Zakir Naik – A Date With Dr Zakir – Ep4

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The importance of fasting in Islam is discussed, including the obligation to fast and part of the preaching act. The age of puberty is specified, and the three categories of people who are exempt from fasting are discussed. The legality of fasting is emphasized, and the importance of avoiding travel restrictions and complications is emphasized. The speakers also discuss the benefits of fasting for individuals, including better health and avoiding harms, and emphasize the importance of fasting for individuals who may be facing difficult situations and may not be able to continue their fasting.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the name of

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Allah please these days

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on this

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piece the solution for humanity

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oh you believe give charity for the pleasure

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was the sisters in Islam and humanity as salaam alaikum Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala be on all of you.

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Welcome to our show, Ramadan, a date with Dr. Zakir I'm your host use of chambers and today we will be discussing and inshallah answering the question. When is fasting, obligatory and exempted.

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Dr. Zakir Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh walakum wa salam wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Zack here, like I said, we have a mountain to climb tonight with this topic. I'm sure there are many people who will benefit from your answers tonight in sha Allah, The first of those is fasting obligatory upon all Muslims, or is there a distinct group that Allah refers to when it comes to fasting in the month of Ramadan, particularly Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam, ala rasulillah, Allah, Allah savage men, there are five conditions to be fulfilled, to make fasting obligatory on any person.

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Number one, is he or she should be a Muslim. Number two, the person should be sane.

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Number three, he or she should have reached the age of puberty, that means he or she should be an adult. Number four, the person should be healthy.

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Number five, the person should not be in a state of traveling, he or she shouldn't be settled, there are additional four conditions for a female to be fulfilled. If it's a woman, if it's a lady, if it's a female, there are additional four conditions to be fulfilled, to make it obligatory on her number one is that she should not be menstruating.

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She should not be in a position where she has postnatal bleeding, she should not be breastfeeding, and she should not be pregnant. So for a woman, if all these nine conditions are fulfilled, then it becomes obligatory on her. And for the male, only the first condition has to be fulfilled, to make it compulsory for them to fast in the month of Ramadan. From what you've said, then my understanding is that fasting is a Muslim only prerogative, is that correct? That's right. It is compulsory, only for a Muslim to fast. It is not a requirement for a non Muslim, or unbeliever to fast. And the reason is that Allah says in the Quran, Allah says in Surah Surah chapter number 24 was the metallic

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name, that the deeds of an unbeliever, a person is a non Muslim. the deeds of an unbeliever is like a mirage in a desert and the thirsty person thinks that there is water, but when he reaches there, he does not find anything else. But he finds Allah and Allah will pay him for his deeds. And Allah is swift in taking of accounts. That means in the Hereafter, the unbeliever for his deeds, he will get nothing and Allah swift in taking over accounts. So for unbeliever, all the deeds, they are useless in the Hereafter, we will all the deeds have to be accompanied with the intention and as we discussed yesterday

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That one of the criteria an important criterion for a person first to be accepted is the nia. It is intention. And the intention is that the fast should only be for Allah subhanaw taala and no one else. So if a non Muslim, if an unbeliever who does not believe in Allah subhanaw taala very the question of him doing the Nia doing the intention of fasting for last minute Allah so that is the reason it is not required for unbeliever too fast. If he fast without the intention, it will just be like anything else it not been act of worship, it not be a fast as it's considered in Islam. So therefore, the near the intention is very important for unbeliever any act of worship until he has

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faith until he believes until you believe that there is only one Allah subhanaw taala unless you feel the karma lai lai Lama Hamza Rasulullah and there's no God, but Allah, and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the Messenger of Allah, all the acts of worship, that use this for the hereafter. But

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the moment an unbeliever, a person who is not a Muslim, he accepts Islam. For him, it becomes obligatory, if he accepts Islam in the middle of the month of Ramadan. From that moment onwards, fasting becomes compulsory for him, but the past, Allah will not take into account. Allah says in the Quran.

