Shadee Elmasry – Reciting Quran on the Deceased NBF 339
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was a student law early he will be here. We're Manuela welcome
everybody to the SOFIA society, nothing but facts live stream on a
warm, beautiful graduation day. Rutgers University, it's Thursday,
and some of the schools are having graduation Hey, on what are all
the schools graduating or just some? It's just some. So that's
why we're all dressed up to go to some of these graduations. Let's
see, mashallah came out a lot, a lot of debt. Let's see who's
coming out with any job opportunities. And the actual
beneficial gains we're going to find out is, you know, some
universities these days, you wonder why people go, right. But
nonetheless, they went,
allegedly, they studied and learn something. So it's a chance for us
to celebrate. So congratulations to all the graduates.
And of course, I'm just being facetious here making fun of the
university system. But today, we're gonna talk about something
else real quick. We did talk about the med hubs, the format hubs and
what they said about reciting Quran at the grave of someone who
not want to talk about a common misconception in people's minds in
Islamic law. That is, oftentimes you find yourself totally
handcuffed, and you realize that it's a type of false way of
thinking. So this segment of what's the ruling on that, you're
going to ask yourself the question, when somebody says, Did
the Companions do that, okay. Is that the sole filter by which we
know if something is allowed or not in Islam? The answer is
clearly not. Okay?
Clearly not, it is clearly not the only reason why something would be
lawful or unlawful in Islam. The reason is, look at the books of
any book of Siouxland fact the methodology of deriving rulings in
the Quran in Islam. And the first thing that the scholars say is
that the Quran is the first source. Now, it's not going to be
fathomable that the companions did everything that's in the Quran.
All right. We wouldn't need to study the Quran then all we would
have to do is study the lives of the companions. Number two,
the obviously the Sunnah of the Prophet peace be upon him is his
actions and his words. So the prophesy sadhana may not have said
to have done something they may have said it?
Or else why else is there any reason to separate between his
words and his actions? In this matter,
one of the biggest proofs that they rely upon is his words. And
we're gonna see why the third is PS analogy,
to make an analogy, and then the fourth is consensus, consensus of
who the Companions only No, and this is not to belittle or
decrease from the stature of the companions because if the
companions did something, then it definitely is a proof. Their
absence of doing something is not necessarily a proof against it.
Okay. So here we're going to take the words of the Prophet and the
analogy, use of analogy the Prophet peace be upon him said,
when a person dies, and when you visit their grave if you were to
place a branch,
on their grave, something green something alive that branch is
making to be
as a result of that to speak means it's praising God in its own way.
Its own level of consciousness, which we don't understand.
And that will actually bring alleviate any suffering that's
happening in that grave.
That's a statement of the Prophet peace be upon him. We actually
don't have record
of this Hobbit going around putting branches on graves, right.
If you notice when you see that hadith, you also don't see a lot
of record of the of any
mentioned of the prophet or the commands doing so here you have an
example of something that Prophet said. And perhaps it was not acted
upon for different reasons, right by the companions. So the words
and the actions of the Prophet Persephone are both law for us
they both make law and then the analogy based on those words is
law for us. So the analogy is, if the praise of a branch brings
to the grave,
to the to the deceased, I mean, in the grave.
What about when a human being recycled on what's greater a human
being or a believer? Sorry, a branch or a believer or human
believer, a human believer of course. What's greater the mere
tests are the word of Allah subhanaw taala. The Word of Allah
is greater
upon upon Jana but you can't recite the Quran but you can make
this to be so which one is more sacred and more holy?
Who did this analogy that somebody scholars, the
chef, a scholars remember no he himself. So the first point I want
to bring up is that this question that handcuffs many people did the
Sahaba do it? This is not the methodology in Islam. This is not
the method of deriving rulings in Islam that you have one filter,
no, we have many, many, many filters. You need to study a
discipline called well suited FIP
in which you see many filters, Inc, amongst them is something
called SSN.
What SSN is DSN is that you find that an a practice or an action is
rooted in the religion and has a great amount of benefit in it. And
it's considered good and it doesn't contradict anything in the
shittier and that's by itself, a source of something being an
action practice and a proof who did is just said
well, Imam Shafi came upon the Egyptians and found that they had
added a lot to the tech beer.
of eight, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allah, local La Ilaha illa
Allah Akbar Allah Akbar when Allah al hunt.
Then they continue on Allahumma Salli, ala sayyidina, Muhammad wa
ala Sayidina. Muhammad, what else have you say that Mohammed while
as well as you say them? What do they say? No.
And all sorts of other praises of the Prophet and recounting of his
history was his Abba. Things like that recounting of his history?
And no, Sahabi I've ever done that the prophet had never done that.
But they didn't remove what the Prophet did, they added to it. So
what did the great Imam a chef I say about this? He says in the
books is to sunnah who a chef, a chef a thought this is good.
Because here you have a period of time. And we're now in an era
where not a lot of people know a lot of history about the Prophet.
So aid is where everyone's gathered. So to add a few words,
here and there, to the to the tech bit of aid, he accepted it.
That's the first thing I want to say what's the second thing I want
to mention is that when we when we look at actions, and we want to
know, Is this acceptable or blameworthy
all, that the person in front of you needs is a valid opinion.
There doesn't have to be just one opinion on matters. No, they need
a valid opinion.
There can be multiple opinions on things.
