Yasir Qadhi – Seerah – 74 Battle of Mutah Part 2

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Battle of Mata was a quick attack on the Romans-led army, and the Muslim-led army was able to prevent it. The speakers discuss the importance of reading in a certain light and respecting leaders and being a legitimate Islamic president. The transcript is not a conversation or dialogue, only a series of numbers and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge Marina Marburg. So we were discussing the Battle of Mata and this is our second and final discussion of the Battle of mortar. And last week I had gotten to the place of holiday milkweed having been appointed, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explaining to the people what had happened in the battle and his reaction in Medina. Now let us go back to the battle, and mention what did he do? And once again, to reiterate that, unfortunately, we really just have two or three explicit narrations from which we have to derive the entire story. So what appears to be the

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case is that how to do it in Waleed, he realized that there is no way to achieve actual victory, and that the only real victory would be to preserve the Muslim army from complete destruction from massacre. So what did he do? He has a two pronged tactic. The first tactic was that he organized the army for a quick, short term attack. And the purpose of this was to cause the Romans to stop from their onslaught. So he wanted to just launch a quick attack to pause the Romans and cause them to stop in their onslaught. And how did he do this? Again, we only have one narration, but I'm sure there were other things that he did. But one of the things that is mentioned is that he

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strategically positioned the archers so that the archers were able to stop the onslaught of the Romans from coming. And even if it is half mentioned, for example, one small incident that one of the archers was an elderly man by the name of Walker, Abdullah had to me me, and even though he had a good arms still, but his eyes were feeble. So he told his two companions that lift me on top of your shield, and I'll sit on top of the shield and you carry me as high as you can. And I will shoot as hard as I can, and you will be in my eyes. So he used two people to basically guide him turn more, you know, more this way more that way. And so a group of archers basically were the primary

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method that was used, and there is no doubt that there was a direct onslaught as well. And this is mentioned by Khalid himself insoluble hottie. He says that on the day of mortar, nine swords broken my hand, nine swords, one after the other kept on using nine swords, until I finally only had left one Yemeni shield. So we from this, we derived that there was also an onslaught, there was also an attack on the ground on infantry. And this was led by Khalid eventually. And what this did was that by the time Knight fell, the two armies had managed to separate themselves outside of the distance of a bow and arrow. So they are now safe from the bows and arrows throughout the night. The two

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armies are now within visual sight, but not within the sight of bows and arrows. And so when night fell, the Muslims are at least safe for the time being, and they took shelter behind a hill. And it was on that evening, that finally the marches could be varied. So the bodies had been lying there for the entire day. So in the evening, that was when the marches could be buried, and the three of the leaders, and that is, of course, Jafar, and who else number one was who this is a simple quiz aid, and number two,

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Jafar and number three, Abdullah bin roba, that all three of them were, in fact buried in one grave. Now, what happened the next day. The fact of the matter is, the books do not tell us anything, at least the classical books from what I could find nothing explicit is mentioned. But I did find in one of the later books, a technique or a strategy, and I don't know where this author got it from, but Allah knows best but it appears to be something that is constructed already into the classical books.

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That another tactic that he did the next day holiday really was that he gave the impression that a group of reinforcements were arriving. He gave the impression to the Romans, that a group of reinforcements were coming from Medina. And what this did was it caused the Romans and the Christian Arabs to simply pause because now they're worried that other groups will come. And in this pause high, Lebanon will lead and the Muslim is basically managed to run away from the battlefield and achieve complete security. Because had they left in front of the eyes of the Romans, the Romans would have followed them and if they had followed them, they would have been massacred. So by giving

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the illusion of reinforcements coming, the Romans pause for a few hours and in that few hours, holiday

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The Muslim has managed to escape to security. Now how did he give the illusion of people coming? Well, one of the books mentioned a tactic of telling a group of Sahaba, to spread out thin, in an area that had sand and far far away and use certain instruments are certain, let's say wings or whatever, to beat the dust up and to run forward in the dust. So that when you see from the distance, there is an illusion given that hundreds of horsemen or hundreds of people are coming. And so you have the dust storm gathering in the distance. This is one version that is given. And Allah knows best, but we have a lot of details that sorry, we do not have a lot of details. But the fact

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of the matter is that what caught him and what he'd managed to do was to save the bulk of the Muslim army from what otherwise would have been a complete disaster or catastrophe. So much so that only a handful of Sahaba passed away. We know the names of around 15, probably another five or 10, whose names we do not know. So the fact of the matter is out of 3000 people 1% basically passed away 1%. And that is an hamdulillah. A very, very great, if you like victory in its own way that faced with the odds that they were faced with faced with the superior fighting power, still the fact that less than 1% of the army actually passed away and or died, and the rest of them returned. So from this,

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the question arises, and by the way, on the way back, they passed by the same village that had wounded them and killed one of their own, and they extracted revenge. Again, the books are not clear what exactly they did, but they extracted revenge, and they got their revenge from those people that had killed the Muslims. Now, the question arises, is that a victory? Or is it a loss? There are three opinions about this issue. The first opinion is that motor is a victory. In fact, they said it is a big victory. And this is the position of Musa Elinor Okubo, who is a contemporary of him in his house and also a famous serial expert of the classical time, and also the opinion of emammal. They

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have the who died for 38 and also the position of Eben katha who died 790 something so it because the the famous advocacy, they all felt that Mota is a massive victory. What is their evidence? Well, their primary evidence of the things they say not they're proud of the things they say, the fact that the Muslims by and large, returned successfully with less than 1% casualty number one, number two, the fact that they took some more booty, which is true, they took some booty back with them. We'll talk about one of the stories today as well. And number three, their main evidence is what the prophet Mohammed sysm himself said. What did he say the hypothesis I Bahati we already mentioned the

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first part of it last week, and that is that the Prophet system told them of the debts of zaidan Jaffa and Abdullah as they're being killed, and he's describing it, and he is crying. And then what did he say? Until a sword from the sword of a law took it and the law gave them victory. Now, the evidence here is call us. QED, as they say, nothing more to be done. of the Prophet Mohammed says Adam says Fattah Allahu Allah de, then it's funny. I find that means victory. So they basically use theology and they say hello, see if the process Some said that Hamas It must be a factor. Just like Allah says in the fatality of mo Bina, even though they be assumed to be a loss, but Allah says it's

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fat. So it is a factor. So the it's basically a theological point, that because the process of said is a motor is a factor, okay. Those who are more historians, so after the and inside, and also all non Muslim historians that write about this event, they consider this to be a loss.

