Yasir Qadhi – Seerah – 82 Battle of Hunayn Part 1

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The history of the Middle East-equipped movement, including the rise of conquest, the arrival of new culinary warfare, and hip hop culture, have led to the development of hip hop culture and the controversy surrounding the Prophet sallavi Dr. and slang words. The struggles of Muslims to fight the conflict and the loss of their homes and weapons have also affected their lives. A disturbing incident involving Satoshi's followers has also caused accusations of fraud and fraud, leading to "has been" and "out of control" mentality. The cultural significance of the incident and its impact on people are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad in while there are the he will be as Marina Marburg. So in our last lesson we had mentioned, we finished off the conquest of Makkah, correct. Everything, none of the none of the we finished all of the blessings, all of the benefits all of the moral and the theological. We finished all of that correct. Okay, so we now move on to the Battle of hernia thought, if but there's one incident that I didn't have time to mention, by the way, the microphone is not working as to its to do you see the feedback is that a little bit high rate is good.

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Where's Adam, if we can see, you can check it out. I think the

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bass or something, they say that.

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So there was one incident that I didn't have time to mention in the last lesson. And if you remember, we talked about how the defendant worried and the mistake the the the issue of the prisoners and whatnot that he had killed. So there's remember that we talked about that last time, right? So there's one tragedy that took place that we didn't mention, and it's very interesting, because it shows

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the soft spot that the Prophet says I'm had for this particular scenario, that it so happened that of the people that obviously this was not something that was commanded It was a mistake on and it was initially had a harder to remember we talked about this, right, the the mini massacre that took place, so of the little incidents or episodes that took place, that one of the prisoners of war that was executed was a young man, and he begged the he begged the Muslim the Sahabi to go take him to the women's site for some reason. So the Sahaba said, okay, whatever reason he was in chains and whatnot. So there, he talked to his betrayal that he was actually engaged. And he versified a

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beautiful poetry for her love poem. For her. right this is right before his the prisoners being executed. So he diversifies a beautiful love point, which is mentioned in abundance, health, and this 11 is health. And she in return, obviously was completely, you know, wailing as well. And she also gives back a love point, right? And as he is executed, so she then takes him and he dies in her in her arms. Now classic, you know, love story, if you like. Now, obviously, we said this was not something that the process of commanded this was something that Khalid made he had and he was criticized and the idea or the compensation was paid. When the processor heard this story, he became

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enraged even more. And he said, Elisa, min Kumara Joon Rahim, wasn't there anybody that had mercy in his heart to stop this Holly doing this? Right? So this really demonstrates that and this is a very interesting story, that the Prophet system has a hammer or tenderness for for what

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for the romanticism, right for the romantic you know, poetry that was versified between the two and he said Elisa, min Kumara, Judah and Rahim wasn't there anybody who has an idea that they could have stopped this from taking place and while I this is a very interesting, you know, scenario, if you'd like that takes place in this incident of hardship. Nobody. In any case, getting back to the issue of conquest, conquest of Mecca who can remind me how many days of the process remain in Mecca.

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19 days, 90 days he remained in Mecca. And when he was camped in Makkah news came to him that a large army was gathering outside of Mecca, who is now going to attack the only city that is within attacking distance of Mecca that is life. The only large city attacking distance from Makkah is thought if and if you remember, what is the tribe name of thought if we try visit, se and their idol is

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a lot. Their idol is a lot. So the thief and the chorus have been competing with each other for centuries. But now that the orange has been defeated, the thief comes to their aid. So he wants to now fight. Why did they want to fight What was the reason of this fight? Some have said that, Sutcliffe assumed that the profitsystem was going to attack them rather than Mk. But this seems to be a bit of a stretch because why would the process of attack the citadel of five remember thought if the city of five was on top of the mountain? Why would the process of attack the Citadel rather what seems to be the case is that the tribal thief understood that the conquest of Makkah meant

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what? The end of idle idolatry the end of paganism, the tribe of a thief understood if we don't take Makkah back. And of course there's no doubt they also had another goal in mind and that is to take over the Kaaba because the thief will continue

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With kurush so they have two intentions. The first intention is that they want to protect paganism from monotheism. If they realize with maca conquered, there is no stopping monotheism to spread in the Arabian Peninsula. And the second reason they had was they want to now vie with the courage, the courage have been vanquished, we will become the new custodians of the Kaaba. And so the tribe of Turkey began sending out emissaries to every pagan tribe in the vicinity. And for the first time ever in the history of Arabia. And this is really amazing that every battle that we've seen, the numbers are increasing exponentially. Never have the Arabs united the way that the United in the

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last 10 years in, offered, then in Zeb and now in the Battle of her name, which is going to happen right now, right, each time the numbers grow and grow and grow. And the Battle of humane was the largest gathering of pagan Arabs in the history of Arabia. Think about that, since the Arabs were erased in civilization. They had been in disparate tribes in different you know, groups never had anything united them other than their tribalism, their father and their forefathers. For the first time, there is a religious warfare taking place monotheism against polytheism. And the tribe of the thief, the tribe of the thief now takes charge because they are basically second and prestige to the

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polish. So with the orange vanquished, that they've become stuck, sucked up into the vacuum, they become now the closest possibility for the success of paganism over monotheism. So the tribe of thieves send out as many emissaries as they can, and then the next two weeks, because the process is there for 19 days, and also since he has left Medina, people know that he's coming, so they probably had around a month. So eventually, over 20,000 pagans gathered together under the banner of faith, but they're not just active. There's lots of small tribes, right? So TIF is the largest and the second largest, they're called housing. These are the only two names will mention we're not going to

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mention the other to the other, you know, plenty because obviously, it's gonna get confusing. Remember Phil Keefe and how was it. And to be very simplistic, we can say, Sophie, for the people who lived in the city of La if housing were the Bedouins around tarrif, right. These are the two largest they probably formed together around 10,000 or so. And then the rest of the 10,000 came from many different tribes, they gathered together to form around 20,000 people. Now, the the Prophet sallallahu Sallam obviously heard rumors that things are taking place. And so he sent one of the Sahaba, Abdullah, Abdullah bin, and Abdullah bin to be held was a relatively new convert. And so it

