Yasir Qadhi – The Happiness of the Believer in the Coming of the Prophet

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of being happy at Islam is discussed, including the importance of being the best among all Muslims and being a good creator. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to believe in Islam and not just accept it. The importance of shaping culture is emphasized, including showing love and affirming one's values to achieve their goals. The importance of showing love to the right people and avoiding division is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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and hamdulillah all praises due to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah who created everything in pairs. He is the ROB of the world, and the master of all of our affairs. He demonstrated his power through the perfection of His creation, and He manifested His knowledge through the reality of predestination. He created death and life as a trial for us and to test and to separate the pious from the wicked and to select the best, so Tabata Kola, the one to whom belongs all power and majesty, and may solitons Salam be upon Mohamed Salah Allahu Allah, he was seldom the murky under Hashimi as to what follows. Know that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah has commanded us to be conscious of him when he says

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in the Quran, yeah, you hola Dena amanotes Allahu Akbar, Ducati one more tune in to Muslim on. Do Muslims imagine one day you wake up, and you have an anonymous note that some benefactor has promised to take care of the finances for the rest of your life. You don't have to worry about working you don't have to worry about bills about paying your rent, you are guaranteed that you are going to be getting sustenance and risk until you pass away. Imagine how happy this news would make you how genuinely joyous your heart would be to hear of such good news. In fact, to be happy, at blessings is a sign that you recognize those blessings. And as we all know, there is a blessing that

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is more precious than the money of this world. And that is the blessing of the Quran and the blessing of Islam and the blessing of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just like a person would be happy if they were promised this dunya we should be infinitely more happy when Allah has gifted us the gift that is more precious than this dunya and that is the gift of iman the gift of the Quran, the gift of being in the Ummah of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to feel Farah happiness at these blessings is a sign of Eman. It is a sign of appreciation. It is a sign that you recognize how blessed and fortunate you are that Allah azza wa jal has chosen you

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because if Allah had not chosen you, you would not be of this ummah, you would not be of the recipient of the Quran, you would not be in the best Ummah that Allah has made for mankind, and you and I would not be of the followers of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So in today's brief holds up, I want to remind myself and all of you of the theological necessity of the obligation of being happy at being in the OMA of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it is obligatory, why is it obligatory? Because if you are not happy at this blessing, then you do not recognize this blessing. If you are not happy that you are a follower of this Nebby of this Rasul of

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the Mustafa and Mujtaba of the AMA, then the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then you have not recognized who that personality is Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, Surah Yunus can only be fatherly Allah he will be rahmati Furby dyadic Ophelia Ferraro, who were hired on mimma Yajima own say to them, your rasool Allah say to them, Rejoice and be happy at Allah's blessings and Allah as Rama for those two are more better than anything they can acquire of this world say be happy at Allah's father and Allah's Rama Ibn Abbas said, Allah's father is the Quran. And Allah's Rama is the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah's father is the Quran say be fogli Allah and

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Allah Azza wa rahmatullahi Fabiola Lika familia Franco let them rejoice let them be glad let them be happy for it is better than anything else they can acquire. Rejoice and be happy at the Quran and rejoice and be happy at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being our Prophet Ibrahim Rahim Allah to Allah He comments

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On this verse and he says all of the interpretations of the Sunnah of the previous scholars, they are around the premise that the father of Allah is Islam and the Rama of Allah is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu either you were sending them so the father love Allah is Islam the Quran hedaya And is the prophet system is the Sunnah is that he salah, then you build a yam says, and depending on how much alive the heart is, depending on the life of the heart shall be the happiness of the heart. The happier the heart is, the more Iman is in the heart. The more a person is happy at the Quran, and at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam him Nakayama, saying the happier you are that

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you have the Quran in your life, the happier you are, you have the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and you believe in him. This is a sign of iman in the heart so much so in fact, this is straight from the Arabic Ibaka yam says this had that in nautical Bella yo cusu Farah sometimes the heart is going to be dancing and happiness because it recognizes the blessings of the Quran and the blessings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah reminds us in the Quran loca de mon Allahu Allah, meaning Allah has favored the believers. How has he favorite the believers? What is Allah's mana law? The Mandala who I mean is that if he him Rasulullah min and foresee him that he has sent her a

