Shadee Elmasry – The People of Yathrib Answer the Call
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen CalOptima children what's the
pain? Well, I was one of dynami Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah
MBIA will mousseline?
I don't know if they're doing a hip specter or you got what is
your tweet?
What's your take
on this?
So we're going to take this class
like miskeen on an empty stomach.
No snacks
from dinner we're gonna rise up
how do that it's not even at least his job she came in with sadaqa
last time
it wasn't even Alicia his job last time but it was a sadaqa we're
getting used to it though.
Who wants to agua
that's true. Not work today is going to be 1/3 water and two
thirds air
now, remember what we said. They began the seat of the prophets of
Allah it was Sunday.
It was all what we call clandestine, which is hidden.
And then all of a topkin
when Amara ricotta came and we talked about his conversion a
couple of weeks back that him and Hamza provided the two pillars
that would allow a new them to turn a corner and the corner that
was turned is that now they can be open. Now they no one could fight
them head head on. So when you can't fight them head on. Okay,
what do you have to do? You have to do a war of attrition, which
was the band and we studied the ban and it's normally okay. Then
right after the ban, okay. Right after the ban, it looks like they
were really almost home free. Because now you tried to fight
them head on you could you tried to do a war of attrition you
So the third thing though, it looked everything was perfect. But
no now, Allah has his own will. Right? What now? Now? All right,
the year of sadness occurred. And now that's the internal right. So
they had a trial and tribulation internally, which really was it
was the will of Allah azza wa jal that they not have that sweeping
Mecca, that they go elsewhere. Right. So the year of sadness was
firstly the death of a Seda deja Radi Allahu Allah Ana. Khadija
been to Kuwait from the bene Asad, clan, of Quraysh. And when she
passed on, it was grief for not only the prophets of Allah where
they were suddenly. But he had to his grief at five griefs.
His own grief for losing Khadija, and the grief, of witnessing your
daughter's grief. So he had four daughters, no four daughters
watching their mother die. And you have to watch them watch their
mother died. And sad about them is not old, she was very young.
So he had to be with them as well. So especially say the Fatima was
especially aggrieved by her mother's passing. And this took up
a lot of the messengers time. And when you look at anyone who wants
to do any work in the world, you need something very important,
which is stability in the home. If you lack stability in the home,
you can't do anything outside the house, you're just going to forth
to the speed or half speed. So the profit Finally,
one Finally, he had on enhancer. And then finally the correct all
their attempts have come to an end. All of a sudden he lost
stability in his own right, he no longer had that support in his
house. But moreover, the entire situation changed as well. Upon
the death of Ebeltoft. Whenever thought it passed on, it was
pretty much the rule of law had basically been suspended. It's
like had been cut. And now a hula hoop takes over. And he basically
is encouraging everyone to break the law, the Tribal Law and attack
my nephew. So now the prophets attacks on the Prophet came
directly upon him. He was no longer protected directly upon
him. So what they would do is take dung, which is basically you
slaughter an animal for food. You take the guts, the intestines, the
stomach, they would take that, swing it around and throw it on
the Prophet while He was praying.
All right, so the prophet would have this dunk on him when he was
praying, love Phil. Then he took it went out, dude, one time this
happened. Took it on a stick
And when out in front of the all the people said, oh Quraysh what
kind of protection is this? Because we have tribes, they have
a tribal law, I don't think the Tribal Law is nothing. It's a big
deal. Right? That's their law. Tribe protects tribe, right clan,
protects clan. So he went to them, what kind of protection is this,
right, and showed them the guts and all the blood that's on him.
So when that was lost, it was pretty much sealed, that they were
not, they had to leave. Now they had to leave. So when they had to
leave, this was not easy. At the Prophet peace be upon him began
going around to the trials. Now, the prophet would go around,
offering Islam to the people,
and then see, who will house this great thing and protect it. And he
wants to
win, he wants a thought if
he came upon a bitter rejection from
the very famous story, he went to thought if he went to the homes of
three men, right? Three of the leaders and all of the mocks him
in a different way. They said, one of them said, if you're truly a
messenger, why do you need me?
Now the one said, Either you're truthful, or you're a liar, if
you're a liar, the other one, he mocked him, he said, if you're a
messenger, right?
Either you're a messenger or you're a false prophet, if you're
a false prophet, I don't want to talk to you. And if you're a
messenger, I'm not worthy of talking to you. Right?
mocking him another step, you're either selling the truth or you're
a liar. If you tell him the truth, then the truth will succeed
without me. And if you're a liar, then I don't want to talk to you.
