Karim Abuzaid – Islam makes you stand for justice even if its against yourself

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary © The JFK movement is a politically motivated movement against Jewish slavery, linked to the current Hol Anything movement. It aims to restore teachings from the previous culture and restore teachings from missed culture. The current movement is not true, but is linked to the groundwork for Muslims to live their lives. The groundwork was pursued before political decisions were made, leading to the current crisis due to political loss of people and the loss of valuable information.
AI: Transcript ©
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We understand that the Judaism that we have

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is distorted,

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that is why Allah

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sent prophet Muhammad

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the teachings

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an ideology

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which actually

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many Muslims

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are adopting it.

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We have Muslim Zionists.

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Some of you may not know that or

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hear that for the first time. So like

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you have Christian Zionists? Yeah. We have Muslim

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Zionists. Muslim Zionists? Yeah. We have,

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a lady who was a Muslim wearing hijab.

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She came actually

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out on the,

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The march?

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No. Actually, she came on television. Yeah. The

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March. In you in the Washington. In the

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March. And she said,

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the IDF, the Israeli army, is fighting terrorism

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in the Muslim world

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for you know? So we don't wanna go

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there, but

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Zionism is ideology.

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When we talk about

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the atrocities

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you know, the killing of

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innocent people, especially children and women and others,

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were not being anti Semitic,

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were not being But wouldn't that also include

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Arabs in there? Future? That's what I said

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in the day

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that I consider myself as Semitic

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because Arabs are Semitic

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Mhmm. So so

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but, you know, they came up with also

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self hearing Jews thing. So I'm sure they

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will have a label for me too. Mhmm.

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So they they will not have a hard

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time. But this is the game that they

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play, that whenever you criticize,

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what Israel is doing,

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you're anti Semitic, anti Jew, or you're against

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the Holy Ghost.

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You know, you're denied of the Holy Ghost.

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And that is not true.

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No. We're talking about The denial of who?

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The Holy Ghost. The, you know, the,

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what? The Holocaust. The Holocaust. Yeah. What the

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German I thought you said Holy Ghost. No.

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No. No. The the Holy Ghost. You know

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the what the Germans did to them and

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that he did to them This evil thing

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that we condemn. Absolutely. Yes. Which is evil.

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Yeah. Yeah. We'll get to the holocaust that's

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happening now against the Muslims. But what do

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you wanna add,

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So the difference,

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Zionism and Judaism, anything that you wanna add

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from what he was saying

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that you'd like to point out?

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Yeah. Obviously, it's,

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it's an ideology that we're dealing with. It's

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and it's specifically linked to

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what's happening.

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Now it should work. Yeah? Is that better?

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There we go. It was off.

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Okay. So, there's a difference between the ideology

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so Zionism versus Judaism.

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specifically is linked to what's going on right

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in Palestine. It's not like 2 different religions.

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It's not 2 different things.

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Zionism is the ideology

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this land has to be taken by them

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and this is something that they have to

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It is a politically

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it really has nothing to do with,

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many many Jews who are against Zionism.

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A lot of them,

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they're out there,

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they're speaking against

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it. Of course they'll be dismissed

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but people

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need to,

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the non muslims, the westerners,

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the christians,

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the Jews, they need to listen

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to what their own people are saying.

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And they have to listen with an open

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heart so they can

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understand this issue. Because again, you know, if

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you're just talking about terms and labels,

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this versus that, but it's linked to what's

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happening now, to the killing of our brothers

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and our sisters.

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This ideology

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is linked

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to them.

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So also, tell me just real brief briefly,

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if you could just touch upon

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the history.

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We have a certain professor by the name

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of David Warrenstein

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where he says in the Jewish Chronicles, he

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said, Islam

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saved the jury, the Jewish people.

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So for over a 1000 years, you had

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Jews who are being persecuted, and they were

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running away from persecution.

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And is it true they were coming into

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all of the Muslim lands? So what the

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Jewish professor is saying, if it wasn't for

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it would have been eradicated.

