Yasir Qadhi – The Day of Judgement – Ep.12

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Day of Judgment is title and the concept of the "ham economic" is emphasized. The interview process for a job interview includes questions about past experiences, past actions, and past blessings. The court will test witness actions and their body and language, and the court will test their actions and language. The upcoming trial will test their actions and will also test their body and language. Prayer and pray with the gun are emphasized as important during the trial.
AI: Transcript ©
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hola buena

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de Cana

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, He will say

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we are continuing our lessons on the Day of Judgment. And I had finished in my last lesson with the Hadith of the three different types of scrolls if you like that we have to respond to and I wanted to move on, we still haven't finished the issue of the scrolls. And there are a number of other traditions that mentioned the issue of the scrolls or the issue of all of our good deeds having been written down. And in a particular narration our Prophet system in a number of narrations, he recommended that we do certain things so that we find them in our scrolls. And so it shows us that there are things that we should be doing with the intention of making sure that we find them in the

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scrolls on the Day of Judgment of them is the hadith of Abdullah Abdullah booster reported in a bin Marja that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the man widget of his wife, it is still foreign kathira that how fortunate or good news or maybe even gender itself globa has all of these words, but the prime primary meaning how fortunate is the one who finds in his scrolls. A lot of is still far. So notice this Hadeeth here, he's asking us to remember we're gonna meet all of our deeds with the scrolls, we're going to see our scrolls on the Day of Judgment. So he's reminding us to back that how good news is it for the one who finds a lot of his stuff out in his scrolls on the Day

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of Judgment. And in the Hadith narrated in most of the above, I met that Omar Abdul cataldo de la one passed by but had two minutes to obey the both of them are famous. So however, the both of them are from the 10 promise agenda. And he found him to be very worried very aggrieved. So he said, What is the matter with you has something irritated you that's going on what is going on? Why are you so grieved? And Paul has said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that I know one kelemen one phrase, that if a person were to say it, when he were to die, he would find his cipher to be full of light, he would find the light coming from his cipher. Then he said, but I don't know

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that word. I don't know that kalama What is that? kalama that our profitsystem is saying? Whoever says that Candyman at the time of his death, his Sahiba will be a sahifa of light or there will be light coming from his Sahiba Romero de la Juan who said, I will tell you this kalama it is the same Kadima that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted his uncle to say Shahada de la ilaha illallah wa rahmatullah kebab told him this, all of the grief left behind. And he became very happy that he heard this knowledge from the top that the Kalima whoever says it at the time of death that his cipher or his scroll of good deeds will be a good deeds of light. I asked Allah subhana wa tada

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that my last Kadima in this world every villa in Illallah. Muhammad Rasulullah and US will make that to our that this is our last Kadima because we want to have that Kadima. And of course, we also know that the kenema of La Ilaha Illa, Allah will be sometimes even on a separate scroll is going to be so powerful, so weighty. And we know this from the Hadith reported also in the southern books that on the Day of Judgment, a man will come and he will have 99 scrolls of evil deeds, as far as the eye can see each one of them and those scrolls will be put on one side of the scale. And Allah will say, do you have any good deeds and the man will think and he will not think be able to think of any good

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deed, then a small parchment a ballcock the Taka is a parchment but not close a card is going to be brought out and Allah will say actually you do have a good deed and on this card will be the Kadima of law in law. And the man will say oh A Lot Of what use is this card against the 99 scrolls. This is a business size card appletalk is a small little thing and you have 99 scrolls on the other side, and Allah will say on this day, no volume will be shown

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Even the smallest and the and, and the greatest of deeds will be made his above. So that card will be placed on one side of the scale. And of course his Eman will be heavier than all of that. So he shall be forgiven. And of course, our scholars mentioned that this is an exceptional scenario, generally speaking, good deeds also have to come. As we mentioned in other lectures, the point being the point I wanted to mention here that all of his good deeds are coming in a card, but because that's all he has, and the evil deeds are coming in scrolls. So this also shows us that the scrolls will be of different sizes, depending on the quantity and the quality of deeds. So this is the issue

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of the scrolls. And this is called the sort of as we had mentioned, now we move on to the next issue. And that is the issue of hisab, or accounting. And I've referenced this in the last lecture and also two lectures ago. And we've talked about it a few times. And once again, this issue of all of these different aspects, we're not talking about them one after the other, as I'm going to mention in a while, actually the hisab and the scrolls, they go hand in hand, but there are many a hadith and is about to hisab. And there are many a hadith and about the scrolls, so we're doing them bit by bit, even though chronologically it does appear, as I will mention that the hisab and the

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scrolls are going hand in hand. Now what is the ASAP Hey, SAP in Arabic means to count. And that's why mathematics is called the minimal husaberg. The branch of mathematics is literally called a sap and computer one of the names of computer or calculator is how soon so it's an issue of calculating, and the accountant is the more hasim. So the issue of hisab means you're gonna essentially account for or count each and everything. And the concept of his app is self evident, which is that every single deed of mankind good or bad, is going to be accounted for line by line bit by bit. This is the hisab and there are categories of people who will have a difficult hisab there are categories

