Yasir Qadhi – Tafsir of Surah Al-Balad

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The history and meaning behind the symbolization of Islam is highlighted in various context, including the use of the bullet to signal the importance of killing and the use of the symbolization of a symbol to signal the need to kill. The speakers discuss three meanings of Hill, including Maca being "will" and Halal being "will", and emphasize the importance of "will" and "will" in relation to the act of creation. The transcript also touches on the history and implementation of Islam, including the use of freeing slave laborers and the use of alcohol to stimulate alcoholism.
AI: Transcript ©
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So today I recited suited to the ballot, it's a nice short sword, I will just quickly go over it so that we have an understanding of the meanings and implications and inshallah it will be something that will increase our culture it's a very common Surah that is recited in the Salah, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada reveals hotel ballot is the early makansutra as the standard styles of the early makansutra. The customs that occur always the custom the oath that occurs it is a sign of the consumer. And Canada is a sign of the consumer and the short, you know, powerful succinct versus sign of the makansutra suited better exactly as it exemplifies all of the characteristics of the makansutra and

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Allah subhana wa Tada begins, as usual in the muck, considers by the custom, and the purpose of the custom is to draw attention to what is going to be sworn about what is the emphasis that is going to be given sort of the custom has only to customs, law or custom will be handled better. Now the word law throws a lot of non Arabs off because the first thing you learned Arabic Nam and Allah, Allah has taught you to be No, actually there's three types of Allah in the Arabic language and the rarest type. And the most difficult for the non Arab to recognize is this type la oximeter. This is actually some call it La Zaida little kid with however you call it depends on your Arabic schools

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that you're taught. But this is a law that has the exact opposite meaning of the typical law, which is no, this means yes, indeed. It's literally flipped around. So obviously they're not always confused. How can I tell the difference between yes and no when you're using the same word, right? And the response is very simple. When the context makes it impossible to understand no a negation it flips around and it becomes an emphasis a toolkit. This is what we're truly trying to say. La oxen will be handleable I'm especially swearing by this ballot, by this bullet means maca, of course, so it flips the script and it becomes an extra emphasis right? So Allah azza wa jal is saying I'm

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giving a possum of especial emphasis by this city of Makkah. So Allah is giving an oath and emphasizing the oath by Makkah. And the law, as we said is the extra emphasis here and of course giving the oath by Makkah as we know and you have studied so many times, whenever Allah gives a custom automatically implies the object of the custom is something that is extra special extra blessing, right? So whenever ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala gives the custom that will allow sir will do what Shem see, it is one of the signs of Allah subhanho wa taala. Therefore when Allah is giving the custom by the city of Mecca, so automatically Maca is being exalted by this person, whenever Allah

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chooses an object to give us them, it is a sign that this is not your average creation. It is something special. So Allah has given us some by the city of Mecca, la oxime will be hard al Belen and Allah is saying hi that again to emphasize this very city, one Tehillim behind that better and you are hill in the city. There are three meanings of Hill in this context number one, and you are living in this city. Number two, this is a bit complicated. Maca is haram, which means it's sacred. Well, until you have not managed to maintain this. You have not been given the sanctity of Makkah by the people of Makkah. So everybody should have a state of sanctity. But the people of Makkah have

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not cared about the Haram status. And they have made you Halal in the Haram. Meaning they don't care. They have persecuted you they're trying to kill you. They're trying to expel you. So the people of Makkah have failed to keep the Haram status by making you Khaled you get that point right? That's the second meaning one to Hill. And the third meaning as even Abbas said, This surah was revealed in early Makkah and it is a prediction of the conquest of Makkah how how is Allah predicting the conquest of Makkah one to HiLine via the ballot, you are going to make the Haram halal for a while you shall be given the right to invade Makkah and take it over. Allah is telling

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him that you ya rasool Allah have the right to make maca halal. Even though Maca is haram haram means everything is prohibited that's outside meaning you cannot turn to cannot you know anything that is halal outside Mecca that is going to be harmful inside Makkah like for example hunting the classic example right inside Makkah it becomes not allowed. That's why it's called haram. What Underhill Allah is giving him the license and Allah is telling him your suit Allah you will have a special status and one our profits are some concrete MCCA What did he say? He said Allah has made MK haram from the time of Ibrahim and it shall remain a haram until the day of judgment. And Allah has

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made it halal for me just for an hour of the day. That's what he said, Right? Allah has made it halal for me, meaning the Haram status has been lifted. Of course you understand in this

