Zakir Naik – First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of tender in the region, with the first 10 days being the most important. They emphasize the benefits of tender in the region, including the use of the god's name during the first
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Allah Allah Cyberdemon a Mahabad are also bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Quinton Cara Amata Nakia. Atlanta's top Rona Bill Maher of Riverton Hunan medical biller, rubbish Elisa de. Recently, Emery will have the Tamila Sania Kohli overcome all the views of the al Qaeda platform. I welcome all the viewers with Islamic greetings. Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh my beef, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Almighty God beyond all of you, I welcome you to a talk on the first 10 days of the ledger. I've divided this talk into four sections. The first is importance of the first 10 days

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of the ledger. The second is the important acts and deeds to be done during the first 10 days of the ledger. The third is the virtue of alpha, and the fourth is Idul Adha, or Yamaha first, we'll discuss the importance of the first 10 days of the ledger. This if I forgot him, so now of a beloved partner Salah Salem, you may have sinned earlier, you may have missed

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doing good deeds in the month of Ramadan, you may have missed the last 10 nights of Ramadan, you were missed, doing good deeds related together. This is your opportunity. Make the best of it. The first 10 days of the ledger, even if you have not seen the whole year, maybe you did some minuses. Maybe you need about that in the month of Ramadan. Even you might have gotten the last 10 nights of Ramadan, even you might have prayed the full night of lightworker yet you cannot afford as a Muslim, the portunity during the first 10 days of the Legion, most of us Muslims

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were normally aware of the importance of non and we prepare ourselves. And I remember when I was a kid,

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more than 30 years back when I was in school,

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about 45 years back.

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We used to prepare ourselves for a man and we knew the importance of Ramadan even off the last night for from that. But we never heard about the importance of the first 10 days of the ledger

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Alhamdulillah now since social media has started, this has been discussed by the speakers. My time when I was a kid when I was in school, when I just entered college, we never heard the speaker speaking about the importance of tender of the region. I remember the first time I heard was maybe about 15 years back in the social media. When we got involved in the field of Java more than 25 years back, that's the time we came to know about the importance of

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the first 10 days of diligence. And it was about 15 years back that the first time I heard in the social media, a speaker speaking about the importance of the first 10 days of the ledger and Alhamdulillah year by year it's increasing and more and more people are speaking about the importance of the first 10 days of Demeter. That is the reason I thought I will dedicate the major portion of this session today to the first 10 days of villager. Allah subhanho wa Taala takes an oath

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in Surah Fajr chapter number 89 was number one to two Allah says while Fajr wala ja Lin Ash by Fajr by Dawn by the 10 knights.

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And the amorphous thing they say these 10 nights that Allah subhanho wa Taala is taking off refers to the first 10 days of the ledger and in many languages. When you speak about the days it includes the nights when you speak about the night it includes the day. For example, if I say in English, I spent 10 days in London, but naturally it includes I spent 10 days and 10 nights in London. Depending upon the context we include the full day it may include part of the day it may include the night it may not include. Similarly, when in Arabic, the nights are referred to it may refer to the night only, it may refer to the night and day put together or it may refer to the day only in this

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Surah Al Fajr surah number 89 was number one to two when Allah says while Fajr wala ja Lin Asha by Don, by the 10 knights, the McPherson say and it's also mentioned in the nickel sale, what number eight, page number 413 And if you refer to the

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summarise words in the English translation, printed my Dar Salam, it is volume number 10, page number 468. If Nicosia and minimum facilities say that these 10 Night refer to the first 10 days of the ledger, and they agree that these first 10 days of Julija are better than all the other days of the year.

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It's even better than the last 10 days of Ramadan. But

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it's mentioned them. Let's see, well, number five, page number 412. That though the first 10 days of the ledger are the best days of the full year, the last 10 nights of Ramadan are the best nights of the year. The scholars differ. Some scholars few do say that the first 10 days of the ledger are better than the last 10 nights of Ramadan. There are few scholars who say the last 10 nights are better than the first 10 days of the ledger, but the right opinion and the correct opinion if by Britania shake on Islam. May Allah have mercy on him. And he rightly said that the first 10 days of Elijah are the best days in the full year. It is even better than the last 10 days of Ramadan.

