Yasir Qadhi – Wisdoms in the Quran #22 Everyone Has Their Own Superpowers

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The theory of theological context is discussed, including the importance of personal and professional growth, diversity in society, and worshiper's actions. The speakers emphasize the need for people to take advantage of others and not let anyone take advantage of them. The theory of theological shapings is also discussed, including the worshiper's actions leading to a worshiper's death.
AI: Transcript ©
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The countdown has begun, brothers and sisters. This

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is our final week of

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tarawih. 1 week from today, there will be

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no tarawih. So, these are the final nights.

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Make sure we do our best in them.

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Qur'anic wisdom,

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Surat Isra, verse 84.

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Surat Isra, also known as Bani Israel,

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verse 84.

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does deeds in accordance

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with his own predisposition.

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Everybody does deeds according to his own, in

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Arabic, mizaj,

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according to how he has been programmed to

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do them. Now, this ayah, once again, as

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with all of our maxims, it has multiple

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levels, multiple layers of understanding. And today, we

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will delineate 4 of them. At the first

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everybody does what he wants in accordance with

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his own shakil,

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his own mechanism.

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The actual context of the verse

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is theological.

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Because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, right before He

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whenever good comes down to a person,

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you find that many of them become stingy.

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And whenever bad happens, they become complaining.

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They're never happy. If it's good, they're not

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doing what they're supposed to do. And if

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it's bad, they're not doing what they're supposed

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to do. Then Allah says, kul kullun yamalu

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alla shakilatihi.

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deals with situations

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in accordance with how they themselves are. And

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so if you are good, you will deal

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with the situation in a good manner. And

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if you are

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will respond in a positive manner, and the

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kafir will respond in a negative manner. So

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying the same

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the same scenario,

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if it happens to a good person because

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he or she is good, they will take

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good from this. And if it happens to

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a bad person, then because they are bad,

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they will respond to in bad. This is

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one meaning of it. Another meaning,

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the secondary meaning is that Allah Subhanahu Wa

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has created people differently,

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and each person has different akhlaq that the

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other person does not have. And so, some

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people are tested with being too impatient.

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Some people are tested with a quick temper.

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Some people are tested with cowardice.

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Some people are tested with stinginess.

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So Allah is saying

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has different predispositions

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that they have to deal with. And so

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Allah is testing everybody in a different manner,

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and each one has their own shakil, their

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own, you know, mizaaj, their own spiritual DNA.

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And this is proven in a beautiful hadith

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where a man came to the Prophet salallahu

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alaihi wasallam by the name of Al Ashaj

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ibn al Qais. And the Prophet salallahu alaihi

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wasallam said, Oh, Ashaj, you have 2 characteristics

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Allah loves. Al hilmu walana,

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and that is to control your anger and

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to think before you act. So he said,

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You Rasulullah,

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these 2,

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did I learn them?

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Did I train myself to get them, Or

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did Allah bless me with them and I

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was born with them? So the Prophet, salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam said, No, Allah blessed you

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with them. This is how you were when

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you were born. So he said, Alhamdulillah,

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Allah blessed me with these two characteristics

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that He loves. And this is the reality.

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Every one of us, we have certain akhlaq

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we take it for easy. It's not that

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difficult. And the same issue, our brother, our

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cousin, our friend is not able to deal

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with it, and vice versa.

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We have problems in certain things, and our

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friend, our cousin, our relative does not have

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problem with that. So Allah is saying,

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We have different

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We have different mizaaj. This is another deeper

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layer of the ayah.

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A third meaning of the ayah,

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Now, we can also apply it, as Ibn

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Qayyib and others do, to our

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worldly professions,

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our jobs, our careers, our interests.

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Allah is saying, I did not create all

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of you on the same shakil.

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I didn't create all of you to think

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the same, look the same, act the same,

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and I created you with a healthy

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that is the spice of life, that allows

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the dunya to run. Allah says in the

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Are they the ones assigning Allah's rizq? Do

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they assign salaries? Do they assign who gets

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what? Do they assign who does what for

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We are the ones.

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We assign for each person how they shall

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get their risk.

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We assign their jobs, their careers, their professions.

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Risk. And in doing so, we have preferred

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some over others

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so that

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each group can take advantage of others and

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what they need. This is a profound ayah,

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and I've spoken about the concept multiple times.

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Imagine if every single person in society had

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the same career.

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Society would cease to function.

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Imagine if everybody had the same personality.

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A very boring society.