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idea you are never allowed to attack MCC or any country having Worthing you cannot attack MCCA those that have attacked it in the past that's one of the things that was criticized against them the talks they give will be right so the prophets ism a tactic that he said Let no one say that the Prophet system made MCCA Halal No It is haram and it has been haram and it shall remain haram but Allah has lifted the Haram status for me and made it Khaled sir item in the house. So it doesn't mean our means a short portion of the day. So when to HiLine featherbeds. Right, you are halal, you have been made allowed to make Halal in this better. So this is three meanings for one to help. And

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then number the second person will Walid in one my wallet, Allah is giving an oath by the concept of fatherhood, and the child that comes and you can also translate wallet even though it's not direct meaning but what it also means mother meaning a parent and what the parent gives birth to obviously the primary meaning the father and what the Father sires. But what is the concept so Allah is giving a custom by what one? What opinion says, The why that here is Adam, there's one wallet, when my wallet all of mankind. The second opinion here you are widely the Rasulullah Ibrahim alayhis salam, why am I aware that you are a soul Allah so the custom goes to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam,

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and the third opinion, it's upon its meaning of its generality, every parent and the child that the parent has born, meaning ALLAH is given a custom by the act of creation, by the beauty of this life, that you know, we we have children that children take over, they have children, so Allah is giving a custom by this sign of nature, because most of the custom in the Quran, it is about one of the miracle signs of nature, the sun, the moon, you know, a Shem see what I said about her so a lot of you didn't want my word Allah is allowing us and emphasizing for us the beauty of creation, how every few generations has a whole new batches on mankind, where did the previous go is gone and the

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next batch is going to come? So Allah is asking us to think about the continuity of creation and his power. So if we say that it is Ibrahim and the Prophet system, so then we are saying that Allah subhana wa Taala is emphasizing the Prophet system is living in the holiest of places, and He Himself is the holiest person in terms of lineage. It has the greatest lineage. So maca and your lineage rasool Allah you are a special person. So this is also derived and it's not, you know, it's not far fetched. It's also there. And of course, we always say, Allah azza wa jal intentionally has multiple meanings, and they're all valid here, nothing wrong with it, they can apply to Abraham in

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the process, and it can apply to Adam and all of mankind, and it could apply to any person and the child they serve. It's all valid in this meaning. So these are two customs that and that is Laos and won't be handled valid. Well, why didn't one what what is the object of the custom Nakahara in Santa Fe code, but this is the line that Allah wants to emphasize. So remember, every time you have a customer in the Quran, you have to wait What is Allah gonna emphasize? So while also and then in December, the vehicles we see right there and then we're Shamsi will have 15 customs and then you get the object of the custom here in that local Hidalgo in Santa Fe cupboard. We created man in

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cupboard cupboard What does cupboard mean? cupboard Of course, the Arabs know kibbutz is the liver, right? So the Arabs used to think this is the you know, the way they used to think that when you're in a lot of distress, and you're in a lot of, of, you know, hurt and whatnot, your liver is going to be in pain. So when they were hurt and in stress, they would say I'm in COVID, as if my liver is in pain, that would just ascribe the pain to the mold or to the to the place of the of the cupboard. So Nakata halacha and Santa Fe cupboard can be translated as two ways. We have created man in pain, meaning this life is a test and you shall never in this dunya V in ultimate peace, oh man, don't

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think you will find your happiness in this dunya This is not the place of happiness. Realize this is the land and the doubt of cupboard so your hat so when Allah is saying that you will this this land is covered automatically there's an implication there's a next line there's no covered if you add properly and that's what the vs goes on to say. That's the first meaning covered here is that that is pain. Second meaning covered means mokaba Which means that he is not in pain but he's actually you can say being stubborn or causing pain like that's the meaning because either you're causing pain to others, which then means being stubborn being rejecting. So kabbah can both mean the

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recipient of the pain like we are in pain we created man he is in pain or we created man now you know linguistically causing pain but the meaning here stubbornness rejecting so look for the harlequin Santa Fe cupboard we created man and man is the only creation arrogant against us. All of the other creation is submitting to us. Right the trees the moon, you know the the animals they don't

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To reject us, only man Nakahara in Santa Fe cupboard man is the one who is rejecting so covered we said hello both and again this is the beauty of the Quran. So the first meaning of covered this is the world of pain and suffering. And that is absolutely true in this dunya no matter who you are, what you are something is gonna cause you stress. The second meaning is that oh man, you are the creation out of all of the Creation who has the arrogance to be stubborn, right the

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harlequin Santa Hello, we created man always complaining in Ms. solito. menorah are the most thorough Joshua Joshua, if good happens, he becomes stingy if bad happens to him he becomes something complaining he's never happy and satisfied. So this is the meaning of the second meaning of cupboard clutter hello, hello friends nav cupboard. So most the more appropriate meaning for the next verse is the second one which is we created man in rejecting and arrogance. Yeah, several other than yuck there are Allah He had because the next verse clarifies he is rejecting me. Does he not think we have a control over him? I said, well, then yuck there are they he? Doesn't he realize he