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They consider this to be a loss, in light of the fact that the Muslims, Well, firstly, they lost three very, very important significant leaders one after the other, they lost the flag. And secondly, the fact that they had to retreat and the Romans remained. And generally speaking, the one who retreats is not the victor, generally speaking. So they're looking at it from a more military a more political perspective, and they say, moto was a defeat. The third opinion is that it's neither a victory nor defeat.

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It is in fact, a draw. Neither side one clear cut, and they say no, this is the position of Urbanus helped himself, it is the position of the under Lucien scholar, even Abdul bada is also the position of urban lpm. In his added mode, that monitor was basically neutral. No side was a clear Victor, they say similar to which is also the correct opinion and offered by the way that it is not a victory or a loss. It's basically a little bit of both. So it becomes equal in the end, and in some ways the Muslims had the upper hand. So in this position of the mortar, they say, mortar is neither a victory nor a loss. Now why? Because they say

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Neither side attack the other. And the two sides returned both of them back to their places. And they say neither side took prisoners of war. When I say attack the other, I mean, at the end of the battle, there was not a clear frontal assault from either side, both of them returned back. And the fact that neither side took prisoners of war, and in terms of dead, it is probably equal or maybe the kurush sorry, the the the pagans or the the the Arab Christians had a little bit more, but it's not as if there's any significant issue there. And therefore, because both side returns back home, and neither side annihilates the other therefore, it's a tie, it's a draw. Now, in my humble

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opinion, it's each of these three opinions is correct in its own way, which is basically all three are correct, ie from each perspective, they have an element of truth, from a purely theological perspective, if the process of said is it is a fatass, Amina will Aparna it is a fatigue. At the same time, the fact that he calls it a fatigue doesn't mean it's a fatigue from a military perspective, it could be a fatigue from other perspectives, right? So if somebody comes in says, yes, it is a factor. In that long term, the goals are achieved. This is valid, but it doesn't mean that it is a factor in this particular battle. It's a different type of attack, just like but Abia

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was a long term factor. Right? Short term, all of the Muslims were quite incensed what is going on in her debut? Right? Even the problems that Allah knows, I'm not going to disobey Allah, Allah knows. So the factor might be long term, but in the short term, and walked it in a bit. So I do have a point that in the end of the day, it was the Romans who remained in their lands, the Arab Christians remained in their lands, the Muslims did not conquer even an inch in this battle. And the Muslims have to return home. So the second opinion does have some truth to it. And of course, the third opinion also has a lot of weight to it in that, actually, it's not a pure loss, because

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Nigeria did the Romans attacked the Muslims, rather, they let them go. And therefore we can say that the Prophet system called it a victory in that the Sahaba managed to save themselves from death. And that is a victory. Not necessarily that was a military victory, victory can be a different types. And this victory was a victory of the fact that less than 1% of the army was, was massacred, was martyred, and the bulk of the army returns home. And also, I mean, in my humble opinion, I think this is one of the problems that are many of our Muslim historians have, they want to somehow make every battle positive for the Muslims. And they don't realize that panela it is actually of great

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benefit in wisdom, that some battles don't come out to be so positive, that Allah azza wa jal is showing us that, look, you're not going to get everything on a silver platter. Sometimes you have to struggle that sometimes even the Sahaba, even our Prophet promises them in order of what is good, except this illustration, right, that we really don't have to demonstrate as and this is really, I think, one of the problems that many Muslim, not just the origins, historians see that everything has to be read in a certain light. And I think that this is actually problematic, because when you go through something negative, and you don't find anything in this era that is anyhow negative, how

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are you going to relate. Whereas if this battle actually is not fully positive, which is really my position, then you actually find some comfort in this when you go through some negative when other issues arise. And here we have another wisdom, and that is that even the Sahaba are human. And sometimes they'll make

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not necessarily a mistake, but they'll make a judgement that doesn't turn out to be in the best interest in the immediate future. Maybe the long term everything will work out and that's the benefit in the long run alone will take care of everything. But sometimes in the short run, victory might not be that tangible. So the Sahaba returned back the Prophet sallallahu Sallam rejoiced at their return, he welcomed them. But what happened was within a few days, rumors began to spread smear campaigns were launched against the people who participated in Mota. How do we know this? Because it is mentioned in one of the books of Hadith that the prophet of Islam saw the wife of

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selama Binti a sham, and he said, What is the matter with selama? I haven't seen him in the masjid. Is he all right, why is he not coming? And so his wife said Yasuda law he has not come out of his house. Because every time he exits, people make fun of him. And people chastise him and rebuke him. And they say, Oh, you escaped or you who ran away? Have you run away from the way of Allah for two Min civitella and civitella? Have you run away from the path of Allah which means of course, over here, jihad. So cinema has remained in his house not leaving out of this rebuke. So what this shows is that some of the society

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However, those who did not go, they are perhaps some of these were hippies, because we don't know the details of who are saying this or perhaps it was a mixture of both the Sahaba felt a bit of positive anger, like what could you have fled, and the hypocrites felt a way of smearing. And so both of them are possible. So the people who had participated in water, we're then being smeared, that you are

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cowards, you have fled the battlefield, you didn't stand your ground, and they're being mocked for to answer be de la, have you run away and fled from the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when the profitsystem heard this, he said to all of the messages over there, that home lazy will be for route, they are not runners away, they are called ra curar means the ones who will come back and fight again. So he took the smear, and he changed one letter, the fact of the calf, and he made a positive word out of it, right. And this is the fifth of the rahima. And of the long sightedness of the process of to take a smear for roar, which means runners away. And he says no, they are curar.

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And curar means they will come back and fight again. And so that the process of them then basically shut down all of this smear campaigns with one word, they are not runners away, they are not flares, they're not cowards, they will come back to fight again, meaning they save themselves from death, and they will come back and they will fight again. And by the way, this clearly shows us that this is a very sensitive issue. And I don't want us to be misunderstood that no doubt, martyrdom, genuine and legitimate martyrdom is a goal of every single Muslim. At the same time, this goal is not expedited foolishly. You don't walk into the battle, wanting to die, and therefore just standing

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there doing nothing.