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was assumed that the tribe of the thief would not know that he had converted, plus you have 20,000 people, you're not going to monitor each and every one of them. He sent Abdullah in order to basically intermix with and he was from that region to intermix with the people to pretend he's basically walking along with them and gather the information, how many and what are the different tribes, they'll be held on with comes back. And he informs that never Has he seen this many people 20,000 marching, and he tells them of all of the armor, the weaponry. Now the people have thought if we have mentioned many times, they had an advantage over so many other tribes, that they lived on a

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plateau, and they were naturally protected. You all know the city of thrive. And generally speaking because of this, they were also marshmallows about a cola any better fed, they had access to rainwater and vegetation and fruits. They had better prepared armies. They had also built fortresses around their city. So they were known to be good fighters. And Abdullah bin Khaled comes and informs the Muslims, or excuse me, forms of profitsystem about what is happening, what is the process and do as always he calls the Senior Companions. And this is always the center of the process. And he calls the Senior Companions. What should we do? And the Senior Companions, Abu Bakar Omar, they are

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astonished, aghast. They weren't expecting war. They're happy. This is a happy time you conquered Mecca. What more do you want? Right? hamdulillah. We're happy. Now we're going to have the biggest battle we've ever had in our lives. So there was confusion. There was silence then, or Omar said that perhaps Abdullah is wrong, meaning he's made the story up. This can't be true. Abdullah became enraged at Roma. And he said that perhaps if you think I am wrong, remember you also thought somebody better than me was wrong as well. Meaning who

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the Prophet says, right? So he kind of

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he kind of No, no, this is Islam and not accepting Islam. He goes all the way back. Like this isn't the first time you thought somebody was wrong and he was right. So he became enraged that How dare you think I'm accusing of lying or something. So he then brought it back at Roma that this isn't the first time you accuse somebody better than me of being

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wrong and he wasn't wrong. So Omar, you know, Omar, he became enraged. And he complained to the process. And we are rasulillah. Look at what he said. And the prophets of Salaam responded that indeed there Omar, you were misguided and Allah guided you to Islam. And what this little incident shows, and I mentioned this so many times, the Sahaba were not angels. It is human nature to differ. It's human nature to be a little bit harsher to have a little bit back and forth. This is you're never going to find any society where there's nothing of this nature. And in a laws wisdom, he demonstrated, for us, the most perfect society that has minor differences, minor altercations, I

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mean, you have people that say a comment and it hurts you, and you respond back in kind and vice and it goes back and forth. But in the end of the day, the Sahaba were a unified force amongst themselves somewhat here and there. In the end of the day, when it came to protecting the religion of Islam, they are a unified force. And we see this again and again. And it's also social, it doesn't make you a bad Muslim, to fall into these minor issues. In an angle, you might say something now that both of them are not, it's not actually a sin. Maybe he's wrong, you know, it's not actually a sin. And then he as well gets angry, it's not the first time you thought somebody was

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wrong, you thought the process was wrong as well. They're both, you know, not sinful, but obviously, it's not good as well. So this shows us look, it's not, nobody can be perfect, nobody can be perfect. And in this we learned the humanity of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we also learned the wisdom of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in mitigating in calming down this difference of opinion that this anger that existed between the two, he just calmed down, he did not take sides over here. And the prophets, I send them realize that there would be war, and therefore he asked help from the new MK and converts, along with the 10,000 that had come from

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Medina, he realized he needed weapons, he needs armor, and he needs other equipment and people. So now you have around 2000 men in Makkah, remain who had remained after the conquest. So he turns to them for help, that I need your help as well. And therefore, some of the big names of Makkah, some of whom were not even Muslim, participated in the Battle of her name. And this is very significant, because there's a huge theological controversy. Can non Muslims be in an army of Muslims when they're fighting an Islamic war, and there's back and forth, this is not the time in place. But here we have in the incident of Hussein, a number of very famous non Muslims of them is of one even omiya

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remember, the story is so fun. Who will remind me what happened in last last week with sulphonic? widow Maria?

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Not yet. You're jumping the gun? You're jumping? This is what we're going to talk about today. And next Wednesday, right now with a former Muslim? No, no. He's asked for an extension. And the process of gave him two months. Yes. So So if one is in this interim trial period, right, he's not a Muslim. And he's also the son of omega bin honnef. He has inherited a fortune. So the Prophet system goes to Savannah and omega, and he has lots of weapons in his stock house. He has lots of armor, and he asks for his armor. I need your armor. I'm going to fight in her name. So someone said are you confiscating it from me? Are you taking it despite the fact I don't want you to? Or are you asking

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me to lend you my armor? So the President said law but Aria to Muna or Maja toma de, I'm giving, I'm asking you for a loan that I guarantee I will pay back. This is a loan, or I'm going to borrow it's not a loan money, but I'm going to borrow it. And I guarantee if anything's damaged, anything is harmed, you will get something equivalent or the price of it back. And this also shows us the fifth principle, which is agreed upon pretty much that when you borrow something from somebody, you are responsible for it reasonable responsibility. And if something happens to it in your possession, and you have borrowed it from somebody, Islamic law requires that you pay back the damage because it was

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in your possession. And this is proven from this Hadith, that the Prophet says to them said, No, it is a loan that is guaranteed REM or a DA, I guarantee you you will get it back. And so generally speaking, when you take a borrow something from somebody, and I mean, you borrow somebody's car, let's say and then you're in an accident, let's say generally speaking, it is your responsibility because you were the one who took it from the person and we learned this from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he also went to Abu sufian learn how to borrowed armor from him. He went to hacking live in his arm, borrowed some money and weapons from him. All of this was

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borrowed, and everything that was borrowed was paid back to those who had given the loan and the Profit System left maca on the sixth of show while on the sixth of show while he left MCE after having been in Makkah for 19 days, some say

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According to now, as we said last week, there's a difference of opinion how many days he stayed in Makkah, some say he stayed 10 days. Some say he stayed two weeks. Some say he stayed 19 days and 19 days his body's version, and so we'll stick with body's version. Even his house says

