Zakir Naik – Can a Person Enter Paradise who doesn’t do anything Haraam except that he doesn’t Pray

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The importance of praying for Islam is discussed, with speakers emphasizing the importance of not allowing things to happen and not giving up on one's ability to do so. The success of praying for Islam depends on the period and the number of times it takes. Prayer is crucial to achieving Islam's ultimate success, and it is best to pray for a specific period of time and not just staying in a certain amount of time.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next question from Hassan from Oman, if someone does not do anything forbidden, but the only thing is that he does not pray.

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Is it possible for him to enter paradise?

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The question posed by brother Hassan from Oman, that if a person doesn't do anything forbidden, but the only thing he does he does not pray. So can he go to China?

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It is like somebody asking me that I want to have a very good, healthy body. I do exercise, I go to the gym, I need to go to walk I do cycling. Only thing I don't do if I do not eat anything the full day.

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Do you think the person will be healthy

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or going to the gym cycling, going for the morning walk, jogging?

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Very good, fresh air, but does not eat anything full day.

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Like it is known to us. For a healthy body. You should have three meals a day. Similarly, for a spiritual soul, it's compulsory. That minimum you should pray five times a day, praying five times a day if further in Islam. Regarding the question that can I go to Gemini if I don't do anything haram and maybe do all the other good deeds, but do not offer prayer. Our beloved prophet Muslim said it's mentioned

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in say Muslim are number one, number two for six. That between the man and shirk and kufr stands the offering of Salah

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miscella praying Salah is the differentiation between a man and shirk and kufr that photo Prophet said

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that the reason the scholars many scholars say that of a person who does not pray at all it is he becomes a Kaffir some scholars are more lenient to say that if a person doesn't pray, but believe praying is a fourth, then he cannot be called other traffic the difference of being

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amongst the deeds that is the most important. Our beloved Porsche masala sunset, as mentioned in southern New Sai Baba number five, habit number 3996. That the Prophet said that the first deed that Allah will ask on their judgment is regarding offering of Salah. So, the most important deed amongst all that is Salah, as we discussed in the last session, the biggest sin in the sin of schilke the thing which it should then would be murder like magic etc. Similarly, amongst the deeds that is the most important, it is Salah, it is prayer. And if you don't do that, that is like your $100 in deeds, how I said infant ship is the worst. Similarly, indeed, number one is Salah.

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If you don't have a Salah, then you go to Jenna.

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Allah says in the Quran in surah number 448 and it's really such as number 416. If Allah pleases, he may forgive anything but the sin of schilke He will never for you. Yes, if after completing schilke if you repent, ask for forgiveness and stop it inshallah Allah will forgive that also. But if you die as a Muslim, without asking for forgiveness without leaving, you are detained for hellfire. There's no forgiveness. The most important deed to be done is Salah. If you don't offer Salah the chances of you going to Jenna is minimal, very negligible, if Allah wishes to forgive you, because they have not done Sure, Allah may forgive you. possibilities, their probability is not a

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possibility. Yes, but very low point 000 1%

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because that's the most important date

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if you do something else, and if Allah is pleased with you, and Allah wants to forgive you, there is too much of ifs and buts a person cannot take the risk. We are undergoing the final examination. This is the test for the year after

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you cannot take that chance. And if you analyze, if I ask you a simple question there the human being who everyone is saying we fall grateful. He's such a good human being. And he is looking after other people. He's going and helping the poor, and he's loving everyone else. And when you closely go and analyze, you realize that he had a mother and father were very loving, who took care of him who looked after him and educated him, gave him good clothes.

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Then he became rich. But later on, he doesn't take care of his parents at all. He's not even going and meeting them for years together. He not thanking them. So how would you call him a good human being just because helping the poor, but the main people mean to human beings, his parents, mother and father, who took care of him, gave him the education and bottom up because of that, why today? He's got a good job, and he neglects them, doesn't mean them, doesn't care for them, doesn't go on him and say, how are you? For years together? How can you call him a good human being?

