Yasir Qadhi – The Book of Du’a From Sahih Al-Bukhari #1

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the importance of reading ahead to increase knowledge and achieve spiritual transformation. The speaker emphasizes the value of reading ahead for personal benefit, citing a comprehensive book that includes all the chapters of the Prophet system. They also mention a Christmas message from the throne room. The history and characteristics of the Hadith are emphasized for personal benefit.
AI: Transcript ©
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Tip number seven

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was so happy when

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I'm speaking to you from a green room. This is not the masjid that is a room that we created for the students inside the masjid. And we are still on lockdown and hamdulillah we thank Allah azza wa jal will lie we thank Allah azza wa jal for every single blessing has given us the blessing of health and wealth, the blessing of family, the blessing of having food and safety and security, the blessing of the internet, we have the internet which is allowing us to communicate with one another, allowing us to check our emails and on the news, can you imagine if this crisis had happened in the 80s, or in the 70s, or even in the 90s, before the internet came out, so we thank Allah always look

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at the bright side, and we look and we appreciate the blessings of Allah subhana wa tada it is the believers attitude to always find the good and to always look at the positive and to always be confident that inshallah to Allah everything that is happening is happening from the blessings of Allah and for the mercy manifested in this dunya and the era. So today insha Allah Sundays every Sunday, for the next few weeks, as long as Eliza wills us to be able to do this, what I've decided to do is to give you a class an explanation, from the most authentic book of Hadith that we have in our oma and that is a heavy mammal body, and to discuss the ahead DT compiled in a particular

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chapter, which is called the chapter of da or the keytab with our to the chapter of the year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But before we jump into the book of before we talk about each and every Hadith, I wanted to talk about a moment Bahati Rahim, Allah, Allah and His Sahaba and also to explain in a very brief format and manner, the importance of following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because there are so many questions that always arise, people always ask about the authenticity of the Hadith. How do we know that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam actually said this? Why do we trust Sahaja so much. And throughout history, there have always been certain

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groups and certain trends and certain people who tried to cast aspersions and doubts on the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in general. And on Sahil Bahati, and the books of Hadith, you know, in particular, and the detailed refutations of those individuals and the concepts, and the detailed defense of the Sahaba, traditions and disciple Howdy, this is beyond the scope of our class. Nonetheless, I wanted to just elaborate in a brief few minutes, and then we talk about the life and times of Bahati, and then we'll get to his book kicked up a drop. So let us take a step back. Let us ask ourselves, is a Muslim, obliged to follow what our Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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said? Now to some of you this question might itself be strange and heretical, and I'm happy that it sounds strange and heretical. However, there are a number of people and trends historically, and even in our times, that claim that the profits of the law while you sell them is the one whom Allah chose to send the Quran down to. But that's it. So he gave us the Koran. And then that's it, the rest of what he came with the rest of his life and times the rest of his life and his mannerisms and the teachings that he left us with, they say they don't form a part of Islam. Now, this notion of trying to separate the Quran from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is not

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new, it doesn't go back to this generation. Rather, it goes back to the earliest of timeframes. It goes back to the very first group that broke away from Islam. At the time, they were called the hardest sites or the those that broke away. This group, what defined them amongst other things was the claim that we don't need to follow anything that comes from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and other groups also came after this. And eventually the group that was the dominant group of Islam, the group that basically remains the mainstream Islam, they started defending the concept of following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is why they adopted the

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term and the sooner well, Gemma, now you've all heard of this term. What I want to emphasize in our introduction, these are

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All introductory remarks the name and assume that well Gemma, which was actually used by the Sahaba themselves, the name and the sun or what we call Sunni Islam. The main purpose of it was to tell people Hey guys, for us, Islam is the sooner and sooner is Islam, the to go hand in hand. And this tradition of affirming the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu I said, it was so important that this entire trend and group it took the name of the people of the Sunnah, and the people of sticking together the Jamaat are here means that they are staying with the legitimate halifa and they are respecting the Sahaba. And they are the bowl of Islam, the mainstream of Islam. And this is not an

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advanced theology class. I'm just simply pointing out the term Sunni Islam, it actually comes from the group that believes in the Sunnah anybody who denies the sooner, something that they should follow is actually not following, therefore, mainstream traditional Islam which has been the bulk of the Ummah from the beginning of times. So where do we get this notion or idea? Why do we believe that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was more than just a tape recorder that he just gave the Quran and that's it? Why do we believe this? What is the the evidence that we have, when we say that whatever he said, Whatever he did, we should also be following and not just that, he said, this is

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the Quran and take it well, there are many, many evidences and of them. The Quran itself is very clear. So if you believe in the Quran, which all Muslims do, the message of the Quran has within it over 50 explicit verses and over 100 implicit or implied verses, so over 50 explicit commandments, and over double that which is implicit commandments, to follow what the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, and of these verses, I'm just going to quote you, some of them and I want you to if you've never, you know, heard this type of lecture before, then write them down, go back to the port on yourself and check them out of them as sooner than the sap verse 65 sooner than the

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sap verse 65, which is a very, very explicit verse that tells us that if you do not believe in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then you cannot call yourself a believer in Allah subhanho wa Taala and this verse goes as follows fella world beaker la you mean una Hector you hachimura Thema shadowbane home thermal energy to fear for some hydrogen mimica later Will you send limitus Lima three things are mentioned Allah subhana wa tada says that, indeed, I give a person an oath. Allah is swearing by your Lord. Yeah, Mohammed. So Allah azza wa jal gives a custom with the rub of Mohammed Salah Selim. In other words, even in the custom, Allah is mentioning the status of