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15 I think we're 10 I forgot. And it says the other but Buhari is the more authentic so we'll stick with Bahati. So Bahati says to sorry, 19 days, he remained in Medina, sorry in Makkah, for those who said less so then they said he left on the 28th of Ramadan or other days, but we'll stick with body's version, which would mean that he left Makkah on the sixth of show while and he arrived in her name on the 10th of chawan. Four days, it took him and the march would have otherwise been two days, but because there's so many people, there were around 12,000 people 10,000 of the Sahaba and 2000 of the people of Mecca, most of whom are Muslim, but not all, most of whom are Muslim, but not

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all. And they arrived in a valley It was a valley of bananas, still known to this day, around 12,000. Now, why her name because the people of five had already camped in that region. And the people have thought if

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by this time as we said the number around 20,000 and the chieftain of Fife was a newly elected young man by the name of Mark Ivanov and Nasri Malik Ivanov, and honestly, he was young, he was a young man 30 years old, and he was recently elected to the chief and now this is his first major battle and it is against the Muslims. An interesting thing happens here, which is very common in all cultures and civilizations and that is the clash of the young with the old The Clash of the young with the old the young one their ways and they think they know best and the old one their ways and they typically do know best. So here we have another scenario now, it is mentioned in the books of

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Sierra that one of the oldest members of the tribe of felt safe one of their senior nobleman who had become blind and senile or not seen a bind an old and his name was derived even a swimmer did a ride with a dad, even a swimmer with a sword directive nasima directive no similar was brought

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in with somebody hand because he's blind. And why was he brought to the battle to get his blessings that this is our senior most member. He's the the ex chieftain. He's an old guard, and he has fought in so many battles, we want his blessings to be present. We want him to be here because he's gonna bring us the blessings of his presence and also his wisdom. When he's brought to the battle field before the battle begins. He says I can sense that there are women and children, and there are animals here who has commanded the women and children and all of our herd and flock to come to the battle. So he is told the New chieftain our mannequin off. So he says bring McKibben out to me. So

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mannequin alpha is brought, and he says, Why is it that I can hear the baby's crying? And the goats bleating and the mules brain? Why have you brought to the entire civilization of men, women, children property, the flocks? Why have you brought them so this young chieftain says that I have brought them because I want every man to have his family and property behind him, so that when he fights, he will fight the best fight possible. So Darius severely rebuked him, pointed out this was an extremely foolish move, you don't bring women and children to the battlefield, you don't bring all of your property to the battlefield, your women and children and goats, he said, are not going

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to help you win the war. It's men with swords, doesn't matter if they're there. It's men with swords. And He then asked,

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and he said, a man who will lose, he said, a man who will lose is not going to win merely because his women and children are behind him. Rather, winning requires men with swords. He then asked for specific sub tribes that were called out remember, they were calling out the subtypes, he asked for two or three by name, the most intelligent and the most well known for warfare. And he and he was given the response all of these that he named, they never showed up. All of the tribes that he named, they did not show up. So he realized that they understood that this is not a wise move, because the people that he trusted and the chieftains that he trusted, they had made an analysis and

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they decided it was not in their best interest to join this impending war. And so he said they have done the right thing. Had this truly been a day of honor and glory, then these people would never have abandoned display that you're in, advise you as well to go back automatic or chieftain go back, rather than fight. So this elder statesman is figuring out even though he's blind, that this is not the best move possible. And he says if you're not going to listen to me, at least take the precious eggs of meaning family and children and whatnot. Take the the jewels of faith, let's say and bring them back to their fortress for their presence on here on this

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battle will not help you. If you win, you will go back and enjoy their company. If you lose, at least they'll be safe back home. This is a very sensible, very sensible suggestion. And the people have began contemplating This is a very wise decision. Maybe we should listen to this man. Maybe he knows what he's talking about. But Darius, the 30 year old young man, now he needs to prove his manhood. So what does he do? Hmm, sorry, Malik Malik. He needs to prove his manhood. What does he do? He mocks do right? He makes fun of him. And he says you've lost your marbles as it was in English, right? You have lost the plot You don't understand. You know what's going on? And go back

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and you know, go back to your old horror old people's home and leave the battle to us. When he saw that people were still not fully sure whose site to take. This really shows us how mature Malik is. He said, Well, law he if you don't listen to me, in front of you all I will take my sword and kill myself. What a brave and, you know, interesting leader. Right? So this is a he's threatening them that you chose me as your chieftain. If you're not going to listen to me, I'll commit suicide right in front of you. So with this emotional blackmail, the people of 34 quieted down, and they kept their family and their properties and all of their flocks, even though honestly, like the the state,

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the elder statesman made complete sense, but it was a was willing to do his work better for obviously, this was the fun of that. And the allies, Georgia had wielded that all of this would come to the Muslims. And truly, this is the age old problem between youthful ignorance and zeal, and elderly wisdom and maturity, right? This is the sun nuts, Allah if you're healthy. This is not just an Islam or in every single society faces the same issue where generally speaking, it is the folly of the youth. Right? It is the overzealousness of the youth that causes Phaeton and Misaki. And while I hear this is something we see in our own societies and cultures, and every single, you know,

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society, and culture has the same issue, in any case, so as the Muslims exited Mecca, and never up until that point in time, and they ever had 12,000 people 12,000 is a massive amount. Now they had 20,000. And the Muslims had 12,000, right? They had 20. And the Muslims had 12. They had so much weaponry, they had so much artillery, never had they had the amount of horses and camels, one of them remarked, how can we possibly be destroyed when we are 12,000.

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And the news reached the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that there is a Muslim boasting.

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And he immediately responded back that do not say this. For verily, there was a profit from amongst the prophets, who looked at his army. He didn't give us the name. We don't know his name. Most likely. This is not one of the prophets mentioned in the Koran, who looked at his army for our Java two. And he felt arrogant and proud, puffed up, that he has this massive army. And as he looked a loss of Hana data center disease or pestilence, meaning some type of calamity came, and right then and there, the army was defeated without even meeting an opponent in the battlefield. And so he warned them, he cautioned them, and what is this show us when, of course, as everybody knows this,

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the problems of arrogance. Never, ever assume that you are undefeatable or you are the best No, that's not ever looked at how it processes entered Mecca. When he conquered muck his face and his head is bowed down all the way to the camel head all the way down to the camel's back. So our Prophet system became worried this arrogance is spreading. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran we'll talk about this verse next week in more detail in sha Allah Wa yoma huainan is our job at Comcast to confirm toniann CompTIA on the day of name now

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alemannic mentions the date of her name and only two battles in the Quran are mentioned by name

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What are those mentioned by name? Which I

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you're right sorry three battles you're right three battles are mentioned my name is up butter, and her name

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has her brother and her ninja three. My mistake three battles are mentioned by name. So her name is one of the three. And Allah says we're yoma remaining on the day of her name is rj betcoin catarratto come when you're quantity.