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soul from amongst them, this is Allah's Mina upon you. Allah has favor upon you, Allah's blessings upon you that he has sent you a profit and that profit recites the book of Allah purifies them calls them to the wisdom and the book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala in Surah Al Juma ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala reminds us who Allah the birth if and only you know Rasulullah min whom he is the one who has sent from the only people a messenger from amongst them, who recites the book to them, and purifies them and teaches them the Book and the wisdom. Then Allah says in the very next verse, that Lika follow law here at him and Yasha Wallah who will follow them. This is the blessing of Allah, the blessing

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the father of Allah, what is the blessing of Allah that you have a profit center amongst you, Veronica, follow Allah, Allah has given you Favell, Allah has honored you Allah has bestowed upon you a blessing that you need to understand and what is that blessing? You have a Prophet you have a Rasul you have a Nabi and not just any prophet and Rasul and be the best of all Prophets and the Imam of all the Gambia and the say you are the leader of all of the children of Adam, dear Muslims, we are preferred and blessed by Allah and this is a preference that is general we have to we have to earn that blessings to strive to get there, but a generic blessing we all have, that we are from the

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best Ummah that Allah azza wa jal has created not because of me, not because of you, because of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this ummah is the best Ummah because we have the best book and we have the best Nabi and we have the best Rasul our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and say you do one or the other in a yarmulke, Yama I shall be the single leader of all of mankind on the Day of Judgment while and I'm not boasting the holder who said a biller, he said this so that no evil person thinks that he's boasting, I have to tell you this fact I'm not boasting, I'm not bragging, I shall be the leader of all of the children of Adam. In another Hadith he said, I

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shall be carrying the flag of praise Liwa al ham, and all of mankind shall be under my banner. He is carrying the flag of praise, and he is the praiseworthy one he is carrying Liwa al Hamd. And he is hammered and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah azza wa jal reminds us in the Quran, who is the messenger of Allah? What was his function and purpose wema out of said Naka, Illa Mehta, Lil al Amin, ya rasool Allah, you are the Rama for all of mankind, you your personality, your message, your teachings, your rissalah your life, your times your sunnah your Sierra, you ya rasool Allah or the Rama for all of mankind and this is what our Prophet system said in the authentic hadith and then

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was said the lack of an outcome he said, uh, you hunted us in NEMA Anna Rama tune muda all mankind. I am Allah's Rama he has gifted to mankind Rama tune moda. It is a headier. Allah has gifted us the Rama with the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Subhanallah you cannot be a believer until you believe in the Salah before you believe in Allah subhana wa Tala think about it. How do you know who Allah is? How do you know who Allah is? How do you know the Kalima? Until you believe in Mohammed sauce? Who taught you the Kadima and that's why when Jaffa because another prophet system was speaking to Nigel sheep

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And the judge she said, What is this new message? Jaffa? Rhodiola who answered that? Oh King, oh mighty king. We were a people steeped in evil and steeped in paganism and steeped in ignorance. The strong would devour the weak we would do this and that and kill and we would eat dead meat and whatnot until what did he say? Allah sent us a messenger the sending of the messenger is when the blessings began on law sent us a Messenger whom we knew we loved, we respected the messenger taught us the messenger. This is where everything changes, the coming of the Risala mohammedia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is where everything changes, brothers and sisters. It is a part of iman to

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love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to rejoice at his sending and to be happy that we are a part of his ummah, we all know that the Sahaba they took comfort in the physical presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they took joy in gazing upon him. When things became tough when things were depressing and sad. They would simply sit in the company of the Prophet system to cheer themselves up. This is the reality the love that they had for the Prophet sallallahu either he was sending them, it is a love that has not been compared and has not been replicated in any other leader amongst mankind. It is a love that is genuine, it is the love that Allah gives to the

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believers. And this is why we hear such amazing stories in the Battle of when disaster struck to the Muslims and the people of Medina heard that over 70 people have been killed, they became flustered, they became worried and groups came to meet the people returning from amongst them was a lady she was on the path from oil to Medina. And she said where is the messenger of Allah? Is he okay? Somebody said to her old lady Your father has passed away in the law whenever I journal How was the messenger of Allah? Another man came by old lady, I saw your brother he is amongst the deceased in Nadella. What neither are you telling me how is the messenger of Allah she's waiting to hear the

