Yasir Qadhi – Seerah – 83 Battle of Hunayn Part 2

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is highlighted, including the Battle of healthcare, the Battle of healthcare, and the Battle of healthcare. The speakers emphasize protecting people from evil attacks and the importance of human rights in accepting Islam. They also discuss the use of psychological warfare and the importance of forgiveness. The success of Sun airline's program is highlighted, including the return of unsolved individuals to their countries and the return of families to their countries. The speakers emphasize the importance of not repeating mistakes and embracing Muslims' desire for a better life. A plan to resume data collection on Wednesdays is mentioned.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ma Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Shrine on my blog. We continue from where we had left off. Last week we talked about the Battle of her name. And if you remember the Battle of her name was the battle between the prophets or some of the Sahaba and which tribes?

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How was it and se and other tribes? How was it different other tribes, the two main tribes with a thief and how was it and the thief is the tribe of thought, if and how was it or basically the, the the Bedouin type of tribes outside of the city of Atlanta if and how many were on the tribe of harmony on the side of the Mr. Kuhn, around 20,000, around 20,000, and the Muslims are around 12,000. And the Muslims for the first time in their lives felt overconfident. Never before had they felt overconfident, and so much so that they remarked that how can we possibly be destroyed and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told them that Be careful there was a prophet amongst the previous

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prophets that he felt this type of a job this type of arrogance or pride and alarm villages in front of his eyes took his army away from him, but the damage had been done and they walked into a trap as I had explained, and in that trap, the 12,000 the Sahaba they started running Helter Skelter, they started separating from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But the prophet system stood his ground, he did not flee in the face of the arrows and the valleys he remained firm. At around him were the elite of the Sahaba, Abu Bakr and Omar and earthman, and Ali, and also his uncle, Abbas and a few of the unsought and slowly but surely, they called and rallied the forces as we said, and the

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Sahaba as they continue to gather around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, more and more people continue to come back to the fight, especially when I bust began calling them name by name, tribe by tribe, that Oh, Bernie so and so Oh, so and so. And when they heard their names, it was as if they awoke from their fear, and they returned back. We also said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at this stage, he took a handful of pebbles and stones, and this is not the first time he has done this. This has happened before at Bethel, and he's doing it again now at Ronayne that he threw it towards the faces of the machine, and it affected them it blinded them It stopped

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their archers for a while, and this also allowed the Sahaba to congregate. And this is what Allah subhana wa tada himself mentions in the Quran, that he helped the Muslims. Allah says in Surah Toba verses 25 and 26 pseudo Toba verses 25 and 26 Nakata na sala como la Fimo authentic athira Allah has helped you in many incidents and battles while yo Mahoney Nene and on the day of her name, so Allah has helped you in many battles, and he especially helped you on the day of her name. And what yo McClendon on that day is ajibade comcastro you were impressed with your own numbers from Tony and CompTIA. All of your numbers were of no use to you. Well, Bob, let it come on out. We'll be Mel

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Robert and this vast Earth no matter how vast it is, it seemed constrained upon you to mobile Layton with bidding and you turned your backs and you fled. So Allah azza wa jal describes in one verse vivid detail, the problems of Lenin, there was self confidence, there was cockiness, there was arrogance. And Allah says all of this, your numbers were of no use to and this vast land, no matter how many people were in it, it appeared to constrain to you and you had to flee and turn away from that Allahu sakeena to who then Allah sent his peace. You were terrified, Allah made you come, you fled in fear. Allah sent his Sakina and you became calm. And Allah azza wa jal sent down what Enza

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did you do them total her and Allah sent an army that you could not see. So Allah explicitly mentioned in the Quran, that once again in the Battle of her name, the angels helped the believers. And it is also reported that a number of Muslims or non Muslims saw these angels come down of them is debatable. multimo at this time is a Muslim

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drobeta had been altered as the son of multimorbidity and I've given a whole lecture about multimodality called the legacy of a coffee. You can find that online. This is his son debate, even Muslim debate and Milton narrates that when the two armies met, he saw a large black cloud just come down from the heavens and disperse amongst the people like ants.

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Like, imagine a dense ant, storm if you like coming, army of ants coming. So he said he saw this large, the blackness is meant to your density, everything is congregating together, and then it just spreads like ants everywhere. And then he realized your Bay said he realized these were the angels coming to help fight for the believers. And there's also a very interesting story mentioned here in seductiveness half. And that is the story of a third or fourth cousin of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. shaybah, Eben earthman, from the benefit of the doubt of the doubt is one of the sister tribes of the widow Hashem, Hashem, who down on the sister tribes, and his father earthman was one

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of those who was killed in the battle on the side of the Quran on the side of the pagans, and his son shaybah has just accepted Islam in the conquest of Makkah. And his heart is still angry and bitter that his father has died. So when he saw all of the people running away, and the Prophet system is alone there, his Eman is brand new. He's literally one week old, and his Islam is basically a verbal Islam, he man has not yet entered his heart. Immediately he thoughts let me get revenge for the death of my father. So he narrates his story, that he took his spear. And he began galloping towards the back of the prophet SAW Selim, hoping that he could just suffer a lot of

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holes, Isabella, killed the Prophet sallallahu, ala he was suddenly assassinated, the process of in the chaos when everybody is running away. And he says that out of nowhere, a light came. And it was about to burn me, it was so bright, I had to cover my face, and my eyes began screaming, and the process of them turned around, he must have seen what's happening, either he saw the angels in the light, or he saw shaybah, basically going berserk and crazy. He understands what's going on. And so he raised his hands and made it to a law. And he says, Oh, well law, cause shavon to depart from the heart of shaybah Allahumma de shaybah, will law guide shaybah three times I'm alone, a lot of money,

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the shape of a law, the shape, and shape it says that immediately a man entered my heart. And I joined fighting with the prophet SAW Selim against the against the tribe of her name, and against the tribe of octave. And how was it and he lived a pious life after this. So it's quite literally amazing that he starts galloping, trying to start flula assassinated prophecies. And by the time he gets to the end of the Gallup, he's actually fighting on the side of the Muslims against the tribe of 30. So eventually, when the Muslims gathered around the Prophet salallahu idea he was setting them, we don't have much details, but all of the books has to say the same thing. And that is that

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the tribe of houses in Turkey if they fled, that when they saw the onslaught now, it appears as if the tribes have different houses and we're literally counting on that one tactic. They didn't have a plan B, it looks like they only had plan a plan A was showered them with the volleys, let them run back, and then we can attack. It appears they didn't really have a plan B. And when the Muslims did not run away, eventually they were going to run away. And it appeared as if Plan A was working. When it didn't work and the Muslims are charging Full speed ahead. They then retreated Helter Skelter, it appears they did not have any other backup plan, they were so confident that this would indeed work.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded the Sahaba to pursue them to the valleys to pursue them to the mountains. Don't let them go. Why? Because there's 20,000 they're going to be congregate, continue to pursue them as far as you can. Don't let them stop and and basically, rest and then reconvene. And so what happens is, after the Battle of her name, there's a long list of mini expeditions that 300 Sahaba sent one direction to 100 sent another direction. And so the Battle of her name, ended at her name, and then a number of mini skirmishes took place, which we're not going to go into detail. In them many of the famous Sahaba some of the famous Sahaba were injured

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and killed of them is the uncle of Abu Musab Ashanti. In one of these expeditions. He was put in charge and he pursued the enemy the tribe of houses in and eventually he was killed. He was a javelin was thrown into him his nephew Abu Musa gets to him the javelin sticking out of his chest, you know, almost allegedly the famous hobby of Musashi it is well known, narrated, so many hadith of masala shad is uncle. So, he says to his uncle, tell me who has killed you. And his uncle is alive bleeding, the bleeding to that so he points so and so. So most right then and there. Attacks this man ferociously viciously slaughters him in front of his uncle's eyes, then comes back and says, I

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have taken care of him. Now you know, what can I do to help you says take the javelin out. He takes it out and the blood is basically too much. It's obvious he's going to die. So

