Yasir Qadhi – The Great Granddaughter of the Prophet (SAW) Sukayna Bint Hussain (RA)

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the history of the Islam of the time before the arrival of Islam, including the birth of the first female Islamist to married men, the birth of the first female Islamist to married men, and the birth of the first female Islamist to married men. They also touch on the idea of marriage and its cultural values, including the idea that women can only marry one.
AI: Transcript ©
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swindle hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was so happy woman Hala Hammerberg today's hotter, I thought I do something slightly different. We speak a lot about the biographies of famous people, famous scholars, and almost invariably they happen to be men. Today let's do a biography of a famous female in our history. And a person who has left an interesting Mark, if you like and interesting anecdotes around her. And this is the great granddaughter of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Not many people know about her life and ties but she is somebody that is well known in the books of history, and she has gone through a number of

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tragedies and also left her mark as well. Her name is sukeena bint Al Hussein Ibn Ali ibn Abi Taalib Radi Allahu taala. And who sukeena bint Al Hussein. So this is for saints daughter of the Allahu Hussain, you all know the grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Hussein's daughter is Sakina. So in today's brief, hotter when it gives you some highlights of her life, and just a bit of an academic note that we don't know that much about her life, and even some of the details, there's sometimes you know, two different opinions. So what I'm going to say is one narrative if you go to the books, you might find another opinion, but for these quarters, we just

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have to be at least one narrative. So So kind of entered Hussein. In fact, even her birth and even the marriage of her parents is itself a story. It is said that once our little the Allahu was sitting in the messiness of Ramadan hardtop, convertible hardtop and Ally was sitting with Hassan and Hussein and a man came into the gathering. Hassan and Hussein are young children. They're not married yet. A man came to the gathering, tall, handsome, dressed very elegantly, they didn't recognize who he was. And he walked through the crowd as a person of dignity like he's coming straight to the hola Juan, and the crowd becomes quiet like who is this man? And he's literally

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walking all the way to our model, the hola Juan and he says to him the greetings of Jamelia, right so he doesn't say a sentiment or they come and Omar says, Who are you? And he says, I am immoral heist the chieftain of the Bernal Kinder by the way for the adults here this is not the famous case of the poet toughened up key media could have been one city that's another envelope places before Islam that's the jarhead the poet in multiple places a famous name this is one of the people named in Milan place, his tribe the banal kinder, or you can say the Keylab tribe. You have from it say they've been Hadith other adopted son of the prophets or some quote unquote, you have also the hare

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al Kelby. These are the people from that tribe. And this tribe was known for its handsomeness. That's why when God would come, he would take the form of who they are here al Kelby, right so the amongst the Arabs, this tribe was known, it was taller than most Arabs and they had this elegance and, you know, demeanor about them. So this is a man who's the chieftain and he said to me, club, I am a Christian, and I have heard of Islam, and I want to embrace it. So explain Islam to me. So I'm going to we'll talk about the Allah Juan explained Islam to him, and he said the shahada on the spot, and when he said the shahada, Rama Rama HotJobs said, hand me the spear. So you know, in

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Victorian England, what they do is they take the, the knife for the sword, and they night to right, okay, and Arabia, they will take a spear, and they would invest an office in you. So he said, hand me the Spear of investing, like basically this guy, I'm going to appoint him. And he appointed him the governor of that entire region. One of the people sit in the audience said, I have never seen a man who didn't offer a single raka that was appointed a governor in the time of Irma other than this man. He hadn't even said a prayer yet. But because of his demeanor, his dignity, his background, or whatever cooktop made him the governor immediately. And so he returned to his community, a governor

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when he left it that the Allah one went outside the masjid with his sons, Hassan and Hussein. And he said, I am the son in law of the Prophet system from the operational Hashem and I told him, and I want my children and yours to have the bond of marriage, right? In those days. That's how they did it. The fathers were just talking, the children followed along as you're aware, right. So in my case, said what a noble family How can I say no, I give my daughters to Hassan and Hussein. Okay, so mo Christ this noble chieftain, the governor, he gave his one of his daughters to his son of the Allahu, and, and another to her saying at the time, they were young, when they got older, they got