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deceived you made you feel arrogant. Our job means you felt our job. Our job means self piety, self praise, you felt conceited. So Allah says all of your quantity was not able to help you. For them Tony and kushida Well, Doc, what are they called Oh, to be my robot and the earth despite the fact that is so vast, felt very narrow and constrained for you. Obviously I'm jumping the gun here. I shouldn't explain the verse right now. But the point is the

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profitsystem rebuked them and said, You should not feel arrogant, walking into the battlefield. And one of the reasons why they were feeling this arrogance was because they were brand new Muslims, they had just accepted Islam. And this is shown in a very interesting Hadith, which is a very long Hadith. And it's not the time and place to talk about it in a lot of detail. Nonetheless, it does occur right now, and it is something that has much benefit. So we'll just take a quick tangent if you like, because this Hadeeth is more theology, but it happens right now. And what is this hadith the Hadith is the famous Hadith of the Prophet Alessi the hadith of Walker, the Lacy, of Walker, the

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lady is a brand new convert, he has just converted in MCC, he has just converted quite literally, quite literally one week ago, literally brand new, fresh convert. And after that lady narrates this Hadith, it is mentioned in in his heart and into the movie and Musa Mohammed. And it is called the Hadith of the hanging tree. That to unlock the habit of the hanging tree that to unlock. And the head, it goes as follows that a walker, the lady says that when we were on our way to her name, from Makkah, we passed by a tree called that to unweld. And that to unwalled means that which you hang things on.

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And he says this tree was a magnificent, gorgeous green tree. Imagine in the middle of the desert, you have a beautiful tree. So the aurash would make a festival around this tree. And every year they would go to that to unweld. And they would sacrifice animals there. So they made the tree into an idol. They would sacrifice animals, and what was the purpose of this tree? They would hang their weapons on this tree for good luck. Basically, they would hang their weapons on this tree and they would think this would help them in battle. So they passed by the da to unweld. And they remember this was our tree that we used to have. So a walker the latest of the out of school of law, each

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Atlanta that and Walton Come on Canada home to unwind or messenger of Allah, why don't you make for us another hanging tree? Like they used to have the hanging tree back in the day.

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So you understand the point here right? He wants a good luck charm, or messenger of Allah make for us the hanging tree. Like they used to have one in those days as well. Now we're Muslims we we understand we can't use the old hanging tree. Why don't you bring another hanging tree? So our prophet SAW Sam said Subhana Allah Subhana Allah.

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I swear by the one in whose hands is my soul. You have said exactly like the children of Israel said to Moses, when they said to Moses, that he quoted the Quran, he Jelena Ella and Kamala, who

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are in the component of children. Now you all know the story, that when, when Allah saved the children of Israel from the Red Sea, and from around in the Red Sea, and they're walking, they come across a nation that is worshipping

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an idol, right. And they say to Moosa, or Moosa or Moses make for us an idol like to have an idol. And Moosa becomes angry at them. And then they take the golden calf right? That's the story they take the golden calf right now, this is an operand, Jelena elanco madam Alia. So the profitsystem said to Hannah law, you are asking me exactly what the children of Israel asked for Moses to Moses, when they said to Moses, make for us a god like they have a god. Then he quotes the Quran and he quotes Moosa and by quoting Moosa, he answers them, call the intercom. Coleman, thank you, hello, you are an ignorant folk, we just accepted Islam. Now you're asking for this, then he said, will lie

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in the homeless in the Hassan, what, by Allah, this is the custom, this is decreed that you're going to follow the pathways of those before you like just like the children of Israel took a false god, you too will do something of this nature. Now, this is the famous incident of that to unweld. And it has a lot of theological benefits. And this is not the time to derive all of them. But nonetheless, just some very basic theology here. First and foremost, the whole issue of good luck, good luck charms, wearing something that is blessed or holy, or doing something that you think will bring about some good or save you from evil. Obviously, any Muslim who understands La Ilaha Illa, Allah

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will understand that only Allah has the power to help, and only Allah has the power to protect. That's the whole point of law in the law. That's the whole point of law, how would Allah or to end up in law, nothing can change and there is no power except by the will of Allah. So to ascribe such power to other than Allah, is to ascribe another god besides Allah

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Since Allah is the one who decrease, when you say that I have a good luck charm, I have a good luck tree, I have a special ring that I wear, I have a gemstone that will protect me, you are ascribing to another entity, the power to help or preserve or cure or give you good luck or protect you from bad luck. And obviously only our Creator has that power.

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So in our religion, we don't believe in any such thing as superstitious, you know, rituals or paganistic customs or whatnot. You know, the the issue of like, what is it Friday the 13th or black cats crossing or knocking on wood or upside down horseshoes or whatever it might be. We don't believe in any of this stuff. Right? And of course, I'm mentioning Western examples. Unfortunately, Muslims also have their examples, right? Give me some examples from Muslim cultures.

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The Tavis that has weird symbols and whatnot on it. How about this? Remember this? Huh?

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No, the puck sign is what I'm talking about. Right? What is it called?

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Punch 10 pack? Punch 10 pack? This is the box anything you wouldn't know what this is? So you don't know this? The hanging in you see the five fingers your son in law knows how can you not know

00:31:28 --> 00:31:32

Oh, he's not into it. He's He's educated much like

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the five fingers right? And sometimes you find it Muhammad Ali Hassan Hussein Fatima as well written on it. Right?

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Five holy bodies, right. So you find this in some Sufi and some Shia groups like this is a good luck charm. You enter somebody's house on you see the five fingers. Right?