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But the last 10 nights of Ramadan, they are the best nights in the full year. Because it has the length rather it is the best night in the full year. So the last 10 nights of Ramadan are the best nights because they're together and amongst the days in the full year. The first 10 days of Julija are the best days in the year because it has the Yamo RFI that they have.

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The second place with the Quran refers

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to the first stages of the ledger, if in Surah Alhaji chapter number 22. What's the majority did Allah smart Allah says that they witness the benefits which have been provided, and they celebrate the name of Allah subhanaw taala through the days appointed here these days are referring to the first 10 days of the ledger.

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And it Niharika Alice Kalani

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may Allah have mercy on him? He writes in fertile body that the first 10 days of Julija are the only 10 days in the full year where any Muslim can simultaneously perform all the five pillars all the five varieties of Islam.

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If you want to do, yes, he can implement on the forehead. He can offer Salah summit listed together in the first 10 days he can give zakat if he hasn't given you obligated charity or give extra charity. He then fast and he can also perform Hajj. These are the only days in the full year that a person can simultaneously perform all the five pillars of Islam. It is mentioned in say Buhari for number two Hadith number 969. Give me Abbas, may Allah be positive. He said that the beloved awful masala Salam said, there are no good deeds done on any other days. Better then than during the first 10 days of the ledger than during these days.

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And the Sabbath, the Companions they asked, not even jihad, and the Prophet replied, not even jihad, unless a person

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put in danger, his life and wealth in the way of Allah subhanaw taala and does not return with any that means he goes for Jihad and is martyred in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. That means our beloved prophet masala Salam said, the good deeds done during the first 10 days of the ledger are better than any deed done on any other days of the year, including yard unless, if the person is martyred and he loses his wealth and life during jihad. That's the only one good deed which cannot be better. Otherwise, the deeds done on the first 10 days of the ledger are better than any deed than on any other day of the year. is so important. And unfortunately, this sunnah of doing good

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deeds during the first 10 days of Julija is forgotten it for the mentioning

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in Sahih Muslim. Why number three, Hadith number 2747.

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When the Prophet is asked regarding fasting on Yom Arafat, the Prophet said it expects the things of

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The previous year and the coming year. That means the most important fast after the first fast of Ramadan is fasting on your modify it experience your sins of the previous year as well as the coming year. There are some scholars who say that the first thing of Ashura the 10th of Muharram is the most important because the the Hadith that the most important fast after the first one is fasting on your Mala Shura. But the different opinion but the character opinion is that your alpha fasting is far superior because it experienced the fifth of the previous year and the following year, whereas fasting on Assura experience only the sins of the previous year. But there's unanimous agreement

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that these two fast of your Arafah and fasting on Assura are the two most important fast after the first thing of the month of Ramadan. It's mentioned in so knockdown one number three, Hadith number 247, that one of the wives of the Prophet said that the Messenger of Allah fasted during the first nine days of the ledger, and during Assura and three days every month, the first one day and two Thursdays. So from this hadith we come to know that the Profit First in the first nine days of the ledger, that means it is highly recommended to fast on all the first nine days of The Witcher

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one mask Why not fast all the tentacles Elijah dancer is given

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in say Buhari when three are the number 1991 where the Beloved Prophet said that he forbade fasting on it will filter and it will adapt. But these are the two IDs of celebration of eating and drinking. So it is prohibited to fast on the to eat then it will filter and it will adapt. That's the reason we don't have too fast the first 10 days of the job though the first 10 days are the most important days of the year. We only filed during the first nine days. On the ledger it further mentioned inside Muslim world number three Hadith number 2679. The Beloved Prophet masala Salam said that no one shall enter paradise except a believer and the days of MENA are the days of eating and

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drinking. That means a Muslim should not even fast on a yarmulke Shrek the three days following the int'l Anna, that is the 11th 12th and 13th of the lunch, because these are the days of eating and drinking and fishing. So besides the E they are Muslim should not even fast on the tertiary that is the 11th 12th and 13th antologia. It's mentioned in a Muslim world number five, number 5118. That Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said

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during the first 10 days of the Elijah, a person who has an animal which he has to sacrifice, he should not remove his hair, not trim his nails. Based on this hadith. A person who is sacrificing animal have animal and wants to sacrifice on either day or the following three days he should not remove his hair or trim his nails from the first day of the ledger until he sacrifices animals.