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married. So rebab Binti embro Of course, married her saying radula one from this marriage came two girls a year and sukeena and so Cana was the younger of the two or a year and sukeena so Rokia and Sakina are born in Medina and because of the OMA year the revolts the OMA yes come and they you know capture Medina as you know, they tried to force the the oath of allegiance and as you are aware 100% of the Allahu and did he ever give the oath to do them?

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Yes, yes or no? Did he ever hidden he never gave the authority over us. Right. So we're saying that the hola Han fled to where did you go? MCCA. Right, who was in charge of Makkah at the time.

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Abdullah Zubaydah. So her sandal the Allah who had spent some time in Makkah and Roca and Sakina are raised a few for a period of time a few years in Makkah. And this is where we began to hear so sukeena is now probably any preteen, probably like young lady, not quite a lady yet, right? yet old enough to engage in conversation, talk and whatnot, and her reputation begins to spread. Her grandmother is Fatima vintage Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, right, her grandmother is Fatima, her grandfather is it and the Prophet CISM is a great grandfather. And she became known in the entire city as a very sharp witted very intelligent, and also it is known that she was a beautiful

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lady, and how can she not be when she is from beautiful Hashem and her ancestors are who as they are, and her saying no, the Allahu Allah would have come, allow sukeena to accompany him. In some gatherings, she would respond and speak and versified and she became known even as a young child as a poetess. She would make lines of poetry even as a young lady, and she became known for her entire life as being of the most famous poets of her generation. And of course, she's a young lady growing up, of course, she becomes the talk of the town and the eligible bachelors want to marry her. And one of the most aspiring claimants was none other than the brother of Abdullah zubaid, the youngest

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brother and that is Musa ibn azubi, not Urawa there's another brother otoa famous Urawa so there's lots of brothers Abdullah Abu Zubaydah is the son of the son of the Sahaba, grandson of the Sahibi right Zubayr the hawan do the process and of his son is Abdullah Abdullah born the first year in Medina. Abdullah's younger brother Musa, who's not as a hobby, okay, he didn't see the Prophet system, his younger brother Musab became infatuated with Sakina. And by the way, you know, a lot of us have this image of early Islam, as if they're not human beings. What's wrong with wanting to marry a pious lady? This infatuation doesn't involve secret night trips, or no, it's just her

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lineage and her personality. There is no private meeting between the two. But all of most of his friends know he's infatuated, he wants to marry Sakina. So they tease him, why don't you go apply for the position and you knock on the door of the Allah on and save, and Musab he was known for his whole life he was known as being a man who exuded a sense of of extreme Daniel Rujuta or manliness, like he never wanted to be humiliated. He had this sense of I am the man so he said to his friends, if her sandal the Allahu says no to me, how can I possibly show my face anywhere? Right? He was so embarrassed about rejection, that he did not propose to Sakina because of this, that what if, what

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if he says no? How can I you know, go around and show my face. So he had that sense of, of pride in him that and he highlighted nothing wrong with this, like, I don't want anybody to say no to me, eventually, percent or the Allah who engages sukeena to her cousin, that's Abdullah ibn Al Hassan, Hassan son, right? So her first cousin, and they marched to Kufa, Karbala, you understand caribou is happening. Abdullah and Sakina have not yet consummated the marriage. There's simply a as this Kitab so there is an agreement that they're going to get married. So Abdullah does not actually live with Sakina. So they go to Karbala. You know, what happens in Karbala, right? The entire clan of the