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His uncle says, believer a solar system Go and tell the prophets of the law. Why do you send them what happened that I died, you know, fighting and basically dying in this manner and give him my Salaam and ask him to make dua for me. So all of this you know, very beautiful ending of his. And so, when Moosa comes back to the Prophet system, this hadith is in the books of sunon, that he comes back to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he told him in vivid detail how his uncle died, and the process and was lying on his tent, and he had a shawl on him, when he told him that my uncle asked you to pray for him. So he stood up, he put himself up and he called for water he did will do

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and then he turned to face the fibula, and he raised his hands as high as he could, so that his armpits could be seen and then he made draw, and he said a lot of people feel that that was the cornea of his uncle versus uncle llama affiliated with a lot more fighter jets affiliate Li he made a beautiful to offer him that all the raise his rank, so will love forgive his sins. So when Moosa heard all of this, he said, Yeah, I would love for me as well. One for me, Andy. So the profits a little they said them may do out for Moosa as well that Oh ALLAH forgive him his sins, and the fate whom in Highland Kadima Yokohama caused him to enter a good abode on the day of judgment and moose

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as son was named Buddha. Buddha is the son of

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Abu Salah Shadi, and he's one of the famous scholars of the Tabby rune. And then we'll go to that became one of the great scholars of Medina. And he was very proud of this Hadith, that the process of made to offer my father, and for my grandfather, and Buddha was very one of the most famous scholars of the students of the Sahaba of the generation of the tablet.

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It is also reported in this battle, in the Battle of her name, that after in the aftermath, when the How was it had run away. So this, the profitsystem is walking on the battlefield. And this was one that famous Hadith that all of you have heard of vaguely, or many of you have heard of occurs that he saw a woman that had been killed on the battlefield, this credit her name, okay, so he said,

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it was not right for her to have been killed. This should not have happened, who did this. So he was told it is hard to deal with it. So he said they call it go and catch Hardiman early before he goes forward because he had been sent on another expedition. And tell him that it that he is not to kill any more women, or children or servants, meaning those who are not fighting, you know, so the last word that is used, scholars have interpreted What does it mean elderly or people that are just in the periphery that are not fighting. So basically, the point is, this is the command now that what we would call civilians in those days, they didn't have civilians. In those days, every adult male

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was a member of the army. But the point is the people who are not members of the army, specific command of the process of them, women, and children, and either you can say the servants, or the elderly, whatever, these should not be killed. So this is the famous Hadith and ruling that is used in all of the books of faith. And in modern times, it's a very important discussion and what is going on in the world that the Prophet system clearly forbade the killing of non combatants, this occurs in the Battle of her name. So what happened to the people how wasn't a thief, they fled in many different places, as we said, a number of mini skirmishes took place. And by and large, almost

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all of these skirmishes were successful, but the tribe of the thief did not flee to into the wilderness, the tribe of Turkey fled back to life. So the tribe of Steve along with whoever was in that direction, paid members of the House and they fled back to the city have a thought if, and that was where the profit system would turn to next, and perhaps the second largest group, they fled to a place called a loss and there was another battle over there. And there was some casualties, I'm not going to go into the details, because these are things that by and large, mean not much to be derived from, but the Muslims were victorious. But there were some casualties in the Battle of her

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name. And the biggest lesson from the actual Battle of her name is that no matter how prepared you are, if you don't have that emotion in Sitka and tawakkol, in a lot, it's not going to help you. If you rely on yourself.

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And if you rely on your own preparation, you're setting yourself up for failure. That's the biggest lesson that we learned from the Battle of grenade that never wear the Sahaba this many, and never did they have the amount of weapons because remember from the people of MK they had stockholders, they had taken loans of hundreds of weapons have hundreds of sheets of armor plates of armor of arrows, they had never been as well equipped. They had never been as well rested because they've been in Macau for probably probably 20 days. They've been in Mecca 19 days they've been there well rested, they've they've Mashallah eaten and and then they have plenty

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To armor, and they have plenty of people that was the cause of their downfall. And so this shows us that victory comes from up there, not from down here. No matter what you do, your heart must have full tawakkol that Allah will take care of me, not my preparation in my good. And in the end, Allah xojo gave them victory because they had turned back from this the process and rebuke them adjust eyes them not to do this. And so eventually Allah azza wa jal did give them victory. Now the Battle of her name, brought forth with it, the largest honeymoon, war booty that the Muslims had ever conquered up until this point in time. Because when all of these tribes fled, remember from our last

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lesson what had happened, they made the very big mistake for them, but blessings for the Muslims of bringing all of their families and property and animals to the battlefield. Remember the young chieftain versus the elder chieftain, that he wanted the soldiers to fight more bravely, and the elder chieftain said, this is foolish, because a woman is not going to help you win the war, a woman back there, whereas if you lose, she will lose. But if you lose the war and your wife is still back at home, at least she is safe. But the younger chieftain was adamant and so what happened? It is estimated that at least 6000 prisoners of war were taken women and children 6000 that is a massive

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amount. Think about it. 6000 and over 24,000 camels 24,000 camels and over 40,000 goats in our times, honestly, this is like 10s of millions of dollars. Quite literally, this is a fortune, the likes of which the Muslims have never even come close to in terms of POW use in terms of animals 24,000 camels that is an astounding amount, because remember, there were 20,000 people in the army. And when they fled, you know they have their their camels with them to write on to, to to use for slaughtering and whatnot. All of this becomes the property of the Muslims and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gathered together all of the spoils of war in a valley called ga Ron. And this

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valley is well known outside of Mecca. On the way from part of America. There's a little bit of a valley, he gathered all of these spoils of war and animals here in the Battle of Ronda. And it is narrated that when the prisoners of war were being led in.

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So one of the ladies began screaming and shouting that How dare you treat me like this? Don't you know, I am the sister of your own companion.

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I am the sister of your own companion. So they said What do you mean? And she said, I am off to home in a robe. Ah, I am his foster sister. So when they heard this, they didn't know what to do. They went to the process of instead there's a lady that claims to be your sister. So he said bring her to me. And she said, I am shaimaa. Chima was the this foster sister that she had. So he said, How do I know you're shaimaa? How do I know what is the sign that you are? shaimaa you could be any lady claiming your shame. I remember he hasn't seen her for 55 years. 55 years he has not seen right 56 years. He is now 60 years old.

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He's 60. And he hasn't seen her since she was four years old. So yes, 56 years. He hasn't seen her. So So how do I know you have that Chima. So she said, I still have the mark on my back that you bid me one time I was carrying you

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saw the process and have laughed and realized this is shaimaa. And he said, I have two choices for you. Either you stay with us and we shall treat you honorably. And you shall be Beloved, or I shall give to you and you go back to your tribe. And so shaimaa wanted the gifts and go back to her tribe. And we don't know whether she accepted Islam or not. This isn't even as half an alibi healthy and other books we learn have an even more interesting narration. Unfortunately, the chain of narrators has a missing link. So it's fishy. We don't know if it's true or not. So there's 5050 chance could be true or not. But it is said that shamima brought her mother and father IE Halima and Halima his

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husband ie the foster mother and the foster father of the provinces. This is an ad hoc in other books that she brought her mother and father to visit the Prophet system. And this is not impossible, because the process right now is 5556 years old. So

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hajima would have been maybe 7778 it's reasonable, it's not unreasonable you know, to say that's not too much of a stretch that this might have happened and it is narrowed in in a very healthy and others and it is said that when Halima came the process of stood up for her he took off his own shawl, and he laid it on the ground for her is the highest honor possible, the highest honor possible that you take off your own shawl from your back and you put it on

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On the ground, and he honored her immensely and gave her many gifts. Did she accept Islam or not? The narration does not say the narration does not say whether she accepted Islam or not. Regardless, he honored his foster mother and his foster sister that is for sure. So

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hear that.

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In the Battle of Grenada, I forgot to mention only in the Battle of foreign aid. Four people died, but many were wounded. And of those who were wounded. Interestingly enough, this is the battle This is a trick question, which is the battle that all of the holder fought were wounded in it is the Battle of her name. Oba Coronavirus, Manali, they were all wounded in the Battle of her name, and all four of them stood by the prophet sallallahu. I do sell them the Battle of her name. I said this last week somebody corrected me. In fact, I was correct. The Battle of Kinane is one of only two battles that is mentioned by name in the Quran. I said this last week, but her and her name are the

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only two battles mentioned. One of you said Azov is mentioned and it flustered me because that is mentioned that I went back and I checked, a HAZOP is mentioned but not as a battle.

