Yusuf Estes – Beauties Of Islam – EP30

Yusuf Estes
AI: Summary © The importance of understanding the meaning of Islam in the context of the current crisis is emphasized, along with following the church's instructions and teachings to unite against division. Visitors are advised to pray five times a day and follow the leaders of Islam, especially the school of thought known as the Hanafi. Visitors are encouraged to go to authentic sources for help and to visit the people who have knowledge of Islam to learn about their teachings. Visitors are warned to avoid making mistakes and to go to people who have knowledge of Islam to learn about their teachings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah you're watching the beauties of Islam i'm used the fastest and today I want to talk about another of the beauties of Islam. And that's called understanding the understanding in Islam.

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The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that whenever I love somebody and once good for them, He gives them something called VIP, VIP a dean. What does that mean? It means he gives him the understanding of the dean, we've already discussed in previous programs, that Dean means the way, the way of Islam itself synonymous with the word Islam is Dean, what is your deen? My Deen is Islam? What is your way, my way is to surrender to Allah in peace, doing what he wants me to do. That's the meaning of the words. So here we have another word. Now, fifth, fifth means in Arabic the way to get to somewhere. So these words need to work together because we said way, and this is the way to get

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to somewhere. And how do we understand that?

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There is another word, Sharia, we've talked about this, the Sharia of Islam means the place of watering your animals.

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Now, the place where you water animals doesn't move around. It stays where it is. But you can come to it from different avenues from different directions. And this is maybe more or less the way to understand the difference between Sharia that the

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Muslims know, for instance, that they are to establish the bar or worship.

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With Salawat, two humps five times a day they establish their prayers, we say prayers.

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But how do we do them? And how do we understand them? Well, let's take the word Salah. And we mentioned this in another program to the law is what it's a connection, the connection between you and Almighty God is your salon. So if I want to worship My Lord, on his terms, I have now discovered I need to establish the law. I found that in the Quran, Allah speech to me, he's told me in here clearly, to a commerce Allah establish the salon. So how do I establish it, I look to Muhammad peace be upon him. And I find that he used to stand and bow and prostrate with his head down on the ground. And he would sit. Now we gave a demonstration about this and another one of our programs so

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that you could actually see the format for this.

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But now I want to come to this word today talking about the fit. Because we understand today that there are differences of opinions in some of these areas, such as, Where should I put my hands when I stand in my prayer? Some people place their hands here, someplace their hands here.

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Some people put their arms down by their sides. Now could they all be right? Or is only one right is one more right than the others. And to understand this, this is called

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to understand that what's essential in Islam, which is not negotiable, is the fact that you have to pray five times a day. If you change that, this won't work. But exactly where to place your hands is another topic. This can be understood by our scholars and teachers. We go to them sit with them, and we can ask them, What is the evidence for this? A real scholar Islam is pleased and happy that you asked this question, because it gives them now the chance to discuss these issues.

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While I was visiting in Egypt, I went to Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia. And when I was there, I visited one of the places where they used to teach all the four schools of thought at the same time in the same place. That was really beautiful. We got some pictures of it, too. If you visit our website, maybe you'll find them over there. Our website, by the way is called beauties of islam.com. That are to come back to this. I want you to understand that these schools of thought were not something remote and far away from each other. And they really weren't something like car lots set up across the street from each other, where people are trying to get you to buy our cars better than

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their car. No, it was something where each of the schools of thought effect could be explained and understood. And they could actually go right walk just a couple of feet over to a scholar there and say, Well, how did you understand that? Why do you guys have this? And why is it like that? And then you find out ultimately it really isn't different. There is no difference in the main points. First point is there's only one God, everybody agrees on that. pray five times a day. Everybody agrees on that, that the Qibla or direction is toward Mecca. Everybody agrees on that. If anybody changes any of that, okay, then we're not going to accept that this

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Islam anymore because it's not.

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Then how should you dress in the prayer? What should be recited in the prayer? Again, this is all common knowledge we know. But as far as exactly where to put my hands, did you know that you should

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follow your leader in Islam? Something Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him told us, particularly about the salon because he used the word a mom. There are different words for leadership in Islam, but he mom is the leader of the prayer without doubt, he's your leader. So if you understood what Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said, then you can understand what to do in this situation. Because he said, Follow your mom. Follow your mom. So when the mom if he lifts his hands like this, and puts his hands like that in the prayer, then this is what you should do as well. And if you said, Oh, no, no, no, because my teacher sits on so hold on, your teacher would want you to do what?