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This is not of the fix of our religion, because if everybody did this, then there would be no legitimate battle, every warrior would just throw his arms and say, yo, listen, I want to meet a lot of religion. Right? This is not the way and therefore, these Sahaba 99% of them returned back. Some of the Sahaba seemed a little bit overzealous, like how dare you turn your backs? How dare you run away from them. And the others that were that actually had fled, they obviously felt guilty. That's why send them a sitting at home, that you know what, maybe there is a right point, maybe I should have stayed there, maybe I should have just died. But the process him is demonstrating. No doubt

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martyrdom is a genuine goal of every Muslim. This is why you cannot deny this. Our Prophet system clearly said that a legitimate martyrdom obviously, is something we all want. But we don't want foolish martyrdom. We don't want illegitimate martyrdom. And this is what this hadith shows that they haven't run away out as cowards. They have protected themselves so that they can fight a legitimate battle once again. They're not furore they are karate. And

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after the army had returned, and we last week, we had mentioned the story of the women of Jafar and they were wailing and screaming and you know, the messenger comes back three times as remember this story from last time. So when this occurred, the prophet SAW Selim

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commanded that food be prepared for the family of Jaffa. And he said, it's not really early Jaffa to arm and prepare food for the family of Jafar, for a matter has occurred that has made them busy, and so food was prepared for them. And after three days, he visited the family of Jaffa, he visited the wives and the children of Jafar. And he said after today, let no one cry over my brother and he called Jaffa he, because Jaffa is a cousin is a close confidant of the Prophet system. So let nobody cry after today over my brother, and he called for the children of Jaffa. And there was Abdullah in Jaffa, there was Mohammed bin Jaffer. So he called for the children of Jaffa. And Abdullah was the

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older of the two and Abdullah narrates this hadith Abdullah was probably seven years old, six years old the time he remembers this. So Abdullah is narrating the Hadith that the process of visited us after my father had died. And he called for us to come and all of our hair was disheveled. In fact, the wording in the Hadeeth was he said, we look like baby chickens. Like, completely, you know, every hair. The reason obviously being that the mother is not going to comb their hair. She's just lost the husband. She already is quite traumatized with we heard what happened last week with her. So she's not really combing the hairs have the children at this stage. So their hair is all

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disheveled. And the process of them sees this. So he ordered that a barber be called he takes charge even of the barber of the of the children he orders at a bar would be called and that their hairs be trimmed or shaved off. And then he praises or talks to each one of the children and he says as for Mohammed, Mohammed Punjab. As for Mohammed. He looks just like my uncle Abu Tada. And of course I will live his Mohammed's this Mohammed's grandfather right. Why?

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Hamad bin Jaffa oven of your father so he said this one looks just like my uncle. And then he called for Abdullah and he said as for Abdullah, he looks just like me and he acts just like me. In other words, the point is every one of these children he's like kind of making them feel something special, right? And Abdullah was the oldest of them. So he held on to Abdullah's hands and he raised it up and he said, Oh Allah, allow job for his progeny to remain any Oh, hello, fi variety Java, which means that basically means Oh Allah bless the remainder of Java's progeny, Oh Allah allow them to flourish. Oh, Allah bless Abdullah in all of his transactions, because Abdullah is going to be

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the man of the house. Now, Bill is going to be the caretaker. So although whatever he does for money, basically in his pocket, which means buying and selling, or Allah bless him in all of this, and he said this three times, and he told them that your father has been substituted instead of his two hands because they have heard the gruesome news that both of his hands have been cut off that they have discovered his body without two hands. So they've heard this so he tells them as for your father, Allah has substituted two wings instead of his two hands and he is flying around in Jeddah wherever he wants to go. And his mother their mother, who is their mother, who is the mother of

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these children? Who is the mother of these children?

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We have mentioned her name at least 10 times in the zero

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none of the sisters This is disappointing because sisters should know the names of the Sahaba yet

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no I'm not even going to mention you anymore. Because there is no point

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been somewhat I like this she's been somewhat

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smart been to Romania

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no no bells ringing still a smart been to mais smart been Germany's who is

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the daughter of roommates Mashallah a smart bidding theorem is a smart bidding Jeremy's was firstly the wife of Jaffa. Then when Jaffer passed away right now he becomes a Shahid a smart marries

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And when she marries Abu Bakar, so the two of them have

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who's named

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today, is it a good day for us?

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It's too cold. That's why so coldness destroys memory. Mohammed Ibn abacha, the famous Mohammed I mean, how many children's book could have Mohammed bin Abu Bakar. Right, then Abu Bakar passes away Then who does not marry

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Ali ibn Abu Talib, right. So a smart married Jaffa and Abu Bakar and ID and from each of them, she has children, Mashallah to bottle cola. Right. And of course, they chose us I mean, without having to, I mean, all the obviously I've said this, so many times, the stigma of divorce did not exist amongst the Sahaba as it exists, and later Muslim societies, a divorced lady was not considered to be someone that you know, is call us that he might as well live the rest of his life alone. That type of attitude did not exist amongst the Sahaba. And we have so many of the Sahaba yet, you know, marrying one after the other. And they didn't consider divorce to be that type of stigma. There's a

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little bit of an anecdote mentioned about a smart when it was married to her. So Mohammed bin Jafar and Mohammed bin abubaker.

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Right, there are two half brothers, they began debating with one another whose lineage is better. Now their mother's one. Right? And so Mohammed who often said that I am the son of Jonathan I, and my father, this my father that and why would they be buckers saying, Hi, I am this I am that I signed in my father's abubaker and this and that. And so it is sitting there watching these two young men, you know, boasting that which one of their fathers was more noble. So he wants to tease his wife, a smart, so he says, halus, your mother shall be the judge. Now, the two men are his competitors in terms of ex husbands, right? So he wants to tease his wife, like, which one will she

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choose? So your mother will be the judge who was the more noble of the two because she was married to the both of them. So he calls us out. And he says you you decide between your two sons. And so he puts her on the spot. This is just an anecdote, not related to mortar. And he puts her on the spot which of the two men is better? And look at the intelligence of a smart, a smart bet your ma says, As for the Shabaab, the young men, then Jaffa is the sacred of them, and asked for the code. And that's like the wise senior men. Then Abu Bakar is the shithole

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So in other words, both are top. Because Java was young when he passed away. abubaker was obviously 6361. He passed away. Right? So she's saying both of them were the best.

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So it says, then what have you left for me?

