Hussain Kamani – The Prophet Muhammad – The Teacher #26

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the use of questions in class and the importance of protecting from evil. It emphasizes the need for commitment and personal growth to achieve clarity in one's opinion. The success of research on EMA and the importance of finding one's own conclusion are also highlighted. The importance of learning and matureing is emphasized, as it is crucial for understanding and learning about the principles used. The importance of engaging in research and discussion is emphasized, as it is crucial for understanding and learning about the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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I've never tried

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Every time I say remember the ladies that home

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you know?

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I said you've said it every time. You should read that on the whole thing. What is it called?

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It's the one that he read

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I think it's

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that's towards the end of the poem The first part of the poem is beautiful

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this is

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where one distributor anywhere else

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does this blocker NO NO NO

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how're you doing sisters

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you guys are excited about your break Yeah.

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in via file he hit a scab was covered here

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we begin today's class with chapter number 13.

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If to that we'll just have a look at further

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the author goes along with that teaches us another method or sort of lot's of luck on in your set of

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teaching the competitors

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before they would even ask the question was little was somebody who sort of posed a question before that

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this was more common in a situation where the question was one that the Sahaba would feel that it was difficult for them to ask. The nature of the question was a little complicated. Yet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam could see that the question existed. So before they even ask their question, or someone had to step out of their comfort zone to ask something that they felt comfortable asking about. It was common for the purposes of law. My aim was to get there first.

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And to reach that to be there available for them asking that question on their behalf and then providing the answers Well,

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before we start today's class though, before we start reading the integrations, one thing that I wanted to say is that

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for every chapter the author along with that and has a phenomenal job of providing multiple examples from the heart

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in interest of covering more ground, rather than reading through all the narrations we'll read through one or two narrations of each chapter. And then the chapter narrations that remain. You can read them yourself as they continue to deliver the same point that has already been made in the early narrations.

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But also some

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Oh Sula Palmolive I'm Allah chapter number 13. To begin teaching in the absence of any students request, many a time also the loss of a lump it was an unused to begin teaching the Sahaba without being asked by them about anything. This was more so with regard to important matters, which all people are not aware of until a question about them. But also the loss on the loneliness does address the doubts in his Sahaba before these developed in their minds, resulting in more consequences.

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But he was scenario, the authority of those

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who said, us all of us have Allah Azza wa sallam said, Shavon comes to one one of you and asks who created such an such thing? He continues posing this question until he asks, Who created your Sustainer when a person reaches that stage, he should seek refuge in Allah and refrain from such talks.

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What we won't read the commentary on this thing. So

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of course, voice check on the fuck along with data under this narration has some beautiful points for students of knowledge, to take into consideration, arguments for the existence of Allah subhanho data and

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the reality is that it takes more belief to not believe in a God than it takes to believe.

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If you go through the philosophical, philosophical arguments, and you look at this from a perspective of probability, purely math, that the probability that there isn't a god and everything worked out so perfectly,

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from an atheistic perspective, from a mathematic perspective just doesn't add up.

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It doesn't add up, this happening the way it's happening, for everything to be so perfect for human beings to be where they are today, just our existence, us, for human beings in all corners of the world, regardless of where they were, what language they spoke, after the continents divided for them all to come to a conclusion that there is a God, that within them, unfortunately, there were those who faced deviances. And therefore, they fell into the trap of ship, which is an easy trap for human beings to fall into.

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But there is a concept even in these shaky religions, in these polytheistic faiths, you will find that they always believe in one supreme God, who is dominant over all other gods, there is a concept of one God. But then they create these helpers to help their one God, who out there great God.

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That this this, this thought that this is just by coincidence, that people in different corners of the world have different jungles, and deserts and, and far away or the center of society, they all came up with the same conclusion. And yet, it's by chance and probability is so far fetched. Therefore, the truth is that it takes more faith, to not believe in God than it takes to believe in us.

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Our argument is simple, that Allah subhanho wa taala, 101, with absolute football.

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And before any matter existed, existed almost

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outside of the realm of time and space, and I'm also going to create into schooling and there after the world came into existence, that all matter comes into existence, everything that we see in our in our universe comes into existence. And Allah subhanaw No doubt is the Ultimate Creator. What Oh, what is the first thing is the last thought about the apparent in the subtle, before the conditioning? I need it.

