Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2014 – Tafsir Surah Al-Fatiha – 05

Yasir Qadhi
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The phrase " cal discomfort" is used in Islam, and the phrase "iced" is related to the title of Islam. The speakers discuss the use of the phrase in court cases, including the Shafi School of Law and the Dean School of Law, and the importance of praying five times a day to receive blessings. They also mention the use of "hamdu Lillocused" in court papers and the meaning behind certain court names.
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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala he was a big marine about so yesterday we had begun our discussion of the phrase Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. And I had mentioned that the phrase Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim has a missing subsequent pertinent verb and I explained this phrase that when we say Bismillah, there is a missing verb in the name of Allah I began in the name of Allah I recite and we said that it is missing because the law is the origin wants us to use this phrase for whatever we do, we set it is subsequent, it comes after With the name of Allah, because we want to bless Allah before mentioned

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ourselves, and we want to emphasize that whatever we're doing, we're doing it only for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. And we also said that this phrase With the name of Allah, Dora Amanda Rahim, there are many meanings but I mentioned only three of them. The first of them we say it to remind ourselves that we're doing this for Allah. So number one is to floss. Number two, With the name of Allah, Allah, I need your help to do this deed. So we asked for Allah blessings Allah Baraka and number three, With the name of Allah, Allah, I want this deed to be with you. I mentioned your name, so please accept it. So, if last Baraka and kaboom these are the three main and there are more this

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besides this that time does not permit us to go into Now today we will discuss two related issues about the Bismillah about the best mother and the first of them is we say in the name of Allah in the name of Allah Bisson Milla. So why do we say the name of Allah? Why don't we mention Allah directly? And here we say if you look at the Quran, the Quran tells us to make the spear to Allah and to the name of Allah, sub baja Lila and sub B his smell Robic. We make this V to Allah. And we make this V With the name of Allah. If you look at the Quran, the Quran tells us to make Tabarak to Allah and to the name of Allah to barakallahu. So non Hodgkin and to Baraka smooth Arabic, so we

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make about to Allah and to the name of Allah. If you look at the Quran, the Quran tells us to remember Allah and to remember the name of Allah Kuru LA, and was charisma Robic. So the Quran tells us in a number of occasions, to do certain things sometimes by mentioning Allah directly, sometimes by mentioning the name of Allah, and that is because the name of Allah is itself holy, it is itself glorified. We glorify the name of Allah, if even the name is glorified, then how much more so Allah himself if even the name we glorify Sabir his Moravec the Islam of Allah We glorify how much more so do we glorify Allah, if even the name of Allah is Tabarak antibiotic means worthy of blessings to

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Barack means bless it to Baraka, small Robic the name of your Lord is blessing then how much more so is Allah bless it if his mere name, the mention of his name is blessing? So we mentioned the name of Allah. Now very interestingly, never does the Quran tell us to worship the name of Allah? No, we don't worship the name of Allah. And neither is ultimate praise given to the name of Allah. The very next verse, we'll come to that next week in sha Allah Alhamdulillah we don't want him to his smilla Hamed belongs to Allah, but Barak and just VA you can do it to the name and to Allah. In English we say we glorify and we exalt the name and we glorify and we exalt Allah, but we worship Allah. Is

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that clear? We glorify, and we exalt Allah and the name of Allah. So the mere mention of Allah's Name is an act of glory. To mention a last name is an act of praise. And therefore sub base model with kuris Moravec tabarka smartdock, this smilla With the name of Allah, we began, the mere mention of a last name should bring a lot of blessings. It is a blessing in and of itself. But then when it comes to actual worship and actual hand, then we say Alhamdulillah directly to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Also, the next, the main point that we're going to do for today's short, hotter, it's a bit of a technical issue, but it must be done because we're doing sudo sudo Fatiha and that is an issue

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that will cause a little bit of confusion but bear with me in sha Allah who tada I hinted

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This to three days ago and that is there is a slight controversy amongst the scholars of the recitation of the Quran regarding the status of Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. ensuited Fatiha now. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim as a phrase. Is it a part of the Quran? Yes or no? Yes it is. It is clearly a part of the Quran surah numbered. As I mentioned yesterday, Allah says in the human soul a man will enter who Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. So the phrase Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is a part of the Quran without any doubt it is a part of the eye and suta number. The question which the scholars of Islam differed over and this is the only difference of opinion in the whole Koran about an ayah

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and some scholars said it is an ayah. Some scholars said it is not an ayah and both opinions have their evidences, the only difference of opinion of the whole or on is regarding sudo tilde Fatiha and the Bismillah ensuited Fatiha that's the only difference of difference of opinion, some of our scholars of the past the scholars from Mecca and Kufa, and therefore the recitations from Makkah and Kufa and therefore our reputation, and our reputation is a cufon recitation. The common recitation that we recite it is the cufon recitation, our recitation you open up the Quran, and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen, verse number one. This is the first verse if you open up any must have that we