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who will have an easy his app, there are literally dozens of verses about the concept of his app. And I urge you all to find them in the Quran. And next time we read the Quran cover to cover extract them, we cannot go over all of them. There are that many in quantity, but I'll just mention some of them that for example, is sort of our favorite verse 17

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allimand mentions and yo messages are coluna SMB Makka, sabot la ville Mojo in the LA City URL, his app today, everybody will get what they did, no injustice will be done today. And Allah is quick in reckoning. So Allah is steady his app, Allah will recommend every single person for all they have done and Allah will do it in the twinkling of an eye Allah is said here in his app. Also the Quran tells us that the people who rejected a la la your jeweler hisar but they weren't expecting the his app to take place. They didn't want that his have to happen. And we learn that Allah azza wa jal will directly take charge of the hisab that no angel, no intermediary, Allah Himself will do the

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hisab of each and every person. Imagine this dear Muslims, every single one of us will have to stand in front of a lot individually and Allah subhanho wa Taala will speak to us and make hisab of our lives and our deeds line by line. There will be no one between us and Allah subhanho wa Taala even our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reminded in the Quran that you are not the one who's going to make their his sub right but what am I reckon he said to him in shade and it's not your job to do there he said Allah says in the whole on in fact he is told in the Quran and multiple verses in LA called Bella Who ya know, his job Your job is to convey and it is our job to do the hisab

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Allah subhana wa tada says, it's my job and our job to do the hisab not yours. Yeah. rasulillah. And there are many a hadith as well, that mentioned the concept of a sap and the fact that we have to face the hisab on the Day of Judgment of them is the famous Hadith in the mustard of a madman narrated by Mahmoud Bonilla beat that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, towards the things that the son of Adam does not like. And those two things are number one, death and number two, to not have a lot of money, right two things the son of Adam does not like to die and to not have a lot of money. Then our prophecies are mentioned two things that are positive about these two

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things. He said while motohio little mini middel fitna and dying is better for the believer then being subjugated to tests and trials and Subhana Allah how true this is, dear Muslims, those that are suffering from calamities from civil wars, those that are suffering from issues

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Even the irritation that we're all suffering from now. So panel law, there are those that live good lives, long lives, then they moved on. And they didn't have to see this. And is that not is there not some mercy for them as well, even though we should not look at it that, as I explained in many lectures, I've given that this is not too specific, I adapt, it is a general adapt. And the goal is to save each and every one of us from this specific either upon us, but still to not be tested and pass is better than to be tested, and then fail, so to not be tested as a blessing. So our Prophet sallallahu wasallam is saying, to die is better than the for the moment to be tested. And then he

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said, and the son of Adam also does not like that he is poor. And what pay little man are called Lulu, his job. being poor means you have to have a smaller his app, right? So the rich will have a longer his app, the rich will have much more auditing to do for every single penny that they've earned and they've spent and the poor, they will have a quicker hisab that is why it is narrated in some versions of a headache that Robert Murphy have Orpheus here, but the concept is authentic. And that is that the rich people, the poor people will enter Jannah 500 years before the rich people there is a notion like this as well, which does seem to have an element of authenticity to it,

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because the rich people have to account for more, and therefore their history will be longer. As for the poor people, they live the more difficult life in this dunya. But if they were righteous and pious, they will enter agenda before and they will therefore enjoy things in the next life that they did not enjoy in this life. So this is what a hisab is, it is a detailed auditing of all of our records. And the hisab will be done for every single person in every single room, not just our members. And we know this for many of them is the Hadith in Sahih Muslim, that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there was a man of the nations before you that his hisab was made

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of on the Day of Judgment. And they will didn't find anything good in his hisab except that he was a man who would give out loans to people. And he would tell his servants, that if they found somebody who couldn't pay back the loan, he would tell his servants that you know, just don't be harsh, don't be you know, strict in this regard, be gentle. And so when the hisab is done a lot of zoa jen will say, we or I have more rights to indicate or to exude this generosity and gentleness than this person. And therefore, I am asking that his sins be overlooked as a panelist such a beautiful Hadith dear Muslims that Remember, the whole purpose of this entire series isn't just so that we know dry

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facts and we can regurgitate them, rather than it translates into actions in our daily lives that are immense increases, that we prepare for the Day of Judgment. So here we find that this person, he didn't have a lot of Salah he didn't have a lot of Zakah he didn't have a lot of good deeds that other people think are old. This is what piety is. But you know what, he had a kind heart and soul and he was a rich person, and he would give money but he needed it back. He would not give it soda. But he would tell his servants you know, if you find somebody who is in a difficult circumstance, don't be harsh, be gentle, and go back come back at a later time. So panela something as small as

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this and he did it from a pure heart. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will say that gentleness that overlooking I have more right to do then he because Allah is al Rahman al Rahim. So Allah will say, I will do it for him, like he did it unto others. And this shows us to Muslims, that the characteristics you establish for yourself, they are not going to be forgotten. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will take note of them those that are gentle, those that are merciful, those that are overlooking those that are forgiving, they can expect the same characteristics to be done unto them when it is much more important that it has done unto them on the Day of Judgment. So hisab is going

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to be done for every single oma, however, of the blessings of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that our oma will be the first oma upon which a sap is done. And that's a blessing because we don't want to wait You know, when the exams when we all have done the exams in our lives, and we want to get the results immediately. The delay in the result is a type of torture. So we don't want to delay in the results. We want it immediately. And the ones whose results come out the first and the fastest and the quickest. They're the ones who enjoy it the most. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to me what a woman you have several Yokoyama We are the last and yet we are

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the first in another version not known alcune in a Walloon. We are the last we are the first he explained how so we are the last of the moment.