And the third one said, Has any has Allah not found anyone except
you? Subhan Allah. Right. And this is actually mentioned in the
Quran, that this that one of them said this, so he left and the boys
pelted him, right? They, they sent the family and sent the boys out
to pelt him so that Allah when he was done, then why do you finally
left the outskirts of the village, he came upon a little vintage
garden, and he sat in the garden, and he took shade under the
garden, then one of the novels of the city is called thought if
thought if as a city next to Mecca, and the tribe is called the
thief. So this, this city considered themselves to be like
the sister city of Mecca, like the number two to Mecca. So, and they
have their own god, too. So one of them he saw the messengers of
Allah when he was said, I'm sitting looking at his wounds.
And he said, he thought, felt a little bit bad because he's
royalty. Were royalty. In other words, he's from the upper class
of his tribe, were from the nobles of our tribe. So he sent his boy
to his servant, notice on his servant, to go give him some
grapes. So he went and he presented some grapes. And
Thereupon the prophets of Allah were extending reach for a grape
and said, Bismillah
and then the man's the servant stopped. They said, Where did you
learn that?
He said, and you know this word. He said, Yes, this is the word of
our Prophet from
an Iraq from Nineveh, Nineveh in Iraq.
He said, unis privatize those that I know Eunice Jonas is my brother.
He's a prophet. And I'm a prophet. And all prophets are taught the
same. So immediately the man kissed the prophets and kissed his
feet, and took shahada, and all this while the man is watching,
right? So Hitman goes crazy. I just sent the boy and immediately
he entered answers this time, just like that. So what was the point
of that? That point of the story is actually very important,
when you go through through so much hardship,
even a great messenger, like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, it's not easy. Some people think, oh, yeah, the messenger. So
it should be like bulletproof like you're Superman, you have no
emotions, no feelings, rather, the prophets of Allah when he was
selling them, at that moment, had just completed a very powerful dua
a very powerful, in which he had said, Oh, Allah, to whom will you
send me to people such as this to mock me, and to hurt me? Right? To
rejecters, who call who may call me a liar.
And then he says, he closes it. He says, in fact, as long as you're
pleased with me, then I accept everything. I have no problem with
anything. And he wept. Subhan Allah prophets of Allah when he
was selling this to art was a powerful dua, and
which actually had the Arabic of the year but we don't have it here
in this book. But this was a powerful prayer that the prophets
of Allah when you send a maid and
wept profusely, and then at that moment, that voice
In confirming him, right? So it's like a sign from Allah azza wa
jal, you're on the right track, keep going. So now, at the time of
hajj, there was another situation in which remember, Mecca is a
period of Hajj at the hedge, all the tribes of the Arabs come, they
all come. And when they come, okay, this was a chance for the
prophets ago. So at the Hajj season, every hedge the Prophet
peace be upon and would go out to the people and God to the people,
different tribes, and explain to them Islam and see if they render.
Now his uncle Abu Lahab, became furious about this. And he went
out, and he would beat him to the tents of the tribes. And he would
tell them, he would tell all of them, be careful, we have one of
our We apologize. On behalf of Quraysh, we have one of our family
members, he's a little off in the head, right? And he is going to
come to you claiming he's a prophet, just ignore him. Right?
So he that's how vicious Ebola was. So the Prophet would go, and
they would listen. And as soon as he starts speaking about Islam,
they would all say, oh, that's the one that will just ignore him get
up, leave, pretend you're not you're busy, right? All these
things. So this is how vicious I would I was. Now from the other
perspective, though, when you look from retrospectively though, how
many nations how many tribes would have accepted the Prophet peace
people, but Allah did not want them to accept it. Allah wanted
one group of people to accept the messengers of Allah he was. So he
actually poison their ears through Ebola. I will have poisoned their
ears, right? So that they would actually not listen. And they
didn't listen. Right? So that really there's only one tribe that
accepted to listen, and this was actually not even the type of the
Prophet didn't go to them. Right, rather,
in the etheric. And we remember in the effort of the Prophet has
connections to yesterday, right? His connections, TF are that his
great grandmother, what Mother of Ogden mother, her name is what
Selma, Selma is from yesterday, she's from the Benina jar tribe.
She's from the Benina jar tribe, of the president. And even so,
today, the majority exists, right in a jar exists, and they are very
proud that they exist. Okay?
The Ebola, the Father, the Prophet and the mother, the prophet both
passed away in the vicinity of yesterday.
