Yusuf Chambers – Dawah – The Activism Of The 21st Century

Yusuf Chambers
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the current state of society, including the success of Islam in Liverpool, its release of books and publications, and its importance in showing support for Islam in the face of negative media coverage. They emphasize the need for everyone to fulfill obligations to support their religion and maintain principles. The speaker also touches on the history of the Prophet Muhammad sallali alayhi wa sallam and his desire to convince the world to forget his message. The lack of internet and satellite television, as well as the lack of postal service, is also discussed. The importance of maintaining principles is emphasized, and attendees are encouraged to attend the Dow training.
AI: Transcript ©
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going to ask you to come with me on a journey again. Just recently least thinking about did you go in in this time machine?

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Not only Billahi min ash shaytaan rajim Bismillahi Rahmani r Rahim

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al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim.

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We start by praising Allah,

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and bestowing Peace and blessings upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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who Indeed, we take all of our examples from.

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I want today to

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reflect upon

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the world that we currently live in. And most notably, the world being the world around us, Birmingham,

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the UK, the United Kingdom, Great Britain,

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of which we are apart, we are members of this nation.

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If one reflects on

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what Tao is all about?

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Surely one should first be knowing what is wrong with the society so you can address those issues and come with plausible solutions to stop those problems occurring.

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We need in this 21st century,

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a new dour, an activism, the Dow of activism, or the activism of dow.

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in this society, we see particularly when it comes to women and children, great oppression.

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It's not an exaggeration to say we're living in the middle of a broken society.

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We had

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it failed the world's

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we had and we still have capitalist economic systems, liberalism, social democracies, we have all of this in the world today. And it is failing the world is failing the people. It's failing the most poor, it's failing the most vulnerable people in our society.

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I'm going to call all of you, including myself,

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to a new way, a revolution.

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It is all about changing the world through dour. It's about changing lives. It's about changing communities, changing expectations.

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We had a period in our history of more than 1000 years well, vast swathes of this world were controlled by the laws of Allah and not man made laws. When man made laws come,

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they destroy society and they imprison people. When Allah subhanho wa Taala is caught and is followed to the doctor the words and the Sunnah of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is observed and implemented in actions in thoughts in speech,

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in trades

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in character.

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We have a chance to bring this broken society

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back to some fruition back to some level of success.

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I want to talk to you just to give you some encouragement, and it's also like a big slap on the face for all of us. And it is on the face. There was a man who lived he was born in 1856

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in Liverpool

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and in 1889

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He established what was essentially Britain's first Islamic Center.

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He was like myself a revert.

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He was a solicitor by trade.

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And he was a very

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caring person. He was a person that if this person like we see so many of these type of people outside,

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that if they accepted Islam, they could be a real tour de force. This person was none other than

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Henry William Abdullah Quilliam.

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And you think that this name Quilliam is associated with another group, don't you?

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But you're wrong. Because I just can't believe how somebody can take the name Quilliam and destroy it overnight. But if you look into the life of this man,

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if you look into the works of this man, after he took the Shahada

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truly it is an example for many of us in this room today.

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For example,

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amongst all of the things that he achieved,

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hundreds, of course of reverts resulted from the work that he

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implemented. He was recognized by the Sultan of Morocco, the Shah of Persia, and the Sultan of Africa, Afghanistan.

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In fact, the Afghanistan he Sultan gave him a gift of 2500 pounds to set up the masjid in Liverpool.

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how things change.

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He held lectures on Islam in Liverpool, he had two publications, the crescent and the Islamic review.

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He had

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weekly Islamic debates with senior professionals,

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scientists, etc.

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And by the end of all of this, of course, many of the scientists embraced Islam and the professionals that he was talking to embraced Islam, including his mother, who was actually a Christian missionary for many years. And his son.

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He opened and He instituted a place called Medina, home for illegitimate children. And in in London in Liverpool at that time, there were many illegitimate children, and the state wouldn't recognize them and deal with them. So he used to take them on board under his wing, and he used to look after those people. And he used to find homes for those children, and he would sort them out legally.

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He also had a Muslim college, as I say, a weakling debating society, a weekly debating society. He wrote Muslim nasheeds. And he used to play these nasheeds, every Sunday

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to all the people in locality, so instead of them going to church, he used to call them to listen to these machines. And these machines of course, we're all about machine. We're all about Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Like maybe books, or check out this box, it's a much better box. Do you know why? Because the books have guidance brothers and sisters. Allah says in the Quran, or lsvt Rob Baker called the wave your Lord. And what better way in giving someone not a beatbox but a dowel box.

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They were all about it based upon toe heat.

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He also published a book the faith of Islam, and it was translated and sent around the world to 13 different languages. Queen Victoria read this book.

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He actually opened the masjid now this is incredible. Now think about where you are in Birmingham. And think about how many machines would even think about doing this.

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He opened the masjid on Christmas Day

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and he's gifted

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The children the poverty stricken children of Liverpool was he invited them to a free meal that day to enlighten them, to give them some Baraka to give them some blessing. Can you imagine us today opening our Masjid and inviting the poorest people in the UK to attend the opening of that Masjid? I don't think it's going to happen.

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And this is surely the difference between us and a person like Abdullah Quilliam.

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His whole rhetoric his whole thought process was how can I implement the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad? sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here in Liverpool in the year 1889 120 years later? Where are we brothers and sisters? Where are them? Where is Medina? What is the Medina house? Where the debating circles? Where all of these things that I have mentioned?

