Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2014 – Tafsir Surah Al-Fatiha – 04

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The "we" phrase is used in Arabic for those who want to be heard, while "up 1995" means "up in the name of Islam" means "up in the name of Islam" and "up Arabic" means "up in the name of Islam". The "up English" meaning "up in English" and "up Arabic" means "up in Arabic". The "up Arabic" meaning "up in Arabic" is used for those who want to be heard, while "up Arabic" means "up in Arabic" means "up in Arabic" is used for those who want to be heard. The "we" phrase is used for those who want to be heard, and the "up Arabic" meaning "up in Arabic" is used for those who want to be heard.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala he was so happy he married a Marburg. So we finished discussing the issue of his tiada saying our will to be let him initiate on your regime. So after we ask Allah azza wa jal for protection from evil thoughts, the next logical phrase phrase, after asking a lot to protect us from external threats, is to ask Allah to bless us with the right internal thought, and that is what Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim does. So in fact, it could be said that Rosa Villa and Bismillah they work in cooperation with each other. And of course, that's the whole point. You began by seeking refuge in the evil to get

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rid of the bad then you ask Allah for the good, and in fact, this is what our religion of Islam is around these two pillars. Allah says in the Quran for me yuck for Who do you remember Allah He forgot this term circa Butterworth, it was for whoever rejects the false gods and false deities and accepts Allah that is the one that has held on to the strong hand hold. So you have to reject evil and affirm good and this is what our rubella and Bismillah does together. In fact, even our Kadima what is our kalama La ilaha illallah wa we negate everything that's bad La Ilaha we don't believe in any false god. Then we affirm the one true God Illa Allah and so similarly, our Billahi min ash

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shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim put together accomplishes the same goal. Now I'm going to spend at least two three days on the best mela and today we're going to really just talk about the translation what is the simple translation of the Kadima and also whether sorry, the Bestival, excuse me, and whether the investment is a part of the Fatiha or not. So, how do we translate Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim? If we were to translate literally Bismillah With the name of Allah, O Rama, the one who has Rama and Rahim, the one who shows Rama so With the name of Allah, Amanda Rahim. Now, even if you don't know advanced Arabic grammar, you know that this is an incomplete

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sentence With the name of Allah what what would the name of Allah and for those who remember their high school Arabic not Oh, and also those who are studying Arabic, this is Java module has to be metallic with something Bismillah has to be related to something, a verb and now something, what are you doing with the name of Allah With the name of Allah that Amanda Haim, but then this is an incomplete sentence. And so there must be something that is missing. What is this thing that is missing? This thing that is missing is a verb, that is a subsequent verb that is pertinent to the object that you're doing, I'm going to translate everything, don't worry, let me repeat this. What

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is missing is a subsequent pertinent verb, right? So it is for the for those who are learning Arabic now and for those who remember their high school nahu, the Java module to be feared in my roofingmetal hidden Manasa this is how we're gonna say it, fear then move to a hidden Manasa roof. And we'll translate all of these things. I say there's a missing verb. Why a verb because actions are verbs. We don't usually do actions in nouns actions are verbs. So with the name of a law, I am slaughtering an animal Bismillah With the name of Allah, I am reading a book, this is the verb. So it's a missing verb, With the name of Allah, I am entering my house. So whatever you're doing, there

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is a missing verb. And this missing verb is pertinent. What do we mean by pertinent? The context tells you what the verb is. So if you're starting your car, Bismillah I'm beginning my drive. If you're entering your house, Bismillah I'm entering my house, if you're slaughtering an animal, Bismillah I'm slaughtering the animal and so on and so forth. So we said, it is a verb that is subsequent and pertinent I explained why it's a verb, I explain why it's pertinent. Do you understand pertinent means contextual, ie, what are you doing? If you open up a book and you say, Bismillah Bismillah. I recite the book Bismillah I entered the house Bismillah I do whatever I'm

