Shady Alsuleiman – The Biography, Seerah, of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH #21

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet Muhammad sallali, including his actions against the people of Christ and his importance in protecting them. They emphasize the need for people to take care of their health and value, and to not take small offers. The importance of honoring the Prophet's teachings and values in protecting the people of Christ is emphasized, and the journey of the Prophet is normal and abnormal. The upcoming return of the Prophet Muhammad servicing the people of Afghanistan is a celebration of the seven-year anniversary of the Prophet's arrival to Afghanistan, and high attendance is expected.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah sad now Javi Bina Muhammad alma bozi Rahmatullah alameen wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain,

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or all praise God Allah subhana wa Taala and peace be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are testify that there's no god except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the great Prophet and the Messenger of Allah, my brothers and my sisters, here we are once again, living the life and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the one that Allah subhanho wa Taala describes in the Holy Quran, woman Orissa NACA Illa Rahmatullah Allah mean indeed, or Muhammad was century a mercy to the entire mankind. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, sent the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as a mercy not to the Muslims, not to the Arabs, but the entire mankind from the

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time of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to the Day of Judgment sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and one of the rights of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam upon upon me upon so that when the name of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as mentioned, we send salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we say Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad Allah masala Allah Muhammad, Allah masala wa salam barik ala Sayidina Muhammad however you say it as long as that you send salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as the Prophet Muhammad Allah is a lot of Salah makes mention and says that the selfish person is the one that My name is mentioned before them and he does not send salutations upon me sallallahu wasallam Allah Sayidina Muhammad in

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particular in are not like tonight, which is the Friday night on a Thursday, but according to the Islamic custom, or the Islamic understanding, it is Friday night, and Friday night and Friday day, Friday, day and night at those moments that we increase from the salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu was a lamp in particular that tonight we'll be talking about and we'll we'll continue with what we left you with last week, and that is the migration of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the great hedger of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, the his remarks a very important moment for the Muslims, so much so that during the time of Omar Abdullah

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Cotabato, the Allah tala know when the Sahaba de la Donna was sitting down amongst each other, and they were discussing about starting a new Islamic key before that they were following the customary year, the one that the Arabs were following. So when the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam passed away, and then it was a move back and after Becker was Ahmed Islam had expanded and Islam had grown to the extent that Muslims needed the UN calendar. So when the Sahaba diello, Thailand I'm sat down and spoke about when should we mark the beginning of that calendar, they all gave different opinions. One said from the birth of the problem amongst ourselves, others said from the depth of

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the problem homosassa one side from the revelation of the Quran and the first revelation upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW someone said from the opening of Makkah, so different Sahaba gave different opinions based on important occasions and events that took place during the time of the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Salatu was Salam. At the end all agreed the most important event of all events was the migration and the history of the profit and loss and that's how important it is.

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Because the history was a turning point. It was a turning point for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and the followers on the Sahaba of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam. So now the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had prepared himself to migrate from Mecca to Medina, as we spoken about last week, and we had the planning and the plotting of the people of Christ against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in which Allah subhanho wa Taala informed the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam of the planning and the plotting of the people of Bryce Ray VM. korabik alladhina cafaro Leith, we took our way up to look, oh, you have a joke. Why am Quran Why am karula walo hadal

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marketing when the people of Christ had planned and plotted that conspired in killing Dr. Muhammad in exile, engage in locking and incarcerating you? Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, I'm Kuru and I plan on law. And Allah subhanaw taala plans will law who I don't make it in and Allah is the best of planning you could plan that could plan as much as they want. But at the end of the day, the planning of Allah subhanho wa Taala will always succeed and exceed any planning of any creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leaves behind the Allahu taala. No.

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And we mentioned that while we didn't emphasize on it, but tonight I want to emphasize on it, how the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam decided to leave it alone behind to sleep on his bed to sleep on his own.