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This restriction is only for the person who is sacrificing the animal himself. If a person has asked somebody else to sacrifice on his behalf, then the restriction is not there. It further mentioning it was not Amad Hadith number 5446. Abdullah bin Omar, may Allah be pleased with him. He said that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said the deeds done during the first 10 days of Julija are the most important deeds done in the full year. And that's the reason you should say the title the tag bit and timey title is Lila illAllah. Like me, this allowed me this Alhamdulillah and it is mentioned in phulbari. Wanda number two, page number 462 That the Type B that mentioned there is

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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allahu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Al hamdu that Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar, La in heilala Loverboy there is no God but Allah. Allah is the Greatest, Allahu Akbar. Allah is the Greatest Lyle humph all preserve you to Allah

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That rugby that is mentioned in phulbari. World Number two page number 462 Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Al hunt.

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It's also mentioned in phulbari Volume do breed number 65

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That Abdullah bin Omar and Abu Huraira mela BPS with the both these two go out in the marketplace during the first 10 days of the Rajah and loudly they used to recite the third wrath. And when the others used to hurt them the Sabbath they have to repeat on their own. That means it is a sunnah during the first 10 days of the ledger to say the tech bit out loudly in the marketplace. It's mentioned in phulbari Volume do read number 65

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That Abdullah bin Omar and Abu Huraira mela BPS with the both these to go out in the marketplace during the first 10 days of the ledger and loudly they have to recite the wrath. And when the others used to hurt them the Sabbath they have to repeat on their own. That means it is a sunnah during the first 10 days of the ledger to say the tech bit out loudly in the marketplace. I have traveled to so many Muslim countries. I've never heard in any Muslim country, Muslims saying loudly in the marketplace. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allahu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Al Hamdulillah. I have not heard many Muslim countries I've gone to maybe in some Gulf countries, they

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may be people see, but when I travel, I've not heard this in the marketplace, we should revive this. And this added added mentioned

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in JAMA Tirmidhi. One number six, Hadith number 3377. That a Buddha, may Allah be visiting. He said that the Messenger of Allah asked, Do you know the deed which is most loved by Allah, the deed which is most precious to Allah subhanaw taala the deed which is more beloved to Allah subhanaw taala more than giving charity, of silver and gold, more than going in the battlefield and striking the necks of the enemies, more beloved, than having a neck struck by the enemy in the battlefield. And the Sabbath asked, which is the deed, and the Prophet replied Zacchara

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now this hadith is not specifically talking about the first 10 days of the ledger, it is generally the deed loved most Bala ethika

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and all the other Hadith recorded earlier say that the deeds the good deeds done during the first 10 days of villager are better than deeds done on any other day. So imagine, if we do the vicar of Allah, during the first 10 days of the leader, especially go out in the marketplace and say loudly, that Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah Allah Akbar, Allahu Akbar walhampton.

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Imagine the firewall, it is much better than distributing gold, or silver in the marketplace, much better than being struck by the enemy in the battlefield,

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striking the enemy on the neck in the battlefield, or being struck by the enemy on your neck in the battlefield.

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Let us revive the Sunnah. And during these 10 days of the lecture, recite the flagbearer on our own and even in the marketplace. And the attendees of the ledger are starting from tomorrow in most of the countries in Malaysia, where now it is close to 12 midnight, the doodle Ninja has already started the night I started with the day will start approximately five hours 50 minutes from now, Inshallah,

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Malaysia is one of the few countries where the first 10 days of the leader will start. And later on the other country, the Gulf countries four hours later, five hours later, so on and so forth.

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So that's the reason I thought it's important for me to speak on this topic. So, let us decide today that the 10 days of the ledger with your tablet from promoting most of the countries in some countries that may be one day later, India Pakistan etc. In some countries it may be two days later, but most of the countries did inshallah starting from tomorrow. So let us make the most of these first 10 days of the ledger. Now, we will discuss the second point,

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which is the important acts and deeds to be done during the fall.

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for 10 days of the ledger, I have enumerated 35 important points. Some people have listed, then 2030 Some more. There are hundreds of good deeds you can do to make the list

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a bit shorter. I've enumerated 35 important deeds, an act to be done during the first 10 days of Demeter and whenever enumerate and enumerate the one which are the further on the top, then coming with the highly recommended sunnah and then the other sooner or later on. That's my policy. And when I repeat the good deeds, also repeat the five which are supposed to be done daily, because what are the friars daily have to be done first, then you can talk about the Sunnah de vaca then you can talk about the Sunita yarmulke. So this is the order I follow whenever I list the important acts or deeds to be done. So number one, the most important act during the first 10 days of villager is that you

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should offer Salah in congregation in the mosque, all the five daily Salah in congregation in a mosque. It is a forum, especially for the Muslim men. For the woman, there are exceptions.