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doing. So it is pertinent. It is contextual, to what you are doing. It is missing, because obviously, it's not in the sentence, because it allows them that you put in the verb through your action. If Allah had said the verb, then you could not use the Bismillah except when you do the verb. Was that clear? If Allah had said Bismillah I slaughtered for example, then you couldn't say Bismillah slaughter when you read a book, you couldn't say Bismillah when you open the car door when you enter your house, so by putting it missing my aloof in Arabic, you eliminate it in its meaning. This

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allows for you to use the Bismillah in every scenario in your life. So Allah subhanho wa Taala did not put the verb because he wanted us to use this phrase for whatever action we did. And we said this verb therefore is pertinent to what you're doing. We said it is subsequent, what is subsequent mean? What? Once again we can do this in two ways we can say, I recite in the name of a law, or we can say In the name of Allah, I recite is the verb before In the name of Allah or is it after the name of Allah? So we can say up Cora or Bismillah, or Bismillah he ocra? Where does the Quran where does the verb go? And most of the scholars say it is subsequent, it is not antecedent, it is not

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before. Now, what's the difference? Who cares? If it's before or after? Who cares if it should be I begin In the name of Allah or In the name of Allah? I begin for two reasons for two reasons. Number one, we always want to mention the Name of Allah first before he mentioned what I am doing, In the name of Allah I recite, I shouldn't say I recite putting emphasis to myself and then putting Allah second No, we put a law first for respect. We put a law first to show honor and glory to Allah. So Bismillah and then the missing verb, I'm reciting. Okay. And then there's a second reason and that is now this does not apply in English, but you must understand it in Arabic. The second reason is

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that when you delay the verb after the With the name of Allah, you imply exclusivity in Arabic Allah hassle, Allah translate, what does this mean? If I say I recite With the name of Allah,

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then this does not eliminate, I could be reciting for some other reason as well. I could be resigning because I want to show off, I could be resigning because I want some money. I could be resigning because of this because of that. But in Arabic And this doesn't apply in English in Arabic When you transfer the verb to after the noun or in this case Java Mujuru, if you say this Miller he

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then you are saying I am reciting only for the sake of Allah. There is no other reason that I'm reciting there is an exclusive clause if you like, the only reason I am reciting or entering the house or whatever I have no other deity I have no other goal in mind other than Bismillah With the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and so we said that then that there is a missing subsequent pertinent verb and inshallah that is very clear. Now what does it mean With the name of Allah document or him with the name of Allah? What? And once again, there are reasons for what does the band mean? Bismillah With the name of Allah, what number one With the name of Allah, I began what

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I'm doing so that I am showing a lot I'm doing this for him sincerity class, With the name of Allah, I began my deed. So I am remembering Allah, Oh Allah, this is for you. So when we say Bismillah I want Allah subhana wa tada to know that this deed, I am beginning it with him in mind. And when you have your goal in mind, when you have your priority in mind, everything will fit into place. So when you open up the book of Allah, and you say Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, you are showing Allah Oh Allah, I am beginning with your name. Oh Allah I am beginning with you in mind. And this demonstrates what is loss sincerity. So any deed that you do, you should have a lunch Handle With

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that in mind, even if it's a deed that is not purely religious, you open your house to enter it you want the less blessings you're saying In the name of Allah. So number one is loss. Number two With the name of Allah, Allah, I need you to do this deed.

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Allah I need you to be with me in Arabic Allah, Allah Sahaba I want Allah azza wa jal to be with me not physically but obviously Allah is help. I cannot do this deed without you. Oh Allah. If you don't help me, open the car door, I cannot open this door. If you do not help me get to work in the car, I cannot get to work. If you do not help me finish this chore. I cannot finish this chore. So Bismillah all along with your help, I need to finish the how La quwata illa Billah nothing changes and there is no power except if Allah has wielded. So when you say Bismillah you are actually making a dua to Allah, Allah with your name, I need to finish this deed. So the second reason is, you want

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a laws Baraka, you want a laws, blessings, without Allah's help, you cannot do it. The first one is loss. The second reason is Baraka. And then the third reason that Bismillah is Allah when a little Kabul, we weren't allowed to accept the deed, whatever we're doing, and this is especially for the religious deed, especially for the religious deeds, even though even the non religious deeds we weren't allowed to be pleased with those deeds.

