Shadee Elmasry – Purification and Prayer Class #13 1of3
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AI: Transcript ©
Oh Jessica chapter 141
Actually Daniel, I'm going blind here. Could you turn on the
Walmarts? Please? Thanks. All right
uncle read for us
page 88
Thank you
never rains during the
all right, we have a
concept here called a Webby. A web is someone who is constantly
yearning, he is a constant lover of Allah subhanaw taala.
if you're a human being and you believe in Allah, you have to you
really have to have a loving relationship with Allah. Allah
subhana which Allah is not a relationship, like a boss, a
prison guard
anything like this, you have to have a loving relationship with
your Lord, or is this what's the point? Okay, so people who truly
love Allah, okay, the sign of it is they the first sign of it, is
that they actually do what he wants them to do. That's the first
sign and they view it as a good thing. They don't view it as a bad
thing. Okay, and if they're unable to do it, they view it as their
weakness, right there weakness. If you want to see if someone loves
Allah or not.
Look at how they perceive religious duties. If they perceive
it with slothfulness, laziness, and they hate it, okay?
How could they love Allah if they hate something that he wants them
to do? Right? Also look at their own self, okay, what God has
willed for you. Because Allah has his will remember His will is two
things and you should jot this down. God's will is two things,
his his religious orders and prohibitions. That's number one.
And number two, his your life destiny, right? I am who I am,
right? I, this is who I am.
This is where I was born, all these things. My life, Destiny is
also God's will for me. If someone comes and hits my car from the
back, you gotta have a smart perspective. Perception of that,
right? Your perspective. You gotta realize, This is Allah's will.
Allah has willed that this happened for some reason. Now he
might, his religious orders may may dictate to you that you have
to do something about it. So it's not to be completely passive. But
mentally, you know, this is Allah's decree. So whoever loves
Allah always has a positive outlook at a religious orders. And
be destiny, your destiny your past. A someone who loves Allah
can never be someone who envies other people. Why? That's Allah's
Will for you. And this is Allah as well for me. Allah chose to give
some people a lot and some people less. That's not my business.
That's Allah's business. And if Allah thinks that's good, I think
that's good, too. Right? That's our perspective.
All right, envy, you'll never say, resentment.
You'll never find a lover of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada who truly
understands he'll never have resentment and carry things from
the past. You know, there's some people there's some people out
there, you do one thing to them, they'll carry it for 20 years.
Right? They'll have a nasty mom or dad, they'll carry that and that
will be what forms their future.
They'll do everything to spite something that happened to them in
the past. To give you an example.
Are you people know about Madonna? Are you out too young to know
about Madonna? Like her real stuff the real stuff that she did in the
You don't know about so.
not that like you should. Yeah.
Yeah, the her career like her major music videos, major songs.
If you notice what she does, very early on, she moved away from it
now, very early on, it was almost every music video had an anti
Catholic message.
Just like she would wear a cross, but with a bikini. Right or she
would have lyrics that were
based on Catholicism but were blasphemous at the same time. She
named herself Madonna but then call yourself the material Madonna
is one of the attributes of Mary, right.
But then she went on doing all these these things that were be
blasphemy in the sight of the Catholic Church. So when she was
asked about this, she said all this is to get back at my dad, who
was such a rough guy, you know, Italian Catholic from Long Island,
right? Rough guy, and a Catholic, staunch Catholic, he was against
everything I did. So she spends the bulk of her life getting back
at someone. This is called resentment, right? You don't let
go. And the only way you can let go is to know that everything that
happens is Allah's will. There's a wisdom but you got to find it. Um,
so lamb Rama, then wisdom is like a pearl. It doesn't float up to
the top.
Pearls pearls. In order to get a pearl from the sea, you have to
dive and you got to get through a lot of junk in the sea to get
clams. Once you get clams, you got to chuck it open. And maybe it
maybe not, you'll find a pearl, but it's worthwhile.
In the past Pearl dot pearls were so expensive before before. Men
made pearls because human beings can make pearls today, right? If
you see a pearl that's a perfect circle. It's a real pearl. But
it's man made just same same material. But a real natural
pearl. Okay, used five, five or six pearls used to allow a guy to
make a living for the rest of his year. That used to be enough to
make a livelihood for a year. Not a great livelihood, but enough.