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pillow to cover himself with his blanket, while the people of Croatia conspiring in killing the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam walks out of his home right in front of those 12 young men, without any of them saying the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meet with Abubakar and then we'll continue with the journey. Why did the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leave behind I laid out the lowdown on the primary reason that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left behind the low talana was not only for Allah radi Allahu taala to divert the

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attention of the people of Christ, and for a long time to sleep on the bed of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the people of Christ stormed into the house of the provider is a lot to set up, though for the different person than the provider is Salatu was Salam on the bed of the rubble of Mamata Lola there was a lamp in which we spoke about but one of the reasons why the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left earlier on the Lord Allah Allah behind is that the people of Christ and listen to this and the irony of this, the people of kurush the leaders of Quraysh, who were fighting against the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here are

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combating the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he had exerted all efforts in fighting against the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Allah Azza wa sallam is speaking against the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and hindering the death of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were the same people, when they had valuables. When they had gold and silver when they had money. They interested no one except the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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Were talking about the logs of Abu jahl

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and Akbar, and all those people were fighting against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, who opened the war against the problem of sallallahu wasallam, who waged a war against the provider is Salatu was Salam. They'll be speaking against the Prophet Muhammad SAW some during the day, they'll fight against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam during the day, they'll continue hindering the door of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam during the day, but then at night, when they have money when they have valuables they trust no one but the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Abu jehlen Akbar, Allah Bian all those people will come to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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same thing oh my man, can you please take care of and goods? Can you take care of a gold Can you take care of and valuables? Can you take care of these can take care of that.

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So the problem Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had to migrate and leave Mecca to Medina without alerting the people of Christ when and how the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is migrating and if the problem was that I was gonna get these enemies and still a Mac guy or Buddha or tomorrow be a Buddha, he's the goods and he's the valuables that are interesting me when I'm giving them back to you because on a mug, right? That's not smart and wise.

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Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is migrating from Mecca to Medina this great land quality because these people are full out well I guess the problem I'm

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not doing anything to stop the profile is we've been killed the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem. So the premiere Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left behind Allah The Allahu taala on who the after the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah leaves Medina or leaves Makkah after the Prophet masasa migrates from Mecca, Ali radi Allahu taala no take the goods and the valuables of the people and the leaders of Christ. Here are the enemies of the problem, I must have a lot to celebrate returning back to them.

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And the Prophet Muhammad says I'm told Ali, this belongs to this person and this belongs to that person and this belongs to this person and that belongs to that person. So I thought it was brief but the problem is

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exactly what belongs to.

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So upon the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam migrating from Mecca to Medina, Allah, Allah tala wanted the people of Christ and the leaders of Christ that they had entrusted the Prophet Mohammed Salah sama trust, and return their belongings and their valuables back to them. Question

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these valuables we're talking about assets, belongings, gold and silver, money,

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Wolf, that belong to the enemies of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that belong to people are fighting against the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that belong to people who will do anything to hinder and block the dollar the Prophet Mohammed says I'm including killing the Prophet members as follows his profile is awesome Why didn't the Prophet Mohammed Salim turn around and say you know what, I'm gonna keep this money to myself because this money belongs to the people are trying to for me, this money belongs to the people are against me this this money belongs to the people do anything to kill me and my followers, let me give this money belongs to metalor

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now, and you know what stuffable

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whatever the problem homosassa them do that

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because when

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Someone in trusts you. Even if it's a non Muslim, you must honor that trust. It doesn't work in other way. You can't turn around and say well like kuffaar infidel enemy of Islam. You know what, He's the worst of people and is coming for people on the face of this earth. That's what I'm gonna do to them. It doesn't work. It doesn't work that way.

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When you are entrusted with something, or when you agree to something, you must honor them. You must honor them. what's relevant to us see, when you enter a country like Australia, or you take the citizenship of Australia or in a western country, and you agree, they abide by the laws of this country and the laws of this land, you must honor it. You can't enter a say, kuffar enemies of Islam do this do that I'm not gonna It doesn't work that way. It does not work that way. When you agreed to something you must honor the agreement. When you agree to a contract, you must honor that contract regardless who is behind this contract? Muslim, non Muslim, non Muslim enemy no enemy you

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agree to it and agree to you agree with it and agree with you must honor the agreement and look at the problem. He can't get a worse situation worst enemies than those who have been fighting the problem.

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openly and those who have been fighting against every single thing the problem Amazon does. And then the problem Amazon has the opportunity to flee and escape the world. But the prophet SAW some didn't do that. He left behind.

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I laid out the law of Thailand on instructing them setting you return those belongings and valuables to those people. Who are those people, the worst of people to Islam and Muslims, the worst of people to Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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some my brothers or my sister, something for us to reflect upon. You can't just go and break the law because it's a Catholic country. You can't go and break the law just because we're like the head of state or the head of this country is someone who speaks against Islam. It doesn't work that way. you've signed to something you agree to what you're honored that's it stops over here, exactly what the prevalent Amontillado Selim did. And that's what we will learn from the hazer of the profile as a lot was said and there are so many lessons that we can learn from the history of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, including the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Marg

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writing in the company of Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala Anu and the problem I'm going to Lola selama chosen or Beckett out of all people who's making up the story, where the program is awesome in a Beckett hid in a cave called the Cave of thought, which is in the opposite direction to Medina, Medina is up north west. So Northwest, the capital cell is south east, so it's totally opposite direction. But the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him or back in a long time, and stayed in that cave for a few nights and days to divert the attention of the people of Christ.