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Allah says in Surah

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chapter number it was the method that say to the unbelievers, that if they start believing, the past will be forgiven. That means the moment a non Muslim accepts Islam, all his past sins will be forgiven. But the moment he accepts Islam, from that time, it becomes obligatory on him too fast.

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I myself, fasted half of Ramadan without being Muslim. So now I know the answer.

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Now, I'd like to come to the age of maturity, the coming of age, as we say, in the West,

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in some places, the coming of age is noted as being 18, and others, 14 as young as 14. What does Islam specify as being the coming of age, as far as the rules of the different countries are concerned? In India, the age of adulthood or maturity that in Indonesia is 19, UK to 16 years of age, every country the age of maturity, what the government are the people of the country, the law, it is different, depending upon their own understanding. But in Islam, fasting becomes compulsory, Salah becomes compulsory, that software should become compulsory, once a person reaches the age of puberty. And there are basically three criteria. If any one of these three criteria are fulfilled,

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then the person is said to have reached the age of puberty. Number one is that growth, of course, pubic hair, around the private paths. Number two, the person reaches the age of 15, or their emission of * in a *, or otherwise, or if it's a female, then she starts her menstrual cycles, the day the girl starts her menstrual cycle, she's supposed to have reached the age of puberty, irrespective, she may be below the age of 10. But the moment she reaches the day she starts her menstrual cycle, she is considered to be a person who has reached the age of puberty. That's interesting as well, because you mentioned that it could be as young as 10 that a girl would reach

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puberty and often said in the West. No, it's quite common. Now recently, an article came a couple of months back that in Delhi, it is not uncommon for a girl of the age of 10 to start a menstrual cycles. Only if it is before the age of nine, there is a point to be worried about same in the Western world. Previously, it wasn't there. When I added my medical college, they It was said that in the Western world, about 12 to 13, India, it was 13 to 14. But now because of the change in diet and the change of climate, etc. All this has an effect on the age of puberty. But now it's quite common that girls of the age of 10, even before 10 at the age of nine, many of them, they start the

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menstrual period. Right. And they seem to be maturing quicker than the boys as well. That's another question. That's right. Now, Dr. Zakir onto the second

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category of people were talking about exemptions. Can you list or mention all of the different categories of people that are exempted from fasting during the month of Ramadan? There are in total of 13 categories of people who are exempted from fasting. The first is if the person

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is unbelievable if you're a non Muslim, number two, if he or she is a miner, number three, if the person is insane number four, if it's a lady, and she is menstruating, not fast. Number five, if she has a postnatal bleeding, she's exempted from fasting.

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Number six, if she's pregnant,

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then she's exempted. Number seven, if she's breastfeeding, she's exempted. Number eight, if the person is ill, or sick, he or she is exempted. Number nine, if the person is disabled, number 10, that if the person is very elderly, as reached a very old age number 11, if the person is traveling,

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number 12, if the person is taking part in jihad, or a fight in the cause of Allah, subhanaw taala.

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And number 13. Under compulsion, under compulsion, if someone forces and if the person doesn't fast, he or she is exempted. These are in short, the 13 categories in which a person is exempted from fasting. Excellent. Now I think we need to discuss each category on its own merits. Does IKEA do all of the people that you've mentioned in the exempted categories have to make up their fast later on, out of the 13 categories, which I mentioned, the first three categories, they don't have to make up their facet around, that is a non Muslim.

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That's a person who is a minor, and a person who's insane. Out of the remaining 10 categories, two categories, a person who is disabled, for long, and a person who is very elderly. These two people also don't have to make up for the fast but they have to pay a ransom, the feeding of a porpoise in February fast dumbest. As far as the other eight categories are concerned, the moment the condition in which there, it gets reversed, then they have to make up for the fastest dentist. For example, if the categories are demonstrating lady, woman, she finishes administration, then she should make up for a fast as soon as possible before the next comes on a woman who is in the period of postnatal

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bleeding. The moment it gets over just too fast. If a lady is pregnant, the moment the pregnancy gets over, and the postnatal beating it so then just too fast. If a lady the fourth category is breastfeeding,

