Yasir Qadhi – Q&A Is it permissible to undergo surgery to correct a cosmetic defect

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the legal positioning of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe sitting on a boat, and the importance of praying before a Halsall session. They also touch on the use of multiple theories and the conflict between science and spirituality of Islam. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying before the session and the importance of faith and the Hadith of faith for removing harm. They also discuss the importance of corrective procedures for surgeries and the potential risks associated with them.
AI: Transcript ©
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A woman

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saw the house

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nanny Mina most Nene

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. That Hamdulillah. We praise Allah Subhana Allah to Allah Who knows what the hearts conceal and what the tongues will not reveal the one to whom all shall appeal in front of him to believers. Neil, we're back with our usual q&a on Tuesday. And today we have a number of questions. So let us begin with our first question, Sister Rupa from New Jersey emails and asks a question that should be pertinent to every single lady and it is a question about the menstrual cycle. And the issue is a very technical one. And that is that at the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle, generally speaking, the Salah is sometimes not prayed. And sometimes

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when the men's is finished, then there's time left to pray. And sometimes the sisters delay and sometimes they do the hostel immediately. So she's asking about the technical question about the beginning of the menses, if it comes, let's say after Serato her, and she hasn't prayed for her and her menses start, mushy makeup Salah to her. And then also when the man says finish, and it finishes at the time of Doha, and also, let's say, but for whatever reason, she's in school or whatever, she delays it. And then it's after also, you know, what is to be done. So the salah has that need to be made up at the beginning and at the end of the menses, that is the question. Now realize the topic

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of menstruation is of course, integral to Tahara and to purity, and there's a lot of rulings and honestly, there's a lot of confusion as well that a lot of our sisters have and maybe Inshallah, you know, one day I'll give a more detailed class. It's something that actually there should not be that much confusion about. And one of the areas of confusion is the the notion of making up the salah watch and what needs to be done. Obviously, we are not talking about the prayers that are happening during the menstruation by unanimous consensus. The days that she is menstruating those days she does not pray and she does not make up those prayers. That is by unanimous consensus, there is no

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difference of opinion. The issue comes about a prayer she might have missed at the very beginning of the menses and or the prayers that technically she could have prayed. But for whatever reason she did not do hostel or even if she did also so the question arises, what if she did loosen? After salata last her? Must she also make a vote and answer or only so? So that's the area. So let us begin with the first issue, which is the question of when the menses begin, and if she did not pray that particular prayer now obviously there are two simple scenarios the first scenario so that the timing came, or Seattle Muslim or Aisha whatever it is, and she prayed the prayer, and then her

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menses start, no problem here obviously she has done her duty She has done her Salah and therefore obviously there is no question that there is no Salah that she needs to make up but what if she did not pray? Because obviously no, no, no sister knows the minute that is going to start obviously. So she did not pray because she's allowed to delay. It's the HUD is at 130 also it is at four o'clock. And you know, she thought okay, I'm gonna pray in an hour. And lo and behold, her menses began and she did not pray to her. So obviously she is you know, not not liable for having delayed though her but the question is, is she liable to make up Salah to door? And the other question that comes that

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well, how about the hood and also together because if she were traveling, or if circumstances were dire, then though had an asset can be combined and Mahara. Benicia can be combined. So do we take into account the directness if you like of the the the the the issue of the possibility of combining the two prayers and mushy make up the one prayer or maybe even the both prayers? So this is the question over here. And the scholars of the medina have differed over this issue. And some of the men have said that if there was time to pray, even if it was time to pray, one Raka and the point is there has to be at least one record time. So if the Lord began at, let's say, 1:30pm and we're you

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know, we happen to know 131 You know, she began the menses so in reality, she did not have any time to even pray a full raka so in that case, obviously she is forgiven. But if she had enough time to pray a full raka then the majority of scholars say that

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She should make up that one prayer that she did not pray. That time was there, she's not sinful. But she is liable to make it up because they say they look at it this way that when the time of prayer came in, she was obliged to pray. The fact that she delayed the prayer is her choice. And she's not sinful, because she didn't realize that the menses would start, but she still had the obligation to pray for that hour or hour and a half or 35 minutes. So the fact that her menses began simply means she needs to make up what was obligatory on her during that, you know, 35 minutes or hour and a half before the menses began. And this is the position of the majority of the muda hip however, the the

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Maliki school, and also shareholders some Ibn Taymiyyah, they argue that there is no cobalt upon her at all. And that is because the obligation to pray lasts throughout the entire section of the prayer. And the fact that that obligation was lifted by her menses in the middle means according to them, that the entire obligation was negated. So the point is that is the obligation incremental, and we put it that way that is it obligatory every single millisecond? Or is it like the entire duration. So if it is a chunk of the entire duration, and it was lifted up in the middle of that duration, then she is not liable. And one can also add over here that, you know, plenty of women,