So there's a lot of connections, the prophets I seldom used to
visit, his relatives have been in a jar in Yathrib, as well, and
they're the messenger learned how to swim. Many people don't know
that the Prophet knew how to swim. They had pools, and yet, they had
little, like little lakes and Oasis and they had water. So they
had pools, and they're the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam
learned how to swim. And the pools of Arabia are some of the best
pools because they're just warm all the time. Right, and Teddy
Miam, and they have a pool, basically, that everyone goes
swimming in. And they have I don't know if it's still there today,
but it my day was there. Basically, I mean, they don't have
chlorine or anything, it's just water. And you just go in, take a
swim in the evening, right? So the Prophet knew how to learn how to
swim and yesterday, so he knew that he was a stranger to you. And
they knew, of course, that they had a LinkedIn, sort of Allahu
alayhi wa sallam.
And at that time, six people came to meet the Prophet in a location
called Aqua. Right? And the first one of them to enter Islam, his
name was ES, ES. So six people entered Islam on the spot
and talk to the Prophet about another thing. They brought up
another problem that they had, which was that yesterday, was
engulfed in a civil war
engulfed in a civil war. So now let's take a pause here and talk
about yesterday, the city where the profit is going, so we need to
know at least something about it. Right. So this city is starkly
different than Mac starkly different from how is it different
so let's take it one step at a time geographically, How's it
different from Mecca? Geographically, Mecca is between
two mountains. It's dry and arid.
It's there's no vegetation, and no water. Aside from of course temza.
Alright, which was only recently discovered in the previous
generation. In contrast,
yes, it is not blocky. There are no mountain there's a mountain
tract. Big difference in a mountain.
Then a mountain tracks. A mountain tract is like a hill along Hill.
Whereas a mountain is up. So what's the difference? Mountains
blocked the air. So the air in Mecca was tight. It was dusty, and
it was not fresh. The air in Medina is exact opposite. It's
very fresh Medina is flat. It's full of water. It's full of green
palm trees. It has soil like rich soil, right? And it has tracks
around it. Right mountain track means like a big hill.
So it doesn't block the air, it had fresh air. And literally
today, even with all the industrialization and materialist
materialism that's going on in Medina, it's still amazing when
you spend four or five days in Mecca, and then you drive over to
Medina, it feels very different. Like these are two polar opposite
environments, the air is different. The horizon is
different because I'm surrounded by mountains. Medina, splat,
Medina is all trees. Palm trees, right. So yesterday, it was a
beautiful location, very different from Mecca. So that's geographic,
let's go to economic economies very important, right? Economics
is very important. Number one, we already said in the previous
lecture, that economics teaches or influences people's behavior. So
the job that you do your occupation alters your behavior
100% Anyone who doesn't know this really doesn't know anything,
you're the occupation that you do, from nine to five for 30 years,
influences your behavior. If you're a nurse, you become caring,
you learn how to care, if you're a teacher, if you're a lecturer,
there are actually some negatives. lecturers have a negative is that
they're not used to listening. They're used to talking, right?
They're used to being the know it all in the room. So that's why
lecturing is actually quite a issue. But obviously, you get you
have the knowledge element. So every occupation, what is the
occupation of the people of Mecca,
their merchants go? Right? Buy stuff from Syria, come back, sell
it in Mecca for a higher price, right?
Go down to mid Yemen, in the winter, get stuff, sell it back in
Mecca for a higher price. Right now, merchants, if you got a sub
supplier that no one else has access to. Right. And you have
customers that you have a monopoly over a region, right that you
control, right? Life is good. But as soon as competition comes in.
So in the world of business, it's worse competition than sports.
It's far worse than sports competition. And business is
nasty. Right? You look at the history of cable, right? It's a
history of wars between the cable companies now cables, like this
cables call us. We all envision a world note people don't even know
what cable is some people, right? It's just like, why do we need
this huge remote control and cable? Why the TV should just be
another screen that's controlled from your phone. Right? That's
just internet based cable is going to be obsolete. Right? So you had
a guy like Ted Turner basically invented cable. Right? Ted Turner
came in. He's basically the founder of cable in Atlanta. He
starts CNN, he starts a TBS, right Turner Broadcasting System. He
starts all sorts of controls cable. And then ESPN tries to get
him. Right. The the network's so basically, business is war. Right?
It's competition, nasty competition. And it's
negotiations. It's back and forth negotiations, right?
Until you come to something, but lies, hatred, envy, all exists.
And it's a fast world, right? Very fast. In the world of business,
and the Meccans were like this. Because when you're when you're
negotiating, if you need to, if there's competition, you might
have to lie. Right? From what I've done, said though, the honest
merchant is like a murder on Yom Okayama. Okay, so in negotiations,
also, people don't know about negotiations, if you don't know
how to negotiate you, you'll be schooled and taken advantage of by
people who do, right. The first rule of negotiation is called
And how well you anchor will dictate the whole thing. Right?
How well you anchor dictates the whole thing. So basically, it's
like this, right? Let's say you want to
sell something, you don't go immediately to the most reasonable
price. You go far outlandish. to an extreme, right.