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Now the pregnant Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and Rebecca their few nights and days, and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will receive food from the daughter of Abubakar Her name is a smell, a smell the dorama Beckett she came to the Prophet Muhammad Rebecca numerous times delivering food to the problem I mozzarella lolly was 11 in the bucket to the extent that while she was wrapping the food she had nothing to wrap it with. So she ripped off some of her garment and she wrapped it off and she wrapped it with her garment. She wrapped the garment was to have her belt so the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam nicknamed her as their tea and under tarkine the

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one of the tree builds the one of the two built after staying there for a few days or nights and as we mentioned that the people of brush

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came around searching for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam climbed that mountain and Allah subhanho wa Taala blinded their eyes, without seeing the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after Abu Bakr and saying our messenger of Allah, I am scared and concerned every use of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him, then be afraid that as an in the law hermana Allah is with us. After few days or nights, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in an advocate will resume the journey from the Cave of thought along the coast, along the coast of Medina to Medina, which is a route or a path that the people of Christ don't usually take because it's a

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long road. It's the long path usually go direct

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from Mecca to Medina.

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But this time, they took the long route, and some of the amazing some of the amazing events that took place, while the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in a bucket on the low tide I know.

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Traveling immigrating

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what the scholars referred to within the journey of the migration and the history of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam beckoned from Mecca to Medina seminary amazing events took place. We can't mention every single one of them. But the scholars do refer to that this journey was one of the most fruitful, Dawa journey of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was travelling between Mecca and Medina. And Mecca,

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was very close to age to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. There was early two or three years, like roughly two to three years difference in age between the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and abeka with the lowdown and so if you look at him, especially at the age, they're very close in age, many times while the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Allah Becker were traveling people have crossed paths with people that were crossing paths with people. And the word was out there about Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam his companion and the people of Christ did put a reward, they put a reward on the head of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu said I'm gonna Becker dead or

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alive. It was a great opportunity for a poor person just to become rich overnight, just to capture the Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Allah and Rebecca, hello Thailand.

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So whenever they cross paths, in particular with strangers, a stranger will ask the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Mosque of Mecca is he to you? And our worker will say he is my guide. He is my guide. And usually when they used to travel they used to have a guide. And here's the problem homosassa is our backers guide. A Guide to a not to Medina a guide to Allah subhana wa tada

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a guide to Allah zoa Jen, and along the journey of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a vacuum. There was a place in between Mecca and Medina, where usually the people are Mecca and Medina with that traveling between those two cities. It's like a resting area, a transit area known as the place of Abu mahabad and omo mahabad. It's like a, a place of Bedouins with farming people they've got a tent there. And usually the people of Christ and Medina when they travel in between the two cities, they'll stop over there overnight. Eat Drink and rest and pay above my bad anemometer money. Now the word is out there keep that in mind. Most people in between Mecca Medina

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most tribes and Arabs. Most people are living between Mecca and Medina know about the story of Mohammed and a backer and the reward on the head of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in a backer, including my Baba Baba, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reached the abode of oma Baba, which is a tent with a bit of cattle with a bit of goats. When the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived it up on my bed at that moment who wasn't there on my bed was left behind the rubble marbles in the above my bed went out pastoring he's somewhere around to find a place where his hood or his shape can eat something it was a drying moment on a dry lands I was he

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had to go far for him to find a place where he could graze or a place where he could pass up his hood.

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When the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived to attend. The Prophet sallahu wa salam introduced himself as an ordinary man. oma Baba told the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the very moment she laid eyes on the face of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she knew that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a dignified person, an honorable person, a man of great status. But she didn't know he was this man. She didn't know the full details of this man.

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And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon introducing himself and the way he spoke and the way he presented himself and the way the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam behaved and conducted himself. These are the gestures emotions that captivate someone to someone else, and is no one greater presented with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in the way he behaves in the way he conducts himself in the way he speaks, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah in the way he dresses in the way he smalls, Allah is Salatu was Salam. So much so that the scholars say that no one described the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in more detailed and beautiful

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description that

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the premier Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will ask her Do you have any food frosty any milk for us to drink? Since you said no, you came in a very tough, hard, challenging time. drought, not much food. Most of the goats and the herd that we have doesn't have or don't have much milk, no milk in the other.