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our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fella or a baker. Allah is saying that I swear by you all Lord of Mohammed fellow or a baker he is saying he's swearing by himself. Now you know, they do not believe they don't have a man. Do you don't have a man who who don't have a man. Those people they will not have a man until they take you Yasuda in the singular Hector, you hacky mukha. They take you as the final judge in all that they differ over. So this is point number one if you want to believe number one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has to be the final judge, you have to go to him. When you have any differences, any disagreement? Allah is saying in the Quran. This isn't

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the Quran. Go read it. You have no Eman. And I swear by the Lord of Mohammed says we have no Eman that if you don't take the Prophet salallahu it who was sent them as your final judge number one, if you measure number two thermal energy due to some hydrogen mockolate then once you have decided or given the decree, they don't have a problem in their hearts. They don't have a halogen Arabic even or do you have heritage? You don't have something in your heart that Oh, why did he say this? What is the purpose of him saying this? So Allah is saying if you have that heritage, if you feel to yourself I wish he didn't say this I wish he rejected it. Or Oh they'll be like then you are

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rejecting Him and and Allah subhanho wa Taala and then point number three, will you sell Li muitas Lima and they submit completely to what you have said. This verse is so explicit, because Allah subhana wa tada negates a man in him. You don't have a man in a law. If you don't submit to what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has come with this is one of the most explicit verses of the most explicit verses as well, which is always used in these types of topics is suited and Nisa, verse 59, suited Nisa, verse 59. And by

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way most of sooner than Nisa can be used to talk about this issue of following the sun now Why? Because certainly, a lot of it deals with refuting the hip hypocrites the hip hop, the hypocrisy, then if that was in Medina, and what was the point of the hypocrites, they didn't want to follow the Prophet sallallahu idea who was selling them. So so many of the verses dealing with the hypocrites, it actually talks about obedience to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that's where some of our scholars have said that anybody who wants to reject the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and pretends to believe in Allah, this is a type of hypocrisy, because you cannot separate the message of

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Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam from the message of Allah because Allah chose Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to bring the message. So there is no separation. Once Allah has chosen the prophet to come to us and preach us the message. So the second verse we have certain Nisa, verse 59, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh, you who believe you're already in amanu altior Allah, wa Theodora Sula, what will embodiment obey a law unconditionally, obey the messenger unconditionally. And then he says, what will occur he didn't say, Oh, they The only number obey the leaders. Here, the leaders, our scholars say, Amber has two connotations. If there is a legitimate Islamic system where there is

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a legitimate ruler, then obviously obedience to the ruler is something that keeps civil order in society. So in the realm of politics, generally speaking, the undisputed halifa of a legitimate khilafah is given the obedience that we must obey Him for civil order, then, Amber is also in matters of religion, we follow the authority of religion, and that is the unanimous consensus of the rule of law. If our scholars have unanimously agreed upon something, then it is not the right of the layperson to say Oh, Islam says otherwise. This is about religious affairs. So notice, Allah says, unconditionally, obey Allah unconditionally obey the messenger. And then he says, and also without

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saying, obey, and also the old armor. This means we conditionally obey the number what is the condition as long as they don't tell us to disobey Allah and His messenger? So if the ruler says, worship other than Allah, if the ruler says, commit murder, we say no, we cannot listen to you, we have to obey Allah subhana wa Tada. If an individual scholar makes a mistake, the collective scholarship can never make a mistake. If an individual either makes a mistake, and you understand that mistake or say, No, I cannot listen to this issue at heart. I have to listen to the other great Roma in this regard. So Allah is saying, obey Allah unconditionally, obeying the messenger

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unconditionally. And then Allah says, for international fishing, if you disagree about anything, if you don't know what you should do, then photo do who in a law he was soul, take the matter back to Allah and His Messenger, if you truly believe in a law, and you truly believe in the last day, so once again, Allah is saying if there's a disagreement, take it back to Allah and His Messenger, what is it mean? Take it back to Atlantis, messenger take it back to the Quran and to the Sunnah of the messenger, so following both the Quran and the Sunnah has been linked together. Also we have the famous verse in the Quran surah Allah and Ron verse 31, so to either Emraan verse 31 where Allah

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subhana wa tada says in the Quran well in kuntum to heyburn Allah have had to be Rooney, you will come to La Jolla, la de Nova come will la foto Rahim say, if you love Allah subhanho wa Taala then you must follow me. If you love a law, then you must follow me. And if you follow me, Allah will love you and forgive your sins. Once again. This is in the Quran. And it is very explicit. love for Allah cannot be separated from belief and following the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you truly want to worship Allah, and want to come close to Allah, there is only one way to do so. And that is by following the messenger by following Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, and this is against something that is very, very explicit in the Quran. And of course of the verses and this will be the final verse you mentioned even to as I said, there are over 50 verses in this regard of the verses that I want everybody to know. Surah Al Heschel, verse seven, so total Hesher verse seven, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says one Takuma rasuluh for who one man a man who Fanta Who? Whatever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives you take it, whatever he allows for you take it and whatever he forbids you from doing then don't go close to it. Once again. The Quran is very clear. Whatever the Prophet sallallahu wasallam allows you then you may do that and

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whatever he

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bids from you then abstain from it. So, these are a few verses out of over 50 that are explicit and over 100 that are implied or implicit in this regard. And as for the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu, I do send them as well. There are so many traditions and disregard of them is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that Allah in Hara Rama Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are coming out of Ramallah, that Verily, whatever Rasulullah himself is saying is Hadith, whatever I make, how long it is, as if Allah subhanho wa Taala has made it how long whatever he has made out on the shittier has made it hard on why because and again, we have to be very technical