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chronologically, there is no oma after the oma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we are the first who will be made hisab of because on the Day of Judgment an announcement will be made a nun oma to omiya wanna be you have where is the unlettered oma and it's profit where is the unlettered Omar Nebbiolo, me, where is this nation and its profit. And so we will be brought in front of all other nations. So this is the concept of his app, the Quran and the Sunnah is full of the concept of the notion of his app. Now, quick quick question before we move on, we talked about the scrolls, we talked about now, the hyssop. And I mentioned chronology. When will the hisab take

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place? Some of them are including some great proto medical coterie and others, they say that the hisab will take place after the sort of are handed to the people right. And so, their interpretation of the text is that first and foremost, there is going to be the outward which is Allah only looking upon the bottle as the bruise right Allah will examine, then there will be the socials and then after the social will be the hisab. So the scroll will be handed in the right hand or in the left hand. And then after that, there was going to be a line by line ASAP. And this they base it on the verse in the Quran for M and udia. koterba will be a meanie he for so far you have several his

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urbania c ra y and kalibo Allah Allah Hema surah The one who has given his book in the right hand, he shall be given an easy hisab. So it seems as if the one who's given the book, then the hisab will take place. And they also use the verse in the Quran. Wait a minute, he kitabi Chemin de Fer todo de tener una kitabi, Willem de ma he Serbia, LA to Hakuna to call the the one who's given his book in the left hand, he will say Woe to me, I wish I was not given this book. And I don't know what my sub is going to be. And they say that this clearly demonstrates that the hisab will take place after the sort of are handed and there is definitely

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a strong case to be made. Other groups of scholars say that in fact, you're reading in too much and the verses not implying chronology versus not implying chronology. And in fact, the concept of the sort of and the concept of the his app are simultaneous, they are not one after the other. And we don't need to interpret for so for here in the sense that after the scrolls are handed then that said we'll be done rather, a lot is speaking to us right now. And a lot is speaking in the future to us right now that those who get their scrolls in the right hands, they would have had an easy reckoning not they shall then have after having had the scrolls handed to them, you see the point

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over here. So and to be honest, this is also a very strong and it is also what I personally lean towards. But again, there's a strong argument to be made the other way. But there is an explicit Hadith that does seem to very clearly indicate that the hisab and the sort of are in fact, simultaneous, they're taking place at the same time that the scrolls are going to be handed and the hisab is being done right then and there with the scrolls being handed to you. And then when they're handed to you, you know the results right then and there. And the person saying that I don't know my my hisab what that this is him, this is the calf who basically doubting, or this is the cafard. And

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he not realizing the severity of what is going to happen. The very fact that he has been handed this clothes in the left, he knows his hisab he knows he has failed. But you know, it's a matter of shame. Sometimes something happens in your exam, like I don't know this and that you kind of just fluff it over. It's a matter of embarrassment or whatnot. In any case, the point is that

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it doesn't need to be taken that chronologically the one is after the other. And in the end. Yeah, and a lot of those in those beds is more of a theoretical issue in terms of chronology.

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Now in terms of the categories of his app, how I mean the the types of people that will or will not face his out, quote Toby mentioned that there are three categories of people. Number one, those who will not have any hisab at all, they will simply be handed the scrolls and they will be zero hyssop and that is the highest category and it is mentioned in a number of ahaadeeth that they will enter agenda without hisab. Number two, the majority of the believers for so for your house over a seven year see or it will be an easy ASAP. So this is the majority and then number three, there is going to be a

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A hisab that is a seal that is a difficult his app and that will be called to be says that will be for the fastest amongst the Muslims and also for the calf he knows his controversy point we're going to come to this later on, is there an actual herself for the cafard? Or not that this is something that scholars have different over we'll talk about that in a while but of course to be says there is that and the reason being that the other group says that the calf or is the calf or you're not going to go over every single line when you know he's failed, is like there is no exam he's bringing, he hasn't even believed in Allah subhana wa Tada, what's the point of going line by line he's simply

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going to be handed and then punished right then and there. We're going to get to this controversy briefly in our next lecture, inshallah Allah. But the point is that

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portobay says there's three categories. And that much is definitely very explicit from the Koran. Number one, well, the first is not in the Quran, it is in the Hadith number one, those that shall enter general without his sub number two, those that have a seven year seal or an easy precept. And number three, those that have a difficult history, this is very much confirmed. Now also, there does appear to be a different category of hisab for a very select group of people, and that is the prophets, the prophets of Allah. They have a separate category all together, obviously, because they are special people, because they have to account for things very different than what we have to

