a few other prophecy, including the Glorious Quran and the condition of the Glorious Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now let's discuss the prophecy of Homer Salah Salem in the New Testament. As far as the Christians are concerned, whatever is mentioned Old Testament, they have to believe because that is part of the Scripture that's part of the Bible. And Allah says in the Quran in surah chapter number seven was the 157. They follow the unlettered Prophet, which is mentioned in the law and gospel. It so as I mentioned, sort of chap number 61 was number six.

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The Jesus Christ peace be upon him says to Israel, to the tune of Israel, I've been sent as a messenger to you, confirming what came before me and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come, whose name shall be hammered.

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And when we read the New Testament, there are several prophecies of Prophet Muhammad Salah seldom mentioned the New Testament.

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It's mentioned the gospel of john, chapter number 14, was the most 16 it says, Jesus Christ peace be upon him says,

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I shall pray to my father, to send you a comforter, who shall abide with you forever. It's mentioned the gospel of john chapter number 15, verse number 26. And when the Comforter will come,

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who my father will send,

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he will glorify me. It's mentioned the gospel of john, Chapter 16, verse number seven. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away 45 go not away, the Comforter shall not come for the fire department Shall I send him?

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When you have the Christian say that this comforter refers to the Holy Spirit?

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Nope. Carefully note the prophecy of gospel of john chapter number 16, verse number seven says, nevertheless, I tell you the truth Jesus Christ Philip quantum machine, nevertheless I tell you the truth, it is experience for you that I go away 45 go not away, the Comforter shall not come for if I depart, shall I send him the criteria for the Comforter to come is that Jesus Christ peace be upon him should depart, only we depart with the Comforter come, we know that the Holy Spirit was there. When Jesus Christ peace be upon him was being baptized. The Holy Spirit was also there before Jesus Christ peace be upon him was born. He was in the womb of Elizabeth, several places, it mentioned the

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Bible. So surely this comforter cannot refer to the Holy Spirit. And furthermore, the word comforter if you go to the Greek and Aramaic,

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the present scripture it says it is Paraclete and the translator comforter parakeet actually means that it okay. And if you go and do research, the right word is pericarditis. Which means, one who praises or one who is worth praising irrespective which is the name of masala Salim Ahmed and Roman citizen, irrespective whether it is perfectly toss the one who praises or the Praiseworthy, or it is perfectly

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weather advocator converter Alhamdulillah all these meanings they fit no one better than the last and final messenger prophet masala.

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Further as mentioned in the Gospel of john, chapter number 16, verse number 12 to 14, Jesus Christ peace be upon him says, I have many things to say unto you, but he cannot buy them now. For him in the spirit of truth shall come, he shall guide you into all truth.

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He shall not speak of himself, all that year Shall we speak, he shall glorify me, he shall show you things to come. This prophecy says, I have many things to say unto you, but he cannot bear them now. Jesus Christ, peace be upon him tells the people, I have many things to say unto you, but he cannot bear them now. For he when the Spirit of truth shall come, he shall guide you on to all throat, he shall not speak of himself, or that he shall speak you know masala Salam water was revealed to him. He spoke verbatim.

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He shall not speak of himself, all that year Shall we speak, he shall show you things to come, he shall glorify Me and we know masala Salam has notified Jesus Christ peace be upon him in the Quran, and in seven Hadid v consider Jesus Christ peace be upon him to be one of the mightiest messengers of Allah subhanaw taala. We believe that Jesus Christ peace be upon him was the Messiah translated Christ, we believe that he was born miraculously without any major intervention, which many modern decreases who did not believe we believe that he gave life to the dead with God's permission, we believe he healed those born blind lepers with God's permission. So prophet masala Salam did glorify

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Jesus Christ, please pick one. So this prophecy refers to no one but the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad Salah Salah.

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This was in brief, regarding the mention of masala Salam in the Christian scriptures, time doesn't permit me to

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go and give more quotations.

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But this is just a nutshell, the tip of an iceberg regarding the mention of homosassa Islam in the various world religious scriptures, I would like to end my talk with the condition of the Glorious Quran where Allah says in chapter 108, Allah says, In pineapple casa, first Ella began her inner Shania corruptor which means we have granted him the fountain of abundance

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and pray to the Lord and sacrifice the name of the Lord and anyone who hated the hated no masala Salaam. He will be cut off from all future hope Walker Donal hungry later

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