Zakir Naik – Islam Sets the Factors that Maintain Brotherhood

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of Islam's universal brotherhood and its negative consequences, such as violence and criminal activity. The speaker also discusses the importance of providing aid to neighborly people and avoiding bribery. The speaker concludes that spending money on charity is a waste of one's wealth and should be a means to improve their lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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who we believe

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is almighty God is not

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exclusively God

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only for the Muslims or the Arabs.

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He is almighty God for all the worlds.

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For all the human beings.

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Whether black or

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white. Yellow or brown.

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Rich or poor.

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Whichever part of the world they live in.

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And Allah says in the Quran surah Faatiya

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chapter number 1 verse number 2.

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be to Allah,

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the lord of the worlds. Lord of all

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the worlds.

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Allah says

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in Surinath,

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chapter number

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verse number 1.

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Rab bin Nas, he's the lord of humankind,

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Of all the human beings.

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We believe Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the

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lord of all the human beings.

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And there are guidelines

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given in the Quran

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to promote

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universal brotherhood.

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Allah says in surah maidah, chapter number 5,

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verse number 32.

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Here Allah says

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that if you kill

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any other human being, whether Muslim or non

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unless it be for murder or for spreading

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corruption in the land, if you kill any

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innocent human being, it is as though you

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have killed the whole of humanity.

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And if you save any human being, whether

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Muslim or non Muslim, it is as though

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you have saved the whole nation, all the

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human beings.

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murder is one of the major sins in

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This disrupts

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universal brotherhood.

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Therefore, Islam prohibits it.

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Killing any innocent human being is prohibited.

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Allah also says

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that robbing is prohibited.

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Allah says in Surah Mayadah chapter number 5

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verse number 38

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that man and woman should not rob.

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And the third pillar of Islam is zakat.

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That is every rich human being

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who has a saving of more than the

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nissab level,

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more than 85 grams of gold, he or

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should give 2.5%

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of that excess wealth in charity every lunar

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If every rich human being in the world

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gives zakat,

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poverty will be eradicated from this world. There

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will not be a single human being who

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will die of hunger.

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Zakat and charity

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increases the universal birth hold, and decreases the

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gap between the rich and the poor.

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Allah says in chapter number 107.

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Verse number 1 to 7.

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See it thou not the one who denies

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the day of judgement.

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Who treats

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the orphan with harshness.

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And does not encourage

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the feeding of the indigent.

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Woe to those

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who are neglectful of the prayers. Woe to

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those who pray only to be seen by

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And they do not even provide neighborly needs.

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So Allah says, if you provide neighborly needs,

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it encourages brotherhood.

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It's the duty of Muslims

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to help the neighbors. And our beloved prophet

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said that he is not a Muslim

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who sleeps

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with his full stomach while the neighbor is

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That means,

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Islam does not give you permission

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to sleep with a full tummy

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when your neighbor is hungry, when your neighbor

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doesn't have food to eat. Allah says in

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the Quran, in surisra,

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chapter number 17,

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verse number 2627.

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There do not be a spendthrift.

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Do not be extra wagon in spending money.

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For verily,

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a spend thrift

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is the brother of the devil.

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So if you are a spend thrift,

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it discourages

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universal brotherhood.

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And being a spendthrift

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is a sign

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of the brother of a devil.

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Allah says in Suri Baqarah, chapter number 2,

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verse the 188.

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says in Suri Baqarah chapter number 2, verse

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1 88. That spend not your wealth as

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a bait for the judges

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in order to eat up other people's wealth.

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Here, Allah says in Surah Baqarah chapter 2

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or 188

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that bribing is prohibited,

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which is very common in the world today.

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If you bribe, it disrupts the universal

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