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news till finally somebody says Oh lady, your husband himself has died and she says in Nadi law he will indeed erode your own. How is the messenger of Allah tell me how is Rasul? Allah she's lost her father, her brother, her husband, and her main concern is the messenger of Allah till finally somebody says the Prophet system is fine scrapes and bruises, he is fine. Let me see him. Finally she was brought in front of him when she saw the Prophet system is alive, wounded, bleeding alive, she said, Alhamdulillah every masiva after you I can bear it I can bear the calamity, every mercy but after your rasool Allah I can I can deal with it. If I had lost you. I don't know what I would

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do. This is the Imam of the sahaba. She had lost three of her family members. But her Eman was so strong Jana suit Allah as long as you're here, I'll be able to deal with this reality. This is the reality of what might have been and what love is for the Prophet sallallahu I knew he was selling them. Look at the famous machine we teach our children the most famous in the sheet of our Sierra father, Albert drew Elena. It was said when the Prophet system returned from to book it was a dangerous expedition. In the July months they marched all the way to book almost 1000 kilometres away and then they marched back in the heat of the summer. It was a very dangerous expedition. They

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thought they would meet the Romans. When they came back. The people of Medina came outside of the city and they sang these famous phrases that we all know ponder I'll bet you Elena, the full the full moon has come upon us. The full moon has come upon us for the ibeju Elena means any year to adapt from the hill of WADA. This was a hill that they would come back to in the taboo direction there was a hill there called pina colada. So from Teneo to Lodi, the full moon has risen up. Then they said what job a shoot crew Elena, we must be so grateful. We must show Shaka ma da li la dee da as long as this prophet is calling to Allah amongst us. They understood the coming of the prophets

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as a meant they have to be thankful they have to show Shaka wajib a shoe Kuru Elena ma de la dee da. In fact, the Sahaba loved the Prophet Systems Company so much that the realisation that they would be separated from him would bring them anxiety, it is authentically narrated that a man came to the Prophet system in the masjid everybody was there and he said Dr. Rasool Allah, you are the most beloved person to me, I love you Allah he more than I love myself more than I love my spouse and my children. And anytime that I'm grief struck, I come to you and until I can see you and I feel a sense of relief. But then ya rasool Allah one day I realized I shall die and you shall die. And when

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you die, Yasuda Allah you will be risen high up with the prophets and when I die, I will not be at your level. Yeah rasool Allah this caused me grief this cause

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To me sadness. Can you imagine how this person is thinking so much time ahead? Can you imagine he's a Sahabi he sees the process of everyday separation anxiety comes after death and he's thinking about it now. The Prophet system was silent did not say anything. A few days later, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala revealed Surah Nisa, verse 69. Woman altar Allah rasool Allah for Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Who are they him Mina nabina will suit the Athena, wish you heard that you will solid in what has to know like raffia for those who believe and do good deeds, they shall be in the company of those whom Allah has blessed they shall be with the prophets and with the Sadiq team and with the righteous and

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with the soul and with the martyrs and what a great companionship they are. And he said to the man, that you shall be with those whom you love. If you truly love me, you shall be with me. And as Sydney Malik was there, he was a child at the time barely 10 years old. Look at the emaan of Anessa demotic as a 10 year old child, what did nsmba Malik say? follow Allah He Moffat and Farah Houghton, shut domainhost The Hill for half wala he that day when the prophets of salaam said that you will be with those whom you love. We were never happier in our lives since the day we accepted Islam till that day when he said you shall be with those whom you love because an idiomatic said, I do not have

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the level of Abu Bakr and Omar I do not have the level of the prophets but I love them. So I hope to be amongst them. This is what you call love. This is what you call happiness. And as saying we were not happier any day of our lives since accepting Islam than the day we found out and I'm in a bathtub you shall be with those whom you are going to be with you love you're going to be with them. Subhanallah brothers and sisters, as I said, a sign of eemaan a sign of faith in Allah is to be happy at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be happy that we are of his ummah to be happy that we have access to his syrup, we have access to his sunnah the famous hustler boss at the

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greatest scholar of bustle the greatest student of the tabby rune of bizarro, you all know the famous incident when the Prophet system changed the members and he would give a heads up on a stump of the palm tree then an unsavoury lady who was wealthy she had a she had a person who could build you know, a better members. So the person built a special custom made member you all know the story, the process, I'm stood on the custom made nimble, and Allah allowed the stump to cry. And the Sahaba said, we heard this tree weeping like a baby camel, Allah allowed the emotions were there, we cannot hear it. Allah allowed the Sahaba to hear the crime of the stump of the tree because the process