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Allah says,

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Allah says,

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Their ma'isha,

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their jobs, their sustenance,

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We distributed it. And so, no matter what

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your career is, you need people in other

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careers to help you live. No matter what

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your profession is, you need to get the

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expertise and the help of other people. And

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so, the doctor needs the car mechanic, the

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car mechanic needs the carpenter, the carpenter Everybody

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needs everybody else. This is what Allah is

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I'm the one who created this diversity, and

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so I'm the one who has assigned each

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one of you to do these professions. That

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is another understanding of this ayah, the third

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understanding. And a 4th understanding, and there are

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even more, but because of time, we'll stop

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at 4. The 4th understanding, this is also

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mentioned by Imam Malik and others, this ayah.

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Qullu nyaamanu allashakilatihi.

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Is that

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And this is very profound and very useful

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for us.

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Not everybody

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will get to Jannah because of the same

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Not everybody

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has the same path to Jannah, even if

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they get to Jannah.

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The path to Jannah,

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how you get there with your specific good

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deeds are gonna be different.

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And some people,

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Allah has made certain

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acts an easier mechanism to get to Jannah.

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And for other people, those same acts are

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very difficult. It is mentioned in our books

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of history that there was a worshiper

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who was a great worshiper. He had secluded

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himself from society. He would just be ibadah.

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He was a friend of Imam Malik in

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childhood. Imam Malik, you know, he took the

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path of knowledge. He took the path of

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halaqaat and rus, and a day came when

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Imam Malik, his halaqa was the largest in

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all of Madinah, and thousands of people would

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come. So one day his friend heard about

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this. He wrote him a letter, and he

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said to him, Oh, Imam Malik, this is

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not the way. Rather the way is you

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seclude yourself, and you do ibadah, and you

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pray tahajjud, and you give up public lectures.

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So, Imam Malik wrote back to him.

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has given different people different amal like he

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has given different people different careers and jobs.

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And for some people, this is Imam Malik

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speaking, for some people,

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Allah opened the door for them for fasting,

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and for others fasting is difficult, but Allah

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opened the door for salah. And for some

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people, Allah opened the door for jihad against

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the Romans and whatnot, and for others, Allah

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opened the door for worship, like you, you're

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and for others, Allah opened the door for

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'ilm and preaching, and this is the door

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Allah opened for me. Imam Malik is saying,

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I find Ibadah, and I find my function

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and role in studying and in preaching to

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others, And I don't think what you are

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doing is any lesser than what I'm doing.

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And I hope you as well understand that

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what I'm doing, I don't think is any

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lesser than what you are doing.

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Now, this is actually an inspiration for all

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of us. Oh, Muslim, listen to me carefully.

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Your own

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personality is your competition. Not me, not you,

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not anybody else, not the person next to

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you. You look at yourself.

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What can I do?

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What am I qualified to do? What are

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my talents?

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You don't have to compare yourself with the

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who's building schools

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as a single handed person. You don't have

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to compare yourself with the shaykh that has

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the spotlight on himself. You say, I don't

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have I don't have the spotlight. You're not

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in competition with near anybody else. You're in

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competition with yourself. What can you do? What

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are your qualifications?

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What are your passions?

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What door has opened to you?

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What door has Allah opened to you that

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He hasn't opened other people? For some people,

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O Muslim, to take care, you might have

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a sister who is unmarried, a widow with

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children, for you to take care of her

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and your nephews and nieces, That might be

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your door to Firdaus.

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You might have an elderly mother that you

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can take care of. There's no limelight. There's

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no fame and fanfare in that, but that

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is your way to Jannatul Firdos. You might

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have a chapter of charity that nobody knows

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about, but you can do. You might be

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able to help in some manner. You might

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be able to volunteer in Sunday school, be

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a mentor to the kids of our community.

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I don't know. Only you know. So my

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request to you, remember this ayah,

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does in accordance with his own predisposition.

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And go back to Imam Malik, what is

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your predisposition?

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What is your shakil? And ask yourself, how

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can I get to firdausil a'la? And your

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path to get there might be different than

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somebody else's. No problem. As long as it

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is a path of good and a path

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of khair and a path of barakah, if

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Allah loves it, it is it is a

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path to janitor for those. So ask yourself,

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what are my talents? What are my passion?

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And then exert yourself in that, so that,

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you can get to that same level as

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well. And Insha'Allah, we'll continue tomorrow. Wassalamu alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Warahmatullahi Warahmatullahi Warahmatullahi Warahmatullahi Warahmatullahi Warahmatullahi Warahmatullahi

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