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after the breastfeeding is over, then she has to fast for a person who is sick. The moment he gets healthy, he or she has to fast. Similarly, a person who's traveling moment he finishes his traveling, he has to fast, and the person who's taking part in jihad, fighting the cause of Allah subhanaw taala moment the fight gets over you or she has to fast similarly person who's in compassion, and is not fasting, the woman the compulsion is removed, he or she has to fast but natural all these have to be done before the next Ramadan. What's your thoughts on children fasting the month of Ramadan before they get to the age of puberty. As I mentioned earlier, it is not

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compulsory for a child who has not reached the age of puberty to foster some complicity. They are exempted as a beloved prophet masala for himself is added in Timothy added number one four to three, a beloved Prophet said that the pen has been lifted up from three categories of people, a child until he reaches puberty, a sleeping person until he wakes up and a person who's insane until he becomes a sound mind. So these three categories of people, the beloved Prophet said that the pen has been lifted, that means it's not obligated on them to fast. Same as prayer also they aren't obliged. But it's good to encourage our children to fast as early as possible. Do it's not complicity. And

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there's a hadith which is mentioned in say Buhari, or number three, in the book of fasting Hadith number 1960. Where the Beloved Prophet Mr. Salim, he does the people have answered, he sends a message and doesn't inform those who are fasting they should continue fasting. Those who are not fasting should fast till the end of the day. And after that, the people the Saba they said you fasted and we've been asked our children to fast and return them to the massages. And if they cried, we gave them toys of full so that to keep them so busy till the time of a star. That means this is how the sahabas to encourage the children to fast at an early age where it was not compulsory. And

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this is a good habit. But many a time that we see nowadays, that many of the parents they discourage the children from foster

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Even if the child is enthusiastic and sit down too far, many parents say, at this young age, it's not required don't fast, they fail to realize that fasting at a young age will not cause them any harm. In fact, it will give them a training too fast when they reach puberty.

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And Allah says in the Quran, in Surah, chapter number 66, Muslim six, yeah, you're listening among all you believe, save yourself and your families from the torment of Hellfire, whose fuel is men and stones. Allah is reminding the people that don't only save yourself, even your children from the Hellfire was fueled as men and stones. So it is good to encourage our children to fast at an early age. And that's what we do in the school that we are running Islamic school, we encourage them to fast at an early age, even when they are in junior kg, or in senior kg at the age of 456 encourage them. And at this age, they the 456 we say that the person who fasts the maximum in the class will

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get a gift, we get a reward, and that encourages them. And when they reach tended first, that is approximately of six hamdulillah most of the children fast the full month, and by the time they reach standard. Third, that's about seven, eight years, almost all of the fast the full month of Ramadan, there's a complicity hamdulillah. And when they see other children fasting, imagine most of the parents that tell them that are not required. But the children the force, that we want to fast because of competition, because of seeing their friends or their family. So if they don't fall, they feel ashamed

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on them, but that was to create, we don't tell them it is for us. But that must be of competition, that must fear of loving each other. And loving the religion. Loving online is a school. So this we are humble Allah, like it is said in the most of us from said mission in tirmidhi, that when a child reaches the age of seven, we should teach him to offer Salah. And at the age of 10. You can even use force so that many scholars say you can do the same thing even for fasting. But we start at a much earlier age. But it does not first that view views love affection, and gifts and rewards and humble it has a tremendous effect on the children. Now that's beautiful. Next question, very important one,

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one of the categories you've mentioned an insane person is exempted. Why is this the insane person is exempted. Because the same auditor could earlier a beloved Prophet musella from said its mission of tirmidhi added number one four to three, that the pen is lifted from three categories of people, a child till he reaches puberty, a person is sleeping till he wakes up. And a person who is insane delay become the sound mind. So this is the Prophet has exempted and they're free from fasting. The reason is, because one of the criteria for the fasting to be accepted as Nia is intention. And intention can only be made by a person who's sane, who sounded mind only Fishtown. Can he willingly