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So he's got the best tier the best there. That means I am the last step of the right. And of course, this will lie. It shows us what does it show us? I mean, you tell me, what is the one thing it really shows us?

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The joking around, of course, between husband and wife and whatnot. But who are the families that we're talking about here?

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Who are the families? Think about it?

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lol bait and aboobaker?

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Do you notice any tension? Do you notice any hint of a problem? I mean, will lie. It's so honestly, it's so ludicrous to read in that there were tensions. Here's Ali, marrying a workers ex wife.

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Here's IE, joking that which one of the two is better a robot code or his own brother? Because as his brother is Jennifer, right? And once a smile gives her intelligent, watertight answer, he then jokes back at her, like what have you learned for us? And will lie It's so obvious that there was no tension amongst these great Sahaba the way that some groups and they again, you know, our theology, but every incident of the Sierra shows us even something as trivial as this that this type of tension has been constructed and read in the Sahaba themselves are getting along completely, you know, fine in this regard. And I'm good enough for that. In any case, back to the story of

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mortality. So this is a smart Binti roommates. So a smart comes out. And a smart begins to complain about the orphans, meaning that she's saying to those who don't, they're all they're all orphans, meaning who's going to take care of them, who's going to take care of them. And the prophet SAW Selim said, Are you scared of poverty for them, when I will be the one who will take care of them in this world and the next, I know what I am, they're working in this dunya and they are here. So he took charge immediately directly of the children of Jaffa. And all of this demonstrates the care and the concern of our Prophet system, especially for orphans where he himself was an orphan, and he

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knew what it felt like to be an orphan. From this incident, by the way, we also derive some very interesting sunon of the student is that when a family's suffers a death or a tragedy, it is soon to give the family with food, especially for those who are the closest like, like very close friends, that they should take charge of giving the family food and this is proven in the editor, the processor isn't the adage I follow to make food for the family of Jaffa because something has come that will cause them to be too busy to cook for themselves. Also, it is sooner to visit and to give words of consolation and to give words of encouragement, it is also certain to visit but not for a

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long time, it is discouraged to sit for a long time, it is makuu to turn that visit into a socialization session, the visiting is just a console and to give do are you said for what is wrong or reasonable in one's culture, maybe in our culture, half an hour or so, you sit to give them consolation and then you let them basically have some private family time. And also it is makrooh for the host family to feed the visitors. This is wrong and in some cultures it happens. This is wrong. The family who has suffered a tragedy they should not be hosting.

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And there is a hadith to this effect. It is narrated by jd dibner Abdullah allegedly defended the famous Sahaba jelly, jelly he said, we used to consider gathering in the house of the maggots. And they're preparing food for us a part of the Wailing that the process of forbade the Nia Nia has forbidden. So, notice he said two things, we used to consider gathering in the house of the deceased. Now, by gathering he could not have meant visiting because the process of visited so by gathering is meant you stay there and you make your visit into a socialization. This is not the purpose of consolation

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and the feeding of the guests IE by the people that are suffered a tragedy. We used to consider this a part of the forbidden Nia, the forbidden whaling This is a part of it. And therefore we have to be careful that we do not fall into this as well. Also of the wisdoms we learned here that the process of waited for three days and then he came back and he consoled them. And what this shows us is that for three days as we know mourning is allowed and then after the third date morning should stop except for the wife who remains in her death.

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It is slightly different than mourning, mourning, the legitimate mourning is to feel a sense of loss, a sense of grief and crying and altering your lifestyle. They're scheduled to a little bit IE, you're so depressed, you don't feel like eating too much. You're so depressed, you maybe take off from work.

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This is Hillel. And john is for three days. Beyond this, to beat yourself to wail out loud to cry, claims of gopher, who is going to take care of me? How will I live? I cannot live without you. This is how long so wailing and wailing means to raise your voice out loud and shrieking. And these were things that they are still done in some cultures, Muslim cultures. And in fact, our process that I'm said for are the things of Jamelia, my own mo will never give them up for are the things that je leiomyoma will never give them up. Number one, he said Nia had immediate and Nia is basically the types of pagan customs that existed in Jabalia of them is wailing of them as crying out loud. He

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said, these will remain in my oma forever, even though they are from the jelly. So what then is allowed, I gave you some examples of what is allowed, crying without wailing tears coming out, are processing himself. When the news came out, he says he had to sit down, we will not think about that. But I've sold a lot. So I send them he's so overcome with grief jealous. I mean, that's a shock. And he was crying and it says he was crying, and job. He says you could see the the grief on his face. This is all permissible. Now, as we said last week, a smile or should not change the women of Jafar and the family of jafra went a little bit beyond. And here we find a big wisdom, the

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process of attempted to stop them attempted to stop them through the messenger three times, until finally when it cannot be done. halus Okay, let them be. Then on the third day he comes and he puts an end to it. Let no one wail over my brother anymore. Call us End of story. And this shows us that look, sometimes you just cannot enforce perfection. Even in the extended family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam things happened that he did not approve of think about this. And I say this all the time that when a person dies, now is not the time to become fine tuning detail of what is sooner and what is behind what is complete. The person who is overcome with emotion. The person

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is lost his mother, his grandmother, his father doesn't understand fully. If you are an intricate member of the family, then you speak and you say okay, let us do this. If you're a stranger or an acquaintance or just a friend, now is not the time to become Mr sooner and tell them this is better and this is on you let them do what you want and then at a better time at a better occasion, you can teach them what is the appropriate when it's not necessary that you enforce everything you know at this get go here our Profit System himself cannot control the extended members of the family of Jaffa what can be done, but on the third day he comes in, he corrects at all. He goes okay, and the

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story, these kids haven't been combed to clean their hair up, you're not gonna you're gonna stop crying, you're gonna get your life to act together. So after three days, you have to stop living in that shock state. Deal with it, get to terms with it. And as they say, Time heals all wounds and will lie This is true. Time heals all wounds. Allah has made us this way. No matter how big the tragedy how great the calamity, eventually you move on and you simply live your life. And therefore, three days is the maximum time given where the death of somebody can cause us to alter our schedule. And that's Helen, for three days, it's Helen. But after three days, call us End of story and move