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here dear Muslims, nobody is saying, nobody is saying that the prophets of Allah is God Himself. What we are saying what Islam, Allah sooner say, Allah has appointed the prophets of Allah set him to be his messenger. What does that mean? What is the implication of saying Mohammed door Rasulullah? It means exactly as when somebody came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and said Yasuda law? Should I write everything that you say? Should I write it down everything that you say? And the President said, Yes, write down. Then he said, O Messenger of Allah. But sometimes sometimes you crack a joke. Sometimes you say something that's, you know, just, it's not necessarily serious

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matter. Our Prophet system, held his tongue, he held his tongue. He pointed to it. And he said, write down everything for a while. leadin fcba. I swear by the one who controls my life, nothing comes from this tongue except the truth, nothing comes except the truth. In other words, even in my joking, even when I crack a joke, it will be true, and nothing will be false. And by the way, this is very true. Our scholars have written books about the jokes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And even his jokes have filthy rulings, and even his jokes have theology in them. So even when he made people laugh, and he's making lightening the mood he even then there is a truth in it.

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For example, the famous Hadith of the elderly lady coming to the Prophet salallahu idea he was sending them and she is saying, Oh messenger of Allah, make dua that Allah causes me to enter gender. And the Prophet system smiled at her and said that my dear You know, aunt, my dear elderly lady, you know, don't you know that elderly ladies will not enter agenda. And the the elderly lady said, What, oh, my God, what am I gonna do now? And then the president said, No, indeed, elderly ladies do not enter agenda. Rather, Allah subhanho wa Taala, will transform you until you are at your prime. And then he will cause you to enter agenda when you're at your most beautiful than at

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your most prime, then you will enter agenda. This is something that Look how happy she would have been that is a double and shall I'm going to go to agenda and I'm going to forever and ever be young and at my prime. This was a joke it meaning it made people laugh and smile. And it has in it the truth. The Prophet says and even in his jokes, you can derive fick and you can derive theology, even his jokes are true. So this is something that is very clear that he said to the Sahaba right, for everything that I say it is something that is indeed true. And there are again many, many instances even of the Sahaba themselves, their understanding this reality. For example, one of the companions

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was reciting a hadith after the death of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is said it is brought up to present in the same incidents reported by multiple companions, not just this one companion, the concept is clearly understood by all of the Sahaba that he was informing somebody about something he heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, and another man came along and said, Stop narrating these Hadith, we just want to hear the Koran. Stop narrating these Hadith, we just want to hear the Koran. Notice this notion of separating Koran from Hadith. It goes back to the first early era, nothing new, the Sahaba herded with their own ears, the Sahaba heard it with their

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own ears, as some people are saying, we want to separate the Koran from the Sunnah. Don't tell us too soon. Just tell us the Koran. And this hobby became very angry at him. And he said you so and so. Oh, you so and so. Did you ever find in the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. That vote is for Raka and mother is three. The man said no. Did you find that we recite Asia out loud? And we recite answer quietly? The man said no. Did you find in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we give 2.5% zeca? And he said one out of every 14 So in those days, the percentages were not like we have but he said 2.5% Do you notice that guy said no. Did you find the book of Allah that tawaf is seven

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around the Kaaba and the left is towards the Kaaba, the man said, No. So then he said to him, that essentially what it translates as it's not the exact what that what it translates as that without

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Sooner there is no Islam. If I stop narrating a hadith to you, you will have nothing left of this religion. And this is so true. Imam Shafi, the famous great scholar of Islam, he said that the Sunnah is the the that the Koran needs the student excuse me, the Quran needs the student to explain it even more than the student needs the Koran and he also sets to found a 30 and others multiple people said this that without the Sunnah, there is no Islam. So family Rena also said this, without the sooner there is no Islam, memorize the simple phrase, and then try to understand it. We pray five times a day. There's the Quran have pray five times a day, we pray at specific timings for God

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to harass a monkey with his aura and have that each one of these has a number of regard does the Quran have that Subhana Allah without too soon, even our five data Salawat cease to exist much less all of the other AutoCAD and all of the other rebar that you see this Koran came down with a human being and the human being embodied it it came down upon the human being and the human being embodied the Koran as a shadow the loved one, and has said the Prophet system himself everything he did, it embodied the Koran now.

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The notion of separating the Quran from the Sunnah, and saying we only want to follow the Quran, this is something that is very rare, it does exist. And we still have people that say this, that you know what, I don't need to follow the sun. We believe, and I'll say this very clearly, that anybody who says that I don't need to follow what the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam said, we believe this person cannot be a Muslim, it's as simple as that. Why? Because the Quran tells us you cannot separate a man in a law from a man in the Messenger of Allah to go hand in hand. So the Sunnah, and the Koran are intrinsically linked together. And anyone who says that, I don't care what the prophet

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system said, I'm not going to follow it, that statement, and the rejection of what comes from from our Prophet, so I send them it is equivalent to saying, I don't believe in Allah, and I don't believe in the Quran, and they're all in the same there is no differentiation between the two. Why? Because the meaning of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu. wasallam is that you believe that Allah appointed this human being to be the one who will communicate on his behalf. So anything that comes from him, we must be following it. Now, this notion is very rare. And it is not something that is frankly common, anybody who says this is even the oma rejects this person, even though there are

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people like this, however, there is another,

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more common danger or deviation. And it is, in some ways, more difficult to deal with, and in some ways easier to deal with. And that deviation or that heresy is to say, I believe that the prophet SAW a set of needs to be followed, I'm not denying that I believe that the Prophet system is someone that we have to emulate. I'm not denying that. However, I don't believe that his sayings have been preserved. So what he is denying is not that we need to follow Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he is saying, look, this guy Bahati he came, you know, 200 years after Mr. Muslim tinamou, the Maasai in magic? Who are these people? They come so many centuries later. And then he says, What if I told you

