Zakir Naik – Jesus (pbuh) is God because he was the Beloved Son of God

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The importance of affirming one's stance on the Bible is emphasized, with examples like "has nothing to do with Christ," "has nothing to do with Christ," and "has nothing to do with Christ" as examples. The use of begotten means that a person is a son of God, and Jesus Christ is not alone in achieving joy. The importance of affirmation in the church is emphasized, along with a line from the Bible where Jesus Christ said, "verily, I have seen the beast come and die."
AI: Transcript ©
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My name is Pascal. I'm a teacher by profession. I'm a Christian, taking for granted that you agree that the gospel is translated in English, which we Christians believe. I will call these examples. Number one, in all the four gospels, when Christ came into the waters of baptism, there was a voice from heaven saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I'm well pleased. Listen to him, the same way, number two, on Mount tabo, when he was transfigured, and when his face shone like the sun, there was a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I will please listen to him several times when he cost him, the devils, they came out of the men, proclaiming those Son of the living

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God, why have you come to torture us before the time, and again, before I praised them, the high priest asked him, in the name of the living God, I asked the author of the Son of the living God, Christ says, Thou has said it, and the priests and the number five, the high priest of the times when they accused Jesus before the pilot, they say, this man says, he's the son of God is a blasphemy according to our religion, therefore, we want to crucify him. Pilate didn't know about it. the very reason why they wanted to put Christ on the cross is that he claimed himself to be the Son of God, because even though he didn't directly say, I am the Son of God, it is indirectly saying,

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suppose I say, you are Dr. Zakir like and you are MBBS. Doctor, and you tell me Yes, brother Erica said it is not amount to saying that yourself saying I am Dr. Zaki, like MBBS in the same way, price, even though he didn't say I am the Son of God, he has approved it, perhaps out of modesty. He didn't say I am the Son of God. Again, one more example. Mother, Brother, brother, your question you already quoted five verses,

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without giving references. What's the question? Why not come prepared for that? That's why not quite fine. I will give you the reference No problem, brother, I will give you the difference that helped you.

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And help you brother, no problem. What's the question?

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Do you mean to say by quoting all these five things, Jesus claimed divinity? Yes, fine. I'll give you a reply. My challenge brother was point out a single unequivocal statement. In the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ peace be upon himself say that I am God Almighty says worship me. I am ready to accept Christianity. You did not point out a single statement. unequivocal statement in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ Please bear for himself say that I am God always worship me.

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They are the Bible rather. This is the King James Version. And since you're a teacher, and you claim to be a pastor, you're a pastor. No, no, no. You're a teacher. I'm a teacher, teacher. But no, I'm an ordinary believer of Christianity.

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There is something like a red letter Bible, whatever Jesus guy said, it's in red. Now you mentioned five things. And these things can be clubbed into two things. First, you quoted that everywhere. You didn't quote correctly, what you wanted to quote was the gospel of john, chapter number three was the mercy we save For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die but have everlasting life. It is not an all the four Gospels. It's only in gospel of john, chapter number three, verse number 16. Please note it down. You can check it up. gospel of john chapter three, verse number 16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only

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begotten Son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die, but have everlasting life. And again, you quoted in the ending the fifth time that Jesus Christ said he was the son of God. You said that, do you know Bible has got sons of God by the tons? If you read the Bible, Adam was the Son of God, peace be upon him, a friend for the Son of God, Israel, for the Son of God, if you read the Romans, chapter number eight, it says, All those who are led by the Spirit of God, the sons of God, if you're a godly person, you're a son of God, if I'm a godly person, I am a son of God, according to the Bible. But they say, No, no, no, no, no, no, Jesus Christ is not a normal son, he is the

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begotten son. As far as the last question, Son of God, Bible has got sons of God by the tons. And I'm a fan of God, if I'm a son of God, Israeli fan of God, all the led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. But the Christian missionary does mean No, no, no, Jesus Christ is not a normal son coming to your first question. He is the bigger than fan. And then the quote, which you didn't go to me, I'm helping you brother. gospel of john, chapter three, verse 16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, whosoever believes in Him, shall not die but have everlasting life. Brother, do you know the meaning of the word begotten?

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What is the meaning of the word begotten

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What is the meaning of the word garden? The garden is not the sense in which humans sense. Say the word the garden, I am asking you the meaning of the word begotten, yes, I know

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what is the meaning of the word begotten, because there are two senses. When you say, when you see a human being, he says, the flesh and blood of his son. But when you say of God, it doesn't mean that our body is bigger than me, it is to say, the close association between the Father and the Son, that's all. If you say, son, I say, suppose someone comes here, and I tell him, my son,

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even not mine, because he's a young boy, if I tell him, that son come here, he will come. If I say Begotten Son, come here, he may punch me on my jaw

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insinuating that I had no Villa, I had * with his mother. Fine. If I tell it to a small boy, son, or a young boy, maybe 23 years, no more than 40. If I say, son, come me, punch me on my jaw. Why? Because it means sired by God. It belongs to the lower animal functions of *. And that's the reason if you read the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, revised by title Christian scholars of the highest eminence, backed by 50 different Christian denominations, they say this word begotten in gospel of john, chapter number three was the myth 16 is an interpolation. The concoction is a fabrication and they threw it out of the Bible. Do you know that? If you read the Revised Standard

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Version of the Bible, which is the best seller, revised by title Christian scholars of the highest eminence, backed by 50, different Christian denomination, they say this was begotten is interpolation is a concoction is a fabrication. So the word we've gotten has been thrown out. So if you say, Son, God, have got sons by the tons in the Bible. So coming to your first question, and the last question, I've answered it, coming to your second and third, which you mentioned, that he drew, what's the devil's code? The full verse, you haven't got it to me the full verse which I quoted in my talk, according to the Gospel of Matthew, chapter number 12, verse number 28. He said, I cast out

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devils with the Spirit of God. Gospel of Luke, chapter number 11, verse number 20, I with the finger of what cast out devils, it doesn't say he alone, does it, he does it with the help of God, that does not mean he is God.

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All these verses you quoted, they clearly mentioned that he was a messenger of God. He wasn't God Himself, that there isn't a challenge, you point out a single unequivocal statement, and the complete Bible where Jesus Christ peace be upon himself says that I am God. awarenesses worship me, and I'm ready to accept Christianity. Nowhere Jesus ever said that just if I tell to the Son, son come here, that does not make him my son. Find the same way. If you tell me that I will call you doctor soccer night. Fine. And if I don't object that doesn't, it may be true may be wrong. People say doctors are can next color. I don't consider myself to be a scholar. I consider myself to be a

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student of knowledge. If people call me scholar, and if I continue that doesn't mean accept it. They consider me to be a scholar. I don't consider myself to be a scholar. I always refer to myself as a student of knowledge, a Taliban.

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So you what you have to point out from the Bible is

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and even the Bible, it should have been read letter. That letter means the words of Jesus Christ peace be upon him, point out a single statement, unequivocal statement, and unambiguous statement from the complete Bible where Jesus Christ Himself said that I am God. He says, worship me. I'm ready to accept Christianity.

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