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on. The only exception, the wife, she remains for months and 10 days with extra rulings. And those rulings are not morning. They're their rulings and the head that rulings are basically she does not beautify herself the way that a wife should beautify for her husband out of respect for her husband and she remains in the house as much as possible. This is something specific for the wife, four months and 10 days. But even after three days, she should try to just get into the schedule again of eating and drinking and whatnot and try to overcome the extra grief even though it is handled for her for a longer period of time out of respect and honor for the status of the husband. So all of

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this we learn from the story of a snap into your face and the children of Java and as I said that after heard there was over that later on abubaker proposed for a smart and smart and married aboubaker

00:34:41 --> 00:35:00

How about Zed Zed Of course had a son and his name was Osama bin Zayed and it is mentioned in the masana Farm Dora zaft that when the processor whenever the processor would see it was summer after the Battle of motor that he would tear up he would cry by one

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He saw it was summer, because Osama is now probably 14 at this stage, probably maybe even 13. I mean, we don't know exactly between 13 to 15. It's just a young man just about to become an adult. And now at the prime of his youth, he's lost his father. And he looked he resembled his his father. And so he, the memories of Zaid would become come back to him when he saw Osama. And so we learned that even when he saw with sama, he himself would tear up and he would become a grief stricken looking at Osama bin Zayed. And after a few days, he came to the masjid and the Sahaba were sitting there huddled up, some of them were crying. And he said, Why are you crying? So they said, Why

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should we not cry or messenger of Allah, when the best of us and the most no noble of us have left? Why shouldn't we cry, simply such a big calamity. And of course, in particular demand the three who had passed away, so our Profit System said, but do not cry, do not cry, for the example of my oma is like a garden whose owner has cut the leaves and the branches and prepared his houses so that each year gives a better crop than the last year. Now policy What does this mean? So in order to grow the garden, you have to cut the leaves and actually get rid of some of the things to fertilize and to you know, make the garden grow. So in order like for example, what do we do with rose roses, you you

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have to prune it and cut it and and basically do it. So are the processes giving this analogy but he's giving with the date gardens, the date groves. So he's saying the example of my alma is like this garden, the owner of the garden has to cut and prune and do things in order for the garden to flourish, and the next year shall be better and the next year shall be better. And the mercy Risa will meet this oma and there will be a group that he meets that are like you or even better than you. He's talking to the Sahaba and the loss of Hannah with Allah will not humiliate an oma, I am the first of them. And the mercy is the last of them.

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Allah will not humiliate an oma, I am the first of them, and the mercy is the last of them. Now this hadith is a very, very beautiful Hadith. And scholars have different about us authenticity have been hijacked has said it is a sin, and it is ready to be shaver. And some of the more stricter scholars such as the ones of our times, have said that it is slightly weak. In any case, the meaning of it hydroset is authentic, right Oh, but the meaning is definitely beautiful. And it's also authentic in its own way, Allah will not humiliate an oma, the first of whom is myself and the last of whom is

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a series of demonium right. And this is so true, that who is the last person to pass away of this oma, it will be a group of people with a mercy with reception volume. You all know we did this in the series of the Day of Judgment, right? The last Muslims that will pass away, will pass away with lmsc with them and amongst them. And perhaps from this, perhaps we can say, the very last Muslim to pass away will be an merci 70 Mario perhaps we can say Allah knows best, that I am the first and he was the first and then it will be the very last. And what a beautiful way of showing the the perfection of this room. So he said Allah will never humiliate this, oh, my I am the first and mercy

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has the last and and has certainly been Sabbath and many of the other Sahaba they wrote long lines of poetry about the martyrs of Malta. And these are recorded images, and other books and the point being from all of these narrations from all of these narrations, we learn more there was a very traumatic incident for the Sahaba and especially for the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem. It was one of the most traumatic episodes of the Sierra and sadly many of us are completely unaware of Mata we don't even know who died and what happened in it. But you look at the the the the trauma, you look at the grief that had afflicted all of the Sahaba and especially our Prophet Mohammed Swaziland, and

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we notice its importance and its status. Now there's also one final story about motor before we conclude and summarize, and that is that there's a side story mentioned which has some benefit.

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And that is that in the Battle of Malta, there was also a group of helpers. Madame de

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la ciudad de is from Yemen. There's not a tribe there. macdaddy means the one who is helping and they had joined the the army to fight against the people of the Romans and the Arab Christians. And one of them a story as mentioned about him, one of them he only had one sword in the fight. And when the Romans came near, one of the Muslims has sacrificed an animal to feed to the army. So he asked him Can I take the skin of this animal? So the Sahaba said take it, so he took it and he made a leather armor out of the skin, you know, he tended to fix

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It and he made a double, he doubled it up and he made an armor out of it. And there was a Roman, perhaps Lieutenant again, the books of zero do not mention his level and rank, but there was a Roman with very, it says bright armor golden armor. And he was wreaking havoc in the lines of the Muslims. And so this modality basically attacked him with only goatskin and a sword, he attacked him and managed to kill this Roman maybe Lieutenant or general. And he took his horse and his armor and his weapons. And he took everything as as booty right? Now, of course, this is the fifth, that the one who kills the soldier will get the personal belongings of the soldier now when the battle is over.

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So he takes all of these into his basically baggage and Hollywood what it says What is this? He's the commander? No, how is the commander says what is this. So the man says I killed the Roman and so I get all of his goods. So Harley said this is too much. And they said that there was a golden coat of armor. And there was a beautiful horse. And so you can imagine if he's a he's clearly not just a soldier who's clearly somebody high up whatever would have been there, which would have been very valuable. And very what not so hard. This is this is too much for one soldier, you must give some to the Treasury, you must give some to the general fund to distribute to everybody. So the man says,

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but this is the son of the prophecies and this is what he told us to do that the article, the the the soldier who kills gets everything from the soldier that he killed. And this is the general rule. Right now again, I said this applies to an army that is not paid. As for an army that is paid by the government. Remember, in those days, the armies were voluntary. And each person

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has been told that whatever you get is going to be yours. And then on top of that, the general treasure you will get to share and what is the percentage of shares between the one who has a horse versus the one who doesn't?