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Follow your mom, because this is what the prophet Muhammad taught us. And if your teacher would put his hands like this, but the mom, you follow Him, put his hands there, then it doesn't nullify your prayer or his prayer. Both of them have evidences, so do what your teachers tell you. But also follow your commands. And remember that it's not something to divide over. But something to join in, unite on this is the point that we're trying to make now is how we unite together on this beautiful thing called fick. I want to take a break, give you time to think about what I said. And then I want to come back and the second part of the program and show you how to do resolution of the different

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schools effect. Cha Stay right there with more reserves. smilla Alhamdulillah, we're back. You're watching the beauties of Islam. And we've been talking about something called fit the understanding of jurisprudence in Islam. And one of the things that we've discovered is that there are different opinions on some of the so called minor issues in Islam, we discussed the Salah, there's some other things too, about in fasting, exactly. What time do we begin fasting in the morning? And should we begin so many minutes before the dawn? Or right at the time of the dawn? And then exactly some of the points of the hij? When do I say this? And when do I say that? The point that's important on all

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of this is to realize that all of the great teachers of Islam said essentially the same thing.

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And I want to mention the what's called the four schools of thought there is the school of thought which is called the Hanafi. It's based on the teachings of Imam Abu hanifa. Then there's Imam Malik Maliki fick. Then there is a mama Shafi and then there's the Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal, or the handily fit now, so that you will know that all of these gentlemen, all of these great teachers of Islam, they all lived in succession, they will not exactly at the same time, Abu hanifa was the first in succession. And before he died, though, he got to meet Mr. Malik. And before he died, he was one of the teachers of the amount of Shafi. Before he died, he was one of the teachers of me about him and

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David humble, and so that you understand,

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and none of them were coming with a new religion. And all of them were basically taking from the Koran, and the teachings of Muhammad, so that the people could continue to perpetuate and preserve this way of life called this lamp. None of them were making up a new religion, none of them were coming with a new dean, all of them said words to the effect that if you find anything in the book of the law, and the teachings of Muhammad, that is contrary to what I said, then take what I said and throw it away. Other teachings that they've said, It is forbidden for anybody

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to take what I'm teaching, unless you know from where I got it.

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Abu hanifa would have never accepted that people would say that they're Hanafi, meaning that they follow him. He wouldn't like that, because he wasn't following himself. In fact, he was following the teachings of Islam. He was following Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and what came with him. In other words, he was the mu Islam or Muslim.

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The same holds true for each of the others after him.

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Amen. Malik definitely would never accept that anybody would attribute to him such as saying that he's coming up with his own religion, or you have to follow him he was saying essentially the same thing. Follow the real teachings of the Quran and what you find in the teachings of Muhammad.

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The same is also true for Imam Shafi and a madman they've been humble and they said essentially the same thing.

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Again, we're not coming with the new religion. And if you find anything that we've said that's contrary to something you find from the book of Allah, or His Messenger, then this is our opinion, go with it. Take that.

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You have to realize that their time they never even imagined or pretended that they knew everything about Islam. In fact, they said that if you found other teachings, meaning because they knew that Islam was going wide and being spread by many people, and there were many teachings of Hadith, or sayings of Mohammed that they had not received, it had not reached him yet. Today, though, we know for sure all of the Hadith teachings of Mohammed, they've all been preserved, collected, verified, authenticated, categorized, and we know exactly what he said, we know what he didn't say, we know what he did we know what he didn't do, there is more been written about Muhammad peace be upon him

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than any other human on Earth today. So from this, we can easily determine what was taught. So if we find something in the teachings of Abu hanifa, that isn't in accordance with the most authentic ad, then it's fine for us to go ahead and look at those authentically and consider that, but I caution you. And I caution myself, not to make that move not to make that adjustment. Don't leave these teachings of your great teacher, until you consult with a contemporary teacher today, someone you can go to and ask him for some help and understanding because you might be accidentally taking something out of context, or applying it the wrong way. So be sure to go to your teachers go to

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authentic sources go to the people have knowledge today. And there are many, so many good teachers today, in many countries. I advise myself and you on this point that although you might have a copy of Sahih Bukhari you might have Sahih Muslim, you might have many books of Hadith teachings of Mohammed still is not for you or I to go through those. And sometimes I'll take this that no, I don't need any of that. Take a pound of this, a quarter of that. No, because we're not going shopping here. Okay, this is not just for Islam. Instead, if you find something that seems different to you, take this now, to the teachers, the scholars of Islam for help. Now, what we're doing with

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our website, it's called beauties of Islam is giving you those windows to go to those scholars, you will find connections to the scholars of Islam, where you can reach them live with your questions and discussions. You'll find places where you can get videos like the one you're watching right now, and texts and many books and things, even the free Koran. All of its available on our website. Now we're at the end of this episode again. And we have to conclude but I don't want to end until I tell you these words. May Allah guide you guide you to his straight path and his terms and make it easy for you. And until next time. Remember beauties of islam.com peace. salaam aleikum wa

Thirtieth episode in Beauties of Islam series by Yusuf Estes.
Episode Title : Understanding Islam.

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