Zahir Mahmood – The Day of Judgement #17 The book

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the process of obtaining a GCSE or a level result and how it can be difficult to obtain them. They also mention a person who has been given a book in his right hand and is expected to be thrown into the fire of Jahannam. The speaker warns that those who have committed evil will be in trouble and that those who have their book in their right hand will be in good shape.
AI: Transcript ©
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Do you remember how anxious you were when

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you were waiting for your GCSE results

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or your a level results

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or you're waiting for the results of your

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or when you applied for your dream job

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and you were waiting for that email to

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come back, did you get the job or

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did you not get the job?

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I want you now to imagine

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how you will be on the day of

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when you will be waiting for your book.

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Will you go into Jannah? Will you go

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into Jahannam?

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Will this hand receive the book or will

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this hand receive it from behind your back?

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If you receive it in your right hand

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as Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in the

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And that person who has been given his

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book in his right hand,

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he will be given a light reckoning. He

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will run back to his family. He will

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be so elated, so elated, by Allah.

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If you could be so elated in the

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duniya, you would die out of happiness,

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and he will say to everybody, look at

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my results,

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Look what I have achieved.

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I am going into Jannah,

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a life of eternal

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On the other hand,

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And as for that person who has been

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given his book

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in his left hand behind

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his back, he will

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scream destruction.

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He will cry

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and then he will enter the fire of

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Jahannam. Can you imagine the state of an

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who will get his book in his left

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hand? Can you imagine

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the grief? Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala sketches

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his state for us in the Quran.

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That person who gets his book in his

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left hand, he will say I wish

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I never ever receive my book.

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I don't know what my outcome will be.

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I wish I was finished. I wish I

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was dead.

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My wealth came to no avail.

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All my authority,

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all my fame, all my following,

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helped me at all.

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And then Allah will speak after sketching his

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state. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala would say,

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grab him,

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shackle him, and then he would be thrown

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in the fire of Jahannam.

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will rush towards him. He will say to

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the angels, what have I done to you?

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The angels will say, you may not have

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done anything to us, but Allah is upset

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with you and therefore every being,

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everything in the universe is upset with you

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and he will be dragged into the fire

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of Jahannam. You know,

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this book

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will be such

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that when

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the disbelievers

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see it, they will be so shocked

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that it will not miss a beat. They

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will say,

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They will say, what's wrong with this book?

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Every moment of my life,

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every second of my life it has detailed.

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It has not missed a moment.

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Every single thing that the person have done

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will be in front of him. You have

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done good that good will be in front

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of you, And if you have committed evil,

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that evil will be in front of you.

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say take your reckoning in this dunya For

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if you take your reckoning in this duniya,

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then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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will make

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your reckoning in the hereafter

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easy. It is clear that righteous believers will

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get their book in their right hand, that

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disbelievers will get the book in their left

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hand. But what about those believers who are

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for the fire for a period of time?

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Some are scholars of the opinion that they

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will get their book in their right hand

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others that they will get their book in

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their left hand.

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