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that my grandmother told me that her father told her that their uncle said, and then I said something? Would you believe this? So this issue is doubting, not the concept of sooner. But the preservation of the sooner you see the difference between the two, right? You have one person who says, I don't care what the prophets have said, that person, we say to you, you're outside the fold of Islam, you have the other person that says, Look, this guy Bahati, I don't know who he is. And this hadith is quoting, you're telling me he said it. I don't know if the Prophet system said it or not. And so because I don't know, I'm just gonna have to you know, reject it. Now, this person,

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technically speaking, this is a little bit more complicated to deal with, why because what he is doing is that he is not rejecting the concept of the sooner he is rejecting the preservation of the sooner and in some ways, it is much more difficult to, to to defend the Sunnah, because it does require a little bit of knowledge of the preservation and how it was done, and the people who did it and the mechanisms that they use, and we're gonna have to go into a whole history of Hadeeth and the compilation of Hadith and frankly, I'll be honest with you

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is a somewhat complicated branch of Islam the speciality of Hadeeth is one of the more advanced speciality of this oma, it is not one of the more a general speciality is and it is something that is daunting. Even the average Muslim when they hear reported by this guy reported by that guy, what does it mean reported by Timothy, what is your mean reported by a hacker in his most data or a data company and his son and what are all of these books? I'm just confused. The Koran is so simple when it comes to Addy. There's like so many. So it is legitimately confusing. And there's no doubt that that is a speciality of Islam. And it is something that requires many, many years of studying. By

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the way, in my own studies, when I went to University of Medina to study Islam as a undergraduate over 25 years ago, the speciality that I chose, for my undergraduate was actually the College of Hadith. And so I spent four years specializing in the sciences of Hadith and the studies of ideas and how hard it is compiled and all the books of ideas and the levels of Hadeeth narrators and and, and so it is a very detailed speciality and insha Allah more than happy to teach you all of that, but it requires a long time to go over. I also say there is an easier way to prove that overall Hadeeth has been preserved, okay, there's a much easier way and it does require a leap of faith. But

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if you have faith, that leap is logical. If you believe in a law, that belief is logical, and how so let me put it to you this way.

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When you read the Quran, it is very clear to any believer that Allah subhanho wa Taala is commanding you to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is very clear. And I just given you half a dozen evidences from the Koran and from the Sunnah. And as I said, you cannot imagine Islam without the sun. There is no such thing as Islam without too soon. And the Quran is very clear. Allah is saying, whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed a law. This is another verse I did not go over it woman Rasulullah faqad Otto a law this isn't sort of the Nisa whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala This is very explicit. So

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simple logic. Simple point by point. Question, did Allah subhana wa Taala commanded us to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam answer? Yes, okay. This is everybody will agree. Next question. How are we expected to follow the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he is not in front of us? How can a lot Tell me right now in the year you know, 1441 of the hedgerow, you know 1400 years away in a different land, different time different place? How can a lot tell me that you have to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he's not in front of me response. Because even though he is not in front of me, a law has guaranteed that his message will be preserved. You understand this is

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logic and rationality. If a law is telling you to do something, then a large region will give you the tools to do it. A law is not going to command you to do something that you are not capable of doing. Allah is not going to tell you hey human being fly when he hasn't given you wings. That's not possible law you can live long enough since Illa was no one will be placed a burden more than what they can bear so communally. We're being told obey the messenger sallallahu wasallam. This means Allah subhana wa tada has protected over all the legacy, the message, the sayings, the tradition, the life and times of the messenger. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to tell me to obey the

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messenger when there is no message to be obeyed. So in a very simplistic manner, we say, if you have faith in the Quran, then you must also have faith that over all the sun that has been preserved. Now that having been said, to be technical, what this proves is that you have a mechanism to sort out authentic hadith from Hadith that are not authentic. This does not mean that each and every Hadith that somebody says authentic isn't necessarily authentic. And that's why there's always some debate back and forth. So anybody who, for example, says that, oh, I don't believe in this one Hadith, that it came from the Prophet sallallahu. I sent him if they're qualified to make that statement, and

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they have their evidences that is within the sciences of Islam, so rejecting the preservation of a Hadith, rejecting that this hadith is authentic or not, this is something that the scholars have done amongst themselves. a lay person is not qualified to do this. Rejecting the Sunni having been preserved, this is a heresy, a deviation that will lead to rejecting the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam but to be technical, in and of itself. It is not preferred, but it leads to confer. So again, I want to be very clear over here with that, rather

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Long and lengthy introduction, this summary of which is very simple. Allah has commanded us to follow the messenger solo Selim. Therefore point number two, the messengers message must be preserved for us to follow. So overall, we have proven now that the messenger came with a message, that message is there for us to follow. Now we get to the number one book that has been written in this regard and genre. And that is the book that Mr. Bill Bahati authored. And I want to go over briefly the life and times of Imam Al Bukhari and his Sahaba and that will be our lecture for today. And then inshallah next Sunday, we will jump into his book Kitab dharwad, or the book of us, and

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we're going to go over as much as we can regarding this book. He Manuel Bahati, he is Abdullah Mohammed Ibrahim nimbahera. Even a better This is bad. Al Buhari

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and his name is Mohammed his father's name is married his grandfather's name is Madeira, his great grandfather's name is better this is back but this is a Persian name. And that is because his great grandfather was a Zoroastrian was a basically from the the the line the religion of zoroaster. We call them in Urdu, Hindi Parsis, and amendment Bukhari was from bahara, which is the land of summer conda. It is basically the modern day like, it was Pakistan, Iran type of area where they back then they called it Iran, but technically it is in modern day, Uzbekistan. And his father is in his father is married was a merchant, who will travel the lands and was also interested in Hadeeth. And