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obviously every woman menstruating the time of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he did not specifically command them to make up this particular prayer. And therefore, it makes sense, like even Tammy argues that it makes sense that, you know, the fact that you deleted it was her choice, okay. And so, the no, none of the Sahaba were explicitly told by the Prophet says that I'm that, hey, monitor your menses, when they begin, and make sure that you make up any Salah that you didn't pray when the menses began, so Allah knows best. But, you know, the position of even Tamia here does make sense to me. Nonetheless, the majority position is that she does make up and in fact, many of

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the scholars say, and this is a well known position with the the humbly school that she makes up, if it was $1 time, or if it was at Maghrib time, that then she makes up the two prayers, Lord and Elsa or McRib and Asia, because they argue, and again, this is a very, you know, that position that they're arguing is actually very consistent with

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the paradigm of understanding the obligation of Salah. But you see, the flip side is, this is the scenario that a lot of women would have faced, and you would have thought that such a common scenario should not have been left silent. Okay. So if you look at it from the perspective of, you know, technical suitable fit, frankly, the majority position makes a lot of sense. And there's no question that is the safer opinion. And that is that she should make up the prayer. And in fact, she should make up two prayers in case they had an answer. We're both together. And her menses started at Aloha, and Micronesia, and her menses started after Muslim, obviously, once again, if your

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menstruation began, before, obviously, the prayer, there's no question that it's not obligatory. So if the men's has began, the cycle began after, after, but before Muslim, then obviously Muslim in Asia is forgiven. But the question is, are sir, that's the question. And then if it was after the hook, then the question is, don't have an answer. Because, according to that paradigm, though, had an answer, they occupy like one status, in times of of hardship or need, and motherhood of inertia, the occupy one status, because again, when we're traveling, or you know, in times of difficulty, you know, or in times of rain, the process that would combine those two Salawat, there was something

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that was done in exceptional scenarios, and this can be considered an exceptional scenario. So these are the two opinions, the safer one is that she makes up and in shallow to other if you ask me, What I say is that she does not need to make up any prayer of the beginning. Because she did not intention. I mean, it's not like you're not doing you know, in order to you know, nobody knows when the menses will begin. And so, if it has begun, the the obligation has been lifted, because she was allowed to delay there is no sin on her to delay and then if the menses began, then there is no problem and she does not need to make it up okay. That is the beginning of the cycle. How about the

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end of the cycle and the end of the cycle of course, is known by the special discharge called the whitest discharge with which you know, the average menstruating sister or lady has obviously there are exceptional scenarios and that requires

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a longer class to fill obviously, but generally speaking, most ladies that particular discharge finishes, the monthly cycle and that signifies that it is time of purity. Now, point here is that many, many of our women May Allah guide us and forgive us for our sins. Many of our sisters do not understand

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The importance of performing loosen immediately. And unfortunately all too often they simply delay it for a few hours thinking that oh, okay, it's okay, I'm in my menses. So, you know, my eyes will just delay. But you see, that's something that obviously no, no scholar has allowed because it goes against the point is your menses have finished. And when they have finished, you need to do a hustle, and you need to pray. And so the question, therefore, is that if a sister finishes her cycle, the discharge comes out at the time of letter, say Now obviously, if it comes out the time of Volker obviously, let's say well, though it is 130. And she finishes the two o'clock. Obviously we

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all understand that she needs to do a whistle and she needs to pray for her if she was lazy, or if circumstances forced her for whatever reason that you know, she's not going to be you know, taking the whistle. That doesn't matter. The HUD is obligatory honor and she is going to pray Lord, we all understand that no problem now. The however, the technical controversy is the following. What if Hermens is finished? After Assar? The same scenario, mushy make a boat, the hood and acid or on the answer, again, by unanimous consensus in the time slot that her white is discharged takes place and if there was enough time for her to pray even one raka Okay, so let me give you a simple example,

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that suppose Margaret was on the dots 6pm, let's say and she sees that her Hermens her weight is discharged comes out at 5:55pm. So her menses has finished. Now she does not technically have the time to do a muscle full muscle, and then to pray that would be almost impossible, but five minutes is enough to pray a Raka. Therefore, if she's not able to do a full Halsall immediately and pray, though I'm sorry, acid is still obligatory on her so she will pray it. As soon as she does the lesson and she comes out and she is now fully purified, she will first start with acid even if it is passed relative time. Why because the men's is finished in enough time for her to pray one raka have

