Zakir Naik – Aleena Asks, Is it not Immoral and Vulgar for a Muslim to have more than One Wife?

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The legality of multiple marital partners in Islam is immoral, with a church limit of one woman per one person. Multiple husbands and multiple women in the United States are common themes, including the issue of women's health and potential psychological changes if they have multiple husbands and sexual partners. Multiple husbands and multiple women are considered imporal, with no legal limit on one woman per one person.
AI: Transcript ©
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Elliana non Muslim by qualification teacher, thank you very much for very interesting lecture. I have one question. I find it immoral involved for a Muslim to have more than one wife. What do you think about this? Actually, I know the roots of these, but I want to know your opinion about this. And I think if our religions Christianity and Islam unites, I think that Muslims should have one way. Sisters asked a very good question, very common question, very important question. She has that she thinks According to her, it is immoral for a Muslim to have more than one wife. And she's requesting me that if Christians and Muslims unite on this point, it will be very good. Therefore I

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want to do but we unite on what is the truth, not what is forsure Quran SR is the only religious scripture on the face of the earth, which says marry only one. There is no scripture on the face of the earth. Read the Bible. You read the Rama and you read the mama read the Veda. No Scripture except the Quran says marry only one. If you read the Hindu scriptures. If you read the Hindu scriptures, Rahman, the father of Shri Ram, King Dashrath, he had more than one wife. If you read mamora She Christian, how many wife he had for 10,000. He had 16,100 advice.

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If you read the Bible, if you read the Bible, Solomon had 700 wives. According to the Bible, Abraham had three wives. So according to the Bible, according to Judaism and Christianity, a man can have as many wives as he pleases for 510 1000 no upper limit. Islam has put an upper limit. Quran says in Surah Nisa, chapter number four, verse number three, Mary will have a choice in twos, threes, or fours. But if you can't do justice, Mary only one. So according to Hinduism,

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according to Christianity, you can marry as many wives as you wish, one 510 20,000 10,000 no upper limit. Islam says, Mary when we have a choice in twos, threes, or fours, but if you can't do justice marry only one. So Islam says you can marry more than one only if you can't do justice, otherwise you can't. And even if you can do justice maximum for now let's analyze what Quran says. Quran says in Surah Nisa, chapter four, verse 129, it is difficult to be just between your wives, therefore do not turn away from them altogether. So many people have a misconception that in Islam, it is compulsory to have four wives. It's not compulsory to marry more than one my sister is optional,

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it's mobile.

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But if you marry more than one way, and if you can't do justice, then you are in problem. Now let us understand what are the logical reasons system? I'll give the logical reasons and then if you want, again, counter question, the logical reason why Islam gives permission for some people to have more than one wife. Now, by nature, if you analyze, male and female are born in equal proportion, but you ask any pediatrician, any medical doctor of the show, and he will tell you that the female child can fight the germ that the disease is much better than the male child. So there are more male children dying as compared to female children. As life goes on, there is that due to cigarette smoking, that

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due to various other diseases, that due to alcoholism, that due to war, that due to accidents, there are more males dying as compared to female. Today in the verse history for analyze, there are more females in the world. As compared to males, there are more women as compared to men, except in third world countries like India, where I come from the female population is less than the male population. It is because of female feticide and female infanticide. If you stop this evil practice of female fetuses and female infanticide, even in India, the population of the females will outnumber the male population. Today, according to statistics, in New York alone, there are more

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than 1 million females more than males. In USA alone, there are 7.8 million females more than males. In Germany alone, there are 5 million females more than males. In UK alone, there are 4 million females more than males. In Russia alone, there are 9 million females more than males. Hand God alone knows how many millions of females are more than male throughout the world. Suppose I agree with you hypothetically, that one man should marry only one woman. And if my sister happens to live in America, and if the market is saturated, or if your sister happens to live in America, and if the market is saturated, every man found a woman for himself, yet there will be 7.8 million females who

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will NOT find life partners. The only option remaining for these 7.8 million females is that they either marry a man who already has a wife or become public property. People will say public property, zakat, such a harsh word, it is the most sophisticated of all I can use. I can't do the better word than that. You either marry a man who already has a wife

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become public property, there is no third option. So now if we analyze in USA, according to American statistics, a common American on average has eight different sexual partners before you settle down with one that may some may have to some f 10, some f 28 different sexual partner before you settle down with one. And you can have as many mysteries as you want 110 20 No problem, but legal advice more than one, it doesn't go down the truth.

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And you ask any modest woman, if a woman becomes the second legal wife of a man, she gets respect, she gets honor, she gets the rights. If you become a mistress, there's no no, there are no rights. She's degraded. So Islam has the solution to the problems of humankind today, there are more women in the world than the men. According to me, Islam has permitted some men to have more than one wife so that the woman can live modestly. Otherwise, it's not possible. I do agree with your sister. I do agree with your sister that a woman would not like to share a husband. I agree with you that a woman would not like to share a husband but no woman under normal circumstances would like her husband to

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marry one more woman. But the Islamic Sharia says let a small loss take place to prevent a big loss. A good Muslim man, a good Muslim woman who knows the worst scenario, she would not mind taking a small loss that is sharing her husband to prevent a big loss that is making a sister becoming public property.

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You haven't. Yeah, I said immoral because if a woman has more than one man, she's a bad woman. But if a man has more than one woman, he's, it's okay. Yeah, that's a very good question. Sisters are the question that if a man has more than one woman, he's a good man know, if a man has more than one wife, no problem. But if you have more than one woman either as a man

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like in America, one man has got for Mr. Fehmi test and Mr. Murthy will in India, either Batman, but if you're the legal wife, if he does Nikka If he marries a geezer do right, give us man, equal time equal justice then is a good man. But now the counter question Why can't a woman or more than one has been correct? Is that a question?

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Is a question that why can't a woman have more than one thinking that in case if female population increases and male population decreases? So female can have two or three husbands? As a very good question. You're the hypothetical question. But Almighty God who's our Creator, He knows better than you and me. He is our Creator. And the reason

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because God has made the woman stronger *. She is medically more stronger than the man. You know that. I am a medical doctor sister. Medically, a woman can live for longer years than a man. We think the man is strong physically man is strong. But medically the woman is stronger. She lives longer her longevity the average span of a woman a few years more than a man their lead that's in the pediatric age group. And regarding your main question, that Islam allows polygyny, Amanda have more than one wife, but does not allow polyandry. That is a woman do more than one husband. Why? The reason is that if a man has more than one wife, and if a child is born, you can easily identify who

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is the father who's the mother. But if a woman has more than one husband, and if the child is born, you can identify the mother Buddha and defy the Father.

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So if you go to admit a child in the school, what is the name of the Father we may have to give two names.

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Now we know that medical sciences advanced by DNA genetic coding, we can come to know who the father but that is now, not in the past. Islam is there since time immemorial. And this is not the only reason. Furthermore, there are various other reasons, man is biologically most sexual as compared to the woman. Thirdly, a man can do the role of multiple husbands as compared to women doing a role of multiple vice because she undergoes menstrual cycle, there are various psychological changes, which it will be difficult for her to do the role of multiple wives. And furthermore, today science tells us that if a man has more than one sexual partner, and if they're loyal to them, like if a man has

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more than one wife, more than one sexual partner, and if all of them are faithful to each other, the man does not. Neither the woman develop any sexual transmitted disease. But if a woman has more than one sexual partner, if she has more than one husband, then the sexually transmitted disease will emerge. She will have the disease and she'll retransmitted back to the husband. So even medically, it is not good for a woman to have more than one sexual partner hope that answers the question.

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