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So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu

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SLM tender, and so he saw an old goat. He saw an old goat sinabi sallallahu wasallam told her what about this guy doesn't have milk. So she said it's an old goat now milk and barely can even move. It can even barely move or even make a motion.

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So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said would you allow me would you permit me? For me at least to try? She said it's an old goat and it's dry and you're not gonna find anything in its other there's nothing to lose guarantee what you need to do. So Nabil Salah Salem, whatever the other and then the Prophet Muhammad SAW some stuff to milk the goat and somehow not love milk will gush out milk will come.

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No is coming down. So Pamela, and the brown man was awesome start to drink from it and drink from it. And then the premium Amazon gave mama bad milk and I'm just shocked. How did you get milk out of this old dry get a goat? Like you know, it's an old goat doesn't have milk, it's dry. We know it. She saw the blessings of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam left when the revelate salaatu wa Salaam left up on my bed returns back. When Obama returned back he left with no milk.

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In the bowels, there's no milk. So he returns back on the phones bowl full of milk. He finds cups full of milk. Where did you get this milk from? She said from this goat?

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above my bed said are you trying to pull my leg?

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Are you trying to make Makarov me? Oh no, this guy doesn't have milk. I left for me tonight in the morning. It was an old drawing God that doesn't have milk. That's when a moment bad returns. And she says yes, someone went past an honorable man. His face is like the face of a full moon. Blessings came from him so beautiful and respectful and presentable. He came past and through him the blessing came Sakuma, but said maybe that's the man that the people of Croatia talking about a prophet and a messenger and miracles appear on his hands. But the people of Christ are saying it's magic. She said he's everything but magic. very honorable, very respectful. What can I when you deal with someone

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you know that this person is a magician or this person is intellectual. This person is respectable this person is a thug. You understand why you deal with these people?

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So Pamela Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left behind a very good impression that some generations even say, the elbow, my bad, and my bad later on became Muslims.

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Then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pursues his journey from oma bobberts tent to Medina. Now the word is around.

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The word is around that Muhammad and his companions had fled and escaped Mecca to Medina, whoever captured them dead or alive. 100 camels, you could become rich overnight.

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So the problem Mohammed sallallahu wasallam is traveling

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without we're traveling, one of the Arabs.

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So two strange men traveling in the middle of the desert. And you know, you're talking about people who reside at a particular place, then our inside out. And

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then I was going on Sunday, so too strange man or his soldiers. strange man. He went back to his residence, he went back to his tribe, though we're gathering together when he entered. He told the oldies or he told the people, the men who were gathering in that tent, he said, I just saw two strange men traveling on two mounts. There's two strange men could be Muhammad and his companion, the people of Christ are talking about, does anyone know who they are?

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So there was a man by the name of Soraka Soraka, even Malik. So Robin Malik is one of the tribe members of this tribe that this man walked in and said, I just saw two strange man traveling through our desert, maybe the Mohammed and his companion Serato picked up on it. And he looked around what is around 10 of us. If we all come out, and capture Muhammad, and then we get the reward of the people of Christ had promised and put on the head of Muhammad. That means 10 out of 100 each one of us will get 10 camels. It's not worth who is smart, typical Arab.

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Say tender, I said nananananana those two men are from me another very well I just sent him on a mission. Nana Mohammed and his companion to divert the people or his tribe away from coming together and pursuing the Prophet alayhi salatu was set up and he said the FRB after everyone come down and forgotten about those two men.

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He picked himself up I went on his own and pursued the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam typical Arab. This year the Prophet Mohammed Salah was set up to capture the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and Becca to hand them over to the people of Christ and getting returned the 100 camels which will set as a reward on the head of the problem Amazon seven advocate

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Soraka narrates the story, upon me pursuing the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu was an advocate from far I could see them I could see the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem, and I could see abubaker

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The moment I came near them, suddenly the ground just made my whole sink into it. auger up normal. It's a sinking ground, I picked up my house, pursued the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam once again, and the ground just sunk my horse into it.

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That's not normal honor this land owner with a jeans on I know what's this on? I know what's that?

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He picked us off again on Sunday. He says he pursued them the third time and Allah subhanaw taala made this all sink in the ground. So he came back to his senses. And he'd realized, you know what, there's something hidden here. There's something unusual here.