That's why the text of the Quran is divided between matters that
that has no discussion in it. And matters that does have discussion
in it. Yeah, to my left, it's called when people read something.
And they say, well, well, you could derive this from it. Well,
you could derive that from it. Okay.
As long as it matches with the Arabic language, and it's
in the Arabic language, and it's not contradicting any other
explicit source.
Then at that point, it's it is a valid opinion. Now.
When someone is upon a valid opinion, we are not allowed to
make income out of it. You can share another view, you could say,
Listen, I want to tell you about another opinion. All right. Tell
us about any opinion you want.
But you can
take one opinion, and crush all other opinions with it.
This is something that's important for people to understand who are
just learning and they see one opinion about something and they
use that as a bat to destroy everything else.
Okay, so all the person in front of you needs not every matter has
one answer to it. Some people say we got one God, one prophet, one
book, Why do we have multiple opinions because Allah himself put
in the book matters and spoke in a way that can be understood in many
ways as a mercy for us. And that's why we have opinions. If the
Companions themselves had opinions, the Sahaba themselves,
had Medina have amongst themselves
and others Sahaba would follow one or the other of companions. We
know this. And this, we have a whole method series on it.
And it happened in the time of the prophets, Allah, Allah when he was
telling him that he sent the Sahaba out on a mission. And he
said, Do you do not pray also until you arrive there?
So one group of the people said, the province, they were late, they
ended up being late. So one group said, well, the Prophet said,
don't pay us until you're there. And the other group said, Well,
we're about to miss us. He said, Well, the Prophet said, Don't pray
us until you're there. So let's pray when we get there. The
prophets basically giving us permission to skip the stop
stopping for us that we don't stop for us.
That's how they understood it. The prophets basically saying this is
so important, don't even stop for us.
The other group said, no, no, this is a figure of speech. It's a
figure of speech, he means go so fast, so that you could get there
before sundown.
So this, they split on this issue, one group prayed and the other
group didn't.
When they got back, they explained the situation of the prophet and
he confirmed both of them. That's the proof that the words of Allah
and His Messenger from them is what we call Vani. Law who at
Mallette, it's speculative. It's not defined
into one opinion, only. It has possibilities, different
possibilities. That's the proof of that one, hadith is the proof.
Okay, so that's number two. Is that what you don't denounce
something that could have a multiplicity of opinions? Right,
first thing we said, is that statement.
Did the Sahaba do it? It's not the only state it's not the only
filter. Number two, when you don't denounce something that has a
difference of opinion on it was number three, number three, in
righteous deeds,
and righteous actions, good deeds, like the topic for today reciting
Quran when you visit someone at the grave,
other things like prayers dua,
prayers that you make other things that we would categorize as
supererogatory, not obligations, and not prohibited ones. We're
talking about things that are not obligations, not prohibitions.
What kind of Hadith Are we allowed to use for that?
We're allowed to use weak Hadith for them.
For that lol AMA, is the rewards of deeds. And it's also extra
deeds. The word for that and it refers to can be understood as two
different things it could be understood as extra deeds
that we're talking about here. supererogatory deeds not
obligatory, just supererogatory extra, or totowa. Basically, or it
is a it's a word that refers to the virtues of deeds. Right, the
listing of virtues of these weak Hadith. A Bife is not a fabricated
Hadith. A weak Hadith can be used for extra non obligatory deeds.
Now you have to understand this. Right? It can be used for that.
So that's a very important premise when we begin talking, is that a,
I don't need to find that. It's not a
what do they call it a
zero sum game. When we discuss these matters, it's not a zero sum
game two opinions can be right. That's the second point that we
made. This third point is that what are we using? Hear when
someone comes and says, Hey, listen, give me the proof. I only
want to hear it from Bukhari or Muslim. Okay, and has to be a
sahih Hadith. Well, you're wrong again, I'm sorry to tell you that.
He's like you're really off at this point.
We had these are totally allowed to be used, provided the weakness
is not like threadbare. So there's six five conditions to make a
hadith. So here, if one even two is missing, it's weak. But the
weakness is not so weak when four are missing that's different. On
top of that, multiple weak Hadith. Here's a weak Hadith there's
another weak hadith is a third week I did on the same topic,
render the Hadith to be strong. Has an we can say not so here, but
it will render to be hassled lady
Good, it'll be Hasson the meaning will be hasn't
has said means it's a good Hadith, we can use it for sure. Without
So he has the most strong guy. And really, so he had Hudson.
Essentially, they're one in the same. They're just two
descriptions of sound Hadith. One is just more precise than the
So that's the third point that I'm making here is very important for
you to know and what I'm telling you, anyone who studied one year
of ill suited FIP will will tell you this stuff.
Not even a year a week, take a course secret guidance.
Not even Of course, any YouTube
playlist on all sorted filter, you'll learn what I'm saying here.
What's the fourth thing I'm saying? Fourth is to blow this
whole thing up. lay person should not be talking about deriving
rulings and debating the origins of rulings in the first place.
a lay person.
And we're all laymen in regard to what we're talking about right
now. Why would we discuss why are we discussing principles of
Islamic law, even how to derive a ruling, let me go and try to
derive a ruling directly from the Hadith when you're a layperson. So
you have to understand your place here.
When you want to give someone a medicine, it has to come from a
prescription from a doctor, right?
