Wisam Sharieff – May you live your impossible duas

Wisam Sharieff
AI: Summary © The speaker describes a situation where a student broke his arm while playing basketball. The speaker describes how the student's father cried and cried out loud, causing the bone to come out. The speaker describes the situation as a "smith's wokeness" and wonders how many people can live their impossible.
AI: Transcript ©
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May Allah

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give you your impossible duasfali.

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If working with Farhan, for example, in the

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depths of it and you're like

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holding a spleen in your hand and you

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look up and you're like,

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this is happening. Maybe you have those duas.

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May you have

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those duas. Duas where you can have a

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millisecond to,

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only be in that moment. Otherwise, you have

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to, like, saving

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real HIF student situation. 1 of my HIF

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student, they were playing basketball in the Madrasa

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that was in my house.

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One of my students hit the wall playing

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basketball and broke his arm

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this way

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When we when it was wrapped, and when

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I looked at it, it looked like a

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bird's wing.

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And I remember being a HIF student. I

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rushed him into the ER. I haven't gone

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to x-ray school or anything.

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And to straighten this bone,

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my kid is crying.

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His dad who has broken his arm in

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the same exact spot in a motorcycle accident

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is laughing. His dad's like

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just a hard

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farming man.

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His dad's laughing.

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My hip student is crying.

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I'm crying.

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They put the kid's arm up in a

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sling like this,

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and then they

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put weight.

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They let the weight go and you hear,

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And he cried. He screamed.

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I cried.

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His dad laughed out loud. It was this

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of, and he was laughing at us. Not

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like being cute. He was laughing like a

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You guys are

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these doped up and then when they drop

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the weight, so it's immobilized. It's my first

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time. I've never gotten the x-ray department.

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I've never,

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and they dropped it. I remembered in that

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moment when it made that sound, I said,

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I I'm gonna study x-ray. Like, I cried

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and everybody was that moment. I was like,

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How did they know exact they had exact

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pressure, and then they put exactly one more

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and it pulled,

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and the bone went right into place. Hanging

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and then Yep. And then they put the

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weight here.

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No. It was broke. No. No. It it

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was broken.

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Bro bro, it broke this way. So this

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bone went

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the the thing was that's why it looked

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like a bird's wing.

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It looked like he had elbow in the

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wrong spot. Yeah.

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His forearm had an elbow.

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I was like, oh my god.

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So why am I telling you this?

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The may you be in that moment. May

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you be in that moment of

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wow. Yes. So may you live your impossible

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