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HAZOP is mentioned meaning the Confederates the army that you saw, right? So Izod is not used as the name of a battle. In the Koran Azov is used as the Confederate Army who were scared of the army. The battle is not mentioned by name. And the battle is now called the Battle of azab, or the Battle of hunda. But the Quran uses a zap to refer to the army. You were scared or the one we're scared of the army. So in terms of battle, Allah says what Yama who Nene and Allah says whatever the Nasir Allahu be bedded In one, two, Adela. So in terms of naming battles, the haoran names only two bottles, butter, and her name. And there are so many parallels. In fact, honestly, I could give a 20 minute

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tangent just about the parallels, but I'm not going to because inshallah each one of you can think about them. So many parallels between bud and her name. The main parallel between mother and her name is that the both of them were manifest victories, amazing victories, brother, spiritual victory, and her name financial victory, brother is a moral boost. And her name is a material boost. And Allah helped you in both of them with sending angels down. And in both of them the ultimate victory was from Allah, they both tried their best and then in the sorry, in both incidents, they tried their best and then Allah subhana wa tada helped them. So the prisoners of war and the animals

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were kept at Jerry Ronna and the Prophet system put a guard there an armed guard at the head of the valley. Because these are a lot of property here, the Bedouins would be interested to get them back, and he made his way out to tarrif. So

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we need to understand, generally speaking, the scholars of Sierra combined two separate incidents in one, they say the zoo of her name, and the hisar of thought if the Battle of her name and the siege of thought if, in fact, they are two separate incidents, but they occurred quite literally one after another. There was the battle in the fields of her name, then from her name, literally the prophets are sort of marched onto thought if and laid siege to the city. So there are two separate incidents, but since they occur back to back, and since the enemy is common thief, you always find it lumped together the Battle of her name and the seat of authority if so much so that people scholars have

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differed, should we count these two as one or these one as two? If you go back to the very beginning of our series, there was a 20 minute discussion how many battles of the process and participated remember that and one of the opinions is printed, and then thought of counters to battles and other opinions that no arena life is one battle. So all of this is comes back to this issue here. Depends on how you want to classify so far it was not a battle, it was a siege. They laid siege to the city and thought if when they marched onto it so they arrived at the last week of chawan now remember thought it is a city that is nestled in the mountains. It's a beautiful city. It has a weather that

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it doesn't it's there is no semblance of desert and thought if thought if is a green luscious place. I'm sure some of you have been there. You would never think you're in the desert. There are streams because it's in the top of the mountain their streams. They have their natural water, they have luscious fruits, grapes over there, you get grapes and five, there's a lot of grapes. So but if it's not like the barren valley of Mecca, and the people have thought I've always competed with the people of Mecca, they felt themselves superior, but they didn't have one thing that the people of MK had and that is the cab. They cannot compete with the cab. But what did they compete with? wealth

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and money, finances and fortification. They have plenty

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have money and plenty of time. So what did they do, they had fortified their city with massive walls. And they also had built instruments to defend against any attack. And these instruments or these weapons were unique to them. For example, they had things on the tops of the walls to throw burning oil on, you know, they have these things that they I don't know what you call them, burning oil cauldrons, I don't know, but something they would throw onto the people. So all of this is prepared, right, the turrets on the top, all of this is prepared. You don't find this in any other city in Arabia, this is not something you're going to find. So the people of five have this luxury,

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they had prepared for war. And they had stashed, and they had stocked supplies for almost a year inside their city. And they have running water, and they have fruits and whatnot. So they were prepared to last an entire year. And it is clear that the people have thought if we're thinking long term that they were preparing to attack the process of for many months, and therefore they had prepared the city in this way. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from when he heard of the people have given her wasn't attacking from Makkah, he sent two or three people to another tribe. And these were the most rude and violent, Urban salema, he sent them to another tribe, the tribe of

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Judah, in order to learn specific instruments of war that the Muslims had never used before. of them is the catapult. The Muslims had never used a catapult and the first Muslim to ever use a catapult was our Prophet Sall, Allahu Allah, he was setting them. Never before in the history of

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warfare in that part of the world, kind of, you know, y'all know, catapult you put boots on the back and throw it out? Right. So he sent two or three of the Sahaba to a special expedition from Makkah. And it is because of this, this Sahaba that he sent did not participate in her name. Now, by the way, this shows us what does it show us?

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preparation foresight strategy, the process is thinking three steps ahead. In MCC, he's already thinking what if I have to lay siege to life. And that's exactly what happened. So when he comes to talk, if those have come back, after they've learned how to build a catapult, and they also learn how to build

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the rotting Rams. So the battering rams that to you, you you better the the the you hit the wall of the city, you hit the the door of the city, so they learned how to build that. And the third thing, they learned three things. The third thing they learned, I don't know these names in English. It's like a large shield that men walk under to get to the to get to the the wall.

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A turtle, okay. It's called the turtle. Okay. So I don't know the arts of war. So NSA and the government people, I don't know, the arts of wars to make sure I can say so I'm completely jaded about warfare. So it's called what's called a Turtle, turtle.

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Okay, a turtle shell. Yeah, it's a large, large thing that lots of men come under. And they and the reason they do that is because of the burning oil. The reason they do this because of all of the weaponry on top. So they they learned how to build that. So these are the three things they learned how to build. And by the time the profitsystem gets to thought, if so the group of people that he has sent comes back, and for the first time ever, a catapult is built by the Muslims, right outside the city of life. That's what you call preparation. That's what you call foresight. And the Initially, the Sahaba camped at a certain area, and they were showered with volleys after volleys of

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arrows. And so the prophets has commanded them to go back to another location. And so they went to another location. And that location eventually went for if accepted Islam, they built a Masjid at that location exactly where the process of them camped. And to this day, that Masjid is the main Masjid of the city of authority. It is called machine even robots. Anybody who's been taught life who has been tough anybody? So how did you see them? Most of the ribbon our bus if you went to any large messages, and thought if that is the message Yes, exactly. Exactly that large message as soon as you enter these days, the messages inside the city. But when the Prophet system camp, the machine

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is obviously outside the city, okay? These days that Masjid is a part of the city because the city has expanded. But when the Profit System camp they're the most used is outside the city. So he camped at that place which is known as the masjid even at bus right now. And then began the partial siege then began the siege of the city of a thought if and the Sahaba tried a number of attempts to do very various things on one occasion.

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They use the the turtle to come close to the walls of the city. But apparently, maybe it wasn't built the proper way or whatever, but the burning oil got through. And it burnt many of them, they fled out under from under the turtle. And lo and behold, then the showers of arrows began. And they lost a number of people in this incident. And the Muslims grew a little bit desperate what is to be done now? Because how do you attack the city with thick walls? What can you do the battering rams did not work, the catapults caused some damage, but it's not going to cause the door to open. So they just waited out there. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam suggested that let us leave

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the people of God for now come back at another time. But some of the Muslims were adamant and they said the other sort of law are you going to leave them now after we're so close, they had tasted the victory of Mecca, there tasted the victory of her name. Now they're on a roll basically, let's just keep on doing it. So when he saw that they wanted to stay, so he allowed them to stay, and they should have listened to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but they wanted to remain and try one more time. And they resorted to a tactic that is allowed in Islam under extreme circumstances.