Unless it's something simple, such as a cough drop or a Tylenol,
right? That's like, in Islam in the Sharia, you're allowed to, you
don't need much to be no one needs to sign off on you, in order to
tell the story of the Prophet Moses, or to read the descriptions
of death. But somebody does need to sign off if you're going to
give a festival.
The common person does not go into the books of Quran and Hadith by
himself to come up with a ruling, nor does he debate them. What is a
common person do he goes to one of the four schools of thought who
looked at where they looked at all of the rulings, and all sorry, all
of the sources, all of the possibilities, all of the
conditions all of the I'm and the costs and the look on them okay?
Yet, and words that you don't even understand. Okay?
And he cites one of these four opinions, you will be 100% safe,
but you go and try to do it yourself and say Alright, give me
a different booklet you get me I need from Muslim, you don't even
know what you're saying?
Because that's not how the studio works. Oh, give me I'll take
anything except to show me that this hobby did it you you're
already failed.
You're ready way off.
So this is even a more important discussion than the previous three
things I said.
This discussion is the most important one.
A regular common Muslim and even the common scholars 95% of the
scholars. I'm not even gonna say that 99.5% of the scholars of the
world today.
If not 99.9 Do not go directly to get a ruling from the Quran. Quran
the hadith is the how you do it because there's so much language
there is so much other sources there are so many conditions there
are HTML that there are so much that goes into deriving a ruling
it's probably no different than taking a leaf and saying let's
make a medicine out of this it's going to take so much
to make sure that this is safe that this is correct that this is
accurate does not contradicting anything. So what do the scholars
do today they go to the books of law that have already done this
and they see if there is a pneus which means a text from the
scholars then you're an absolutely safe and that's what we did in the
video in the in the previous episode. So walk us feel free to
clip both of these by the way
like a part one and part two.
Based upon this now I want to speak about this and I want to
read to you some commentaries from the scholars that cited a hadith
etc regarding
restitch citing Quran at the grave of somebody deceased now why why
would someone say oh, man,
there's so much going on? Why are you talking about this subject?
First of all, everyone's got to do their job. Alright, you yourself
was probably maybe a computer programmer or a student or
somebody you still doing your job right.
The weatherman still gives the weather No one says oh, there's
war going on. Why given the weather who cares about the
weather it's gonna rain or not. A school teacher still teaches the
ABCs and does their job. So
delete that train of thought in the first place. Secondly, we can
all benefit from this because we can actually send rewards to our
beloved, a loved ones who have passed away by reciting Quran for
You're gonna see here. So every one of us can benefit from this.
On top of that, you ask yourself, the people of Gaza, one of the
best things we could do for them is draw what about the dead we can
make dua for them, we can send fat out to them, we could send you a
scene to them and the rewards of that will go to them and benefit
So this directly has impact on everybody
who has anyone who's passed away
recently, or in the past even
Alright, let's read a little bit here Colorado suit allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam para sin Allah Mota come who narrates
this Imam Ahmed have been humble. What was your Eman handbells.
condition when he put a hadith in the in the Muslim that he said
that he puts in the Hadith that reliable scholars utilize not the
Hadith that he holds to be his proofs. He may put his proof and
he put other that his son asked him oh Father, you rule against
certain headaches but you put them in the muscle that he said my the
most that was made his book and muslin one of the greatest books
of hadith is it's made.
It's I added in it the Hadith that reliable scholars utilize. So you
know that if someone utilizes this hadith, they're on good grounds.
Okay, the Prophet said recite yesterday and upon your dead, not
upon the person who's about to die. If you have seen Adam otaku,
or Oh, Ahmed, were Binu Murgia. Oneness? Well, I would I would, I
would I would, is like Imam Ahmed Jr.
Imam Abu Dawood loved him and Muhammad so much. Okay. That and
Ahmed loved him so much and to honor him really. Imam Ahmed took
a Hadith from his student and widowed, the younger one, and
narrated that's like a way to honor somebody. There was even a
man who was older well, he doesn't need a Buddha when he can go to a
higher source but to honor him and respect him. He narrates a Hadith
from him.
And an essay of course, was the great Muhaddith who'd lived in who
ended up dying in Egypt and he loved to Sheffy and even imagine
was Persian
Yes, he was Persian from that area that they were all from that same
Let some Africans area
Alright, so that's the first one second one will call us Allah
Allahu Allah. He was salam min Mara banal Maccabi at Saqqara aku
Allahu Ahad. I had the Ashara Mara, Samoa hubba. Rahal I'm worth
it all to a minute let God be add that little M word who narrates
this a data kwitny.
On the terracotta sir has a hill Bukhari
the data Coatney recites it. Remember what is our condition
here? Our condition we are accepting the weak Hadith. In this
matter, we are accepting that we had no reason well, is the weak
Hadith. Good. So let me act upon it. Now. Every time somebody says
hold on, it's a week I did. I said wonderful. So I'll act upon it
now. Because we're allowed to act in matters that are supererogatory
totowa extra deeds, we're allowed to act upon the weak narrations.
Anytime somebody tells you, it's a weak Hadith say Wonderful. Thank
you for telling me that now I'll act upon it. If it's helped, if
it's obligations and prohibitions that we're talking about, then
then we don't act upon we Cadiz.