00:42:07 --> 00:42:09

The one with the horse gets three,

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one for him and two for his horse. Right? Why? Because taking a horse into battle, that horse or that camel is worth a lot of money and you're risking it. And also when you take your own horse you're responsible for maintaining feeding what not? So it's a big responsibility. It's also the big risk of loss. So all of these bad this this this is the chapter of the of the war booty. And you know we don't have any we're not going to talk about this too much now but it it does it is true that the one who kills gets the the armor and all of that now How did was new remember who's the new Muslim? hardest says no, you're not going to get all of this. So he takes a percentage and he gives

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it to the general fund, you know, that's going to give to the whole army. And he just gives him something that is you know, whatever trinkets or whatever, you get this. And the man says I'm going to complain to the processor.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:48

So hard It doesn't say anything. Hello as they go back to Medina. The man goes to the process of them. After everything has settled down and he complains that Yasuda I killed the Roman general. I got this and Holly took it from me. So he called harder than really to confirm Khalid said yes, you're a fool Allah, I took this percentage. So the President said here, give it all back to him. So Khalid gave him all that he had earned. And at this demand, scoffed and mocked at college and said, ha, didn't I tell you now you got what you deserved. So he mocked Khalid. So the President said, What is this? Why did you just say this? So the man explained that I had told him that I'll take

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him, you know, to you and I will, you know, complain. And now this is your vertical was in my favor. At this the Profit System became angry at the arrogance and the insolence of this man, that the man was now like boasting? Didn't I tell you now you got what you deserved. You got your scolding? And he said, in that case, oh, Khalid, do not give it to him. And that his heart is do not give it to him. Will you not leave my commanders, for me?

00:44:22 --> 00:44:25

Take the good from them and leave their bad.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:52

And this Hadeeth has generated a lot of discussion about what is its meaning and what's not, but I think it's pretty self explanatory. And that is that this man deserved his armor, his booty, but when his arrogance got the better of him, the profitsystem needed to send a message to the rest of the army, that you cannot treat your leaders in this manner.

00:44:54 --> 00:45:00

You deserved it. You could have gotten it if you were humble, okay? But when you were so arrogant and

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arrogance is a worst sin. As for hearted, he made a genuine mistake Hata did not know or he didn't believe this man. He didn't know that the one who kills gets the armor. And he felt this is a lot. He didn't take it himself. He just give it to the general fund. So how does made a genuine mistake, and this man's arrogance trumps the right side that he was on, and this is a very important point to notice this, the man was right. But his arrogance was so wrong, that favor was not given the judgment was not in his favor. And this clearly shows us the dangers of arrogance, even for the one upon the truth, even for the one upon the truth, your arrogance can make you upon the bottle. And

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hard it was wrong in this case, but he was right in the sense that he acted in his own instead. And he wasn't chastised. And the man that was chastised was the one who showed the arrogance. Also, he learned over here that it is allowed for a judge of quality to alter a verdict in light of a new circumstance. It is allowed for a policy to change his ruling, because right then in there, the process would have changed his ruling. And it is allowed in light of other circumstance. Also a very interesting point, the Profit System said to and this was the point of it.

00:46:16 --> 00:46:52

Aren't you going to leave my leaders to me meaning, Have you no respect for my leaders that you're going to mock them in this manner? This is the meaning of the Hadith. Have you no respect for my leaders now? who appointed harder to be a leader the Prophet monetarism? No know, the people that he had, what did he call harlot? My leader, Omar Ah, he, my leader, and this shows us the Sunni doctrine. This is a Sunni doctrine that the halifa the soap on the Wali whom the people choose is the worry or the Sultan of Allah on this earth.

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Even though the Prophet Mohammed system did not choose Hadith, because he was not of those three, but when the people chose Hadith, he becomes the one whom the process of choice.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:22

And this is shouldn't be doctrine By the way, that the halifa legitimate. halifa represents basically there's a hadith and there's so many a hadith of this of this matter. For example, perhaps one of the most deep ones a soltanto Wali you law he fell out.

00:47:24 --> 00:48:04

And another Hadith soltanto wilro. law he found out that the Sultan is the representative or the satanic Khalifa to learn one version of salt on Zillow lies the shadow of a lot on this earth, meaning he is representing the Sharia. And he is the one who is ultimately responsible. And that is why when the process and passed away, a worker said, I am hollyford Rasulullah Ravana califa to halifa Tora su de la, he they feel as if they're standing in the macom, the political macom, at least of the prophets, I said them you understand this point here. And this is certainly doctrine that the legitimate ruler does have a respect and authority that must be given to him in matters of

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this dunya and I have spoken about this many times, especially after the Arab Spring, that such a Hadith, they are applicable to legitimate Islamic rulers who are qualified. As for modern day dictators and presidents and Parliament's and whatnot. These you cannot apply Islamic injunctions when they themselves are not ruling by Islam and through Islam. When they are secular regimes or democracies, you cannot use the Sharia, for or against them. They don't represent a law xojo Sharia now whether they should be obeyed or not goes back to the scholars of those times. And they look at Muslim and Marissa, they look at pros and cons. It is not correct to use the Hadith about obeying

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the ruler with regards to rulers who do not obey Allah subhana wa tada and overall their implementation of the Sharia in the land. And we're not talking about their personal sins we're talking about overall they're shady and in any case, again, the point is, the soupon or the halifa represents the judgment of Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as possible by a nonprofit on this earth. Now, one interesting point, before we conclude an interesting point here is that

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this battle of mortar is actually mentioned one of the very few things that is mentioned by the Byzantine or the Byzantine chroniclers, the non Muslim chroniclers, and it is extremely interesting that the earliest historian of the Byzantine empire that writes about Muslims and his name is St. theophanies, St. theophanies, and he's an aristocratic monk. And he wrote a very large book in ancient Latin called the Chronicles or not even in Latin, ancient.