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there whatever you see one thing that we look at the Cy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, rather than engaging in a philosophical argument, he gives a spiritual solution, teaching us that sometimes there are some questions that may seem very intellectual, and they may seem they're a result of a logical process. But nine out of 10 times these questions specifically these eMoney questions are what sabotage a lot. So rather than misplacing our attention, and focusing on giving an intellectual argument to this question, it philosophical, complicated, sophisticated argument, this question sort of

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gives us a spiritual way. As for the question, Does God exist? How can you prove the existence of God? The Quran answers this thoroughly.

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not in one place. But every page, every page of the Quran is in the lead on the existence of almost

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every ayah Allah subhanaw taala. That leads us to a thought that once again reminded us of the modules in the existence of our Creator and master the loss of wisdom. Yes, go ahead.

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So when a person comes to these questions, where you're not questioning matters of the unseen, it's best to first take the spiritual precaution. And as the last part of North America protects you from the west.

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To ask you to protect you from the West Coast. Asking questions is a good thing. It's a healthy thing. If you have a question in your heart, don't just read it once, and then never had the cancer. Start off by asking once upon a time to protect you from

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go to evil, have knowledge and ask them to guide you

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when you're dealing with questions about Eman is to let the question originate from yourself. Don't rely on other people's questions and other people's skepticism. You can go online, go to, you know, lead, you'll find all sorts of garbage.

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You don't need to go there and borrow there was always and there are doubts about Shavon and then from Shavon and bury them into your heart. It's a very dirty, filthy place to be safe taking filth from a dirty place and rubbing it all over your body and saying, Well, let's see if we can clean this. That's an inappropriate thing to do. Now, I'm actually filth does end up on you. And you're trying to figure out how to clean this. There's a process to it.

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As Muslims, we take a multi faceted approach to dealing with emotional questions. There is one part of it which is spiritual Microsoft, Allah Azza wa Han is upset that we

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have you seek protection from Allah subhanaw taala and then stop yourself, put the brakes on it. Otherwise your mind will smile. So you have to hit the brakes. Now in another place, you see the sort of loss of a lot more they also teaching us a principled approach to being confused that when you face a situation, but there's a question that's making its way around your mind, and it's circling, circling you that you go to people who are capable of answering your questions, or questions. Be humble and understand that the process of getting your questions answered is a dirt you know a lot of things that you'll see online that people will say is so and so the question and

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they didn't have an answer, therefore the answer doesn't exist. This isn't appropriate. And it's not right. You could ask someone a question and get it wrong. Is that true or false? You can ask someone, how do you make coffee and they'll give you some solution there portions off. And then you ask another person and it's still off. And then you ask a third person, it's still off until finally you find someone that teaches you. This is how you make coffee. This is how you do your brisket. This is how you cook. This is how you clean, you have to stick and stay committed. Right?

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So when you go to people who do have knowledge, and you sit with them, a second lesson, or a second step of being humbled, is not entering into the conversation, thinking that you're going to debate and fight this listen. And there are times where someone will present an argument to you that in that moment won't make sense. But if you sit on it, if you think about it with time.

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There are many examples of this, that we find in the Hadith and also in our own lives, that someone gives you an answer. At that moment you think the answer is irrational doesn't make any sense. But the more you sit on it, the more you sit on it, it opens up. One of my teachers, if you sort of come along with data, he once said something to me when I was younger. And at that, at that point, when he said the statement to me, I thought he was being overly simplistic to the very complicated world that we live in.

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I was a young person, I was reading the news and college and you know, reading all sorts of academic works by Muslims and dances. And he was talking about solutions to the problems of the world. We were having this conversation. And he proposed that most of the problems of the world could be solved by dhikr of Allah subhanaw taala being in the remembrance of Allah.

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I didn't see anything but in my mind, I was thinking that this is too simplistic. That can't be the solution. They're bigger problems that we have. How do we solve them through thick

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as time

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past and today sit in front of you almost 1520 years later, I concur with him.

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That at its at its root at its essence at its essence. If a person were to really in the most meaningful way, connect themselves to the Dhikr of Allah azza wa jal, most of the problems that we have in our life in our communities in our societies will be ironed out.

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It's such a deep philosophical, you know, principled response, that it's the thinking of Allah subhanho wa taala, that solves the problems of the world, that sorts of hearts, to the detriment of law, a person's heart is healed. Lots of human beings aren't skilled. Now, when it comes to the world, they engage with it in a different way.

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criminal activity increases people's consciousness and awareness increases, their productivity increases, because now they're aware that they have to face philosophy,

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while being productive members of society that they get to help one another assist one another vulnerables out the window, because they're familiar, they understand that they're accountable to Allah was thicker, they're doing everything. As Justice increases, people's compassion increases their crimes against one another decrease, overall, the world turns into a beautiful place.

