Zakir Naik – Taubah in the Prophet’s Way

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad has instructed individuals to obtain forgiveness by going to specific areas where they can obtain forgiveness, such as a monk who kills 99 people and moves towards a village where people are rep projected. The Prophet requests forgiveness and asks individuals to forgive them. Several cases of drastic behavior, including tutorials, cow degrees, and the removal of a woman from a church, are discussed, with examples given in different pages of the transcript. The Prophet emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and the potential consequences of these actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Regarding another important aspect how Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala accepts Tawba, repentance

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what are the prerequisites

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for sincere Tawba

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and could you possibly

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enlighten us with some prophetic traditions

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of some of the Prophets making Tawbah to

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Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la.

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Allah says in the Quran Surah Taheem, chapter

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number 66 verse number 8,

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You Alizinamunu,

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oh you believe, turn to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'la with sincere repentance

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and there are basically

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5 prerequisites

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for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to accept Tawba.

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Number 1,

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the person should accept

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that he's doing is wrong.

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Number 2, he should immediately stop it.

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Number 3, he should seek forgiveness from Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Number 4, he should not

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commit that act again.

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And number 5, if

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he has taken something from any other human

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being and if he can return it, he'll

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return it back. For example, if he has

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dropped some money, he should turn the money

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back. If he has taken some wealth, he

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should give the wealth back. If he can

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the harm, he should do it and

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according to Ibn Khayim,

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he says

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that repentance is accepted

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when the person

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does not

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do that evil act again

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it further helps him to do good deeds

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and prevents him from going back to that

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According to Imam An Nawawi,

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he says, there are 3 prerequisites

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for any Toaba to be accepted. Number 1,

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he should stop back what he's doing.

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Number 2, he should ask for forgiveness. Number

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3, he should not do it again

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and he says that the 4th requirement,

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if he had done some harm to any

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other human being, then he should undo it

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if he can

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and there are various examples

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in the Hadith,

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which give that how people have asked for

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It's mentioned in the Hadith of

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Sayyid Bukhari,

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volume number 4,

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in the book of the stories of the

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prophets, Hadith number

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that there was a person

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who had committed 99 murders.

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So, he wants to seek repentance.

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So, he asked the people, How can he

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do it? So, they sent him to a

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So, the monk

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says that, we have killed 99 people!

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There's no chance of forgiveness!

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So, that person, that murderer,

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he kills the Hmong too and now, he

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has committed 100 murders.

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So he goes to another person and says

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that, I want to seek repentance. So he

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that if you want to seek repentance,

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go to that land

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where people are worshipping Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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and Insha'Allah,

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you should leave the land

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in which you have committed the crime and

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go to that land where people are seeking

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repentance and Insha'Allah, Allah will

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Gandhi forgiveness.

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So, he immediately goes towards that land but

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on his way,

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death takes place and he dies

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and he turns his chest towards that village

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where people are repenting.

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Then, both the angels,

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the angels of good and the angels of

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bad, both come

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and they won't take him. The angels from

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the heaven say that we will take him

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because he want to repent, but the angels

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from the bad deeds, the * they say,

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no, he has not committed a single good

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deed. We will take him. So Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala intervenes

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and He asks the village

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where people are repenting that it should come

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to the person who has committed murder

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and He commands

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to the place where he has committed the

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crime that he should go further away. So

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when they measure the distance, they find out

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that the person who committed the murder, he

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was once staying closer

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to the village where people are repenting.

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So then, Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la grants him

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So, this is an example, that a person

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commits 100 murders

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and he wants to repent. Only the Nia

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of repenting

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and traveling towards that place and a different

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version of the same Hadith says that while

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dying, he pushes himself towards the he looks

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towards the place where he can get forgiveness.

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So this shows that only the Niyyah

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and the intention to ask for forgiveness, Allah

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There is another example

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in Sayyid Muslim, word number 3 in the

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book of Fatud, Hadith number 4207.

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There was a lady from the tribe of

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She came to the Prophet

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she had committed adultery

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and she was pregnant.

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So she came to the Prophet and says

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I have done so and so sin,

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please give me punishment.

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So the Prophet

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calls her Master and says, take care of

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this woman till she delivers

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the child

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after that, get her to Me.

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So the Master takes care of her and

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after she gives birth to a child, he

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gets the woman.

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Then the Prophet says, because of the adultery,

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she has to be given the death penalty

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and the lady, she has to wrap around

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with her cloth and the people stone her

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to death

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And after she died, the Prophet, he prays

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for her.

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So Omar Melayeeb, please with him, says, Oh

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Prophet, you are praying for a woman who

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has committed adultery?

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Then the Prophet replies

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that the Vaishu has repented.

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Even if you distribute

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this repentance

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to 70 people of Madinah, it would be

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sufficient for them to go to Jannah!

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Who can repent better than the woman who

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is willing to give her life

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for the sake of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la.

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A similar example is given in Say Muslim,

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World number 3, in the book of

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number 4205

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that Maya has been Malik, will I have

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peace with him? He comes to the Prophet

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and he says that,

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please purify me.

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The Prophet says, woe to you,

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go and ask for forgiveness for Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala and you repent.

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The person, he goes back, again he comes

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and says, Oh Messenger,

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please pardon me. He says, Woe to you,

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Ask for forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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and you repent!

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Again, the person goes, again he comes for

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the 3rd time, Oh Messenger of Allah, please

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purify me! He says, go away from here,

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ask for repentance,

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ask for Gennesaret Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala!

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Again, the 4th time he comes and says

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to the Prophet, please pardon me! The Prophet

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says, From what?

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So Ma'ez, my lawyer, please return. He says,

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that he is from adultery.

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So he says, are you mad?

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Have you gone crazy?

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So the person says, no, I'm not mad.

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Then the Prophet asked, are you drunk?

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Did you have chamr? Did you have wine?

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So the other people get up and they

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smell his mouth. They said, No Prophet, he

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said, No Chamr.

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He said did you really commit adultery, he

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said yes, I have committed adultery and I

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want the punishment for the sin I have

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committed. So, Qafin al Salaam asked the people

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to stone him and he was stoned to

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After stoned to death, there is a controversy

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between the Samaf and the 2 groups of

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One group of people says

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that he has been undone.

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That means it's a pity that he will

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not get makshalay is undone.

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The other group says,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has accepted

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Ma'az Mahalai Piyat,

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Allah has accepted His Repentance and He shall

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go to Jannah.

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This happens for 2 or 3 days, then

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the Beloved Prophet Nusallahu alaihi wa sallam comes

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and then he tears to the Sahabas

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that pray

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for Mahas Bideem Malik because he has repented

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for his sin

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if you distribute his repentance,

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even in a large number of people, in

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a group of people, it could be sufficient.

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Here it shows

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that the people, they committed a major sin

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but they repented.

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They were even willing

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to have themselves killed

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because both these people knew very well that

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the punishment for idolatry was death, it was

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thrown to death. So here, it shows that

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the high level of Taqwa they had,

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The sincere repentance,

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the daft from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and

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Allah forgive them.

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