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his father is married had visited Medina, and he had sat in the circle of Mr. Malik Ibn unus, the greatest scholar of Hadith of the previous generation, and he had returned back and then he passed away his maid passed away, and Buhari was a very young boy, Muhammad Yunus. Mary was a very young boy. So a moment Buhari grew up as an orphan his mother had raised him and there are stories as well, that a moment Bahati grew blind as a child, and his mother made a lot of dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So much that one day she saw a dream in which she saw the Prophet Ibrahim in the dream. And the Prophet Ibrahim said that, Oh, Mother, Allah has returned the sight of your child because of

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your constant da for your child. And this is a story that is narrated in the early books of history about Imam Al Bukhari, Emmanuel Bahati. Of course, he is called Bahati because he's born in the city of Bukhara, which, as I said, is in the modern country of Uzbekistan, and Imam Al Bukhari grew up in the city of Bukhara, and he started studying a hadith from the earliest.

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When he was only six, seven years old, he started attending the circles of the people of Hadith from a very young age. And it is very clear that emammal Bahati was gifted with a perfect memory. It is very clear from the very beginning of time that as soon as he heard something, he memorized it as if it was written on a parchment. And his first incident that demonstrated that this child is precocious, he is super smart, occurred at the age of 11 years old, he was sitting as a child at the end of the Holocaust. And in those days, teachers that were teaching would not have notes in front of them, thank God, those days are gone, we all need our notes, otherwise we'd be lost. But in those

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days, teachers would not have their notes in front of them, it was considered to be something that is disrespectful that I don't need notes. It's all in my memory. And the and this shows you By the way, why it's good to have notes because we see what's going to happen now. And the teacher made a mistake. And he mentioned a name in the chain that so and so narrated to so and so from so and so that the profitsystem said he mentioned the name that was incorrect. And emammal Buhari as an 11 year old child, he shouted from the back that Oh, Chef, that name is incorrect. And the chef was very embarrassed because he's being corrected by a child in front of the whole gathering. And he was

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forced to go back to his notes. And then he realized that yes, indeed he has made a mistake, because the amount of Bahati had heard the Hadith before and now he's being repeating it and he's making a mistake and the child picks it up. And this shows us that he is already understanding and memorizing at a very young age, when he was 16 years old, his mother took him and his older brother to perform the Hajj. And when he got to Makkah and Medina and he saw so many aroma of the world and the country and realize By the way, those days hydro was very different than it is now in these days hedge we go we come back whirlwind two months or sorry, not even two months, two weeks, we go we perform the

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hedge we just

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Russia back in those days, you would go and you would spend two months, three months, four months, you would spend Makkah and Medina you would absorb. And everybody around the world would come to Makkah and Medina and the scholars would come and because there were scholars they would be given chairs to teach from and there will be halaqaat everywhere you go certain circles of knowledge. When a moment Buhari saw all of these scholars gathered in Makkah gathered in Medina, his he just went very eager. He wanted to study with them, and he begged his mother that Oh, dear mother, go back with my brother. Let me stay here. I don't want to go back, you know, to to bahara with you, I want

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to stay over here. And so his mother reluctantly agreed, and at the age of 16, He then began his full time travels and journeys, only to return to Bukhara. After around 4550 years, he returned to Bukhara after basically four decades after this, he returned to bahara. He spent his whole life traveling and gathering knowledge and a hadith. And he authored his first book, when he was 18 years old, we still have this book to this day, it is called the the fifth positions of the Sahaba or is called the Aqua Sahaba. The papaya Sahaba. What did the Sahaba decide what are the verdict of the Sahaba? And then when he was 19 years old, he wrote a nine volume book nine volumes at the age of

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19. Let me ask you and me. What have we done at the age of 19 emammal, Bahati wrote a nine volume book called A terrier, Al Kabir, or the large history of narrators of Hadith. And this book, he wrote it and he was 19 years old, and it is still considered to be the classic reference or one of the main classical references about the biographies of the narrator's Now, let me tell you a little bit about this issue like the sciences of Hadeeth. Even though we say the sciences have had it is one field in reality under it or at least 25 other fields. And within these fields, one of the most advanced fields is the biography of the narrator's of Hadeeth. This is one of the most advanced

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fields that you need to know each and every narrator when they lived, who they studied from who their students were, where did they travel to, and what is their level of memory and their level of overall religiosity. This is one of the highest levels within the sciences of Hadith, which is itself one of the most advanced sciences of Islam, Bahati at the age of 19. Forget mastering the field. He writes the book that masters have to study to master the field. This is what God is doing at the age of 19. And he begins traveling around the world and he travels to Baghdad, where he meets Imam Ahmed and humbled the great scholar of Hadith, which was one generation so remember hardly

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never met tema Malik because Hema Malik passed away before Buhari was even born, but his father as we said, met Mr. Malik Imam Bukhari he met him I met him the humble who is from the generation between Bahati and Mr. Malik, and he studied with him humble and eema basmati was already an old man at this time, Mr. Mohammed said, I haven't seen anyone from the entire province of hora son. as bright as this young man. Mohammed is married, and they say He only said from the province of Horace and because Buhari was still young Halima, Mohammed met Bahati another decade later, he would have praised him and said nobody in the whole world is as bright as Imam Al Bukhari. Nonetheless, at the

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time, Buhari was still a young man in his 20s. So Mr. Mohammed said, I haven't met anybody from the entire province of Horus. And as bright as this young man, Mohammed is married. It is also very clear from the biographies of the moment Bahati that he was someone who could memorize anything if he just read it once. Now.