That's how valuable pearls are. Wisdom doesn't float to the top.
You got to think you have to search. So when you ask yourself,
why is this happening to me? Right? Something bad is happening.
You got to think why is this happening? Okay?
It's not the answer is not just going to pop out of nowhere. You
have to think deeply what possible whiz? What is the possible wisdom
behind this happening. So lovers of Allah subhanaw taala, they
never hold on to things, they never have resentment. They never
had carried too much anger. They never have envy all these things.
A web is the word that we use for a true lover of ALLAH SubhanA wa
That's the word a web
and to show that he loves Allah that much. Okay. One of the things
that the llbean do is pray at two times, in which all of humanity is
very busy. And that is the early time before work. And right after
mother. Okay, before work. When does everyone leave work between
definitely after fajr and before though, that expensive time you're
leaving for work? If you were to wake up and pray 2468 12 Because
that is a sign and a testament of your love for Allah. Why at that
time, what is everyone doing? Putting a bagel in the toaster,
putting on my tie, finding my other black sock? Okay, everyone's
busy hustling and bustling. catching some emails before I get
to work. Okay, heating up my coffee, looking for my keys
every day at 9am It's craziness in every household. If you can manage
to pull out 25 seconds to make Toorak as of Salah. You have
proven something big to Allah subhanho wa taala. Likewise, after
maghrib negative time usually comes at a time where people going
for dinner, wrapping up their workday, let's say in the winter,
heading home. Alright, just winding down. And the last thing
you want to do is anything serious. You just want to get a
meal, a hot meal, a T quiet and then you know just unwind
Whoever extends their Sooners after maghrib also makes a
testimony to Allah subhanaw taala if you can make it four or six,
it's a testament to Allah subhanho wa Taala that you are true in your
love for him. Okay. So, this is what salatu a wellbeing are are.
This is what it is. Any questions on this point? Move on.
All right, let's do so lots and istikhara read want to read for us
Any major one was too
it's too it's too sharp
it's too caught up
all right, so here it goes.
A lot of people do stuff in life and it always turns out to be a
failure. Right? People make decisions. And these decisions
turn out to be failed other people in life. They make decisions. All
their decisions are good.
Have you ever met someone? Just every decision they make is a
disaster. Right? I know someone. Every major decision that they've
made in their life is a disaster. And I know other people, every
decision they make turns out good. Right? Now there's divine wisdom.
If you're someone who has trouble making decisions, ALLAH SubhanA
which Allah has, we have guidance on how to make decisions? Our
faith and our deen is so complete. We even have guidance on how to
make a good decision. Allah says I'm so damn, you need to do for
two things. Two things.
The first one's called is to Shara is to Shara is to shot on means
asking three people who would know Okay, asking three people who
would know. Okay, so if I want to get a plumber,
I have a major issue in my house. If I'm going to get a plumber, I'm
not going to ask my mom. All right, she's not going to know
what am I going to do? I'm going to get a quote from a couple
people. And you're going to ask some people who know about
plumbing. Okay.
You ask
someone who recently did plumbing in his house okay, what do you
know about this contractor friend of yours? You ask before spending
seven or $10,000 you ask? Then you pray is Takata Toorak us with the
dua that is will recite for you here. Okay?
So this is what you do. You want to enter into a business venture
with someone you need to take is to Shara and it's Takata if you
want to go into a business venture with someone who do you ask the
Prophet peace be upon him said ask the people who know that person.
Don't just go ask a stranger. Someone who if I want to go into
business with Okay, encore. Who am I going to ask? I'm not Astrid.
Juana, what does she know about encore? I'm gonna go and ask
encores boss.
What is his type of person like, I'm gonna go ask his friends that
I see him hanging out with. I'm gonna go ask his previous business
partner. You ask people that are related to that person. Okay? And
only in certain situations, there are three situations in which
you're actually allowed to say negative things. If they are true.
Marriage, business and rooming. You want to be roommates with
someone? I want to be roommate with someone? Well, let me ask his
former roommate. In this case, the former roommate is allowed to tell
me the truth. Okay, even if it's bad, it doesn't count as
backbiting. Okay? So there are three cases that don't count as
backbiting. And these are when someone takes your is to shut up
for marriage, business and a roommate. And the Prophet peace be
upon him said the best people to ask about the character of another
person are his former roommates, someone who's lived with him.