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And that is they started burning the crops, the agricultural produce decided burning the land,

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you know, the produce outside the city walls. Now, burning a land basically means you cannot grow on it for decades. You're ruining it for a very long time. And this is very harmful, generally speaking, and they were desperate days are going by nothing's happening, clearly, they're not going to win the siege. So this is like an emotional warfare. And when the people have a thought if saw this, they started begging and pleading from the from the rooftops that we ask you by Allah, and by our blood, because at the end of the day, they all go back to Iran and whatnot, you know, by Allah and by our blood, and by our rights of neighbor ship, at least don't do this. I mean, come on,

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you're killing us. But don't, don't, you know, burn our agriculture, right, because it was more difficult for them, you know, then the loss of life, because this is their livelihood for generations to come. And so when they begged and pleaded in this manner, the processing relented, and he forbade them from burning any more agricultural produce. And he also made an announcement, the processor made an announcement that anybody who comes and joins us shall be protected. If you come over to our side, you will be protected. And any slave who leaves and joins us, you're automatically going to be free. So obviously, this is freedom for slaves, many of them joined the

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ranks of the Muslims in the middle of the night, they snuck outside, and they joined the army, and they became Muslims. And they converted. Perhaps two dozen or more people slowly in the course of the next few days, came down and converted and joined the site of the Muslims. But by and large, the, the city remained the same. The Muslims really did not know what to do. And another mini skirmish not a skirmish, but another mini, you know, massacre takes place with the volleys and whatnot. And the Sahaba. Once become demoralized once more, and the process and for the second time says, Let us go on. And this time, they quietly agree without any putting up any fight. They quietly

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agree. How long did you say and how long did you put the CGN apart if there are so many opinions and it's really confusing, some say 20 days, some say 13 days, some say 40 days, some say two weeks, there seems to be a lot of disparity here. But Allah knows best what seems to make the most sense. If you look at the entire narrative of the Sierra, he probably stayed there less than two weeks, less than two weeks after conquering her name after the conquest of Grenada. He goes to tarrif he comes outside probably 12 days, 11 days 13 days at max and then realizing this is not going to last he suggests to them after a few days Let's go there insisted we want to try one more time, call us

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try then the last few more lives and they became demoralized. Then he said let's go the quiet they said okay, let's go. So after this time, he returns back to Atlanta, where the the war booty and the honeymoon was and before he left this is the famous incident narrated in many famous books of Hadith. before he left the Sahaba said Yasuda Allah make dua against thief This is too much now what they have done, make dua against the thief. So the Prophet says and raised his hands and everybody raised their hands like now we're going to destroy the people of the thief. And he said a lahoma detective. Allah have mercy with a thief Allah guide the people of thief will not bring the people

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of beef to us. And he made up for them rather than against them. And of course, from this incident before we move on from this incident, I mean, obviously we learned the importance

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So Shura, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to leave. But when he saw the younger Sahaba, wanting to stay, he allowed them to stay. And this shows us that a wise leader never forces his decision on to others. A wise leader never acts like a dictator. Even though he is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he doesn't act in this unilateral fashion. And we have seen this throughout the entire serum. It also shows us that the Sahaba should have listened to him the first time that he knows best, but nonetheless, they did not do so. The another thing that shows us obviously His mercy for the people of his compassion for them, that why would he not ask for

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forgiveness for the second time when he's done it for the first time, and they did to him worse back then than they're doing now? After all, that was the same city that kicked him out the same city that bloodied and bruised him, the same city that tortured him, why would he not asked for the same forgiveness again? And Allah answered his da, Allah answered his drop the shows us the goal of Islam is not vengeance and blood. The goal of Islam is mercy and guidance. The goal of Islam is not just to kill even your enemies, if anybody deserved to be killed, now it is stuck if after they have done after the conquest of Makkah, they're still being stubborn. If anybody deserves it, it is still our

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profit system is hopeful, overleg guide that people have felt a whole lot bring them to Islam. And it is amazing. Some of the same people that tortured him 20 years ago, 15 years ago, are still in Salif, they're still they're still he makes for them for the second time, of the greatest lessons that I think really is very profound, is that

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this world, what we learn from this, this world is never a world of ultimate victory.

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Look at our Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, in his greatest moment of glory, he does not get five.

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He's one marker, you would expect life is like, just the icing on the cake, go for it. But no, because this world is a world of tests. It's a world of tribulation, this world is not going to be a bed of roses, you're just not going to get one thing after another. No, you're going to get some you're going to get deprived of others. Even in his moment of glory, our Prophet salallahu idea he was sent them were shown that you're not going to get everything. And he had to suffer. The Sahaba had number the the seizure of a thought I've had at least four times the casualties, the Battle of pronated, the siege of five had more casualties in the Battle of running. And the profitsystem was

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not able to win over the city have a thought if and therefore if this is the case with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you win some you lose some, you're not going to win everything. And even if you're on a winning streak, it's going to be a temporary streak. And if this is the case with Rasulullah sallallahu, it was send them How about us? Do we really think that call us everything will be easy for us? No. And just because you lose one doesn't mean Ally's angry at you. Doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. It just means this is life. This is how we'll test you. It is the era that is gender, not this world. Also of the benefits we learn here is our Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam does not have any problems, learning technology or sciences or whatnot from anybody. He sends the Sahaba to a tribe far away. Whether they're Muslim or not, we don't even know most likely they weren't Muslim, he sends them to a tribe to gain this tactic this knowledge and to come back and to benefit the Muslims with knowledge is universal. It's not just Islamic, and anybody who has any beneficial knowledge we take from them that beneficial knowledge and then we apply it and this also shows us that our religion and that hamdulillah our religion is generally free of such ideologies, sometimes you find them but our religion is not anti science or anti technology or anti

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modern progress whatever is of benefit we will take it as long as it does not change the fundamentals of our religion and of the benefits as well is the use of psychological warfare two things in this battle number one, calling out to the slaves and to the nobleman calm and we will protect you calm and we will for you. This is psychological tactic and then number two, the issue of burning the crops burning the the produce, and still he relented so deep down inside, he's got a soft spot for them deep down inside. So he took it a little bit when he saw them begging and pleading and whatnot, even though they're trying they're killing him and whatnot. Still, he has a

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soft spot and he province prevents the Sahaba from continuing with burning of the crops, but it shows us the also that it is allowed in extreme times to do something of this nature, even though obviously it's not that something that is encouraged. In any case, let us return now to where the process is in return. And that is G Juana Geodon is a famous plane to this day is called Gerona. If you ever come from five to Makkah, you will pass by the value of j Juana and

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He now returned to this valley where in front of him were literally the largest treasures 10s of millions of dollars in our times 1000s, as we said, of camels, 10s of 1000s of sheep and whatnot. And the prophets, I send them camped at guarana waited for more than a week. In other words, he waited in a thought if he probably was 1213 days here, he waited a week. So a total of 20 to 25 days since the actual Battle of her name, almost a month, he waited, what was he waiting for, he was waiting for the tribe of housing to come back and negotiate a settlement for their property and their families. Because in the end of the day, these are their families. These are their women and

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their children. And he wanted the husband to come and accept Islam. And if they accepted Islam, what would happen,

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everything will be returned back to them.

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You understand this point? If they accept Islam, everything will be returned back to them. Now, in our times with our Western mindset, we will immediately ask what will we ask?

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Human Rights?

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Exactly that these people are being bribed with Islam?

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This the immediate thing that comes to the minds of many of us, these people are being bribed to accept Islam.

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And the response to this is what?

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Yes, Yes, they are. So what? Anything, because and here's the point, we are speaking from the paradigm of truth, Islam is the truth.

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And we will use anything that is halal, as long as not forced, in the end of the day, it's not being forced on them. Obviously, anybody will want Islam if he will get his money and his wife and children back, right.

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There's no buddy that will say, I'm not gonna be a Muslim, keep my wife and kids and keep my money. And I'm not everybody will say this. Okay, everybody, but then what? When he takes his wife and child when he takes the money, and he has to live in doubter, Islam, and he has to pretend to be a Muslim, what's going to happen?

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Islam will enter his heart, Islam will enter his heart, because that's the whole difference. From our perspective, we are speaking from a paradigm of truth. And we will give that truth as long as it's not coerced, with whatever bribe is necessary. Because once that bribe is taken, and Islam is tasted, eventually Islam will become more beloved than anything else. And this is the reality that we see around us as well. And I've given an example that is more known to us here in America. And that is the phenomenon of marriage conversion. The phenomenon of marriage conversion is very common, that many times a man or a woman falls in love with a Muslim. And initially, they're told Okay, you

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have to be a Muslim if you want to marry so and so. And so they embrace Islam, reluctantly or half willingly or whatever, then what happens there, Islam typically become stronger than the Islam of the one born a Muslim, right? This is this is a

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phenomenon that all of us are familiar with. It's a phenomenon that is a real phenomenon happened to somebody in your family as well, probably. That's

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that is a true point will lie. It's a true point, it is something that is we have to admit it is a true point, there. That's the point from our perspective, it is the truth and and then from there, and others are not. Another point is also that

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never has a person been bribed into a faith, or I should say, a group, not a person. And then they've retained that faith for generations as a society except for Islam.