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This is a phenomenon by the way that is well documented, we have now well known instances there are people that you can even Google this on YouTube and find out there are people like this that Allah has blessed with a memory that is we call it in English photographic memory, right? That as soon as they see something, or as soon as they hear something, they memorize it as if they as if it's etched in their minds. And this is something that is truly phenomenal for most of us to even imagine, but we see it now. Mr. Bahari clearly clearly was one of those people. He never read a page twice. If he read something, it was as if it was etched in his memory and he never made a mistake. And there are

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so many narrations to this effect. He was quizzed he was try people tested him about his memory, and he would never make a mistake he would narrate his entire Sahil Bahati.

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The whole 10 volumes are now volumes that we have now he would narrate it from his memory. He never had a piece of paper or parchment in front of him his whole hadith of saya Buhari, he would always simply narrated from his, from the top of his head. And along with this, he was also a person who was well known for having exemplary manners for having the best of all a HELOC. He said, that I have not backed bitten anyone, ever since I heard that LIBOR is how long I never once said anything about somebody else. And in my mind, Bahati was somebody who would read the Quran every three nights, you would finish the whole Quran every three nights. And he was a person who, in his lifetime, he earned

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money by trading. And he established his reputation as an honest trader as well. And he earned money by buying and selling things because he's traveling everywhere. So he would have goods and merchandise and he would sell the goods and merchandise, and he would then he would also take care of his Hadeeth as well. And remember, behati wrote many, many books, we're going to mention some of them. But of course, his most famous book is, of course, his Sahih al Bukhari and his Sohail Bahati, it is a book that is considered to be the most authentic book of Hadith that has ever been written. In fact, the scholars mentioned the unanimous consensus of all the scholars of Hadith and the

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scholars of Islam, the scholars of Sunni Islam, that there is no book that is more authentic and more reputable than the salary of the mom, Buhari. And the reason for this is multiple number one, that the Sohail Buhari, it only chooses the narrator's that are of the highest, the most impeccable character, they are the ones that are vouched for by all the scholars of Islam. And number two, Mr. Malhotra had a condition that no other scholar of Hadith was able to meet. And that is that he said, I want to verify that every person in this chain between me and the process and I'm actually physically met the person before him, and if you study the sciences of it, to realize this is a very

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difficult thing to to prove the way that he wanted it. And remember how hard he put this as a condition to to do so emammal Buhari, he had this this notion of compiling this headache now, where did this idea come from? It is said that one of his main teachers is held a bit wrong way. He said in a gathering, he said How I wish that someone would compile a book of only the best Hadith possible Sahih Hadith. And Mr. Rouhani said that idea. It came into my heart and it is also mentioned that once as a young man, he saw a dream in which he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Imam Abu Heidi was standing in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and

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flies were buzzing around and amendment Buhari began swatting away at the flies, taking flies and just pushing them away. He went to his share for the next morning is that I saw this dream. What does it mean? The chef said, you will defend the honor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by removing false Hadith that are ascribed to him, you're getting rid of them that this is not something that belongs to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Imam Al Bukhari wrote the bulk of his body actually, in bas surah, he finished the first draft of it where he lived for five years. Then he moved to Medina for the final year. And he spent an entire year going through all of

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the Hadith he had memorized, and sifting and collecting the most authentic one. And in fact, he said, for every single Hadith that I decided to put, I would pray with the fresh will do to the camera, and I will pray in the role of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I will praise her that is the heart especially Should I add this hadith or not. And he then compiled the initial draft from over half a million, a hadith that he had memorized in his lifetime. He compiled an initial draft of the most authentic hadith that he could find. And he made a prototype a draft, and he showed it to the greatest Muslim Ummah minds of the time, he gave them the prototype draft and

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people like his help table Rockaway, one of his teachers, and Allie Almudena, another great teacher of his and other great teachers, and any headed that they objected to, without even arguing he took it out and said, Okay, no problem. I'm just going to leave the best of the best. And because of these reasons, there is no competition. Every specialist in Hadith will tell you that Buhari is in a league of its own

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No book of Hadith is even in the same vicinity as the mammal bodies. So here and this is something that all of us can vouch for. I can myself, even even if I'm just a minor, minor, minor student in the sciences of Hadith, but once you know anything about the sciences of Heidi, you will understand that Bahati was a mind a genius mind that no later person can fully you know, even come close to and remember Buhari wrote his side Bahati now the full name is a much longer name and it is narrated a number of names and edited but of the names that are more famous as john Sahih al musnad min Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam was soon anyway Yami America of Sahih Muslim, a German This is his

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name, we call a silent Bahati. He called a German a Sahih Muslim three things. Number one Al Jazeera Jamia means it is a comprehensive book. By that he meant that it is a book that includes all the chapters is going to be about law is going to be about theology is going to be about

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stuff seed is going to be about history is going to be about Sierra. So it is a Jamia number two, a Sahaba. And Asahi means everything will be authentic. Number three will be Muslim and Muslim is I'm going to tell you where I got it from is going to have the chain from me to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it is a German Asahi Al musnad, from the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam, and from his actions, and from his days and Life and Times. So he has what the process that he said he has with the process that he did. And he also has what happened in the CRR timeframe, even if the Prophet system himself is not a part of the Hadith. But the book of Sahaba Hadi has a number of

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traditions that talk about the timeframe of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the number of a hadith of siad Bahati is around 7560 or so. But 7500 with repetition, without repetition in hedger, the great commentator of Hadith, he says that he did a thorough study, and he says that there are around 2600 unique IDs. So this basically means every Hadith on average, is repeated two to three times. And so I Bahati and this is another important point emammal, Bahati would use the same Hadith in multiple chapters, he would derive multiple benefits from the same Hadith. So it is very common for the same Hadith to be found in different chapters of body, on average, on average,

