Yusuf Estes – Beauties Of Islam EP26-28

Yusuf Estes
AI: Summary © The importance of proving proof of a law in Islam is discussed, including evidence of God's existence, the discovery of God's will on Earth, and the belief that humans can interact with each other. The speakers emphasize the need for strong faith in laws and evidence to determine God's existence. The host discusses the importance of worshipting God and surrendering to his commandments to achieve peace and understanding the physical aspect of Islam. The segment provides resources for viewers to learn about the language and its significance to their understanding of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah and welcome to this episode of beauties of Islam. I'm use verse this. For the next few minutes I would like to really talk about one of, if not the very most important of all the aspects of all the facets of all the beauties of Islam.

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Allah, Who is the law?

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Where is the law?

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And can we prove it? What is the proof. And in this episode, that's one of the aspects, I want to talk about the proof of a law. And I recall that when I was first introduced to Islam, the person that I was talking to, wasn't Muslim, of course, and I was trying to call into my religion and Christianity.

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He was telling me about some of the aspects of Islam, what you must do, what the requirements are, what the beliefs are.

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And he saw that I was also concerned about my beliefs as a Christian at that time.

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And so he said, to me, Islam teaches us to always go to what is better, whatever you have, it's better, you should always move toward that. So I'm ready. As a matter of fact, to go to your religion of Christianity, if it's better than my religion of Islam, and I thought to myself, Hey, I got this guy, this is gonna be easy, because he's been telling me about the Pillars of Islam, which require that you must establish something called Salah, and pray five times a day, you must face the month of Ramadan, 30 days non stop, no food, no drink during the daytime. And then you have to do something called hygiene. And you have to go all the way to Mecca, and you have to do a pilgrimage

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dressed into towels, and so on, and so on so many things, you know what I'm thinking,

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and plus what you can't do, you can't drink alcohol, you can't eat pork, you can have a girlfriend, you can't sit around, you know, wasting time listening to music, crazy stuff.

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So as far as I was concerned, I had a better religion than he did.

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And I was begin to explain that to him. And then he said, Listen again, he said, we'll go to your religion, if it's better than my religion.

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But you have to have proof.

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Now, I thought about this for a minute, I said, Wait a minute, proof. We're talking about proof. Religions now not about proof.

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As a matter of fact, religion is about faith.

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He said, in Islam, you see, we do have faith, of course. But we have proof to back it up, we can prove everything in Islam.

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Wait a minute, you're gonna tell me and that's what I said to him. You're gonna sit there and tell me as a Muslim, you can prove there's God.

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And he said to me, You mean to sit there and tell me as a preacher, for Christianity, that you can't

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have to think about that for a minute?

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Well, there is no proof God exists. He said, Really? should know. He said, so now, does your religion teach you to go What is better?

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as well, of course, you know, we would go to whatever is best. He said, What about proof if you see proof, you go to the proof, or you hold on to concepts that you have had, you know, passed on for generations, things that other people say without proof, you go to what is testable evidence.

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I said, well explain what you have. He said in Islam, we can prove God exists without a doubt, number one, number two, we have the proof of what our purpose is in life. And number three, we can know without a doubt, how to do what it is God wants us to do, how to do God's will on Earth. Well, that statement alone was enough to get me thinking because that is a teaching from the New Testament of the Bible. It's a prayer actually called the Lord's prayer that Christians pray all the time asking for God's will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

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All right, tell me more. I say, Tell me, I'd like to know. He said, Okay, first of all, we as Muslims totally accept that God exists without any doubt. But it's not just because somebody said so. Not just because Scripture says so. But because we have testable evidence that we can use our minds or ockel our thinking or logic to conclude that in fact, God does exist. And he exists according to the way that it's explained in the Quran, his speech to us.

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Now, go on, okay, give me an example. He said, Well, first of all, when you think about the heavens, look to the heavens, what do you see?

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The sun is what about at night

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Maybe the moon, of course the stars unless it's cloudy. He said, so Sun Moon clouds. Yeah.

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And what are they like?

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So what do you mean? He said, what do they shape? Like? I said, they're round balls. And what did they do?