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And when I'm listing these

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35 important points. It is for all types of Muslims, whether you're more practicing Muslim, whether your modern practicing Muslim, or less productive Muslim, if you are a less practice Muslim, you will see to it that you will do as much as these good deeds as possible. If you're moderate, what you will do, you will try and do all of these 35 Good deeds. If you're already a practicing Muslim, then what you will do, you will see to it that will increase the intensity of a BA. So these days are meant for all the Muslims where they are less practicing, moderate practicing, or more practicing. If you're less practicing, you'll see too that you do as much as possible of all the

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good deeds. If you're moderate, you see to the do all the good deeds and increase the intensity. If you're already a good practice, Muslim, bring all the friars see to that to increase the intensity of the mazahub. Also do the gamstop if you're moderate and you're doing the five, then you do the Samantabhadra that

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if you're a highly practicing Muslim, then besides the five and the sooner the market that you do the centigram aka if you're already doing the sooner they get to market the more do you do you increase the intensity. So during these two important days, one is the first thing is of the ledger and the other are the days in the month of Ramadan. It's very important that you increase the intensity of a Baba. So the first important

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deed to be done during the first 10 days of the ledger is offer Salah in congregation all five times in the mosque. Number two, if you have not performed Hajj, you should perform Hajj.

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If it further you if you have the means and if you have the help and the wealth and if you have not performed Hajj you should perform. It's different on you. If you have already performed Hajj, and if you can do it again. It was most of the Sunnah it is encouraged.

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But we know since last one and a half year we have this pandemic of the Coronavirus, and last year, hardly approximately 1000 were permitted to Hajj this year hamdulillah the Saudi government have announced they will allow 60,000 Muslims to do Hajj out of which 15,000 would be Saudi nationals and the balance 45,000 would be the foreigners who are living in Saudi Arabia who already have that trauma. They will not allow any outside people to enter one not residents of Saudi Arabia, but those who are already residents of Saudi Arabia, they will allow 45,000 people and the receipt will allow from all the different nationalities depending upon the percentage are present. We prayed Allah

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subhanaw taala that may he next year, solve this problem of the pandemic. And again, the Muslims would be able to do such a large numbers Inshallah, and millions like what we used to do two years before. The third

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important act and deed is that you should abstain from all the Haram acts from the major sins as well as the minor sins.

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And if you're a good Muslim, not doing any major sins or humbler, there are some minor sins that Muslims normally do, unknowingly or knowingly See to it that during these 10 days we obtained from all the sins not in the media

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Then, but each and every of the minuses. The fourth is that you should fast during your Arafah the ninth delight and as I mentioned earlier, it like speed your sins of the previous year and the community, the 50th fast during all the first nine days of the Luigia

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and that is a highly recommended sunnah.

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Six is that if you have the means, you should sacrifice during Yamuna, that evil Adaa the 10th day of the ledger, if you have the means and ALLAH given the capacity, sacrifice an animal on this day,

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the seven is that say

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that Tasbeeh that is one Allah see the timid that is a hamdulillah say that I leave that ally Lila and say the tag bit Allah Akbar as much as possible during all the 10 days of the ledger, or you can decide together subarna Allah him well hamdu Lillahi wa ala Allah Allah Akbar Subhan Allah he will Hamdulillah he will La ilaha illallah wa Allah Akbar, you can recite this as much as possible throughout the day. The it is that

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you should go out in the marketplace and feed that that we asked loudly so that people are reminded of Allah subhanaw taala and they also repeat it on their own, and that they had mentioned earlier, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allah al humble as much as possible, God in the marketplace, tell to the others remind others to do Xikar remember Allah subhanaw taala is more sebab then distributing gold or silver in the marketplace, the ninth bring the tide dude Salah in the last 1/3 of the night and do DUA and ask for forgiveness during the last 1/3 of the night in which Allah subhanaw taala answers the prayer the maximum the tentative pray,

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the sooner they Maka that is there are 12 Sunita Maka in with the Prophet said if you pray this will record you will enter Jannah and have a house close to the house of the Prophet and the 12 Sunita Maka, the Torah kosuna before the Father Salah, the Two Plus Two Four raka sunnah before the Doha Salah to record sunnah after the Doha Salah, the Torah kosuna After the McGriff, Salah and to raka sunnah after the Salah. There are total 12 Sunita Maka in the full day also offer the salah to Doha.