Then, when you come a quarter of the way over, you look very
reasonable, right? But in fact, you're still halfway to
reasonable. This is what anchoring this, right. So what the important
thing about anchoring
is for you to drop a number first. Because then you anchor it, right?
That's what anchoring means. So when you if let's say we're, I'm a
seller, let's say I'm a seller, right? When I drop a number, I'm
not gonna say I'll sell you this, this this gold thing for, let's
say, I know in my head, if I get 200, I'm happy. I got a 400 I get
200. I'm happy. 300. Very good. So what I'm going to say is, he said,
Look, I'm not going to do what other people do and sell to for
1000. Right. So I just anchored you, your mind now is at 1000
Whether you know it or not, because I just said that. But I
said it in this way. I said, I'm not going to do that. Right. So
you can't accuse me of of high balling. Right. So we've already
anchored you, because and I have put it gave an image that other
people are selling it for 1000 It could be true could not be true.
Right? Right. So by saying that statement, your way up there. Now
if I can get you now. Now you're gonna say a number. You now now
that we've anchored 1000, you're not gonna say 200 That's absurd.
You're gonna have to come somewhere closer to 1000 right
immediately if you accept my anchoring with your
counterproposal, that means you take into consideration my
anchoring. Right? And you say, oh, and then you say this, a lot can
say 200. So I'll say maybe 500. Immediately, you're lost. You
lost. Right? So what you have to do is hang up the phone. That's
what you have to do. As soon as someone says 1000 It's a trick you
know, to hang up the phone immediately. Right. Hang up the
phone. Walk away. Then, if you know if it's a game, you make
yourself walk back. *.
If your phone there, you walk out.
You come back 10 minutes later, oh, I forgot my phone. Okay.
That's an excuse to resume negotiations. Hey, you want to
start over? Right? And then he knows that you're not stupid
anymore. And he'll go straight to the point. 500 They say no. 203 50
That's a good deal. Right? This is how negotiations work. So much of
negotiate. And people who don't know negotiations they get
startled, right? People they get so shaken they lose it's funny and
sad to watch at the same time. You realize how this is a studied
ploys that they do. Right. So napkins are like that. They're
conniving, tricky, smooth, slick. Now, let's zoom over to F. What's
their job? They're farmers. Farmers, right? There's no
negotiation and farming. Right? I got two potatoes. Give me Give me
10 Carrots, right? Or whatever. It's a going trade. There's no
negotiation on a bucket of dates, a bucket of potatoes, right?
There's not negotiation here. Right? This is not a rare
commodity that you got from Syria that you risked your life to get.
Right. Because you know, what they used to also do? They exaggerate
the story of the travel. So the travel the Syria, you're not gonna
say, Oh, we took a very beautiful, luxurious, horseback ride to
Syria, got the goods and came back. Oh, you can say we went
risked my life to go to Syria to get this for you, right? The value
of this as my life, right? Well, you can't do that if you grew some
carrots, right?
You can't do that when you grow some carrots. Call us. Right. You
got some character? That's nice. You get the same carrots every
year. Right? A carrot is a carrot. If you don't give me the carrot,
he will. Right. So you've got commodities. There's a big
difference with commodities, right? And then what's the
opposite of a commodity?
Like an innovative new products, right? So you go to Syria, you get
new stuff. You go to Yemen, you get new stuff. And yesterday, it's
the same stuff. dates or dates, goats or goats, and potatoes or
potatoes. It's all the same, right? So their life is
economically stable, which is good for the mind. Right? So they're
farmers. Now the next thing is, let's go from geography,
economics, politics. What's the political structure in Mecca? It's
the opposite now. It's the opposite. The political structure
in Mecca is very stable. Qureshi is on top and the discussion.
There's no competition, right? There's no competition to crush
up, the motive dies, it goes outside. Outside, it dies, it goes
to Ebola. Right? There is no battle for who's in charge. So
it's very stable. You go now to yesterday, yesterday, it consists
of five trucks. Two Tribes consists of or or
two tribes are 75% of comprised of 75% of the city. And these tribes
are the two sons of a woman named Kayla
One is OHSs and one is caused damage so their great grandmother
is called Kyla. So the two tribes are called a lead Pilar, the sons
of Kyla. And in Medina, you notice that they attribute their tribe to
their mother right?
There their lineage is from the Father but the tribes or the
mother, so we're gonna get to the gender element. Of course you
know, in those worlds, there was no such word of gender was an
issue of gender. But there is some difference which we'll get to
between Mecca, Medina.