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account for. What do they have to account for, they have to account for what their own must have done to them. And this is also quite explicit in the Koran sort of an hour off verse six Federalists and then lettino Odyssey daily him wilderness ln l mursaleen. We're going to ask those whom the prophets came to, and we're going to ask the prophets, so asking the prophets is separate, and also sort of not either. Verse 109, yo Mirage mera la hora, suta for your boo mother, hoogenboom, the day that Allah will gather all the prophets, and Allah will ask them, What response did you get? So this is a specific hisab a very special category of people. Those are the prophets. They have a different

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set of questions than the rest of us and that is fully understandable. And

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we also learn from the Hadith of the Allahu Allah, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah has CBE his seven year zero, our law, give me an easy his, give me an easy hisab. And so are you sure you already asked about this? She said the other sort of law. What is this easy hisab. And in another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Hadith is in Bahati, that manul Tisha Rosie, that

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whoever is so whoever is going to be a nucleus here is to go over point by point of the of the of the herself manouche, whoever is going to be put on the interrogation, that this is going to be a type of punishment. So our issue says that this it doesn't allow, say in the Quran, that the believers will have a seven year Syrah that, why is nakash and either when Allah is saying that his SAP is going to be a seed, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, This his seven year zero, this is the this is the general examination, then he said, my new crusher or whoever is going to be forced to defend each and every point that in and of itself is a type of punishment. In

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another version of the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu, I said, I've answered Ayesha and said that the haselden, near Sierra is that his book will be looked at Fillmore, Utah was in it will be overlooked. However, whoever has to go over line by line that will be the person who will be destroyed. Now, what this means, therefore, we know what the his seven year Sierra is, you know, so in some countries,

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the government audits, you know, your taxes, right? And so the years that it doesn't audit the taxes, right? You don't have a lot of makeups amongst those every single year. So the gear is that it doesn't audit the taxes. What does it do? It just overlooks it like okay, check, check, check, move on, right? This is the hisab you see equivalent, when you learn methodological labianca, more more perfect example. And the year that they audit you and they say, oh, what about this line and that line? And that line? that entire process, in and of itself is a type of punishment? And can you imagine, if we worry about the annual tax return for our governments, how about our yearly life

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deeds, the entire lives we have to account for in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We don't want to do that every single day, every single hour, every single penny along with Stan, we don't want that. We ask Allah for an easy hisab we definitely do not want to be asked every single thing that we have done. And we also learned as well, that there is going to be an elite group of people whose ASR will be completely overlooked.

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And that's something that is a beautiful goal that we all strive for. And this will learn. I've already said this already before, but I'll mention it again because it is so beautiful that even our boss said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I saw all of the numbers on the Day of Judgment. And I saw a prophet that he had a small group with him, and another prophet, he had only one or even two, and I even saw a prophet who didn't have a single follower at all. Then a large gathering was shown to me, and I thought that is my number. But it was said to me, no, that is Moosa and his people, then it was said to me look at the horizon, and I saw another great gathering, and

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it was said that that is your oma and from them are 70,000 that will enter gender behavior has been one either without any hisab without any either. And the famous Sahabi rocker should have been medicine, or mercy and both are there he stood up and he said yes to the law, the law and the agenda, the minimum, ask that Allah zildjian puts me amongst those 70,000 and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and Tim in whom we are going to be from them, then another person stood up, and he asked the same thing, the profitsystem said, sabar, aka Bihar Akasha, which became an example in Arabic, which means too late, you cannot do it anymore. That's what it means. But of course, the

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translation is Akasha preceded you. And that's it. Now, I don't want to open this door over and over again. So this Hadeeth and I mentioned this in my previous series about the Bible so that it's not just 70,000 that we learned that there's going to be more than 70,000 in one narration for every 1000, another 70,000. And another narration, that Allah subhanho wa Taala, just filled up both of his palms and gave them to the process and said, all of this as well will enter agenda without his app. So that's going to be the greatest of the believers to enter agenda without his app. And that is what we want, we don't even want to even have the easy bits of the ICT, the highest level is no

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his app, and then lower than this is the hisab your zero, as we said, also of the beautiful things that we learn. And this is extremely, extremely beautiful, that that reserved for the believers will be private, and it will not be public, whereas the hisab for those who reject Allah, and for those who have done volume will be public and it will be humiliating. So are we the villa, we seek Allah's refuge, but imagine being brought on the Day of Judgment, and everybody can hear your sins and your personal crimes. Everybody knows this person has done this, and this person has done this, what a great embarrassment and humiliation that is. And that is why we asked a lot to protect us from the

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hizzy from the humiliation of this world and of the next world. And that's why the humiliation of the next world is the worst humiliation as the Quran mentions because to be humiliated on the Day of Judgment means that Allah has removed all mercy from you. We seek Allah's protection from that and to be protected and to have no humiliation is a great blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. There is a beautiful Hadith in the sight of a Muslim, which is really a very touching and a very emotional Hadith. And

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it is from Eben Amato, the last one that had been promoted, was doing philosophy around the Kaaba, when somebody came up to him and held on to his hand when he's doing pull off. And he said, Tell me, the Hadith that you heard from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam about the najwa The najwa is the private booth if you like it's not a physical booth the concept is the private covering that Allah subhana wa tada will do the hisab for the believers in and the hisab will be done from the between Allah and the servant and it will be shielded from the eyes of all other people and the word najwa in Arabic means in secrecy or in private and Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran that