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What do you mean? What do they do? You said, describe the motion as well. These are

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circles or balls or spheres that are going in orbits, elliptical orbits, within orbits, and they're all moving together as a mass and returning winding. This is what they're doing. He said, when was this known to human beings? What do you mean? I guess always? No, not true. Actually, what we understand today about astronomy, what we understand today about the universe is only really come out in the last 100 years or so. A lot of it developed in the last 500 years, the basis for what we know today, but the proofs and evidences even of the content of the moon, what it's made up of how it moves, and so on is only really been known in the last 100 years or so.

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And as far as ever going out of their segment sphere, this has only been in the last 50 years or so that even as discussed as a serious topic.

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Okay, so he said, but yet, 1400 years ago, this is something that we have in the Koran,

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said, well,

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that's when he began to open the Koran and show me some of the amazing statements that are made about the creation itself. And there are so many, and in our program here, the beauties of Islam, we've discussed a lot of those. But in this episode, I just want to focus on who is the law? And what is the proof? The first and foremost proof is that we all exist, you exist I exist. How did we get here? How did our intelligence come to us? How is it that we're able to reason? How is it that we're able as human beings to interact with each other? How does that come about?

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Where does it come from? And if you said, this is just a hodgepodge of accidents, taking place, something without any order to it, then you haven't really understood how the universe works. Because when you look to the structure of the universe, when you look to the way that it's created, the way it all cooperates together, from the macro, of the planets, and stars and sun, and from the micro, which is the molecules everything turning and working together. All of this is what this is amazing.

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cooperation, and how does it come about? So we're gonna continue this just in a second, I want you to think about what I just said, We'll be right back after this, and you're watching the beauty smilla Hamdulillah, you're back, we're back. And you're watching the beauty of Islam. What we've been talking about is the proof that God Almighty exists. One of the most important things about the belief in the law is that it's not according to how you and I want to perceive God, but rather how he really exists. And that can only be known if he himself informs us of who he is.

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Because if you sit there and try to make up something about how he is, and I make up something else, another person makes up something else. If you get 6 billion people will have 6 billion different opinions of who God is or who he isn't. In fact, many people just accept that Well, God is do you whatever you want him to be.

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But that's such an illogical statement, that it really means that it's not about God anymore. It's just about people's feelings, their own emotions and people's thoughts and their own logic. But it doesn't really mean that it comes from him. Could you imagine that somebody say to you, well, your professor of your particular course in university, he is whoever you think he is? He's whatever you think he is. Does that make any sense? Or if somebody said, your parents or whoever you think they are?

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Let's do much, my parents or whoever. I think my parents are rich that I think my parents are, you know, really wealthy. And I think my parents are gonna give me a brand new car tomorrow morning. Oh, well, that's all well and great. But guess what? This is not true is there's no evidence for this thing. You're just talking you're just saying something without any proof.

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So we want to come back again to the subject that we were talking about earlier. What is the proof?

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The proof in Islam is the speech of Almighty Allah to us. And of course, in our other programs we've discussed at length, really talking about this amazing thing called the speech of Allah allows recitation his arm and in here we have found so many times examples of

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Things that could not have been known, even 100 years ago, much less 1400 years ago, 14 centuries back, people did not know how the creation of the universe was they didn't understand that it would, in fact, was the earth going around the sun. And people didn't know that. In fact, it was even round, people didn't know that the moon was actually going around the earth. And they didn't know certainly they didn't know about the galaxies that didn't know about the Milky Way. They didn't know about the constellations the way they really are. They only guessed because they did not have microscopes. They did not have rocket ships, they did not have the Hubble telescope, that's a real

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good one, with that amazing set of refractory and the mirrors within it, expand that to an huge, huge pictures of what's out in the universe, that you can see how things are really growing actually, as they are created. billions of light years. And all of this we know today, we take it for granted. You can go to NASA's website, for instance, and see these things that are so amazing that you and I would just sit there and go ha Look at that. It is described in the Grand 1400 years ago.