00:31:51 --> 00:31:58

And but it was yes. And then the other the other group? Or the other thing that is very common in Muslim cultures? Is the turquoise I

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turquoise colored and Turkish in nature? Yes.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:45

So the turquoise I which is it's meant to protect you from a lion from hazard from the evil eye. Right? You find it in many households here and there. Now people actually believe that that thing hanging on the wall will protect them from the evil eye. Right? And for us, this superstition is not just funny. It is a type of paganism. Because this is in essence an idol. But if you think about it, right? What is the purpose of hanging that structure that you think will protect you, you think will save you, you are giving your hope? Your servitude, your allegiance, your

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intellect code, basically, right? This is literally what it is that your tawakkol becomes in that. And therefore if something happens to that icon, what happens? You get worried. It's a bad omen now, right? Who's going to protect us? Now? You see, and therefore this hadith clearly demonstrates evil omens and superstitions is no joke. It's a type of shit. And how does this show us? This many ways. I mean, the point being that the Prophet salallahu idea he was seldom compared a blockage request with the request to make an idol.

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Even though did a walk and asked for an idol. No, I wanted I said I want a good luck tree. And the process of swore by Allah.

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Allah will lead in fcba. He said, I swear by the one who has my hope, my life. I swear by Allah, you have said exactly like the children of Israel said, but is it exactly like he said in terms of words? No, but he swore It's exactly like Why? Because the essence or the meaning is exactly the same. You understand this point? The words are different. Clearly. A blocker is saying I want a good luck tree. And the bunnies that are ill said that the children of Israel said we want an idol. They literally said we want an either like to have an idol. And the prophets or some swore it's the same, even though the words are not the same, but the essence or the content is the same. Because what is

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a god other than the one you turn to for help and protection? What is a god other than the one you ask when you are in need. So now if you have another icon, you have another being you have another thing that you feel will help you will protect you. Therefore this becomes in essence, an idol other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, we've mentioned all of this, I have to put the footnote here that the Quran

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cannot be equated with a dobbies. The Quran cannot be equated with this because the Quran for us is the uncreated speech of Allah. It is the uncreated column of Allah. It is an attribute of Allah it is a sifter of Allah. The Quran is not

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not separate from Allah. The Quran is not a separate entity, we can seek protection through the Quran, because the Quran is an attribute of Allah. And so when we are fearful when we are scared, we recite the Quran and we expect the Quran to benefit us in this regard. Right? When we are in trouble, we recite the Quran

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and therefore from this to have a physical copy of the Quran, or a physical verse of the Quran somewhere,

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it can never be shirk. But some scholars have said it is not befitting the dignity of the Quran to be used as a talisman and ambulate physically, it should be used verbally, you see the difference?

00:35:46 --> 00:36:32

It can never be held on or shook. But what is the issue? The issue is is it showing respect to the Quran? If you now very common many of us we have the Quran in the glove compartment of our cars right now it's not it cannot be shipped because the Quran is not a separate entity it is an attribute of Allah. But is it dignified to just throw the Quran into the glove compartment with some spare pencils and with loose change and with your you know, copy of your you know, insurance card is is dignified. It's not something that is the Quran is kept in a noble place. The Quran is when Nikita when Karim so noble book right Kitab Aziz, Allah says that the Kitab Aziz. So some scholars

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have said lately it's not befitting the dignity of the Quran to be treated in this regard. And others have said well if it is done properly with the right Nia then this is * and so the controversy is over. Is it showing respect to the Quran or not? It's not over is it halal or haram clear? Let me be very clear here. So the same goes wearing the Quranic necklace, right? Wearing a Quranic Tavis,

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right? somebody writes it kursi and then folds it up into a miniscule thing. And then he puts it in a little pouch right? hangs around his neck. Okay? Or some of our sisters have Mashallah gold chains with cryptocurrency dangling from their neck. Right? Now, the question is not whether it is how long were held out or shukaku. For No, it's not. But now is it befitting you have the Quran dangling from your neck? What are you going to do when you have to go to the restroom?

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What are you going to do? What are you going to do one you are committing sins and you have this dangling around your neck? Right? Is this befitting? No doubt committing sins is not good anyway. But committing sins with the Quran dangling on your neck is obviously much worse, isn't it? Right? What are you going to do if Yanni you know, relations with your spouse? What are you going to do? So the question is therefore not How about more head out of the question is, is it showing dignity to the Quran and in my humble opinion, we should not use the Quran as a physical talisman because of this, but if somebody wants to, and it's not his decision to do so, but at least we should remind

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him that this is not, you know, just be careful. Because the Quran we treat it holy, we know this, we treat the book in a holy manner. And we put it high on the shelf we have will do when we touch it, and we always show respect to it because it is the attribute of Allah subhana wa Tada. Nonetheless, if somebody has ayatul kursi dangling from the rear view mirror, don't just * it away and say, No, come down. All right, he has. Maybe he'll say I want to memorize ayatul kursi. So I have it there every time I start the car, which is actually very good excuse out, right? I want to memorize it. So I'm having it dangling for a while and then I'll take it off after I memorize it.

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But point being this hadith has nothing to do with the Quran. This Hadith has to do with other types of talismans and good luck and whatnot of this nature.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:01

So, the same thing applies if you put it on the wall for Baraka,

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no, so this is not Baraka. This is for decoration, right? So this is another issue. But the issue is if you put it on the on the wall for Baraka for Baraka, we say the same thing, but it's not necessarily wrong, you know, as long as you are showing respect and whatnot to it. Another thing we learned from the head is that we walk with the lazy, at times of amazement at times of something you hear something you should say an Islamic phrase, Subhana Allah being vulgar is not the best thing that one should do. Right? Saying vulgar words is not of the etiquettes of Islam, and it should be avoided as much as possible. When the Prophet system heard something that was astonishing to him,

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when he heard the equivalent of let's do Schick, what did he say? Did he utter a curse word? No, he said Subhana Allah, Al hamdu, lillah Allahu Akbar. So it should be incorporated into our vocabulary. And you will see for yourselves that once you include

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Read the account into your daily life. So Pinilla is just gonna come in, you see amazing thing and Hamdulillah, right? You see, you hear something bad, the hotel Jose La Villa, rather than saying four letter words or this or that, it becomes your habit to do so. Any diet if it's not of the best things that Muslims should do, right? It's not that it's not the best thing. And here we have the process of teaching us the best of manners, he would say Allahu Akbar, he would say Subhana Allah, he would say Alhamdulillah and we to shoot incorporated in sha Allah, these are things we need to incorporate, also of the benefits we have over here. Is that a walker the lazy? He asked blatant

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schilke according to what the processor said, he said, Well, light this is should you see it? You see so far? Right? But was he considered a mushrik?

