Zahir Mahmood – The Day of Judgement #24 Weighing of Deeds

Zahir Mahmood

AI: Summary ©

The narratives indicate that the way people act will be different based on their actions. The narratives also suggest that people will be weighed based on their actions. The narratives also suggest that people will be weighed based on their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Have you ever thought on the day of

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judgment how your actions will be weighed?

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The The narrations seem to indicate

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for different individuals

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the method will be different. The famous hadith,

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hadith of Ba Taqah,

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where a man will come and he will

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99 scrolls of evil deeds

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as far as the eye can see

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and he will have nothing

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on his good deeds.

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So he will be dragged to the fire

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of Jahannam and then all of a sudden

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they will angels will be told to stop,

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bring him back, and they will bring a

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bataka, a little note.

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And that little note will be placed on

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his right hand scale, and the right hand

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scale will be heavier

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than his 99

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scrolls of evil deeds.

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What will that one

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note have on it? It will have La

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Illaha Illallah.

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one note is heavier than 99 scolds of

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evil deeds? Because this individual when he recited

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La Illaha Illallah, it was with so much

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Ikhlas. This could have been a person who

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may not have known much about religion

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like you often have in places where there

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is not much education.

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But these individuals,

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they love Allah, they love Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam. If the commands had come to them,

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if they were taught, they would have acted

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upon all the commands.

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Other narrations

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indicate toward the fact that the person himself

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will be weighed. The narration in Sahih Muslim

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that a man will be bought. This man

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will be a

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fat individual, a large individual, and he will

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be placed

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in the scale. And the message of Allah,

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam, said he will be

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lighter than a mosquito's

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wing. Why? This person had no good in

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him. This person had no iman. On the

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other hand, one day the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam was with the companions and Abdullah

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bin Masood radiAllahu is climbing the tree.

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And he climbs the tree and his shins

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are exposed and Abdullah bin Masood radiAllahu's

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shins were very thin and the Sahaba radiAllahu

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anhu began to laugh and the Prophet Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam

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said what is making you laugh? They said

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oh Messenger of Allah the thin shins of

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Abdullah bin Masood. The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam said let me tell you

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on the day of judgement

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if the thin shins of Abdullah bin Mas'ud

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were placed on one side of the scale

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and the mountain of Uhud was placed on

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the other side of the scale. The thin

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shins of Dula bin Mas'ud would be

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heavier than the mountain of Uhud. Other narrations

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indicate towards the fact that Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala will give the actions a physical form,

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and then they will be weighed.

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is the heaviest thing that you will have

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on your scales on the day of judgment?

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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said, that thing which is the heaviest on

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the day of judgment.

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There is nothing

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which will be heavier

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on the scales on the day of judgment

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than good manners.

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Some things that we might not even take

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into consideration,

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but that will be the heaviest thing

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on the day of judgement. The Messenger of

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Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, on that day

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when every individual will want to be with

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the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam said, that person

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who has the best character

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will be the closest to me. Everybody will

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be running to be with the message of

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Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. And the message of

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Allah is saying, this person who had good

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good character, he will be the closest

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to me. Other things which will be heavy

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in the scales will be as the Messenger

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of Allah, salallahu alaihi wa sallam said, Al

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He said Al hamdulillah.

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By just reciting Al hamdulillah

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the scale will fill up. Another thing which

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will be heavy on the day of judgment

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is mentioned in the final hadith in Sahih

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al Bukhari. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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That 2 words, 2 sentences

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which are light on the tongue, heavy on

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the state, and beloved to Allah

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SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi.

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