Zahir Mahmood – The Day of Judgement #16 Belief in Allah

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the most fundamental elements of Islam, including the most fundamental favor, the most fundamental names, and the most fundamental dates. They also mention a person who died on the day of judgment and is now facing trials andulations, and a person who was given a station in Jannah but cannot attain it through actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of believing in the Jannah and the Jahannam to attain the station.
AI: Transcript ©
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What is the most fundamental

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component in our lives? The most fundamental

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component in our lives is iman,

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Believe in

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The son of

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ala nayammatilism.

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All praise be to Allah on the favor

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of Islam. And if this was the only

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favor that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has granted

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us, it would suffice.

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Meaning, if you had no other favor that

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had granted you, no health, no wealth, no

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no hands, no legs, but you left this

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duniya with Iman in the eyes of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, you would be successful. And

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if you had all the wealth in this

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world, but you left this duniya without iman,

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you would be unsuccessful.

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And the same importance is applied on the

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date of judgment. The prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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said that that person

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who has tried the most in this duniya

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after the ambiya alayhi wasallam imagine this, a

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man whose morning brought a new trial, whose

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evening brought a new tribulation,

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whose every moment was difficult.

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We've seen

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the affliction

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of our Rohingya brothers and sisters. We've seen

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the affliction in Syria. We are currently seeing

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what's happening in Gaza.

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Children left orphaned. The entire

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family has been martyred.

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who in one day have lost

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people who have lost their legs, their arms.

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We see all this,

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but their suffering

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will be very minute

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compared to the suffering of this individual who

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the most since the time of Adhamalehi Sallat

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Islam, but this person would have died on

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Iman. On the day of judgement,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will bring this person

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and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will ask him

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about his suffering.

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And then Allah will tell the angels,

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dip my servant into Jannah for just a

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And the angel will take him and they

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will dip him into Jannah just for a

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moment. Dip in and take him out. And

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will ask him, oh

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my servant,

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did you

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face any difficulty, any trials and tribulations in

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the duniya? He will say, oh Allah,

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compared to that one moment in Jannah, I

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face no difficulty,

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no hardship.

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This is imaan.

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The importance of Iman.

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On the other hand,

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another man will be brought to Allah

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No man would have been given the luxuries,

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the pleasures, and the bliss that this individual

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had been granted.

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He had it all.

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He had the looks. He had the money.

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People wanted to be like him.

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Wherever he went,

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people followed him. He had millions of followers,

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but he died on this belief.

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On the day of judgment Allah Subhanahu Wa

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will bring this person and Allah will remind

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him of his favors

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and Allah will remind him of his disbelief

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in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and then Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will tell the angels

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take this individual into Jahannam.

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Just for a moment

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dip him into the fire. He will be

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dipped in and then will be brought out.

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And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala would ask him,

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did you enjoy

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any pleasures in the duniya? He would say,

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oh Allah,

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compared to that one moment in jahana, it

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was just dipping in and dipping out.

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I had no pleasure,

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no happiness

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in the duniya.

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This is why.

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is the most fundamental

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thing that we have.

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You will be tested through your imaan.

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But if you remain firm

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and you believe on the day of judgment

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and you believe in the Jannah and the

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then your status will be high by Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam said sometimes

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Allah has allotted for his servant a station

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in Jannah,

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but he cannot attain that station

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through his own actions. So what Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala does is Allah gives them trials

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and tribulation,

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gives them sickness,

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gives them trial upon trial on the day

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of judgment

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when the people

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will see the station of those people who

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have been granted

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this station by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. They

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will have wished

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that their skin

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had been cut with scissors so they could

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attain the same station as those who were

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tried by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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