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00:40:50 --> 00:40:54

This is a very interesting point here, right? Walker, the lazy

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hour Profit System pronounced a verdict on his saying, but he didn't pronounce a verdict on him. And this is a very, very important distinction that the average Muslim does not make a person committing should doesn't become a mushrik necessarily. A person committing Kufa doesn't become a Kaffir necessarily, a person committing bit doesn't necessarily become a doctor there. There are conditions that have to be met, excuses that have to be removed. And this is the job of the scholar, not the lay person. It's not the lay Muslims job to start pronouncing coffin we should move there. It's not anybody's job. This is something that yes, if a scholar has to do it, maybe he will do it. A Muslim

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can commit an action of Kufa but not be a Kaffir. And this is proven by the editor will work it will work it is asking for shidduch who defined this our PA system defined it you just asked for she he swore by Allah, you asked for should you understand? But a blockade was not pronounced wishek? Why? Who can tell me?

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ignorance, brand new Muslim? He doesn't understand La Ilaha Illa doesn't understand Islam right now. Innocence Muslim, he doesn't understand. He thinks Okay, I've left paganism. I can't worship that too unwell. Maybe this new religion can give me another thought to on what? Right? brand new Muslim, he doesn't understand what Islam is about. And Islam is all about the worship of one god completely. And we walk it doesn't quite, you know, he's converting with the people. He doesn't know Islam. So our process them gives him the excuse of ignorance, okay. And this clearly shows us that a person can commit an act of God for an act of should and not necessarily be considered a catheter and

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wishing. And this is especially true in our day and age brothers and sisters, Muslims are so ignorant of their own religion, that they'll do the most bizarre and weird things in the name of Islam. And they'll think that this is Islamic. And many of us who are, you know, maybe coming from cultures that we know this to be wrong. Here in America, you know, people are born and raised in a different culture, they'll do something that is, we will consider it's blatant ridicule of the religion. For them, this is no big deal. for them. This is a part of their culture and say, well, no big deal. We need to teach them with wisdom. We need to understand like our process, Adam didn't

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pronounce a verdict and have walked in. He said, this is not you know, in the moment he alone, you know, this is Joel, this is Johanna. This is the type of jelly to ask for these types of things. And also the final point before I move on, I didn't mean to go that long. But this is a very beautiful hadith of theology. The final point our profits are some predicted

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that we are going to follow the ways of the people before us, we're going to follow the ways of the people before us. And this shows us that

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what is prohibited is to abandon our theology and rituals and to take theology and rituals from other religions. What is not prohibited is to take culture and science and whatnot all of this we all know this is Helen, what are processing forbade don't take their ways of worship don't take their rituals, just like the bunny Australian asked for a god. Now you're asking for a god. Right? So this has something to do with religion. Don't take your religious rituals from other civilizations and cultures, you have your own religious rituals. Okay, moving on now. We're moving on now. So they reached the camps at night and they praise the Lord Malaysia, this is outside of her

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name. And one of the companions agreed to volunteer to guard the army and the Profit System by shuttle hoop agenda. He gave him the good news agenda if you're able to do this, and another group came back reporting the large quantity of camels the large quantity of sheep, he said that they have even their women and children all of them are there and all of their property they have brought it from from the town of a thought if and this worried some of the Muslims because when you have all of the property in

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All of the animals and all this shows the confidence that they have. And that confidence was in fact what this young chieftain intended, right? That's what the young chieftain intended the magic. He wanted to show how confident we are this worried some of the Sahaba and our Prophet sallallahu Sallam smiled, and he said tilaka honeymoon Muslim in Nevada and insha Allah to Allah. Tomorrow, this will be the aneema that we will take in sha Allah who tada and this shows us two things that we all know of by now. Number one, optimism, optimism, optimism, it's a part of Islam to always be optimistic part of Islam to think the best of what's going to happen tomorrow. And number two,

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whenever you say something about tomorrow, you say insha, Allah tilaka Hanuman Muslim in London, insha Allah who Tada. Now, what happened, we're going to obviously not do the whole battle today, we'll just go do their 10 minutes and then continued next next week, inshallah, what happened. This was Steve's territory, and they knew it inside out. And what they had done was that being familiar with the lay of the land, they had planned a very devious tactic, a very intelligent tactic. what they had done was that they had selected a valley

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that the people of moko would have to cross to get to the other side. And they had stationed at the end of the valley, a small contingent from housing that seemed to be fully battled and prepared. And it appeared that they were basically waiting for the charge. So the Muslims, this was like the bait. The Muslims thought, Okay, this is where we have to attack. Little did they realize that the tribes of beef and housing, had stationed groups of archers in the valleys on top, in the mountains on top, both sides of the mountain, there was nooks and crevices and caves and basically entire structures there, that they knew very well. And they had station 510, three, five different groups of archers

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throughout the entire length of the valley, because this was their territory. And the goal was that the Muslims be lured in. And once they're inside,

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the false contingent of housing pretend to be defeated. And this would cause more Muslims to Russian, because now this is victory. And when all of the Muslims are in between the two sides, to then actually launch the actual assault, and that would be twofold. The first would be archers from the top, you would have

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hundreds of archers showering volley after volley, and you cannot do anything, you're in the middle, they're falling, they're firing from the top, and the second, the 10 20,000 n mass would then charge into the valley. And so there'll be a double assault. And this was exactly what happened. As they planned it down to the dot down to the last final detail that the Muslims rushed forward, the signal was given the initial contingent pretended to be defeated, and they scattered away This made the Muslims even happier, they rushed all forward. And then when the bulk of the Muslim army is now between this past, it's a passive way you can still see it to this day, when they were between this