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intend to fast. If he's insane, he cannot. So that's the reason if any sane person whether you fast or not, it doesn't make a difference at all. It is he's exempted. And once he becomes saying he does not have to compensate also for the fastest will because you know responsible for that he's not held responsible. So that is the beauty of Islam, the only held responsible those people who shouldn't be held responsible. Only those people who have got the responsibility to make the intention knowingly. That's okay. That's excellent. Next question, from the point of view of a woman who is undergoing menstruation, post Natal bleeding, is it prohibited or optional for them to fast this up as far as

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the women who are undergoing the menstrual cycles are posted to be doing according to a beloved partner Scylla Salaam, its mission say Buhari or since a Muslim that it is forbidden for a woman to fast who is bleeding due to xtracycle oppositely beating so it isn't optional, it is forbidden. And the reason is because when the blood flows out, in a lady in a woman, she loses a lot of blood.

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And on top of that, if she fast, it will not be good for health. So Allah subhanho wa Taala it is His mercy that he has exempted them and made it compulsory not too fast, otherwise, it may be damaging for the health. And Allah subhanaw taala does not want to overburden any of the human beings. So that is the reason they are exempted from fasting and even in the middle of the day. If the ministration begins that to break the fast even if it

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begins a few minutes before sunset, they have to break the fast, but they have to compensate later on. But if the undoing the menstrual period, and if the period stops just before fudger, even if they did not have a bath, they can start the fast. But if it ends, even a few minutes after further, they cannot fast, they should break the fast, and they have to compensate later on. Okay. The next query really is regarding a woman who is pregnant, or as nursing, breastfeeding, nursing, rearing children. Why are they exempted

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avoided the worst of the Quran in surah baqarah, chapter number two, Muslim 185, that if a person is ill, and traveling, he can make up his prescribed periods of day of fasting later on. So most of the focus most of the scholars, they say that these women who are pregnant and breastfeeding, they come under the category of oil. So therefore they want, they can abstain from fasting. But there are clear cuts a hadith and read the Prophet as exempted. This woman from fasting, mentioned in a pseudonym, a major

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added number 1667, that a beloved Prophet says, the obligation for a person to fast and part of the prayer has been lifted from a traveler. And the obligation for fasting has been lifted from a lady who's pregnant and breastfeeding. Our beloved Prophet, Mr. solemn also said, it's mentioned in Sunni, say, in the book of fasting, number two to seven, four, that Allah subhanaw taala has relieved the traveller from fasting and half his prayer. And Allah subhanaw taala has relieved the pregnant woman and the woman who's breastfeeding from fasting. So based on these two Hadith also, it's clear cut that the pregnant woman and the woman who are breastfeeding, they have been exempted.

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And the logical reason that one can think is because when a lady, she's pregnant, or she's breastfeeding, the food she eats is not only for herself, it for herself, as well as the baby she's carrying,

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or becomes difficult for a baby, then she's exempted from fasting. But if she's in the early stage of pregnancy, and if she feels or she's breastfeeding, and if she feels that fasting will not cause any damage to health, and will not cause the damage to the baby, then she should fast. If she has a doubt, if she can do it with hardship, as long as there's no damage to herself to her health. And the baby, she has option too fast, not too fast. But if it's causing damage to her health, or the baby, it becomes harmful too fast. Because Allah subhanaw taala does not want to lay a burden more than what a person can bear. And in this regard, that is the reason Allah has exempted them later on

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when they're healthy, and they stop breastfeeding. Or when the pregnancy ends after postnatal bleeding, then they have to make up for the fast death missed before the next round Now regarding a person who is a bit incapacitated due to illness, headache or stomach ache, and they also exempted from fasting, the people who are ill.