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commonly read verse number one, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. However, scholars from other cities, this Sahaba antipyrine, from Medina, and from Basra and from other lands, they said the phrase Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, it is an ayah in suta namun. It is not an ayah in the beginning of Fatiha and so if you open up a Quran printed in North Africa, for example, right, so our brothers who are from Morocco from a desire they recite in a recitation that is slightly different. Sometimes if you hear one of our Moroccan brothers lead the Salah, he will recite a slightly different way there's a different color and these differences we talked about them in previous years and they are

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well known in the oma, if you open up that must have you find the first verse is a hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. And the Bismillah is merely a blessing phrase that you say between the students. So based upon this, we have two opinions in the oma. The first of them is that certain fact you have the first verse is in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen and this is the position even in the legal schools, the Shafi school and the Hamburg the school they said that the Bismillah is an eye of Sultan Fatiha and then the other school said that the Bismillah is not an eye of sorts and Fatiha. Based upon this. There's a slight difference. And if you ever hear any Imam recite and he recites

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim out loud, then he says that hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. This is the position of the Shafi School of Law and most of you are aware, and this is something we should all recognize that our religion has four recognized schools of law and all of them are valid My dear brothers and sisters, they have existed in our oma from the beginning of time, and we do not divide our souls over these legal schools. Allah has blessed the oma with a little bit of diversity. We see this diversity in the beginning and ending of the month of Ramadan. We see this diversity and other minor film opinions on hamdulillah. Nothing major is different, all of them, say pray five times a

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day gives it go fast Ramadan, Allah has allowed a little bit of leeway for the blessing of the oma. So these four schools of law they differ about the recitation of Bismillah and the Shafi School of Law and the Shafi school is predominant in many Arab lands Egypt and Syria and others that are predominantly Shafi. They say you have to recite Bismillah out loud, so if you pray behind the scholar from the shaffir email, he will always say Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. The hanbali School of Law which is predominant in Arabia and under the parts of the Middle East, they say the Bismillah is a part of the fact to have but you recited silently, and this is the

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position of Medina humble you recited silently, the Hanafi School of Law and the Hanafi school is predominant in Indian box and in Bangladesh. And Turkey, they say that the Bismillah is not a part of the Fatiha and you don't recite it out loud. And that is also the position that most of us are familiar with. And the medic is as well have the same opinion. So to reiterate, the only school of law that says you should recite it out loud is which one, the Shafi School of Law that's the only school that says that you should recite, and they have their evidences and we respect that position. Nonetheless, we have authentic hadith, for example, in a cinematic narrates and the Hadith is an

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activity and a cinematic narrative. I prayed behind the profitsystem, Abu Bakar, and woman on earth man, and none of them ever recited. Bismillah out loud, and this hadith is intimidating. And he is saying I pray behind all of these people. So the majority of the cases

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All those the three methods with all respect if somebody is after you stay with your method, but I'm saying the other schools of law they say that we don't recite the Bismillah out loud inside of the Salah how then do you recite it? You recite it silently. Now this is the final point that will conclude what does it mean to recite it silently? A lot of Muslims make a mistake when the books say recite certain fatty How are the Bismillah silently, many people think silently means in my head and this is wrong silently means you recited with a low breath, your lips, your tongues your vocal cords must move. Air must be expelled from your body when you recite.

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This is silent recitation for somebody to recite in the head, which is the imaginary recitation. This is not recitation. This is imagination. So when the scholars say you have to recite silently, what they mean by silently is your tongue moves, your lips move, the breath is expelled but you don't say out loud only your ears can hear or if somebody is right next to you, they might hear you whisper but you do not say out loud. And I want to reiterate here when we are told to recite silently in the Salah. This is the meaning of silent here. A lot of people they stand with their mouth closed and they do not move their mouths and they recite Fatiha and this is invalid it is not

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valid to recite in this manner. When you recite silently even the best manner your tongue must move your lips must move air must be expelled but you don't say it in a loud voice and a shallow data we have many other chapters regarding the Bismillah R Rahman Rahim that we will continue inshallah tomorrow we'll talk about why did Allah choose the names of Allah and R Rahman r Rahim? What is the significance of this particular combination? Why did Allah pack these three names in the name of Allah in the name of man in the name of Rahim? What is the wisdom and this that will be shallow to other tomorrow's topic was said on why there was a lot of cancer.

In this short episode of the Tafsir of Surah Al-Fatiha, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the following key points. They are as follows:

  • The ever rising doubt on the inclusion of the Basmala (Bismillah) as part of Surah Fatihah or as a separate phrase in itself.
  • The recitation of Bismillah silently or audibly.
  • The difference between glorifying the “name of Allah” versus Allah Himself.


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