And like I said earlier, take this, get this out of our heads
that we're going to dive into the books in the first place. Do you
go and take medicine? Say you know what? You're sick. Hold on a
second. Let me go in the woods. Hey, try this one here. This looks
this leaf looks good. Look at this acorn. Let's crush it up. Add some
olive oil. Hey, probably it's going to work. No, it's not how it
You neither go there nor do you go straight to the RX. You go to a
physician who tells you what your problem is and gives you your
medicine. All right.
Common analogy that's always used.
All right. All right. Let's read another one. One ignore Omar
Raggio Allahu Anhu.
On the Santo on the authority of the son of Osama bin Khattab may
Allah be pleased with them both meaning the Father and the Son.
And Noah is to have a new Corolla Calibri Bader definitely a well Al
Baqarah wa T Mehta have a wealth of Arani Torani narrates that
Abdullah bin Omar
who nobody from the Companions was more close to the Sunnah than him.
Nobody's going to do know what he's famous for this.
He then went to his son and he said when I die
Okay, when you bury me, recite over my grave fatty how
up at the end of Bukhara
who narrates who else narrates this besides Tom Bharani? I'd be
with a good isnaad be isnaad and has an A good chain so no one can
even tell as dive. Okay, you're telling me it's dive enamel by
happy who was the last of the great narrators of hadith is
telling me it's it's not on Hudson, who should I believe? I'll
be happy who lived only 400 years and he's gathering these Hadith
from different sources and telling us the chain of sound. Or should I
believe you? Which Who should I believe? Right? Oh, I'm just a
common guy.
No, I'll go with be happy. Oh, no, no, he anyone can make a mistake
and we're going to correct them. I'll go with his mistake over your
correction. Okay, his mistakes are probably more accurate than your
corrections. What did they have to be ensnared? In hasn't worked out
the Hakama be sneaky. And Noah we wouldn't have who else reviewed?
By the way, we have a critical we have critical thinking our
religion. Yes, our elders can make mistakes, the scholars can make
mistakes. I might not accept it from you, oh, listener in the 21st
century in the 15th century history or from somebody who lived
100 years ago.
I may not accept it and common sense.
Just because you're claiming a mistake doesn't mean it's a
mistake. Right? Well, who check this is net. How about Mmm, no, we
any member of the Hotjar Alas, Kalani. All right, and they both
judged this chain to be sound. Okay, that Abdullah bin Amara
essentially is asking for the Quran to be recited over his grave
Fatiha and the end of Bukhara.
Right, we saw most of the difference else as another era
Right, the companion Abu darda, it's narrated that he said ma'am,
in May it in Tokara, or in the who yes, in Allah when Allah azza wa
jal Ali
Gollum, no one dies, except that you as soon as recited upon him,
except that Allah makes his death or or what's his first moments of
death easy upon him. Because the first moments of death this is a
new experience now. Right? You're now with soul without a body
you're now in an abode. You don't know if I took you right now and I
dropped you in China, you'd be like having culture shock, you'd
be extremely nervous, you wouldn't know what to do. Imagine now
forget all that I took your soul out of your body, your soul comes
out of your body and you go
into an abode that nobody on earth has ever seen before. To explain
to us what to expect there. What kind of shock Are you going to be
Beyond culture shock? Complete existence shock existential shock.
So whoever recites yes seen
upon that person as soon as they die like this,
then at this point alone make this this change easy for him. At W he
says, Al may it lobby for rocket rocket Roho for somebody to say
the dead here means the bat one who's about to die? No, he says
there's no evidence for that. It's very clear that it says the dead
not the one who's about to die
fucka Qurani Alma at Sun Minh tsunami Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. Okay, so the recitation of the Quran upon
someone who is dead is a sunnah from the Sunnah of the Prophet
peace be upon him.
Remember what we said earlier? Don't come and say Did the Prophet
do? What did this have to do? How about with the Prophet said it?
Why will you take Why would you ignore His words?
Right? Why would you ignore His words? Did this Hava do it? Hold
on the Sahaba doing something, go back rewind is one filter of many,
many filters of whether we not whether or not we know if
something is valid in Islam or not.
All right, let's look at something else. What about somebody who says
when a man dies, when a person dies, all of his deeds are cut
except for three knowledge that's benefited from a child that
prays for him or charity that is, can people continue to, to
to benefit from? So we say the answer to that is yes, those
things count in his book of deeds. But what this hadith is saying is
that he would no longer have deeds except those. But that doesn't
mean he cannot benefit. Right? And the Prophet proved that hymns are
informed as to this himself when he said play some. So deeds
counting for you and continuing to count for you is one thing.
Benefiting is another thing
Of course, they can still benefit. And I could recite something and
send it.
The reward of it to that person, I get the reward of reciting it and
he gets the reward too, because it's not fathomable that I'm not
gonna get any reward. Right? At least it's an act of charity.
I recite something and I say, Oh Allah, son, I intend the reward of
this deed to go to so and so why? Because if I earn the reward of
it, it's mine. I own it. Now. I can give it to whomever I wish and
we give it to someone who passed away as a Muslim. Oh Allah put it
in his scale of deeds. So it's not going to count as his deed. He
didn't do it, but he will benefit from it. He has received it now.