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And that is why even when we commit a sin, we cannot say Bismillah before the sin can we, we know this is filtered out and you cannot do this right? It's not even, it doesn't even come to your lips. Because you know this Allah is not going to bless or accept this deed. So when you say Bismillah, you open up the book of Allah, you say, Oh Allah, this deed, I wanted to be with you Bismillah With the name of Allah, I want this deed to go up to you. So we do it number one for a class number two for Baraka and number three, for Kabul, memorize these three things. And for the advanced Arabic students of grammar, the bar in each of these is different about the muscle habit, and so on and so

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forth. So these are the three meanings of Bismillah With the name of Allah With the name of Allah, I need a lot of help to begin this class With the name of Allah, I need a lot of help to complete. That's the Baraka and With the name of Allah, I need a lot of help to accept this good deed. And of course, the Quran is full of examples of this phrase many times in the Quran, this phrase occurs. In fact, the very first revelation is nothing but Bismillah in a different way. If caught up this smear of Bic it's really the essence of the phrase. Now in this case, the verb comes first it caught up, and it is mentioned. Why? Because it's the beginning of the Quranic revelation. So it makes sense

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now, because it's the beginning of the Quran, if Cora bismil Arabic because in this case, the Bismillah is meant for a specific purpose, that's the beginning of the Quran. So the very first revelation is in essence Bismillah in meaning, if Quran this mirror of the color the color also for example, when Allah told Noah to write on the ship, what did he say? What color caribou Fie have Bismillahi Madre hermosa and Allah said to go and ride on the ship and then say Bismillah so when you write on the ship, you say Bismillah This is not being told. And when the Prophet Suleiman wrote to the Queen of Sheba, and the letter is in the Quran, what did the Queen of Sheba, the when the

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letter is read out? What does the Quran say? In whom in Suleiman what in Who? This Miller here Rama Rahman r Rahim, the letter is from Sulayman and it begins Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. And therefore the entire phrase Bismillah and bismi Arabic occurs in the Quran, and in fact the phrase Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in its entirety, it is a part of a verse of pseudonym and I repeat the phrase Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is in the Quran inside the Quran, in Surah number as a part of a verse, and that is why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would always begin any deed of his would saying Bismillah he would begin his lectures, his hope was he would begin the Salah, he will begin

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anything that he did. And he said in the authentic hadith that kulu Ahmadinejad, scholars have different is authentic or not, some have said it is weak. Some have said it is has ended it but the Hadith is mature as you say it's a famous Hadith and some say it's not authentic as Some say it is authentic. But in the famous Hadith our Prophet system is reputed to have said kulu unburdened the bad move Bismillah to Allah for who aka who urged them, that every single deed of importance, that does not begin with Bismillah by saying Bismillah It is as if the deed has been amputated or it is not full or it is mutilated. Every single deed of importance that does not begin with Bismillah then

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it is Akbar it is cut off it is mutilated. Therefore, we say Bismillah before everything of importance we do and even our Prophet says and when he would write letters to the non Muslim kings had a decent sized body when he Rackley as the emperor of Rome opened up the letter and a translator read he The first thing Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim min Mohammed and rasulillah in a Huracan Altima room, this Bismillah R Rahman Rahim This is a letter from Mohammed Salah I sent him the servant of Allah to hirako the emperor of Rome. How did he begin the letter Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and inshallah Tada. We have a number of other lectures about Bismillah R Rahman Rahim until tomorrow as

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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah. He will wabarakatuh

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi now moves on to discuss the most important phrase – Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim (The Basmalah). This phrase is used to bless us with the right thoughts and frame of mind and is used right after seeking protection from Shaytan with the Istihaadah.

In this video, we are acquainted with the following topics:

  • A translation of the Basmalah.
  • How Allah’s help is paramount in our quest for sincerity (Ikhlas).
  • Need for Allah’s help to achieve Barakah and to accept our good and noble deeds.


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