Someone who's dealt with money with him and someone who's
traveled with that person. All right. So if I want to marry
someone, let's say a dude proposes to my daughter. What am I going to
I'm not going to assess him myself. He's going to come with
his best face, right? He's going to come in and put on a good show.
Okay, I'm going to go and look up his past roommates. Right? His
past roommates. What kind of person is this guy in the house?
Is he a slob? Does he pitch in? Right? What did you see? Did you
see him engaging in any bad habits in private? Okay, or in the
privacy of his own home? I'm gonna go ask someone who's traveled with
him. Okay.
A trap. When you when people travel their true colors show why
you're on the bus or on a plane for 18 hours or 19 hours in
transit. You lose the decor and the veneer that we all have right
now. Like right now.
All of us have the veneer of certain manners, there's certain
things you're not going to do. But after, if we're stuck in this room
or on a on a plane together for 18 hours, things are going to start
changing, people will start yelling, flipping out getting
angry. Okay, start talking about things that wouldn't have
regularly talked about third category, someone who dealt with
money with this person. Alright, so I'm gonna look this person up.
Were you ever part of a business? Did you ever borrow money? Or do
you owe anyone money? So these are the three categories of people
that we ask. So this is all of this is to shadow. The divine
blessing for a matter will not come? Okay. Except, if you do is
to shadow and it's to God. Okay?
Because if you're going to do something noble and good, why
should you be ashamed to do is to shadow I judge myself, okay? On a
matter if I'm afraid to tell the people close to me about this
matter, and I want to keep it to myself. I know probably there's
something wrong with it. If I'm if I feel bad, awkward about telling
my wife, or my mom or my dad about something I'm doing, okay.
Probably it's not noble, right? It's probably there's some other
or it is noble, but I have an egotistical motive. Okay, so it's
the shot, I should break that down. And if you're doing
something good, your loved ones, you shouldn't feel shame, or
embarrassed to tell them or to ask them for their advice. So that's
is to shut up.
Then is Takara, you pray and the DUA is as follows Oh, Allah, I
seek a decision through your knowledge. And I seek power from
your power and I seek and I ask you of your great bounty since you
know, and I know not, then you have power, while I have no power,
and you have power over all things. Oh, Allah, if you know
that this matter, then you name your matter. Okay. Engaging in
business with so and so marrying so and so traveling such in such a
place is good for me in my admiring in my religion and
livelihood, and my future, the short term and the long term, then
destined it for me, and make it easy and blessed. This is the key,
make it easy and blessed. If something is easy and blessed.
That's a sign of the Divine Will. All right, something is easy and
blessed. If it's hard, and it's requiring you to do sins to get
it, then it's a sign that God doesn't want you to do it. And if
you know that this matter is bad for me in my religion and
livelihood, and my future, the short term in the long term, then
push away this matter and push me away from it and destined for me,
the good wherever it is, and make me content with it.
Anything serious that you're going to do, make, pray to records and
make this dua in Arabic or English doesn't matter. This is a dua that
you're saying after the prayer, and therefore it's not part of the
prayer. Therefore you can say it in English, okay? You can say it
in English.
What is the result of this dua?
If the thing that you're doing is blessed by Allah, the more you
make this prayer and to, the easier it will become, and if it
is not blessed by Allah, then the more you make this prayer, Allah
will make it clear to you and He will make you not wanting any
more, your heart will move away from it, and you will be content
with something else. Okay, so this dua is so important, the Prophet
peace be upon him said do not do this all the time for any major
decision, any serious decision, even if it's a small one, even if
it is about what sandal lace to buy. This is from the Prophet,
even if you're gonna buy a sandal lace, a lace for your sandals,
right? Do this prayer to rock as any service and say this dua
afterwards, okay. And you can substitute subsume this with your
sunnah. So like let's say we're about to pray Maghrib you pray
Maghrib you make your two rockets after mother have you intend to
Sooners and is Takata at the same time. So you pray to records and
then you pick up your book and recite this dua to Allah subhanaw
taala. Okay, if if your thing is blessed, it will become easy. If
it's not bless your heart, we'll move away from it. And you're
going to notice it's becoming harder. Okay. Recently, a friend
of mine was applying for a friend of our family. The woman got a job
in or she was applying for a job in North Carolina. They're both
living in New Jersey. Okay. Then she started to pray a staccato
superstar to do this dot and then one the next day the
guy who said, Who's hooking up hooking up for the job, said,
Look, I want to hook you up. But you're the second year, the
secondary breadwinner of your family. And there's another guy
who is the primary breadwinner of his family who just got fired from
his job. He needs this job. Right? So I need you to understand that I
need to give this job to Him, not to you.