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And this is why at the time, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you see that they had a flourishing society without a without a

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without the presence of a system that was constantly monitoring, monitor, monitoring people without a full blown police force. And in an army that was, you know, pointing their guns at people making sure everyone stays in line, they didn't have an extensive prison system. So we lost a lot while he was sitting was able to accomplish this, by sorting out the most fundamental part of society, the heart of the human big

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focus on that, everything else will fall into place. If they're doing good on one another in the marketplace, if they're oppressing one another in the marketplace, and they have got one love for Allah, all you need to do is tell them Allah will be happy with you.

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report comes to

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me in a minute.

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But if the heart isn't, isn't directed in the right way, it's hard to get connected

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to Allah subhanaw taala, you now have to appeal to the mind of the human being, which is good, by the way, but it's such a flip flop process, because for every philosophy you create, there's a counter philosophy that comes into existence. Morality then becomes subjective. Subjective morality don't have parameters, that where does it start? Where does it end Buddhists apply to Buddhism, I find the Buddhist compassion apply to Buddhist compassion and not apply to how do we understand what compassion is, and you find a broken, fragmented society. So if he's not actually said that the solution of the world live and the loss of human life, we're just, you know, an over

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overestimated statement. That was way outside of its scope. The truth is that it wasn't. So when you're going to engage with someone in knowledge, you have to humble yourself and understand that, when you're given an answer, reflect over thinking about it, and ultimately ask Allah subhanaw taala for guidance. When you go through the process of asking a question,

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in particular about your EMA.

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On the other end, when you come out, you'll be strong and confident.

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And that confidence is what we need for people to stand on the world stage to talk about the representative.

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When I was young, in my early teenage years, like I think every person I had some questions about you might as well random multiple sets of shapes one.

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There was a colleague of mine who studied in medicine.

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At that point, he was in his graduating here. He lived in a nearby town called Bolton

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shift and saw a

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man with a shift those days we were students together.

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I recall going to him and telling him that man I have questions about the dean. He was a very humble soft spoken person very intelligent, very good at words.

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He would sit there and engage with me and answer their questions and we'd sit for long hours. I was unfortunately very American. I love Arthur still very arrogant. It's still a mark he was the exact opposite very mellow, calm person was listen to me in my in my nonsense. One day he said to me, he said proceed. We can continue like this.

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Clearly know love argue.

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But before we get anywhere with this, you need some time to improve as a person

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I accepted that, because he was a good person.

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He was a good human being, he was genuinely a good person, he was older than me. He said, you need some time to improve as a person. Otherwise, these conversations or meetings, you have to mature intellectually to grow. If I want to have discussions of the deen with you, you have to first learn. And I was already already in Armenia program is one or two years into my studies. So then he said to me saying, how about this? Why don't you study the beam and come back to me in a few years, when you're closer to your graduation, I'm not going anywhere I live around the corner. And then we can continue these conversations about EMA learning.

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I don't know what happened. i

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That's okay.

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And what I found was, the more I spent time in these gatherings of knowledge in classrooms with what

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as the years passed by, what became clear to me that this ego and this arrogance that made me feel that I have the right or even an opinion that matter, that ego shock.

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Because what knowledge does that comes

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as you're reading through 1000s of pages and reading authors who themselves each of those authors have published 1000s of pages, hundreds of books

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1000s of volumes these people have produced in and as you're reading their words, and they're raising every silly question, if you read a comic for your honey, like they, they make up objections against a hadith that could possibly exist by someone in some foreign galaxy. And they answer those as well.

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And then it became very apparent to me that Muslim scholarship wasn't clarity that was that was as bright as the sun

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as it continued study was that Muslim scholars did not give anyone a free pass.

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No one got to watch this one way, no. If you wrote something they would have. There's a famous saying, among them, that said, My son that

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this is the same among the scholars, my son, my thought whoever

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writes or publishes authors a work study ever he has placed a target on his back, he has placed the target on his back that everyone now come after. So they will all come to one another full throttle with either, but academically, everything was put under a microscope.