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asked her before the time of Maghrib. So I hope that that is clear. We do not look at the timeframe of after also, we look at the timeframe of after the menses knowing full well that she cannot pray after the menses until she does Walsall, but the hosel timeframe is not looked at, we look at that timeframe. Now she is excused if she needs to take also. And because of that the time goes out that is a legitimate excuse. But the obligation to pray is still binding on her. So if she could have prayed one raka before the entrance of the next timeframe. So suppose again, Maghrib at 6pm 555, she finishes. And so she or she rushed to this tower is going to take 345 10 minutes, you know to take

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the shower, and then she comes out and she dresses and she prays she will begin with also even though it is motive time, but also it is binding on her she's not sinful, but she must make it and then she will pray Multilib. So that much should be clear. And that is really no controversy amongst the scholars in that regard. She is sinful if she delays without a legitimate cause. If she is sinful if she is lazy, and says Oh, my my discharge comes out, let's say at 3pm. And she just I'm going to watch another serial drama, I'm going to do this and she delays and she misses answer and maybe mohareb And then before going to sleep she might do a hustle in the cell prefer to the next

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day because hey, I missed the whole day. No, she is liable for that delay. And she needs to make her Of course she is sinful for that delay in the first place if it's without you know if it's within her control, and she is liable to make up all of the Salawat. Now, the other issue that comes though is the more technical one and that is that in case her whitest discharge was released after our server or after Isha, these are the two time slots where we have to ask the answer this question otherwise we don't have to answer this question. If the discharge was released after also or after Risha then the question is must she also make up though her and or Margaret, I hope you understand

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the question right? Because obviously, you know you understand that if the discharge were to come out at any other time, then we don't have this question or scenario if it comes out after the sunrises but before though her no problem if it comes out right after fajr and you still have time will no problem you only have Fajr Salah and if it comes out after the hook or after maghrib you only have that one Salah and then the next one you will pray the controversy will come that if it comes after officer or after Isha, does she have to make up the preceding prayer based on the same issue of the combination of the prayers? And in this case, in this case, you have the Hanafi school

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and also many of the independent scholars including my own teacher had been earth I mean, they said that she only needs to make up the

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One prayer that is in its timeframe, okay, that she needs to make only the one prayer that is in its timeframe. So if she finished after also, she only makes up so she does not have to go back to the her. And the same goes for Russia. And they use the similar reasoning that I used in the previous part about once again, the it's not her fault. And the shady I didn't come explicitly to mention that the majority of scholars however, say that she should make a both because again, they're looking at it as this is a constrained time for her but the shady I put these two Salawat together so the Shediac time slot for the harasser is basically one and motivation is basically one so they

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have an argument from a Soldier Field perspective. And again, logically and rationally, I have to say that it makes a lot of sense, yet textually the other one makes the sense it should also be added that there are number of companions

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even above abuzz after 100. Now for a number of companions, a number of tab your own, they were asked the exact same question and they said she should make up the her answer or she should make a Muslim in Asia. So based upon that the majority of Muslims do go with that. And there is no question to your brothers and sisters that it is the safer opinion and it is a position that will get you out of any controversy and I you know recommend that just to be on the safe side. Nonetheless, Allah azza wa jal knows best but if a sister only makes up the salah that is in her time slot, and she does not make up the salah that she missed when her menses began in sha Allah, Allah in my opinion,

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she is not sinful and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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Our next question, sister, I don't know how to pronounce the name in this from Bosnian mashallah Tabata Kala, she emails, and she says that she has read an article in some magazine that a painting has been discovered by humans in a cave that goes back 45,000 years. Then she says, but does this not clash with our belief that Adam Alayhis Salam

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was around 6000 years ago from our time. So this is a question that deals with chronology. It deals with timeframes. And she is asking a question that there seems to be a conflict between the the archaeological evidence for the existence of mankind, and the notion that we have been on this earth for 6000 years. So with regards to the archaeological evidence, it does appear to be pretty conclusive. There are multiple genres of evidence is not just one evidence. There are multiple, you know,

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areas, if you like of study that demonstrated that our species of mankind of human beings, our particular species, we're not talking about CRO magnon, or Neanderthal or homo erectus or homo habilis, we're talking about actual us as almost Sapiens, our species, it has been around for at least 50 60,000 years, at the very least, this is like now this is pretty much definitive, in terms of, again, so much. So many evidences, you have only brought one evidence, which is paintings in a cave. And there are paintings in multiple areas, a famous cave in France, that was covered up and basically left untouched for 25,000 years, that it was discovered only a few years ago, because of a