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the hierarchy Kathy remain najwa whom Islam and amberleigh besonderheiten oma openers live in and so the word ninja is in the Quran, that secret gatherings are not good unless it is meant for something that is good. So the natural law means to have a secret issue or gathering. And there is something that is natural on the Day of Judgment. And that is going to be a secret between a law and between the servant and the man had heard that even Omar is narrating this hadith. So he went up to him and said Oh a bit Omar, what did you hear the profitsystem say about the najwa. So when Omar said I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that Allah azza wa jal will come close to the

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believer and Allah azza wa jal will envelope him with his sittard with his covering, Allah will cover him up with his covering. And Allah subhana wa Taala will then say to the believer, do you know this sin? Do you know this sin? And the believer will say, naamyaa Rob Yes, I know this sin, yes, I know this sin, and he will go on admitting every single sin that he has done. And then in his heart, he will think that he is destroyed. And Allah xojo will ask him, do you have any excuse for the sins? And the man will say, No, my Lord, I don't have any excuse. And Allah will say, Did my witnesses of the angels write everything correctly? Or do you doubt that they are lying? And he will

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say, No, my Lord, they are not lying. They wrote everything correctly, and the man will think that he is gone because all of these sins have been mentioned. And then Allah subhana wa tada will say, sets out to her alayka for dunya what an Alfredo halakha yom that a lot of xojo will say that I covered these sins from the eyes of others in this world, and I will forgive them for you on this day. And so we ask Allah azza wa jal for his sitter and for his Mo Farah, and so this hadith then says for your balki, taba has sanity, he, he will then be given the hessonite, his book of his Senate, and he will take them from the right hand. Now, this hadith is so beautiful, for many

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reasons of them is that it demonstrates that even the believer who will have some type of hisab Because see, this is not his urban, you see, oh, by the way, see, this is beautiful, it shows us there are many levels of his sub, that a seven year zero is not this one, because this one is a lower level that has happened your zero is you just overlook it. You just say call us go go to gender, you're fine. That's the has happened near zero. This person is a sinner who was also a repentant person, this person is a righteous sinner. And yes, you can be righteous in some aspects and be a sinner in another aspect. What are Haruna uttara forbidden obey him Hello to Iman and saw

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the Anwar heresy and Isola one year to bother him there are people that are sinners, and then they have good deeds as well. And those categories of people, Allah subhana wa Taala, will go over their hisab, line by line, but because they had good deeds as well, and because they had piety and a man, so on the Day of Judgment, they shall be covered up by the covering of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they will not be humiliated in front of all of the people that Allah will say, I covered up your sins in this world, because Allah is a city, and Allah covers the sins of his servants in this world. So Allah will say that your sins, you know them, I knew them, mankind did not know them, and

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they did not know them, because I from my urashima used to cover those sins, and I, from my mercy, conceal those sins from the eyes of others, even your closest family and your friends, even your spouse, and your parents did not know those sins, because I covered them up from the from you in this dunya just like I did it in this dunya. Now, I will continue that covering and I will cover them up in this world as well. And then he will be given the hit the hisab. And this the the Kitab. And this, by the way clearly shows us this Hadith, it is explicit that the keytab is given after the hyssop they are the same timeframe that the concept of the Kitab being given and the hisab taking

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place is not one after the other it is simultaneous. And that is very explicit from this hadith. And that is why I said that even from a logical perspective, if you think about it, it makes sense that the giving of the book and knowing if whether it's right or left you It means you pass right then and there or you failed. And so the hisab is being done as the sort of for being unscrewed and given to you and then the Profit System said as for the coffee, and as for the monarch, then in front of all of mankind, it will be announced How will I lead in a cadet who either obey Him and not enter too long I know vitamin These are the people that lied against Allah, Allah curses upon the body

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mean and even cathedra in his treaties on the the Day of Judgment, which is

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in the section about the description of the Day of Judgment, he mentions a narration from EBIT dunia, one of the earliest scholars of Hadith that goes back to Abu hurayrah. And it's a similar narration from Omar. And it's a more detailed narration that Allah subhana wa Taala will come close on the Day of Judgment, and Allah will conceal and cover his servant and Allah subhana wa Taala will then give the Book to His servant and he will say read the book. And every single time he finds a good deed, his face will brighten up and he will thank Allah subhanho wa Taala and he will fall down in such de and every time he comes across a bad deed. He will feel guilty and bad and his heart

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will tremble and his face will darken with with fear. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will say to him, do you have any excuse, he will say no, then Allah will say, no that I have forgiven it for you. And every single good and evil will be going after the entire list is done. And the people on the outside of this, this concealment will only see him fall down. And they will not hear the negative things until finally it will be announced that this person is going to gender summarizing for this narration. But the concept there is that the person, once again there is a detailed hisab taking place. And there is a slight element of punishment here. And this shows us that manouche or VB, that