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And when you're surrounded by such great thinkers, who existed through history, and most intellectual, continues to shine, some of them 1000 years later, a millennium later, were not only were rough with one another and took each other to task, but they were strong to take on any culture, religion, philosopher thinker of the world task as well. They took on the great philosophers of the world, Michael's idea

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that, you know,

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regardless of what a person feels about him and was able to buy his approach, a secondary thing doesn't matter. We're not talking about that. But he he writes, he writes on the incoherencies and philosophers,

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kicks them on. And therefore he is given a title Hodgetwins now,

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which means his, his existence in his belief, and Allah subhanaw taala in itself is a proof of the the truthfulness.

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As that journey happens, you become smaller. And you begin to realize that greater people walked on this earth, who had doubts, and Allah subhanahu wa, tada, purified them. And intellectually, they all ended at the same conclusion. from different parts of the world, different backgrounds, different languages, different cultures, they all ended on one conclusion.

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And it gave me so much more peace. Knowing that I didn't have to argue with myself on every doubt that entered into my mind about Allah subhanaw taala.

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What I could know that this statement is true, its essence.

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There's nothing illogical about the existence of God, nothing at all. I've said it twice. Today. Here's a third time for you. It takes more belief to not believe in God and it takes to believe in God.

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So there was nothing illogical about it. Now, what gave me so much more comfort was knowing that I was hitching my wagon to great scholars, and, and thinkers and writers and giants who came to this very same conclusion. The Sahaba the antibiotics are not old

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Tricia people and I was not even a grain of sand that this phenomenal Sahara Desert. So my job was to stay tucked away under their shade and continue doing the work that they're doing.

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And also Allah, Allah Mata, he was telling us that keep doing your thing until you meet me on the whole number.

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So that's

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that you don't give too much time for ego and interconnectedness. rather rely on what the Quran teaches us.

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And understand that that's where your summation actually this. Each person comes to their own conclusion, their own journey. And I think this is what Jimmy saw gave me an opportunity to do. Or he said to me Stop arguing, and spend some time in

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India seeking the knowledge and study and that's helpful to purify.

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Entering according to the question, suppose, also the muscle alarm It was then used to answer a person according to the question we had posed. He taught many laws injunctions and fundamentals of religion by answering the questions of the sob. He used to urge them to ask questions with regard to various situations and problems which they encountered, as well as the obligations and regulations which they needed to know about.

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When I wouldn't Arias on the authority of Jezebel de la Mangu from Missoula loss on the LaMattina Sullivan, who says the cure for ignorance is questioning in MRSA

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in Shiva, ID as well. So the loss of volume was seven is saying that in the last hour

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or so the customer

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is the cure of jihad. Ignorance is asking questions. We have many places in the Quran and also in Hadith, where the prophet of Allah so Allah Mahdi was encouraged to ask the questions.

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It's not everything was above board. There is nothing that someone says that we are shy to answer. There's nothing here that's too sophisticated, or too complicated to understand.

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In order for a person to understand something,

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they need to spend time in that situation that you're stuck in. Become familiar with what the issues are within that area. For example, someone stuck with a plumbing issue.

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You have to understand what's going on there. Sometimes it's got to lift up, open the commode and standard. What's connected to what how does this all work? Ask the question, and then you'll be able to figure it out. If you can't solve it yourself, bring someone else and they'll come figure it out for you. In some religions, and unfortunately, within certain within certain Muslim sects.

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People are discouraged from asking questions. They're told to not ask at all, that if you ask a question, you'll be punished. Dude, God will hate you gotta be angry at you. This is not the standard range. In Islam, we are the opposite. The story of the companions is that they were amazing. Ask the questions, and they'll have so much knowledge behind for us from their beautiful questions. There is nothing hidden here. There is no secret knowledge.

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And a person is unsure of something, go and learn it. And after learning it if there's still an area that's outstanding that you don't understand that ask that question. However, on the other hand, we have some narrations on the school bus, somebody who said that discourage asking questions

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across the body. And wondering why is it that nations before were destroyed due to many questions asked? Because of the so many questions they asked. They were just they were destroyed.

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So rather, whenever they say that questions fall into two categories, there are those questions that are praiseworthy. And then there are those questions that are blamed. A good question about

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this statement that's common that there is no such thing as a bad question. Every question is a good question. Well, it depends on what's the perspective of that statement, if you're talking about content, and that's true, that all content if you've gone through the process required to seek knowledge. And if you find yourself regardless of the content, unsure of a matter, you should get clarity on there is no content that you shouldn't know about. If you have gone through the process of learning that and now

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You're still stuck on the conclusion.