And on top of that, did not the Prophet peace upon him said a
while ago solder on yeah Jota a righteous child who prays for
meaning a Muslim because most most likely it'll be his son who prays
for him or his daughter? Okay, but it's any Muslim who prays for him
so here's That's my prayer. Oh, Allah sent him the reward That's
my prayer for him. So it's a drop simultaneously
all right
let's look at what he meant and know he said
but oh well half of the know we want to share one on an imam Shafi
used to have bought a new camera, and Dell may etc. or mineral
Qurani we're in Qatar Mr. Khurana in the hookah. Anna has an
All right. How the FIRA de Allah Allah Deena yo hurry Munna. Kurata
Al Quran Allah al may util Muslim,
Imam an nawawi narrates from his imam of course they didn't meet
but he follows his school of thought a Shafi
it is Mr. recommended to recite upon the dead, something of the
Quran and if you can recite the whole Quran that's even better
right a group way met that mu Al Quran hut mo plural. This is for
those who say no such thing as doing Nikita and you go to the the
Aza, which is the condolences after somebody dies, they usually
have a gathering in the masjid or in the house. And then someone
goes and passes just one just to just three, and everybody recites
and they intend the reward of it to go to the dead.
here a chef A is saying we're in hat demo Al Quran, Endo. If they
all do a cut of that, that says it's not expected someone's going
to all the people are going to recite the Quran cover to cover.
But in 15 minutes in 20 minutes, everybody 30 Different people can
recite one Jaws each.
And what is he saying it used to help. If you don't like it, go and
repeat the shot face don't refute me.
Problem is people are raised in this land, their first teachers is
with an allergy to these kinds of things. That's all it is. They are
raised and their teachers, whoever their first teachers were, have
created inside of them a disgust. It's an emotional response, no
matter what evidence you give them, and you're never going to
accept it. Because they've been raised with a disgust. Okay,
they've been raised to hate this thing. And some people even call
this stuff, Schick.
They've gotten so nuts that the recitation of Quran has shook,
they're calling it I'm telling you reading the kalam of Allah. Yeah.
I'm telling you, you put you look at some of the comments these days
and what people say is this shit, you know, that somebody wants to
told me is shefa is believing in the Chacao the prophet should.
That's how insane the word should has gone off to everybody. All
right, in on off people's tongues. And I don't even know if they
think they know what they're saying. Because the regular
people, and I think they mean by saying shit, I think they really
what they mean is unlawful, right? But they've just gotten so used to
the word ship. You know, some of these guys like they thrown the
word check so much. And one time I asked him I'm like, is should it
go fun or no? Yeah. And he was like, he like took it back.
Because he doesn't realize shake is you're saying someone's not a
Muslim. When you say shift, you're basically saying someone's not a
belief. It's not like haram and yeah, Jevon. No, this is like
you're making Techfit if someone if you're saying shit about is
Gopher, I'm telling you. I know somebody came up to me there's no
sign of any day just a layperson, completely layperson and said,
Hold on, is this oh, what we're doing here shook. Right. I think
what really what they mean is, is this the right thing to do? Right.
That's literally what most of the people meet. But because some, you
know, groups out there they just non stop every day. They talk
about shirk. Okay, so people just have taken it on. It's like, it's
as big as it should. It's like, it's such a pandemic. It's
actually insane. And you know, another thing just like from a
practical aspect, but
I like the suit and everything. The whole idea of knowing
something is be that assumes that you know, every single narration
out there, because the idea that they have is that it has to be
specifically numbered process that is melon, like it has to be Topsy
specific. We say it's like, generally, if it's from the
Sunnah, then it's fine. Yeah, they say like these people who say
everything's better, they say, you must have a specific action that
was done by the process. So what does that assume that sounds first
of all, you know, every single narration out there, every single
narrative out there, you authenticate it every single
narration. Right? Yeah. And then you check to see if you did it,
like, How insane is that? And they also they're, they're removing
SSN, they're removing PS, they're removing, I'm gonna sell off.
That's just from a practical last point, aspect, right, like, point,
you know, one of my friends, he just told me, there was a new
meme. And I said, you know, what, what is up with this insane wave
of people saying everything is a bit on should he said, people are
not gonna, they're not going to last on that no one who gets
educated in the slammer can last on this, the only way either they
change or they get on the like, the payroll, they're benefiting
from that. Also, like it would also assumed because I'm speaking
from a practical aspect, right? A lot of people didn't understand
like, the principles and everything will also assume that
you know, every single thing that processes in his lifetime, which
we don't, we don't know, every single little thing. So how does
trust us and did so imagine like the process some of the Sahaba
according to your like, you know, methodology, you're saying it's a
VEDA, but we just didn't have an Irishman. And he actually did it.
Just imagine that, like, would you come on the day of judgment and
say, You're calling in a bid? I was doing it. Like, how about
this? It's also negating. It's assuming every single thing in
Islam can have one statement, and that's the biggest mistake they're
making. There. We have one prophet one book. Why do we have multiple
opinions? Yes, because the way that they spoke allows for
multiple opinions. We covered that. Let's look at this one. Mmm,
no, he says it's got edge Ma.
There's edge mount consensus of the scholars and the DA and YT un
FAO home. What else Illume thurible. The dua for the dead.
They benefit from those prayers and they receive the reward of
those prayers. And what's the proof of that? The Quran Well,
ladies and gentlemen bad Jamia Quran Allah betta for Lana wali
Ikhwan in Allah Deena sub Hakuna Bill Iman. Okay. Oh Allah.
Those who came after him, Allah says, so Oh, Allah forgive us, and
for our brothers that passed
before us in faith. All right, so there's no disagreement upon that.