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whoever has to go over line by line is being punished, it does not mean that whoever is going line by line will go to jahannam. Not at all. Rather, there are people who have done sins, but they don't deserve to go to jahannam. Or Allah will forgive them for their good deeds. And so they will do or they will undergo certain trials that are painful, that are torturous in their own way. And the purpose for that is so that the sins they have done are expropriated, they are expunged because of those trials. And one of the trials, which is a very difficult one is to answer to a lot directly for every single crime and issue and to have to explain to Allah why you did it. Even though in the

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end, Allah knows you might be forgiven because of other goodies. Now, by the way, we don't know what's going to happen, because there are going to be people, they have to go through all of the his app, and then I wrote a blog that will go to jahannam. After that we do not know. But the point is, do you want to be in that category? No, you want to be either has happened? Yes, zero, in which case, you just handed the book and there's no detailed, you know, line by line, or even better than this. And that is by Lady herself the highest of the high. That's your goal, you do not want to be in this category of line by line bit by bit. But our profit system is telling us that even in that

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category, there is hope. It's not that it's everybody who does that is automatically going to jahannam No, there will be people they have evil deeds that has to be accounted for, but they also have good deeds. So Allah will go over line by line, and in that will be their punishment. And by the time they're done, their punishment is over. And Allah will say you're forgiven, go to gender and and hamdulillah. That is great. But we'd rather not go through that and energen directly. So we also have other issues that we need to go over as well about the issue of the his app. And we have two sets of narrations that tell us, especially two of the most important things that we'll be asked

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about on the Day of Judgment.

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In editing Sahih Bukhari

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our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the first matter that will be dealt with between the people over to my house and the first issue of his app will be with regards to blood deema. What is blood? What is the meaning here is if a person murdered another person, or with a bola, so murderers are the first category of people that will have to answer to a lot. And if this is the case of somebody who does one murder, what do you think of those tyrants? And those kings who think that they are so mighty, those dictators that are destroying hundreds of 1000s, maybe even millions of their own or other people? What do you think of empires that are destroying innocent people will

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not there have come back on them in this world before the ark era? If one murder will be brought forth in front of Allah? And that is going to be the first hisab? What do you think of the one who has killed a million or more than this? What do you think of the one who has tortured innocent scholars and thrown them into jail? What do you think of the one who has killed an innocent Muslim for no reason other than he wants to defend his honor, or his land or his property, and evil tyrants want to take it from him? These people have to answer to Allah subhana wa Tada. And indeed, Allah said he earned his job and we leave their affair to Allah. But these people need to repent to Allah

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before it is too late. And all of us if we have any loom that we have done to other people, and especially the worst loom, which is the volume of shedding the lives of taking the lives of innocent people, the first matter to be dealt with on the Day of Judgment, that ASAP will be beat about blood between people. And then another version of the Prophet Sall. Allahu Allah who was sent them said, Oh, well Omar has ever been able to you know, cavity of soil. The first matter that a person will be asked about on the day of judgment on the hisab is his cylab. So if his Salah is in order, the rest of the hisab will be easy, and he shall be saved. And if the Salah was not in order, then the rest

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will be destroyed and lost. Now, is there a contradiction By the way, that in one Hadith, the

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profitsystem is saying the first hisab is blood. In another Hadith the first precept is sada, no, because in the one he's talking about the first hisab, that has to do with people, between people. And in the other, he's talking about the first hisab, between a lot and mankind further affairs between each other. Because there there is there's the hisab, between you and a law. And then there's the hisab, that you have to account for what you've done to other people. Also, by the way, in the second Hadith, we learn one of the strongest mechanisms to guarantee that we have a seven year Syrah, one of the strongest mechanisms. Are you paying attention to this? The Hadith is

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explicit. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Oh, what do you have several bayhill abdominal cavity of Salah, the first matter that will be checked with under his elbow, the day of judgment will be the Salah. Listen, now, if the sign up is in order, the rest of it all will be in order, I'll overlook it. And if the Salah is not in order, then the rest of it will also not be in order. So if we protect those sila, if we guarantee we have the five Salawat done with their, with their will do with their hair, sure, if we are regular in our economy to sign up, then insha Allah hooter, Allah, we will be from those who are in the seven year Cyril category, as long as we don't have room to other people, because that's a separate category

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altogether. As long as you don't have other people's loan, if it's just between us and Allah subhana wa Tada, we can be hopeful, even as we're scared of our punishment, we can be hopeful that insha Allah will be in the seven yesira category. However, if our Salah was not an order, then it is going to be a problem and the rest of our hisab will not be an order as well. We also have other details about what we're going to be asked about in the hisab and of the details that Allah will ask us about in the hisab is our life and our good deeds. So for example, in certain higan Allah says in the Quran fo are bigger than us and then the home in Canada, yeah, maroun. Allah gives a custom that

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we will ask every one of them about what deeds they used to do. So a part of the hisab what we're going to be asked about is our deeds, we're going to be asked about our actions. Also, we are going to be asked about our blessings. Allah will ask us about our blessings again, do your brothers and sisters realized there's different categories of his app, one group know his sub a second group casual, his have just overlooked and we're talking about the third category, those are you gonna go line by line, they will be asked about every deed, and they will be asked about every single blessing as well. And there is that beautiful Hadith, in Sahih, Muslim and other books were so long