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Where are we mcminn? Muslims? Who loves the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than he loves himself?

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Why don't we demonstrate that we show that we have that love?

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All of this comes down. Really essentially my brothers and sisters.

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And this example I've read to you.

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If we compare the life of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his determination, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam to make sure this message went out to the world regardless of race, color, cultural creeds.

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And compared to the 120 years, we've been here, since Abdullah Quilliam was there and 19 819 Oh, eight, he had to leave the country.

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And you compare it to the time that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam indulged in the hour, and from the day he received why he took the day he died. Also, la sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had to achieve that the message had gone from ocean to ocean, from China to Portugal. And we can't even do it in an islands.

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A tiny, little insignificant islands.

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Who this geography of this country, you can go from the furthest point to the furthest point in one day easily.

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And then the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They did not have internet, the Sahaba crime. They did not have internet or mobile phones. They didn't have satellite television. They didn't even have postal service.

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So what does this where does it put us? In the eyes of Allah? Where does it put us my brothers and sisters, I'm reprimanding myself. Because I have more. More to face Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment, because I am from these islands. And I should have been doing it 10 years ago. He was only when I met up the Rahim green. outside his house in Clapham after attending one of his circles, which is the only thing I used to do was just attend one circle a week, which I thought was enough. And he came to me and he said, Youssef, what are you doing for the Dow?

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What are you doing for your Acura? What are you doing for the British people to explain to them their religion? I said, Look, I'm bringing my children up and I'm looking after my wife and I attend your weekly circle. That's enough. He said it's not enough.

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You need to feel love. If that is you, my brothers, and if that is you, my sisters, this is what you're doing. I'm telling you the same thing. You gave me the message I'm gonna give you the message. It is not enough in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala when Allah resurrects us on the day of judgment on the day of reckoning, when we are standing next to people that we thought we knew, but we don't recognize and now because we're so worried about the things that we didn't do, and the things that we did, which were wrong.

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When this person who was our neighbor in Birmingham, or our work colleague in Birmingham for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, a loss of Hanover wa Taala is giving reckoning to you and then next this is the person the person you never gave down to.

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What will this person say? Oh well

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Law, I plead with you that I live next door to admit next door to Somalia, next door to this one and that one, and they never said anything about what this would you are telling me about now?

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What will be your condition my brothers and sisters, what will be my condition?

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I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala

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to make us

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fulfill the obligation

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of the individual obligation of giving the hour, not just to learn the verse and keep it behind your backs. I'll just remind you, there was one meeting I had about four months ago.

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And it was a very decent man, he was a good man, as far as I knew. And I went through the meeting with him. He was of Jewish origin. He was a consultant, and I was consulting him about the free schools, I was gonna put free school applications in everywhere and try and save some of the sisters and brothers from the torment of having to be taught by people who don't believe in Allah.

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And at the end of the meeting,

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I said to the brother,

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Jewish brother, I said to him, Are you a believer?

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Because I was shocked at the things that he was prepared to do. He was telling me creationism, the belief that Allah is the Creator, don't discuss it in the school.

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When you are in the school, you have to accept that he's going to be free mixing, you have to accept this.

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You have to not discuss issues of Islam in the science lab.

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The end of it, that's why I asked him, Are you a believer? And he said, Yes, I'm a believer.

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I said, Well,

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I don't want to be a believer like you then.

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I don't want to be a believer because I cannot lie to Allah. If someone says to me, teach science, I'm gonna tell him the truth about science. I'm not gonna stand cowering behind some guy, financier, because he's given the money. I'd rather not take the money,

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wouldn't you?

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Are you gonna stand principles, like Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was principles. He had such beauty in his principles. He never left his principles. And that's why he is

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the spiritual guide of all of us.

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So my brothers and sisters,

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let us try to remain principles if we can. And let us try to establish

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the truth amongst our neighbors, the truth amongst our colleagues at work, if you want to do this, and I'm sure that Abdur Rahim will follow me and he will,

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again, remind you how to do this come to the dour training sessions in Birmingham. I know for a fact that sciacca here will be attend, we will be we'll be holding some things which executive in Birmingham, we're going to be doing our training sessions here in Birmingham. And we want all of you all of you, all of you that came with your money today, which was so blessed and so beautiful to see. Because some people were telling us

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they were telling us Birmingham, you'll never get 30,000 I said no, no, no, no.

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I don't believe that. Alhamdulillah your brothers and sisters, you proved us rights. We didn't believe it. And we've seen it today. Birmingham has been the most successful fundraiser we've ever done and we've been around for the last two years. And honestly I've never seen such a fundraiser myself. So Birmingham, we feel proud of you we feel once again Alhamdulillah May Allah bless Birmingham and bless the Ummah in Birmingham and let them give Dawa to their neighbors, their friends, their colleagues and their enemies are kulu

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Subhana Allah Subhana stuffer Allah Sorry, just feeling very emotional. So May Allah subhanaw taala bless all of you. And thank you very much for coming and please come to the Dow training and Jazakallah hair salon Why

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would you had

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to learn

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What law attorney

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Explore how dawah should be the new activism, in reality all problems stem from an absence of Islam, so a call to Islam will solve these problems.

This lecture was delivered at the iERA International Dawah Conference in London.
January 16, 2011

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