No one disagrees that people can benefit from the dua of others.
Right? We've had so dua is whose words
whose words is dA, it's your words, right? Whose words is the
It's Allah's words. Do we not have proof that the Prophet peace be
upon him prayed and made dua at the graves of people who died? We
do. All right. So we can also make dua at the graves of people yes or
no? Yes. If I'm making dua, can I use a dua of the Quran there's
many a banner, a banner, a banner.
So therefore, I just recited Quran over the debt. Secondly,
what's greater my dua are the words of Allah
subhanaw taala. So that's why again, we said PS is part of our
religion, PS analogy. We know for sure, there's no doubt that this
was the point the Imam know he's making here.
We know for there's no doubt that dua benefits the dead and that
we're allowed and the Prophet made dua at the graves of the dead.
Whose words are better. My words are the Quran.
The AST is common sense, like okay,
to talk about cars and airplanes, like no, we have knots from the
process regarding beasts like that, for example. And then we
take that we apply it to cars, like the rules of mules and
horses. That's how it works. You're not gonna we're not going
to have one little you know, nurse and every little thing.
You know, it's like, God, you. Yeah, here let's go to a tub
buddy. A tub, Ronnie.
Fillmore Jamil COVID and Abdul Rahman YBNL. Allah YBNL
IDNA judge, eminent ledge. There think there's a typo him
I'm going to skip this because there there's a typo here on EBI.
caught up God Alia
EBI, ye Bonilla, either an admit to for l hit the knee for either
without any fee la de for call Bismillah he wala Malachi
Rasulillah he so my sunnah Alia
a thorough Sunnah the Mokra Andara si B fatty Hatillo karate wakad Te
Mata. We'll call it Mattia for in the semi auto Rasulillah
Lolly yaku the lick vichara hula half of L haste me fee Margem Zoa
tuber Ronnie narrates
from Abdurrahman, son of Allah, Allah from his father,
the companion. He says, Son, if I die placed me in the grave and say
in the name of Allah and on the way,
the middle of the milieu, the middle of the way the OMA of the
Messenger of Allah, get then recite a pot at my head Fatiha and
the end of Bukhara because I heard the Prophet say this.
Vaccaro, l half of l hate me. Even Hotjar. There's two of Ben Hodges
a half of L Hey, Tammy.
And there's a hay semi. And there's
two different ones and hay Femi. And hey Timmy,
and from Hypno model, I know Karla semirara. To Nebia Cole, I heard
the Prophet say if a matter Hadoken fella to be Sue, we're
astray OB be in a cupboard if a man dies bury him quickly. Don't
trap him here you look you're chopping him send him quickly to
the grave. While you're in the ROTC be fair to hatin Kitabi at
his head recite the Facha were individually because it's a metal
buckle then at the other side, the ending three verses of Bacara guy
who narrates is a double Ronnie be ensnared and has an All right
you're telling me It's haram and no sunnah for this
double Ronnie is telling us there is so no for this. Are you now
going to say first your heart and the end of Bukhara is okay, but no
other Quran is okay. Again, yes, analogy if 30 has okay all the
Quran is okay if Bukhara is okay to recite all of if the end of
bucket is okay. Then all the Quran is okay.
What our Muslim world boo Korea now rasool Allah is Allah Allahu
Allah. He was a llama. Mara Bo Cabrini for Carla, you are the
Bernie one male you have the benefit of Kebede.
He passed by two Graves who said they're being punished in the
graves and not for big things.
The makalah Bella Khanna huduma He said,
he said it's not big, but it is big. Meaning they thought it's not
big. But in fact, it really is big.
Good huduma karna let her do Mala statue Roman boat, and he never
cleaned the Jessa off of his clothes means that he did not care
about his prayer. So he prays while he's not just therefore the
Prayer is not valid. Somebody says oh really we think Allah is not
going to have mercy. Just a little bit of drop of urine. He didn't
Yes, Allah can have mercy if you're unaware, or in Cape on
unable to remove the urine from yourself. But if you're aware, and
capable of removing the urine, and you just don't, you're being
stubborn with Allah and you don't care or you don't believe that you
have to be pure. So your prayer will not be accepted. Okay.
I drop a package off at the mail at the post office. And the
package says you need $2 stamps. Then I put $1.50 Guess what?
They're not moving it.
Same thing with the angels. They see your prayer. It's not done
right. No, we're not just we're not just delivering this to its
destination. Simple. What's the other one? What the other one did
well Can it occur? Em SIB in me.
He used to walk with back gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip,
gossip, gossip. Did you hear so and so did this so and so did that
and that causes people to have problems. Okay, so muda BJD, the
Iraq Iraq. He then took a piece of POM of a palm tree for cassava
cassava teen broken into four Wallah I like Julio Bremen who
Marcus Castra.
He put one branch of a palm tree on each grave
for Akela who it is that's him yeah rasool Allah Lima Felter. The
Why did you do this call Allah Allah who you have for fun Houma.
malam, yay Besa. Oh Carla, Isla and Eva.
Perhaps this greenery of this tree, this living thing that's
making to speak of Allah
right will decrease from the punishment.
All right.