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And the salah to Doha is offered approximately when Jamie was asked, which is the right time, he said immediately about 20 minutes after the sunrise till about 10 to 15 minutes before the whole time, you can offer the salad to do anytime between this time you can afford to record profits and to record as much as you can, but the profit most of the time your foot for a car. So preferably for a cut, you can even afford to record the profit even offered at market during for the Maccha but preferable for a car, which was usually the practice of the Prophet. And the bedtime go for the Prophet said is when the camel can feel the heat of the sign. So it is preferable to offer after the

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midpoint between the Fajr and between the Doha. This is a better time but you can offer anytime 20 minutes after the sunrise. And if we offer immediately after sunrise it's called a shock. But the better time is after the midpoint as in the Sunnah of the Prophet, the 12 point if that you should do dua, before breaking your fast

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the 13th Fifth, do as much as dua throughout the 10 days of the ninja and do not miss doing dua during the Friday of these 10 days. The first 10 days of diligent manual Friday comes with a once or twice See to it that we offer in that one our after Salah before Maghreb, this is an important time one of the prescribed time for the DUA the 14 days do zikr of Allah as much as possible throughout the 10 days of the ledger.

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Why number

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Read the Quran and we don't stand Arabic alone without a big deal. The translation of the Quran in the language understand the best

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way number 16 Ask for forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala during the first tentative antologia point number 17.

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Give as much charity as possible besides the sakar if you have given us a card good if you have not seen to it to give it

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But besides the cat, give as much as charity as possible. Point number 18 Do as many good deeds as possible. Point number 19 do a scan

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every day during these 10 days of dementia, point number 20. Recite

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the Muslim dua of the Beloved Prophet. If you are not reciting started reciting in these 10 days if you recite few studies have been more or increase the number of Muslim dua. For example, when you enter the mosque, there is a dua when you come out of the mosque there is a doer when you go to the toilet there's a doer when they come out to the to the doer. When you wear a dress, there's a dua for most of the acts there are to us to see to it, you do the muslin Dewas when we're 21 Do as many sunnah of the Prophet. For example, while you drink water sit with you sit and drink water, it is very important to note the profit. When you were a footwear See to it do you wear the footwear on

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the right leg first, when you remove the footwear See to it, you remove your left leg first. When you enter the mosque, enter with the right leg. When you exit the mosque you exit with the left leg. When you enter the toilet, enter with the left leg. When you exit the toilet, you exit the toilet with the right leg. When you're wearing a dress shirt, put your right hand first. When removing the shirt, remove the left hand first, when you're very good trouser, put the right leg first. When you're doing that, also remove your left leg first these other ways to another profit. Do as many fun as you can. If you're not doing start doing if you're doing fue do more. If you're doing more,

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increase it as much as possible during these 10 days of the ledger. During these first 10 days of the ledger, you should see to it that a good date should increase as compared to the other days of the year.

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It should be more if you really feel to us more than was. If you're reading only the first start reading the market that if anyone is wanting that market, then start reading from the yarmulke if you're reading all these three, increase your Salah, increase your DUA increase. You're asking for forgiveness during the to read the authentic hadith of the prophet as I had it.

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You have to say Buhari say Muslim, and this is lysate of Albani, the Fae Hadith from of Tao, from Maasai from Ebony Maija, and so forth. And there's also a new compilation done by chirimen as me of their McCammon we've accumulated all the Hadith in Sahih and remove the duplicate which is approximately 16,546 Hadith all the same. So once you read this, you can easily say that you have read all the Hadith in Sahih whether it's Bukhari, Muslim, etc, without duplicating so it's easier. So if you read the Jami camel, it's a good thing to do. Point number

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23 If that you should forgive people's faults,

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forgive the faults of others, whatever false that people do around you, rather than keeping in your mind or taking your grudge, forgive it, if you forgive, Allah will forgive you whether it be of a family member, whether it be of your staff, whether it be people around you forgive as many faults as possible of the others.