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each Hadith is repeated two to three times now that's on average, sometimes, Hadith is not repeated at all. And sometimes it is repeated 10 times. So on average, there is a lot of repetition, without repetition, roughly 2600 a hadith are in Sahih Bukhari and Imam Al Bukhari, he

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compiled all of these a hadith in books, and this is something that was common at the time. We have chapter headings, we have chapter headings, emammal Buhari, he had books. And so he has Kitab of this and Kitab of that. And so he has multiple key tabs, each key tab, of course, it is equivalent to what we would call a book, it is equivalent, what we would call a book, a chapter in our times a book in his time. So for example, he will begin with Kitab, the chapter of the beginning of Revelation, the chapter of how revelation began, this is the first chapter of ohare, he calls it a book, then he says, the chapter of human Kitab eemaan. Then he says, Kitab, earlier in the book of

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knowledge, and it goes on and on and on. So the book of this the book of this, the book of this, when you open up ahead, Buhari, and by the way, I do want all of you to get a copy of Sohail Buhari, and to just peruse through it. I'm not saying to derive rulings from reading Buhari. That's not something anybody can do until they study Islam and the sciences of Islam. But just because you cannot derive rulings doesn't mean you should not read ahead Bahati. So head Bahati is a book that we should all have in our houses. And it has been translated into English and into ODU and into every major language of the world. If you don't know Arabic, get the translation, download the

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translation, you can even download it and simply go through it get an idea. And then if you have any question or whatnot, ask the people have knowledge. But it is very, very useful to read the books of Hadith and to get an understanding because when you read the books of Hadith, your your love for the processes that will increase your knowledge will increase daily. And this is something that I encourage all of you to do with the important caveat to a very important condition. Do not derive any

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Ruling do not derive any belief without verifying it. Maybe I've misunderstood whatnot, but there's no problem with just reading it, you know, for your own personal benefits sake. So, as we said, the slide body, it has 97 chapters slash books. Remember we said that he called every chapter he called it a book. So it has 97 chapters in it, and it begins with the chapter of the beginning of Revelation. Then it goes over all of the other can of Islam. Every one of them they will do and tell moments. What are the timings of Salah, Yvan Juma? The solitary the winter the Salah of rain does a lot of this the suju the tilava goes over hedges aka everything it goes over then it goes over

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business transaction, so many different types. It goes over marriage and divorce and child issues. It goes over the issues of inheritance, and then begins history. So it goes over the beginning of creation and the past prophets. It has a chapter of the past prophets. It has a chapter of the Sahaba, the father of the Sahaba it has a chapter of the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, the mahasi and then it goes into Koran. It has a chapter of the seed of the Quran and the blessings of the Quran. So it has about to see it every single surah has a chapter Ciba hollyford, by the way, 114 chapters in cadabra tafsir yo mama Buhari has 114 chapters, and then he goes into

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miscellaneous issues as well eating and drinking an old here and Qurbani and falling sick and the book of of diseases and cures and the book of patience, meaning patients not patient, sober, but the book of patients What if you are a patient with the tea, you go to the doctor, they pay the book of being a patient, he has an entire chapter over here, the book of Libous of wearing clothes and whatnot. And then he goes into the final chapters, which are the end of times and the return and the day of judgment and whatnot. So all of this is a very interesting book. And I strongly, strongly encourage all of you to buy a copy of Sai Bahati and go over the table of contents, get an idea of

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what it is and once in a while, read it and then ask the people of knowledge questions about Sahil Bahati. And the the one thing as well before we conclude for today, that emammal Buhari, he was the one who arranged the book himself, and he was the one who put the chapter headings in every single book. And one of the most important rulings that you learn when you're studying Sahil Bahati is the following. The opinions of body are found in his chapter headings. The opinions of body are found in his chapter headings. What does this mean? In our may Buhari compiled a PSA here and gave it to you? He did not write a commentary. He did not write a shadow of Buhari, but the chapter headings are

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very, very profound. The chapter headings are actually very deep, and don't just gloss over them. Because in the chapter headings, a moment will hardy will explain to you what is his purpose in bringing this hadith? What is he deriving from the Hadith? What is his fic and his ruling, you will find it in the chapter heading. So this is an important point as well. And another important point as well is that amendment Buhari, as we said he has around 2600 headed remember this number, on average between him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are five people in the snad in the chain between the moment Buhari and the prophets are seven, there are five people on average,

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once in a while. Very rare that you'll get six or seven very rare. And sometimes you'll have four that is pretty common. It's not uncommon to have four people. And the highest level that Buhari has is three people between him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and these are called de su lathi yard amendment Buhari, meaning the three chains of Emmanuel Buhari and there are only 21 a hadith exactly and so his body would deed to that with the filati and the turati. Yet there are basically the three people between Bahati and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And

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one of them being that

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immaculate mckibbon Ibrahim, the teacher of Bahati, from yazeed even Abby obeyed, who is a freed servant from selama tip then acquire the famous companions of the Prophet says that this is the most common chain that has only three people. And what this means is that each one of these three people they lived above 90 years of age why because a moment Buhari died memorize this date. I want everybody to memorize it him. Holly died in the year 256 hedgerow 256 hedgerow, Mr. Manohar he died in the year 256 hedgerow

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Mr. Bahati, basically, therefore, between him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is 240 years. And therefore, if you want to have only three people between him and the process of on average, you need around 70 8090 years. And if you look at these three people, they all lived to be above 100 years old, and they narrated Hadith as a child they heard it and then the narrative is very old, and this is a mumble Bahati, who is narrating these famous Sudan yet, so that's yet now and one other thing before we conclude, I know time is almost up. Before we conclude, I also want to mention here that Emmanuel Bahati did return to his homeland at the very end of his life when he was