So what is greater
the TSP have a living trait or the recitation of Quran of a human
being that's the class of Imam unknown analogy. Remember, no
gotta know we
He saw He saw he mostly Mr. balama Oh Qurani Angela Cabrini, Heather
Hadith because of this hadith, the automat found it recommended was
to have to recite the Quran at the graves
because it's hoped that their punishment will be lessened
because of the tests via of the branch. The Fatima will Quran
Allah wa Cara to Quran Eman insane and all of them.
The Quran is more greater than the tests via
than just be an A human reciter is greater than a branch.
One of them were unfamiliar to us we followed from the
wicked NEFA Al Quran Baba min Hassan Allahu Dora rune Fahad al
higher for me it took a Dalek
so there you go from east and west based upon these evidences and
these proofs, alright, that the Majelis of recitation of the Quran
are beneficial. What do you have here?
Oh, Allahu Akbar. Many many calories have been delivered to my
table right now. Okay, thank you. All right.
Let me read you something else
let me read you something else before we wrap up today.
What about the net we the recitation
in a group I want to thank Ahmed Ismail from Facebook.
Called booty
Booty is one of the big Allamah al Hannah Bella or Himo lofi sada
Haman to * era that volume one page 256 Welcome to crow pura to
Gemma it can be so denwa head
Hannah Bella, say now said by the Sheikh Al booty
Rahim Allah in his commentary on when Taha al era that Shara Montel
era that volume one page 256 led to Cara who Clara to Gemma be
sowton word
gara to Janardan be Sultan where he didn't lead to Accra. It is not
discouraged at all for one group to recite in one voice. So we all
sit around and recite yes even one voice so if let's look at the PS,
if I can recite Quran in one voice, what about test B
is not tested to be tested via in the Quran.
Right does not Allah say Fadiman hola Ilaha illa Allah so when we
are reciting the Quran, which is the greatest book of Allah in one
voice, we cannot recite to the vicar and to speak in one voice.
So we can all sit around and say, Leila, alright, remember, the core
points here?
When defending against a condemnation, all you need is a
valid opinion.
You're not arguing a zero sum game. My opinion or your opinion?
No, all you're saying all you have to prove is that what you're upon
is a valid opinion.
I don't need to negate your opinion, ever. Whatever opinion
what what do I care?
Nobody's deem something unlawful or discouraged or
whatever, that's your business. But you're gonna come at me now
and come at us you.
I'm gonna be talking to these people talking to common sensical
people who are seeing these things and wondering, well, what is the
ruling? Alright, all I don't need to argue against you. I need to
argue that this is a valid opinion.
I wanted to add this Yeah, I think you notice is this sort of like
this is a bit like a condemnation that happens from these people.
It's very pick and choose. So like, for example, if with the
masala of like shrimp, for example, you never hear anyone
calling the honeybees like, you guys are on Bidda because you say
shrimp is not allowed. Yeah, the only things that they apply to is
like things that have to do with like Grace, and Quran and all
these things. So what it shows really is that they don't really
care about the film itself, and the Messiah, it's just the
specific things that they're known for. Right? That they're like
saying, Okay, this is a bit of a, it's a, it's a cultural reaction
to some of these public displays of worship that people had seen in
the past. And they've created it in their students or discuss any
emotional reaction just on these issues. All right, go into the
other matters of fit, they're not gonna have much of an issue. Like
if you were consistent, then you would do the same thing across all
the different matters. And you would say the same thing for like
the shrimp issue, or the honeybees are on Bidda Yeah, but why aren't
you doing it there? Why are you only doing it with them? Right,
well, I want to thank fuckery always, always see if I can always
see who directed my attention to the story that we recited
yesterday and I
Ah, confuse two stories that I want to share with you today. So
at the Battle of the Camel
if miniature moves, killed Zubayr
Okay, and I live in Abu Talib
said, give glad tidings of the killer of Ibn Sofia with the
evening your moves then died a despised death like He was
despised and he was not liked and not approved of by the righteous
for having done what he did. So perhaps he was in one Alpha. Okay.
Now that story, I confuse this with another story that happened
on the same day and a very similar nature to it. So Seda is in the
Battle of the Camel. She was on the tent, a little, like
rectangular tent that was on a camel. That camel fell down. And
her hoe dej her tent also fell.
Now on on the opposite side on it said naughty side was her brother
son of a book, her brother Mohammed
he ran in to her and put his hand in the HoH dodge to help her. She
looked and thought, I'm being attacked.
And she said, may Allah burn this hand, because she thought she's
being attacked, someone's attacking her. Then he lifted the
cloth and said, It's me. It's your brother, may Allah make your make
it in the dunya, not the ACARA.
Because he knows, this is the Mother of the Believers. She's
very nervous that she's scared at this point, she'd be out to be
And we know that the dua of the oppressed is accepted. We know
Aisha is who she is in the first place, her dot will be accepted.
And we believe in these and we take it seriously. He took it
seriously. So he said in the dunya, not the ACARA. In this
world, not in the next world.
She felt very bad about what happened that she had made that
time pass years later, Mohammed ibn Abu Bakr is killed by the omae
Then they took his body, his dead body, stuffed it into the empty
carcass of a donkey and burnt that all alive and burnt that
so that the dua of Aisha actually did happen. But he didn't feel the
We hope, because he was already done. So they burnt his living
So those are the two stories that are confused. So I wanted to
clarify that. All right.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, as I said, it's graduation day.
a question about it? Yeah.