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certain crevice that opened up and you find paintings that can be easily carbon 14, dated, and handprints and you can put your hand and there are modern archaeologists that have put their hand next to the original and it is exactly the same. This is human beings. And you see art, I mean, you know, no other species is drawing art other than us, you know, so you see art of an animal, you see recognizable animals that we recognize, that would have been around 45,000 years ago, as well as the Aborigines. In Australia, there is evidence that they have been there for around 40,000 years, there's archaeological evidence, bones and whatnot. So and the Aborigines are of the most ancient of

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all races that have been cut off from the mainstream of humanity. And so quite a lot of research has been done on them, their genetic structures and whatnot. And other things also points to mankind having been on this earth for, as I said, at least 5040 to 50,000, if not more, some have posited even a few more

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millennia than this, but the point being Yes, it is pretty definitive. Now, the next thing you mentioned is that Adam Alayhis Salam existed 6000 years ago, and this is where we say, where did you get this number from? Because we firmly believe that there cannot be a actual clash between definitive science and between explicit and authentic scripture. There cannot be an actual clash between something that is certain and something that is clear cut from observable science and phenomenon and something that is in accord

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wrong or authentic sunnah that is clear in meaning why? Because the Quran is from Allah and our creation is also Allah is our Creator. And so to Allah belongs the creation and the command Hola Hola. Hola. Hola como el amor. So the creation is the world around us and the command is the Quran and the speech of Allah. So when the both of them come from Allah subhanho wa taala, the one of them is created and the other is uncreated. Then how can there be a conflict between the two, we believe firmly, there can never be a definitive conflict, if there is it is a perceived one in our minds, and we need to work out how to reconcile. And in this particular case, we say that the 6000 time

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frame that you are coming from, in reality, it is not based on any Islamic sources, it is coming from Judeo Christian sources, we as Muslims do not believe necessarily that Adam Alayhis Salam existed 6000 years ago. Rather, this is something that some segments of Judaism, and in particular Orthodox Judaism, and of course, they have a calendar, by the way, like we have the Hijiri calendar, and the Christians have the Gregorian calendar, and other civilizations have their calendars. The Jewish people have their calendar. And in their calendar, they date to the beginning of their calendar from the time of Adam it has Salam that is their mythology. And according to them, our year

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is 2021 in the Gregorian, and meaning they are not ours, meaning ours, a Western civilization, and there's the Jewish civilization, their year is 5781. So we are currently in the year 5781. So according to the Jewish calendar, that existed 5781 years ago, however, that is something that is found in their sources, we do not have to have this particular timeframe. And in fact, we are not bound by any dates. And therefore, as Muslims, we say that we do not have a theological chronology, we don't have a calendar or a timeframe that we are bound to believe in. And so people are free to believe whatever they want from a Islamic perspective. So if somebody for whatever reason, wants to

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believe 6000, that's their prerogative, we don't know, nobody's saying them as a Muslim. Islam tells us to do that. And if somebody says, Well, science tells us that we've been for 50,000 years, so we're going to have to extrapolate out of it histogram to be back 50,000 years or whatever, that to is permissible to share the eye does not, does not have any numbers when it comes to dates. So it Hamdulillah we thank Allah that there is no actual conflict between the chronology of science in this regard and the chronology of theology, because we do not have this in fact, in my other lectures, I have actually mentioned that we actually might have some evidence to indicate that the

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6000 does not make any sense and of them is the it is a Hadith even though it is very weak. Some have said about it, that it is alleged that our profit system said most likely, this isn't a bus but alleging that our profit system would stop his nessa or his lineage when he gets to add none and Ida and is 20 generations before the Profit System, and then he would not go beyond this. And there is a report that he would say, Cut Urbanus bone that the scholars of lineage are lying or mistaken, they do not know who is before Adnan. Because Allah says in the Quran, while Karuna bein daddy Kathira, this Surah Furqan verse 38. This is a key verse. Now, the Hadith might be from Ibn Abbas. It's not

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from the Prophet system, it's actually it's ascribed to him in the books, but in reality, it has people in the chain that make us say that it's not authentic. In fact, it might be bothered or maybe even Mordor. But it might be from a Tabori or maybe even Ibn Abbas. And the concept of we don't know who is beyond adna. This is an authentic concept by the WHO is a nun. I then is the father of one of the main two branches of the Arabs. The Arabs were two main branches, we can very simplistically say, middle Arabia and Saudi Arabia, and you had Adnan and Katan. To be these two major players that were roughly the same timeframe. And it is considered the Arabs would consider that the descendants