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version multiple Hadith give different versions of sorry, more details. And essentially, one day, the Prophet sallallahu, I decided no bucket and Omar were all hungry because they had nothing to eat. And they were all sitting outside at the time of the the early meal, the lunch that they called it, and they had nothing to eat, until finally, one of the Sahaba he saw this and he goes, I cannot bear this to have to come to my house. So he slaughtered an animal, he fed them the animal, and they then ate from this animal and they thanked a law. And then our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, I swear by the one in whose life is my my hands is in whose hands is my life that led to Luna

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unhurt. And Amy young welcome, you will be asked about this blessing on the Day of Judgment, you left your houses hungry, and then you only came back after your stomachs were full with this blessing. So the phrase here you will be asked about these blessings that aluna on the day of judgment about these blessings and therefore, this concept of being asked about our blessings is something that is very clear that we will be asked we Allah gave you this blessing, what did you do with it and on the in the Quran as well through to cathode through mellitus, alumina, Yama is in an inner him, then you will be asked about your blessings and certain israa verse 36 in the summer

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world vasara worldfood other kulu laka Canada and homeschooler verily you're hearing and you're seeing and your chest meaning your intelligence and your awareness, all of this you will be asked about Allah will ask you did not give you faculties of intellect of hearing of seeing these are going to be asked about and in the hadith of abaza eslami our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the two feet of the son of Adam will not move on the Day of Judgment until he is asked the famous

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five questions number one about his life. And what did he do with his life? Number two, about his knowledge and how much he acted upon that knowledge number three about his money. Where did he earn it from? Number four, where did he spend it on? And number five, his health and his body? What did he spend? What did he do with his mouth and his body that we gave him? These are the famous five questions that we all need to memorize. And can you imagine if you enter the classroom at the beginning of the semester, and the first thing that the professor did, he handed out the final exam he said, These are the questions if you know your questions, you're going to pass Can you imagine

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any student will is going to fail the exam? So Allah subhana wa tada has handed us the questions we know the questions. Number one your life, what did you do with it? Number two, your knowledge and how much you acted upon it. Number three, your money. Where'd you earn it from? And where do you spend it on? Number Four? And number five, your health and your body? And what did you do with it? These are the five main questions that Allah will ask us about. And in the hadith of telemedia as well. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the first blessing that Allah will ask a person was his health. And Allah will say, Allah Musa haylock, adjust smukke whenever when we come

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in and my body, didn't we give you a healthy body? And didn't we give you cold water to drink? We gave you all that you needed. What did you do with your life on this earth? And so this is a very explicit narration that Allah subhana wa Taala is going to ask us for every single blessing and there's a longer Hadith in Sahih Muslim that we don't have time to go into all of it, but about a marriage and very briefly, I'll just go over it, that the the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah will meet a person on the Day of Judgment. And all of us say that Oh, so and so? Wasn't I generous to? And did I give you wealth? Didn't I give you money? Didn't I give you

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children? Didn't I give you horses and this and that, and I left you to you know, basically growth, grow, fatten and healthy basically is an expression, I left you to enjoy all of this. So the man will say Yes, you did, Oh Allah, then Allah will say, Did you ever think that you would meet me? The man will say no. So Allah will say, just like you neglected you, I too, will not neglect you. Now, by the way, this is a very clear Hadith, that the person who didn't care about a law, the person who didn't care about the next life, the person who even if he lived a quote, unquote, good life in this world, even if you try to do some good deeds in this world, but he didn't think about a higher

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cause. He didn't think about a hereafter, that this person is in a state of heedlessness, that just like they neglected a higher cause and a higher purpose, so to allow with neglect them on the day of judgment that another person will come and the same questions will be given. And the man will say that, oh, my Lord, I believed in you, and I worshipped you. And I believed in your prophet and I prayed, and I fasted and I gave charity and I did as much good as I could. So the other person will then be testified on his behalf, the good deeds are going to come and he shall enter agenda. So the point being, both of these people will be asked by Allah did not give you this did not give you this

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didn't they give you this, this is all the parts of the history. We also learn, as I mentioned before, that some categories of people will be given the hisab before other categories of people, not all the hisab will take place. At the same time, some categories of people will be judged before other categories. And perhaps the most famous Hadith in this regard is the Hadith in Sahih Muslim, which is really a hadith that should terrify all of us, because it implies that those who do things insincerely will be punished before others. It is the famous hadith of Abu hurayrah that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he asked Abu huraira Do you know the first three people whose

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hisab will be done on the day of judgment? Abu huraira said, I don't know alone is messenger know best. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the Mujahideen the warrior will come in the first person, the warrior, the Mujahid who was slain and martyred in the way of Allah. And Allah will say to him, that, didn't I give you all of this, this this? And then I will say yes, I'll say what did you do with that? And the man will stand up with pride and say, oh, Allah, I fought and I fought with courage and bravery. And I fought until I was killed in your way as a Shahid. And so Allah will say, You lie. You did not fight for me. You fought for your own ego, you fought so that

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people could praise you that he is courageous, he is a warrior, so your reward will be with them. That's what they said. And then the card of the Koran or the scholar will be brought We seek refuge from being in that category and Allah will save