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past then what happens the signal is given there was a loud noise and signal they had the signal plan and instantaneously, volleys of arrows start coming in from everywhere, and the houses and and self charging from the front and the Muslims panicked. And this is exactly what Allah mentions in the Quran. Well, yo Marina is ajibade from casilla to confirm Tony and crochet and Waldorf Uttarakhand, oh, in Morocco, but somerleyton would have been in the earth became narrow for you, despite its vastness, and all of you turned and fled. Then Allah bless you and you came back. So they turned and fled and mass, hundreds of people Helter Skelter, no one caring for anybody else,

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there was a mob mentality. And this was compounded by many things. First and foremost, the fact that many of these were brand new Muslims, remember they have just accepted Islam. And some of them are not even actually Muslim. Right. Secondly, the fact that this was so unprepared, they had no idea this was coming. Thirdly, the problem of arrows is something that we cannot fully imagine arrows, they literally come out of nowhere. You can barely it's by the time you see it, it's too late to actually deflect it. And when you have people firing in from on top, especially this is almost impossible. And then finally the last point because of the sheer quantity of the Muslims 12,000 the

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bulk of them did not have weapons and armor and helmets. The bulk of them really did not have the proper helmets and armor to defend themselves against the error.

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And so what happened was everybody started to panic. And people began to rush Helter Skelter to find any type of shade any type of covering to protect them from the onslaught of the arrows. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was almost left unguarded. Of course, the process of did not flee, he was on his meal. It was as if everybody else was flying around him. And the profitsystem stood up on his mount. And he began to call out loudly, that aluma eladia Come to me, another pseudo law, I am the messenger of Allah. And I'm Mohammed Abdullah, I am Mohammed, the son of Abdullah, and with him were, of course a worker, and Roma, and Ali, and some of the koresh and the prophets or Sanam was

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with his uncle a bus. And our bus was known to be a man with a loud voice. Our bus was known to be a man with a loud voice. And so he said to his uncle, yeah, I'm called out to so and so. And he mentioned name, after name, after name, called out to the people have read one, the better to read one call out to the people who are davia. Right. That was the first on the list. And this shows us the status of the people of today be that the people of today Do you remember that a man was demonstrated, you know, they had promised to go into war without having any weapons without having the soldier call the people that are they be? So he said, All people have heard a be that he said

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call out the people of the unsolved and he mentioned tribe after tribe. And yeah, when you sue Lamia, so and so so and so. And it is as if the event is half mentioned, as each tribe was mentioned. It is as if they awoke from a stump slumber that when they heard their names, they realize what's going on that where do I Where are we fleeing to, and they began to flock back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And they responded by saying, the baker rasulillah the bake here, we respond to your call, and the profitsystem kept on himself raising his voice. And he said those famous lines, and then maybe you look at him and up to them.

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And then you look at him and Avenue Abdulmutallab, I am the Prophet there is no lie about this. I am the son of Abdul muttalib. Now, this is very, very interesting because he combines between religion and tribalism. He combines between Islam and tribalism. And then bu laccadive I am the Navy, there is no credit, there is no lie about this, and never know Abdulmutallab, I am the son meaning the grandson here of Abdulmutallab. And this clearly shows us that our profit system is invoking both Islamic loyalties. And that's the more important and then also tribal loyalties, because who are the people around him?

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The Quraysh brand new Muslims, and many of them would hearken to Abu Talib more easier to N nw laccadive. And this shows us a very, very important point in our times, in our times tribalism is almost gone. What has replaced it, nationalism. And this shows us that nationalism in and of itself, I mean, the equivalent of tribalism, can be used for good purposes. Some people have gone to an extreme that nationalism is how long or whatnot, no, not all types of nationalism, or how long rather, if used properly, any type of sentiment can be used for good and for bad. And this is demonstrated here that he's invoking Who am I, my grandfather was Abdulmutallab. Now, we all know in

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Islam, it doesn't matter who your father or grandfather is, we all know, on the day of judgment is not going to help you. But in this world, it might. And there's nothing wrong with invoking that for a legitimate cause for a legitimate cause. And this also shows us that having a generic pride in your heritage or ancestry, it's nothing wrong with that. As long as that pride is within the pride of Islam, it should never be more than the pride of Islam. After all, who is Abdulmutallab? The greatest Arab who ever lived in Jabalia? Correct. The most prestigious, the most beloved, every single Arab knows of them apart from every tribe. We mentioned why this goes back to three, four

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years ago, all of the lists of what happened was the discovery of Zionism. And Abraham the miracle and the fact that he did this and not so much the entire Arab peninsula loves it. And who is Mohammed Salah Salim the Son of the Most Beloved Son, the only son of the most beloved Son of Abdullah

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and he was the most beloved grandson to Abdulmutallab. So now he brings back that lineage and I've done nothing wrong with that, nothing haram and talking about that, that lineage and of those who remain behind as well, along with his immediate Sahaba over Chroma and whatnot. Of those who remained behind was his cousin.

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We talked about this cousin three, four weeks ago, actually, six weeks ago, I will soufiane ebenen Harith Ibn Abdul muttalib. Remember that I was severely burned out, not that I was, on the other hand, remember the one that came to him in the tent, that Abu sufian right before the conquest of Makkah. And it is narrated that the Prophet says and looked around trying to see who is around him. And there was a man in an armor holding on to the saddle, stirrup, and the process of did not immediately recognize him, because this isn't of the elite of the Sahaba, even though it's his cousin, but in this point, he expected his entourage if you like. And he said, Who is this? And Abu

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sufian said, Yasuda, LA and Abu omeka. I am the son of your mother, meaning your grandmother, I am the closest person to you and Abu myka meaning you know, blood obviously not the son of your literal mother. But basically it's his first cousin, as remember I was Sophia. And this shows us that I will Sofia, we mentioned him so many weeks ago that he begged the processor to forgive him that he gave a poem in his honor that he asked for, you know that he was generally said he was sorry. And this proves now that when everybody is fleeing Abu sufian evil had it remained, and he was of those who called the people and the orange back into back to the places. Now, at this point, as well, we see

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the weakness of some of the people who have just newly embraced Islam. Not everybody, of course, is a full Muslim at this point in time. And some of the people really, they're their weakness of faith came out. And of those was the brother of soft one in Romania. And also so find it with the two sons of oma here, the brother of Romania, and so funny to me, that it is mentioned that when the Sahaba began to flee when the Muslims began to flee, the brother of soft one said that

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good basically, this is great. This is happening today, the magic spell will be broken. What does he mean by magic spell? Who can tell me?