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But if that if that statement means that there is no process of asking the question, and there are no considerations are not either involved in asking the question, and that's not true, because clearly there are bad questions. Clearly, there's a wrong way to ask questions. I was speaking to some of the students at the seminary earlier. And I said to them that before you ask a question, it's good to make yourself worthy to ask that question.

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If you enter into a room where people are talking about a particular issue, for example, they're talking about the financial budget for the city of Carrollton. Let's say you're you happen to be at that meeting. You don't know anything. You've never looked at numbers before. You've never studied budget before you have no idea how finance works. And you start asking questions, you're really hurting yourself. When you talk. Make yourself worthy of first asking that question, learn a little commit to the people and commit to the cost be a part of the system.

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More than anything, at least have knowledge of what you're saying. Someone comes and says, Jeff, what's the belief behind X, Y, and Z?

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What good is me telling you that they're going to do Do you understand how that can work? Are you just waiting for me to say it's an audio narration? But then you go to someone else? And they caught that same issue through another device? How do you know which ones right which one should be acted upon which one should be not acting? What principles are using for your convenient for your preference? So when you ask me for a, for a demean, I'm not sure if you're even at a point where you're going to understand that that means that I have to give, let's say, for example, I gave you with any and you that is a proof. Let's say I give you a proof. Now you're judging my proof, based

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off of another set of principles, that doesn't work, you're trying to fix a problem with a tool that was created for a whole different scenario and situation altogether. Now, on the other hand, if there are people of knowledge, above all study the subject matter, they've given a significant number of years to study that matter. And they say, what's your belief they can have a meaningful conversation, that this lead is correct, this proof is wrong. And this proof, you know, has been a question from this perspective to undermine the past and not act upon this, or you can say they did act upon it in an established time, but when it came to cover when it came to legal holdings, they

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then stepped away from this narration acted upon this narration instead, I was talking with

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some of them which I have today, alone during lunch, and we were talking about one issue particularly, and one of the teachers he made a good point, he said that,

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on this particular issue that we're speaking of the ruling in Islam is this, but when you look at the court affairs, when you look at, for example, the documented legal precedents, specifically under the Ottoman period, and also under the Maloof period, what you'll find is that they gave a very different judgment on this issue.

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So there is a discrepancy there. Now for a student of knowledge, that is an area to go and study. Anyway,

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if you're wondering what all this means, what it means is that make yourself worthy of a compensation before you enter into that compensation. This is how your question is phrased. Similarly. So some of the things that make a question blameworthy.

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What am I what am I what are the fields today no sooner?

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Had today asked me about questions that happened to me. Since Yes, what's the ruling of principle on the moon which direction to face?

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I got a question that was so early on commodity money. But what are the sort of immorality hammer attacks

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are asking about something that is in Revelation, but the details of that were not revealed and were kept vague. So there is no need for you to go digging deeper into figuring those things out because the profitable love when teaching those things, left them open ended. Why exciting aspect delay and political hitmen might.

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Ask asked a lot of questions about things that don't matter while neglecting things that do matter. So you'll find these are actually this is a documented scenario, multiple times in history, that a person will come to a scholar this exact scenario. There are so many times you find attributes many on the map, that someone came to a scholarship and asked him who was right, either their loved one or Army or the loved one. And the ship would say Buddy, why don't you go focus on fixing your blue slot?

00:39:43 --> 00:39:59

That would be literally their answer. That instead of you getting into something that you have no business engaging with clearly, why don't you focus on things that relate to your salon everyday focus on that. You have a business focus on making that you have a family take care of them, rather than engage

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

In these detailed,

00:40:03 --> 00:40:43

isolated issues, and today's world is all about the online discourse of Islam, Twitter, Muslim, Facebook, Muslim social media, it's generally debating and arguing things that don't really impact that specific individual on a day to day, people talking about divorce and marriage who are not even married themselves. If you're a scholar, then please I don't know, how do you ever come engage in discussion? Because we are responsible for engaging in all of those discussions as students and not the people who are involved in this arena of studying teaching. But if that's not what you do, if you're a

00:40:45 --> 00:40:45

part of the

00:40:51 --> 00:40:52

other people

00:40:57 --> 00:41:13

I'm an influencer. What do you do have an influencer? So if you're from that all the people who are just kind of like in between all responsibilities of life, to leave us alone? Why don't you go debate whether boba is good about

00:41:14 --> 00:41:26

our go to like another BuzzFeed survey or something like that stay busy. We are doing the dean is a very serious manner. And as automatic as they say, they would think 100 times before the talk.