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But above that, and this is what I wanted to share with you today something is so beautiful. There's a verse in the Quran is called surah a newer

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swear on nor are the chapter of light chapter 24. Many beautiful teachings in there, of course, but this particular one is verse 35.

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And it begins by saying Allahu notaries, somehow what he will or

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he is from at a law is the newer the light, light of what of the heavens of the earth. I love this so much. He's the light of the heavens and the earth.

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One of the things that we got out of this program today is that we found that Islam is proving there's a God by what, by your common sense, and the Quran. We have so much more about this, I wish you will go to our website,

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beauty service lab.com. And find out the rest about this subject, about a lot being the light of the heavens and the earth. Till next time saramonic peace be upon Bismillah Alhamdulillah Han Welcome to this episode beauties of Islam. I'm used to Festus. And for the next few minutes, let's continue talking about the real beauty of Islam, which is a law. A law is the beauty of Islam. He is the focus of every single Muslims thoughts and worship throughout every single day. The Muslim is taught to pray to Allah alone without any partners not to make any images or any kind of semblance or anything which is like a law. Anything that you do like that in Islam is considered heresy. It's

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considered blasphemy to make partners with a law because what that is essentially is called shirk in Arabic language.

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Law says about that subject in the Quran and chapter four, he tells us that shark is something that he is not going to forgive, he will not forgive shark, but anything less than this, that he can forgive.

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This means something very important to us. It means that we need to know who Allah is and who he is. In some of our programs, we discussed that Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth, we talked about the fact that he is the all hearing the all seeing and we discovered that his attributes, his characteristics, his smile was the fact is it's called in Arabic, are in fact,

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total and complete. And they are the epitome that continuing whereas everything in the creation is not everything in creation changes, is that true? But Allah says in the Quran, that he's the only thing that doesn't change. In fact, this is the one thing about a law that we understand he doesn't change, he is consistent. He is always and they always in continuing thing is the face of the law. This is in the Koran. From this we understand that the creation has the beginning. And it has an end, but always without beginning and without end. A lot is the real nor a similarity. Well. He is the real light of the heavens and earth. He's the light behind. He's the light which permeates he is

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the light. And no some people might say well Okay, now we say that our law is in the creation. This is something we talked about in another program. But again, I want

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To elaborate on that,

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if we said that a law is in the creation, literally he himself is the creation, white the creation or in the creation, this is a big mistake. You know what's going to happen if we do that?

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Think about it.

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It means that a person would say,

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Allah is in the clouds. Hello is in the heaven. Allah is in the rainbows. He's in the beautiful things that we see. Now a disbeliever, an atheist, someone who doesn't believe in God at all? What's he going to tell you? Oh, so God's everywhere. You say yes, God is everywhere.

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He'll say is God in your toilet? Whoa, what a horrible thing to say. Is he in the HIV virus AIDS? Oh, this is something terrible. nuclear waste disease? Is he in the ugly things that happen? Is he in the Hurricanes? They'd be like, Oh, well. Now what? By putting a law in the creation or like the creation, what happens is that a disbeliever finds more excuses to disbelieve.

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And even try to confuse the believer. But Allah has made it clear that his attributes are not like anything you can really imagine. He's only giving you something to think about. So that when you want to reflect on a lot, and think about a lot, you have something beautiful to consider.

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For instance, we know a lot is our one dude. He's the loving, His love is eternal. His love is ongoing. His love is something that's all encompassing, in all in golfing. This is his love, dude. But we still don't say God is love. Why? Because our dude is something more than love. It's love in. Its ongoing, it's eternal. It's not just like a place on a map. No, a lot is not love as in down the street and turn the corner and dairy is no, that's not.

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That's not the concept that we're talking about. In Islam. When we talk about our dude, Allah tells us in the Quran, that he's our dude, the love He. And yet at the same time, he tells us, there's nothing like him. There's no love, like a lost love. It is such a beautiful thing to consider how Allah is all of the things that he is, and yet never like anything that we can define. All the things in creation have a beginning. And then they have shortcomings, they have problems with them, they have high points, low points. But a lot doesn't have that Allah has something even more important, he has a continuing total foundation of everything that he is.