The next day, her husband,
in New York, works in New York, got a promotion, got an offer for
a promotion. So she put two and two together I did is Takata. In
the next few days, these two events happened. I know this job
is not for me. It's getting difficult, right? Once a matter
gets difficult, just stay away from it. Keep praying and
staccato. If it opens up, then move. This is how we operate with
the Divine Will. You don't fight with the Divine Will. Alright. So
this is Takata. And the importance of it's got any questions before
we move on?
Yeah, you can see a good dream. Now it's Takara.
Let's say I pray to God, nothing happened. Nothing changed. You
keep doing it. Keep doing it after before or after every prayer. Mix
the intention of your sunnah with the istikhara. All right, and just
pick up the book.
Yeah, you unify you can unify? Yeah.
Yeah. And then
pick up your book and read the DUA. Right? And keep doing this
until the matter becomes crystal clear and easy. And get.
Someone said to my friend, to our teacher, I mean, I keep doing this
Takata but nothing, I'm not getting a clear answer. He said,
keep doing it. Keep doing it until you do get a good. Now you can
pray someone can ask you. Or you can do a staccato for someone
else. Right?
Because it's ricotta in the end. It's just a prayer. It's a DUA. So
you can say, Oh Allah, I asked you by such and such, if so and so's
decision is good, right? So if there's someone you believe is
their dua is answered, you could say praise to God on my behalf.
Right, you can do that. And the matter will become clearer.
Now, one time, one of our older gentleman that that was a follow
up or teacher in England, he came to me said, I'm have a massive
business venture, and I want you to praise Takata for me, so let's
fix it fun. So he prayed his Takara. And then a couple days
later, the man came back and said, So what's the answer? He said, the
feeling that I get, you should go into the business venture. A year
later, the guy came back, and he came back with a bad face on and
he said what happened? He said, this business venture that you
said, I should do it, right? I lost 30,000 pounds, British
pounds. So what happened here is Takata it's no good. He said, Did
you do his Takara? What was your is Takata? He said, Well, I didn't
do it. I just relied on yours. Well, he said, that's the point.
That's the problem. You got to do this Takata you can't just rely
upon someone else doing all the work. So you have to do is Takata
and is to shadow as well. Got to do is to shadow as well. Now, what
happens if I'm already knee deep in a decision? Like I already
accepted to go to a college and I'm already there? And I never did
it's too hot or it's too shot? Or what do I do? Well, you do it now.
Right? Do it now. And if Freer is to shut up, what how do I make is
to shut up and ask advice for a decision I already made? Well,
well, you go to the people that you trust and said, Look, this is
my situation. I'm here already. What do I do? And they should give
you advice, right? No one is going to give you radical advice like
pull out and retire or just completely pull out. They'll give
you good advice on what to do given your situation.
Any other questions on is Takata? Or is to shut up?
No, know it's the shot. Are you going to ask people once it's
Takata. You could do it every day, multiple times a day for any
Okay, the next prayer. Now, you should know that most of the
prayers that we're covering now, our prayers that will happen
rarely. Or it's Takata. Maybe every day you're going to do a
staccato you really should do is to cut as much as you can. Now so
lots of Hajra is a dua of desperation.
All right, you're in big trouble. You are in serious hot water.
You're in a situation that looks impossible. What is the solution?
PAGE 90 solitude Hajer Okay,
All right in the Muslim ummah Muhammad read wanna pick it up
you wish I can pre fill you in if you wish you can delay this
and it would be better for the man said creeper
Prophet peace of questions you will make
a pray.
All right now, you're in this impossible situation now this man
became blind, right? The Prophet said if you want, I can pray for
you and you'll get your sight back or I'll save this prayer and pray
for you in the afterlife. You go straight to heaven. Okay? The man
said no, I want to see now. All right. Prophet said go pray today
because make a good will do. By the way. If you want to put your
prayer to be good, your will do has to be good.