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That if you accept a religion, because of food, because of free whatnot, you might accept it for a while, but then your children or even when this group leaves, then you will go back to your previous faith. And it's very true that missionary work in Muslim lands for the last 70 years, 80 years it began missionary work began in the 1880s, actually 130 years ago, and missionary work has been an utter and dismal failure

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in large segments of the Muslim world, there has never been mass conversion away from Islam. Never. And this is something you can go and check it yourself.

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Right. So it is true. Well, I it's true. Let's be frank here that from their perspective is the same thing. Okay? That's that is. But from our perspective, one religion is true, the other isn't. And the true religion will enter the heart. And the one that's not true will not enter the heart. And we see this, as we said, and not just in these laws and many laws of Islam. And here's the point, you know me by now, I don't sugarcoat things, you know me by now, I, I think sugarcoating or showing a false perspective will harm us in the long run, let us be honest and deal with the consequences. Let us be honest, so that nobody can accuse us of stuff without being double faced, or whatnot, our

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religion believes itself to be true. And it acts in that manner. And therefore there are incentives to convert, right, let's keep the q&a to the NFL level, every time it has incentives to convert, these incentives are built into it, right? There's no denying this. And here's an incentive that the process of patiently waiting more than a month for the people of ours into come back. Who can tell me where it has this occurred before, when a group has converted and they got back everything.

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Bundled was funded by an animal startup in Medina and London was thought of right when the processor married.

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Julia, and the entire tribe is freed. Because and, and God his father goes back the chieftain of the tribe, with his property with the tribe to the same village. Everything is status quo, except now they're Muslim. This has already happened before. And so the process and wants the same thing to happen to how was it but they don't come back. And people are eager now gets Where's my money? That's your question. No, okay. The people are eager. Where's my shear, right? I want my shear. Now, here's the point now, so according to Islamic law, in such circumstances, the there's the the rules of aneema are

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a little bit complicated, I don't have time to go into those anymore, but

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the army will get a certain percentage divided equally. And this type of running by that is left behind is up to the ruler, or the halifa. What to do with it. So there's different types of minima does aneema that is, that is the armor of the person that has been killed the the weapons of the personality code, that's a separate one, then the property that's left behind in the camps, that is a separate hernia. And that has separate rulings pretending to it. And this, these 10s of millions are actually from that type of minima, that the soldiers don't get a share of that type of minima. The shoulders soldier is going to have a different type of minima. So this is completely up to the

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discretion of the professors on what to do. And what did he do? He began to give the largest gifts that have ever been seen in Islam to specific people, one by one by name, choosing them so and so come forward and get this get that get this get that is half lifts, lists, up to a dozen people, most of whom were from the kurush such as Abu sufian. Remember also fancy man how it was in the conquest of Mecca? Right, shaky, right. He gave Abu sufian 100 camels at a time when most of the people of Makkah didn't even have a single camel.

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Having a camel is a very big deal. It means you are upper middle class to have one Campbell. He gave him 100 camels. This is a fortune to have. And he gave so far they've been over a year. The one who's still not a Muslim has a two month grace period, he gave him 100 Campbell's from the tribe of Walter fan reunion Eben Hassan, who was one of the the holy over the very course Bedouins but he has a massive tribe behind him. He gave him 100 camels from the tribe of Timmy up in Nigeria, a lot driving habits, gave him another 100 camels and so on and so forth. And he gave large gifts to Maui, the son of Abu sufian, who was to become the founder of doumbouya dynasty, and to the full brother

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of Abu Jahan had had him in his Sham, basically, so many of the dignitaries have the courage to go back with fortunes, perhaps up to 60 to 70 people were given massive fortunes. And the Mahajan as well. All of them Mahajan, were given some of the shares of this booty not as big as 100 camels but they're getting the shares of this booty. And the one group that was left completely untouched with this booty was the unsought

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the unsolved were given basically nothing out of that. Remember, they were given the other share, not this, which is the big share. They weren't given and what is going to happen, human nature kicks in, and some of the younger Sahaba of the unsired began murmuring and it clearly mentions the younger ones, none of the senior ones, some of the others.

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congregants began murmuring, and they say when there is war we are told to come. And when there is beauty and money,

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we are nowhere to be found.

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And another one said, May Allah forgive Rasulullah Yellowfin Allahu rasulillah.

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He gives to the kurush and leaves us, even as our swords are dripping with their blood

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he gives to the Quraysh and leaves us and yet our swords have their blood still dripping fresh on them. So it's human nature, money is money, well, why money is money.

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And don't think me and you would have done any better. Money is money. And you see people getting fortunes, and you think they are enemies of Allah.

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And you know, you are you're fighting them the other day wanting to kill them. And now they go with the fortune. Literally imagine 10 million here, 5 million there, and you're left nothing. Right. And the Sahaba, the younger ones began to remember until finally, sadly bitten by the the senior of the unsought, he politely requests audience with the process of them. And he kind of hints at them that they are a pseudo law there are you know, you need to basically deal with this there are, there's a sentiment that you need to do within the shows as the wisdom of Saturday as well, that and it shows us his emotion as well. Like he's not complaining, but he's not. At the same time he realizes

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there's a legitimate issue that you need to deal with out of school of law, and the process of asks him want, where do you find yourself.

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And he is put in a bit of a quandary. And he says, I am one of my people.

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I can't help it. I mean, I am one of my people. We are feeling the sentiment, but you need to solve this. So it looks really amazing here. He is a human but is the man is in the skies. Well, life's amazing. Look, you know, he goes to the Profit System trying to solve this problem not to complain, but still deep down inside, he's also having the same,

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the same desire, and even his response. In the end of the day, I am one of my people. And so he says, Bring all of them unsought. And make sure nobody is in our tent except the answer. Nobody is in this tent except the onslaught. So they crammed until there was no space at all. And people are outside listening in from the inside, only the inside. And the prophets are some gave one of the most powerful lectures ever to the unsought which is full of praise of the unsought one of the most powerful lectures of the unsought that, he said, that if all of mankind were to go in one direction, and the Ansel were to go in another direction, I would go with the unsought. And he said, Lola,

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hegira, the consumer and minute onsolve were it not for the hegira I would be from the unser meaning, I can't help it. I'm born in Mecca. But if I could, I would have basically been from the unsought. And he said, I give to some people, because I fear for their greed and their desires. And I don't give to others because I trust that what Allah has given in their hearts, that fortune is more than what I can give them.

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And he said, the Quraysh is still new to Islam, and I wish to comfort them by bringing them close to me. And he said, Oh, Allah, Allahu Mohammed on solid webinars on solid webinars. On slide, Allah have mercy on the unsolved and the children of the unsolved and the children of the children of the unsought. And he said, at the very end, a line that shook them to their core, and the room began to cry until their beards were wet. And he said that, are you not happy that people go back with sheeps and camels and goats? And you go back home with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam? Are you not happy that people are going with money and wealth and goats and camels. And when we go back to

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Medina, you will have me in your midst, and they began to cry so much? And they said, well, then I'd be like, Robin, what will Islam be dnn? Well, because we're in the bay and we're content with Islam and with you Yasuda law. And so, the prophet system, calm them down. And it really shows us the unsought. And the status of the unsought really shows us that he didn't give them a single penny. Why? Because what Allah had given them was more precious than what he could give them, didn't give them anything. He literally said, what Allah has given you is better than anything you could be given of a man and and have to work with and that is why hope will unsightly mirror image This is a

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hadith that loving the inside as a part of a man and hating the inside is a sign of hypocrisy and nifa. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took care of this now we know in fact, these are called more or less at equilibrium. These are called more or less at Hulu, boom. Boo boom is a category you're allowed to give the cat even to them, even Zakat you can give them and will laugh at you

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Boom are those whose hearts you need to bring close? There are those people, money sways them. Money sways them. And these were the people that money swayed. And this is exactly what happened. So Fine, even omega is the classic example. This is when he converts to Islam now, not in the conquest of Makkah, not in her name, not in the siege of thought, if When does he convert? Right now, when the money comes pouring in.