Else and carriage. The two tribes are at OHSs and a cousin Raj are
the two sons of Kyla and their comprise 75% of Medina and they're
at war with one another. They are at war with one another. They've
been at war for the entire life time that they or their lifetime
of their adults of their time. And in fact, it's so bad that they
don't remember what's the reason for the war.
That's how bad it was. They don't remember the reason for the war.
Okay, if they were at war with one another. Okay, so in the Germanic
tribes, they had blood feuds, right? If you killed someone, you
have to pay. If you don't pay, it's a blood feud, which means,
right, that we can pick off one of your men at anytime. And then
they're going to now say, Well, you picked off a man who was of
greater value than your victim. So they kill each other back and
forth that could last a whole lifetime. Right? The Germanic
tribes are not like,
what many people think and how the Romans portrayed the Germanic
tribes. The Romans portrayed the Germanic tribes as these rules
like cavemen with clubs and,
like if you watch gladiator in these movies, where the Romans are
in line, and yet the dramatics are crazy, the Germanic tribes were
not like that the Germanic tribes had amazing systems that you could
learn from one of their systems was that their ruler, the ruler of
the time, was chosen by his peers, amongst the veterans of war,
right, the veterans of war, who had fought with valor, they choose
from amongst themselves, who should rule. Look how much wisdom
there is in this. So you don't have a civilian up there who is a
fluffy civilian ruling the soldiers? No, you got a you have a
guy who has seen war. Right. And he knows the harm of warfare. So
you have a guy who is going to avoid war, right? That's the
wisdom of their system. And they did not have inheritance of kings.
You didn't inherit it to your son. Unless your own people, right,
your own people, soldiers, you made your son a soldier, right?
And then your son became the most valued soldier. But how rare is
this? It's going to be very rare. Because it's by seniority, right?
Any system that's by seniority is stable.
Any system that's by that's not it's not stable, right? So it's by
seniority. You log in the time you rise up, it's stable, right? So
this is a dramatic system that Germanic people were not stupid
people. Now, the other three tribes 25% of the city of Medina
yesterday, okay. consists of three Jewish tribes. Ben, you know
there, Benny Payne, Luca, and Benny coryza. Right, three Jewish
tribes. So now let's shift to the religious scope between the two
cities. Mecca is all pagans. It's the hub of pigs. They have the
Hajj in which everyone comes bring your gods all worship, it's like a
Hindu temple. They turned it into a Hindu temple.
I mean, it's probably like, I don't know, some racial, whatever.
hurt feelings situation like there. Right, but that's what they
did. They took the kava and made it into a pantheon of idols.
Right. All idolatry right in
and they had Hanif. Hanif means
I'm one of you, but I don't worship your idols. I just worship
Allah. That's it, honey, on the old ways of Ibrahim. And on the
outskirts, there may be one or two Christian monks. Right? You go to
Medina and it's the opposite. Of course, they're pagans, but not so
staunchly pagan. Like they don't have the heads. They're just
pagans, but they have a lot of Jews 25% of the city, Jewish
people, maybe less right? Jewish people. Right? And so they know
about the Jews. They know about the concept of afterlife the
concept of the Jews.
Which religion the basics? Is there? One God, prophets, they
know these things, but they're paid. So now let's move down to
what next? We said the state statute. So we I mentioned gender
in a sense, there was a difference between the roles, the gender,
the power and the genders, between Mecca and Medina. In Mecca, it was
dominated by the male, the male dominated everything.
In yesterday,
that wasn't the case.
That wasn't the case. Women had a lot more
say in things than men. All might have been propped up, he
complaints. He complained that as soon as since we come to you for
him, his wife is now yelling at him, right? Okay. She never needs
to do that.
Right. So the women in yesterday, also women of yesterday, in
how do we say this? In cohabitation? Right. In
cohabitation women were dominant in Mecca. Whereas
in the sexual process, in in Mecca, the men were dominant,
right? So even that they actually knew it. It was like, people know
these things, right? People know these things. So they even
commented on it that in yesterday, right? We're in Mecca, a woman is
like docile and controlled in the bedroom. In yesterday, it's the
opposite. A woman of yesterday, were dominant. So much so that in
the family structure, you notice that the messenger sallallahu
alayhi, wa salam never did not marry a woman of yesterday.
You never married a woman? If
so why is that? If you love those people so much, he said, the city
I love most is Mexico. But the people I love most are the people.
Right? So actually, the prophets way of balance is amazing how he
separates things. Since people said, What do you like better?
What do you love better Mecca or Medina? He said, No, the city of
Mecca. But the people of yesterday. He said, If the people
of yesterday,
go down a path and all the rest of the world goes on. The
reason being is that he never married a woman of yesterday
because they did not like polygamy. They didn't like
multiple marriages. Right? They had it, but they didn't like it.