What is the question? So you, you answer the question, I'm getting
older and like,
you know, how, like, the wife can put pressure on the husband, if he
doesn't want a divorce? Yeah. But like, so there's a sister that was
in a situation where her husband is like, basically, like, not
giving the data up. And and she's been asking for it for many
months. And she's moved out and everything. And it's like, she's
kind of held hostage in a sense.
So how do you like, Could you elaborate basically on a new
advice for how the wife can get like divorce? Because, like, is it
permissible to go to a lawyer and like, get a legal procedure like
this, why you have a really, the Will he has to go and they have to
talk to
to this husband.
And then they have to work it out?
Whether it be a hula or reconciliation.
Right, this is a common case. And if you're in New York City, or in
New York's New York State, go to the City Board of New York. I know
those brothers, beautiful, wonderful brothers.
So go check that out. And, but there's nothing that you know,
we can I can tell you here that all I can tell you is just general
guidance in general rulings is that it's by talking to the
husband giving him the compensation that will please him
and that will make him except to divorce you. Remember, he proposed
husband proposes to wife gives the wife a dowry convinces her to
marry him. Okay. Now, the way out is the opposite.
All right. The way out know is she would have to give him something
and convince him to let her go
All right.
One question Eman. Hi Mila, can you address the issue of trimming
eyebrows in the Maliki school? Mitt, trimming the eyebrows of
removing masculine features of the eyebrows. Let's say a woman has
very bushy eyebrows. And by the way, I'm just gonna say this
Milaca summary and I can discuss it fully with everything in the
future with all the texts and everything, but the summary for it
is that if a woman has masculine looking eyebrows, she can remove
some of those errors
even with plucking,
alright, to remove the masculinity, but she cannot shape
it to be a perfect shape like that that will be considered Xena. If
she did that, you'd have to cover it. It will be like considered
makeup should be not be done in public in front of people. So
that's the Moluccas and I'll do the full
in research Look at that.
Later, one final one final thing here. Join us in the summer come
hang out with us. Be part of this in the summer we have a busy busy
summer's nonstop action nonstop stuff going on here. Work at the
soup kitchen. Help people out. All right.
study Arabic four days a week you'll take classes in Arabic
three days a week at the live stream.
Two days a week one to two days a week. The Caribbean gatherings
Yes, we have thicker gatherings we have no shame and we're not
backing off because of the internet's gone crazy with bots
and things like that telling us this that any other it is most to
have to do these thicker gatherings these thicker
gatherings that we hold is Mr. Hub. You don't like to go talk to
him. No, we and argue yourself. Okay. Now I'm not backing down
from these people. Not at all.
They said some people say, Oh, we give you that hadith. But you say
our forefathers you heard that one, right? You know where how?
Why it's 100% valid to say, Listen, you're bringing me
evidence, primary source evidence now I'll go with our Sheoak of the
past and our Sheoak of yesterday and our elders. You know why?
Because you're allowed to do this in matters of opinion.
In matters of opinion, not in matters that are Khatri okay?
Where that was blameworthy was in matters that is known in religion
by necessity.
The existence of one God that's where it was blameworthy matters
of necessity. Okay, no one in religion by necessity. But as for
matters of opinion, whether there can be multitudes of opinions here
I will go with our shield and there's you with the sound chain
back to the greats such as it been 100 such as Mmm No, we such as
Imam Shafi, such as the mimetic doll chains all the way back. I'll
go with that.
Before I ever go with your correction, your alleged
correction or your legend he had that something is a bit or shook.
Okay, so because these are Lundy, yet fee at Mallette it's opinions
fee a coil Ara, and if people don't get that and one of their CO
debts you owe money. You heard this. Shut up. As he Soraka posted
it. He was going crazy. One other shoe posted late late ujet for
Quran London. Oh, come on. Are you? Yes it's got a in its will
Jude? He said both actually. He said the law and FUBU that's
believable here and Stella and what does it mean to Allah and to
boot as the boot is that is the transmission itself? We all say
the whole Quran is
contrary in its transmission. There's no doubt about any verses
of Quran is it a verse? Is it not a verse, right? But that della
means what is it indicating? No. Are you telling me that every
single verse only indicates one thing? And there's no multitude of
opinions? From any verse? No verse in the Quran is ever can have two
different meanings or metaphors. That's basically what he's saying.
Everything is literal. Like my dad has or like my family my Grandpa
never started to think from being Yeah Even he knows that this is
like nonsense. That's not like metaphors exist like if I tell
like some random farmer is raining cats and dogs right and like the
US he's gonna know that it's not there's no cats and dogs flying
through the sky. He knows what it means even even more basic than
this like the versatile do you have for Imams? They came out with
four different rulings on the different obligations. For
example, the verse when it says
the verses of will do, I will unless someone is I will I must
Manisa chef and medic or Shafi and the other three had different
opinions on the lamps here the touching is touching in general.
Absolutely. Or is it with pleasure Shafi said it's touching period.
Maddox that is touching with pleasure
All right, it's a quantum the saying when you get up for prayer,
Maddox said that means intention right? That means you're getting
up for prayer that means intention is built in that have an effect
said no intention is extra reward but not an obligation of one verse
of will do the the format dubs the 40 Memes they ended up with
different listings of what's obligatory right
anyway let's stop here it's you know what I love these issues you
know why because it just it's an excuse to go and research it more
that's all Yeah. And release it. Yeah, not gonna change anything.
So anyway sign up for the Arabic join us all of July all of August
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