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Because he realizes that this man cannot be a man of this world. He realized it's not possible. No matter how rich you are, you don't just hand over and over and over. You know, all of these 10s of millions. By the time the Prophet system was done, not one single penny went to his pocket. It's humanly impossible for anybody to live like this. This is a sign that he's a true prophet. And so if one said, that will lie, the prophet system gave to me when he gave, and he was the most despised person on earth to me, but he continued to give and give and give and give, until he became the most beloved person to me. It's human nature, that such generosity will sway the heart. And Hakeem even

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his arm as well, the famous Sahabi again, who converted in fact, a moko, you know, converted, yeah, and a little bit ambivalent. But now all of this is going to become strong, had given him in his arm, that the process of him gave him some, and this is free money, he's getting more money than he's ever had in his life. So he said, he said he wanted he wanted some more the process we gave him, so give me some more of the process and gave him three times and he kept on giving. So he's thinking every time I asked, he's gonna give me so keeps on asking until finally the fourth time, the process of them said, Yeah, hacking, oh, hacking, in the habit, man, hello to hadera. So

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beautiful Hadith. This money is sweet and luscious and green, green color, green,

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and our times even more so. This money is sweet and luscious and green. And whoever takes it with an open and generous hearts. Boudicca houfy Allah will give him blessings. But whoever takes it, wanting greediness and more and more and more, then this is like and he gave the method in Arabic. The one who eats and is never satisfied with the Yakuza, he was saying in Arabic, and in English, he would basically be the one who keeps keeps on wanting and never is satisfied with what he has. So in other words, he's telling Hakeem or Hakeem, if you have money, be generous, Allah will be generous with you. Don't be stingy and greedy and beg for more than you will also be shown stinginess and

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greediness. So when Hakeem heard this, he said, they are a pseudo law. I will never ask anybody for any money after this. And for the rest of his life, and he lived a long life. He never once asked anybody for anything. After this Hadith, it really shook him, like the process and basically said, you know, and the Hadith goes on, that Allah will find a lot more standard for confini. Under Akiva Dameron, Allah will put you in charge to see what you are doing with your money. Every Monday you have you have to answer for it's not as if it's going to be without any accountability. So Hakeem promised you would never ask for any more money. And it was in this time when the converts began

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coming in from the the Bedouin tribes and whatnot. And people simply wanted money, money, money, that's all they wanted. And they're converting for the money, because these are for the people who want to convert. And this is when people are converting, and we have at least six or seven incidents here of people asking for money. And you've heard some of these in the various hold buzz and oodles of them is the the the chieftain of the better when he comes and he grabs the profitsystem by the color, and he Yanks The, the the color of the process and, and he says, Give me some of this money that you are giving to others. Give me some of this money that you have. And so the profitsystem

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smiled and said, Give him some of the money and he got his share as well. And in one occasion, the Bedouins surrounded him begging for and clamoring for money, money money or until he was literally his back was against the thorny bush. And he's trying to basically take always stay away from the mob mentality crowd. And he goes to the bush and the upper garment of his basically become stuck on the on the shrubbery. And he's surrounded by these veterans basically begging for money. And this was at the very end when the money had all been finished. Now, now they're coming to at the end and it's all been finished. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he became irritated at this and

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it is human nature. There's nothing wrong. after so many days of begging to show a little bit of exasperation, we would have lost it from the first day. Our processing was slightly frustrated and there's nothing wrong

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With this, it does not go against the perfection of being a human to become frustrated. And he said return my garment to me for will la heat if I had as many thorns as the shrubs around us. So they're in the, the, you know, the the land of shrubs, as many camels as the shrubs around, you would have found me to give the last one of them to you, I would not keep anything for myself. And you will have found me to be a generous person not stingy or miserly. In other words, you think I don't have anything to give you. But right now, I don't have anything to give you. And it is also here where that famous incident occurs, which is a theological tangent, where the beginnings of ultra

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fanaticism come into play, where the beginnings of ultra fanaticism, how degenerate mentality come into play, that this is when a man came with a scraggly beard and a large forehead. And he came to the prophet SAW the sentiment he said, Yeah, Mohammed, so instead of and you do not address the process with his first name, here, Mohammed, here.

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Be fair in this money,

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meaning you're not giving me as much as I deserve. And the profitsystem said way, heck, Woe to you, woman out there who will be just if I am not just on this earth. And he said, this is a FISMA This is a distribution that you are not doing for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And the prophets are seldom said, Will you not trust me, when the one who isn't the heavens trusts me?

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You are not going to trust me to think that I don't know how much to give to whom, that I'm not being fair when the one in the heavens has trusted me. And the man basically, you know, harshly walked away. And this is really good. And Cofer. And that is why Omar obviously suggested the Omar tactic and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refused, and said

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Woe to me, if the people start saying that I kill my own companions, wrote to me, if the people start saying that I killed my own companions, and then he said, the famous statement include German, literally had from his ilk, from his type will come from his, not necessarily progeny, but from that mentality will come a group of people that will recite the Koran, but it will not leave their throats meaning it's an Arabic expression, they won't understand it. And you will think that their Salah is better than your Salah, and their zakka is better than your zecca. And their

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tilawat are their actions of worship is better than your actions of worship, yet, they will leave Islam, like an arrow leaves the target once it has hit it, it goes through, they will leave Islam.

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And he said these people are the worst of the people.

01:02:59 --> 01:03:37

And in one version, the word hostage is used, but a lot of that had it is so high or not. But the name hostage eventually was called to them. And these were the ultra fanatics and we still have them around to this day, where quite literally they will kill innocent people. And yet they are in their views praying to God running around and whatnot, they have this type of overzealous Uber, you know, fanatic mentality where killing of blood is a trivial matter to them. But they will be very careful about the food they eat and the right hand they're going to eat with so you know, it's really is a fanaticism. And many of us are aware of these types of people or some of us have dealt with them in

01:03:37 --> 01:04:17

the past and the process and said these types of people will come until the day of judgment. And this was the prototype where he literally thinks he is more righteous than the Prophet. So some think about that. Think about that. He thinks he's holier than Rasulullah saw them saying you don't know how to give money properly or not just I can do a better job than you. They think about that, right? That's exactly the type of mentality that exists in the ultra fanatics of our times. And they are prevalent in certain places. And, frankly, they are amongst the jihadist groups there are amongst these types of terrorist groups that quite literally think it's trivial to shoot to spill

01:04:17 --> 01:04:36

blood, and yet in their own lifestyles, they think that they are super fanatic and pious and whatnot. Nonetheless, this occurs in the Battle of or in the distribution of jihad Ronna. Now one of the interesting things here, I find very interesting. So the Prophet says, when the Bedouins came, when they're

01:04:37 --> 01:04:49

harsh with him, sometimes he's laughing and gentle. Sometimes he gets a little bit irritated, but he never actually gets genuinely angry. But when this guy comes,

01:04:50 --> 01:04:53

this is now not just rude anymore.

01:04:54 --> 01:04:56

This is not even it's theological.

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

You cannot

01:05:00 --> 01:05:06

challenge the status of Rasulullah saw Salah you cannot accuse him of not being sincere.

01:05:07 --> 01:05:50

This is not personal anymore. This is theological. The line was crossed, the Bedouin comes and he Yanks the shirt and he says give me some money. Okay, this is greed. overlook it be gentle, right? The Bedouins common they're surrounding him give us money, money, money, money, okay? He gets a little bit flustered solar send them I said, If I had I would give I can't I What do you want me to do. But now this man comes. And he accuses the Prophet system of basically not being a just profit, you cannot remain silent this, you cannot allow this to go. The Mohammed Nobu, whether the status or the the the sanctity of the Prophet says it cannot be overlooked in this manner. And therefore, he

01:05:50 --> 01:05:55

said Woe to you, if I am not going to be just who is going to be just in this world.