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One number 24 Do Esla with your other Muslims, point number 25 Do Dharma with the non Muslims point number 26

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If that you offer sooner they have higher market now. There are total 10 sunart Agaram aka it is to raka sunnah after the door salah, two plus two for kosuna Before that sir Salah Toora Casona before the market of Salah and Torah kosuna before they shall Salah so that 10 sunnah they agree or Maka, if you offer this Alhamdulillah during all the 10 days of the ledger.

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The next if the 28 point is attend as many lectures and programs and courses of the Atlantic scholars to increase your knowledge in Islam.

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And today being a pandemic veteran, the well attending live program difficult. You can go to the next point that between nine point you can watch the videos, the video recordings of the authentic scholars and authentic orators

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Whether it be on a learning management system, whether it be on the Facebook, whether it be on the YouTube, whether it be on the Talladega, whether it be on the beach TV, on various social media platforms, but see to it that these scholars and writers that hurry authentic point number 30 years, the audio recordings of the authentic scholars and auditors, you may be in the car and traveling. It's a good opportunity while driving, you can hear the audio, you may be doing some exercise you may be jogging at that time you can hear the lecture and increase your knowledge.

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Points number 31. Read the Thira the biography of the Beloved Prophet masala Salem. And one of the good biography that you can read is that he karmak tune the seal nectar, which is written by Sheikh Sofia Emanuel Barbary, it is one of the best Sierra that's available. Point number three to

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spend more time with your family. When you spend more time with a family doesn't mean that you go out more with them shopping all the 10 days. Yes, if you want to shop just before eat then buy them good clothes, etc. No problem but not all 10 days, not going for outing when I say spend more time with a family that along with a family. You read the Quran, you read the skill of the prophet at an Islamic program authentic scholars and authentic writers watch the video recordings of authentic writers on various platforms, social media platforms, hear the audio together, spend time discuss with them. Talk to them about the good deeds to be done in the first 10 days of the ledger, about

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the Sunnah of the Prophet, read the translation of the Quran. This time you're doing a Venn diagram, besides doing the bada you're asking your family to do about that. And the Prophet said that the best amongst the Muslims is the one who's best with family, especially in life. So spend more time with your family and encourage them to come closer to Allah subhanaw taala point number 33 Do not waste a single minute, during all the first 10 days of the ledger. By number 34 Be cheerful and happy during all these 10 days of the lecture. And point number 35 See to it, that you behave with the people around you with love, affection and care. This was in short, the 35 important acts and

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deeds to be done

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during the first 10 days of the ledger. Now we'll discuss

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the third point that is the virtues of RFR.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala takes a promise in Surah Bucha chapter number five was number three Allah faith, why shall he do when we should

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include a bridge chapter modify was number three, Allah is taking a promise by the witnessing day referring to Friday and by the witnessed day referring to Jamar Arafa. Allah in the Quran in surah Bucha SAP number 85 was number three is taking an oath of Yamo Arafa. It's mentioned in geometry MIDI one number six Hadith number 3339 That the beloved formula Salam said that your mother Massoud, that is the witness today or the 10 day is Yamaraja. That is the 90 of the ledger. And

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I shall he is the witnessing day a divorce to find. It's mentioned

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in muslin Amod, ROM number two Hadith number 2455. That Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that Allah subhanho wa Taala took a covenant from the loins of the children of Adam in Arafat.

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And it fav that he took a covenant from the loins of the children of Adam from the descendant

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and took a covenant. And he bought them from the lions and scattered them like ants on the fields of Arafah. And then escorted the verse of the Quran, off to the RF, chapter number seven was the 172 where it says that Allah subhana wa Taala

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to covenant from the loins of Children of Adam from the descendants and ask them, Am I not your Lord? And the replied, Yes, we testify You are our Lord. And Allah continues, lest on the Day of Judgment, you will say that you were not mindful. That means Allah subhanho wa Taala took a covenant from all the children of Adam from the lines from all the good

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means that Am I not your Lord and all of them testified? Yes, You are our Lord. As mentioned in the Quran in surah, chapter number seven verse number 172. That means on your mu alpha, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala took a covenant from all the human beings.