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them had left the stump and moved on to the new location. So the process of them stopped the whole river interrupted the whole book came down and hugged the stump, calm the stump down and then ordered that the stump be taken and buried under his member where it is to this day that I'm still standing on you. Oh stump, Hassan Al bacillary would net narrate this incident and he would begin to cry and he would say, oh people, is it not more befitting that we cry than a tree? Oh people should we not cry more than a tree out of ishtiaq out of desire to be with the Prophet sallallahu. Either he was setting them and every time he would mention this, he would begin to cry. Dear Brothers and

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Sisters, today's whole debate was about the reality of being happy at the Sunnah and the Sierra and the life and times of the prophecies that have a desire to be with him. The reality of Eman means that we need to appreciate who this man was, and that we are of his own man. And true love is shown not just by saying, I love you, rasool Allah, not just not just by mentioning that love, but to study his teachings, a commitment to study Who was this man? A commitment to live one's life in accordance with the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam verbal expressions of love and outer happiness is good. And it is an act of worship. And Allah shall bless us when we say we love

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you Rasul Allah, that is good. But that's not the goal. To say we love you is the word sila, not the hire, not the end. It's the it's the way to get to the end. What is the end what is the actual goal is just to say we love your rasool Allah know to say we love You and to show love is there was sila is the means what is the higher what is the goal? Allah says in the Quran? Hold in contempt to hipbone Allah, fat Tabby, Rooney, you become Allah. If you truly say you love Allah, then follow me the process of saying follow me. Allah azza wa jal will love you. The ultimate goal in showing love and expressing love is not just to show and express love. It is to make our lives in accordance with

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the lives of the prophets of Saddam to model our own flat with the clock of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to take our Nebby and his sunnah.

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and his Sierra as the ultimate and only role model for us to follow and through the magic Radi Allahu Allah and who commented and he said, The Day of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and turd Medina was the happiest day of our lives. And the day that he passed away and we buried him, it was the saddest day of our lives. To be happy at the Prophet system is a sign of Eman to be sad that he's not amongst us is a sign of Eman. So every day we study the Sierra every day we learn more about him and every day should be the happiest day when we study about our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah Subhana Allah Allah bless me and you within and through the Quran. And May He

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make us of those who is versus they understand and apply as halal and haram throughout our lifespan. I ask Allah forgiveness, you as well ask him for his love of food and the ramen

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hamdulillah All praise is due to Allah, the One and the unique. He it is when we worship, and it is his aid that we seek. He is the Lord of the oppressed. And here's the prayer of the week as to what follows dear Muslims of the issues that we see annually online, and amongst our family and friends during this time every single year, is the contentious issue of the Molad. And whether we should celebrate or not celebrate the Molad. This holds but is not the time to go into academic detail. I have given lectures and written articles about this. And I refer you to a long lecture I gave online a few years ago called the reality of betrayal, you can find it on my YouTube page. So I have spoken

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in academic detail about this today's hold the bite as a brief reminder to your Muslims point number one, three points point number one, whatever position you hold whether one should or should not celebrate. Please understand and acknowledge that the other position the one that you don't hold, is a reputable mainstream position held by icons of respect and scholars that are worthy of our admiration throughout Islamic history. And the average person is not required to perform each jihad. The average person chooses a group of scholars and follows them. So if you have chosen one group, no problem, allow another group of Muslims to choose another group, if you believe that it had been

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hijacked, and in no way are they better scholars no problem. Understand the other group has chosen Ibn Taymiyyah and a shell to be and others realize that this difference of opinion is one that goes back not 100, not 500, almost 800 years and one finds greater Allah ma respected ruler ma reputable onomah on both sides of the equation Subhanallah brothers and sisters, if you have chosen one side, I asked you by Allah if the scholar of the other side, if you have chosen had been tamed me aside, if he'd been Hajer appeared in front of you now, would you treat him harshly? Would you say this person is evil? or what not? Or would you understand? Well, that's even his opinion, I have to