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They exempted. Allah says no Quran in surah baqarah. Chapter number two was the 185 that if a person is ill, and traveling, he can make up his prescribed periods of day of fasting later on. But that does not mean if a person is suffering from a headache, or a stomach ache or a cough, he should not fast if a person can fast if we think it becomes compulsory for him to fast. The only time he's exempted is if fasting becomes difficult due to his illness. Or if he fast, his illness would be increased, or his health would deteriorate. Or it's compulsory for him to take some medicine due to his illness, then it becomes primary otherwise for small issues or for small reasons like cough,

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like cold, like headache, like stomach ache, fasting is complicit. And the reason Allah subhanaw taala has exempted those people who are ill, so that Allah subhanaw taala does not want to put a burden. Allah says in the Quran in surah baqarah chapter number two was the 195 that do not make your own hands, the cause of your own destruction, if I will, and if I know that fasting is going to cause a loss for me, will deteriorate my health, it's likely myself. So unless it is prohibited, so if I know fasting will deteriorate my health, then it becomes private. Similarly Allah says in the Quran in Surah Nisa, chapter number four was the name that kill not your cells.

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Allah subhanaw taala is the Most Merciful. So causing a loss or a damage your own health yourself is prohibited in Islam. So, this exemption is mainly for those people for whom it is difficult or it will determine the health not for small ailments Okay, we should be very careful to make sure illness is reasonably severe. Then the next point if you like, regarding the situation of a disabled person, why is it a disabled person has to pay a ransom due to the fact they haven't fasted? Unless isn't the Quran in surah baqarah chapter two, verse 284. That if it is difficult for a person to fast, he can either fast appear and that is feeding of an indigent person or a poor person. The

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reason is, that if a person is disabled, or if effect permanently, and there are no signs that he will become healthy, where he can observe fast, so the question of him compensating,

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or the question for him to keep the fast later on, doesn't arise at all. So that is the reason for him, there is a ransom that he has to pay something that is equivalent to feeding an indigent person or feed indigent person for every fast that he has missed takasaki regarding elderly people, which category of elderly people are exempt from passing, the law says in the Quran in surah baqarah. Chapter number two was the 184. That if it is difficult, for a person to fast, he can either fast or he can give ransom that is feeding of a poor person. As far as those elderly people who are exempted are those people whose health is so weak, that if they fast, it will damage the health. A person

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who's reached a very elderly age, the age is not fixed, whether it is 6070, or 80, or 90, depending upon his health condition, due to the old age, if the health condition is bad, which prevents him from fasting, then is the time where he should feed one indigent person. And there's a deed of a beloved partner Salaam Salaam say Buhari wire number 600. Number 4505. We our beloved Prophet said that the old elderly men and woman, they need not fast, but they have to feed one poor person for every fast, they skip. And similarly, there are various studies. For example, if read, direct me to stroke, don't read it. It says that if a person who has to give a ransom, he has to feed a poor

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person, one month of wheat, one month is equal to two hands outstretched full of it. Therefore he should feed. There's another How did we save in 32 stroke 270. That announcement live please the Tim one year when he became very old, and you could not fast for the end of the month. He called Petey poor people, and he fed them with bread crumbs and meal,

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proper meal for 34 people. So it means that every fast you miss, you should feed one person. But coming back to the question that if the elderly person is a sound mind, and not healthy, that's the time he has to feed a person forgive an innocent, but if a person is elderly, and it becomes insane. If he's not a sound mind, then he doesn't have to fast. He's exempted. Neither does he have to give him the ransom neither he has to compensate because he is like a child. As our beloved Prophet said earlier, which I mentioned that the pen has been lifted on three categories of people. person who's a child reaches puberty. So these people again become like children, or they become like a person

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who's insane. We say that the person has become senile when he reaches an age in which his mental stability is not there. Indeed, not fast. Neither do they have to compensate the fast later on, do they have to pay in unison? Okay. Just spent answers that one then

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regarding a situation of a traveler, is it forbidden or optional

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for a traveler to fast. Allah says in the Quran in surah baqarah. Chapter number two was the 185 that if you are ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number of days for fasting can be made later on. But this is a condition given. That means if you want to fast track and fast, if you want to exempt yourself exempt but later on you have to make up the period. Allah subhanaw taala here has compared the traveler and kept him or her in this