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around 60 something years old. However, when he came back, even though he was initially welcomed, eventually local politics got involved and also jealousy got involved with other you know, one particular person and he was forced to leave his city on his own, Nobody forced him but he just felt he should leave his city and he made out to Allah subhana wa tada that, if his time is up, then let him go in a dignified manner. And indeed Allah subhana wa tada then

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you know, caused him to pass away in the year 256 hegira. And he passed away outside of the city of Omaha, and He is buried over there some of it is still buried over there to this day, and hamdulillah last year, I was able to visit the grave of Mr. Buhari and make the offer remember Buhari at his grave we owe a great debt to Emmanuel Buhari, Mr. Bill hardy truly preserved the Hadith of the Prophet says and like no other scholar did many other people many are the people who spent their lives studying heidy memorizing Hadith preserving Hadith, but all of them Oh, Emmanuel Bahati, a debt everybody who came after him everybody always remember Buhari a debt of gratitude.

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And we, the people who study the Sunnah, and propagate the Sunnah, every one of us we owe so much to this great legendary Imam, no scholar of Hadith is in the same category as him. And it is enough of a blessing for him but Bahati that 1200 years after he is gone, you cannot deliver a single horrible, or a single Islamic talk or a single heart or more ever, except that you're going to say the Prophet system says such and such narrated by Buhari in his saiya Mahmoud Buhari has been dead for 1200 years, and yet his blessings and his Baraka and all the good deeds that he has done is still being transferred to him, because you cannot give us Islamic lecture without quoting a hadith

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and then saying, narrated by Bahati in his soul, hey, may Allah Subhana Allah Allah bless him, Ahmed, Bahati, and all of the preservers of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are going to conclude our lecture because today's lecture was just an introduction to the concept of Sunnah and the concept of remembered Bahati. So here insha Allah in our next class next Sunday, I will jump immediately in to one of the books have a moment Bahati, and that is the book of the year, the book of the app, and this is the catappa dharwad, which is number 80. In the books of a moment, but Hollywood said there are 97 books number 80. Book number 80 is called Kitab, a Tao what are the

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books of the daughters of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in it he compiles the etiquettes the mannerisms and most importantly, the actual Daughters of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So we are going to study the most authentic collection of ours ever written in the history of Islam. This is the duras that emammal Bahati chose to put in his body and inshallah my golden Shurtleff Allah gives us all life. My goal is to cover this book in its entirety, every single Hadith without condensing or skipping over any Hadith want to go over it from beginning to end. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us life into a few 100 colosse to do that, and with that, our time is

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over for this session, inshallah We'll see you next week. Of course, I have other lectures as well for being broadcast from East Plano. And of course, brothers and sisters, even though we don't have people coming to the masjid, the message is still needs your help and support and this is a time where generosity is very, very important. Please Muslims in this time of distress, this is the time to give to people who need to give to the full quota and Misaki and to give to Islamic causes all that we are doing here we are doing FISA beat it out nope nobody's getting nobody's charging anything is being put on the internet online. Yet still. We have staff over here we have the the the

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facilities that still need to be paid for and everything. So whatever we're able to give a shout out to Allah, please do. Donate generously to the messenger then of course the it's on your screen now the website to give and how to give. And I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant me a class in your class and to bless us all all that we do, and to protect us from all of these trials and tribulations around us. And by the way, this does need to be

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said that historically speaking, historically speaking, when there were calamities that happened in the oma, people would read ahead Bahati beginning to end in the massage. This is mentioned in almost every book of history. Why? Because they felt mentioning the name of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam all the time, and having to say Salalah why they he was sent them and mentioning his Hadith all the time, it would increase the love of the Prophet system and the oma. And there is no better book to do that than Sahil, Bahati, and even hedger narrates, in his famous book about plagues that we mentioned, because we're living in a time of plagues here, and I sincerely pray that we This video

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will be benefited from long after one of the plague is gone, and you're going to be remembering this MiG tau for us that are going through this. Now. You know, even Hydra mentions that when the plague struck Cairo in the year, don't quote me 837 the people gathered in the masjid and they recited sahadi beginning to end multiple times for the Baraka, not that side Bahati gives Baraka but the Hadith of the Prophet says and give Baraka and saying his name gives Baraka and acting upon his head, it gives Baraka and there is no better book than we can use to obtain that love for the Profit System. Hence, I had Bahati so when I was asked by East Plano rescue to have a regular class on

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Sunday, my first thing that came to let's just say Buhari, but I cannot do all 7000 hidey hole I would love to but I mean, I don't think you guys would be able to have the patience to do all that we have to do one chapter at a time. And listen, if you guys like we finish githaba and we're still doing this then inshallah I will continue doing other chapters of Sahib Bahati because it has always been a dream and a goal of mine to explain so I had Bahati beginning to end in the English language, and perhaps this might be the first step Eliza knows best. In any case with that we have come to the conclusion of our Sundays class. I will see you myself back here. In my next class, which is going

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to be on Tuesday, we'll have our q&a on Wednesdays we have the mice my my head of the judgment day and then Fridays and Sundays we have other classes and Sheldon then of course the other speakers are all here. So East plainwell hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah is doing amazing job I think you all realize and recognize that the least ask you to make dua for us. If you're not able to donate at least Raise your hands and make dua for all of us. And if you're able to help out Zach moolah here, and with that, I'll see you next time Chuck mill located in Santa Monica to Lahore barakato.

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Law is

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in effect

Shaykh Dr. Yasir provides an explanation of the book of Du’a From Sahih Al-Bukhari

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