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respect it, even if I don't agree with it. Every one of these schools, every one of these strands has its methodology and its reasons and it's what we call hermeneutics or soul, how does it extract that it is allowed or not allowed. And each one of them understands that there are following different philosophies. So those that say that mode should not be done. They have an understanding of what is innovation, and they say if the Profit System didn't do it, and the Sahaba didn't do it, we should not do it. And that is a valid and a sensical and a sensible and a logical extrapolation. Those who say there's nothing wrong with remembering the Prophet system in this timeframe, they have

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a different understanding of what is better and they say you are correct the general rule we don't do what the prophet system did, but there are exceptions now is not the time to get into them. For example, Abu Bakr Siddiq on Earth man compiled the must have this is an exception there's a reason they're doing it for example Salah to Tara where we finish the whole Quran during Salah Tara, we're the process of did not do that. The Sahaba did not do that, for example, to alHazmi Quran within Tarawa, nobody did that from the first generation but we do it the OMA has accepted it. And they have their understandings. For example, beloved rhodiola, one when the process and I'm asked him,

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How did you how did I hear your footsteps and Jana Bilal said Ya Rasulullah every time I do will do I pray to Dhaka the process. And I've said that's why you're entering Jana, he did not learn that you should pray to duck out from the process of him. But what's wrong with praying to Raka? Nothing. So when Bilal is saying every time I do will do I'm gonna pray to a god. Other scholars have been hired and no way they say if you do a generic good deed at any time of the year then it is permissible. And if you come together and you praise the Profit System without going to extremes and you give you know, goodness sheets and you talk about the fall bond of the process, and why should

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that be wrong? So this group has this understanding this group has this understanding Subhanallah brother

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assisters point is not to get technical, but to understand that the other side, it's not coming out of thin air. It's not just following their desires, they have solid epistemology, they have solid, what we call a soul. And if you've chosen to follow one group, understand the other school has its group and its scholars. This is point number one. Point number two, before you jump to the differences, please look at the commonalities before you get irritated at how you differ. Look at where you agree 99.99% You agree with your brother that 0.01% You make such a big deal and Subhanallah Where is each of these actions coming from never forget those who celebrate the moment

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and those who don't celebrate the moment the both of them there Nia is to love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the both of them they're different. How should we show love that's it. But the NIA is exactly the same. The apostle or the route. I want to love the professor's from the one group says I'm going to love him by doing exactly what he did verbatim. And so I'm not going to do this thing called the motive. The NIA is love. The other group says I'm going to love him. And this is a way of showing love. The NIA is the love. How can you ignore this commonality? The reason why both groups are doing what they're doing the cause is the same the knee is the same the color is

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the same. So how can you ignore this and Allah azza wa jal tells us in normal Mr. Lubin, the process of said actions are judged by intentions and dear Muslims greater Adama understood this, the greatest of aroma of one side of the spectrum shareholders now Ibn Taymiyyah, he wrote in his IP de la salata, Mr. Team, and I'm literally quoting from his book so that we understand Volume Two page 123 He said, that he himself said to take this day as a day of celebration. He said this is a bit of I don't agree with the dustbin, Tamia, none of the stuff and none of the halal bait would do so that they would take this date as a date of celebration for celebrations. According to him. atomia must

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come from the shoddy. Then he said Whoever does this Mahabharata Linda be SallAllahu ala he was setting up what's our Lehmann law? Who will law who could you thebault Whom Allah ha ha ha ha ha ha la la vida, whoever does this out of my head but for the Prophet system, and thinking that this is the right thing to do. Allah shall reward them for that love. And Allah shall reward them for that sincere effort, not because they did something they shouldn't do, but because of the good Nia and even Tamia goes on and he says on the next page, listen to this Fatah Liam wouldn't know what to how to homos him and how do you find who who bow to NAS while you're kulula houfy He or Judo now he Moon

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loosening Asti, he this is Ibn Taymiyyah saying this Ibn Taymiyyah who says I don't agree with this or should not be done. Even Taymiyah says if you take the mode as a day of festival, and you think that the Prophet system that is going to be something that will bring you closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala he doesn't agree with it. Then he says, but whoever does it, thinking that it is good. Allah subhanho wa Taala will potentially impossibly reward him a judo nauseam, a massive reward for his good intention because he wanted to show respect to the messenger of Allah. This is what you call the scholar of Islam. This is what you call an alum, Rabbani. I don't think it's right. But I'm