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of both Adnan and cloth on these are what make all of the Arab tribes so all of the Arab tribes were divided into a nanny or catani. And our profit system was an Eid nanny, and our dad was of the descendants of Israel, and his mind was of the descendants of Noah and Noah who was of the descendants of Adam Alehissalaam. However, the the names of the individuals between Adam and Noah and between New Hanover Rahim and between Ibrahim and Adnan, this is something that we do not know. Now, you will find charts in many

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Muslim households in many Sierra books, you will find charts that have names, but we do not know we do know for certain pretty much that history is pretty clear up to none. Because the Arabs documented their tribes, their arrows documented, the founders and so you know, who is courageous, you know, and the descendants of Quraysh and the ancestors of Koresh all the way to Eid none. However, between Adnan and Ismail, we do not know how many. and Ismail is the son of Ibrahim, between Ibrahim and Nora, some reports mentioned 10. But in reality views do not go back to the Prophet Sal, Allahu Allah, he was salam, and we do not have to believe in them. And also between

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Noah and Adam, some reports again mentioned 10, but these are not a hadith. And this is like, you know, people of the past, maybe even a companion speaking. And so this is not something that we have to necessarily believe in. And we do not know, therefore, how many generations existed. And in fact, it doesn't make sense for Allah to use this, use the term cathedra. Allah is saying, lots of generations between them. And this is in the Quran. Surah Furqan, verse 38, will Corona and Bane radical cathedra. And if you look at these charts, you'll find that there's only 10 or, you know, people between Ibrahim and and No, no 100 Adam, just 10 is not cathedra cathedra 10 is not that much

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that Allah is saying there were many generations between them for a lot to say many, it does not make sense that there's only 10 And in fact, we have other you know, evidences that might indicate this of them is the fact that Allah subhanaw taala sent 124,000 prophets 124,000 prophets, we know this from the Hadith. Now the names of these prophets and their stories, and even from common knowledge of history, we don't know from our Quran and Sunnah we know around 25. And we can add another 20 or so names we're not certain about from the Old Testament, because the Old Testament mentions, you know, some of the prophets that were between Sulaiman, between Musa and between Risa.

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The Old Testament mentions all of the names of the prophets. So we can say, Okay, this is what they know. And it's not something we need to accept or to reject. But still, the grand total that we will be able to get is less than, let's say, 50. Names, okay. And that's from including sources that are dubious because the the Judeo Christian sources, we don't have to believe in them, but we can narrate them. So 120,000 prophets, and we do not even have knowledge of the majority of them. The only way to explain this would be to extrapolate the beginning of mankind to many, many, many 1000s of years ago, and then to posit that there were prophets that came in antiquity, there was no record

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record record, there was no writing, because again, reading and writing is something that very, very recently has been invented. Allah blessed mankind with that otherwise, for most of human history, writing did not exist. And even paintings were rare, but they were there they could draw, but they the concept of writing, and speech being written down and recorded in alphabets or Harleigh graphics, this is something that is relatively very, very, very recent in human history only goes back, you know, we actually have records, maybe 2000 3000, the very most I have some things here. So in reality, we don't have and, of course, that even those by the way, hardware graphics is not the

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type of writing that we do. It's basically symbol writing. So the point being that one of the ways to interpret and explain this would be to extrapolate the timeframe. And another Hadith that might indicate that the times are much beyond what we can comprehend is the famous Hadith in mystery about Muhammad and its its basis is also in Behati, and others and his version is in, in multiple books, that when ALLAH SubhanA wa Allah created the creation, when Allah created Adam, he extracted from Adam, all of the souls of Adam. And he showed Adam all of the souls in front of him and Adam saw the brightness, some were brighter than others and some were darker. This is the Newton know of Eman. So

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Adam was particularly drawn to one particular light, he was drawn to one particular light and Adam said, Who is this? Oh Allah, Who is this that I can see a brightness coming from his forehead. And Allah azza wa jal says, this is one of the last of the generations of your descendants by the name of Da wood. Okay, ha the Raju rune mean, Hero mummy means very attic. This is a man from the very last of your generations by the name of Dr. Wood and then the Hadith goes on that that Adam gifted with 40 years of his own life, right So Adam was initially

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was destined to live 1000 years, and he gifted 14 to his son diode. So when the angel of death came at 960 years, Adam had forgotten that he had given 40 and he denied it. And Allah gifted him another 40. But the point is that he had gifted 40 to the elderly, he said, Now, the point being that the interesting phrase that we have over here is that

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Allah azza wa jal says to TAO to Adam, this is the wood, who shall come in the very end of times. Now for us, we think of that wood as living in ancient times, okay, from our perspective, that wood is the very beginnings of humanity, right? I mean, I'm being a little bit stretchy, but you get my point here, right? We think that wood is long, long time ago, even though of course, you know, technically, he might have been