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same category as the person who's in because a beloved prophet muscle awesome said is mentioned in say Buhari number 300. Number 1804. A Beloved Prophet said that traveling is a punishment or when a person goes on a journey, it's like a punishment. That means the difficult he has to undergo many hardships. And it is mentioned in, say Buhari, number three, Book of fasting. How did number 1943 there was a saga with the new Hamza mela, Tim, and he used to always fast even on a journey. So he asked the Prophet, that should he fast on a journey or not. So the Prophet said, If you wish to fast, you can fast. If you don't do fast, you don't fast, that means it will optional. The person

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wanted to fast he could fast. If he didn't want, he did not fast. For example, if a person who's used to traveling and he does not find any hardship, and if he fast, there's no problem, it's good for him. Or if a person feels hardship and doesn't want to fast, then he did not fast. And this to come to know from the date of the announcement lobby pleases Him. He said it's mentioned in say Buhari, number three, number 1947. We have a tennis melee prism. If then, when we used to travel with the Prophet, throw the companions, they fasted, some of them did not fast. But those who kept the fast, did not criticize those who did not keep the fast. And those who did not fast. They did

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not criticize those who fasted. So basically, it's optional. Those who can take the strain and want to fast again, those who don't want, it's up to them. Logically, from there, we can deduce that it's an optional, fast, but if a person decides to opt too fast whilst traveling, are they in a situation where they get more reward from Allah, unless mother says in the previous verse is Rebecca, chapter number two was the one before that those who are ill are on a journey, they can make up the fast later on, or for a person for whom fasting difficult, he can either fast or he can give an answer, feeding of indigent person, but let them know that fasting is better. So this proof that fasting is

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better, though, they are exempt if they want, there is no sin on them, they can keep it up later on. But it is better. And we find in several Hadith. If read the hadith of blood Prophet Musa la sala, it's mentioned in say, Muslim, Muslim number two, Book of fasting Hadith number 2492. That there was a time when the Sabbath they traveled with the Prophet. And because it was very hot, none of them fasted, except the Prophet masala Salaam. And one Sabah Abdullah bin Amira.

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There's another Hadith several other added in, say, Muslim, Muslim to book of fasting, number 2472 and 2473. That the companion is a tale with the Prophet, and some of the government foster something first. And when the Prophet when he came to know that it was becoming difficult for the companions to fast, he brought the fast in another did say, Muslim, burn number two, Book of fasting, and eat number 2472. Once when the prophet in the year of the victory of Makkah, he goes to a place along with the Sabbath, and he realizes that some of the Sabbath were fasting, they will find it difficult to fast. So the Prophet as a period of time, it took a goblet of water and he drank, he broke the

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fast, so that it becomes easier for the other. But from all different needs, you come to know that the Prophet preferred to fast unless it was difficult, and he broke the fast Why? Because the other companions, they found it difficult, he did not want to put them in a critical situation, therefore he broke the fast. But from here we come to know that fasting is better if you can. If you cannot, then there's no problem. You may not fast and you can make up the fast data. Further, we come to know that it is preferable

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to fast. Why? Because if a person delays his fasting, if he's traveling, and God forbid, if his life comes to an end, or whatever it is, then that would be a thing which he left for him to do fries. So if a person can fast while traveling, it's preferable that he fasts. And furthermore, when you're traveling in the month of Ramadan, even the people around you the fast food is easier in that sense, when you come back home, and the month of Ramadan is over. And if you individually want to fast when no one else is fasting, it becomes many attempts difficult. So that's one of the reasons also that if you can do it with the hardship and fast while traveling, it's better and

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why is

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A person that is partaking in Jihad exempted from fasting when a person is taking part in jihad, but natural fasting will make him weak. And he will not be able to perform that will in jihad or fighting with a las panatela, there is a beloved Prophet said, it's mentioned say Muslim, volume number two, chapter number 420, in the book of fasting, that is number 2486, that when Bertrand Russell Sallam was going for jihad, he told us that we are approaching the enemies. And if you don't fast, it will make you stronger, to break the fast. After the statement, some of the sabas they broke the fast, some of them need continued fasting, the next time they stop, the prophet said,