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So from fire, he start to call upon the Prophet Muhammad.

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come back. I mean,

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I mean, Nahum, just let me talk to you. I just want to understand what's going on. I've never experienced, the longer I live on this land on it, inch by inch. This is the first of the mahoe sinks in on you. There's something behind you.

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And he said, I'll promise you I will never say anything. Just come back on a talk. You know, when you're in that

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confused bezel moment like you want to know what's going on he.

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So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and abubaker returned back.

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Well, Soraka is in full submission, confused about what's going on and what's happening.

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He speaks to the problem homosassa love the processor speaks back to him. And then the process and tells him all one for me is not to talk about an encounter that mentioned anything about us. We understand that the people have crashed after us. And he would just trying to do that. All I asked you not to do anything in return.

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In return, the problem Hamad sallallahu wasallam said to him all Soraka orange she loved one day, they believe that you will be the one that carries the jewelry of the Persian Emperor.

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Wouldn't you love that one day you you? You the man from the middle of the desert? Wouldn't you love one day? They will be the one carrying the Persian Emperor's jewelry, golden silver? When you think about it, what are you talking about?

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What are you talking about? some actual data bedwyn in middle of the desert. We'll get his hands on and hold the jewelry of the Persian Emperor. He is one of the most powerful men at that time in the world. just doesn't make sense.

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Like, you know, you say that to anyone. Look, that's far fetched. Like what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Thank you coming to someone how much you have in your pocket? 10 bucks. How much are you worth 100 bucks? Okay, there's a property that's worth a million dollars. Boy. Look, I just told you I've got 100 bucks. Look, this huge discrepancy here.

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just doesn't make sense. You Soraka a Bedouin, an Arab probably never came out of his desert and he said he'll be in a position to possess all the jewelry of the most powerful man on the face of this earth the Persian Emperor.

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Fast forwarding

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and fast forwarding work and fast forwarding 20 years after this event. During the time I'm going to talk about the load

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when the Muslims conquered Persia and the jewelry of Castro and the Persian Emperor came all the way to Medina.

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It was 20s after this event, where Amara hottub will call upon Mel Soraka Malik also Raka was Soraka Bring him to me and so often comes with gray hair old men and he says theme see this I want you to make the promise of the problem promises and come true. carry it with you enhance and it was the jewelry of the Persian Emperor.

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How did this happen? How did this come about? It's the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam even probably Soraka

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even promise America was doubtful. Okay, now what are you talking about? may one day carry the jewelry, the gold and silver, the jewelry of the Persian Empire lock just doesn't make sense. Very hard.

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Grasp and comprehend, but it's the prophecy and the Buddha, the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Then the problem Hamad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continues with his journey alongside avocado the Lord Allah and Allah Subhana Allah one of the things that struck the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is that sometimes abubaker stands towards the right hand side of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salah. Sometimes a vicar is towards the left hand side of the Prophet Muhammad, Salah Sunnah. Sometimes, Baca is in front of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, sometimes it's behind the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And then he just continues to change his position around the Prophet Muhammad SAW some usually tremble, someone's almost standing next to it, they think that but

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this person is here, then it comes there, then he stands there, then he stands there. That's unusual.

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That's a normal, it's abnormal. It's not the norm. And you know what the problem is hasn't picked up on it. And he told him like, you know, hold on, lock it up, go back and look, what's this thing about you once towards murrah. Once it was my left, once in front of me was behind me, sit still and stand next to me just one position. Why are you doing that for Sabo back on the lotano tenzer and says, a messenger of Allah.

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Remember the enemy coming towards your right, stand towards your right to protect you, then I remember now might come behind you. So I'll stand behind it to protect you. Then I'll cross my mind. No more come towards your left and attack you from your left side saws turn towards your left to protect you, then I'll think about it. Maybe they'll come from the front and come and attack you. And then I'll stand in front of you to protect you or missing job Allah. If I get killed. I'm just an ordinary man. Ordinary follower, ordinary human being. But if you get killed the entire Islam boys love, care, compassion, defense

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and protecting the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Look how far these people went.

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And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will continue his journey

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during his journey sallallahu wasallam wooga past burada ignem praecipe eslami in which him and his tribe members had 80 houses so along the along the way nobody says I went past a town or a bit were nomads. A little town tents whatever you call him an abode the residency

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with our at homes, led by man his name is bowrider there the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam presented Islam to them,

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call them to Allah subhanaw taala so they all became Muslims.