Whereas in Mecca was a normal. So this is why the prophet to
appreciate that. Right. And I actually never looked up the
tribal origins of all of the wives of the province, I send them. But
I'm just taking that based upon, because I actually have doubt upon
that story too, because we have almost was almost right. She's
from yet, but almost none of us are myth, right? So maybe.
So that's a claim that someone made, but I'm thinking to myself,
maybe they meant he never married, like a girl who was never
previously married. Right? That's a difference. Those who have
previously married is very different experience that if
you're already married, right, so maybe that's what they meant. So
that's something to look into and think about. Now, the next point
is that,
and actually almost Alhama when she married the messenger,
salallahu alayhi wa sallam, she had complained and said, I'm an
old woman with kids who will marry me, right? She was 2929. Right?
And she sell herself an old woman, right? So Valhalla, right? Which
goes to show you about what they call bridegroom's child, whatever.
Right? 29 She considers old. So they were married very young. So
in Yep, that was some these are some of the differences. Now, what
happened the second year around.
Second year 12 came from yesterday. 12 men, and this they
took an oath of allegiance with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam called Baotou and Acaba and Gula. Right, the first oath of
allegiance of October, right? October is the location. Okay.
And there, they sent the prophets I sent him sent them back and he
sent with them the prince of grace. The Prince of Quraysh.
Musab ibn Omar right most of them and Ahmed handsome, eloquent young
man. Right? Savvy, very savvy young man, not rough and tough.
No, a very attractive person. In his speech, his manners,
everything was very attractive in him. So he went back with them
optimise lab, and when he got there, he would pray with them.
And there were only a few conference 12 People 12
conference. So there he was sitting one time in a garden, when
things changed. And yesterday, things changed. And yet that had
been one day, one day.
He was sitting in a garden with the people to three people
And then sad, even while a very important person. He was the chief
of one of the biggest clans of OHSs. Started in moth.
And he is sitting with his number two named Bill saved, and they're
And he has his spear in his hand. And he said, This man has come
Musa taken advantage of our weak minded and bringing a new religion
in our location, right? He said, Well, it's not going to happen
under my watch. It's not going to happen.
So he said, Go now, we'll say go because I don't want to get into a
conflict and tell them to disperse and stop spreading this new
religion. So we'll say goes to Musab. And he sits and he says,
hold the spear. And he says, You have to get up. We're not doing
any of this, proselytizing in our location in our city this, like if
someone comes here and tries to bring some better, right? It's
gonna be taken care of right? Someone comes to FDIC and tries to
talk stuff, you know, it's going to be taking care of coming
through the door not even coming through the door, right? It'll be
sniffed out, right? So that's how when you have local, like, local
neighborhoods, where everyone knows everyone, it's hard to get
in, right? It's very hard to get in. Okay? Because once you get in,
it's very hard to kick you out. Right? Because if you don't all
know each other, right? You're if you have a really bad relationship
with one person, while you're gonna have good relationship with
75% of the rest, it's very hard to kick someone out. Right? So and
you can't it's a local neighborhood, what are you going
to do? So? Oh, say goes and most upsets, okay. I have a
proposition. How about you sit down, listen to what I have to
If you don't like it, if you like it good. If you don't like it,
then we'll talk about what we're going to do. He said, that's fair.
So he said he puts his spear in the ground, flips it upside down,
stabs into the ground and sits down. He sits down and he listens.
Immediately upon recitation of the Quran, he manages his art and his
nature changes. Right? He asked a couple of questions.
And then he just simply ask, what does someone have to do to enter
this Deen?
Right. He says go make a loose take of us and come back. He went
to a nearby area of water. Took a shower. Right? So let's purified
his clothes from any filth came back. said Leila. illAllah.
Muhammad Rasulullah became Muslim on the spot. Right. Now. Sad is
waiting. And he's watching all this right? He comes back. He said
give me the spear you full right? You full converted? Did you
give me the spear? And he goes, right. He goes stands over them.
And he says you're not proselytizing, spreading a new
religion in our in our in our neighborhood? Get up. Okay,
because the host was sads cousin. Right? And they're in stats
neighborhood. Right? So most of them says the same thing. He says
How about you sit down and listen? Right? If you don't like it, we'll
talk right? And if you'd like it, then good. Okay, so sad. Sits
down. Yeah, he already anchored.
The acronym down to listen. And you see, once someone accepts your
proposal, you'll know the most the listen. Right? The type of person
who won't listen is hard to deal with. So he said, that's why they
always call you for a meeting. If you accept the meeting, then
something's going to change. If you don't if the person refused to
have a meeting, that it's very hard to deal with. Right? That's
why in politics, it's very important to think whether you
accept or reject a meeting. As soon as you accept a meeting,
you're accepting a negotiation. You're saying I will negotiate.