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competitor parents and Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is our Creator. inshallah, we are attacking last but not Allah. And besides saying Allah subhanaw taala we are getting guidance from him, how should we lead our life, I've given the talk on Salah, the programming towards righteousness, that not only do we pray, and thank Allah, we also get guidance from him. And if you're following the right way, we are being guided to good deeds. So the chances if you offer Salah correctly, will be on the straight path is very high.

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And if you're in trouble, the best solution is Salah.

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If you're in trouble and if you have a problem, you cannot say that you have tried everything to solve the problem until you pray in the last one third of the night and ask for the problem to be solved in touch.

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decided the five compulsory Salah there are many other Salah, Salah, if the programming to righteousness is your main soul. The best deed is Salah. And while I was doing my little research on the life of the Prophet, I realized

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that the Prophet on average to the CETA isn't mentioned exactly how many hours he slept in a day. On average, according to my study, he might have slept between three to four hours a day. God had the faith that if to pray for one third of the night is to pray for a Baccarat. And for a man that's more than two jewels, nearly two jewels, both put together for those supernatural take us. So based on this depending upon whether it's summer or winter, the Knights keep on getting short and long. The maximum that the Prophet could accept was maybe two to four us not more than that. And if we analyze the time we have to spend praying everyday if we just calculate logically, it would be more

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than five, six hours. So according to me, according to my research, the prophet prayed more number of hours, then the number of hours he slept. Anyway, let me be very clear, there is no Hadith or no Quranic verse telling that you should spend more time in praying than sleeping. Not at all. But this was the practice of the Prophet.

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I'm just telling you something about the Prophet practice, not that every human being should do it is difficult. But as a normal human being requires about seven hours of sleep minimum, seven to eight hours, minimum of six hours. So it difficult that there isn't if you heard my answer when I gave last month in the month of Ramadan, about my daily routine I said when I was in Bombay, as to sleep for about three hours and have to produce approximately for three hours when I came to Malaysia I started praying for about four or 15 minutes, and my sleep increased to three and a half hours before what I said in Ramadan. But after I'm done for the last one month Alhamdulillah I've

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increased my time for prayers. I started praying for minimum one and a half hour everyday Alhamdulillah after I'm done have just in the Florida citation takes about one and a half our previous method is to vary from brand new 30 minutes and by mana but average was about 30 minutes now that increase to one and a half more than one. So now my average time I spent 20 the time from the oven, and I do will do walk to the mosque. Come back total all the five salah and the Salah the lower and today approximately five or 15 minutes if I remove the time of Voodoo and the time of working coming in the time of doula yet it will be more than four hours and hamdulillah and my time

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of sleep is about three and a half hours. So when I'm trying that let my hours of Salah be more than two hours of my sleep. Anyway, this is not compulsory at all. For the Muslims digest my research and I'm trying to follow what I can and Allah has blessed me that I can do my work throughout the day even if sleeping less. It's an AMA from Allah subhanaw taala so prayer is the most important deed during the answer that if you don't pray and do all the other good deeds and stay away from the bad deeds, the chances of you going to Jenna is very, very bare minimum to forgive and put your agenda that Allah prerogative but the chances are very low.

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So medical history brother that feed to it that you pay attention on your Salah. Your full life should revolve around Salah. If a person is a good practicing Muslim, all his activities in the day it revolves around Salah. The time we need is based on Salah is that before Salah after Salah the time he sleeps is based on Salah, the appointment the gift to anyone is based on Salah. So those people are practicing Muslim and see to it that they offer Salah five times a day in Jamaat in the mosque, the whole daily routine revolves around Salah

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it is the most important factor. It builds a discipline in you and it is the most important deed a request to that you should always pray Alhamdulillah five times a day in the most in Jamaat, that the best of them so the question

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