00:41:28 --> 00:41:36

Remember that I'm the lucky guy. He says that I didn't get fatwa until, you know, 4040 scholars of his time said that he could.

00:41:38 --> 00:41:49

And then they would say that among in our time, there are people getting fatwa, who are more worthy of being in prison for what they say, because you're speaking of the deen without any knowledge at all.

00:41:50 --> 00:42:10

And this is now just open ground common being anyone that's bored at home, jump onto social media and some there's some debate or other I'm sure there are like five or six accounts that Muslims are looking at again, and they can see what's the key, right? What's the latest news and then you start with the comments and you see all the data on the

00:42:12 --> 00:42:15

right all the time of all the people on all these issues.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:21

Was early the mirage

00:42:23 --> 00:42:30

that are another type of dislike question is just questioning, fighting, arguing and debate.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:37

Again to have intimacy having messenger is having fear decided he decided he wanted to sell it

00:42:39 --> 00:42:40

or maybe

00:42:41 --> 00:42:42

they need some extra cup of

00:42:44 --> 00:42:49

data I dedicated the book to the subject for those who want they can study and

00:42:52 --> 00:43:11

he has again for students of knowledge for those of you who are interested in in nerding out this particularly via listen to this carefully. Under this particular device shut up and Fatah overtimes commentary. He quotes a very beautiful discussion from economic strategies and what

00:43:13 --> 00:43:50

I highly encourage you read this chapter. For those of you that are students in college here, listen carefully. Under this video via he has the detailed discussion from the mama shelter who love Tatas. And Martha. Because now when it comes to questions, what he does is that he breaks down the questionnaire into four different categories. And then from there, each of these have 676 scenarios. And he talks about he really goes into a detail approach of understanding what kind of question is legitimate and acceptable and what kind of visit it's a beautiful discussion that he has. Okay.

00:43:52 --> 00:43:54

We're going to do one more in life at the same time

00:44:00 --> 00:44:06

actually, you know what, I'll summarize the narration. This particular narration is from Mom's

00:44:07 --> 00:44:08

from the last person

00:44:10 --> 00:44:12

he says that I would visit within an hour

00:44:15 --> 00:44:33

and but I wouldn't matter I didn't migrate to Medina. I would visit with you no matter what I see for some days. But I live fully migrate to Medina come to my house to Lhasa serve in Medina, the senator, I stayed as a visitor in Madina Munawwara for the year. My I'm not a hater of Elon Musk.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:51

The question is, if you've lived there for a year, why don't you go ahead and get the driver's license? Why don't you go ahead and change it and make it your water, you know, move to the city. So he said the reason why I do relocate frequently to Medina was a

00:44:52 --> 00:44:54

question that I had to

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

remind Shane, because once a person became a resident of Medina

00:45:00 --> 00:45:29

they would stop asking the questions to the profitable. And other parts of the level it was sort of out of consideration for the profitable month that now they were there. They were residents, they were local. So the way they would ask questions would be different. A person who casually comes to the machine or they see an Imam, they ask the question, when you go to a mother's, it's very common that a student walks past a scholar everyday, but they don't ask questions all the time. Because now they're in that mindset that there's others

00:45:30 --> 00:45:41

that we have to be more considered, this is a part of who we are. This is our identity. This is what differentiates us. So He says that cannot enter in a hydra name. Yes, as soon as possible.

00:45:43 --> 00:45:50

They will stop asking questions. And it wasn't the kind of Prophet of Allah ever told him when you had this.

00:45:51 --> 00:45:53

When you had you wouldn't let him know.

00:45:54 --> 00:45:58

That really endeavor Mercado. Gouda. Yes. And in the case of Allah

00:45:59 --> 00:46:00

Illa initiative.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:19

The module does take away from asking questions unless the need was questioning but it had to be asked. So then he says, because I wasn't a resident of Medina. And I would leave every few weeks and then come back for a long period and leave and come back for a long period. I can ask all that what to

00:46:20 --> 00:46:25

say I used to ask questions as to who and they will give me a concept about

00:46:28 --> 00:46:29


00:46:30 --> 00:46:31

if you have the right people

00:46:33 --> 00:46:33


00:46:35 --> 00:46:36

as he asked sort of

00:46:37 --> 00:46:40

righteousness and sin into that system.

00:46:42 --> 00:46:50

So with that, we'll conclude here try not to follow rules in our next class. We'll continue with chapter number 15. You are enjoyable set you

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00:46:55 --> 00:46:59

give us strength and allows you to keep us in cabinets.

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