This is direct correlation. Make us slow and focus will do. Your
prayer will be good. Make a sloppy haphazard will do wasting water
talking laughing being sloppy. It's not going to be a good way to
make a good will do pray to rockers and supplicate Oh Allah I
asked you and I turned to you through your Prophet Muhammad, the
prophet of mercy. Oh Muhammad, I turned through you to my Lord
regarding this matter and you name your matter that you insure it for
me. Oh Allah except his intercession for me.
That's it.
That man got his eyesight back. Okay. You are Is anyone in a
between a rock and a hard place? This is your DUA.
Make a goodwill do pray to rock cause and recite this dua. Allah
subhanho wa Taala will get you out of your situation. And of course
you recite this after you salaam out of the prayer. And again, it's
since it's outside the prayer it can be in the English language.
So lots of Toba. So let's uh, Tober is easy. Okay, so the Toba
is, you did something really bad.
If you want to show to Allah that you are penitent? It's simple.
Just make two or two records to make will do and pray to rockers
and with the intention of repentance, okay? Man came to the
masjid one time drunk or having a hangover from being drunk. Okay.
says I've lost hope. There's nothing that I could do to make up
for my wrongs. We said
just go Mikado and make tacos with the intention that you want to
start fresh. That's what we do when we make mistakes. Everyone
makes mistakes, right? When you make a mistake, you don't just sit
there and wonder what's going to happen. Get yourself up, make will
do and pray to rock us. That's what we do when you make a
mistake, no matter how bad it if you believe. Now this is a mistake
that IBLEES made. Satan made this mistake. If you believe that your
sin is so bad, you can never be cleaned off. That means you think
that your sin is heavier than God's mercy and His forgiveness
and His power.
That's a problem.
That's a massive ego problem. You think your sin is that bad that
Allah can't forgive it? You think your situation is that bad that
Allah can't get you out of it? Nothing is bigger than Allah.
Okay. Nothing is bigger than Allah so just due to luck guys and start
He, the Prophet peace be upon him in his sunnah of fetcher. And the
chef and Witter used to usually recite
Kodiak Caffee rune and call Allah had first Raka and then hello,
Catherine the cigarette guy. Yeah.
No, it is not only the first nettle and the and the last Nephal
he used to recite
any Sir Yes or No sir at all.
Yeah, that's it. And it's acceptable. If you're jammed on
time, I got 20 seconds to pray to us. Right? It could happen.
You just recite Fatiha and that's it. That's acceptable.
All right. The surgeon to show
Go and Salah to check it in. Whenever a person is blessed with
success, they can make such directly out of sugar.
Except after fajr and after awesome. So let's say
I just got a message, I got a job, right? I'm unemployed, someone
just called me on the phone and said, Come tomorrow at 9am We got
a job for you. What do I do? immediately make sense?
Right? Straight to center.
That's it. Right? That's called such to have sugar. So it's an
expression of gratitude that is so great that you're not going to do
the prayer. You go straight to St. Jude. Okay, and we Muslims, when
when we get worldly blessings, we follow it with worship.
When we do a lot of good worship, we follow that with celebration.
Right? That's how we do things now you could celebrate a worldly
blessing but first you got to do some worship as a gratitude to
Allah the least of which says to have sugar all right.
Yeah, because after Phaedra Nasir there is no such thing. Yeah,
remember the sunset
sunrise sunset.
The Prophet peace upon him used to do such as sugar. Now Bilbao, he
used to do to rock us out of gratitude for water, after every
will do since he used to be a slave who was deprived water from
his master. The Prophet peace be upon him said Bill Allah here
footsteps in paradise What is this from? He then said, he then told
the prophet peace be upon him about his two records after every
will do for us, we should pray them with gratitude.
Know this with the intention of gratitude and the ability to
purify our sins with will do so. The point is here, something
really good happens you might make the Sajida also give to raw cause
of sugar. Right? You propose to a woman, that woman accepts your
proposal. Go pray to it because of sugar. Right?
Pray tonight because of sugar. So again, sagittis choker and salata.
Shaqiri All right, let's stop here for Maghrib we'll come back we'll
take our little quiz, which is going to be about four
preconditions, five prayer times prohibited times of prayer, lesser
ritual impurity, the form the causes, three kinds of water seven
obligations etc.
All right, so monocle Um hum diction de la ALA and don't stop