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2000 years from now. Okay, so 1000 Something BC 900 Something BC is, though, so from our timeframe, okay, sorry, 3000 3000 years from now. So it tells us in the past, now, so from our timeframe dellwood is 3000 years ago, okay, and that's way back. And in the Hadith were told that the wood is going to be at the very end of times, which indicates from Adam to die wood is such a large timeframe that Dawood is considered to be now this if we if it was 50,000 years, and that would is 3000 years from now, right? Then we understand 3000 years ago, then we understand 50,000 years, and in the last 5000 years, Allah knows when is the Day of Judgment, we ask Allah to not have us alive,

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when that happens, we don't want to be there to his alcoholism, and but things are happening. And Allah knows how much time is left, you know, we're living closer and closer to alcoholism. And so the point being that, once again, I hope you get what I'm saying here, if that would is Alcoholism and Alcohol or mom, then where are we? And it does indicate that between Adam and wood is a far larger gap than a mere 2000 that the Jewish calendar would have posited because the Jewish calendar would say there's around 2000, between Adam and the wood. And, and that means 4000, between us and out. So are 3000 between us and out. So how then can Allah say that the old is the last of your, of

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the last of your numbers, and he is in fact before even half of the 6000 I hope you understand what I'm saying here. So bottom line, that theologically we have no obligation to believe in any number. And in fact, I argue that the Quran and Sunnah might even indicate that 6000 is too small of a number. And that in fact, the the notion of us having been here 50 60,000 years actually makes more sense. If you look at these other factors, and Allah says in the Quran, that you know, some of the prophets we have told you their stories and some we haven't been human or sosna Attic woman who made them knock also Salic and so the majority of profits, they are in such antiquity that we have no

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knowledge of them whatsoever. And therefore this explains this large gap and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada knows best.

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Our next question, brother had fun, emails, location, not mentioned and he says that he has a certain

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disfigurement that he was born with, he mentioned the term I don't need to mention it in public, but he basically says that there is a condition that he was born with slight disfigurement of the body, the physical body and this condition visible it is a visible, you know, aberration, that it can be corrected via surgery. And he is asking that, is it permissible to undergo he doesn't need it for life and death his his he's able to live normally. But there is something about his appearance that can be it draws attention and if he were to undertake this surgery, that it will change the appearance and it will become better. And he is wondering that is this permissible? Because he has

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read in the Quran that shaytaan has promised that he will delude mankind and he will change the creation of Allah for the urine, Hulk Allah so this is why he is asking this question.

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The response to this question is that there is no doubt that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada created mankind as a default to be in perfect symmetry and perfect harmony. Allah says in the Quran that decreed it as we isolate a queen in the best of all manners, and Allah says, so what happened for us and also what he shaped and fashion do, and he perfected that fashioning, and our Prophet sallallahu ala

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He was seldom said in Allah to Allah Jimmy Loon, you have bull Jamal, Allah azza wa jal is beautiful, and he loves beauty. So there is no doubt that the default of how man has been created the ideal man, the ideal woman, that it is something of beauty and of perfection. Some people are born with different medical conditions with different, you know, called them birth defects, even aberrations abnormalities. And this is a test for them, and for those around them, and it is a means of raising their ranks as well. You see, anybody who has been tested with anything has the potential to gain much more than anybody else who has not been tested in that manner. And so we do not choose

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the time of our birth and the family of our birth and our social upbringing, we do not choose the circumstances of our birth and what we have been gifted with of DNA and a wealth inherited, it's all Allah's color. And whatever Allah gives us, it is our test and trial, we are all being tested, we are all being tested every one of us, but we're being tested in different ways. So I am being tested, and you are being tested. And it is possible that you know, in some ways, my tests are easier, and in some ways that are more difficult. And in other ways your tests are easier. And in other ways your tests are more difficult. So of the things that Allah has tested is that some people

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are born very handsome, or very beautiful. And that is a test from Allah, our Prophet, Yusuf alayhi salam, he was tested by beauty, frankly, how many of us would have been able to pass that test? Right? So he was tested with beauty, and other people are tested with other issues, and others are tested with defects, if you like or aberrations of this nature. And if that is the case, then if they're able to, obviously if they're not able to change, for whatever reason, pre modernity or if it's a condition that cannot be changed, then we can only advise them to be patient and expect Allah's reward and Allah azza wa jal will reward them, but the question arises, what if they can be