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is not in control? Doesn't he realize that he is being controlled, we are able to have power over him. No man has control of his own destiny. Allah azza wa jal is in control. Don't you realize, Oh man, that you're being arrogant against me. And I control you I have given you life I will give you a death. Yes, I will Allah, Allah He had. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions. Now one, one interpretation is that there was a person in Mecca. Anytime you find something like this, realize when when you find the story of the suburb in New Zealand, that story might help you understand the verse, but the verses are always broader than the person. Allah never really revealed the Quran just

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for the one person in Makkah, the story helps you understand. But the verses are always applicable until the day of judgment. So there is a story found in some of the books of tafseer that a person refused to accept Islam. And he said, I have spent so much money, you know, against the prophets of Allah who I send them, why should I embrace the faith? I'm spending money to, you know, make sure this Tao of Islam is not successful. So yeah, oh, Allah, Tamala, Luba. So this is the story that is mentioned of this person that he said, I spent so much money against Islam. And this is the point here, but you can go broader than this, even if it's not related just to this person. Allah is

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talking about the arrogance of man, man has a tendency to boast about his wealth and what he spent man has a tendency to find comfort and to think that giving money for something expensive Oh, look at the watch. I have looked at the house, I have looked at how much I spent on this, right? Yeah, oh, two o'clock tomorrow. Lupita. Lupita means plenty of money. I've spent too much money, I spent a lot of money. So he is boasting to his friends, his relatives. This is the amount of money I have, and I've spent it on this. Then Allah says, What is your worth of money? Look at things that you have that you take for granted more precious to the new than all of your money. I don't know John

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Lowe, who I mean, what is done in Russia? 14, what are they now who knows? Then you are boasting about your money, who gave you the very characteristics that caused you to be who you are, who gave you your eyesight, who gave you your tongue, who gave you your chef attain your mouth and your lips that you are speaking with and of course chef attain and the sun is an indication who gave you the power of speech. And the power of speech is an indication of the outcome because you need mind to speak. So Allah is saying who made you intelligent, and who made you capable of expressing these thoughts to others. So the fact that you did not have any inherent power, and Allah gave it to you

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should humble you should make you realize and appreciate the blessings Allah has given you. A lemenager Allah who I named what he's done in whichever attain wa de Nahoon edge, then we guided him to the two stars, the two stars here means in Medina who Sabina in my chakra, what a mecca for the two directions, the direction of good direction of evil, we allowed him the opportunity to go here or there, it's up to you what you want to do. So Nadine, the two stars as an indication, it's not actual stars, meaning nudged here is the direction, we gave him the opportunity to go either direction. You can go right, you can go left meaning you can go to gender or software or you can go

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the other way. What are they now hundreds, then we told you how to get to either one of them, you know the direction. That's what the purpose of the start is? What does it start? Do? You have the direction so Allah is saying we didn't leave you without any direction. We gave you the guidance, not just the intellect and the mind and the tongue. We even told you this is the way to Jannah and if you don't do it, we told you the other way over there was a day now who a Nigerian then Allah is saying after all of these blessings, fella Kota, Hamad Acaba, he did not take advantage of all of this, and he did not act the Halacha it's a very, very powerful and beautiful phrase. He did not

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struggle in his life to

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overcome. Acaba can be translated as a mountain, let's say. So to overcome that, which was Steve Tehama to put in your effort to exert Acaba, something that you're going to overcome if you exert so and that's why a mountain is called acaba. Right? So you have the mountain or a hill called October. So it's as if Allah is saying, If you exerted just a little bit, you would have been able to overcome the difficulty but you didn't exert Fela kata and Acaba, you didn't put in the effort to find the right way to overcome the difficulty and get to the safety. What is the safety for Dr. Hammond aka walmart.com acaba, what will make you understand this difficult thing if you overcame

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it, then life would be easy for you. If you put in the effort to get over this bridge this Ill then everything will be easy for you. What is the acaba? What is the the struggle that you should do? Allah azza wa jal says fuck Karaca you should free a slave. That's what you should be doing. Or it's on one, give food on a day that is very difficult for you. If you're in the must cover you yourself have little food. On that day. Go find somebody and share your food with who is the first person you should share your food with your team and then Makarova go find an orphan in your extended family. Go find a cousin of yours who has an orphan go find somebody in your clan, a child that is starving