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So now that we've understood that, and we've realized that there isn't any way to really compare to a law, yet we know that he's given us some parables to help us to understand a little bit. Now the most important thing becomes how to worship a law. And we must worship him on his terms, the way that he wants to be worshipped. And in some of our programs, we discussed that as well. I want to take one break now. Because I've talked to you a lot about this subject of a law. I want to come back now and talk about how we can begin to learn to worship Allah on his terms. So here's what you do. You sit back, relax, make a note of the website, by the way, beauties of islam.com. We'll be

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back right after this. Hello, hello, we're back. You're watching the beauties of Islam. And we've been talking about who Allah is and who a lot isn't. We've understood now that our Lord doesn't compare to his creation. He's not like anything that he's made. We know now that he is eternal. And always he's without beginning without end. This is not really something new to the believer, those who believe is Jews are children of Israel. Those who believe as Christians are followers of Christ, and those who believe as Muslims. Believing in the one true God makes sense, doesn't go against any real logic to understand that Allah has a presence and at the same time, he physically is not

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present. And he has these great qualities and yet at the same time, his qualities don't compare to anything that we as humans could imagine. So his creation is something that isn't all that great. It isn't all that special. It isn't to be worshipped. In fact, he alone is the only one be worshipped. Now we come to another fork in the road here, so to speak.

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And that is

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do I go this

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Way, or do I go that way? How do I worship Him? Some people are telling me do this or that. And exactly which way do I go? And how can I worship Him? Or how about if I just make up some worship of my own, maybe he would like for me to do sit ups five times a day, maybe that would be real nice. And you'll accept that his worship, or maybe just do some good deeds, I think a good deed would mean go and mow my neighbor's lawn every other day. And I'll consider that an act of worship. And well, these are good things to do. And you might have blessings with that, no doubt. But what is the ritualistic worship required, if any,

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to be a true believer, and one who is following this and then worshiping God according to his, his will.

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Something that we as Muslims know about is the will of Allah, we know that he has a will, he wants things done his way. Now, the things in the creation that he orders to be done will be done exactly that way. But for you and I, we have choices that we can make every day, whether or not we want to follow His will, for instance, a flower will grow exactly the way he wants it to go and die on the day that he wants it to die, a tree will grow as he wants it to grow. And it will blossom and flourish out the way he wants it to and live for exactly as long as he wants it to live. But then at a certain time that tree will die. The same is true as a human to an extent will be born, when he

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wants us to be born will die when he wants us to die. But in between those two times, we should get to make a lot of choices, don't we?

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But one of the most important choices of all, if not the most important choice is to decide

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I need to worship Him. And it needs to be on his terms his way. And what his way, the way to worship the one creator and sustainer the universe is according to the way he wants it done. But how could I know what that is? Can I make that up? It would be no more possible to do that than it would be to imagine God in a way that I want to imagine him.

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This means that I can't make up God, and I can't make up the religion or the way to get to him. Both of these things must be revealed by him. To me. It's his responsibility. It's up to God a law to show me who he is, who is not. And then how to get to him. And what to avoid. That would take me away from him. Does that make sense? All of this is what we've been talking about to our programs and beauties of Islam. Because when you understand this, it puts a peace or Sakina or tranquility in your heart to know that this is the one true God in fact, a law and the only way to get to him. There are five things that are essential to understand and put into practice to reach your worship

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to him, Almighty God. The first is to surrender to Him. Everything in my life I surrendered to Him I give it up to him, not 99% 100%. The next is submission, total submission to what he wants his way to learn what he wants me to do and then submit to that and obey his commandments. He's given me commandments, I need to obey them. Then this word sincerity, I must have total sincerity for him and do it whether anybody's watching or not do it because this is what I really want to do for him. Now if I do the four, which is surrender, submit, obey insincerity. Then this one comes, what is this one? This one is called peace, Sadam, and I will never get this peace between me and him until I do

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the other four. So if I want peace between me and Almighty God, I have to surrender submit insincerity, totally, completely to His will. This then would be Islam, because the word Islam means that exactly.