00:49:53 --> 00:50:00

It's been translated excuse me, into modern Latin and then from there has been translated into English and other language

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witches. And this work is the earliest work of the Byzantine empire that mentions the Prophet Mohammed, Salah Selim. And it mentions even the Battle of Mata and theophanies, died around 820 ce II. So 826 is very early on. That's one of the earliest books written. And he uses sources that we no longer possess. And one of the sources that he uses is that of an Arab source that is a non Muslim source, that he's using an Arab source to talk about the Islamic side of things. So he becomes one of the very few Roman authors with access to material and names and stuff that is not found in most of the other Byzantine sources. No other visiting chronicler was so well equipped with

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the material that he often is was. And he wrote, as I said, his book, The Chronicles, which has been translated, and very interestingly, he mentioned the Battle of mortar in that Chronicle. And I downloaded the book and I actually printed out the page from the Chronicle from his Chronicles, and he mentions in the year 630. Now he doesn't mention 630, he actually says in the year 623, but that's because their calendar when you convert it to our calendar, a little bit different. And then he always has the dates according to the Roman Emperor. And according to the emperors of the civilizations of that year, so he says heraclius 22nd year, the same heraclius Abu Bakar s, because

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they're adding OS, they add OS woodworkers first year. Now this is a mistake from his side, he puts the bottle of water in the first year of ebookers clapper. And obviously, he's not 100% accurate. And by the way, his description of the Prophet system is full of stereotypes and antiquated and whatnot. But clearly, by 700 ce II, the Romans have heard of the new religion and the new Prophet and the new Sahaba and their theology. And it's interesting to look at it from their perspective. It's full of incorrect inconsistencies and stereotypes, but he's mentioning a new religion, a new Prophet, the children of Ishmael, descendants to Abraham calling to monotheism so he's mentioning

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certain truths. And then he mentions, you know, vulgar facts as well, that are the typical, you know, stereotypical things of multiple wives. And isn't that the standard, you know, motif, the caricature that was painted by the Romans is being passed down. So he often is says, In the first year, a worker in the 22nd year heraclius, he says that, Mohammed, he doesn't call them Mohammed, he mentions Mohammed. But he had appointed for Amir's, this is another mistake had appointed three. But again, this is their site for Amir's to fight the members of an Arab nation that were Christian. And this we already mentioned this right. And they came in front of a village called mafia. So he says

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the village was called mafia. And they,

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in that village was stationed vicarious Theodore Nova carriers, Theodore, they say he was the brother of heraclius. So it is mentioned in our books that the brother of heraclius participated in the Battle of motor. So he also is mentioning that theater was there, and they intended to fall upon the Arabs on the day when they sacrificed to their idols. Now, this is an interesting tidbit that I did not find in any of the books of the Arab side of things, or the Muslim side of things when he is saying, they intentionally chose a day that was a festival for them. And if this is the case, then that makes a lot of sense. You choose the day when they will be distracted. Our source books don't

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mention this, his book mentions that they chose that they the vicarious meaning Theodore, on learning. Now, this is very interesting. And Alan knows how true this is. on learning this from a certain port Archie Qureshi called port a bus who was in his pay, meaning there was a spy, there was a spy that had informed on them. Now this spy could not have been from the Sahaba because they're not going to get a spy, this would have been from the Arab Christian community, that there is somebody there who is in the pay of the, the vicarious, he gathered all of this information, and ascertained the day and and the time when they were about to attack, and therefore he himself attack

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them at a village called maltose. Now again, in our books, Moses is not mentioned but perhaps that was their name for a village. Now listen to this, and he killed three Amir's

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and the bulk of their army This is not true. The bulk of their army is not true. He killed 1% one Amir, listening to this now called Khalid, whom they call God's sword

00:54:53 --> 00:54:54


00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

theophanies is mentioning Khalid

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

safer law.

00:55:02 --> 00:55:13

And this is amazing that they already know Hadith is the one who caused them to escape. And why because they call him the sword of God.

00:55:14 --> 00:55:30

So the title that the Prophet Mohammed Salim gave to Holly the minute Walid had reached the Roman Empire. And the often is when his recording history, he is writing, they call this man the sword of God. And he's the one who manage them to escape.

00:55:31 --> 00:56:12

And to me, I was really, I mean, when I read this in tertiary, so I said, This is too good to be true. So I actually downloaded the entire book, and tried to find where this is in here. I actually downloaded it today and said, I'm going to read it myself. And then hamdulillah it's right here directly, that one whom they call the Word of God, and it's something will lie Allah azza wa jal said, this is the process of gave him the Word of God, the sword of Allah. And that is why his Shahada spread even to the Romans. And of course, I mean, before we go on, of course, this is why highly demanded Waleed had to die in his bed. It is mentioned that when he was dying, he began

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crying, and there was a visitor there. And he said, turn me around. And look at me from the front and back. You will not find two fingers on my body, except that there's a scar and mark and a bruise and this and that. And yet here I am dying on my bed. You see hard It has warrior blood. And when you have warrior blood, you don't want to die on your bed. He's crying. Like I spent my life battling. I have a whole stellar record, here I am dying on my bed. He doesn't understand the wisdom. But even casita and other all of the later scholars, they say, hard it was safe law.

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And it is not allowed for anybody to break safer law in the battle. Only the one who unsheathed the safer law can put it back where it belongs. And that is Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Harder than what it is to holy to die on the battlefield too much. Because if you were to break safer law, then what does that show? So the one man who did so much that he's actually called the sword of Allah is not allowed to die on the battlefield. And he did not understand this. But in sha Allah, he got the idea of the shade, but he has to hold it today as a shade. Now, final point here. So the primary benefit of the Battle of Malta, what exactly does this do? It opened up the northern lands, because

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I would say 95% of the battles of the Sierra are Southern

00:57:53 --> 00:58:00

Medina, downwards. Right, the Battle of Malta is the largest battle up north.

00:58:02 --> 00:58:46

And there were small skirmishes, but moto was the mother of all northern battles. You understand this point in all of the other battles are going down south. More, what it did was okay, I agree, we all agree, the Romans were not defeated. And the Christian Arabs were not defeated Way up north into book and whatnot. But what happened was the reach of the oma has spread, at least to the peripheries now. And the strength of the Muslims is established. And fear is put in the hearts of those Arab Christian tribes. Fear is put in their hearts. And we will come back to this entire book, that when the process of himself marched north, they couldn't even fight him. And there's no denying that

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Mokhtar had an impact, if only 3000 of them could do so much damage to however 10,050. We don't know the numbers. But suppose there were 15,000 10,000. If only 3000 could do so much damage and still escape. What are we going to do when the profit model system itself comes? So when to book takes place? They don't even show up. I'm telling you this beforehand, but we'll come to the book later on. They can't even fight the Prophet Mohammed, so I send them so it's the first and only major battle that takes place up north. It's also the first and only battle in the lifetime of the process. And with the Romans. It's the only battle with the Romans. And obviously this opens up the

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door of fighting the Romans after the death of the process of hybrid annuity, then particular gets that experience and he knows the tactics of the Romans. He faces them in battle. And of course Allah will use him later on to fight the Romans. All of this is intended after this. Now remember, when does that take place? What year does it take place?