01:05:56 --> 01:06:39

And he's not defending just himself, he is defending, the more common the blue, you understand this point, this is not a personal issue that you insulted me. This is an issue of a large soldier choosing a person who is appropriate to be a messenger. And when you challenge that status, you are challenging a lot. It's not a trivial point here. And that's why he said, You are not going to trust me and the one in the heavens has trusted me. That's why he has to now go on to the very clear cut, you have crossed the line with this. And when Omar said I want to execute him, he did not defend him. No, maybe there's some good in him, no, that guy has crossed the line. Why was he not executed?

01:06:39 --> 01:06:47

That's another benefit we extract for the greater good of the community not for his good.

01:06:48 --> 01:07:33

This is an interesting point here. He was not defend, remember, go back a few lectures when how to the one who did battle the instead of Mecca right when he sent the letter, the process of defended how to he said how to pass a man how to visibility, how to this fall into major this guy, he was not defended at all, because he has crossed a line. And that line is to mock out you don't do that, you do not go to that level of challenging them a common Naboo. You This is something that cannot emanate from a heart of even the slightest bit of a man, you can commit a sin, you can do this, you can even commit murder, and you still have even you cannot mock a law, or make fun of the messenger

01:07:33 --> 01:07:48

or the status of the messenger and then have a man it's not possible. And so this man, he was not defended. But what did the process of him say? I have to think of the broader picture basically, right. And this shows us a very important point as well. Look in our religion,

01:07:49 --> 01:08:31

PR exists. There are some amongst us that are very hardcore. And like I don't care what anybody says, this is how we're going to follow it. No, it is the help. But you also have to think of the broader image. You also have to think what will people say? Because that's exactly what our processes have said, What will people say? What will they think if I kill my own companions? Let not the people say that I killed my own companions, right. And this also shows us that there's something very important point of azula, to confirm, there's something called Muslim and Muslim that means the greater good of the community. Sometimes you want a course of action that is good. But for the

01:08:31 --> 01:09:04

Muslim, or for the greater good, you will not go on this course and then sacrifice it for the greater good of the community. And this is an example that perhaps his penalty was death. But for the greater good of the community, you will overlook this, because what will the people say? What will the rumors spread amongst the people, oh, he kills his own people, they're going to twist it, they're going to be misinterpreted. So it's best not to do that, of course of action. And there are many evidences for this as well. For example, we'll come back to this in the one week returns to Makkah.

01:09:05 --> 01:09:42

Another famous example, which is really the most significant or the easiest to understand the profitsystem complaint that the Quraysh have not built the cab upon the proper foundation. If you remember when the flood happened, and Cabo was not it was a squared autocue remember, remember, go back three years or so the cabin is a rectangle, right? The the cab is a rectangle, sorry, not not to square. Right. And they didn't have fun. So what did they do? They made it shorter, and they just put a mark there. The Quraysh were the first people to ever do this. Otherwise, before this time, it was a rectangle. So the process of complaint

01:09:43 --> 01:09:59

is like, look what your people have done, even though it's his people, but now he's like, look what your people have done. And he says, Well, basically, you're in charge now. Why don't you rebuild it upon the foundation of Ibrahim. So what did he say? Because your people are brand new Muslims.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:42

I would have done that. But Eman is still fresh and I'm going to destroy the cabin rebuild it, there's going to be a very big deal for them. So I'll let it be as it is. So because he left it, it has remained that way, basically for 14 centuries, except for five, six years in the time of the liveness obey. And the early omega time that when he heard this Hadith, he actually did destroy the Kaaba. And he then built upon the foundation of Ibrahim, and then when Abdullah Malik ibn Marwan is in it, of the medic, even more one when he conquered Mecca from Evansville. So then he destroyed it, and then built it upon the foundation that was originally and then when the next halifa came. Then

01:10:42 --> 01:11:25

the next clip asked Mr. Maddock, shouldn't I bring it back to what it used to be because of the Hadith? and Eva Malik said, No, I don't want the Kaaba to become a toy for the hollyford. To do as they please with Let it be the fifth club in Monaco as well, that ideally, it should be a square, rectangle, sorry. Ideally, it should be a rectangle upon the foundation of the brain. Right. Ideally, that's what the processor wanted. But he realized that it's gonna cost too much fitna. So let it be. So because of this, basically, it has remained that way. This is called Musleh. High basically. And this evidence shows us here that he did not execute this. We call him proto hottie

01:11:25 --> 01:11:42

gite. Because he's not yet quite cottage, right? But he's the one who from that mentality will come. After all of this, you have to quickly wrap up. So I'll just try to wrap up in five minutes. So after all of the war, booty has been distributed, guess what? How was in comes

01:11:44 --> 01:12:22

too late. After it's all he's waited one month since the battle almost. And Fair enough, you know, and the people are clamoring all the time the money is there. They wanted, they want it, they want it right. He's waited one month. Well, after that by a few days, they come and they basically have decided to embrace Islam, and hoping that it's still not too late. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it's too late now, but choose between your wealth and your families. Let's see what I can do for you. You want your money or you want your wife and kids basically, they said you had a sort of law, you're expecting us to choose between these two, of course, we want our families. So he

01:12:22 --> 01:12:52

said, Okay, this one we're going to do after salata tomorrow, because they're Muslim. Now, they've all accepted Islam, after salata door. So you will stand up in front of all of the people and ask to have your families given back to you, and ask intercession from me for the Muslims. ie because now hold on a sec, maybe you don't know what's going on. So these prisoners of war have now been taken by

01:12:53 --> 01:13:18

the fighters. Right? And that's worth a lot of money, as you can understand. So the people now want the process to choose one, you can't have both. Now, I can't ask everybody to give everything back choose either this or that. Obviously, they choose the family. So the point is, the goal is to get the families released without any money.

01:13:20 --> 01:14:02

That's a lot of money to give up. And the Profit System is saying let's try to rely on the generosity of the Muslims. That's what he's trying to do. He doesn't want to force them because they did wait. It's fair and square. It's how was his fault. They waited and they didn't come. So he says, let's do this after Salah stand up and ask that your rasulillah we asked you to be our intercessor for all of the Muslims to give our families back. And all Muslims us will intercede with rasulillah to give our families back. So this is a shefa that is allowed because it's a world Leisha, you are you go to somebody and say, Can you speak to me please, in this world is allowed. So

01:14:02 --> 01:14:16

they did as they were told, and the professor's stood up and said, As for all of the prisoners, with the bundle Abdulmutallab with my tribe, basically, I am in charge of my tribe. And so all of them are yours, take them,

01:14:17 --> 01:14:51

meaning the other leaders should stand up and started giving their tribes up as well. And that's exactly what happened. Every one of the unsolved stood up. Every one of the leaders of the unsought said ask for the ones in mind, then you too, therefore, you you're a pseudo like each one of them is giving up except for some of the new Bedouin tribes. The the Loch Raven have is basically in the arena in his son. These are like the people who had just embraced Islam and they have gotten their fortunes. They said, No, we're not going to give them for free. You can purchase them from us.

01:14:52 --> 01:14:59

And so the president said okay, I will take charge of this. I don't have any money now but as soon as the next

01:15:00 --> 01:15:36

Nema or whatnot comes, you will have the first chair and give them back to the house. And so all of the families who returned the unsought sorry did not so they didn't have the courage. And whoever else I said on Father's is incorrect, but the inside did not have the prisoners of war. They didn't get this if it's my mistake, but the kurush and the other tribes that were willing to give up to the process of them, they were given for free and some of the Bedouin tribes, especially the ones up north and nudged they were the ones that did not want to give except for money. And the President said fine, okay, you will get the money but give the families back so in the end, all of the housing

01:15:36 --> 01:16:07

did get their families back but not their properties. One final point inshallah then we will finish for today, and that is that on the way back to now Makkah so the process is returning to MCC on the way back to Makkah, when he's camped at Jared Juana, which is where this took place. This is where he wore the hat arm, and he did own Ra. For the third time in his life, memorize this, my dear brothers and sisters, we consider the process of jihad done for cameras.

01:16:08 --> 01:16:15

Three of them were real and one of them was rewarded. As for the rewarded oma this was the O'Meara of Arabia.

01:16:16 --> 01:16:26

He didn't actually do it, but Allah gave him the reward. As for the three of them, the second one was one of the units or the first is that the second is the rule of law,

01:16:27 --> 01:16:30

which is the next year.