Right? And there'll be some give and take. So that's why
politicians they're very careful whether they accept a meeting or
not. So he goes in
he sits and within minutes. Recitation of Quran right here
becomes sad is a strong he's like dolmar of yesterday. Sad even
while there's two sides. Two sides are the leaders of the tribes. Sad
even more alive and sad isn't all bad. Right? Immediately sat, makes
an announcement make an announcement. Get everyone get the
whole tribe. Bring the whole tribe. The whole tribe starts come
minutes slowly, right? Until sad. He's having an announcement.
What's my position amongst you? Is that you're a leader is Do you
accept me as your leader? It's just that they said, How could we
not you've been our leader our whole life. He said, What do you
say my judgment? It's the best of judgment. He said that I'm not
talking to any of your men or women until you accept Islam.
That was Saturday, right? By nightfall.
Not a single man or woman from that childhood, except he was
on one day on one turn. So tribes and gangs, that's how they operate
in block the whole tribe in block, because you trust your leader, you
love your leader, right. And that's how tribes operate. The
Arabs until today are like that. Right. In Syria.
You know, what's happening in Syria now? That's all gangs,
right? Malicious, malicious. So that was all malicious. Hold on a
second. If you're in a war torn country, this is a natural
response. You break up into groups, if you can now get the
militia leaders to come together and have peace with one another.
And trade. Right? Then you have peace. Right? You can't have every
man for himself. No, you have to have militias. Right. And this is
whenever you have the breakdown of nationhood, you have gangs,
tribes, or militias, right. And militias is just a type of modern
term for tribes. But they're not necessarily collected connected by
blood. That's the problem. It's closer to a game. But these are
tribes that are connected by blood. So he turned all of
a basically a huge percentage of the city, maybe 30 or 40%, in one
day, sad, even wife into Islam. So finally the year passed and sad
came back with 75 people from yesterday 72 men and three women
went to the province, I send them in Mecca. Right now, when you have
now at but by this point, so that was in the middle of the year.
Imagine the rest of the year, the constant trickle into Islam,
basically, almost more than half the cities enter Islam.
So they went in to the prophets of Allah when he was selling them.
They met him at October, the second the third time now. So this
is two years have elapsed first year six, second year 12/3 Year
75. Now this is a big group, right? So he calls for Allah bless
his uncle, who has not yet accepted Islam, but the Prophet
knows he's a moment. Right? He's a supporter. And now this is a
serious matter, because now they're going to call him to come
and move to yesterday.
And they come and they have a secret meeting in the middle of
the night, at October, in the middle of the Hajj season. And
they explained to him.
What they explained to him though, it is the seed in what the right
to explain is the seed of the new type of enemy that the Muslims
will face. They say between us the house and the husband. We are at
each other's throats, killing each other for a lifetime. And we need
to end this. We were about to put up Abdullah and Ben obey Yvan
cellule as our kink, we're going to choose a kink. However, it
wasn't going to work. Because he's from one of the tribes. He's from
one of those of the cousins which one is your most.
You can't remember which tribe Abdullah wave and salute I think
he was from
I can't remember which one. He was from one of the tribes.
Okay, so he's going to be biased. It's not it's not fair. Right? If
you have
the Bloods and the Crips, they want to stop killing each other.
Right? And then they choose one of the bloods to be in charge. Well,
that's not fair. It needs to be an outside. So they said to him, we
were about to put Abdullah bin obey as our king. But inside the
heart of some of us, it's not accepted. So we want you to be our
So what is the seed of the new enemy is that Abdullah and obey
literally, as the Prophet was coming. The Crown was being made
for him. And he lost it. Whenever someone goes in, and has power and
is about to have power, and then it's taken away from him, right?
Sometimes people never recover. And he is someone who never got
over that. And he became the chief of the hypocrites of those people
who entered Islam with their tongues but now with their hearts.
Right. So Al Abbas came and they wrote a contract they wrote
Deal or they had a deal, or best made sure to protect the rights of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
in this deal with the Osen hazards. The deal is, you're gonna
go the prophets Allah when he was seven will be your leader. The
enemy of the Prophet is their enemy. And their enemy is the
enemy of the Prophet. Right? So that means anyone attacks the
Prophet site. Right? Although some cousins have to support it, defend
it. And anyone who attacks those hazards, the prophet too was their
enemy. Right? So this is like a political alliance. All right. So
now the Prophet and not only that they become his Sahaba they
entered Islam.