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Didn't I'd give this and this to you and the quality? And the item will say yes, then I'll say, what did you do with that, and they will say that we recited the Quran, or we taught, and we did. And we did. And a lot of xojo will say, You lie, you did not teach the Quran, or you did not teach the people for my sake, you taught so that people can call you a party, so that people can call you and Adam, and that is what they said, so get your reward from them. And then the third person will be a person who was generous with his money, always feeding the poor and helping the sick and a low will ask him did not give you this and this he will say yes, Allah say, what did you do? The man will

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say, Oh Allah, I was generous my whole life. And I gave and I gave, and Allah will say, You lie, you weren't generous for my sake. You were generous, so that your reputation could be established, people could call you or Mashallah, he's so generous. So now go get your reward from them. So then Abu huraira, the process of said, Abu huraira, tapped him on the knee. And he said, Yeah, about her O'Hara. These are the first three people that he said will be made against on the Day of Judgment. So he said, we'll be done in different categories. And for some people, the owner of the Profit System in early his app is a blessing. And for other people on early his app is a punishment. It all

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depends on the what is going on in that case, and of course, the issue of the his app, and the issue of the testimonies of the hisab. I already mentioned this in a previous lecture, but I need to mention this right now before we conclude. And that is the issue of evidence testimony, that there will be testimonies, there will be witnesses, that just like in any court case, in any trial, there will be testimonies Shaheed or SHA hid excuse me, we're going to come. So you have Exhibit A you have witness number one, this is exhibit and witness, there are going to be exhibits and there are going to be witnesses in each person's trial. And these will be the actual deeds or the effects of

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the deeds they will be brought forth. And witnesses will be your own body will be a witness. This is something that is again we mentioned earlier in a previous lesson that Allah subhanaw taala for example says yo Mata shadow Allah him and similar to what he did him or Judo him, that on that day, their tongues and their hands and their feet and Yamanaka for him, what to call them owner ID him, we're going to seal their mouths, and their hands and their feet are going to testify against them. And Allah says and sort of foresee that, that their skins testified against them. And when they're able to speak, they're gonna say, why did you testify against us? And the skins will reply back,

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that's the one who caused you to speak also caused us to speak as well. And the Hadith also in Sahih, Muslim that the man will say that, Oh Allah, I don't accept the testimony of this angel. I don't accept it, reject the book. So Allah will say, Are you fine if I bring a test to a witness? And the man will say, yes, as long as I agree to the witness, so Allah will say, Fine, and the man in his heart will think I'm not going to accept any witness, then a larger agenda is going to make him a witness against his own self, how can he then refute that his tongue, his body, his hands, his legs will speak. So this is very clear that testimonies will happen as well. The Quran will be an

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exhibit or honor to laka or Alec, or Lucia to laka or Alec. The Koran will be an exhibit and the Quran will be testifying for or against every single person, as well. According to some interpretations, the earth and the land will itself testify, and some have interpreted this from the Koran, either zero this is Allah, that on that day, the Earth is going to be shaking and whatnot, you're you're waiting to head up to about on that day is gonna mention to head D to baraha. It will mention its news. What is its news from incana. From Yamaha, the Delta height era, when we cannot run with volatility in short, on euro, whoever does an atom's weight of good and whoever does an

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atom's weight of evil. So what is the harbor of the earth, it will be the deeds that have been done on its surface. So and also we learned in the Hadith, that the more of everything that is there that will testify this an exhibit, also the one who's saying the baker lahoma bake that every rock and every tree that hears his love bake will testify for him. So we learned from this that in this case,

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there will be exhibits, and there will be witnesses and asked for the exhibits, they will be either the Quran itself or things that have seen and done and asked for the witnesses, some people's own bodies will testify against them. And although this will be a bit with the hisab taking place bit before the sort of is going to be handed and so we now come to the country.

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inclusion of this lecture for today. So we're done now with the out of the gurus, the coming of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the speaking of alone, the day of judgment and the hisab and also the source of all of this has been done, and inshallah will then continue in our next lesson, which is going to be a final lesson before the month of Ramadan, we're going to take a break for the month of Ramadan. We're not we haven't finished yet this detailed series and that lesson will be about the health and the Misa inshallah Tada. But I want to conclude by reminding myself and all of you of this beautiful hadith of our prophets of the law, why he said, that he would regularly make after

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the solder watch, and that is Allahumma has 77 ESC or Allahumma has 77 yesira. This should be our regular device as well that we make this as frequently as we can, because we want to have an easy ASAP and what is the easiest is up, we are handed the book in the right hands, and we are not asked to open it and defend every single line. That is our goal. And the number one mechanism to get that goal is to establish the prayer and to pray on time and to pray properly with the gun and with all of the words you bought and we're sure if we're able to do that, and we're able to save our tongues and our hands from harming other people in sha Allah who to Allah insha Allah will be from those who

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is herself will be You see, may Allah subhana wa tada bless us with the caliber to be our last phrase as we leave this world may Allah subhana wa tada place the hisab in our right hands, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us an easy hisab May Allah subhana wa tada make us of those who enter gender behavior is Serbian, whether either and inshallah I will see you next Wednesday continuation of this class was set on YT Kumara Rahmatullahi wa barakato

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in a feed

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The Hisab

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