01:16:31 --> 01:17:18

Then it is this similar to jet Ronna. When he entered Makkah, he did not do it tomorrow, because he's coming as a war warrior. As a military conqueror, he's not coming in Iran. He's wearing a middle fight. He's wearing the battle. None of the side was wearing a hat on. Now that he's coming back into mcca. Now he performs the ombre. So for 19 days he did not do anomala he's sitting there doing throw off lots of dough off lots of nothing. Nomura goes to her name goes to ta it comes back to Giovanna, then a Gerona when he distributes the booty. Now he's going back to Makkah, he wears the home, and he enters Makkah for the third time for Umbra. And then the fourth and final omura is

01:17:18 --> 01:17:22

the ombre he did in the hedge and what type of has to do Who knows?

01:17:24 --> 01:17:30

What type of Hijazi ajoutez had joked around, he did occur on Hajj, he did occur on hedge

01:17:32 --> 01:17:57

and occur on hedges when you do a hedge and an aroma, an ombre and a hedge together with one without taking it off. So he did hedge Joker on and that was the final formula that he did of his life for our processing did for him was one of them Pokemon, and three of them in actuality. And the Giana. One is the third of these four. And the issue which I know is going to raise a lot of confusion. But the sooner

01:17:59 --> 01:18:02

is to do Nomura, when you enter Makkah,

01:18:03 --> 01:18:07

not to go from Makkah and do multiple cameras.

01:18:08 --> 01:18:42

Our Prophet system and the SR Sahaba. Never did this zero times. Is it wrong? No. It's not wrong. Is it? How long knows not? How long is it bit I know it's not bitter. Don't misquote me. It is sooner. It is what our Prophet system did. For 19 days. He's sitting in Mecca. And he doesn't go out and come back and you know the the name and machine Irish and stuff that is common here, right? He never did it. And the senior Sahaba never did it. And

01:18:45 --> 01:18:56

this is something I spoke about when they did the Joomla went into a lot of detail. But I also think it is something that the sanctity of the ombre. You see when you do it every single day, it becomes cheap.

01:18:57 --> 01:19:22

What do you do remember so many times you go for five days you do 10 cameras there? No, you go for one room right? And you make it special. You feel you've done. It's a minor hedge and aroma is a minor hijack to this what a minor hedge is, right? And so you keep the sanctity of their omura by doing it in that manner. And the ultimate Sunnah is therefore to do one Amara per entry to Makkah.

01:19:23 --> 01:19:59

And you can even enter Makkah and I gave given examples. from Memphis, I find it impossible but people who live in that country who are businessmen, they will enter Makkah for many reasons. They don't have to remember every time and then hamdulillah for that, but if you want to do technically one ombre per trip is what is Sunnah. And I reiterate, if somebody insists I want to do an aroma for my mother or father. We say okay, Hola. It's not wrong. After all, our show was crying. Ayesha was in her menses and he said how is it that everybody has done a normal job but because I was my movements as I did do my ombre, what am I going to do so because she's crying the process went to

01:19:59 --> 01:19:59


01:20:00 --> 01:20:37

So he tells a man her brother called us to take her to what is mustard Ayesha and have her do an ombre and so he gives her this her own brother who accompanies her does not do a number I think about that. Her own brother who's her mom now does not do that type of number is just to console her she's crying or whatnot. So now we have people that are also crying that we want to go formula for this number for those who call us okay, if you really want to cry and go then Bismillah but those who are of wisdom in sha Allah understand in this regard are suffering I'm not and Aisha has a legitimate excuse but for us who go formula, we should not do any In my opinion, if somebody insists

01:20:37 --> 01:21:06

that is his business. And eventually final point to shala. The tribe of ltf did accept Islam exactly as the process of had made to our for the accepted Islam The next year, and we will talk about that when we get there. inshallah we will resume next Wednesday, I am not going to be here we'll be in Boston. So two Wednesdays from now he shall load data to Wednesdays from now. We will resume a shallow data. The the zero. Any questions before we break for soda? Yes.

01:21:23 --> 01:22:01

So the Prophet systems do is that he made it his lifetime. Obviously, those cannot be replicated. At the same time, there are people who have said of dreams that they saw the process of and made to offer him that the process made to offer them, we don't rule this out, cannot rule this out if the process of them comes to somebody in a dream and makes the other than hamdulillah. But it's not something that we don't base our religion around such dreams. So there's nothing that can be done. That was a blessing. They had the Sahaba that were alive, they had access to the process them and that is a blessing. We can never replicate. What can we do? Yes.

01:22:09 --> 01:22:22

That's a very good question. I will find out for you. I will find out for you as far as I recall. He did die, but let me find out for you. inshallah. Yes, good. Both of you. One after the other one has an interest first, doesn't it?

01:22:36 --> 01:22:38

Very good point.

01:22:39 --> 01:22:58

Very good point. So Hasnain says, Why didn't they help and thought if Why didn't the angels come and help in life? Why did they help with the battering ram and, and open up the door, you know, and the response is that he can follow the law you will see him and Yeshua, see, we never rely on

01:22:59 --> 01:23:19

the help of the angels. Allah will give us that help when we deserve it. And when he wants to give it to us. It Back button at her name at oughtred. They didn't take into account Allah is going to send angels down. But Allah did. So Allah azza wa jal will help us when we deserve it. And he wants to.

01:23:20 --> 01:23:52

And this is a very good example here at thought if two days later, nothing happens. Where were all the angels when we needed them, right? Somebody could have said, and the response is, Allah knows you didn't need them. Now. There's you cannot take this is not something you put into your equation. You don't calculate that. Okay? This is going to be the angels here. No, that's up to Allah Subhana, WA, tada, you do the effort. And you take the necessary steps. And those steps that Allah will want to bless will be blessed, simple as that final point that we need to break is getting very late.

01:23:57 --> 01:24:01

Is it okay not to do the right thing? Look, the

01:24:06 --> 01:24:42

that's one of the reasons good. So not to do the right thing is very vague. You can never do the harm for the community. But you have two options, one of which might be 60%. Good, the other is 50%. Good. 40%. Good. You choose the 40% good, personally, because the community will benefit more from it. Yes. You can never do that. How long for Muslims, but you have to hillels to mobilize. One of them might be closer to the truth or more appropriate in one angle, but not in another angle. This is the Muslim here.

01:24:43 --> 01:24:59

That is exactly what happened that it felt that for the Muslim community, the greater good should be that let's deal with this later on. Because taking into account potential its man will bring about a civil war that is far bigger than anything while he is throwing at me.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:05

That's what he felt and that's why he didn't do that. How would that inshallah we will break for today and I will see you in two weeks

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi makes a detailed lecture on the incidents that transpired in the battle of Hunayn.

When the Muslims were helped by the angels sent down by Allah during the course of this battle, some of them did see the angels or felt their presence and one amongst them was Jubayr ibn Mut’im who was the son of Mut’im ibn Adi.

The returns of the battle, the ghaneema was the most that the Muslims had ever laid hands upon – 24,000 camels, 40,000 goats and much more. The Prophet ﷺ accumulated all this in a valley called Ji’ranah.

When the returns of the war were being distributed amongst the Quraysh such as Abu Sufyan, Safwan etc, the Ansar had a feeling of being left out from this although they were an essential part of the battle and they were the most trusted of the lot to the Prophet ﷺ. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ senses and asks for all the Ansar to be gathered in one room. What transpires next? What does the Prophet ﷺ say to them? Does it have the desired effect? What is the wisdom in the decision made? Get all these answers by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi and take a moment to feel mesmerised by the man that Prophet ﷺ is.

The story of Shayma is next up in line for discussion and is an interesting one that is worth a listen.

The battles of Badr and Hunayn have been mentioned in the Qur’an and there are similarities of sorts in both these battles. How so? Badr was a spiritual victory and Hunayn was a financial victory. Allah sent angels down in both these Ghazwa and also, the Muslims won these battles because of the appropriate and timely assistance that was meted out to them in the difficult, trying and testing times.

The next point is the Umrah that the Prophet ﷺ did from Jiranah. How many Umrahs have been done by the Prophet ﷺ? And how did they happen? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi answers.


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