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changed, what if you're able to correct these days science has progressed technology has progressed you know, surgeries are now you know, amazing things can be done and much of what was considered to be impossible even a few decades ago is now standard and the norm, simple example is the cleft you know, that some some children are born and they have an opening here in the collector of their lips, and they cannot smile and a simple surgery that literally cost dollars literally it cost dollars, that it can be put together and appear to be normal with respect to such operations and surgeries, there is pretty much no difference of opinion that it is permissible to undertake such corrective

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procedures with some very simple conditions and of them is that there is no you know, danger to the life or whatnot that the person understands, you know, the risks and the risks are trivial compared to the positives, that obviously qualified people do it and that nothing Haram is done to you know, during that procedure. So, again, very generic basic bass essentially, it is permissible to undertake corrective procedures to overcome a birth defect or even an acquired defect, for example, it is possibly Allah protect all of us, but somebody might have a disease that will actually you know, something will happen, an appendage will come out or, you know, some type of you know, may

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Allah protect us a cancer or growth? Can we not remove that we should we must It is the work or even if it's, you know, non malignant a tumor that's not going to hurt or harm us, but it looks abnormal? Yes, Bismillah, go ahead and remove it no problem, or some people have an accident accident and scars or a burn happens? Can they do skin grafting? Can they do something that will, you know, make their appearances appear to be normal or as normal as possible? All of this, pretty much all the council's that are active, and most of the scholars that I'm aware of, in fact, I do not have anybody who disagrees. But I mean, you know, the reality is that there might be somebody but

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generally speaking, this is something that is across the board, that corrective procedures are permissible. And the evidence is for this are numerous of them are the generic Hadith. And verses in this regard. One of them is the principle of faith. There's something called the Kawartha, the Maxim's of faith, and there are five a number and one of them is a bottle usable harm is to be eliminated, we get rid of harm and this is a harm and it should be eliminated, this is something that is harming you, it is making life awkward, nobody likes that, you know, people are looking or it's abnormal marriage becomes problem nobody likes this is something that is not you know,

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obviously conducive to one's mental health and therefore, it is completely permissible in fact, it is also permissible to if need be and this is something that case by case basis that even if a some amount of generally speaking haram needs to be done to obtain a great amount of Halal actually it is permissible in some cases, unlike what some of our innocent Muslims think that

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You can never do any amount of haram No, we look at what you're allowed to eat pork if you're gonna die, right. And again, I'm giving a drastic example. But the point being the principle of lesser of two evils applies. And it is mentioned

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in the Hadith and Agudo than Western by Muhammad, by arthralgia, even aside that his grandfather was

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he had a nose that had been chopped off, in the words of the called the wars of collab and the days of Jamelia. So, he was in a battle in the days of Jehovah and his entire nose had been chopped off. And obviously, you can imagine the disfigurement you can imagine, you know, looking at that, and you feel nauseous, or you feel, you know, very, very bad to look at that. And so the, he was allowed to make a nose straight out of silver, and to wear a fake nose made out of silver. But that one it spoiled, it didn't you know, it didn't, you know, stick and it just spoiled, it became rotten. And so the Profit System allowed him to make a nose out of gold. This is a Hadith in the Muslim Achmed

00:41:09 --> 00:41:48

and other books, the process of allowed him to make a nose out of gold, so he would have a fake nose. Now, you know, it's fake, but at least looking at it, he looks more normal than if there was nothing over there. Now, the point of this hadith is that as we are all aware, generally speaking, a man is not allowed to wear gold. In fact, it is something that we know is not allowed. And yet in this case, and by the way, this is not a life and death, he's not going to die, but it looks very, very bad. And people are going to stare now having the gold people are still going to stare, but the disgust will be much less, he's going to be much more normal, a prosthetic nose in place and using

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actual gold right. And so the process of allowed him to do this. So this clearly demonstrates that it is permissible to undertake corrective surgery for aesthetic purposes aesthetic, because again, the nose was not life and death for him, but it's a matter of looking. So if you are looking abnormal, for whatever reason, something has happened to you or even a birth defect and there is a corrective procedure, a birth defect can be corrected any type of issue that can be brought back to normal. Then inshallah hooter added by pretty much you know, all of the scholar the bodies, you know, some but sometimes there's an extra finger sometimes isn't that there's an appendage that is

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there a growth that is there anything of this nature, corrective surgery, you know, facial features are not normal, whatever, and you can correct them. So this is something that can be done, no problem insha Allah Who, tada, so your question is easily answered. Now, the other part of this question that you did not ask, but it will come. Because of this, I'm going to just quickly go over this, what if everything is normal, you are a normal person, but you want to do a surgery or a procedure simply to beautify yourself, okay. So you want to look better than you actually are, you're not satisfied with the shape of your nose, okay, you're not satisfied with you know, the size