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So now we know who is the law. And we know how to get to a law that have more programs like this. So be sure to come back right here to this place, so that you can get more about the beauties of Islam. And don't forget our website, two beauties of islam.com. See you there. Peace. Salaam Alaikum Bismillah Alhamdulillah you're watching the beauties of Islam. I'm your host us vestis. And for the next few minutes, we want to talk about the real beauty of Islam.

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When I say that I'm talking about the correct understanding of who Almighty God is. He is the beauty of Islam.

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And his way, the way to reach him is the beauty of Islam. His recitation, his communication with us is a beauty of Islam. The connection that we have with him is the beauty of Islam. And all of this in the Arabic language is easily understood by someone who is an Arab, someone that speaks the Arabic language. But for someone like us, you know, we don't know it, we miss a lot of the nuance of the words. And so now let us begin to understand from the linguistic point of view what what we're talking about.

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We say Allah, and people say Allah.

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Okay, so that's God to the Muslims, some say, it's not even the God of the Christians and so on. It's just a god. Some even said, it's among God. But let us now look at the linguistic of the word, Allah. It in itself is a beauty of Islam. Because the word in Arabic doesn't mean God. Just in case you thought it did. It doesn't. Because we have a word in Arabic, for the word in English god, it's called Isla. Isla de God, God Illa. That's the word. But when we speak about the one and only God, the one that's to be worshipped, that God of Adam, the God of Abraham, and the God of Moses, God of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and the God of Muhammad, peace be upon him, when you're talking

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about essentially, the only god that's worthy to be worshipped. no other God?

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No, what would be the proof for this, I realized that we do have a lot of detractors who will say, No, no, no, it's not true. I don't believe it.

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That's get a proof from the English translation of the Bible. That's a good place to start. around the Earth, there are many hotels and motels, and almost every one of them that you go to there's a drawer beside the bed that when you open it up, you'll find a book and then you'll take it out. Now, what is that book and you already know the answer. It's the Bible. It's the Gideon publication of the King James Version of the Bible. The Gideons are very proud of it, because they've translated it into so many languages. If your turn a few pages, right in the beginning, you'll find examples of the translation to Chinese and Korean and into ooredoo, the language of Pakistan, you'll find it

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into tommo, you'll find it translated into Afrikaans language, which happens to be the first and the second language translated to is RBU, Arabic. And there is an example of each one of these languages.

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From the verse in the Gospel of john chapter three, verse 16, and you know it very well, For God so loved the world. That's how it begins. And if you look in the Arabic language, the example that they gave, in that Bible, it says, Allah,

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Allah, that's what it says, For Allah, so love the world.

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So if it's not the same God, then why,

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all over the entire Earth, Everywhere I go, I find this exact same word being used in the Bible, of the Christians. Now, you might say, Whoa, well, what about the Old Testament, but just in case you would like to check it out? You can obtain a copy of this from our website, it's called the beauties of Islam. Let me spell it out for you. starts with the beauties of islam.com. Go there and see for yourself. The example is right there. page one of the book of Genesis that the very beginning of the Quran page one has 17 verses.

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And there's the word Allah, olive lamb, lamb ha 17 times. So just as it's the God for the children of Israel, in Arabic language, and it's the God for the Arabs, who are Christians, it's also the same God. For the Muslims. The word is Allah. Why Allah? Why is it important to have this particular word? And why don't we have it in English? Well, those are good questions. And when we come back from the break, I want to get into those and show you the proof so that you'll be able to see for yourself that this is exactly the God and why we don't have it in English language. So stay right where you are. We're gonna be right back with more about the beauties of Islam. Bismillah

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Alhamdulillah we're back. You're watching the beauties of Islam and we've been talking about the

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Word of law.