So now the process of the Hijra begins slowly, right? And the
slowly everyone starts leaving very slowly, right? And they're
about to go and this is basically the halfway point. And next week,
inshallah we'll take the actual hijra, the Enter entry into
Medina, right. And
now, the mission now it's a 10 year run
with the one goal in mind, in Medina, when the prophets I said
them go see him and it becomes called Medina to Nibi or Medina
for short. There's one goal, and that goal is Mecca, they have one
target, if Mecca can come into Islam, the whole of Arabia will
come into this. That's it. Everything else everything is
geared to getting this one crown jewel of the of the peninsula into
Islam, city of Mecca. We'll close with a little story that once the
word spread amongst the Sahaba
and everyone knew now even in Mecca that the muscles were making
hijra, after some few real after a while. He really has no Muslims in
the city anymore. They realized they're all leaving. So now
they're on guard. Alma was one of the last people to leave. How did
Omar make Hijra?
Honorable Khattab stood up in the middle of the day.
And he said, everyone's sneaking right to make hijra, sneak at
night. Go at nighttime, right? I'm going to listen to that.
Middle of the day, he stands up and he announces, I'm going to
make the Hijra. Does anyone here want their kids to be orphans
today? Or their wives to be widows come and stop me.
And he goes, he makes the hijra, right. So this is the
way of over ricotta.
So we'll stop here if anyone has any comments or questions you can
his name was Abdullah ibn obey even salute.
They call that the second
because it was the third meeting. But the second or the first wasn't
any oath of allegiance. So they called the second meeting, they
called the first oath of allegiance of Alcoa, aka is the
location. The
third meeting is the second bay or are oath of
allegiance. Because in the first one, there was no arms, there was
no war. In the second one, there's an oath that you're gonna there's
this could be war, right? So the first one, they call it
you know, just a it's a bear. It's an oath of allegiance, just on
this lamp. But the second one is on Islam and defense of one
another, that they would have to defend the Prophet.
So these people and it's they took a big risk. When when imagine
Yeah, and you're like
Medina, I mean, what would
state like Ohio? Right, and you have a refuge coming from New
York. Right? And you're Ohio. You don't want to wage war against New
York, right? But that's what they did. Right? They said we accept to
be at war with America. That's a huge risk. But they were honored.
Why were they honored to have the prophets of Allah it was? What did
they know about prophecy? Well, remember they had the Jews, right?
The Jews used to say the last messengers coming and when he
comes, they assume that's going to be from them. Right? When he
comes, we're going to slaughter you. All.
Right. So the Jews, they are who do say this, they say this, when
the last prophet comes, right? He's gonna come to us and we're
gonna start. So we would say okay, if the last prophet comes,
wouldn't you want to guide them? Right? This is actually a sign of
true and false spiritualities like this fall
Spirituality always puts down and quote cuts off.
True spirituality wants to include, right? It wants to say,
look, this is true. Let me raise you up. And if you hit my hand to
turn me away, I'll keep trying to raise you up. That true
spirituality raises up even the one day that hates them, that
tries to raise up everyone. False spirituality cuts people off,
right? And tries to create hierarchies of superiority to put
people down. Right? This isn't spirituality. We're not about
doctrine. Here doctrine is different doctrine is clear. is
most of them as most of them not most of them is not Muslim.
Heretic is heretic, right? But as someone who is anyone who truly
believes their truth, you want to bring those people into the truth.
Right? You want to bring people into the HAC. That's a sign that
Islam is actually sincere, and not for pride. Right? And this is very
important. So obviously, they were using their prophethood for
political games, right? Material reasons, and not necessarily for
true. And when we get to this yesterday, you're gonna see that
there were a, there was a Jewish rabbi who became In fact, one of
the most noble of people. Right, Abdullah ibn Salam.
Any other questions or comments?
Say Nisa was from? He was,
he was from the Venice right? But he can't really be called Venice,
right? Because Benny is what he means sons, obviously. Right? He
has no father. Right? But he is counsel has been a slave to the
right after profit as well after profit.
Arabia, yeah, after Easter. That's it. After Easter, there was five
600 years. And then Prophet Muhammad SAW. So by the time the
whole world had a concept of monotheism, they had a concept,
right between meeting Jews and meeting Christians.
They had a concept so when Islam came to Yemen, East Africa,
Syria, right?
Persia, they all have a concept of the idea that there's one God
Abraham is the founder of that religion, right? Or he's the first
prophet was one God, there's afterlife, Heaven and *, they
will have this idea.
all right, if that's inshallah next week, the hijra, and then
it's a march of the struggle against the horizon, but also the
various written laws that were revealed. We'll do that in sha
Allah next week. Subhanak Allahumma will be I'm just gonna
show you the land. The stuff we're gonna to make will last in that in
Santa Fe Illa denominator I'm gonna start out with