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of a particular limb, okay, you're not, you know, you want to look this or that. In this case, this is where we do find a much more

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scholarly difference of opinion, if you like, corrective surgery, remediation, anything that you're making up, covering up a fault, pretty much, no problem, go ahead and get it done to look normal average, like most people are, because something has happened to you or you're born a certain way, we can cut a lot more slack. But if you're going to open the door to beautification, if you're going to open the door to permanent procedures, simply because you're not satisfied with the shape of your nose, as I said, Okay, you're not satisfied with your facial structure, you're not satisfied with you know, you know, ladies have certain things that they want to enhance or whatnot and you want to

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do something just not because it's abnormal, not because it's something that is below average, and people are going to, you know, not to appreciate you as a human being like, if some people are born Allah has tested them, their faces, disfigured or whatever, and surgeries can correct that and they can look, you know, if not fully, but at least acceptable. That's no problem. But now, if you're going to open this door, then really that's that's requires a longer discussion. And I don't want to go into a lot of detail because I just wanted you to be aware that there are in fact, many, many differences of opinion but generally speaking, generally speaking, the scholarly bodies the the

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council's of filth, are more on the prohibitive side when it comes to beautification. And they're more on the closing this door of wanting to just change your your your features simply because you want to look more handsome or more beautiful and

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The International Atomic filter Academy in the year 2007. It issued a fatwa dated, sorry, number 173 11 Dash 18. You can look this up it's a very detailed fatwa. So lengthy photo, but the summary of it is that the this is of course, the International some Film Academy. This is one of the largest, you know, academies in emerging markets of the world, one of the largest in the world, they issued a detailed fatwa. And they said that it is permissible to perform any surgery that is safe and whose effects will be minimally harmful, if it is done to correct a defect, or to better a look that is considered abnormal, okay, regardless of whether one was born that way, or acquired due to a

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disease or because of an accident, so to correct a defect, or to look normal from something that is abnormal, however, they said, surgeries that are done for the sake of beautification, so that one can look like you know, a model, somebody that's, you know, different than than them, they said that this would not be allowed. And they explicitly mentioned, face enhancements, and, you know, breast procedures that women do and others they said, this would not be allowed, because you're opening up the door for evil for a Seraph for vanity, you're feeding your ego, you know, you're becoming a bit narcissistic, about obsessed with your looks to the point of it becoming unhealthy. And they also

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said, this is where the threat of shaytaan would apply, that I'm going to change the creation of Allah because shaytaan threatened and shaitan said as is in the Quran, that you just watch, I'm going to make sure that they changed the creation of Allah, Allah, Allah, you don't Hulk Allah. So from this, to bring about a permanent change, we're not talking about beautification of the clothes or beautification of you know, a permanent change that is done to look

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for, again, for lack of a better word, you know, above average, you are average, or okay, but now you want to start on this, all of this, by the way is relative, right? In one culture in one society average is something above average something else. And so if you open this door, you're really going to, you know, go down a very, very dangerous route, and a very vain and a very narcissistic route, that clearly the Shetty would not want you to do. So, bottom line to conclude, in this in this of this question, to conclude, to perform a procedure to correct an aberration so that it looks normal. And by the way, this includes you know, teeth for example, right, if teeth are very crooked or

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whatnot, and you just get the you know, the the braces to look normal, you just get a normal smile, for example, right? That's something that a shallow Tiger is permissible, but to start changing your body and to start fine tuning, you know, your, your, your your face and your weather and whatever, because you are not satisfied with what Allah subhanaw taala gave you. The general ruling in those would be that they are not allowed for multiple reasons, and of them is that there's an element of narcissism and of them that you're opening up the door for his wrath and being vainglorious and a type of vanity and over them is that threat of shaitaan will be applicable to you. And so with this

00:48:18 --> 00:48:25

Inshallah, tada, we come to the conclusion of today's lecture Inshallah, I will see you next Tuesday, just like Mala

00:48:31 --> 00:48:36

Mala, who use one Luna island

00:48:37 --> 00:48:38

I'm Abby.

00:48:40 --> 00:48:41


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00:48:46 --> 00:48:51

swallow water. He wants to label this nema.

00:48:52 --> 00:48:54

In Alladhina you

00:48:55 --> 00:48:57

was sold out Hold on.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:00

To Nia.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:14

Mother, Molina. Wallasey. No you do. Meanie No. Mina TV a while at MCC DESA Boo.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:17

Boo Boo Dan

00:49:19 --> 00:49:19


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