Zakir Naik – Know the Objective of Fasting to Remain Guided after Ramadhaan

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The speaker discusses the importance of knowing the method and objective of fasting, as it is crucial to increase the number of people who eat healthy food, especially after fasting. They stress the need to avoid regretting past actions and avoid regretting future actions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of following certain rules for optimal health.
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The reason is the same as I mentioned earlier, that we should know the objective of fasting, if you know the objective of fasting, Inshallah, even after I'm done with over the person will yet be on the straight path, as I mentioned in my example, that you should know the method of the Act and the objective. So people may know the method, how to eat food, they make a morsel of the food, put it in the mouth, Master get through it, and put it down the throat, the act, the method they know very well, that they do in the month of Ramadan. But after that, if someone puts the finger in his throat and vomits out, so that food will not be humanely so that what is happening. The main purpose the
objective, they don't know objective is to increase the taqwa to make a person come to that Allah subhanho wa taala. So, if that is there in the mind, so even after the month of fasting, if it is gone, yet, the person will be on the straight path because they don't remember the objective, conclude that Allah subhanaw taala and once the sins are forgiven, if you repent truly one of the criteria for repentance is that besides seeing the body have done is wrong, asking for forgiveness, stopping it also saying that do not do it again. For that for forgiveness in the right way. They will not go back to the old bad habits. So the follow all these rules are going inshallah even after
I'm done goes away, they will be on the straight path for the full year.