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Point number three

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is that

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John will Arafah is the day when our deen was completed, and Allah had fulfilled his favor on the human beings. It's mentioned in se Bukhari point one. And it's number 45 that Omar Abdullah and he narrates that a Jew came to him and asked him or chief of the believers, there is a verse in your Quran, which, if it was mentioned in our book, we would have celebrated it, I eat. So Mara Dylon asked, which is the verse and the you said, it's mentioned in the Quran. And he quotes so reminder chapter five, verse three, where Allah says, On this day, I have perfected your religion for you and have completed my favor on you and have chosen for Islam. Amara Dylon replies we know this was it

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was revealed on a Friday on the Day of Arafah. That means, it was the day of Arafah when ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala he perfected the religion of Islam and completed a favor on the human beings and has chosen Islam for us. This is the third virtue of Arafah. The fourth virtue of alpha is that alpha is also a day of faith and mentioned in so no doubt, we're number three, added number 2419 that the Prophet said the yuan will Arafah that the ninth of the Yamuna Hara that it'll other the 10th of the lodge, and the Yarmuth tertiary. These are the three days following Eid, the 11th 12th and 13th Village, these are the days of Eid, these are the days of celebration. These are the days

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of eating and drinking. So your mole Arafa for the people of Arafah. In Arafat, it's any day for them. The fifth virtue of Arafah is that

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it is the day where Allah subhana wa Taala forgives and freeze the maximum slaves it is called The Day of forgiveness. And it's added mentioned in Sunday on the site. What number three added number 3006 I shall read the law and the life of the prophet said that the Prophet narrated that or no day does Allah subhana wa Taala forgive his servants, and free his slaves, whether male or female, then on the day of Arafah

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and he comes close to the angels and he boasts to them about them and faith. What do they want? That means this Day of Arafah is also called the day of forgiveness. And on this day, Allah subhanaw taala freed the maximum slaves ever in the full year on this day of Arafah from the hellfire, the sixth virtue of alpha is that it's mentioned in geometer, MIDI, vulnerable three Hadith number 3585 That the Beloved Prophet said on the Day of Arafah Allah subhanaw taala years the supplication the maximum and I and the earlier prophets, they recited La Ilaha illa Allah who was the WHO la sharika lahu la hula MOLKO while Al hamdu wa wa al Achalasia and Candida that there is no one was there for

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worship except Allah. And he has got no partners, to Him belong all the domain and all present you to him alone, and he has power of all things. This is the best dua that anyone can do on Yama, Arafat that was recommended by the prophet it is called The Day of supplication. And the seventh virtue of Arafah is that the Beloved Prophet said, as I mentioned earlier, in the Muslim world, number three, or did number 2747. The Prophet said that fasting on the Day of Arafah exceeds your sins of the previous year, and the Commedia and the same information is repeated. And even in my job, one or two Hadith number 1730. When the Prophet said that anyone who fast on Yama Arafah his

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sins of the previous year, and the next year are expected. So these were the feminine virtues of Yama Latifah.

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On the Day of Arafah now we'll discuss the last and the fourth point that is, either adapt or Yamuna Hara. That is the Eid or the day of sacrifice is a sacrifice of the real sacrifice. And we know

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that Allah subhanaw taala had asked Prophet Ibrahim, that what do you love the most in this world?

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But natural after last month Allah He said my son, Ismail Ali Salam, and Allah smart Allah tests Ibrahim Al Salam that Daniel sacrified him for me, antebellum Islam goes and tells his son is mal Salaam and he said don't worry, father, you will find me steadfast and on the instruction of Allah subhanaw taala. When is about to sacrifice this and Allah smart replaces him with a sacrificial animal and this is what we remember every year in either Allah that we should be able to sacrifice anything in this world for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And during Yamuna Hara, they have sacrificed and either other they have sacrificed if we have the means we sacrifice an animal. For

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one person it is a goat, or if you want a big animal like a cow or a camel, it can be for seven people. And it's mentioned in surah hygene chapter number 22 was the mechanic seven. It is not their meat of blood that reaches Allah subhanaw taala but it is a party with Richard last month Allah so we don't sacrifice so that the blood and the meat is for last month Allah but we do it for our Taqwa piety should reach Allah subhanaw taala. And what do we do with the sacrifice we sacrifice the animal we distributed amongst the poor people amongst the friends among the relatives and keep some fossils. Normally it is recommended that minimum 1/3 should be given to the poor people 1/3 to the

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family and friends and the maximum you can keep yourself with 1/3 This is a practice. Let me tell you the salient features that should be done on each other for your Menara number one that have a bad early in the morning. Number two, put perfume on yourself. It's lesson number three, if that were the best of your clothes. Number four, say that or be that.