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and give him the food on the day. You yourself need that food that is our club. That is the Aqaba. And if you had crossed that Acaba then you will be on the right edge you have on the right hand end the head, Dana, you're going to be on the right subnet if you do that, right. So what is the acaba Thakura cover freeing a slave so freeing a slave of course, I mean, the whole concept of slavery, you know, in Islam, Allah azza wa jal encouraged one of the greatest acts of worship. And the goal of the Shetty I really it is true to say is to minimize and eventually then now it is eliminated, it is actually very, we don't need it, that aspect of the of humanity that was there. So Allah is

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encouraging this by the way, those, the freeing of the slave was a very, very expensive thing. Don't think it's something cheap. And what do you gain when you free a slave? Nothing, you're literally giving, you know, 10s of 1000s of dollars, and a person in slavery becomes free. What do you get nothing. This is imagined, like you know, there's literally and so Allah is saying, this is the Aqaba. So imagine the Sharia is encouraging you to spend a fortune in freeing somebody that has no relation to you, freeing for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the Islamic version of Shetty of slavery wanting to free this lay. Another thing you can do as we said the Quran says

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giving food to the hungry the day you yourself need that food and Subhanallah brothers and sisters will lie where I should we should all be embarrassed. These verses came down and the Muslims of Morocco were struggling with poverty with food. And Allah is saying this is where your salvation lies. Imagine how where we are now with our wealth and our food. Imagine our pantries Sahaba could never have imagined the overflowing pantries we have right? Allah is saying on the day that is difficult for you and you only have a small amount. Go find a team. Go find them Eskin that is that Matoba stuck to the ground he has he's so he's so weak. He is going to be on the to rob, go find the

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miskeen that is literally starving from hunger and the day that feeding is difficult for you for yourself. Share your food with your team share your food with them his skin. This is the acaba that if you do it right, so Oh, so I'm gonna film with him as Raba Yeah, team and the merkabah team that is cleaved to you or your team that's related to you. Oh Mysskin or any miskeen Zama Traba he is starving. He is on the, you know, to Robbie's like lying down on the dust. So Mikayla, then so macadam, and Alladhina amanu. What's the wasabi Saudi with also Bella Mohammed, along with feeding the hungry, and along with freeing the slave. This person should also be of those who have Iman, and

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those who advise others to be patient and advise others to be compassionate notice the first requirement that Allah said to pass the test generosity, then Allah says, but being generous in and of itself is not good enough. You must have Iman, if you're generous without Iman, the people will love you. But you haven't got the acaba yet. If you're generous with iman, then you have passed the test right? And again, we have to look at ourselves How have we perceive the religion to be I've said this multiple times, our understanding of religiosity is primarily rituals. And we forget early MK consumers emphasized charity more than the emphasize rituals. Early MK consumers emphasize

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kindness and giving to others and bringing about this change its arm so many verses of Islam. I went over them many times in front of you, right? The earliest Mac consumer has always talked about and the society where these verses were revealed was an impoverished

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Poor society. There were people all of them there was no rich savvy and Maccha nobody was wealthy and MCCA everybody struggling. And in that society, Allah says you want to rise high, then you share your food with the people that is the person who will pass the Acaba and he has a man and he's helping others in sober and in Merhaba, meaning he's not selfish, only caring about himself. He's also being a source of good for other people, advising others in good, being compassionate to people giving people hope, telling them to be patient. In other words, an active member of a society a person who is known to be giving reference and compassion and kindness right so along with iman, so

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also the Saudi Watteau, also Bill Maher hammer, he is helping others whenever they're going through difficult times. He gives them that patience, they need a kind word, maybe some generosity, you know, just a shoulder to cry on that that is the wall. So you're helping underdog and Marama you're showing compassion, Lulu equals humble manner. These are the fortunate and blessed people. These are the ones who have passed the alpha and save themselves, right? So that's the positive, and then the opposite. Those who are CAFO, those who have rejected Allah subhanho wa taala. They are as hobbled mush, Amma, they are the ones who are not fortunate. They are the ones who are going to be sad, and

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they're the ones who are going to be lacking any blessing. And I lay him now to Masada, they shall be punished in the fire that is surrounding them. Short, sweet sutra. It's so beautiful. It gives all of the Archon it tells us about the reality of why Allah created us. It tells us about the arrogance of mankind. It tells us that no one should feel that they're doing something amazing if they're simply spending money, what you have of your blessings is more precious than all the money you have, and you have them for free. All of these blessings we have Allah gave them and the response to these blessings should be that we are overcoming the struggle and the struggles Allah

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tells us in the Quran, being generous unto others, helping other people out advising people and having Iman and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada May Allah Subhana Allah Allah make us of the US How will make Zach Moloch Allah here Baraka in

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us one Luna Allah

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water he wants to label this nema.

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In Medina you know Allah wants to

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do Nia what laughing you're on to

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my other movie now?

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What levena You do? Meanie No. Mina TV a while at MCC that several phone calls

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Oh is

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