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Islam, the Quran the process and because they accused him of being a magician, right? They accuse our process of being a magician. So he said today the magic spell will be broken. To which someone replied, who's could shut up? Who's good. For By Allah, I would rather be ruled by a kurachi then buy a house has any

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meaning what?

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Pure tribalism, pure study nothing to do with Islam. Right? I would rather we win simply because he is Satoshi, even if I don't like him. And so huddle and now you see why our process missing an abnormal point, right? This is the mindset he's dealing with. This is the mindset he's dealing with. And even the other abou Sofia, the real Abu sufian. Even he seems to have expressed some satisfaction. Because remember, his Islam was with great hesitation. And remember what he said in front of the Gabba that I've skipped to speak, because if I say something the rocks will tell the process. Well, the rocks didn't tell you, you told, right. This is the real Abu sufian. At this

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point, still, he seems to express some happiness, it took a while for him to you know that to a man for a man to actually enter his heart. And this clearly demonstrates that not all of the

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the the new Congress really had converted, and I found it interesting here the Arabs will appreciate this. That there is a saying that is there's two things that are common in the Arabic language. And I found both of them in this incident. So the Arabs know of the same love for the fuka.

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00:58:52 --> 00:58:56

Where the Arabs here. Yes, love for De Fuca, right. What does it mean?

00:58:59 --> 00:59:01

You forgot what it means, but you use it.

00:59:03 --> 00:59:03

What does it mean?

00:59:04 --> 00:59:06

alumnus I said to my mother.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:11

Nope, not at all.

00:59:15 --> 00:59:17

law does not what it means.

00:59:18 --> 00:59:27

law for the fuka. So we find let me say where it's mentioned here, that when soft one heard his brothers say this right, he said football law who FACA

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which is the opposite of love of the soccer. Right. Fabiola who factor means may god destroy all of your teeth.

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When you have no teeth, what happens? You can't talk properly. You cannot talk properly you start you know grumbling or mourning or whatever. Now, you get the point you start saying things. So he is saying may you never speak again. And the expression that is common still to this day.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

Laughter fuka means May you always speak eloquently?

01:00:06 --> 01:00:11

Not quite. You guys be the judge I agree with what you said versus

01:00:14 --> 01:00:15

la de Fuca.

01:00:18 --> 01:00:33

This means that may you always be so eloquent. May God never destroy your teeth. Meaning, may you always have such eloquence. Okay. Clear. This is what this will we find this here? And the other thing, which I don't know how common This is.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:37

And Anna hemiola What is

01:00:38 --> 01:00:40

he used this one, right.

01:00:42 --> 01:00:43

So, what is this mean? Do you know?

01:00:46 --> 01:00:52

Okay, so this phrase, and Hamilton what is do you say it in Syria? Your doctor? You do say it?

01:00:58 --> 01:01:01

Along with Stan. Hello, Alicia.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:24

So this phrase an animated will tease, which is common in the Arabic language and the Arabs you see here know it, the first person to ever say it was a prophet. So seldom in the incident of her name. He was the one who said this phrase, and it became then the maxim that people use to this day. Right? And when did he say this?

01:01:25 --> 01:02:00

So that what this is one of the things they would call the tribe of turkeys and how was it? This was one of the nicknames of that tribe? Right. And Hamilton what this means now they've grown hot now the so like it literally, sorry, it's metaphorically it means now the battle has begun. Or now the the the the issue has reached its hot, you know, level here. Now, you know, that was in English. Now the real fight begins, right? This is what it means what? The? No, no, this is not No, no, this is not the ending. This is the this is the one it's just getting to the the

01:02:01 --> 01:02:32

the good parts. Yeah, well, here's the good part. Yeah, this is me at least. Okay. So our profit system was the first Arab to ever use this expression in the incident of grenade. When did he say this expression when the Sahaba started surging around him, and then they started attacking. He said, Now the battle will begin and hammy activities. And from that time, up until now, so this is now the the saying that the Arabs have that the fighting has now grown hot. And

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when the Sahaba began coming back and surging back this roused up the army. And when the people saw them regrouping, more and more started, people started coming, and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam stood up again. And he took a symbolic handful of dust and stones, and he threw it towards the tribe of the thief. And he said Shah had to do that, may the faces be disfigured, which is an Arabic expression, that may you all be vanquished. And of course this it is said was a miracle as well that this blinded them, This caused them to lose sight of the enemy, and the entire group of archers could not send their archers or their their weapons forward after this. And he began praying and

01:03:15 --> 01:03:35

making dua and the Muslims surged forward. And that was when the battle changed and our time has come in shallow, the other to pause and we will ensure all the resume and talk about the victory. I have to make some announcements as well and talk a little bit about certain things so and we'll talk about the victory inshallah next week, be the lucky tada

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi now moves on to the Battle of Hunayn and what set this battle into action and all the other relevant details.

The Prophet ﷺ was weary of the news doing the rounds of the possible attack of the tribe of Ta’if – Taqif and the Hawazim in order for them to regain control of the Kaaba, to gain leadership of mecca after the Quraysh who had been defeated and also to re assume idolatry.

The Prophet ﷺ after gaining help from some , headed towards Hunayn and arrived there on the 10th of Shawwal. The chieftain of the tribe of Taif was Malik ibn Awf A-Nasri.

The Taqif knew their area inside out thoroughly which was a given. They used it fully to their advantage. They tricked the Muslims into gathering in a valley by presenting some of their army members while in reality, their archers were mounted atop the mountains and were waiting patiently for all the Muslims to gather collectively. This is when the Taqif started bombarding the Muslims with arrows and this led the Muslims to flee like there was no tomorrow.

The Prophet ﷺ witnessed this and made a plea citing tribal loyalty and love for Islam as the enticing factors to bring back the Muslim to the battlefield. He first called the allegiance bearers of Hudaybiyyah followed by the Ansar and then the rest. When they had all been brought to the valley, the Prophet ﷺ threw dust onto the face of the archers and they were left completely blinded and hence, the arrows proved useless in this scenario.


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