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Yes, in the bass Allah Allah Allah wa sallam is traveling. Yes, and that was awesome is escaping from the people of Christ. But at the same time, he's still the premiere of the Messenger of Allah that goes to Allah. So he's making his Dawa and effort calling to Allah azza wa jal

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at homes, embraced Islam.

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And so many events during this duration, and journey, in which the Prophet Muhammad SAW some travels from Mecca to Medina, so many homes, tribes, individuals, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam across path three, and the provider is Salatu was Salam Embry invites him to Islam and then the embrace Islam until that moment,

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that great moment,

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most beautiful moment, the most honorable day that yathrib

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and Medina and the people of yesterday and Medina had ever encountered was upon the arrival and migration of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to Medina on Monday, the eighth of October in our

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14 years after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received this first revelation, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will enter EF Rab in which later on it will become Medina Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now the people of Medina

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and the Sahaba has already migrated from Mecca to Medina and the Muslims have embraced Islam in Medina are all hearing and waiting anxiously for the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam the whole nother problem is Allah was on his way but just don't know when it's gonna arrive. When was the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam when does the plane land when does the premium hamazon land in Medina This is something that didn't have they didn't have a website for them for them to get check. Oh they didn't have any navigation for them to find.

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Waiting for the president was awesome anxious Wouldn't you be waiting for the problem Hamas awesome anxiously for him to erupt in the city they live in what a beautiful moment.

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You sleep and wake up just thinking about that moment the premium homosassa will be arriving to Hampton City

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and the people of Medina the Sahaba, the Muslims every single morning, every single morning when the sun rises don't go out waiting on the outskirts of Medina for the arrival of the Prophet Mohammed Salah do send them until midday will become so hot that can bear the sun anymore the guide to the shelter. So on the eighth of Robbie an hour on Monday, 14 years after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had received the revelation, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and whom I know arrived to Medina. They arrived in Medina during midday that morning,

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that day that morning that I have Robin our Monday morning the law came after sunrise anxiously waiting searching looking the problem homosassa arrive up until midday where became so hot, they couldn't bear the hay so they went to the shelter. That moment the problem homosassa arrived. He arrived during a moment where everyone was just sheltering themselves and everyone else is in their home. He picked up

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on the arrival of the Prophet Mohammed salam, one Jewish man who was farming outside his home. And you heard about the arrival of the problem Amazon people waiting for the premises. I mean for morning's newspaper just coming out standing on the outskirts of Medina waiting for someone to arrive he picked up on from fire during that time, a moment when everyone else would have waiting for the profile as

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well after waiting for the program hamazon for hours and hours and hours. He saw Chairman arriving from VA. So he called upon the people of Medina and said all believers all Muslims, he's the grandfather you're waiting for. So the all came out to see two men on the Mount

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traveling arriving to Medina and upon the first destination the problem homosassa arrived was pullback. That's the entrance of the problem hams. Awesome, all right.

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Which is the most greatest, most honorable, happiest moment for the people of Medina. The Sahaba always say especially after death, the Prophet Muhammad Salah, the most brightest, happiest, honorable moment that we had ever experienced in Medina is one of the problem homosassa more often Medina the darkest saddest moment that we've ever had in Medina is one of the problem homosassa passed away. So he the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam arrives to yathrib poobah where the Prophet Mohammed sasm enters. Koba been welcomed by the people of Medina

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and be welcomed by the people of Cuba. And you find that the people of Medina coming out on that day welcoming the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chanting balabhadra dynamin tawnya

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Safina Jetta been unreal Mopar, what a beautiful moment and day for the people of Medina. What a beautiful moment for the believers for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tore off to them, and then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went into Medina.

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Koba is about six Kay's from the city center of Medina. So the problem hamazon resides in Cuba and establishes the first mosque before the message of the Prophet Mohammed Salim Cobra was established before so the first Moscow problem promises Allah had established was the message of Cuba.

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There the problem homosassa Mustang Cobra for four days and nights Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. On Friday the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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migrates or the property is Salatu was Salam travels from Cuba to Medina upon the entrance of the province homosassa into the city center of Medina amazing events take place. And you see the problem with Hamas Allah Allah Allah Al Salam established the first Islamic State with the amazing structure and establishing stamp establishment and foundation being practiced by the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and the believers that we'll talk about the evening Allah heater Allah next week. Stay tuned. Looking forward to seeing you next week. If you miss out on coming here to May you could go online, my Laura would you all subhanak along hammock, Masha Allah Allah Allah and NASA

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