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fasting will make you weak, if you don't fast will be stronger. So break your fast and I command you you break it, that is the diamond everyone broke. So therefore but natural when we fast make us a stronger so we can fight in the Viva Las panatela in a better way, and the more chances of victory inshallah. Okay, excellent. Exactly. We've received, as you are aware, 1000s of questions from our viewers relating to the topic of Ramadan, and particularly when is fasting, obligatory and exempted? So we've got a number of questions we've got to get through now. First one is from one of our viewers. And he asked the question, what is the maximum number of days as a traveler, that he can

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stay in a given city continuously and be exempted from his fast for instance, he goes on to say, if he's a student, he's giving the game away here, if it's a student, and he's traveled abroad for two months, is he exempted from his fast in Ramadan, most of the scholars what they say that what is ruling for Salah when a person travels, as had it occurred earlier, that a beloved portion of the lesson said, mentioned in the southern merger

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audit number 1667, that a beloved Prophet says that Allah subhana wa Taala has exempted

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a person from fasting and half of this prayers many is traveling and exempted a woman from fasting when she's pregnant cetera. So the ruling what is there for Salah as a traveler, I did the same as her person who is fasting and most of the most of the scholars who the difference of opinion, but as for Salah, they say that maximum person can stay in a city in one place after he left his own hometown, if for four days. So most of the scholars they agree that same thing for fasting, that maximum they can stay in the city and can be considered as a traveler if for four days. If they extend then they will not be considered as a traveler, though the difference of opinion in different

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schools of thought of the majority consider this. Coming to the second part of the question that if a person goes for studies and stays in a foreign land, maybe for two months or three months or several months together, will it be considered as a traveler no in this condition is staying for a long time for months together? As far as fasting is concerned, he will have to fast all the obligatory fast for the month of Ramadan. Next question, if a fasting person has been fasting the whole day decides to travel in the afternoon. He starts his travel in the afternoon. Is it compulsory on him to break his fast or is it optional? What is the best solution for him if a person

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starts the travel midday or in the afternoon, and if even the hometown till afternoon, it becomes hard for him to keep the fast at least that time. Only time a traveler is permitted to break the fast is when he leaves the hometown.

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If he decides they're going to leave in the afternoon, it's not possible that he does not fast in the morning, you have to fast in the morning, because they can be Change of plans. If you decide an afternoon you may change his plan. So then it will be a synonym. So if a person is traveling the only time he can be the first when he leaves the city limits until he hasn't left he should not be. So if you leave the city limits in the afternoon, he is permitted to break not that he should break. But if you feel there's no hardship, they can continue fasting and complete as fast. It's optional. Okay, excellent.

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Next question is from one of our viewers who's a pilot, and he considers himself to be in a perpetual state of travel. Every day he's traveling on the plane long distances.

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And he's asking is he exempted therefore from all facets. If a person's professional such

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There is a pilot, or if he's a sailor, and he has to travel, and if he leaves his hometown, and if he's gone away, Supernatural, he's considered the travel. He's exempted from fasting, but he has to make up a fast

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before the next from them. So if he travels a lot, they left too fast nowadays, what a holiday he gets. And when he's stationed in hometown, so, if he does not want to fast, he's exempted. We will consider the traveler, but he'll have to make up the fast as soon as possible. Before the next from none. Unless you start on a very long flight, maybe from India to New York, which is more than 12 hours, but if the the flight of the short flight, I don't think so they'll be problem. Okay. Next question is from a person who usually works and or he stays, he usually stays in Saudi Arabia. And the last Ramadan, he started his fast in Saudi Arabia. and Saudi Arabia has a difference of two

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days, or it did last year anyway, from India, which is his hometown, so he came to his hometown. And by the time he'd reached, he'd already fasted two days in Saudi Arabia. He wants to know, does he have to finish 30 days, and then be left with the two days in his hometown, which the other people around him is still fasting? Should he consider this to be the point of reference or Saudi Arabia to be the point of reference? I think it's the question. According to blogspot, masala Salim is mentioned in the editor of