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Bernal Hashem, you know, 70 plus people went there. All of the men were massacred, as you're aware. So Qeynos in the tent, she's hearing everything, right. She knows exactly what's going on. She's the one the wounded are coming back and she's treating them and you know, witnessing what's happening and then her and the women of the tent I mean, when when finally the battle is over, the troops, you know, pull open up the tent, they shouldn't have done that and they barge in and they say marched to the palace you know of Edna Zia. Then Kufa and they marched to Cana barefoot barefoot. She is the great granddaughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the martra to Abdullah ibn Ziad

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palace and there is threatened of killing even Zainul Abilene you know the one son that was left of her sandal the Allahu and he was sick in the tent, right? So this is okay in his older brother but from a different mother, half brother, so Qeynos older brother from a different mother, so there's even talk of killing him. And it has said that Sakina spoke to Ibn zr sukeena And she is a tween She's literally not even a full lady and she's, you know, 1112 years old, and she says a very harsh statement are you not content with although Is it not enough all the blood of the family of the process and you've killed aren't you happy? Haven't you done enough damage and it is even said that

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she hugged her brother that you dare kill him. You have to go

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To me, this is a young child, the lung, the young girl and her bravery is being demonstrated by the ones who murdered her entire family and she's in that palace and it is even said that one of the rough Ian's are the troops. He begged him to Zia to take Sakina as a Djawadi you know if you don't get the point, and even as yet at least had some one line he drew that I'm not going to do that. So they sent them the family to Damascus and they're using it he said gifted them honor them sent them back to to Medina. And so So Cana returned to Medina, Abdullah Agnes Zubaydah is now getting more and more active. His younger brother finally proposes there's no person anymore, right? So they get

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married Subhanallah This is a type of love story in his own way. So eventually they get married. So the first marriage was not consummated with Abdullah Hassan so Musab ibn zubaid and Sakina get married. And it seems like this was the happiest time of her life. They had some children. Her Abdullah Abdullah bnos zubaid made his younger brother the governor of Iraq. He lived a few years as a successful Jonnie warrior and fighter and governor and Musab the younger brother was the right hand of Abdullah bin azubi. He was the one who defended the you know, Dominion of eminence Zubaydah did everything his brother wanted. And so the OMA yards decided to take him out. He's now the big

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guy up north in the coffin region. And so they sent the famous hegemony Yusuf is everybody should know his name, the infamous general and he makes it a point to attack Mossad live in a zubaid In a famous battle. And sukeena is again present Subhanallah and so she loses her husband in another battle against the OMA yet and also just like you know, her central the Allah who won his head was cut off, so to Musab there was a timeframe or with a biller, I know it's shocking to hear there was a timeframe where this pagan practice became common in some circles, you would cut off the head of the enemy and send it to the palace. This became common for a few years, then it became uncommon

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after that, but for a while it was common. So most Arabs had also a SIP severed and so Cana saw this and whatnot. So can you imagine so Cana by the way, saw the bodies of her sandal, the hola Juan and the entire family outside the tent, she saw that and it is said that she touched it and kissed it and whatnot. Now she sees the body of her husband Musab and also the father of her children. After this, it appears that her marriages were not of that nature, either her husbands died. So perhaps four marriages after this, we don't know exactly how many. And by the way, those days, if a lady was single, nobody cared whether she was widowed or what not a single lady she was proposed to it was

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understood that somebody has to take care of her right? The concept of a lady being single was very rare. And in our culture, as you're aware is very different. Like once a lady becomes widowed or divorced or lost, nobody can touch her. But in that society, they understood somebody has to take care of her somebody has to marry her. There was no stigma attached to marriage or marriage. It just said she had four maybe even five according to one book six husbands Of course, they include an Hessen Sorry, I'm still live in a house and who never got actual Nikka done except for the kids got to pick it up. But after most of a number of husbands now here So Cain has personality is shown