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We have in Egypt, we have a Jewish

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like an area known, Harat Al Yahud, it's

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called. They used to live there, trade, sell,

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and buy neighbors. They have their their synagogue

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there. They allowed them to have their synagogue

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there. Also in Morocco, also in other parts

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of the Muslim world. So when they were

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chased out of Europe, literally,

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they actually found safe haven in in the

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Muslim world.

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And according to the Sharia,

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Allah God's divine law, when the Muslims now

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are in charge,

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everything from the Jerusalem at that time, Jews

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had their places of worship. It was how

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can you describe the scenario?

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When Omar for example, when Saladin,

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when Omar

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came, is it true he actually repopulated Jerusalem

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with the Jews? All of this originates from

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the charter of Medina, which the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam established when he migrated from Mecca.

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Jews were there, existing there, and he expected

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them to believe in him because they were

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the one who prophesizing

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to the,

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locals of Medina,

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coming and his arrival.

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But despite that, he granted them the freedom

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to worship, the freedom to live their lives,

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and as long as they,

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honor the so everything originates from there. So

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what Umar did and what Salahuddin later did

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and what we will do,

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the only one who will not accept but

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Islam, and we know that rule will be

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obligated to Jesus.

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When Jesus returns,

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there is no more Judaism or Christianity,

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only Islam.

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That is why in Hadith Abi Hurair,

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the prophet said,

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He will cancel out the jizya,

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the tax which is collected from,

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non Muslims,

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in particular, Christian and Jews living within the

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of a Muslim,

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you know, state,

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provided that they receive security and they don't

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have to risk their lives for that. Muslims

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actually go out there in the front line

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to defend them and defend their properties and

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so forth. So we wanted to dispel this

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myth that now somehow

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Islam and the theology, it's in there to

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eradicate Jews because this was being pushed out

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there. So we're showing historically

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that Jews That's not true. This is not

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Untrue. That's, you know, that's, again, false information

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out there. And historically, we're proven that. You

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can see Actually in in when it's the

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Sharia, when Islam is implemented,

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you have coexistence between Egypt

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used to be completely a Christian land. Mhmm.

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Now 92%

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of Egypt

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are Muslims.

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stayed on the religion. Mhmm. Nobody forced them

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to leave the religion. They are still

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following whatever they are following,

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and they have their own

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they have their own houses of worship, and

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they have their.

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Likewise, we have some Jews left over in

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Egypt living there, actually. They didn't wanna go

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there Mhmm. Because they don't believe, like, brother,

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said Gabriel just mentioned,

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that there are actually Jews against the Zionism

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So when Muslims were ruling,

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you had in Jerusalem,

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paint a picture, how was it now? How

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was it between the all the faiths and

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before, what, 1948,

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you had relative peace, did you? Yeah. I

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think I was listening to, sir Gabriel, what

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was that one of your friends actually moved

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out because he was a Jew. He moved

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out when the Zionist came because he felt

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that there is no

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but Muslims always

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the liberty to worship.

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You can't force anybody to become a Muslim.

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That's, you know, a principle in Islam. Mhmm.

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Yeah. So what happened now? So now we

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come we got some history there. We dispel

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this myth. What happens now? These focus on

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They're, it's a the slogan is, it's a

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people without a a land without a people,

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people with another land. It's empty. It's

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desert. Right? We're coming just, you know, we're

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fleeing through persecution,

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and now we need to That is untrue.

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Okay. They actually came, and, I was carefully

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listening to again

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that the bill 4,

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promise, which is 1917,

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was just,

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you know, banking on the groundwork. They do

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the groundwork first,

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and then they come up with these political

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Like but this time is failed. You see,

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the the the groundwork that they wanted to

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do is they wanted to expel the people

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from Gaza so that they would go to

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Sinai, which is an Egyptian,

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And and that's why they they keep bombing

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the people and spoiling the life, like the

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hospitals, the,

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you know, the even the, bakeries, the

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