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Number five, preferable do not eat anything before the is prayer.

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Number six, go to pray early.

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Number seven,

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that it is recommended that all the woman including the children, including the menstruating woman should go for the Eat Salah even if they don't have to offer salah or they don't have to go to the masala and when you come back from it prayer, see to it that you take another route, not the same route in which you went for the Salah and preferable to pray Salah in a Musala and open ground which is called an indica. Now what is the reason that a beloved prophet masala Salam recommended that all the women and the children, including the menstruating woman should go for the salah even if they don't have to offer Salah even if they don't have to go and pray. What is the reason why the Prophet

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said that you go from one route and when you come back take the other route. Why did he say that pray in a large place it go. For all this we come to know that the reason is so that it boosts the morale of Muslims. Normally we Muslims have four or five times are like in congregation in the mosque. Once a week in JAMA, we have a bigger congregation we pray in the Juma mosque. The congregation is multiple times bigger than what congregation we have during the fight and Salah and twice in the year during the day then they will fitter and in the other. The Prophet recommended that to pray in an open ground known as the Edgar why so that Elijah number 10 Gather. Imagine if

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you're living in a village and during the Easter egg come to know there are 30,000 Muslims that are 40,000 Muslims, the morale of the Muslims is boosted. And if you're living in an area which hasn't got non Muslims also, the non Muslims will think 10 times before interfering with the Muslims or the Muslim the 30,000 the number 40,000 Imagine if you're living in a big city and if you pray in one area in which 100,000 Gather or a few 100,000 Gather, imagine the scenario, it will boost up the morale of the Muslims

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and at the same time would give a non Muslim thought that they better not interfere with Muslims. This is the psychology for which what is the reason that the beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam even told the women and the children to go even the woman of demonstrating pray indeed God when you go through one way, come through the other way not the same way why? So that the other people in the other locality

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Tea of that village of that town or that city no ha the Muslims are going in large numbers, if you go to route a come back to route B, so that the people of route they also come to know the people of route to be also come to know that Muslims and large number

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The next important point when you come back if you have the means, you sacrifice an animal,

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if Allah has given you the means,

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later on you go and meet

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your family friends,

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if the day of celebration and when you meet the greeting if the Kabbalah minimum income, may Allah subhanaw taala accept the good deeds from us and from you. Normally in India, Pakistan, this Eid Mubarak or other words, the Sunnah is to wish the Kabul allow minimum income or Allah accept the good data from us and from you, you can say blue bar

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it is mobile on the right thing is if the sub has wished each other and the day of E there should be a day of celebration be happy be cheerful, let me tell you the important points of the Eat Salah before I end this talk there are 14 important points of Salah number one the Eat Salah is further for every Muslim male who is an adult and will say number two it is offered

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between the time after the Fajr Salah and before the door salah but the earlier we offer the better it is number three it should be offered in an open ground almost Allah also known as the Edgar number for that if it falls

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on a Joomla then praying Joomla on that day is not further but it is sunnah it is recommended if you pray is good. But if you want you can obtain from your masala at that time we should build it as our Salah

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next point number five is that there is no other or no Akarma before the salah number six there is no sunnah before the salah or after the Salah. Number seven

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the Eat Shala is of Touriga

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number eight. There are

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six extra tags we read in the first paragraph before so the fattier besides the tag Vera era along with that, there are total 7/3 Vera in the first takot before sorry,

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in the second record after you get up from the sujood in the starting of the second record after seeing that there are five additional tag Bira before the Surah Fatiha in the second

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ninth point is that it is sunnah to recite Surah Allah in the first chakra and Surah Tasha in the second time, the 10 point is it is also a sunnah you can recite Suri off in the first chakra and for a comer in the second row from

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the 12th is that after the Eat Salah there is a cut while the 13 point is it is recommended that you hear the advice of the Imam after the Salah. But we did not affirm it is highly recommended. And the 14 point is when you go for Salah from one route See to it while coming back to take the other route. These were the 14 salient points of the Salah. And I've covered in brief in as short a time as possible. The importance of the first 10 days of the ledger

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