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again, we have a we have an image Oh, I forgot to mention a very important thing. We learn as well when she was growing up in Makkah, this is something very interesting, guys. We have a very, very naive notion of reality. One of the things who Cana was known for can you believe it was a new hairstyle that she invented. And it was called a Torah Asuka Ania the so cania hairstyle as a young lady 1112 13 years old. That's what young ladies do what you expect them to do, right? She's at her home and she put she had very long beautiful heritage that so she made a certain type of knot and a certain hairstyle. And the ladies of maca began imitating smokiness hairstyle and it became the

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Vogue so much. So the books of history mentioned some men began imitating because back then men had long hair as well. Some men began doing it the governor in Medina or Madonna, that as he said, If I catch any man doing this, I'm gonna whip him because it's effeminate. Let the women do it. No problem. Point is who could have ever imagined that the great granddaughter of the Prophet system is going to start something in fashion. Think about that, right? That she was that type of personality. She wanted to have that. So she had a different hairstyle called a Torah zucchini. It's known in the books of history. In any case, back to her story as an adult, we forgot to mention this as a

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teenager, she went through a number of you know, marriages, some of our husbands passed away and one or two she divorced. So one famous incident so she married the grandson of Earthman Rhodiola one and by the way, this notion that some groups have that there was tension between our little doula who and and between overcoat with man, Wallah, it's not true at all. You just look at history. How can it be that sukeena is marrying the grandson of Earth man or the Aloha and how can it be? There is no problem right? There's no issues between them. So the he dies, you know, a natural

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But then another person proposed son of Tom had been arrested at one of the national worship but he was known for being very stingy man, and he was very wealthy but very stingy. So So Cana made conditions upon him. This is one of the books of the great granddaughter of the Prophet says to them, she said to this man, if you want to marry me, number one, you shall not marry any woman besides me. You shall not touch a lady besides me as long as I'm your wife, she put that condition right nowadays books are filled, discuss she put that condition number two, she had other conditions as well that I will have access to wealth because he was a very stingy map, etc, etc. It's so

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happened this man

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did take a milk Amina giardia, right. So Cana found out about it. And she dragged him to the court and the judge. And she said, call us first fennica And I get my nick Mr. Maha back because he disobeyed the contract. Literally, this is the great granddaughter of the Prophet SAW Selim. And it is said that when the judge was there, silent, not knowing what to do, she turned to the husband. And she said, Take a good look at me, because this is the last time you will ever see me after this the house. And that's the end, the marriage ended over there. It is said after this that she remained a single lady. She didn't get married after that, but she became known for her poetry. And

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her poetry is recorded in the books of history. So much so that some of the most famous poets of the time people like Jared and for us duck if you know your Arabic poetry you've all heard of for us duck and these names for us duck would make it a point to visit the house of sukeena from the outside and exchange poetry. And it has said that in one occasion after hedge, the famous poets of Arabia gathered, and they decided to hold the competition, and they chose sukeena to be the judge. So Cana is going to decide who's the best Shah amongst us. That was her reputation that she is going to be the the haccombe between us, and she lived an apolitical life after this and she was known for

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her generosity and her wit, and she passed away in the year 117 of the hijra, she was born 49 to set some say, 4749 Hijra she was born and she passed away 117 Hijra and she's buried in bulk with most of the the Ubuntu Abdulmutallab. And this shows us really Subhanallah that our conception of the past you know, the people lived, it's actually very different than reality. And when you read books of history, it actually makes you more broad minded and makes you understand that the versions of society we think existed never really existed. Nothing wrong with a lady showing, you know, her talent in a highlighted manner. She's properly dressed you everybody knows her. There's no nothing

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negative going on. Her personality was known. She did certain things in fashion. She did certain things in poetry. She participated not on the battlefield but she was with her sandal the Allah who I knew you know, and Qatar betta and with her husband Musa but obviously not armed to the hill but still participating in her own way and she left her mark on history. So this is a name that we should be aware of the great granddaughter of the Prophet sallallahu it he was set up May Allah Subhana Allah have mercy on her and on all of them. Zakat will love it and I'm wondering how much Allah he'll Baraka

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