Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Is Shisha Haram

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the harms of smoking in the UK, including health problems and addictive smoking. They suggest providing hook options to avoid the harms and explain the harmful nature of shisha, including its potential to cause health issues such as lung disease, cancer, and respiratory and heart disease. The speaker also mentions that shisha smoking is harms for humans, but not harmful to humans.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam

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ala Sayyidina Muhammad he was early he asked me he he Marina

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I was once in Egypt at the book fair. That takes place every

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January. It's an international book fair. And I've gone with a

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few brothers from the UK and

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one of the brothers mashallah with a big beard as well. We were

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sitting down he was sitting down outside of the US her area and

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there's a there's a very famous market down there the Han Khalili

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as such, so he was sitting there having a shisha because at that

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time I think it was a big

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there was a big hype about shisha in in the UK it kind of just

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started and everything and people started buying all of these T

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shirts every house you went to in the front room they had a shisha

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as though it's some kind of adornment or something. Right? I

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don't know if you if you remember that time, but all these houses in

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the UK had all of these shisha shoved around. So

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this person just thought it was quite normal at that time, because

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people had this idea at that time that there's no harm in it. It's

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just this nice pastime and there's no harm in it. So he's sitting

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there having one having a shisha and I just personally I can't bear

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the smell of it. It just smells very sweet and sickening,

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sickening and just makes you want to vomit. Hamdulillah I feel that

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way. But

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I remember there were two three other brothers that were young

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guys, young guys from Egypt who around

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No, no beards as well. And I just asked him I said, You know what,

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do the alumni here consider this? I mean, do you guys consider

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shisha to be fine? And they said No, It's haram, you know, are the

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Mahir say It's haram. And that's the same case with many of their

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other minds, Saudi Arabia as well. They consider it haram. Now

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they've got their reasons, obviously, whatever those reasons

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are. What I want to speak about today is that

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you know, the great thing that happened in the UK was that they

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had this ban on shisha smoking inside, and thus many of these

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shisha cafes had to close down. Now they've got these rooftop

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ones, and then they've got these ones, you know, but this can only

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be done by companies that have a place outside. So they've got

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these outer verandas, or whatever it is, in which they have the

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shisha and so on. The thing is that I think what we need to look

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at is

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what are the harms of this thing? That's what we need to look at, to

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to provide a hook them. So number one, I mean, smoking, according to

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many of their alumni is haram. According to many alumni

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internationally speaking, it's haram. According to many ornament

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of the subcontinent, they said it was mcru. Because I think the time

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that this fatwa came out many, many years ago, many decades ago,

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in fact, at that time, smoking's harms, harms of smoking, were not

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very well known. So they just said, it's mcru, it looks bad,

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it's got you know, you've got this puff, coming out, look like a

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chimney. It smells, it stinks. So they said, It's my crew, but they

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didn't know is so harmful to the health. However, as people find

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out, it's harms for health, they've got stricter for to us. So

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personally speaking, what I generally say about smoking is

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that it's haram to start, because you're wasting money, you're wet,

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you're getting into something that's addictive, that's

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addictive, that you're going to be you know, addicted to a very long

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term for a very long time. It's got definite humps,

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internationally, it's understood now that it's got hands, right.

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And you you're you're basically becoming addicted to something

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which is not going to further you in any way. Right, and it's

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harmful for you. So it gives you lung disease, and it gives you

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could give you cancer and throat disease and etc, etc. And when so

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It's haram to start, but those poor people who unfortunately are

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stuck with it, and they're trying their best to come out of it then

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for them to continue obviously then there's a level of Cara and a

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level of reprehensibility there but

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I'm not gonna say that's haram because they're now stuck within

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it tonight, where they pray to Allah subhanaw taala that Allah

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protect us all and Allah helped them to also relieve themselves.

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Many have been relieved when it comes to shisha. A lot of people

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thought that it's quite harmless because it's colorful. And that's

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the nature of things in this world. People package things in

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nice colors, adorn them and embellish them and then suddenly

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they start looking good. But that's, that's that's the problem.

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It's not as good as it is. For example, they say the average pipe

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smoking session of around an hour is equivalent to smoking about 200

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cigarettes. Allahu Allah. I mean, that's that's a massive claim. But

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if there's any truth in that, that's extremely harmful. Many,

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you know many of those who've

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who've, who've investigated this and who've researched into it,

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they found that they're similar. They're similar health risks in

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shisha smoking as there is in smoking cigarettes, obviously,

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maybe on a slightly different level. But there are the same

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kinds of things. For example, respiratory and heart disease, you

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know, that can be that's also you can also get that from shisha

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smoking, you get the same kind of carbon monoxide is released as

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well. There's in infections and viruses such as Opal, such as oral

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herpes and tobacco.

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tuberculosis, all of this thing, all of these things,

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because the tobacco passes through water first, some people think

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that, you know, everything gets neutralized. But the problem is

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that the same kind of passage, the same kind of carcinogens, and

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Nick, nicotine, the carcinogens and nicotine still found in there.

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And those are the things that are habit forming and cancer forming.

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So heart disease and cancer is a possibility from there as well,

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the World Health Organization, right, the W. H. O, they said that

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the volume of smoke inhaled in an hour Setia session is estimated to

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be equivalent of smoking between 100 to 200 Cigarettes, right. So

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there's a lot of these things that you understand, it's definitely

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when all of these organizations are saying that it's harmful, then

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it's something that the Muslims should should avoid. Because it's

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not a good pastime, when you've got all of these harmful effects

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of it. There's no benefit in doing these things, if that's what you

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know, that's what's going to come out of it.

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The other problem with the shisha smoking is that because people

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think that it's not harmful, then they smoke for much longer. So all

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of this stuff is coming through at the same time, and it's not

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getting fully neutralized. So there's, you know, there's all of

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this harm in there. So may Allah subhanaw taala, give us the Tofig

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to to avoid this. And to find a better past time, that's a lot

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more healthier, and that won't

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be considered harmful for one's health. Because just like we we

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say that things which are harmful to spiritually, things that are

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harmful to us physically, are also bad for us. So I think we need to

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take that into consideration. And may Allah subhanaw taala give us

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the ability to enjoy life in a way that's more harmful than healthy

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than in these kinds of ways which are considered unhealthy and that

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just may seem cool for people and not really beneficial. Just like

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Well, look, we're working with that one and hamdulillah

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bla Hola.

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