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not so stubborn and arrogant that I think the one who does it is an evil person going to join them. This is what you call an eye on him. He understood that you know what I understand you're doing it out of love. I don't agree with it. But if you are sincere, and you're following a group of Allah, Allah shall reward you for your sincerity. This is the real Alhambra, Bondi. The second point before you jump to what is difference, look at what is common. And the third point brothers and sisters, no matter how you feel about the moment, no matter how passionate you are, for or against, please look at the broader picture. Now is not the time to spread hatred amongst other groups of practicing

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Muslims. Now is not the time to increase our disunity and to teach our children about the wrongdoings of another group of Muslims there must do this 510 minutes away. They're coming and pray five times a day we live in a land of Cofer. We live in a land of atheism. We live in a land of ill had already the Muslims are few the ones that are practicing are even fewer And subhanAllah. What are we doing Fulani is wrong for non his Lord Fernandez, Booneville Subhan Allah, whatever your opinion is, dear Muslims, look at the real world around you. And don't allow these point 01 differences to allow you to break division in the OMA Wallah. He to create division over these

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issues is a bigger sin than whatever you think the center of the other group might be to create division and to splinter up over these issues that you find great aroma on both sides. It shows that you don't have the maturity of the ruler of those sides. follow whatever position you want. respectfully disagree. Don't make this an issue of division. Dear Muslim bottom line is as follows no matter what your disagreements may

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Be with your brother in Islam in your heart. How can you hate somebody who loves the Messenger of Allah? Think about it. How can you hate somebody and preach hatred and preach disunity against your fellow Muslim brother or sister who is doing whatever he or she is doing simply because they want to show love to the Messenger of Allah. And this is advice to both sides, brothers and sisters, both sides, those that celebrate those that don't celebrate, do not make fun of the other camp. Well, Allah He stopped this, do not put them down to not be sarcastic. Do not create division, choose your group of scholars choose your methodology and let the others do what they're doing. We have far

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bigger issues to deal with. And if you must discuss if you really must, then choose the right audience. Don't choose the average Muslims are not even praying five times a day, choose the right audience and the right language and the right time and the right place and bring up academic discussion between the two no problem but don't cause a bigger issue because of what is a relatively trivial one. Be wise brothers and sisters, be wise and realize that one who loves the Messenger of Allah, Allah is not going to punish him because he made a mistake in how that love is expressed or not expressed. These are good people wanting to love the messenger of Allah don't hate those who are

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loving the Messenger of Allah, if you must choose the right time and place an audience that language and then have an academic discussion. Otherwise, the default is SubhanAllah. Just like you're following one group, they're following the other group live and let live and allow this diversity. It's been around for 1000 years, you're not going to change it brothers and sisters, so live and let live and ask Allah to guide all of us to that which is the most truthful and beloved to him and realize what unites us in loving the prophets of Allah who I knew he was setting them is far more than what just unites us. Allahumma inni dine for a minimum Allahu Allah. Thank you don't be them at

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a law firm. Walla Hammond Illa for Raja, what are they in local data? What am I de la ilaha feta what I see Ron Illa your startup Allahumma fildena were the one in the Lilina sub Hakuna been EMA and what athleisure KHUDOBIN Alhamdulillah Dena Amanu Robina in Nakuru for Rahim, Allah Houma is in Islam what a Muslim in Allah whom is Islam and Muslim in Allah whom women are Adana or than Islam or when we see me in Ebisu infringer whom enough see where the mute on her feet at bat he Jaco, you yah Aziz about Allah in Nala to add Amara Combi Eminem better behavior NFC within the Medaka the photoessay was held as a become a U haul mininum and Ginny here we're into for call the zamil

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Katahdin Idema in Allah wa Mala equatorial Soluna Allah Nebby Yeah, you already in Amman or Solu Allah he was setting him with us NEMA Allahumma salli wa salim whereby they called him up the closer they come Mohammed was early he was such a big marine rebars Allah in Allah to Allah Yeah, movin ugly What ehsani What a tidal Cordoba 100 fascia it will Moon casual belly you're either Camilla Allah come to the Quran or the Quran Allah and LD may come wash Kuru Yes, it did come what do they call la Jota Akbar welcome is Salah.

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Angeline either

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me, Ms. De here. Doll Seanie What does she mean Allah? Me what to feed

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field. Go Ruby for to mimic journey. Tansa down

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