00:59:45 --> 00:59:50

Beginning of the eighth year of the Hitler the beginning of the eighth year, what is the conquest of Makkah?

00:59:54 --> 00:59:56

Ramadan is the eighth year

00:59:57 --> 00:59:59

Ramadan of the eighth year hedgerows

01:00:00 --> 01:00:29

That is the 10th year, right Ramadan of the eighth year. So we're about to now, very soon inshallah tada finish off the conquests, because the very next incident is going to be the conquest of Makkah. During the two years after the Treaty of Abia, basically Arabia sixth year, and then water is the beginning of the eighth year, during this year and a half to two years, every single serious threat to the Muslim community has been eliminated.

01:00:30 --> 01:01:11

By going up north, the message has been given to them, you cannot attack us. That's the least thing. And remember, there's a standard chieftain What was he saying, I'm going to show you who's the boss, I'm going to come down, I'm going to do this. Now it's all for you. You're not going to do anything once you see what they can do to in your own territory. So it is true to say motor was not a victory, but the message was given. And that message was don't mess with us. You can't mess with us. And therefore, at the end of this incident about a love mortar, every single serious opposition to the Muslim community has been eliminated. The only threat even that in quotation marks that is left

01:01:11 --> 01:01:59

is a week debilitated D clause, D toothed neutered. Quraysh nothing left is just an old dog without any teeth. Nothing left lots of empty air, but they're all now defecting over. And that's what I'm going to ask himself. That's where he left like what's left now it's only a matter of time we will be conquered. Even allmodern he's The Statesman. He's the politician, he sees this that's why he is the very last to go and therefore inshallah Tada. We will pause our zero for few weeks for the break and then we will resume inshallah, next Gregorian year 2014 and insha Allah who tada we should be finishing the entire Syrah within the Gregorian calendar 2014 insha. Allah. Tada. And with that, if

01:01:59 --> 01:02:03

there any questions or Yes.

01:02:08 --> 01:02:12

Why do you think the Battle of Malta is not as famous as the other battles?

01:02:15 --> 01:02:20

Number one, because the Prophet Mohammed sysm did not participate. So it is a What is that? It is the

01:02:21 --> 01:02:22

the survey.

01:02:26 --> 01:02:26


01:02:27 --> 01:02:28

Yeah, okay.

01:02:29 --> 01:03:02

Number one, because the Prophet Mohammed Hassan himself did not participate. Number two, because the details of the Bible are very sketchy. And they haven't been mentioned in a lot of details. And there, there are a number of reasons for this of them is that once again, the process does not participate. And of them is that by and large, the battle is not a positive memory. And when it's not a positive memory, you don't tell it in gory detail. It's a loss and losses are just covered up and you don't go into a lot of detail. So these are the two reasons that come to mind and Allah azza wa jal knows best. Yes.

01:03:05 --> 01:03:14

No, they didn't, because they thought reinforcements were coming. So the pause was too late. And by the time they figured out it was a ruse, so then they're not gonna go after them.

01:03:16 --> 01:03:16


01:03:21 --> 01:03:24

We mentioned this last week, were you here last week?

01:03:27 --> 01:03:30

No, no, the Roman No, no. theophanies did not say that. No.

01:03:32 --> 01:03:40

The Office did not say that. No, but he just mentioned that Theodora sent a battalion and there were the Arab Christians as well. Both were there.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:57

We do not know why. The profitsystem himself did not participate in this. Allah knows best.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:13

We can only assume things why did the process not go to water. But he did go to the book, which actually would have been more dangerous. And it was more difficult than it was in the summer months. So Allah knows there must have been something else going on. Hold on knows best. Yes.

01:04:24 --> 01:04:38

So he said it's a victory. The Sahaba or the Sahaba were accused of running away from the battle to separate things. They were accused of running away turning their backs on the Romans and fleeing

01:04:39 --> 01:05:00

and in in you can say that, that did occur that they turn their backs and they saved themselves. So the fact that they fled does not necessarily disqualify it as being a victory. And that's what I am also saying that when the process of causative factor it is a factor in its own way, and that is that the Muslims are saved. By

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

The Muslims were not fleeing out of cowardice. The Muslims are thing because it's no point just

01:05:06 --> 01:05:08

just it's it's useless.

01:05:09 --> 01:05:34

It's a tactical retreat for a later fight. That's what the President himself was saying. They are not running away out of characters. They are tactically retreating. And Allah Himself allows a tactical retreat in the Quran. Allah does not allow fleeing from the battlefield. In the Quran, Allah says do not flee, unless it is a tactical retreat. And this is what our Prophet system herself said that this is a tactical retreat. Yes.

01:05:38 --> 01:06:13

As we said last week, the reasons for this battle are a little bit vague, but no doubt the consequences I just mentioned are very real. And that is the Islamic Republic is now established all the way almost up until the periphery of the Roman Empire and even the Arab Christians are now threatened to attack Medina. So the sign has been given that we are too powerful for you. And perhaps that was the main wisdom, that the only threat possible would have been from up north and that threat has been eliminated and Allah knows best

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi continues from where he left off in the last video which is the events that transpired after the martyrdom of the three chiefs – Zayd Ibn Harithah RA, Ibn Rawawah RA and Jafar RA.

The next point of discussion is the conclusion of the result of Battle of Mu’tah. Was it a victory or a loss for the Muslims? A variety of opinions are contemplated upon and some are listed as follows:

  • According to the position of Musa ibn Uqtah, Al Bayhaqi and Ibn Kathir, this battle was definitely a victory since the Muslims returned successfully with the least amount of  causality,they got war booty and also because of the word of the Prophet ﷺ himself calling it a victory.
  • Historians such as Al Waqidi, ibn Sa’ad etc declare the Battle of Mu’tah to be a loss because the Muslims lost three major leaders along with their flag, the Muslims had to retrace their steps backwards but nothing of the sort happened with the Romans.
  • The position of Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Abdul Baar, Ibn al Qayyim certified this battle to be neither a defeat or victory because neither side attacked the other at the end of the battle , and neither sides took any prisoners of war.

Many positions of the Sunnah come to light through this battle:

  • In the event of  a death or tragedy, the relatives and friends should come to the forefront and offer assistance in any way possible.
  • Words of encouragement and consolation ought to be given.
  • Visiting the family of the deceased should be advocated but avoid socializing for extended periods of time.


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