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And we've discovered it's a word that's actually used by the Christians and Jews in their Bible. And by the way I have on the internet, the the Bible in Arabic language, I have it there on our website, beauties of islam.com. So you can check it for yourself. Now I want to come to the etymology of the word. It comes from the word Isla. And Isla means God, but God is defined as what anything that's worshipped, whether it be something you can see, or you don't see, something you can touch or not touch, something that you can hear or not hear. A God could be anything. A God could be a rock, stick, a stone, a bone, a God could be something that you could make with your hands. A God can be

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something you could use your imagination, for. It could be a human being, a God could be anything, God, God could be anything. But there is no word in English for a law. So when you translate the word Allah to be God, you've actually diminished the meaning of a law. That's why whenever you translate the Bible from English to Arabic, you need to use the word or law, instead of God with a big G, which now gives us a clue to the problem. In the English language. They only have one word, God, little God, it means something worship, it could be idols, images, pictures, statues, could be human beings, it could be anything.

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This is God's little God. Yes. But when you mean regard, you have to capitalize the G you have to make a big G.

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Now what happens if you're going to start the sentence with the word God, you have to make a big g anyway, don't use so you wouldn't know if it was bought big God or God, a little God, just any old God, you wouldn't know. Also, whenever you're speaking to someone, they can't see the letters. So when you say God, which God What are you talking about? In Arabic, though, it's clear when you say a lot, okay, he's talking about a god. And Allah is an A law. But he's also Ollie law, the only ILA and when you say, oh, law, this firms it up, and there's no doubt in anybody's mind that you're talking about the one and only got a couple of points about that, before we leave the topic. The

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word Allah in Arabic language cannot be made plural.

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Can't be more than one. Okay, that perfectly fits the unique god of the believers, because there's not more than one he's only one.

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There's no God beside God. Second point is this it can't be made female or male. There's no gender to the word. In Arabic, all the words have gender, all words have gender. But this particular word is only having gender because of the Arabic language, not because the law has gender. It gives you an example. It always says like a law who this means a law he is. But when we say he, it's out of respect for law, because the laws without gender because he's not like his creation, not male, not female. Additionally, we find that the examples in Quran for instance, when Allah is talking about himself, you'll find it says not new, not new means we allow refers to himself as new. He also says,

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Hello, nah, he says, Hello. Now what does that mean? He's saying that we created and throughout the Quran, you find a lot of referring to himself as we, our and us. And right away, you can say, okay, tip that's not plural, then what is, in fact, this is the Royal we used by a king or a queen, when they're giving decrees. We have it in English too. So you can understand. The king says we decree the following, and he's talking about himself. It's the Royal way.

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Now, I thought about this quite a bit. And I was trying to think how could I give a better example.

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After all, most of us, myself included, never met a king never met a queen. And so I'm not really familiar with that usage, although it's there. I'm not sure what you're talking about. So then in studying the English language, we find that it's true that we do that when we speak to someone directly watch this. When I say for instance, this cup

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Okay, I would say this is a cup. This is a cup of tea.

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A nice cup of tea two,

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I would say this book is

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

I would say those artifacts are those are this is

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These are so i'm saying is an art Did you catch this? Now? These things are? This is no one I speak to human being How do I do this? Well, I will say, you guys, all of you are all of you are ar e. But when I speak to somebody directly, do I say you is? Or you are?

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I will say you are? Why? Simply because this is the respect, honor and dignity that I'm giving. There's no plural there. When I say to you, you are my friend, you are a lovely person. But why am I saying our word I think is you is my friend, you is a lovely person.

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You will say man, this guy doesn't know English language.

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And in fact, that's how we can understand this usage of we an hour when a law is talking about himself. This is the same as when I say I don't say i is i say I am. And again, it's to show the not plural, but rather the specific nobility, dignity and honor that you give to the one who's speaking about himself and to the one he speaking to. And in the same way, that's exactly what a lot is doing when he says not new and Halak na and other examples throughout the Koran. So now what we've learned is that allowes name itself is the perfect name for a law. It is something that is so fantastic to describe who he is and who he isn't the one and only God, there is none other like him. Nothing like

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unto him, oh law, and at the same time, the dignity that royalty, the honor that do him is contained in his name. Not like anything else. Not male, not female, and yet, he is the all

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over the only God. So much more coming up on other episodes. Visit our website to get more details about this. beauties of islam.com. Until next time, peace Solomonic

Sheikh Yusuf Estes, American Muslim Preacher & Teacher giving public lecture on the topic ‘Beauties of Islam: (Part 26~28) Who is Allah?

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