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Tim Ed, in the book of fasting, number 697. The Prophet said, start your fast with the people who are starting the fast means we live in a country or live in a place. If those people are faster, you should fast and break your fast with the people around you when they break the fast. So if you live in Saudi Arabia, you should start as fast with the beaver Saudi Arabia. If in between, I'm done. If he goes back to his original home in India, then you should fast till the time his people are fasting. And I'm aware that many times there's a difference of a couple of days. So if he starts his first two days earlier, and it goes to India, by the time he finishes his 31st, the people of India

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may yet have one or two fasts left. But yet he has to continue fasting is the people of India, even though it exceeds more than 30 days, it may be 31, sometimes high today with a deep says that fast with the people who are fasting around you, and break the fast with the people who are breaking the first round. But if it is, or vice versa, if we started the first in India two days late, and then go to Saudi Arabia, then maybe he'll first 28 days. In this case, he has to start with the people of India, and with the people of Saudi Arabia. And he cannot fast on the eighth day because it is haram. But after that, he has to at least fast one more day, because in any lunar month is 29 days.

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So if you should at least pass additional one or two days to make up for 29 or 30 days. So that doesn't mean that he has lasted less than the minimum requirement.

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Next question. So gentlemen, who says he's an engineer final year would be graduate student. His final year examination lies in the month of Ramadan. We were talking about last Ramadan, I believe his mother and his parents have advised him not observed the fast during the month of Ramadan, because it may affect his examination results is he exempted from fasting on this basis. A person who does not want to fast only because of the examination, it is not a valid reason.

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Even though it may be a final exam, and maybe the parents may coax that don't fast because if you fast, then maybe your concentration go down, and the results will become less. Even if the parents force at this point of time, the child, the son or the daughter should not listen to the parents. Because if the parents tell you something, which is against the teaching of online school, that's the only time where they can disobey the parents. Unless it's in the Quran, in Surah chapter nine verse number eight, as well as instead of man, Chapter 11, verse number 15, that if your parents forced you, or strive to jihad, to make you worship somebody else besides Allah subhanaw taala don't

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obey them, but yet live with them with love and compassion. So your Quran gives you permission because that is not a legitimate reason that because the examination is that they don't want to fast so that they can get good marks getting marks in the era. Doing a price is more important.

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That is the reason this is not a valid reason, and the person should get fast inshallah Allah will help him and he will do better in the examination with the help of Allah is more important than any other help.

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And Allah says in the Quran interlimb run, chapter number three was 160 If Allah helps you, men can overcome you, if Allah for 62, who is dead then who can help you? So let the believers put their trust in Allah subhanaw taala. So my advice is that even if the examination let them first, inshallah the concentration better and they get better marks in Shell, more taqwa and trust in Allah, that's the answer. Good.

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Another question relating to travel, travel and fast.

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What's the minimum distance

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of travel during which exempted from fasting? This is the same answer as for Salah, what is the distance considered for traveler, so that he can do any Salah shorten Salah is the same for fasting to the different opinion but the majority of the scholars they say it is 16 for

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each person is for three miles. So it is more than 48 miles if a person travels or if a person travels more than 80 kilometers is considered as a traveler. But some scholars say it's 83 Some say 84 kilometers sort of been saved said more than 80 kilometers more than 84 kilometers a person is considered as a traveler. But the basic thing is, he should not be in his own hometown. There are some cities which are very large. And the distance from one on the city to the other end can be more than 84 kilometers. There is or consider the traveler. He should be in a foreign city. So Dr. Zakir we've yet again we reached the end of another show and then hamdulillah I'm so glad that we were

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able to answer some of the viewers questions. It was so nice and such nice answers and very succinct as well. Alhamdulillah.

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Brothers and sisters, I hope that you all benefited immensely from the answers that we got from Dr. Zakir today regarding the topic that we've selected, and tomorrow, I hope you will join us at the same time when we will be discussing acts which invalidate the fast or acts which are prohibited whilst fasting. Same time tomorrow Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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mommy Nananana

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